Drives are finding alternate routes. Bill martin has been tracking the latest conditions. A mudslide in san rafael completely destroyed a family home. Tom. Reporter saturation has where the hills no longer can hold the water. These houses dont look damaged but this one is damaged and not allowed to stay. The next one is destroyed as you will see. The situation. The hills are so soaked and so much water coming down that there is plenty of water and lets go to the story of the man that lost his home today. This is all that is left of 276 Mountain View avenue. A five level home. June future was taking one of his children to school. When he got home, firemen and public works crews were on the scene. One clearly worried about time asked him a pointed question. He asked if anyone was in there and said to get him out of the house and i said you got to get out and at that point there was a slide behind the kitchen. It came in the kitchen door. We ran out through the door and in the middle of the rain and watched it in the next 90 minutes and slowly rolled to what it was. A split level garage that you cant see anymore. You can see the main part of the house moved and the chimney went and all of the living room windows popped out and it got pushed forward and the power of the mud and another slide further up the hill that came down and sheered the house. Im lucky it was kind of in slow motion and we are all saved. The dog came out and the firemen went in and got the cat. It was completely unexpected. A lot of vegetation. I was more worry about fire danger in the spring and summer than fire. This is san rafael and the ground is so saturated that the water has nowhere else to go. This is powerful water. It carves the land and great for creating dangerous mudslides. Regular Home Insurance or Flood Insurance does not cover this. Landslide insurance is virtually impossible to get and back breakingly expensive. Despite the disaster john future will not be defeated. I had colon cancer and now i am healthy and we will beat this too. The situation is that one home is destroyed and two others have red flags on them. They may not get back in as the family is not going to be sleeping in their home tonight as much as they would like to. A lot of water went through the garage and coming out on the driveway. We will have more on this at five and six. And we will try to bring you more. The situation is this is an active slide and we dont know if it will come down more or how fast. Neither does anybody else and real lives to be in danger on this block and the beginning of the slide system if wet weather keeps coming. Tom vacar, fox 2 news. Your heart goes out to that problem. Lets bring in our chief meteorologist bill martin. A little bit of break happening across some parts of the bay. It did come down quickly and hard this morning. And i would say more than a little bit of a break. A big break. Okay. Because the rainfall rates this morning were coming up on two inches of hour. That which you might find in a Tropical Storm or a category one hurricane. The rain was coming down in the Early Morning hours. Thats why we had the issues. Checking out the numbers. So this is in 24 hours. Some places 6inches in 24 hours and Boulder Creek with a half a foot of rain in 24 hours and danville in the east bay ended up with over three inches. Some more rainfall accumulations. Let me read it off. San rafael over 3inches and San Francisco just an inch. And then san jose at a half inch. A major rain event and we are getting a big break because it is not raining now. The rivers have crested. Napa and Russian River will work their way down as the rainfall begins to taper off and we dont taper off now but tomorrow. Scattered showers in the forecast but not like we have seen. System number two getting here and look at the wind gusts. 62 Miles Per Hour. Up on the mountain or 60 Miles Per Hour in clear lake. We had 52 Miles Per Hour at sfo. Howling today. We had the big winds on the Golden Gate Bridge. Gulf coast gusting to 55 Miles Per Hour. A nasty commute. The flood watch has gone down. We had flood warnings for parts of the bay area. Smaller creeks and tributaries down by san benido and most of this will go away tonight and tomorrow. The Flash Flood Watch in the valley will linger because they are worried about snow melt and keep that up until friday. That will be up there the whole time. But for the bay area. The watches and warning coming down as we get a break. Look at this guy. The next system that gets in here. It will be here as we head in your bay area thursday. As i said it is about the breaks and we are getting a break. Even though it is drizzling and rain in the forecast we are getting a big break. I will see you with the forecast for this thursday system. In napa county there are downed trees and flooded roads and one massive mudslide there. There is flooding along the napa river and tranca street is closed to highway 121. This is what it looked like earlier. Water rushing over the top of the road. One car became stuck in the high water. That person was able to get out on their own. A huge mudslide blocked redwood road. A wall of mud and trees and bolders came crashing down. Started up the hill where at least one home was. It is unclear if the home is in jeopardy but the nasa fire chief says it will be awhile before the mess is cleaned up. It is substantial. No doubt about it. Several thousand yards, a large slide that we have been dealing with this quite a bit now. For the last month, month and a half and impacting the roadways and residences and this is definitely the largest slide that i have seen. Like a loud rushing roaring noise and lots of breaking of branches and trees because of the trees coming down. Like when a tree falls. Now the mudslide is blocking access