Peoples homings getting enveloped. A half dozen cars were buried and one bike. They are on the other side and the officer said ride through and i said you dont mind and we did it. That was before authorities realized that the foam is considered toxic and they say it is an irritant and carcinogen. The goal is to keep it in the storm drain and not let it migrate out to the open water. Cleanup crews blocked the storm drains and the plan was to use a defoaming agent to break up the bubbles and suck the rest up with a vacuum. Even fire officials have never seen anything quite like this. This is very uncommon. I have never seen a foam system go off. Bystanders said it was like having a snow day. It was like a chemical christmas. Not an every day thing that you see, a special day. Now a bunch of Environmental Services trucks arrived. No word on how long the clean up will take but the goal is to get it done before the rains come in tonight and tomorrow morning. For now, we will send it back to you. Ann, i know that foam there can be toxic. Is there any concern about that bike rider that rode into it. Essentially more of an Environmental Concern than for people in a highly concentrated forum. It can be harmful to people. In this case it was diluted. They said mostly you are looking at a chance of eye irritation. If you wash out things are fine. And they were saying not in anybodys best interest to go into it. You can see people are wearing protective suits. Again they are more concerned about the environment. Behind reuben. Rube ann reuben. Thank you so much. And here is a live look at the Golden Gate Bridge where there is no rain yet but, bill, it is coming. We got rain in the forecast definitely and it is going to be here tomorrow morning and last through the weekend and beyond, too. We are in the wet water pattern that will stick around and as far as that foam, they got time to clean it up. But the rain gets here Early Morning. And rain returns tomorrow. Significant rain. Theres the system im tracking. Thats one of a kind of a series of weather system. Lower latitude jet stream. The next week will bring storm breaks and texture to the forecast. Here is where we are now. Coming in closer. No rain and after midnight, starting to see showers showing up in the north bay and wind too. Advisories in effect tomorrow. And looking at the model. That is what i want to show you. 11 00 in santa rosa and here we are. Five a. M. Tomorrow. Thats rain and that will wake you up. That is going to go off and it will be wet. Theres a lot going on. The big game and a lot of High School Football playoff games and it is saturday and a lot of people have plans especially in the afternoon. I will roll it through. Just know umbrellas needed all week end. See you back here. To the san mateo coast. One person was killed when a small plane crashed into a home near the halfmoon bay airport. Sky fox was over the scene and you can see the tail section of the plane. Two people were on board that small cessna. This is where it happened on park avenue in moss beach a short distance from the runway of the halfmoon bay airport. Elianna gomez has more. Reporter all we know about one person is that they were air lifted to the hospital with serious injuries and we have been told by several neighbors and witnesses that came to help out, it was the pilot and we are working to confirm that. The plane crashed down very close to the halfmoon bay airport. It is several hundred feet away from where i am standing. I want you to see how it might have unfolded. Past the caution tape, it looked like it clipped the edge of the house and the fence that is damaged and it looks like it may have damaged that utility truck and you see some dirt kicked up in the grass. It appears that the plane may have skidded across the grass area and crashed into the garage at the home at the end. Investigators have been gathering evidence to figure out how it went down at 11 this morning. The single engine cessna was coming from Sacramento Executive Airport hoping to land at halfmoon bay. The plane had two people onboard and one died and the other was air lifted to the hospital. And tonight we are hearing from a witness who has been working in the neighborhood at the time of the crash. He saw the plane having trouble and heard the crash and ran over to help. He says one woman was helping the pilot that was trapped inside the plane. Meanwhile he fears the plane would explode and acted fast to ensure it didnt happen. I saw the electricity from the house. There was a car with a charger and it was on the ground. It was kind of risky but you know someone may not think about that. A brave man there to go out there and risk his life. He says he saw the pilot trapped in the plane and heard him yelling for his life. We were told his wife is likely the passenger that died. We are waiting on confirmation from the faa on who the couple was and again how the plane crashed and where they are from and there is still a lot of details they are working to find out and we do know that no one on the ground was injured in this crash. Once we have more details, we will be sure to bring it to you. New information about the man accused of firing shots at two Police Officers earlier this week. We learned the identity of that suspect. Police say they arrested this man, 20yearold luiz soriano. He opened fire on a Police Officer. Jesse gary has been following the story and live in the san jose newsroom with the details of the arrest. I remember the poa had offered a reward in this case. Did that help . Well, heather officials are still trying to determine the role the public played in the predawn arrest of this suspect. One thing that they will say. Investigators were dogged in determination to