Now to our top stories, People Living in low lying areas along the Russian River are being urged to head to higher ground. Our ktvu crew says some people are following that advice. But many others are taking a wait and see approach. The river rose to 3 feet above flood stage this afternoon and some schools in the area will be closed tomorrow. Glf a mud slide on highway 17 crushed a Television News van and sent a photographer to the hospital with minor injuries. Traffic has been backed up there all day. That was just one of about a dozen mud slides reported in the Santa Cruz Mountains during the past 24 hours. The rain also washed away part of bear creek road a quarter mile north of highway 9. Traffic is moving again along highway 1 in pacifica after a mud slide shut down the road for almost 14 hours. The slide was first reported late last night near delmar avenue. Caltrans had to shut down all northbound lanes and that created a massive traffic jam. One northbound lane was reopened about 2 00 this afternoon. The other lane reopened in just the past hour. Youre watching ktvu fox 2 news at 6 30. The iraq war veteran who admits gunning down five people was in court today. Fox news correspondent on the charges filed, also the airport Surveillance Video that shows the suspect actually pulled the gun out of a pocket and started shooting. Three days after terror, panic, and chaos erupted in and around the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International airport, the accused gunman, 26 yearold, este ban santiago was in court. Killing five people and wounding six. Inside the courthouse, dressed in a red prison jump suit, santiago appeared timid and jittery, clenching his jaw or muttering to himself. He barely made eye contact and provided yes or no answers to the judge. He is charged in federal court with committing an act of violence at an airport using a firearm to commit the crime and causing the death of a person, all three punishable by the Death Penalty. I heard pop, pop, pop. And then people immediately after that were running. All or partly captured on disturbing airport Surveillance Video obtained by tmz showing the gunman calmly walking, and pulling out his pistol and aiming at passengers. Two months before the airport carnage, the fbi opened a file an on agitated and incoherent santiago. He walked into the fbi office to report that his mind was being controlled by u. S. Intelligence agency. The fbi says no ties to any terror group were ever found and santiago was sent for a Mental Health evaluation. Local police confiscated his handgun and returned it to him 3 is days later after he was cleared. 29 days later, he was on his way to Fort Lauderdale. Investigators say santiago admits to the airport shooting, properly checking his weapon in his luggage, retrieving it in baggage claim, loading it in the bathroom, and taking lives. In Fort Lauderdale, phil keithing, fox news. Charleston Church Shooter dylann roof rested his case today, and declined to call witnesses or offer evidence in his defense. Roof is representing himself in the sentencing phase that will determine if hell face the Death Penalty or life in prison. The prosecution rested its case after calling 25 witnesses, including victims families and survivors of the 2015 massacre that killed nine people. Last month, a jury convicted roof on 33 federal charges, including hate crimes and obstruction of religion. Jurors are expected to begin deliberating as early as tomorrow. For the first time in more than 20 years, women hold a majority on San Franciscos board of supervisors. The new supervisors got a tour of city hall. Tara takes a look at how the new board could change the dynamic of city politics. Newly sworn in supervisors, sandra lee and hilary spoke before the board for the First Time Ever at city hall. Marking an apparent shift in the boards political orientation. The election to replace john means there are less progressives and more moderates, who tend to side with mayor ed lees politics. You have swing voters like myself, jeff will be a swing voter as well. Meaning we take the issues, issue by issue. Were not wedded to a political ideology. I think thats where San Francisco has gotten in trouble. Appointed by lee and once gavin newsomes adviser, plans to make healthcare a top priority. One person called me a bulldog. I have mellowed since ive not been involved in politics. I have a daughter and she has taken me down a couple of notches. For the first time in 22 years, women are dominating the board. I think thats great, well have majority women. The one thing im excited about is that for the first time in a long time, perhaps ever, were going to have a majority parents on the board of supervisors. In a display of unity, london was reelected to her post as board president. A unanimous decision many considered appropriate given the atmosphere and a very democratic city hall in the wake of trump being elected president. To every stanen who feels scared, certain, or alone, now you are seeing, you are loved, and you are one of us. In San Francisco, ktvu fox 2 news. Coming up, a crash leads to an officer involved shooting in the south bay. The latest from the Highway Patrol. Plus, yahoo reveals its plans for the future after a plan to verison. Its not a done deal yet. Woman college today. Career tomorrow at the peralta colleges. Sign up for classes today at one of our four colleges. Berkeley city college, college of alameda, Laney College and merritt college. Classes start january 23rd. We have so many ways for you to get ahead. Financial aid, thousands of classes to choose from, tutoring and so much more. College today. Career tomorrow. Sign up for classes right now at peralta dot edu. Like your future at the peralta colleges. now to developing news from orlando, florida, where a wide scale man hunt is underway a f a man shot and killed a veteran Police Officer this morning. Police in orlando have been urging 4 isyearold, Markeith Lloyd to surrender. Confronted lloyd at a Walmart Store and opened fire. The suspect was wanted in questions in