to the home across the street. The people cant drive in or out. The power is also shut down in that area and will be we are told for sometime. In sonoma county. Rescue crews have been out since this morning helping stranded motorists. Paul chambers tells us the conditions there where a major intersection flooded. We are where firefighters are having a long day and night rescuing people that got the cars stuck in the roadway. A lot of people going around the bay area that says the roadway is closed and deciding not to Pay Attention to that and when they come down the street this is what happens. They get stuck out here and they are stuck out in the roadway. This is route 12 and 121. It is flooded. It looked like a creek and river. And the sonoma creek overflown and washing away the roadway. I talked to the Vista Fire Department and they have had several rescues throughout the night and they too were figuring out, they say if it gets a lot worse, they will have to move to another Fire Department to keep safe. Also sonoma county, the rain causing a mudslide and somerset drive closed. Mud and rocks and several large trees and power lines covering the roadway this morning and there are more trees at the top of the slide that may crashing down. Crews are assessing the area to make sure there is no threat to danger. Now back out here once again we are at route 12 and route 121 in sonoma county. Cars are stuck out here being abandoned because people decided to go around the closed barriers and take their own chances and the chances that they happened to get were they lost the car because the rescue crews are helping them out. Hopefully you will Pay Attention to the sign the next time and this will not happen to you. In this video we see residents kayaking. A searchandrescue team helped people trapped by the rising waters get out of the homes. In some cases emergency crews were using large trucks. As you can see jet skis to help people get to safety. Well, right now we are available and getting ready for anything that happens and surveying the area because it is flooded around the streets here and making sure that everybody is okay. Flash flooding around morin county. Fairfax, and Sleepy Hollow and cora madeira creeks. Highway 17 will be shut down completely overnight because of a landslide. Other neighborhoods have been affected by the flooding. Ktvus rob malcom is in felton with more on what is going on there, rob. Well, ken and heather a mess. Take a look. At one point the water was almost kneedeep. Now it has receded with sand and silt and mud. Now depending on where you live along the San Lorenzo River cleaning up or breathing a sigh of relief. The moisture causing problems for homeowners and motorists. The Santa Cruz Mountains pounded by rain and causing problems was this mudslide in the northbound lanes of highway 17 just outside of santa cruz. A headache for the c h p and they are used to it. It happened earlier this morning about 10 00 a. M. You can see the massive amount of rocks and dirt that came down on the hillside. As far as cleanup the last estimation it will last through the night. And downtown santa cruz the river levels reached 23 feet and nothing compared to what the san lorenzo did with three inches of rain. As it overflowed, bernardo was working from home. You look at your back yard and see the river in your backyard, what goes through your mind. I went to work at six and my daughter called me at 8 and we get news alerts because we or the river and getting alerts and my daughter and wife called me and i came up at 8 30 and did what i needed to do and within an hour it was coming through. And they are saying only 3 inches of rain. I know. But what is funny the prior couple of weeks they said it was worse, well this time they say it was not that bad and this time it was way bad. Getting there was a challenge. Trees were down on summit roads and the rains have backed off and people are worried about what is coming next. And back here live as we return to highway 17. The traffic is being turned back at bear creek road and highway one is an option. As we heard from many people, they are wondering when the rains will start again. Live in Santa Cruz Mountains. All right, rob. Thank you. Well, in the sierra, the lake tahoe area under an avalanche warning. The Sierra Avalanche Center says there is a high avalanche danger at all elevations because of wind and rain and snow. Avalanches created naturally or triggered about i people are possible. Two feet of snow fell sunday afternoon and monday news. You can download our free ktvu weather app for the very latest. You can follow our weather team for updates on facebook, twitter and instagram. Week two of the sierra lamar murder trial with more than likely testimony from the victims family. Also over the past hour or so in San Francisco, a federal Appeals Court starting to discuss the future of President Trumps temporary travel ban. All eyes a San Francisco as a three judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of appeals listened to oral argument President Trumps travel ban. The judges will decide to uphold a restraining order or put the travel ban back in effect while the merits of the order are decided. Both sides had 30 minutes to argue. The three judge panel peppered the attorneys starting with the special justice arguing for the Trump Administration. We have been talking about the level the risk acceptable. As soon as we are having that discussion, it should be acknowledged that it is the president that is the official that is charged with making those judgments. Are you arguing that president s decision in up reviewable. Yes. Now there is no set timetable for the 3 judge panel to issue a ruling. However legal experts expected a ruling until the president s travel