Transcripts For KTIV News 4 Today 20151029

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ricochet fire. one suspect fled the scene and there may be a second suspect. there were dramatic rescues at sea after a boat capsized on the way from turkey to greece. migrants and refugees weree dumped into the water when their wooden boat overturned. at least three people died... one adult and two children. others clung to life preservers. the greek coast guard and other vessels brought 242 survivors to the greek island of lesbos... some of them unconscious children. a 10-year-old boy was seriously injured yesterday afternoon in an apparent shark attack at a hawaii beach. witnesses say the child was bitten on the thigh while body boarding about 30 feet from shore. the boy was taken to a local hospital in serious condition after the attack. after the attack ocean fety officialal posted shark warning signs strongly recommending that people stay out of the water. this is the seventh shark attack in hawaii so far this year, and the third on oahu this month. a u-s military surveillance morning in pennsylvania after i i broke e ose from its moorininin maryland and floated for hours. the blimp's long tether line knocked down power lines and left thousands of people without power. the helium filled military balllln is called a j- lens. officials don't know why the balloon broke loose. and an investigation is underway. there is big economic news out of norfolk, nebraska, as a texas company plans to expand into the community. ktiv's us 92's chris whitney reports on the new jobs coming to the arar. pipe manufacturer oct pipe announced in norfolk on wednesday that they will be building a one-million square foot manufacturing facility to make seamless steel pipe. the building will sit at the southwest corner of victory road and eisenhower avenue in norfolk. ct pipe ceo charley vens said ttey will be an active part of building norfolk. havens felt norfolk was a perfect location for expansion to sell their products throughout the united states, based on rail availability and the proximity to nucor and its operations. "we serve the oil and gas industry, mainly where they drill new wells and have production. we need to go where the exploration and production is and this is a good central location." sen. jim scheer of norfolk said wednesday that this is the type project that is pepefect for norfolk. like to say that we deserve what we get," the senator said. "we work hard. we provide what we need tprovide and we have the right people to attract the right businesses." oct pipe will be investing over $111 million in the project, which qualifies them for financing through the nebraska advantage program. havens says he is hopeful ground can be broken next month at the plant's future site. ayars and ayars of lincoln and omaha is the general contractor for the project, with construction continuing through 2016 and theeplant set to be fully operational by july 2017. reporting in norfolk, chris whitney news channel nebraska...ktiv news four. >> south dakota attorney general marty jackley says his office has recovered the original south dakota state flag that has been missing since january. jackley says the division of criminal investigation conducted a probe and recovered the flag from a former secretary of state emppoyee on oct. 8. jackley saas criminal charges are anticipated. the flag was created in 1909 after senator ernest may of deadwood came into the historical society office saying that deadwood sheriff seth bullock wanted a state flag. two versions were created, and one went to the secretary of state. sioux county is officially the 24th designated home base iowa community. community leaders, members of the public and governor tetey branstad came together at the sioux county courthouse for the presentation yesterday. home base iowa provides veterans with resources to help them find employment and integrate themselves in iowa. one vietnam war veteran and sioux county board of supervisors member says he would have l led to have similar opoprtunities when he rererned home from service. "i came home in october," "i'm not getting my teachg job back until the next fall. i would have been looking you know. what are the incentives? i mean, what an awesome program. you're in the military, you come home and there's incentives to do something. it would have been awesome." lolol business leaders say verans are ideal candidates to hire forhe many job openings in the county. "the dependability and the quality," said benji van donge, workforce development manager at interstates construction in sioux center. "they understand what it takes to get a job done. they understand teamwork and i think that is so important because that's really what makes up sioux county and the businesses we have." speakers at the designation say, they are not only looking for local veterans to join the workforce. with all the job openings they encourage veterans from areas and other states to take part in the program. while governor branstad was at the home base iowa designation, protesters gathered outside. it was an attempt to encourage the governor to defund planned parenthood at the state level. skyler wheeler, who's running for the district 4 seat in the iowa house says branstad hasn't kept his promise of cutting funding to the organization that provides abortions among its