the death of his pregnant exgirlfriend. An Orange County motorcycle deputy was killed in a Traffic Accident as officers responded to that shooting. The california Highway Patrol is investigating an officer involved shooting in the south bay. It happened late last night near a freeway interchange in san jose. Investigators say a chp officer responded to a crash on a highway and called in for help. Other officers responded. Details havent been released, but one of the officers fired at least one shot at a driver whose car was on the side of the highway. There was an incident that took place on the northbound 101 northbound and the city of san jose that resulted in an officer involved shooting. The investigation is on going. The chp says the suspect was wounded, but is expected to survive. Its still not clear what led up to the gunfire. A man charged with driving his car into a south bay wal mart on Easter Sunday more than three years ago was sentenced today to eight years in prison. Dramatic Surveillance Video shows that incident on story road in san jose in 2013. Prosecutors say the driver deliberately drove his car into the store, then started to attack customers with a metal bar. Two people were seriously hurt. Sied was expected to plead an insanity defense, but pled guilty. Yahoo released new information about what will happen to whats left of its company if its sale to verison goes through. In a government filing, verison would acquire yahoo email, websites, and mobile apps in a 4. 8 billion deal. The remaining business would change its name. Yahoo s ceo and four members of yahoo s board would resign. However, its important to note that the verison deal is still up in the air after revelations of two major security breeches involving yahoo . On wall street, stocks finished mixed. The nasdaq gained 10. S p 500 lost eight. A drop in oil prices sent Energy Stocks lower. Utilities, and Consumer Staples were a drag on stock prices. An iconic tree brought down the weekend storm. A piece of history has fallen. But at the same token, this is human history. The history of that tourist. Well talk about the morning commute and the afternoon commute, because its going to be a windy day tomorrow. Ill see you back here. Why are you deleting these photos . Because my teeth are yellow. Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. Its just a date. I can stay. Im good. I wont be late hey mom. Yeah. No kissing on the first date, alright . Life doesnt always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise well help you handle whats next. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. The toll from the powerful winter storm includes this famous tree. Its a giant sequoia, it it was named after the tunnel that was carved into its base nearly 150 years ago. And as reporter, linda explains, it was one of calevaras countys biggest tourist attractions. Erica is an elementary schoolteacher. We heard about it this morning and we were sad. We loved that tree. Each year, she takes her First Grade Class to see the Pioneer Cabin tree. Im talking about the Natural Resources in our area and we love taking them through that tree. It draws thousands of visitors through the state park to walk through the tunnel and snap a picture. But this year, her class wont be able to see it, after it toppled over in sundays storm. I had mixed emotions at that point. Definitely devastated that this fell, you know, that a piece of history has fallen. At the same token, this is human history. This used to be the trail that visitors could walk through right underneath the tree. The tree fell, it not only exposed the top of the cabin, but it also revealed some graffiti dating back to the 1800s. Based on yosemite getting all of these visitors, they wanted a piece of the action, they cut a hole in the tree. The tree is estimated to be 2,000 years old. This is still a home, its giving off carbon dioxide. And park officials urging people to see some of the other attractions while they are still here. Do you think it will impact visitorship . I dont think so. It shouldnt. There are so many of the dance hall, huge tree stump and just the magnitude of the trees around here. There are so many things to offer. Such a shame, such a beautiful tree. So old, 2,000 years old, such a cool thing. And then to have it go away. Lets bring in our chief meteorologist to talk about all the rain we had and more on the way. All the rain we had, thats where im going right now. We had a lot of rain over the last 24 hours. Some areas had over 6 to 8 inches of rain. Not the 12 that we thought could happen. Thats way north bay, 14 inches. Boulder creek in the Santa Cruz Mountains, 8 inches. Marin county, we had some very extreme rain fall totals and thats why the mud slides and the issues that we had yesterday, now today we got a break, which was very nice. Exactly what we needed. The break is huge. But now we get going with more rain, an Atmospheric River of sorts, not as robust and not as warm. So, with that in mind, were going to get rain tomorrow, here it comes, but its going to progress through more quickly, at least thats the plan, and its going to be a little colder. In the mountains, we arent going to see that severe snow melt, Truckee River and reno, that thing did flood, as a matter of fact, but easy flood downtown reno with another 3 inches of rain. More precipitation. Now ive had reports of heavy rain and concord. We are starting to see bands come through. Thats the whole area. Showers moving through the bay area. And then youre going to get a few breaks and tomorrow morning, it gets going again. Temperatures outside the next couple days are going to be cooler, because this is a cooler pattern, which is good for the snow. Tomorrow morning, theres your morning commute. Theres tomorrow, theres your lunchtime. Going to starbucks, get a coffee, its raining. Pretty much throughout the bay area. Heaviest rain is between tuesday, noon, and tuesday Late Afternoon. This is your afternoon commute. Now remember, with this rain comes wind. The wind advisory, the wind watches