find this shooter. We would have gone to the ends of the earth. The police team that made the arrest did not have to travel that far. 20 yearold will you luiz soriano was out on parole. The pair was patrolling in East San Jose sunday night when the officers noticed a group of men. As they approached the group scattered but investigators say that soriano fired from a handgun. Didnt have time to return fire. It happened so quickly and so it was absolutely a close call. Very close. Its was unbelievably close and we are lucky we did not lose an officer on sunday night. Neither officer was hit or hurt and both returned to work the next day. The department mounted a manhunt. Officials from several key units utilized the tools of the trade in the search. This is another example of the police work. Nothing replaces of the experience of the Police Officer and, detective and this is a what broke the case. Soriano is charged with two counts of attempted murder of a peace officer and violating his parole and arraigned next week. Live in the south bay, im jesse gary. Fox 2 news. All right, jesse. Thank you. An oakland Police Officer accused of misconduct in connection with a bay area sex scandal will not be charged after all. Todd utopia had face add misdemeanor charge of searching a criminal site. The d. A. Says he would be among 7 current or former officers or sheriffs deputies that would be charged but today the d. A. s office says certain facts regarding the accessed information came to life and had led us to the conclusion that we are not able to proceed with the filing of criminal charges. John burriss is an attorney that says the d. A. Should not have announced the charges unless she knew she could back them up. Thats the kind of thing that you should know at the outset because it is hurtful to their reputation and career to announce charges. Six other officers have been charged in alameda county. The Contra Costa County has declined to file charges against the officer. San Leandro Police are closing in on an suv involved in that shoot out and crash. That seriously injured a couple leaving its home. New names being added to Donald Trumps administration. The one cabinet pick that drew immediate consideration from democratic leaders. So the rain returns tomorrow. A wet weekend and we have had a good run of things and pretty warm and now temperatures are falling off and the rain wants to start after midnight in the north bay. There is the weather system and raining in eureka dropping off by midnight and seeing showers in santa rosa. Lots of 60s in the state and mid 60s south of here and as you look at the forecast for the next couple of days, the winds are really going to pick up. So right now the winds are relatively light and we will check outside sky cover and you can see an indication, whenever i see these clouds, the lower clouds moving, the lower atmosphere starting to moisten up. You can see out towards the coast in the next four or five or six hours. They will get thicker and it starts to rain. Thats how it goes. The environmental clues pointing to rain. Raining in santa rosa and significant rain. Coming down. And then right around five a. M. In the morning, it is raining everywhere. San jose north and that is five a. M. , four or five or six a. M. And the sweet spot for the weather system and thats when we will see the win and thats when we will see the heaviest rain and could see, that looks wet to me. We could see a halfinch of rain in that period and especially in parts of the Coastal Region and then nine armed suspects you see a translation of the front moving through. And then here is where it gets good. There is one p. M. On saturday. Now it is scattered showers and overhear in berkeley for the big game you are not in bad shape. Afternoon activities and you can see the afternoon not too bad. If you get under one of these, you will be like you said it wasnt going to run but in fremont you are getting wet and san mateo you are not. You have done this drill before. Scattered showers and i will show you how wet it is. Thats the sweet spot. Five a. M. Everybody is getting wet. Nine a. M. And one p. M. And not a bad day. 62 degrees. Occasional showers and winds in the morning and they will die down and playing football whether it rains or not but the rain should be mostly over with. So not too bad. Thanks, bill. Well the Trump White House is starting to take shape with three more administration positions announced today. Ross palumbo with more. If you were wondering how trump would govern, the choices are a signal. Todays pace was about security and all controversial. The president elect donald trump announcing his choices attorney general and National Security advisor. Two of them will have to be confirmed by the senate and one of them failed a confirmation hearing after charges of racism in the past. Even new yorks naked cowboy was on alert as mike pompeo was name the c ia leader. Alabama senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general. It has been a very exciting experience. The choice of sessions prompting immediate outrage for the democratic party. Acting chill donna brazil saying that senator sessions used the power of the court to discriminate allegedly used disparaging language and expressed support for [ bleep ] and tried to dismiss it. Denied the constitutionity of roe versus wade and blocked the paycheck fairness act and voted against the reauthorization of the violence against women act. Meanwhile South Carolina governor nikki haley is a possible pick for secretary of state. But tomorrow in new jersey trump will meet with mitt romney seeking the same position. Romney was one of trumps fiercest critics. Mitt romney is an american Success Story and knows a lot about