steve jobs announced to employee that the board of directors of apple has granted him another leave of absence for medical reasons. he sent an e-mail to employees this morning saying he needs to focus on his health but he will still be involved in major strategic decisions. he says chief operating officer tim cook will be responsible for day-to-day operation, just like he did during steve jobs' medical leave. in the e-mail jobs says -- >> the news will likely lead to concern about how well jobs is doing following a liver t ransplant in 2009. we'll have more on this story coming up in the next half hour. 7:01. oakland's police chief has only been on tractor-trailer job for about a year but he -- on tractor-trailer job for about a year -- on the job for about a year. kraig debro has more. >> reporter: i did a little research to find out what he said before he took the job. before i get to that, i want to tell you about an oakland officer who didn't have any idea this was going on. he said he couldn't believe it. the chief's chair is barely r oom. during research i was doing, here's a quote from the chief. it says, basically, "i've always taken the jobs nobody wanted hopefully this challenge isn't too overwhelming." opd confirms he's a finalist for the chief's job in san jose, three of the finalists there. now that he's applied for another job, does that mean that batts thinks the job in oakland is too overwhelming? reports of many violent crimes across oakland have decreased dramatically. now, oakland fired batts to replace wade tucker. walker-- tucker resigned from his job in 2009. a month before that, tuck told the council he had lost faith in them and accused the body of p aying lip service to necessary reforms. we don't have any idea why the chief is considering this idea. the city of san jose probably won't decide until next month on who their next chief is. now, we do want to -- we tant to talk to him that -- when bats took over, there was 800 officers in the force, today the number is down to 657. it's a holiday down here in d owntown oakland across california. so a little difficult to get people to get reaction but we are heaping to get people and more importantly members of the oakland police department to get their reaction. kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 n ews. >> thank you, kraig. we're also following breaking news right now. let's go to sal. what's going on, sal? something is happening as we speak. fatal train accident in burlingame, dave. the train crash occurred maybe about 45 minutes ago now. the express train hit here, t he -- a pedestrian in burlingame. these are live pictures of the investigators on the convenient. now, this is in burlingame. the train hit a pedestrian and now the train tracks are the scene of the investigation. you see the coroner is on the scene. it's caltrans experiencing major delays because of this. these are live pictures. watch for major delays. we'll have another report on this in just a second. at 7:04. let's go back to the desk. police are still on the scene of an early-morning homicide in san leandro. tara is live on the scene to tell us what happened. good morning, tear you are. >> reporter: good -- good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. we've seen a steady stream of investigators here. if you look hee mind me -- behind me, you can see a machine called a measuring machine. they haven't started to use it yet but they will be using it shortly. now, police are remaining very tight-lipped about this homicide. here's what we do know -- one man was shot anded killed. his body is lying under a tarp on the roadway here near 1 48th. police say shots were fired just before 3:30 this morning. the male victim was pronounced at the scene. members of the evidence response team are on their way now. that's the team that will collect all of the evidence and process the scene. the coroner had not yet arrived. police will be here in the next couple of hours. it will take quite some time for them to process everything. if you need to use it road, it's a major thoroughfare, two long blocks here. so definitely make plans this morning to go another route if possible. i was just told that another press release will be issued within the next couple of m inutes. so hopefully we'll get some new information for you. we know one witness was taken away from the scene. as far as suspects, we don't know. we'll keep you posted. back to you. >> thank you, tara. this morning, redwood city police are out there looking for an armed robber. he called -- caused commotion last night. a gunman showed up around c losing time and ordered employees to get on the ground and got off with an undisclosed amount of cash. a dense fog is issued. there are also fogg -- fog advisories on several bay b ridges. fog has already started -- look at this crash. this is in benicia. a driver lost control of a truck and trailer and then fled the scene. part of 680 was closed so crews could clean up all of the d ebris. at sfo, some arrival delays are expected. sanjose is expecting both departure and arrivals today. oakland airport doesn't expect any delays but passengers should check with their airline first. the eldest son of martin luther king, junior will deliver an address in atlanta at a church where his father once preached. he would have been 82 years old on his birthday, january 15th. this is video of the historic civil rights from alabama to the capital of montgomery. this is also the 25th anniversary of the federal highway named for martin luther king, junior. here in the bay area, the celebration of dr. martin luther king, junior's birthday will include the annual freedom t rain. the train travels from san jose to san francisco. the distance is 51 miles. the same distance to montgomery. the charter will leave at 9:30. it will stop in sunnyvale, palo alto and san mateo before a rriving in san francisco around 11:00. well, the holiday is also known as a day of service. there are many volunteer opportunities around the bay area. in san francisco, the presidio is hosting what it calls a family-friendly volunteer event. participants will be working on sprucing up the grounds of the district of the presidio. to find out more, such as l istening to dr. king's s peeches, go to click on the mlk day tab. it's right near the top of the page. >> we want to check in with sal to see if traffic is a little lighter than normal because of the holiday. >> it is but the fog is going to play a role in today's commute. as a matter of fact, we're gonna go to the toll plaza first and show you that traffic is gonna be. it looks like a hitch hock. traffic is light because a lot of people have the holiday off, todd's holiday off. but there are people who still have to go to work and the fog is lighter. all of the -- all of the signs are ointing out -- pointing out how foggy it is. give yourself extra time. i just want to update you on this caltrain problem. caltrain has hit and killed a pedestrian in near oak drove. all trains have stopped. the coroner has arrived on the scene. we'll follow up on that00. let's go to steve. >> sal, dense fog advisory and gear god reason. some of the fog is so extreme, it's almost rare and in san francisco, to get this foggy pattern this time of the year, i i will buy it there's a lot of -- dash will buy it. there's a lot of fog. there's no rain in sight. we will see this continuation of a east neither wind. no rain in sight. highs near 70 if you get the fog to burn off. santacruz, to monterey, santa clara valley, dense fog is front and center here this morning. but the pattern showed no sign of any rain. there are hints of a north wind that would help to break up t he -- that would help to break up the fog bank. napa says cloudy and .75. fairfield, .25. concord, .75. sanjose and sfo both say zero visibility but who -- which is kind of rare for sfo this time of year. there is the storm track way to the north. look at the wind, calm. except fairfield, east- southeast but what comes in from the east-southeast? that's the