many services. he says, in 2010, the governor sasa the state should not be funding groups like planned parenthood. "i have respect for governor branstad and i just want to remind him that we need to protect the unborn and we need to do what we can and this is a battle we can win and i just want him to go through with his promise." wheeler says he believes branstad has the information he needs to defund planned parenthood following the release of undercover, edited video of alleged sales of body parts from aborted babies. planned parenthood has said it donates the tissue for scientific research, and only receives reimbursement for its expenses. thieves can steal our identities in many ways, but americans aren't doing everything they can to stop it. some simple steps you need to do to keep your information safe in today's consumer report after the break. forecast next! > americans are afraid of having their identities stolen. but how much are we willing to do to stop it? experts say there are a number of things we can do to protect ourselves... but many people sksk the simple steps. bob hansen explains. to be better about protecting mos) "very cautious online, making sure that it's a secure website and not following links to get to other places." (reporter stand up: bob hansen) "so while over 70 peent of us are worried about identity theft, only about half of us ever check out credit reports." (sot: mos) "i've had individual credit cards compromised seems like once a year over the past four or five years.s. and checking your three credit reports once a year is a way to see if you're personal infoion has been compromised. other tips to fight back, pay bills using public wifi networks. check out as a guest when you shop to limit access to your financial information. and stay clear of questionable or unsecured shopping sites. >> that was bob hansen reporting. some things will happen and are simply out of our control. but one thing we all can and should do is check our credit report... all three of them... every year. go to annual credit report dot com and see if there's anything on your report that doesn't look right.t. when we come back... elevating education. a company in sioux center iowa that specializes in voice, video and data services helps to take education to a new level for more than a dozen local schools. we'll show you how when we technology has helped to elevate education in more than a dozen schools around sioux center, iowa. ktiv's tiffany lane has the story on an announcement made by the communicatio ns compananmaking it possible. . friendly for students." su "premier communications ceo doug boone says the one gigabit capacity helps enhance students' educations." "maybe it's the way that they can't have an educational program in their own schools and so they want to use online video, distance learnini for ththr own capabiliiies," said doug boone, premier communications chief operating officer. "but that's really just- it opens up the world to any kind of content. thatthey really want tohave." school leaders say the one gigabit capability also helps push their science, technology, engineering and math initiatives. "our kids are in our classroom or in our stem room and they're hopefully going to be in a position where they can have real life situations presented to them by companies such as premier, interrates, trans ova genetics and d me other companies that we're working with to where our kids are put in real life situations," said sioux center community schools superintendent pat o'donnell. the increased internet speed does not only apply to schools, but will be available to 13-thousand customers in the area. in sioux center, iowa, tiffany lane, ktiv news 4.>> boone says the one gigabite capability is currently being used at 16 schools in the sioux center area. there are three more schchls that are in the process of converting over as well. not so windy today, but still cool for us in siouxland. ben's back with the details in his forecast after the break. and we'll meet the man who shows up everyday to the job he's held for 55 yeyes with the indiana d-n-r. as he's approaching the century mark, he could be the oldest worker in the if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. > tomorrow bringing with them a few showers late in the day tomorrow and out by halloween leaving things dry return to the 60s to near 70 early next week! >> the oldest state worker in job as he approaches 99 years-old. as kevin rader reports, this surveyor is not ready to sit back in a rocking chair just yet. it's . time for a break. but we're back in just a moment with more news and weather for you on news-4 today. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the good morning and welcome back to news 4 today. coming up in this half hour... a recap of last night's republican debate. donald trump was center stage but not the center of attention in the debate, as other gop contenders pushed their ideas. while ben carson made good on his vow not to counterattack, others adopted a feisty tone. more from washington in a minute. also... iowa's governor honors sioux city for its efforts to train unemployed workers and get them back to work. hear what governor branstad had to say aboututhe recognition and ththstate's unemployment rate. and later... in healthbeat fovr... how one woman deals with a progressive disease that brings constant pain. that story and much more headed your way... but first ben is on the outdoor weather patio where it's breezy and chilly this morning. republican presidential candidates a a back at it today after theieithird debate last night. if you didn't stay up late to watch, we've got highlights for you this morning. tracie potts is in washington where the buzz is breaking in favor of the underdogs. can't elect somebody who can't do the job." (sot: donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate) "he said 'oh i'm never going to attack' but then his poll numbers tank. he's gototery - that's why he's on the end." jeb bush and marco rubio got into it over rubio's missed senate votes: (sot: jeb bush/ (r) presidential candidate) "you should be showing up to work. i mean literally, the senate, what is it like a french work week?" (sot: marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate) "somebody convinced you that attacking me is going to help you." the most consistent attack... and strongest audience reaction... questioned the moderators: (sot: john harwood/ cnbc moderator) "let's be honest: is this the comii book version of a cacapaign?" (sot: donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate) "that's not a very nice question." (sot: ted cruz/ (r) presidential candidate) "why not talk about issues people care about?" (sot: chris christie/ (r) presidential candidate) "we have isis and al qaeda attack us and we're talking fantasy football?" dr. ben carson told us afterward he thought this debate was light on the issues. the audience didn't like some of his questions either: (sot: dr. ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate) "(booo) see, , hey know." cnbc's econnmy debate overed tax reform.. medicare.. sscial security and the current fight in washington over spending and raising the debt limit: (sot: rand paul/ (r) "this is the unholy alliance people need to know about." (sot: mike huckabee/ (r) presidential candidate) "somebody is taking it in the teeth - and it's not wall street." carly fiorina defended her business deccsions: (sot: carly fifirina/ (r) ppesidential candidate) "i will run on my record all day long." besides the media, the republicans most consistent target: hillary clinton. there was a pretty fierce back and forth over some of the candidates' flat tax plans... crunching the numbers on whether they'll work. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. >> congressman paul ryan is expected to be elected speaker of the hou. on wednesday ryan was nominated by republicans to be the next speaker. today the full chamber will vote. ryan needs 218 votes to officially become speaker. there are 247 republicans in the house. john boehner --- who has served ininhe post for nearly five years --- is resigning from congress. a factory in mexico is turning out halloween masks of a scowling donald trump. and it's no coincidence that the country trump accused of sending criminals to live in the united states is poking fun at him with a caricature image. a mexican artisan decided to give local people upset with trump's ststce on immigration anan outlet for their feelings. the mexican company started producing the latex masks for export to some 30 countries around the world. the factory makes masks of other politicians, including president obama. but the head of the company acknowledges they didn't like trump's comments on immigration. the trump halloween mask retails for out 36 dollars. iowa's unemployment rate ranks among the lowest in the country at 3- point-6 percent. state officials say there are still jobs out there for those who don't have one, but many of those available workers don't have the skills to do those jobs. sioux city is among 47 other iowa cities that are working hard to train n ose workers. for its efforts, the city receieid the "skilled iowa community" designation from governor terry branstad. "the fact that we do have a low fewer workers with the skills we need," said gov. terry branstad, (r) iowa. "so, that's why were really putting the focus on these job training programs like skilled iowa and the national career readiness program." the "skilled iowa community" designation highlights the cooperative efforts of sioux city businesses, iowa works of greater siouxland, the sioux city community school district, and western iowa tech community college. "the type of career education that's done here at western iowa tech, and around siouxland, is the type of trainini that we're looking for in all sectors of the state because we have such a high demand for tool and die, sheet metal fabrication, welding, hvac, electricians... you name it," said ed wallace, iowa workforce development deputy director. sioux city is the largest community in iowa to receive the designation. with iowa's low unemployment rate, employers statewide are looking to fill openings with h skilled workers. a panel of education and business leaders, as well as students talked about how to bridge that gap. it was part of the future ready iowa initiative... and iowa governor terry branstad said it's an issue that needs to be addressed. "in the past, there's not been, we've worked in silos. education does one thing. workforce development does its thing. economic development does another. now we want to see ordination and collaboration so we're all working together as a team, preparing our