the world. Senator Elizabeth Warren using the romney meaning to take a swipe and pushing for more female cabinet contenders and warren feeing when you are meeting with donald trump maybe you can bring your binders full of women with you. This is a big challenge and unprecedented challenge. New york mayor bill de blazeo met with trump and voiced concerns from tax breaks to the rich to fear of deportation and talking about security concerns in midtown manhattan. The president elect donald trump has made it clear that he plans to spend time in trump tower. We understand the number one thing is safety and security. We owe that to the president elect donald trump and his family and team and this is a important for all new yorkers. All new yorkers who did not support trump and those fewer that did. Well, in all seriousness even though republicans will retain a slim majority that doesnt mean it will be smooth sailing for senator sessions. The Transition Team met with the justice and defense and state department to get the process under way. So you talk about how nikki haley or mitt romney might potentially be secretary of state and what about giuliani. Wasnt he the favorite. Yes. We wont know until the Trump Team Makes the announcement. Keep in mind that Rudy Giuliani has no foreign experience and neither does nikki haley and those are odd choices and that would be an issue moving forward. We will see. It is up to them when they put the name finally forward out there officially and we will get it out to you. We have seen people come in and out of trump tower. Well in new yorks attorney general says that president elect donald trump has agreed to pay a 25 milliondollar settlement to resolve the three lawsuits over trump university. The suit alleges that they failed to deliver Real Estate Investing education. And the deal would settle two class action lawsuits in california and a civil suit filed by authorities in new york state. The deal does not require the president elect donald trump to acknowledge any wrongdoing. Congressman swirlwin talked about the election outcome. Congressman swirlwell wanted to hear the opinions of the students. Excuse me. And update them on the role of congress in the new political landscape. He told students that the recent protests are a hall mark of the society that demonstrators should not resort to violence. So what hope is that the people marching in the streets that in the next election in 2018 because there is going to be what we call midterm elections for congress and the senate, i hope that they march from the street to the forefront. Swirlwin was elected in the 3rd election and officials invited him to speak because he graduated from the school in 1999. Actress sharon stone with an emotional reading. That letter made famous in the brock turner case. You took away my worse, my privacy. , my energy. Coming up, the symposium to educate students about Sexual Assault. New at six. Supposed to be a fun event. Now a crab festival is called off. How a bounced check set off alarms and what happened to people that bought the tickets. I want my money back. I dont think it will happen. There was a conference put together in the aftermath of the case of brock turner. The stanford swimmer given a six month sentence after being convicted of Sexual Assault. The event started with sharon stone reading a graphic letter. You took away the worse, my privacy, my energy, my time, my safety, my intimacy, my confidence. My own voice. Actress sharon stone tearfully written by the woman known to the woman as emily dough. The victim unconscious sexually assaulted. I was terrified and didnt want my body and if it had been contaminated. Who had touched it. I wanted to take off my body like a jacket and leave it at the hospital with everything else. Listening were Law Enforcement officers and administrators from bay area colleges and students and participating in a symposium at santa clear university addressing how Sexual Assault is handled. Statistics show one in five women will be a victim while in college. Congresswoman jackie spears told stories of rape cases mishandled. The University Never contacted the survivors to interview them. There was no effort made to secure evidence and the women never received updates about their case. Spear recounted one case where the university told a victim to buy sneakers to run in case she encountered the suspect. And administrators told a student to take a year off of school because the alleged rapist had another year to graduate. This is about the next brock turner is treated appropriately by the Justice System and the next emily dough is supported about it Justice System. Theres a need for all College Campuses and they are all dealing with and off campus houses. Data shows that 90 of College Students who are victims dont report the crime. Stone talked to students about the issue. For a long time women have not been heard on the justification and and it is a long time subject. There are many emily doughs and we need to change the culture and the law on the way that cases are considered. The Santa Clara County District Attorney general says he hopes the colleges and universities will Work Together to protect victims and be on the same page when investigating Sexual Assault cases. Janine de la vega, fox 2 news. A running gun battle with one person shot and an innocent Person Injured. Investigators say they are closing in on an suv involved in that shootout. Plus concerns on College Campuses here in california about the Incoming Trump administration. And the possible deportation of students in the country illegally. Police in san leandro say a man is fighting to survive after a car he and his wife were riding in was hit head on. Our Crime Reporter henry lee