fog. i saw one forecast high for 68 i just -- i just couldn't buy in to it. if you get the jog and it doesn't -- fog and it doesn't burn off by noon, it will be warmer. a lot of fog out in sacramento. sanjoaquin valley, they are done, sold out. look at the bend in the clouds. that's a wall of high pressure that says i don't think so, you are not coming in here. thick fog, hazy sunshine. there are signs by tuesday and less fog as we can get the north wind. 60 livermore, 66 morgan hill, san jose, 61. it's just -- just a challenging forecast on the highs. decrease in the fog. warmer temperatures into thursday. fog will be back the week. >> all right. thank you. the medical condition of giffords has changed. we'll hear what doctors are s aying. while the suspect's gunman's trial will not take place in arizona, it may be held here in california. well good morning. welcome back. gabrielle giffords is no longer in critical condition. she was upgraded to serious condition. she's now breathing on her own. they removed the ventilator. this comes a week after the gunman shot the congresswoman in the head and dilled -- killed six others. the store where this happened reopened on saturday as doctors announced the congresswoman's progress. >> showing people she can communicate well by holding our hands, by moving her arms and legs and looking at us. >> now, yesterday, more than 100 people showed you at the hospital leaving get well balloons and cards. two other victims from the s hooting remain in the hospital. both are listed in good condition. the suspect in the shootings will probably face trial in san diego, instead of tucson. federal authority want to move the trial due to pretrial publicity in arizona. one of the people killed in the shooting was arizona's chief federal judge. 7:17. democratic and republican m embers of congress will be d oing something better at the state of the union street. several talked about the need to tone down the rhetoric and some plan to sit next to members of the opposite party during the address. many do not believe the a ttempted assassination of giffords was the result of h eated rhetoric but they agree still that things need to it remain civil. this morning, president obama and michelle obama will mark the martin luther king holiday by taking part in a community service project. last year, they dropped by a food bank and helped serve hot meals. there are several events marking the holiday today. they are -- >> you will find a link at k about these events and others. the new mayors of both oakland and san francisco will be hobnobbing in washington, d.c. this week. oakland mayor jean quan and san francisco mayor ed lee will both attend the u.s. congress of mayors. chinese's president hu gin too is scheduled -- hu jintao is expected to arrive. the white house says president obama will also ask the president of china to put pressure on north korea. a swiss whistle blower has handed over documents to wikileaks detailing high profile cases of tax evasion. the documents contain details of about 2,000 offshore accounts of celebrities, business leaders and lawmakers from the u.s., britain and asia. other documents were lessed in 2007 -- released in 2007. the man who leaked the documents faces charges already. this morning, sergeant shriver is in a hospitalout side of washington, d.c. -- hospital outside of washington, d.c. he's been battling alzheimer's for several years. he's the father of maria shriver and was george mcgovern's r unning mate several years ago. protesting the high cost of college. good morning. if you are driving around the bay area, the follow -- the fog is still there. now that the sun is coming up, there may be some improvement. we'll tell you what's going on straight ahead. the homeowners association for this complex has a permit to shoot the birds that are leaving a mess. this permit allows 75 turkeys to be shot by march 21st. 7:2. a college student found a v ery -- 7:123. a college student found a unique way to protest the college i ntuition. he paid his spring semester tuition with one-dollar bills. he owed $14,000. he put it all, all of those o ne-dollar bills in a big duffel bag and then dragged it to the finance office. >> brought them in a 33-pound duffel bag of cash and and that puts everything in perspective. >> it took him two days to withdrawal all of those o ne- dollar bills from several dink banks. it took three university employees almost an hour and a half to count it all. >> that's a lot of cash. we want 0 check in with sal castanedo, keeping a close eye on a few problems out there. >> train service has been suspended in burlingame because of a fatal accident because of caltrain and a pedestrian near oak grove drive. it happened about an hour and a half ago and the coroner is on the scene. let's go out to the toll plaza. it's foggy there as you come up on the taupe. no major problems. now, guys on tee an blow -- i was able to see that we have have a live picture of the -- of the train accident. we might be able to get that up in a moment. trains are not moving in both grexes -- directions. a and -- that's the map of the situation. let's go to steve. >> patrick from redwood shores says the thickest fog he's seen all winter long. sfo confirms that. some very unusual thick fog. scott up in the santa cruz mountains at 1800 feet says it's clear here but i'm not looking forward to dragging down the mountain. i don't blame you. there's thick fog. thick fog. mist in there. cool-- cool to barm. it's been east mainly at fairfield and vacaville. it's all coming back in from the valley. right over the delta, and then right back in to san francisco. 40s for everybody. cop cord, livermore, 43. there goes any storms or rain way to the north. fog, sun, cool, warm. there's no rain in sight. dense fog advisory. hazy sunshine. the fog burns off. we're in the mid-60s, upper 60s to 70. if not, you stay in the 60s. it's that simple. it does appear there will be a decrease in the fog tuesday, wednesday, thursday. so that will be a little h elpful. surprise announcement came from apple just hours ago and it involves the man who gave the world the ipod and the iphone. >> reporter: good morning. i'm jade hernandez. there is a heavy fog advisory for the bay area. find out -- feed out how it's affecting -- find out how it's affecting commuters on this holiday. welcome back. big news came out of apple headquarters this morning. steve jobs is taking a medical leave again. claudine wong is in our newsroom with the details about a new memo sent to apple employees. >> well, dave, the announcement came to employees of apple t oday. it came in e-mail form. the e-mail says "at my request, the board of directors has g ranted me a medical leave of a n -- leave of on sense so i c an -- leave of absence so i can concentrate on my health. i will continue as ceo and will be involved in major strategic decisions." now, while it's unclear what the reason for this the leave is, in 2004, he was diagnosed in pancreatic cancer which he beat and in 2009, he underwent a liver transplant and made a full recovery. u.s. markets are closed today but apple is down 6% in germany right now. it closed friday at $330 a s hare. now, this news follows a h ighly-anticipated about the verizon iphone. we got that week just week. it comes just ahead of an earnings announcement expected tomorrow. claudine wong, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. 7:31. there is a dense fog advisory covering the bay area this morning and be careful if you are headed out on the road soon. jade hernandez joins us live from benicia with the latest. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning. we're live in downtown benicia where the fog is thick. it's not the only spot in the bay area. we spoke to an oakley man who said drivers need to use c aution. >> especially in this area here, there's been a lot of fog. so people need to make sure they back off the other cars and don't tailgate. >> leave in plenty of time so you are not plate and -- la and not rushing. give yourself plenty of time. >> reporter: take a look at t his. the california highway patrol can't say for certain fog played a factor in this accident. but air -- but the area where it happened was thick. the chp officer we spoke to but who did not want to go on c amera, said the only involved a ford bronco. around 3:00 a.m., the bronco lost control along the curve at southbound 680 before bayshore road and overturned. this turned -- shut down the accident for about 20 minutes. at 5:30 this morning, they had to cut it down to give caltrans time to clear the debris for the area. there is a dense fog advisory in effect until 11:00. caltrans is warning drivers about the heavy fog on the bridge. the chp could not say for sure whether or not the -- the earlier accidents, because the driver ran away from the scene. they can't tell for sure but they are investigating. 7:33. this morning concord police are searching for the driver responsible for a deadly hit- and-run accident. it happened last night on solano way near avon avenue. police say a 17-year-old boy stopped to help after striking a woman walking her dog across the intersection. investigators say a second driver then ran over and killed the woman while she was still lying on the roadway. the dog also died. the second driver then sped a way. police are looking for a white male in his 20s. he had a young female passenger in his car. that car is described as a d ark-cored -- dark-colored f our- dorsey dan. police are looking for a man who shot and killed a teenager right in front of a church. police were called to the scene near st. anthony's church just after 10:00 last night. the 19-year-old victim was pronounced dead at the scene. if you have any information about this case, contact oakland police. it's being called an act of vigilantism. saturday night's shooting came almost ten years after the mysterious disappearance of 42- year-old janine harms. police say harms' brother, wayne sanchez, killed maurice nozmay, the last person known to seen -- to have seen her alive. >> during the course of the conversation, the suspect accused the victim of playing a part in the murder of janine harms. >> now, ktvu contacted the parents of sanchez but his father was too upset to talk about the death of his son and the connection to his daughter's murder. pg&e reportedly admits to spiking pressure on ten gas lines in california. this is in addition to the gas spike in the san bruno line that exploded last year. the san francisco chronicle investigation says this is a safe practice. but jackie speier said the practice amounts to russian roulette. jerry brown decided to collect about 46,000 phones used -- used by state employees to save money. and now vallejo is considering a similar move. the financially strapped city has issued 433 cell phones at a monthly cost of about $17,000 which adds up to about $200,000 a year. and city workers in san jose could soon have a two-tier pension -- pension system. the largest city in the bay area is anticipating a $2 billion shortfall in its mention fund. under the two-tiered plan new employees might have to rely on social security and a 401(k) style fund for retirement benefits. well, homeowners who are struggling with mortgages, you got a new resource for help. >> we're committing to helping america's struggling homeowners to avoid foreclosure. >> fannie mae has a new website called you click on the situation closest to yours and follow that person. and anybody can try this out. there is a direct link from our home page. just go to click on the web links. we want to check in again with sal for an update on that cal train trash. >> we have live pictures of this train accident in burlingame, where a train hit a pedestrian near oak grove avenue and california drive at the crossing there. these pictures show that you that the treats are getting -- that the -- that the treats are getting by. and one woman says she expects one track to be open within the next 30 minutes. she also said she has into idea yet if they will be -- this incident will affect the freedom train. that's california train drive right there at elk grove avenue in burlingame, about a block away from the burlingame s tation. just be aware if you are taking caltrain, it will be delayed. b.a.r.t. is running on a saturday schedule. i just got an update that says if you want to get around the suspension, the k-bus runs from san francisco to palo alto via 101 to hillsdale and sfo. that's a good tip. if you have any treats to send me, go ahead and do it. the rest of the commute, it's very foggy. if you are driving on westbound bay bridge, foggy on the bridge but light traffic. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. great twitter information and also e-mail information but first for those of you with t he -- there you go, you get up above the fog. scott up in santa cruz mountains says it's clear but once you have to go into the fog, zero disability. leslie in glen ellen, beautiful. foggy morning. no rain in sight. i'm sure the e-mails will start to come in in. it will be back, the rain will be back. this is the pattern we're in. near 70 in santa cruz, also monterey, maybe santa clara valley but more likely tomorrow. still, morgan hill to gilroy will probably be a little bit warmer. some of the visibility, zero in san jose, also sfo, quarter m ile, 16th of a mile, 8th of a mile. you can see the high it takes over bay and right past san francisco. 46 concord, 47 santa rosa. 45 san rafael. redwood city around 47, 48. 46, 54, we'll go 26. confidence level is not the highest. on some of these forecasted h ighs for the mere fact the fog takes its suite time -- sweet time burning off. 40ed an 50s in the valleys -- and 50 -- 40s and 50s in the valleys. that's a good surge of high pressure. hazy sunshine, a dry forecast, more sunshine, it looks likely. wednesday as a north wind establishes itself in the v alley. that will burn off the fog t urner -- soon he. 44 to 50. 46 to 56 and then cool to warm. if you are on the -- if you are in the fog, if not, you will be near 70. dense fog advisory and hazy sunshine and temperatures again, just depending upon the fog and no fog. anywhere from low 50s to mid- 60s to some, even upper 60s, santa cruz to monterey. morgan hill, gilroy, 66. tee in the fog tuesday, wednesday, thursday. slightly warmer temperatures. tori. thank you. if have you a 2011 general motors truck or suv you will want to hear about gm's latest recall over an axle problem. the automaker is expanding the recall it announced last month. now it includes nearly 27,000 gm cadillac vehicles, up 25,000 from the original recall. owners of the affected vehicles are being kaked -- contacted and urged not to drive the trucks and suvs until the pin is replaced. nin feta san jose international appears to be on the upswing -- min net saw san jose international airport appears to be on the u pswing. by the way, check with your carrier if you are frying t oday -- if you are flying out today because of the fog. a new warning about e xcessive gaming and what it can do to children. and the gold globe goes t o -- "social network -- and the golden globe goes to --" social network ." >> "social network" won now prizes. "glee" won best comedy and m usical. >> everyone told me -- that i was pure white. >> some of the notable winners were collin picture who took home best dramatic actor for colin firth for best actor. best actress natalie portman. the green hornet shot down the previous number one and the box office. >> he's not my man. we're just platonic friends. >> that's easy for him to say the super irhero movie about a playboy turned time citer, e arned $34 million in ticket sales -- sales. well, holy ebay batman, that is the bat mobile up for sale. the movie used in "batman returns" is being sold on the online auction site. the price is just under $500,0 00. if you if you would rather take your chances and beat out other bidders, the opening bid is $ 299,000. we gist czeched. so far there are -- we just checked. so far there are no bids. banks are