young people for exciting new careers heje in iowa for the future." the future ready iowa initiative comes after iowa received a national governors a aociation policy academy grant in 2014 for up to 170- thousand dollars. they're tting in the halloween spirit at briar cliff university. every year, a student club turns the school's underground tunnels into a haunted house. this year, it's a circus theme. the haunted tunnels start at heelan hall and stretch across campus. it's designed for people of all ages. "the president of briar cliff came through last night and she was one of the scariest tunnels that she's experienced so far," said dillon beckmann. "just [with] all the clown rooms, sharp turns and dark parts." the admission fee is three dollars. the haunted tunnels will be open to the public today and tomorrow from seven to ten p-m. there's also a toned-down family hour before that at six. on halloween, they're open from 6 to 9. if you remember, about a month ago... we showed you this pumpkin from sioux city artist, brerea thelen who painted it with some familiar faces. she painted nbc's tonight show host host jimmy fallon as "dracula." and a few other people as halloween characters. well, the pumpkin has made its way to the tonight show with jimmy fallon... and will be featured on the show tomorrow night. you can watch for it right after news 4 at ten. complex regional pain syndrome disease that affects the nervous system. after the break, how one woman is coping with pain and her hope for the future. ben: and i'll have your > whe area tomorrow bringing wth them a few showers late in the day tomorrow and tomorrow night. those should be out by halloween leaving things dry for trick-or-treaters as highs return to the 60s to near 70 early next week! see graphics. >> a life in constant pain. that's the reality for a louisiana woman, diagnosed with c-r-p-s: complex regional pain syndrome. the disease affects every aspect of a person's life, but there is still hope for a cure. britney glaser reports. numbness issuesesand pain." a series of neurological tests and an analysis of laura's symptoms led to the diagnosis of c-r-p-s: complex regional pain syndrome, a progressive disease pain management doctor, seth billiodeaux, says impacts the fight or flight nerve fibers. (sot: dr. seth billiodeaux, pain management doctor) "it's the nerves that increase blood flow to your heart andndther organs." dr. billiodeaux x ys while the nerves are what's affected, there are external signs of the disease. (sot: dr. seth billiodeaux, pain management doctor) "swelling, there's warmth, there's sweating, usually in the early stages. in the later stages you see stiffness, coldness, difficulty using the muscles in that extremity." for laura, that started with her left hand, then to her arm, down n r leg - and now her right side. (nats) "my y nd always stays ice cold, it sweats a lot and my arm always burns and it burns in my neck all the way down to my spine." treatment is simply managing the pain. laura has a spinal cord stimulator that helps block nerve impulses. she also takes medication and uses heat therapy. all of those methods are temporary fixes - and laura says it's the optimism of her specialists that encourages her that relief - maybe even a cure - could be on the horizon. (sot: laura phillips, patient) "their hope is what keeps me hoping, knowing that it's going to get better." >> that was britney glaser reporting. patients with c-r-p-s use a pain scale that starts at the number 11 and goes all the way up to 50. marriage may increase your odds of survivingng major operation. that's'sccording to a new university of pennsylvania study of more than 15-hundred adults who underwent cardiac surgery. patients who were divorced, separated or widowed were 40-percent more a new disability ... than those who were married. researchers suggest spouses provide extra support and help with recovery. your farm m mkets are coming up next. shopping has already started. but when is the best time to shop? we'll have the stock market was solidly highgh yesterday. traders are gettttg more comfortable with the prospect of higher u.s. interest rates. in a policy stement released yesterday, the federal reserve said it would consider raising rates at its december meeting. the dow gained 198 points, to close out at 17,780. the nasdaq was up more than 65 points, at 5,096. and the s&s& 500 rose 24 points, to 2,090. a crash hazard has prompted the recall of about 34-thousand child bicycle trailers... which allow cyclists to tow children behind their bikes while riding. the recall involves seven models manufactured from 2009 to 2015. on these trailers, the black plastic tow w r receivers can separate from the tow bar when they appear to be connected, posing a crash hazard to the child in the trailer. burley design has received 35 reports of such incidents, including two that resulted in abrasions to a child. consumers should stop using the trailers and contact burley design for a free safety strap kit with tools. and ford motor company is recalling 129- thousand midsize s-u- vs.... due to potential fuel leaks. the recall covers the ford edge and lincoln m-k-x from model years 2009 and 2010. in areas where salt is used to clear the roads of snow, the fuel tanks can rust under the reinforcement brackets that hold them to the s-u-vsvs that could cause a fuel leak