ban until the travel ban will remain suspend. For more on the last dramatic hour we are joined by david levine professor at the law school here and you listen to the entire back and forth. What about the take away and what about the sides having more of an opportunity to get their argument across . Im sure that both sides wished that they had more time and able to answer differently but a good amount of time for the government they did get tied up in the initial procedure issues but the core of the governments argument is number one that the president s decision is unreviewable and number two that judge cant go beyond the face of the order and that speaks of countries not specific religion. The solicitor general in the state of washington and personnel is taking the opposite position that it is reviewable and you ought to be able to look at the evidence presented below suggesting that the intent of the order is to ban moslems. How much of oral arguments factor in the decision in this type of situation. Are they a formalities or do judges change their mind given a good oral argument. Sometimes it is set but in this case it can change things because this is moved so fast. After all the Briefing Schedule was over the weekend, the parties did not have 24 hours to write their briefs and the judges have not had much more time to consider this. So they probably were feeling their way. Did not speak to each other. They were testing each other where they may be going. So this oral argument was good and probably had more effect than other cases. Two of the three judges, you could hear from them during the arguments. It seemed like you could. It seemed like the two judges seemed to press the government perhaps more than just clifton that was president bushs appointment but judge clifton pushed hard against the government. Theres something to it but not 100 . What is your prediction and what can we expect on a timeline. Probably by the end of the week. Thats the easier thing to predict. The judges will want to issue their own opinion. It sounded like thats what they wanted to do rather than simply deny the governments request and send it back to the district court. They will provide some guidance and write something relatively at this point. They seem that they were questioning whether this was too early in the proceedings because the record has not been established. Whats your take. Thats the problem when the cases go so fast. Normally cases move more slowly. We had the executive or was issued without real warning and vetting in the government leading to the chaos. The emergency order was issued over a weekend and the government decided rather than stay with the normal process in the court in washington but to seek an emergency order. All of it rushed. Normally we would like to move more slowly. Not only the country but the world watching San Francisco and waiting for this three judge panel to rule and we expect it by the end of the week. David, thank you. To san jose in detail. In times emotional testimony. From the mother of missing teenager sierra lamar. In the trial of the alleged killer Anthony Garcia torres. The mother testified and said that her disappeared in 2012 as she walked to a bus stop. Prosecutors played the 911 call that Marlene Lamar made to the santa county Sheriffs Office saying she was in a state of panic and that she knew something happened to her daughter. Sierra lamar would never just abandon her mother and would never just runaway without ever saying goodbye and i think that is going to come out here for this jury and this is going to go along way as to whether the prosecution establishes that sierra lamar is deceased. Garcia torres denies involvement in the death but investigators say they found dna evidence in his car linking him to lamar. Torres says she was upset with her family and ran away from home. We will bring you details as we get them. The biggest draw on the pga tour and see how the wet weather is putting a damper on the festivities at pebble beach. The at t pebble beach pro am begins on thursday and the list of celebrities are good. Super bowl winning coach Bill Belichick and matt cane and huey lewis. What is not good is the rain. Joe fonzi is in soggy pebble beach and did anybody get out there at all today, joe . Yeah, some people did. We talked to one of the celebrities that you just mentioned and i understand that at one of the signature places and this is the worldfamous par 5, 18 hole at pebble beach. One of the most beautiful places. And one of the the angry places when the weather is not so nice. The waves crashing on the fair way. What has it been about five years as the Northern California winter and they wondered at this tournament will we get crosby weather that dates back to the days when bing crosby initiated the tournament and now the at t pro am and no question about this year we are experiencing crosby weather. It was a day suited for ducks, seagulls and very dedicated golfers. Pebble beach officials decided it was too wet and windy for the scheduled five hole shoot out but they did a nice job of improvising. They brought everybody inside for the putting contests. That met the former champions Dustin Johnson and jimmy walker teamed up with champions of their sports. Larry fitzgerald and aaron rogers in the same room . And cant think the super bowl wont be brought up. The patriots started unbelievable. Tom brady showed us why he is the best to do it. I think they gave the fans a spectacular game. Nobody thought it would finish 3428 but thats the beauty of sports. This is a chance for giants pitcher matt cane to show off the swing. The required skill set different this year. We will have to work on the part of the game that doesnt go so well. But we will try the putting. The shootout gives away