testing a new way to make money. now they are selling ad space on the list of recent purchases of online bank statements. for example, the charge for your breakfast at mcdonald's might be followed by a coupen at the golden arches. you could just click the link and mcdonald's would recognize your deb bet card at the -- debit card at the restaurant the next you use it. a collector bought unopened boxes of photos taken behind the scenes of the kennedy family's life in the white house. they include vacations, holidays and meetings with astronauts. the collector believes 95% of them have never been published. they will be posted online but it could take years to go through all 15,000 of the p hotos. depression, anxiety, poor grades for kids can be caused by playing too many video games. researchers looked at more than 3,000 elementary and middle school students in singapore. they found almost 9% were considered pathological or addicted to video games. overall, those addicted showed more of this behavior than their other schoolmates. high school should have no more than two hours. in sport, the new york jets are just celebrating one of the biggest upsets in recent nfl playoff history. >> second and goal. to tomlinson. he's in for the touchdown! >> the jets did what was thought impossible. they beat the new england patriots. 28-216789 they've earned the spots in the -- 28-21. they've earned the spot in the a fc. the jets, believe it or not, sacked tom brady five times. nobody does that. the jets will play the pittsburgh steelers in pittsburgh next sunday. now in the nfc playoffs, the chicago bears routed the seattle seahawks, 35-24. the bears will play their r ivals, the green bay packers, next sunday. recently fired head coach tom cable has filed a grievance against the raiders. he hopes to recover the $120,000 he was penalized during the lost year of his contract. al davis it's reported has held money from cable's paychecks following a despite last summer. not a lot of details about it. but davis was upset with cable because the raiders lost two days of team organized activity. >> should be nasty. >> yeah. san francisco is hosting the super bowl of yachting and s ailing. that means dozens of city businesses, like it or not, will be on the move. a florida sixth grader is getting special recognize. we've just ratherred there is a federal criminal investigation into two-time presidential candidate john edwards. this involves money used to cover up his extramarital affair and child out of wedlock and other practices that may have broken finance laws. right now, the grand jury is combing through records of several political organizations and individuals collected to edwards shoo a new york-bound air france jet has been diverted to iceland. the plane with 232 people on board landed safely. the airline is deciding how they are gonna proceed now. there's no word on what illness the pilot is suffering from. at least 30 people have died after massive flooding in australia. the flooding has caused an estimated $15 billion damage. the super bowl of sailing comes to tractor-trailer san francisco may in two years. the cup race means 80 businesses aing long the city's waterfront will be evicted. the port of san francisco is still determining which businesses need to go and which ones can say. some have to move this year. the rest will have to move next year. he's not even 13 but he's taking college level math and getting really impressive test scores. a florida school board is recognizing the 6th grader for his accomplishments. he's gotten perfect f-cat scores twice, and he got the highest s.a.t. score in the state. he scored 1590 out of a possible 1600 points. that's a perfect 800 for english and 790 out of 890 for math. >> i want to be that part. >> i know -- i want to be that smart. >> i know. >> we'll probably end up working for him. and sal is watching caltrans a lot. >> that's rightle we've had delays on caltrains because of a fatal collision at the caltrain tracks on oakland near california drive. you can see the police are still on the scene now. now, trains are moving through slowly. they are singing tracking in the area as the investigate c ontinues. cal train is honoring -- b.a.r.t. and sam transare h onoring caltrain tickets. we just got word that the freedom train will be leaving san jose at 9:30 a.m., expected to be on time. so that's some good news. we can see they are working on the collision with the pedestrian. a pedestrian was killed. . so far sewnly single tracking in area -- single tracking in the area. the roads are light because of this king day holiday. no problems on the bridge. but fog is certainly a problem. this morning in the livermore valley, you can tell it's a holiday because of the livermore commute. the livermore commute is nice from livermore all the way to castro valley and hayward union city, not a lot of slow traffic out there. let's go to steve. we do have -- not so nice fog. there is a lot to go around. and a lot of good tweets. so twitter is a great place. but up above, clear skies, some locations, including nancy in so cal, blue sky. it look like most of the coast has some fog but from about the san mateo/santa cruz coastline south, they are nothing free. calm conditions, hazy sun, cool to warm. east, northeast, napa, f airfield, concord. there is your fog source coming right back to the valley. 43 to 49 covers the spread, coast, bay, inland. any rain? no, no, no. not even a chance. we'll have some low, thick fog. once it burns off, it will be sunny to -- sunny to nice and warm. along the coast pretty nice. it looks like a decrease in the fog wednesday slush thursday with warmer temperatures. so there you go. dave and tori? >> thank you, steve. oakland's police chief may be ready to go to work in another big bay area city. also, apple's steve jobs has everybody guessing, once again, after a big announcement this morning. >> reporter: jean quan has just issued a statement that anthony batts could be leaving the city. we'll tell you when she found out that was a possibility. apple made a major a nnouncement about one of silicon valley's biggest nails. >> reporter: i'm live in tee a n -- san leandro ar the scene of -- san leandro at the scene of a shooting. and big delay on cal traipse because of a big incident in burlingame. we'll tell you what happened. the second hour of "mornings on 2" starts now. good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday, january 17th. well, apple's ceo steve jobs announced to the employees this morning he's taking another leave of absence for medical reasons. he has sent an employee to employees and said he needs to focus on his health. now, he says tim cook will be responsible for day-to-day operations. now, in that e-mail, that he sent this morning, steve jobs said "i love apple so much and hope to be back as soon as i can. in the meantime, my family and i would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy." now, the news will probably lead to concern about how well steve jobs is doing after that liver transplant he had in 2009. could be another case of musical chairs. oakland's police chief may soon be headed to another bay area city. kraig debro joins us with this live report on a possible police chief shake up and new reaction from mayor quan. >> reporter: arming. the statement says that -- good morning. the statement says that quan only heard about this last week from chief batts and he asked her to keep the information to herself. a lot of people want to speak to both batts and quan and both will be at the same event for martin luther king day in about two hours. according to "cot chronic k ell" -- "the chronic kell" b atts was called to say he was one of three up for the job. the 50-year-old came to oakland from long beach where he had been credited for dropping crime rates and improving community relations. listen to what batts told the chauncey bailey project -- "i've always taken jobs nobody wanted and this challenge is not too overwhelming." we don't know why he hat put his hat in