ich could then causa fire. ford says it's not aware of any fires caused by the problem. with all those discounts and promotions headed your way as the holidays approach, when is the best day to shop to get the best holiday deals? adobe released it's annual holiday shopping forecast this morning and predicts prices overall will be the lowest on thanksgivivi day... with an average discounun of 27 percent. as for particular wishes on your gift list... adobe predicts the saturday before thanksgiving will be the best time to buy toys... the monday before thanksgiving for electronics... and thanksgiving day for jewelry. adobe also predicts out- of-stock incidents will increase by 37 percent on thanksgiving day and peak on cyber monday. ben's back with a look at your forecast and we'll run down some of today's headlines from the siouxland area. and in today's hollywood minute... taylor swift is headed to court over a lawsuit. and lebron james has a new gam > project. the one-million square foot plant will go at the southwest corner of victory road and eisenhower avenue. they hope to break ground next month and have the plant in operation by july 2017. sioux city gets recognition for its s efforts to train workers. governor terry branstad presented the "skillededowa community" designation to local leaders yesterday. state officials say there are jobs in iowa but many people don't have t skills needed. that's where the training comes in. this designation highlights the cooperative efforts of sioux city businesses, iowa works of greater siouxland, the school district, and western iowa tech. governor branstad was also in sioux ceceer, where he designated sioux x unty as the 24th designated home base iowa community. community leaders and members of the public joined the governor for the presentation at the sioux county courthouse. home base iowa provides veterans with resources to help them find employment and integrate themselves into the community. they're getting in the halloween spirit at briar cliff university. every year, a student club turns the school's underground tunnels into a haunted house. this year, it's a circus theme. admission is three dollars. the haunted tunnels will be open to the public today and tomorrow from seven to ten p-m. they also offer a toned-down family hour before that from six to seven. on halloween, they're open from 6 to 9. taylor swift wants to go to court... also bond is breaking records in the u.k. and lebron is taking his talentnt. to a new show.. mary moloney has more in today's hollywood minu. the new james bond flick "spectre" is breaking box office records overseas. it brought in the most money out of any film released in the u-k on a tuesday -- making more than nine million dollars. "spectre" opens in the states on november 6th. he's got game.. and now a game show... lebron james will launch a new show called "t"t wall." ams will have to answer a question as they try their luck with games to win big money. the show wiil air on nbc. for hollywood minute, i'm mary moloney. >> it's ---. when we come back... an update it's ---. when we come back... an update on the arrests police made last night in the search for the man accused o oshooting a tennesseeee police officer and firing at a kentucky state trooper. also... one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lives. mammograms can detect the disease early, but not all women are getting the life-saving screenings. we'll hear from one woman who battled the disease and her wish for good morning. it's, thursday, october 29th. coming up, u-s marshals have made two arrests after searching for the man accused of shooting a tennessee police officer and thth firing shots at a a ntucky state trooper. the latest in just a minute. also... a texas company is planning to expand in one northeast nebraska community. we've got the details on new jobs that could be coming to the area. and enhancing education for some siouxland students. a technology company is helping to provide faster internet to local schools. how the ten year, 100 million dollar project came together. also... mammograms s se lives.. but not every woman gets the recommended test to detect breast cancer. we'll take you through the life-saving process step by step. but first, here's ben. wx timer @ :40 we'll pick up righghwhere we left off this morning with strong winds, some lingering clouds and 30-degree temperatures. conditions will steadily improve this afternoon in that more sun and calmer winds will prevail, but temperatures will still have a hard time getting much higher than the lower 50s. the cold hangs on for one more day and night as clouds move back into the area tomorrow bringing with them a few showers late in the day tomorrowwand tomorrow night. ththse should b b out by halloween leaving things dry for trick-or-treaters as highs return to the 60s to near 70 early next week! see graphics. >> two people have been arrested in connection with the search for a man accused of shooting a tennessee police officer and firing shots at a kentucky state trooper. police said last night u.s. marshals pulled over a vehicle at a tennessee gas station. marshals opened fire on the vehicle after polili say the e r drove toward officers. the vehicle sped o o, hitting two other vehicles before crashing into a fence. the occupants of the vehicle, katie mccarty and troy wayne, then took off