one hundred thousand dollars to charity and that didnt change. The first hole was a tie so when Dustin Johnson made this put wearing vision impaired goggles, he and his fatherin law partner Wayne Gretsky made 40,000 for their charities. My enjoyment is watching the players play and dustin and i are very close and for me to be on the inside and watch them play and participate and play the level makes them unique. A little bit different than when we are goofing off. But, we have a lot of fun and i enjoy playing with wayne and we will have a great week. The holes got harder and the players responded. After all they are pros. They think you can play well and then you see the guys repeat it shot after shot and they understand that is why they are big time professionals. The victory ceremony was indoors this year rather than the 18th green but the spirit was the same. And thats what this tournament has been about all the way back to the days of bing crosby. They did a good job of making due today and there is another shoot out scheduled tomorrow, the whiskey run. Holes, 123 and 17 and 18 and thats the celebrity shootout. Weather permitting we will have that tomorrow but they did a good job of improvising today and crosby weather havent experienced it for a while but certainly experiencing this year. Back to you in the studio. What about Justin Timberlake or mark wahlberg, any citing of them two . They were not involved in the shoot out but they are scheduled tomorrow and heather, i will promise my best to get a word with them as well. Be sure to tell them i said hello. Thank you. I will give them your regards. Phil martin. Anyone you what about to say hi to . No. The guy with the no hair putting at the end, he is the best surfer in the world. There you go. Has won more World Championships than any person. Like 45. It was windy and wet and died down. I wanted to point out the wind conditions to you. If you were driving around this morning, you know what i was talking about, 50 Miles Per Hour gusts and Golden Gate Bridge blowing to 55 Miles Per Hour. Mount diablo coming up on 60. Flashflood warnings and watches around the bay have been dropped but we still like right here, this red area a Flash Flood Warning for Alameda Creek and another warning. These are creeks that flooded coyote creek. We have another system coming a day away. Tomorrow and now a break. When i say break, does it mean dry . No but not torrential rain and the rivers and creeks will bleed down a little bit. We are getting a break in that aspect. Scattered showers out there now. Again nothing compared to what we saw this morning and you can look at the computer model and i will give you an idea of what to expect. Here is the break. Tomorrow morning. Theres tomorrow afternoon. There will be a few sprinkles and maybe downpours at times but that extreme area of rain with consistency is not going to be there tomorrow. A chance to dry down or get less wet. And tomorrow morning or thursday morning this is the next event and this system is powerful and big and flood watches going back up and mike see small stream advisories and motoring pretty good. That thing is out of here by 11 00 as we head or by noon on thursday. We will get a break. Kind of the story as we head to tomorrow. Your tomorrow looks like again it is relative but a dry or a break day thursday we get into again and as we move forward we will get a bigger break and i will show you that coming up. They may have some problems at pebble on thursday but then. Thursday will be a problem and then friday, saturday and sunday out at pebble will be outstanding and in the 60s. Maybe upper 60s down there. The weekend, not now. A bay area officer charged in the major sex scandal about to become the first to stand trial. We will have the defense claiming he is innocent. Confirming President Trumps choice for education secretary. Thats coming up next. Its okay to cry, right . No more we dont want anymore [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. Speeds up to 45 megs, for 30 a month. The u. S. Army too many another step towards completing the final segment of the Dakota Access pipeline. The army course of engineers said that it intends to allow the line to cross under a reservoir used for Drinking Water by the Standing Rock sioux tribe of north dakota. A Trump Administration executive order called on the army to expedite the process. The tribe has protested saying a break could pollute their waters. Tribal officials will file another legal challenge. Another cabinet nominee is voted in by the full senate and not without high drama as history is made on capitol hill. The nomination is confirmed. The vicepresident of the United States breaking a tie for a nominee. Controversial education secretary pick betsy devos irking out the nomination after Susan Collins and lisa mccowsky joined the democrats. Republicans were happy to skate by with a victory. At some point here, you got to wonder about dysfunction and fatigue. Democrats staged a 24 hour blitz hope to peel off one more republican vote against betsy devos. The mega donor was opposed because of her support for Charter Schools and tuition vouchers. It is the worth cabinet i have seen. Another nominee, Homeland Security john kelley was on capitol hill defending president obamas on immigration. It will go to a federal Appeals Court in San Francisco today. My beef we will prevail and take the steps necessary to protect the nation. Hearing the testimony secretary kelly saying the lack of a wall in the southern border an immediate gaining wound. Joe waldman. Fox news. For more on the confirmation of betsy devos im joined by california chiefly lane yeaston that announced you were running for governor. Thanks for being here. My pleasure. The question is how many will change for