the ring. we justped to tell you what he said from here. back to you. >> thank you. well, an early-morning homicide is being investigated now in san lee an dro. two-- san leandro. two long blocks of east 14th street are closed at this hour. tara moriarty has the latest on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the crime response team has arrived. they are the people who collect the evidence. now, once they have completed that, the coroner will remove the body lying in the roadway and this road will be open a gain. we just did receive an update from san leandro police about this investigation. here's what they told us -- just after 3:00 this morning, theave ponded to shots fired on east 14th street. officers found a victim lying in the street with a gunshot wound. he a also second -- a second victim was found two weeks away. he did not officerrer injuries but he -- and was able to run away. police don't have a description of the vehicle used. the victim who died is 24 and lives in san leandro. police are not releasing the name of other victim right now. police are -- will be here for a couple of hours. two long street blocks will be blocked off. it takes them a while to get all of the evidence together and to remove all of the body. if you plan on using this as farther -- as part offyou -- as part of your morning commute. you are not able to get through for two long city blocks. i'm tara morty artie. >> thank you, tara. now minutes after 8:00. redwood city are looking for an armed robber. he caused some tense moments for workers at the cvs pharmacy on broadway. they say the gunman was hiding in the back of the store and then came out with a gun right after closing time. he then ordered louisianas to -- employees to get off floor and escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash. the national weather service has issued a dense fog advisory until 11:00. investigators are -- authorities have investigating whether the fog played a role in this accident. a driver lost control and fled the scene. a portion of 680 wases closed down so crews could clean up the degree -- debris. dr. king's oldest son led the family to the tomb of his father and mother, coretta scott king. this is in atlanta -- atlanta. dr.king would have been 82 years old on his birthday, january 15th. in an andre -- address later today, he's expected to say the shooting in tucson shows that he needs to continue his father's worth. now, here at home, the celebration of his birthday will include the annual freedom train which commemorates the area. the distance 51 miles. the same distance between selma and montgomery, alabama. that chartered caltrain is scheduled to leave the station at 9:30. we just checked in with c altrain, they said the freedom train will go on. 8:0. the martin luther king -- 8:06. the martin luther king holiday is also known as a day of service. in san francisco, the presidio is hosting what they call a family-friendly volunteer event. participants will work on s prucing up the grounds. for more on the martin luther king, junior holiday, including quotes and audio speeches, go to and click on the mlk tab. a winter spare the air alert is in effect today over the bay area. that means it's against the law to use a fireplace, wood stove or any other wood-burning device until the ban is lifted. 8:07. we want to check in with sal castanedo get an update on the commute this morning. sal? >> let's been light today, tori and dave. we've been watching caltrain because of that incident in burlingame where a train collided with a pedestrian. the pedestrian died at the s cene. caltrain office has been affect. for example, you can't get through -- that's california drive at oak grove. you can't get through business have locked cash cash have b locked that interchange. changes are moving through. the coroner -- there is coreny corey another right there. they are making some progress. the bay bridge is still very foggy. one of the producers just e- mailed a picture of the b ridge. driving on the bridge is tough right now. 101 san jose. a little bit of fog there. we can see more in the freeway. both directions are looking g ood. here's steve. dense fog advisory but for some higher elevations, santa cruz mountain, some of the maybe bay area peaks. sunny, over by the coast, capitola, thanks to nancy. she says blue skies over there. foggy mornings. no rain, highs near 70. santacruz, monterey. maybe dune to gilroy. but by -- down to gilroy. but by tuesday/wednesday there's signs of a north wind. a quarter-mile visibilityor zero visibility. parts of san jose, sfo reported some extreme fog. i know patrick in redwood stores says this is the thickest he's seen all winter long. .75 of a mile. 16th of a mile. the five to ten-day outlook, little to no rain. sanjose, 49. move fit, 48. mountain -- move fit, 49. sacramento, 48, already 65 in palm springs. gonna be parm in southern california. can you see why. high pressure is here. it's put down the old stakes. with only subtle changes. that subtle change might be more of a north wind starting tomorrow night into wednesday. today, thick fog but then heavy snipe. if you don't have the fog, enjoy it. 44 to 50. fog in the morning and then fog or sun. if you can get that fog to burn off near 70 for some. 50s for a few. fairfield, vacaville, discovery bay, danville, san marrone -- san ramon. >> looks like a better pattern for wednesday and thursday. 8:11. we'll have an update on the congresswoman wounded in the arizona shootings. and we'll tell you why the man charged in the attack may end up going on trial here in california,. there could soon be another leak by wikileaks. who is targeted in the documents just handed over this morning. and the new mayors of oakland and san francisco, they are headed to washington, d.c. this week. the high-level functions they will be attending. very, very thick fog this morning. for many, it will start to burn off pretty fast. for others others, out toward eastern solano and contra costa county, it could be a slow process. here's store tori. >> thank you steve. 8:14. wounded arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords is no longer in critical condition. she was upgraded to serious condition over the weekend after doctors removed her from a ventilator. gabrielle giffords is now breathing on her own. this all comes more than a week after a gunman shot the congresswoman in the head and killed six others outside a grocery store where gabrielle giffords was holding an event. the store reopened on saturday as doctors announced gabrielle giffords 'progress. >> she's showing people she can communicate well by holding our hands and moving her arms and regulars and looking at us -- legs and looking at us. >> yesterday, more than 100 people showed up at the hospital to leave get-well balloons and cards. two other victims remain in the hospital. both are listed in good condition. the suspect in the shallings will likely face child -- shootings will likely face charges in san diego. they want to move the trial because of pretrial publicity in arizona. also, one of the people killed in the mass shooting was a rizona's chief federal judge. the trial would likely be moved to san diego because it's one of the closest judicial districts to arizona. both democrats and republicans in congress will be doing something very different at president obama's state of the union speech. congress members talked about the need to tone down the rhetoric. some plan to sit next to someone on the opposite side of the aisle. some believe while they don't believe gabrielle giffords was caused by political rhetoric, they do agree the rhetoric does need to be more civil. right now, president obama and michelle obama are set to mark the martin luther king holiday by taking part of in a community service in washington, d.c. you are looking at what they did last year on mlk day. the obamas dropped by the food bank to serve hot meals. we're not sure what the first family will be doing this year. we're gonna keep you updated and bring you