in effect for the bay area. We could see gusts stronger than we saw yesterday, perhaps up to 60 miles an hour with saturated ground, easy to get trees down. So power outages, and also the concerns for mud slides are there, because the ground is saturated. The mud slide thing is going to be an issue until we get an extended dry period. Any rain will have the tendency to slip some of the hillsides. There we are tonight at midnight. You can see its not the extreme pattern. Tomorrow morning at 3 00 a. M. , theres your morning commute. Theres your afternoon commute. Now that looks dicey. And then your Late Afternoon commute. And then it goes. So, theres that break. Breaks . Yeah, you have to have brakes. When you get breaks like this, youll need a couple days to dry out. It makes the whole deal doable and we can handle a lot of water. If we didnt have this break today, Russian River would be 10 feet over flood stage. Napa river would have been 5 feet over flood stage. Tomorrow gets going. It will get right up there again. Even the Russian River. It should come back down. We shouldnt have any real problems tomorrow other than typical rain problems. I was listening. Bill, thank you. Sports is next, well be right back. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Our former general manager, tim mcveigh must be so excited, because his son is being interviewed by the 49ers. Its exciting. He used to come in here every now and then. Sean mcveigh. Vacant coaching position, sean mcveigh, if youre not a hard core football fan has been serving as an offensive coordinator. As the Washington Redskins young offensive coordinator. Some have called him the up and coming john gruden. He is 30 years old and that might be a detriment as far as him becoming the youngest coach in the nfl. Others see it as a positive. Now if youre wondering, he is the fourth candidate so far for the 49ers to be interviewed for that head coaching job. As you take a look at the list that mcveigh headings. Anthony lynn was the first to be interviewed, Kyle Shanahan and his pals. Josh mcdaniel who might be the number one guy on that list, he is currently with the patriots as their offensive coordinator under Bill Belichick and he announced today that he has narrowed down his possibilities to the 49ers, the rams, or he is just going to stay in an offensive coordinator position with the new england patriots. Lets hope for the 49ers, that he may take that job. He could be their number one candidate. Meantime, the Golden State Warriors lost that game on friday night where they blew the 24 point lead. They won last night, so all is well. However, if you watched that game last night, steve not allowed to let anything go sideways. The first few seconds of the game. And cousins, riding on the baseline. And going to use a timeout that quickly. 18 seconds into the game. Hes sending a message. Thats a great timeout right there. Yeah, 18 seconds into the game, the warriors trailing 2 0, he said, ive seen enough, im not happy with where it goes right now and as you heard Bob Fitzgerald say, thats a greg move, if youre not a hard core mba fan, the top coach in the nba, and coach curr played for him. Hes a mentor for him. David west played with both and he was asked about the differences between pop the two. Hes probably not as rara, but straight message. He is clear about his expectations, and obviously what he feels like we can accomplish. I played for him, so i know exactly how he is. So that doesnt surprise me. He was more rara than you. Than me . Im not that rah rah. We dont see that side of him. Theres no rah rah with us. Yeah. Wow. Like in what way . Come on, guys, were going to get them . He just wasnt going to say. Not much of a rah rah guy. Who can blame him. But, this is a fun story to close out on. Steph currie went prime time on our show here on fox. And family guy, his debut as a voice actor. You guys, look, its golden state warrior, steph currie. Oh my god, steph, im such a big fan. Thanks, its nice to meet you. I know we just met, but can i sit on your lap . Sure, i dont see why not. This is exciting for the whole bay area, to be just four games away from the championship. Dad, i duked. The other team isnt going to go away. We have to stay focused. Dad, dad, a fat lady. Yeah, i see her, peter. Make her go. Thats not how we talk to people. Make her go. Ill leave. Yes, im learning bad lessons. All right, thats family guy. Maybe im a little old for family guy. That was stephs voice, as a matter of fact. Doing lots of different stuff. I dont quite get the family guy humor. Thanks for joining us tonight, our coverage continues at 7 00 on ktvu plus. For more news coverage, join us at 7 00 on ktvu plus. Watch sports wrap monday through thursday on the 10 00 news. Brought to you by bank of the west. For a unique personalized approach to banking, go west, bank of the west. Lift up your head and keep moving or let the paranoia haunt you . Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidence i keep my feefifofum i keep my heart undone the strong in me, i still smile. So, what are you working on these days . Im studying onecelled organisms to try and find the neurochemicals that lead to the feeling of shame. What would a onecelled organism have to be embarrassed about . Same as all of us, getting out of a car without underwear. Speaking of underwear, i have some interesting news. Okay, if its sometimes howie wears yours, leonard already told us. He was being funny. Im pretty sure. Anyway, i was asked to be a part of a Magazine Article about the 50 sexiest female scientists in california. Isnt that cool . I think its awful. Why would you say that . Bernadette is a successful microbiologist. She should be celebrated for her achievements, not her looks. I mean, what kind of message does that send . I think the message is check out the rack on that scientist. Why cant someone be thought of as both smart and pretty . I just dont think a professional woman should have to flaunt her sexuality in order to get ahead

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