the nations 50 Million Public School Students and 20 million College Students with betsy devos in charge . That remains to be seen. There are limitations what she can do without permission from the congress of the United States. When it comes to vouchers, there are a lot of people in this country like the people of california that have gone on record saying they are not for vouchers. If she tries to hoist them on us. We have spoken that we are not in favor of them. Most of the money to run the schools in california comes from california and not the federal government. The things that they do with helping us with special education that she didnt know they did, these are important things and we dont want to lose the school lunch money but with the actual running of the schools, we get very little from the federal government. I was reading, it is such a small percentage that comes from the federal government. Lets talk about first of all through the k through 12 side. What do you think might happen there. I think it remains to be seen. Not alone as being a state that has a strong commitment to its children. I wish it was stronger frankly. We stan on a very important historical stage and it was after the civil war that we decided to do com pull sorery education. Education made us rich. It is not all the Natural Resources that made us rich. It is not all the entrepreneurial spirit but well educated people in science and business and so many areas, the arts and most of the people that serve on the stage of the United States of america whether it is public or private policy or Public School products and we have to maintain that commitment to the Public Schools and especially the most fragile kids. On the International Studies we do above average for our children that have less than 50 poverty. But for the children that have over 75 poverty, those are the ones that are not doing well. And so if anything, it is not just the magic of the marketplace that will make everything better, it is going to be heavier lift, getting our kids to preschool and getting them good healthy care and nutritionous launches and there are things we can do and i say beware if betsy devos tries to touch the kids because there will be people standing up for the Public Schools. They are making a remark in response to betsy devos remark about grizzly bears. What about a Higher Education . Obviously the federal government can do something about College Costs in general. What are you hoping to see on that front . Well, i sincerely hope the federal government is very supportive of colleges. Public and private but especially private. Im a graduate of a couple of u c campuses and so are a lot of other people and we have some of the finest public universities in the country despite we have not been supporting it like our parents generation did. We have csu and the spectacular College System so i hope the federal Government Supports the private education and i hope we continue to have pell grants and support for children that grow up and go to private school. I have met the new head of csu. Went to Community College and uc graduate school. There is a lot of people in state and country that have benefited from all manner of public and private Higher Education institutions. The key is to enforce our noble commitment to helping kids to go to college and we have lost a little ground, leaving with huge amounts of debt. Unprecedented in our nations history. I hope they do more for higher ed. Dee lane, thank you for your thoughts. Dan black has pleaded not guilty to charges of engaging in prostitution and lewd acts with jasmine abunin that has described herself as a sex worker. Prosecutors say that black bought her dinner and had sex with her in his r v. Attorneys say that black had dinner dates with her and had consensual sex with her that no one else could see. Ktvu caught up with black. I would love to tell my side but you would have to talk to my attorney mr. Cardoza. We will follow this case as it heads to trial. You can get more information on kutv. Com. Still to come. Continuing storm coverage, the latest danger spot and a check of the roads. Thats coming up. Im tracking the rain forecast. A break as we are talking about but the real rain gets here on thursday. We have been telling you about flooding in the bay area. In nevada, highway 37 is now off limits because of rising water. The roadway is closed in both directions between aberton and highway one. It has flooded and been shut down twice in the past month. For more lets check in with ktvu Traffic Authority sal casaneda. This evenings commute has been slow because people have to get around and people that want to do that are coming up here and using aberton avenue and that road is slow. Highway 37 is closed between these two points here but it is putting pressure. One thing we have noticed after the mornings commute which is one of the worse i have seen in years of me doing it. It looks like people have decided well, im not going to go or im going to go home early. Whatever happens because the volume this evening is lighter. Lets go to highway 17. We have a closure on highway 17 near bond hill road for a couple of miles in the scott valley because of rock and mud slides. This is not going to be open anytime soon according to c h p. So if you are trying to get to santa cruz highway 17 is not the way. You wont get through and waiting on a time when they will tell us they will reopen it but this is causing slow traffic. You see the road censors are firing up. Lets look at live pictures of the commute. San jose, 280 on the left and southbound. You can see traffic is moving along okay. Dried off a bit this morning which was wet. Some of the standing water has receded and we are looking at the east shore freeway at the right. It