brought us the story and is in the newsroom with what he learned. Reporter 67yearold paul dorian is in Critical Condition in a hospital as Police Search for a second vehicle in that shoot out. This is what is left of the prius be longing to the couple that left their home thursday when they were hit by this nissan altima. Moments before it the man the nissan had traded gunfire in a suv. It sent the couple airborne. Paramedics used the jaws of life to rescue them. 6 6yearold susan dorian is expected to survive but her husbands condition is touch and go. The people hit, it is tragic and it is scary. And our thoughts and prayers are with the family. They are hospitalized for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Innocent victims to a violent attack and thats why it raises the stakes in this case. The couples neighbor hopes the two will pull through. It can happen to anybody. You dont expect to happen to anybody you know. I just hope that they recover. Properly. You know. The man that was shot the nissan is under arrest for attempted murder and reckless driving and under police guard at the hospital. His name was not released. Police say they are trying to find that black suv, whoever was shooting inside. The police need the Publics Health and video. If you see two speeding cars, a black nissan atma being chased by a sports vehicle please call us. The broad view residents are being asked to check for any information on the shoot out. So we sure hope that the gentleman there pulls through henry. You say really touch and go with him but his wife will be okay. Thats right. At her husbands bedside and more concerned obviously about him than her or anything else at this point. Henry lee in our newsroom. Henry. In georgia, a u. S. Marshall was shot and killed this morning as he was serving a warrant on a man wanted for charges. On attempted murder of a Police Officer. That suspect Dontrell Carter opened fire hitting the 53 year old Marshall Patrick ca rot thers that died at the hospital. Other members then kill the suspect. The fugitive from louisiana shot by u. S. Marshall yesterday was in a vehicle and had threatened the officer. The u. S. Marshals deputy was trying to take the 26yearold man into custody about 3 15. The suspect was treated for minor injuries. San francisco Officials Say hate crimes are on the rise in the city and they want to hear about them. The District Attorneys office is publicizing the hotline number. Hate crimes in the city are up about 10 so far and the year is not over yet. The District Attorney and human Rights Groups say the fear is real. This is a personal thing to me. Im a professional. And i dont even work a job. But i worry about my sisters that do and my nieces and nephews. A man is behind bars accused of deceiving hundreds of clients. Investigators with the santa county claras office took james lopez into custody for illegally providing services in campbell. He is accused of operating without a required clearance. Investigators believe that there may be as many as one thousand victims that received improper services. Lopez is a former California Attorney that resigned from the state behalf after multiple discipline matters. Undocumented students are safe from deportation. Fox reporter ben dee reports on how campuses are getting ready. Students at sack state have a lot to worry about this time of year. Exams and papers and what they dont have to worry about is their immigration status. It is a place that is safe for undocumented students and for all students. System wise the chancellor has instructed Police Departments not to honor requests from the federal government to put suspects on 48 hour immigration holds and not to arrest anyone on suspicion of being here illegally. There is no real shift here. We are following the policies that we have always followed. We dont arrest on that documented students that we are not going to arrest undocumented students. We dont support turning over undocumented students. It is the same in the city of sacramento. Which became a sanctuary city by resolution. Back in 1985. Look it. We will work with the new president wherever we can. And we will fight him where we must. And when it comes to assuring people in our community that dreamers, they are hardworking people, we will stand with you. Whether you like the idea of sanctuary or you dont. The reality in San Francisco it stops at the front door of the county jail. In a statement today, sheriff scott jones reiterated his policy on sanctuary. Saying that while Sacramento County Sheriff Deputies dont serve as Immigration Enforcement themselves. They do cooperate with their ice partners and they allow them to carry out the mission in the county jail. Bear in mine the county jail is the only jail in the area. Thats where everyone that is arrested here goes. Whether they are arrested in Sacramento County, on campus at Sacramento State or in the city of sacramento. Sheriff jones goes onto say that whether or not the city of sacramento represents itself as a sanctuary city has no bearing on this cooperation. We will have to sit down and talk about this and as a city, we are going to do everything we can to reassure people, to protect people. We are going to work with Sacramento State, our community colleges. California Lieutenant Governor Galvin Newsome praised cal state and hopes that university of california and the state commune College System will take similar steps. One last time as president. President obama boards air force one and takes off bound for south america. What do you get for someone that has it all this season . Bay area medical marijuana dispensaries are preparing to sell something a little different. This portion of fox 2 news brought to you by the new mazda