on foot. mccarty was arrested after being found in a field covered in mud. wayne was arrested later after a manhunt. the pair are known associates of floyd ray cook who is wanted for shooting a tennessee police officer. "so these are not somebody who is just shoplifting a bag of chchps or a shoft drink from a conveniencee store. they are extremely dangerous individuals," says lt. bill miller with the tennesse highway patrol. cook remains at large d marshasl are continuing thier manhunt. they say cook should be considered armed and dangerous. police say three people were injured in a shooting inside an indianapolis mall last night. police say a male suspect came into the mall and had words with a man he knew and then shot him. two other victims were hit by ricochet fire. e suspect fled the scene and there may be a second suspect. there were dramatic rescues at sea after a boat capsized on the way from turkey to greece. migrants and refugees were dumped into the water when their wooden boat overturned. at least three people died... one adult and two children. others clung to life preservers. the greek coast guard and other vessels brought 242 survivors to e greek island of lesbos... somemef them unconsnsous children. a 10-year-old boy was seriously injured yesterday in an apparent shark attack at a hawaii beach. witnesses say the child was bitten on the thigh while body boarding about 30 feet from shore. the boy was taken to a local hospital in serious condition. after the attack ocean safety officials posted shark warning signs strongly recommending that people stay out of the water. this is the seventh h ark attack in hawaii so far this year, and the third on oahu this month. a u-s military surveillance blimp is on the ground this morning in pennsylvania after it broke loose from its mooring in maryland and floated for hours. the blimp's long tether line knocked down power lines and left thousands of people without power. the helium filled military balloon is called a j- lens. officials don't know why the balloon broke loose. and an investigation is underway. there is big economic news out of norfolk, neaska, as a texas company plans to expand into the community. ktiv u-s 92's chris whitney reports on the new jobs coming to the area. month at the plant's future site. ayars and ayars of lincoln and omaha is the general contractor for the project, with construction continuing through 2016 and the plant set to be fully operational by july 2017. reporting in norfolk, chris whitney news channel nebraska...ktiv news four. >> sioux county is officially the home base iowa community. community leaders, members of the public and governor terry branstad came together at the sioux county courthouse for the presentation yesterday afternoon. home base iowa provides veterans with resources to help them find employment and integrate themselves in iowa. one vietnam war veteran and sioux county board of supervisors member says he would have liked to have similar opportunities when he returned home from service. "i came home in october," "i'm not getting my teaching job back until the next fall. i would have been looking you know. what are the incentives? i mean, what an awesome program. you're in the military, you come home and there's incentives to do something. it would have been local business leaders say veterans are ideal candidates to hire for the many job openings in the county. "the dependability and the quality," said benji van donge, workforce development manager at interstates construction in sioux center. "they understand what it takes to get a job done. they understand teamwork and i think that is sosomportant because that's really what makes up sioux county and the businesses we have." speakers at the designation say, they are not only looking for local veterans to join the workforce. with all the job openings they encourage veterans from areas and other states to take part in the program. about one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lives. and while it affects so many of us, one of the first lines of defense against it is a mammogram. ktiv's sheila brummer will w wk you through the life saving g ocess when we come back. and i'll h he your complete welcome to subway, what can i make for you? you'll love our new rotisserie-style chicken. 100% white meat, herb-seasoned pulled chicken,, slow-roasted till it's irresistibib tender, and fresh tototed with melty cheese. we top it off with sweet honey mustard and all the crisp veggies you like, on your favorite freshly baked bread. it's a whole new taste from subway like never before. our new subway rotisserie-style chicken won't be here for long, so try one today! subway. eat fresh. > last year, a study conducted by the society for women's health research found only about 50 percent of women get mammograms. experts here in siouxland estimate more women here do get checked out. and, it doesn't take that much time or effort as ktiv's sheila brummer shows us what you need to know when it comes to " "ttling breast cancer." long. it's not that painful. the breast test caught lori's cancer at stage one. more than a year later, she's in remission. 7:15 "women we're so busy, we have so much going on. and, life is so important with a a the things we have to do with our family. we tend to put things off for ourselves," said cancer survivor cindy hauger. but, doctors say don't put it off. 1:03 "people always ask me if there will be a cure.. and there is a cure $% and that cure is early diagnosis. 