is slow but i happen to tell you it is better than it would be after this morning and midday commute. People are scared off of the roads. Ted and heather, lets go back to you. Sal, live in the newsroom. Thank you. Good to see you, sal. I know. The roads were a mess. A bad commute. This afternoon not as bad. A lot of folks staying clear of the roadways or this afternoon because of the rain. You see here the satellite pick and you can see the clouds coming in. This is system number two. That is going to roll in here and that system gets closer the rain and the wind will pick up but not anytime soon. We got this whole section to go through. A High Pressure ridge right here. That will set us up with Better Weather as we go through the next couple of days. You get the idea here. There is the rain. You see showers out there right now. Lightly scattered showers showing up. But not a big deal. So here is the wind. The wind conditions today, not as bad as they were last night. We had wind gusts last night up to 50 Miles Per Hour but right now at 8 Miles Per Hour. You can see San Franciscos forecast tomorrow. Morning. A few scattered showers and then here comes the afternoon. And you can see a few breaks and look late in the day. More breaks. Tomorrow becomes that break day that we need so badly with clear skies and temperatures back in the 60s. Here is the computer model. 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. Theres basically an entire day of break. Here comes thursday morning and here comes around noontime. Wet on thursday with a break and then continued break after that. The bay area weekend looks pretty good. We will see a pretty good dry period here especially once we get to friday morning. Maybe a few p. M. Showers but your bay area saturday and sunday institutioner and the big rain on thursday and we get a bit of a break on friday and a real break towards the bay area week. That sets us up mostly sunny and by the weekend, we will look at temperatures in the mid 60s perhaps. And down at pebble beach they can be in the upper 60s and low 70s. I like the timing. Especially for the Chinese New Year parade. Real rain returns on tuesday. Julie will tell us more for the news at five. The legal fight over President Trumps executive action on travel and immigration came to a San Francisco courtroom and this afternoon the 9th Circuit Court of appeals heard arguments. The arguments from both sides. A family of four homeless after a mudslide. Wiping out a house in the north bay at five. We will talk with that homeowner that had to get out very quickly. These stories and more coming up at five. We will look forward to that. We will take a quick break. The four on two returns right after this. [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. The Alameda County board of supervisors approved funding for name grant and refugee support. It will allow the county to take care of funds. It has 1. 5 millions to be allocated by the social Service Agency to benefit immigrants. There is also 150,000 earmarked for the defense of immigrants. The Property Owner is taking new steps to get the leaning high rise building fixed. The 4 19 condominium owners have hired an attorney to file a lawsuit. The attorney is dan petacellli that represented President Trump in a lawsuit brought by Trump University that was settled. The it were for the condo owners and developer have been in mediation for months. The city of san jose is ready to rebuild the Police Department armed with a new contract and aggressive recruiting strategy. San jose has lost hundreds of officers in recent years and in part because of lower pay and benefits including pension cuts. The city says the new contract offering a 20 pay hike over three years will make the Department Much more competitive. Police chief eddy garcia says this shows the department is opened for business. We will be immediately reaching out to sworn civilian employees that have left in the last few years and making them aware. I can promise you i will make them aware of the positive changes in the p d. The chief says returning employees will qualify for higher benefit levels instead of starting at the bottom. The city will recruit transfers from other agencies. That will do it for us on the four on two. Frank and julie are up next at five. See you tomorrow. The Hydrogen Fueled mirai. Its only emission is water. Toyota. Lets go places. A messy and dangerous day in the bay. A hill slide slams into a home tearing it apart. The family got out in time. Landslides are blocking roads from the south bay to the east bay. Turning roads into rivers and some people forced to use jet skis to get around. Search and rescue crews would be busy assisting people in morin county. Several streets are under water and in surrounding neighborhoods. Crews have been helping people in their homes and waterlogged cars and using jet skis to get to safety. A family in san rafael had to evacuate after a hillside fell. They heard sounds and then they were told to get out as soon as possible. The home on Mountain View road and the mudslide destroyed it. A section of highway 17 is close in the Santa Cruz Mountains because of mudslides. The hillside came down this morning and is now blocking lanes in both directions near vine hill road near scotts valley. No estimate yet when it will reopen. The west end of highway 37 is shut down because of flooding. It is closed in both directions from highway 101 to aberton avenue. Cal train is trying to pump the water out but no estimate when it will reopen. This is the third closing because of flooding. Evacuations is under way. Sal is monitoring it as a slow commute is under way. Bill martin has more. The rain came down fast and furious. Early this morning take a look at the totals, this is less than 24 hours