the latest video once we get it. there are several events h onoring martin luther king day. among them free admission to the regional shoreline. a multiculture celebration and rally on hegenberger road between 10:00 and 2:00. and a noontime musical celebration at the kaiser center on kaiser drive. lakeside drive. you will find a link at our channel 2 website, look under the web links with more information about those events and many others. the new mayors of oakland and san francisco will be h obnobbing in washington, d.c. this week. oakland mayor, jean quan, and san francisco interim mayor ed lee will both attend the u.s. conference of mayors and they have been invited to the white house state dinner for the president of china. chinese president hu gin to is scheduled to arrive tuesday evening. he will meet with ceos of american companies and is e xpected to sign a series of contracts helpful to u.s. businesses. the white house says president obama will ask china's president to put added pressure on north korea. we may find out today why haiti's ex-dictator has returned to haiti. the 59-year-old seen sitting here with his wife arrived from france yesterday where he's been living in exile. he was forced out of office 25 years ago. the man known -- is known for terror and oppression. he says he will hold a news conference today. a swiss whistle-blower has handed over documents to wikileaks, reportedly portraying tax evasion cases. this man held a news conference in london today and says the documents contain 2,000 documents of offshore accounts of celebrities, businesses, lawmakers from the united s tates, britain and asia. now, he leaked other documents to wikileaks in 2007 saying he watts to expose the offshore banking system. parts of washington state are under a flood watch. heavy rains and rising waters over the weekend caused landslides and closed roads. one death is being blamed after a transportation worker was kill bide a falling tree -- by a f allen tree. several roads are blocked this morning because of the storm. downed trees are also causing concern. >> when the river started to come in the bank, the tree s tarted to fall rapidly. there were keys and other people around the house so i carbonned them -- cautioned them. >> forecasters say more rain is on the way in oregon as well as washington state. 8:19. it's a very bright issue in one bay area city, the pizza parlor that may have to tone down the color of its building. 8:2. a college student found a unique way to protest the high cost of tuition. nick ramos, a university of colorado student from s acramento, paid his spring semester tuition with one- dollar bills. he owed more than $14,000. he put it all in one-dollar b ills in a duffel bag and dragged it to the finance o ffice. >> i walk in with a 33-pound duffel bag in cash. it made me appreciate that people are willing to give up that money for me to go to school. >> it took him two days to withdrawal almost all of those one-dollar bills from those b anks. and it took the university floridas almost an hour to count them all. the homeowners association for the crow canyon country club now have a state permit to shoot wild turkeys to control the g rowing population. they blame them for leaving droppings all over the place and damaging the landscaping in the gardens. other nonviolent population control efforts we're told have not worked. pizza orgasmicka and brewing company will open next week. some residents are complaining about the bright yellow color of the building. some are also complaining about the name of the building but the design review board says it does not regulate names. 8:24. we want to let you know in just one week from today, can you watch ktvu news even earlier. we're expanding our coverage on monday, january 24th. the news will start a half hour earlier, at 4:30 a.m. you will also be able to catch us on weekend mornings starting this saturday, jan 22nd. that will air from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. anchored by claudine wong and also mike mibach. we're very excited to announce that expansion. >> a lot happening. >> yes. >> sal's taking care of your commute. i know you are watching the south bay, right. >> that's a typo. >> i'm -- >> i'm monitoring the south bay. northbound as head up to the 880 interchange, northbound 880 -- 880 monday/101 in san jose doing okay the parking meters, they are enforced today. don't not put money in the m eter. they will cite you. it could be expensive. and read all of the signs, some street sweep something enforced. others not. if you are in doubt, read the signs. no major problems across the bay on 880. if you are driving in san jose, for the most part, we've had light conditions. a couple of slowdowns here and there but right now it looks pretty good. 8:26. let's go to steve. for some on the coast, it will be sunny and warm today. by the way, if you are heading to southern california, los angeles was 82 yesterday. santabarbara and san luis obispo also 80. it's warm for some. it will be warm for those near monterey, santa cruz, santa clara valley, and the storms or jet stream is way to the north. we don't have to worry about that. we do have to worry about that. some of that is thick. it's showing signs of burning off. if you get sup, it will be warm. if not, it will be -- sun, it will be warm. if not it will be cooler. 40s for everybody this m orning. due to the cloud cover. there's a few systems out there. but they go from hawaii all the way up to seattle and vancouver. no rain in sight for us. maybe at the end of the month, fog, sun, cool. dense fog, after that lifts, we'll have 50s to mid-60s. that's one of the most c hallenging forecasts is forecasting the highs on the f og. this kind of tulle to fog. decrease in the -- -- tule fog. decrease in the fog. it's the announcement apple fans did not want to hear. it came in the form of an e- mail from steve jobs to his e mployees. and the scene of a deadly accident. you may may be able to -- may be able to find the hit-and-run driver responsible. welcome back. >> some investors are seeing it as a red flag this morning. they are concerned about a new memo sent to apple employees from ceo, steve jobs. ktvu's claudine wong is in our newsroom with the details about that e-mail and what's happening to apple's stock. good morning, claudine. >> good morning, dave. well, the timing of this announcement is certainly interesting. it comes days after that major verizon iphone announcement, a day before ma age -- before a major earnings report is e xpected. jobs will be taking a medical leave. jobs announced hit medical leave in the e-mail but did not say why or how long. it says at my request, the board of directors has granted me a medical leave of absence. i will continue asco and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company." tim cook will be at the helm in jobs' absence. in 2004, cook filled in for six months while jobs recuperated from surgery for a tumor in pancreas. again, we don't know what is a iling jobs now -- jobs now but he has had numerous health challenges in the past few y ears. jobs also underwent a successful liver transplant in 2009. so how is the industry reacting? in the past, shires -- markets are closed for the martin luther king. buttal's shares close as much as 8 by friday -- but apple's shares closed as much as 8 p oints by friday. back to you. >> thank you. 8:32. a dense fog advisory is in effect across the bay area right now. some areas have little to no visibility. jade hernandez moved from benicia so walnut creek where the fog is still a problem. i drove through there a couple of hours ago. it was prei -- pretty foggy, jade. >> reporter: very foggy. that's one of the reasons we moved to walnut creek. it's very hard to see off the freeway in this thick, dense f og. i also want to show you what drivers are experiencing on southbound 680, right before highway 24. visibility is not as difficult as it was before daylight but it's still very hard to see very far off the freeway. now, earlier this