cx9. President obama is on his way to peru. The president met with leaders from countries including germany, italy and the uk. Reassuring them that president elect donald trump will honor former agreements. A protection for taking over and for anybody who wants to promote protection, i suggest that they read the economic history of the 1930s. Now the president was expected to push the Trans Pacific partnership during his visit to peru but the trade deal is widely considered dead due to president elect donald trump criticism and china has a trade deal to exclude the united states. The Obama Administration is blocking new oil and gas drilling in the artic ocean. It is being called a big win for environmentalists that have said that drilling would harm mammals and exacerbate the global warming. It could be rewritten by president elect donald trump but that process could take months and possibly years. 102 million, thats how many trees the u. S. Forest service says have been killed as a result of the drought in california. Officials say the massive dieoff increases the risk of wildfires and calling on congress to put more money towards fighting fires. Most of the trees are in the central and southern sierra. State Officials Say that the california jobless rate is steady for four months. Figures released put the Unemployment Rate at 5. 5 and that is down from october when it was 5. 9 percent. Employers added 31,000 nonpayroll jobs and california has added 2. 2 million jobs since the economic rebound in february of 2010. The u. S. Unemployment is a shade lower at four percent. 9 percent. We have green friday. And coming up, how legalization means medical marijuana dispensaries are preparing for the holiday season. For an approved project to bill more vineyards in all places napa. Theres a lot of controversy going on. And theres rain to talk about and it has an impact and will have an impact on your bay area weekend. I will have the details on what you can expect saturday and sunday. Now to a developing story on the bay bridge and thats where three left lanes of the bridge are now blocked near the fremont street off ramp. We are told that so landno deputies were chasing a suspect and that on the bridge is where the chase came to an end. The camera does not show the car involved and boy you can take a look here and you can see it does show the backup. All of the headlights that you see are heading west into the city. Right now Sheriff Deputies waiting for a tow truck to take the suspects car away. No word yet on whether the suspect is in custody but again some backup on the bay bridge stemming from a car chase involving solano officials. The passage of prop 64 means that adults in california can legally possess up to one ounce of marijuana. But currently no places to legally buy it unless you have a medical marijuana card. People that have one cant sell the product they do buy and they are allowed to give it away. Lee martinez has the ins and outs of gifting marijuana. What do you get the person that has everything . In california you can now give the gift of marijuana. It is healthy and wholesome and enjoyable and good for the holidays and helps to deal with the family. Medical marijuana dispensaries hope to take reefer to retail. Now that prop 64 passed. We have green friday and it is a whole week worth of sales. One dispensary is making holiday gift bags. They will have grinders and lanyards and lighters and then cannabis products. It is a good gift. As a matter of fact i would rather give than receive because i would rather have you smile. So if you do get a gift of marijuana this year. Especially during the holiday like thanksgiving keep in mind that some of them will give you the munchies like this one, a more purple color will give you the munchies like this will not. You need someone with a medical marijuana card to get it for you. What could be hourlies. Anything cookie related. This new gifting may not mean big sales. In all honesty i dont think it will increase that much because even though people are allowed to be gifted there is a limit to what people can possess. En a it is not much. An ounce of weed or 8grams of concentrate but to some people good things come in small packages. In San Francisco lee martinez fox 2 news. This is the weekend that skiers and snowboarders are waiting for. Two ski resorts in the lake tahoe area opened and oriole mountain resort. Crews have been working around the clock to get it opened this weekend. One ski lift and the terrain park are opened at oriole and that could soon change. We have a great snow in the forecast and looking at a foot of snow starting tomorrow and shaping up for a great thanksgiving holiday. I am exciting for the snow to come. So heavenly and northstar in the area also announce that they will open the lift the day before thanksgiving. Lets bring in our chief meteorologist to get more snow. Yes. Maybe a foot, maybe a footand ahalf by some places for monday morning. Snow in the forecast and not just this weekend but as we move to the following week. An unsettled period for the next 12 days or ten days. Keep the umbrellas handy. There will be breaks and rain like tomorrow morning that the rain starts to come down significantly. Look at the rain now working its way south towards ukai and thats where the dynamics are and the lifts. You got the moisture present and thats good and one of the mechanisms and then when you get upper level low Pressure Center kind of sitting over the areas like this in that low kind of sets up the air rising and thats what you are see interesting as dynamics and i am speaking of jet stream influence and that jet stream influence will work its way south as we head in to your bay area Early Morning tomorrow morning. And throughout the morning it will rain pretty hard. And we will see it here. Late tonight, midnight, 1 00 tomorrow morning, it is raining hard in santa rosa and thats the weather i showed you. I think maybe earlier. 