morning we were in benicia for an accident. but the chp cannot say fog was responsible for the accident because the driver ran off before the officer arrived. but the area where it happened was thick with fog. the chp officer we spoke to but who did not want to go on c amera, told us that the accident involved an older model ford bronco with the trailer attached. the driver lost control on the curve on 680 before bayshore road. the driver's trailer overturned. the initial accident shut down for minutes about 3:00. a couple of hours later, the chp shut down the freeway in order to give caltrans time to clear the debris. we spoke to several bay area residents who told us that drivers need to use caution. >> this morning, the last few days, been a lot of fog so people need to make sure they back off the other cabs and don't tailgate. >> leave early, plenty of time so you are not rushing. give yourself extra time in this weather. >> reporter: there is a dense fog advisory for the bay area until 11:00 this morning. in benicia, an electronic m essage warns of the fog on the bridge. so far the accident may be -- light traffic may be due to the light traffic on this holiday and that's why there have not been major interdense ---- incidents. back to you. >> thank you, jade. the fog is causing problems at local airports. flights at sfo arriving from chicago are experiencing 9 0- minute delays. other arriving flights have been delayed for about an hour. now, oakland airport and mineta are experiencing delays on both arrivals and departures. this morning, concord police are searching for the driver responsible for a deadly h it-and-run accident. it happened last night on solano way near avon avenue. police say a 17-year-old boy stopped to help. investigators say a second driver ran over the woman and the dog died. the second driver sped away. police are looking for a white male in his 20s, brown hair, cleave shave be. he had a young female passenger in his car, a car describe as a dark-colored four-door sedan. oakland police are looking for a individual who shot and killed a man near saint an t ony's church. the 19-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene. if you have any information, you are asked to call oakland p olice. 8:35. pg&e reportedly admits to spiking the pressure on ten gas pipelines here in california. this is in addition to the gas spike in the san bruno line that blew up last year. a san francisco "chronicle" investigation found pg&e considers temporary spiking of pressure to the legal limits to be a safe practice. however, peninsula congresswoman jackie speier told "the chronicle" the practice amounts to -- and i'm quoting now -- russian roulette. vallejo officials are r eviewing their cell phone policy because last week, jerry brown decided to collect around 46,000 cell phones used by state employees to save money. now, vallejo is thinking about a similar use. the city has issued 433,000 -- 43,000 phones. in san jose, employees could soon have a tier-tiered pension system. the largest city in -- in the bay area is considering a $ 2 billion fall in the pension fund. new employees may have to rely on social security and a 401(k) style fund for their retirement bent -- benefits traffic is lighter because of the martin luther king holiday but also the fog to deal with. >> that's right. it's foggy out there. this morning's commute is going to be busy if you are driving around the bay area -- i wouldn't say busy. it's less than normal. but still people are slowing down because of the fog. let's go out trapped look a -- and take a look at the bridge. it's gonna be mostly light because of the king holiday but visibility is down. if you are in the south bay, highway 101 and 280 looking g ood. that's the view of the south b ay. you question -- you can see traffic is mostly light. traffic moves well, it does look as if maybe on this freeway, visibility is a little letter than others. 8:38. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. it will be sunny and warm, especially along the santa cruz coastline, santa clara valley, down to monterey, already sunny for some. so cal, capitola, santa cruz, upper 60s to near 70. it's really warm on the central coast, especially down towards l.a., 82 down there, delmar was 78. santabarbara, 80. santa maria. so they are warm. maybe record highs and they should start to cool down. if the fog burns off, you'll be in the 60s. if not, you will be in the 5 0s. very, very challenge forecast because of the fog. out to solano county, it just wants to stick around. most of the early-morning fog is gone. there is an east-northeast wind which continues to come in from the delta. they've been east-southeast, buchanan, napa airport, north- northeast. that makes those areas the t oughest to burn off. because the fog continues to burn back in. you can be in the sun about 65. you walk about a half a mile. it's 55 and foggy. 40s for many, but once we get the fog to burn off. 48 sacramento, ukiah, 44. 65 palm springs. 60 san francisco. very warm already down there. been windy as well. they are kicking up the surf on the north shore. oahu. and producing a lot of rain. up towards the pacific n orthwest. thick fog, hazy sunshine. temperatures in the -- if the fog burns off. but any rain stays way to the north. as tori says, no rain until maybe february. 40s, to 50, in the morning and then the fog burns off for some. 46 to 56 and then it's hazy, sunny cool to -- cool to warm. fog, sun, cooler warm. that dense fog advisory will lift and then it will have that hazy sunshine. temperatures for those in the fog, low 50s. if you don't have the nothing, it will be in the mid- to upper 60s. it looks like warner and foggy midweek. banks have found a way to cash in on their customers. also -- you can walk in their footsteps, yeah, what one travel company is offering as a way to experience royal romance. the moment you feel run down or achy nip flu-like symptoms in the bud, with oscillococcinum. get oscillo and feel like yourself again. oscillococcinum, nip it in the bud. 8:436789 let's bring you up to date -- 8:436789 let's bring you up to date on some of the top stories we're following for you right now. oakland's police chief may be headed to the bay area's largest city. anthony batts is a finalist to become san jose's new police chief. a 24-year-old man has died after an early-morning homicide that happened in san leandro. police found the man with gunshot wounds on east 14th street near 148th avenue just after 3:15 this morning. so far, no arrests have been made. and this morning, the 27th annual bay area freedom train will travel from san jose to san francisco. the chartered caltrain commemorates dr. martin luther king, junior's civil rights marches in alabama. it's scheduled to leave san j ose's deradon station at 9 :20. twenty fish-years ago, martin luther king's birthday was commemorated as a national holiday for the first time. last year, the president and first lady served hot food. nicole collins has more from washington, d.c. with what the president and first lady are doing. >> reporter: good morning. president obama, michelle and their two daughters are p erforming more community service this year. last year, as mentioned, the first lady and the president, performed community service by helping out at a soup kitchen. well, we've just learned that this year the family is at a local middle school in washington, d.c. painting fruit on the walls to remind kids how to eat healthy. not too surprising to hear what they've decided to do. this day was designated official by congress back in 1994. the president released a statement encouraging americans across the country to honor -- honor martin luther king's s elf-less legacy by p erforming -- self-less legacy by performing work. they started construction on the mall. it's about 70% complete. you can see behind me the construction rafters, that statue of martin luther king, junior. that's called "the stone of h ope." that's a reference to something he talked about in his "i have a dream" speech. i