11 00. I think it may be an hour behind. You get the idea. By 6 00 a. M. From san jose up to santa rosa and then the front, itself. The front, the formal front has moved through and into the mountains and we get in to a scattered shower pattern. Theres 1 00 on saturday. Your afternoon on saturday does not look half bad. Wet and drizzly and something by mound diablo and over here in San Francisco. A little sun coming out and rain. Thats how the afternoon goes. Everybody wet. Saturday morning and scattered showers and widely scattered showers and here we are sunday morning. A weaker frontal sort of passage or impulse. And you can see it broken up and heavy rain and that is five a. M. And then you see the same kind of deal. More scattered showers in the day into sunday afternoon. Saturday system, that morning deal is going to have a pretty good pop and we will get good rain accumulations. All week. Maybe three inches of rain in the hills. Quarter of an inch to a half inch down towards san jose. Two inches in the Santa Cruz Mountains and in the lake tahoe area. Winter weather advisory. Most areas above 6000 feet will get snow and places that will pick up a foot. Forecast tomorrow mile and a lot of moisture with the clouds and the rain. You will be in the warm 60s. A warm air mass. There it is saturday and sunday and just going to be wet and you get going wednesday and that lights up wednesday, thursday and friday, the next week. So very repetitive. Best day and both best days will be saturday after lunch and sunday after lunch. The Morning Hours just sleep in. All right. No guilt. Do it. All right a project at hundreds of acres already approved and still causing controversy. Save our planet. An save napa. The protests against the new Mountain Side vineyard. And in minutes, new at six, supposed to be a fun weekend event. A crab event called off and the problem for people that bought their tickets. This is not good that someone would go to this length to try and scam people for money. Sixandahalf Million People die will pass through the airport between today and january 2nd. Back in oakland the new escape lounge. Complimentary beverages and food for chef best tino all for 45 bucks. A public protest in napa and all over an attempt to plant 200 acres of new vine. Tom vacar was there to hear the battle over a project that is already approved. Napa county supervisors chambers were quiet and respectful as it heard appeals from environmentalists and neighbors opposing a vineyard. Outside, not so much so. Save our planet. Save napa. Last august, county staff recommended approval. Today the staff detailed how the landowner hall winery met the land it owns located in a long designated agricultural district for the cattle and then the opponents methodically claimed a long list of technical and procedural violations within the already approved Environmental Impact report, the eir. The public has been cut out of having fundamental information about a key decision made in the draft eir. Many of us feel it hasnt been a completely valuation and that is what we are hearing. The eir is not complete, glossed over and lacking reasonable alternatives such as purchasing already developed vineyards at a lower cost than the new one. Because Major Projects can impact others. Environmental reports rather on private or public land establish legal groundworks for approvals. The eir has to be revised and circulated. Hall winery will be able to make its case at another hearing. Before a decision is made no matter what it will ultimately be settled in a court of law a long time from now. Tom vacar, ktvu news. Ktvu news at 6 starts now. A plane crashes into a home in the bay area just feet from where it was supposed to land. Tonight one person is dead, another Person Injured and investigators are looking into what went wrong. It was strange. Like crunching metal and it sounded like a car wreck except it was longer than a car wreck. We have learned that the single engine cessna was set to land at halfmoon bay airport and unfortunately missed the runway by a few hundred feet. Good evening. Im frank somerville. And hello. Im heather hays here for julie. The plane crashed into a home on moss avenue at the airport. We have live coverage from elianna gomez with the latest. Reporter frank and heather it has been 7 hours since the plane crashed and crews are still on the scene trying to gather evidence and figure out exactly what happened and tonight we are hearing from a witness who rushed to the scene to help and also neighbors that saw the aftermath. A mangled single engine plane sits in the driveway of this moss beach home and the pilot lost control and barreled in the neighborhood. We saw it landing and doing some circling. It came down and clipped the roof of the home and crashed into this garage. I heard the noise that was the airplane wreck and it sounded like a car wreck but it was longer than that. Sanchez says he was working in the neighborhood and ran to help when he heard the crash and he said he feared the plane would explode and he had to act fast. I saw the electricity and the plane was on the ground. I wanted to try to save someone. Meanwhile others tried to help the pilot trapped in the plane. I heard a pilot say my wife, my wife. One person died and we are told the pilot was air lifted to the hospital with serious injuries. The firefighters were taking him out of the front driveway of the house. In between the wreckage of the plane. Faa Officials Say the

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