can show you video of a virtual look with what this will look like once it is complete. this here, what you are looking at is called the mountain of despair. that's also complete and an e nviption wall is also planned. -- enscripp shin wall is also planned. "justice, love, hope, courage" are some of the words to be u sed. this will be dedicated on a ugust 28th, which is the 48th anniversary of that "i have a dream" speech. nicole col lips, back -- nicole collins, back to you. and the golden globe goes t o -- "social network." [ cheers ] >> wow. "social network" won four prizes last night at the golden globes, best drama, director, s creenplay, the fox hit tv show "glee" won best comedy and m usical. others winners included colin firth, winning best dramatic a ctor for "the king's speech" natalie portman won top dramatic actress award for "the swan." annette bening won for "the kids are all right" and "toy story 3" won best animated movie. web industry analysts say facebook may be getting close to its saturation point in this country. during december, just 5% of new users joining facebook listed the u.s. as their location. that compares to 25% last s ummer. but americans spent an average of 0% longer sharing their -- 30% longer sharing their photos, updating their status last year than in 2009. and the facebook continues to grow in asia and south america. if you want to experience royal roman mans there is a way to do -- royal romance, there is a way to do it. this follows prince william and kate middleton. they will track the place -- they will track the place where william pro proposed, the location of the wedding next summer. all for a price of $24. "the green hornet" stung the competition and was number one at the box office. >> he's your man. >> he's not my man. >> this movie earned $ 34 million. it was followed by the other movie making its debut, "the dilemma." they bumped "true grit" down to third place. well, holy ebay batman, that's the bat mobile up for sale. the car used in "the batman rushes" is being sold on the online auction site. the buy-it-now price is just under $500,000. if you would like to -- would rather take chair -- take your chances and bid, the opening bid is $299,000. there are no bids as of yet. banks are testing a new way to make money. now they are selling ad space on the list of recent purchases from consumer online bank statements. the charge for your breakfast at mcdonald's might be followed with an ad including a 10% off coupon for your next purchase at the golden arches. you would just click the link and the system would recognize your debit card. mcdonald's would pay for that ad space. for first time in is half a century, thousands of -- for the first time in half a century, thousands of photographs taken during the kennedy administration are uncovered. these are photos of the kennedys in the white house, they include vacations, holidays and meetings with astronauts. 95% of them have never been published. they will be posted online but it will take years to go through all 15,000 of them. >> fascinating. >> yes. 8:50. we have bean talking about this all morning. fog causing problems both on the road and up in the air. how the bay area airports are a effected flight. the america's cup yacht race will be a real moving experience for many san francisco business owners, one they won't be too happy about. welcome back. 8:53. the fog has -- is really -- is really causing problems at local airports. we just checked in with snow. flights coming in from chicago have 90-minute delays, which will cause other delay. several departing flies -- flights are delayed as well. now, oakland and mineta are s eeing delays for both arrivals and departure. and several flights in and out of san jose have been cancelled. if you plan to fly, you are advised to call your airline to before -- before you head out to the airport. john edwards is now the subject of a criminal investigation. a grand jury is examining how much john edwards used that -- how much john edwards knows about money used to keep his extramarital and child out of wedlock hidden. investigators are trying to figure out if the money given from outside political groups and john edwards' donors should have been considered campaign donations since they definitely aided his presidential bid. home owners struggling with their mortgages have a new r esource to turn to for help. >> we're committed to helping america's struggling homeowner avoid foreclosure. >> fannie mae has a new website called site users click on the situation similar to their own and follow it through r efinancing, modifying a lab or a short sale. anyone can try it out and there is a direct link from our website at at web l inks. the super bowl of sailing comes to the san francisco bay in just two years. but not everyone in the city may be in the road to celebrate. 80 businesses along the city's waterfront will be evicted. the port of san francisco was still determining which businesses need to go and which can stay. some will have to move by the end of this year. the rest will have to move by the end of the next year. today, the american red cross will hold a blood donation drive in honor of martin luther king day at several locations in the bay area. a bloodmobile will be set up between 9:00 a.m. and:00 p.m. at the mind, body and soul fest at the yerba buena center for the arts in san francisco. and the red cross blood donation centers in oakland, pleasant hill and san jose, they will be opened today. now, in honor of dr. king's holiday a museum 234 san francisco is offering free music today -- in san francisco is of offering free music today. in richmond, volunteer also work together on seven projects along the richmond greenway. it's an area of reclaimed public land along railroads. participants will be planting trees as well as native plants. it's 8:566789 let's check in with -- 89:56. let's check in with -- 8:56. let's check in with sal. >> visibility is still low. northbound 101 one of the only pictures we can see the traffic. the morning commute is okay on the east bay and also highway 101. mlk day some people have the day off -- the day off, it appears a lot of people do. but there's heavy fog on bridge. let's go to steve. some of the higher v aletions -- elevations there's been a lot of fog. it will burn off for most everybody. sunny for some, hazy sunshine, warm. cool with the fog. it it looks like there will be a decrease in the fog. >> i'm loving the temperatures. >> you could be down in l.a. where it was 82 yesterday. i was down there. >> wow! >> wow! >> that does it for us. thanks for watching. bye now.

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Alabama ,United States ,Australia ,Pleasant Hill ,California ,Redwood City ,Vancouver ,British Columbia ,Canada ,Vacaville ,China ,Santa Cruz Mountain ,San Diego ,Benicia ,Russia ,Glen Ellen ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,San Francisco ,Prince William ,New Brunswick ,Arizona ,Iceland ,Hillsdale ,Castro Valley ,San Francisco Bay ,Monterey ,Sacramento ,Switzerland ,Morgan Hill ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Singapore ,Haiti ,New York ,Yerba Buena ,Solano County ,Germany ,Santa Clara Valley ,Livermore Valley ,Oakland ,San Leandro ,Florida ,Capitola ,Oregon ,London ,City Of ,United Kingdom ,San Bruno ,Redwood Shores ,Danville ,Colorado ,Canyon Country ,North Korea ,Santa Cruz Mountains ,France ,Hawaii ,Americans ,America ,Chinese ,Russian ,Britain ,Swiss ,American ,Maria Shriver ,Santa Maria ,Nicole Collins ,Gabrielle Giffords ,Nick Ramos ,Jean Quan ,John Edward ,Dave Clark ,Kate Middleton ,Jackie Speier ,Tom Brady ,Natalie Portman ,Tim Cook ,Jerry Brown ,Mateo Santa Cruz ,Anthony Batts ,Wayne Sanchez ,John Edwards ,Claudine Wong ,Luis Obispo ,Dorsey Dan ,Martin Luther King ,Stori Campbell ,Los Angeles ,Chauncey Bailey ,Atlanta ,George Mcgovern ,Coretta Scott King ,Swan Annette Bening ,Wade Tucker ,Richmond Greenway ,Michelle Obama ,Colin Firth ,Tara Moriarty ,

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