1:09. if you catch it too late it's hard to cure," said dr. adnan qalbani. radiology manger cindy hauger (how-ger) started screening patients 30 years ago. (good) 1:25 "back then we had film screen. where you had to put a piece of film in a cassette. change it in a dark room and put it in the machine." and, instead of processing the film the new mammography machines capture a digital reading. look at the difference between the clarity of a a old filmlmmage to a new digital one. 1:49 "images have gotten a lot arper, a lot clearernd we hauger (how-ger) now walks us through the process of a modern 3-d mammography. (good) :46 "a normal mammogram consists of four views. two of each side. the whole procedure lasts less than seven minutes. (good) :53 "compression until you can tolerate it so, we ask if you're o.k. so it's not too tight." the hardest partrtisn't that tough. just hold your breath for about 12 seconds to capture a clear image of the breast. (another nat snd tidbit of information) plus, you might feel a little pressure. but, no pain. (good) 2:14 "they come and get their first one and they get it done and they say oh, i wish someone wouldn't tell me it was going to hurt but it doesn't." sheila brummer :37 "doctors recommend women start getting mammograms at the age of 40 unless or even ealier if there's a history of breast cancer." after the standup 1:44 "we always say start 10 years younger than when you're mother had it. or, if you had the braca one or two gene mutatioioobviously you should start earlier" radiologist t nan qalbani reads the results. the scans get the all clear. nothing for this journalist to worry about. peace of mind.. and, with a reminder by survivor lori warner for all women of a certain age to make this an annual event. "if it saves your life if it's a little bit of uncomfortableness to give you 30 more years on earth i think that's pretty amazing." sheila brummer, ktiv news 4." >> doctors at mercy breast center recommended a 3-d mammogram for sheila's check up. that's because of dense breast tissue. however, mosn insurance companies don't cover the extra cost. it's about 115 dollars. but, experts say 3-d mammograms can help rule out false positive results more easily. 5:26 "rather than squishing a three dimentional breast into a two demential picture and seeing all of the tissues overlap so we can see if there's a mass there. or, overlapping tissue," said dr. qalbani. however, dr. qalbani says digital mammography can work well in detecting breast cancer too. both 3-d and digital mammography use x-rays to produce detailed images of the breast. dr. qalbani says he will meet with a patient to decide what is best for them. if you would like information on how to get help paying for a mammogram go to our website and click on the banner on the home page. you can also find out more information on breast cancer. and tonight on news 4 at 10... we'll take a look k the choice lori made to try and prevent the cancer from coming back. the kansas city royals hosted the new york mets for game 2 of the world series in k-c last night. could they pull out two wins in a row? highlights coming up . also... it's football playoff time around siouxland. the sportsfrouce extra crew has highlights from several games last night after the break in >> game two of the world series featuring the mets and royals was much much shorter than game one, but had the same results. in the bottom of the fifth, tied 1-1, with two on and two out. eric hosmer sends one up the middle and that clears the bases. alex rios and alcides escor score to give the royals a 3-1 lead. going to the bottom of the eighth, royals up 6-1. a man on third for alcides escobar, and he blasts one over juan lagares' head in center. alex gordon scores and escobar slides in with a triple. johnny cueto finishes out his complete game with a fly out to right. c wins 7-1 to and leads the series 2-0. cueto becomes the first a-l pitcher to throw a complete game in the world series since 19-91. he gave up just 2 hits, 1 earned run, walked 3, and fanned 4. york for game three on friday night. the first round of the iowa high school football playoffs, is over. the sports fource morning wrap. the last yard -- after a long look by the officials, it's a td and it's 7- nothing tigers. sbl loves to run but they can pass. jacob shultz fires a fastball to chris kroll -- that's a 15-yard gain and gives the warriors a first down. the warriors tie the game on a 10- yard td from matt george -- he had 200 yards rushing in the first half. sgt. bluff-luton gets past spencer, 33-21. bishop heelan won earlier over bh/rv, 49-35 -- just over 3 weeks ago. but the nighthawks lead 12-zip and are driving. shane solberg catches the pass and he has a lot of room -- huge gain down to the 10-yard line. bh/rv scores on the next play. brett mooer finds mylee van maanen in thh flats -- he shakes a tackle for thehetd and the nighthawks are e p 18-nothing. heelan goes on a long drive. on third and 1,,odessa clark breaks a tackle -- he has a first down at the 10. but the crusaders stalled. jason sloniker comes in for20-yard field goal to cut the lead to 18-3 at the half, but boyden-hull, rock valley comes to heelan and knocks off the crusaders, 24-16. east on the road at #6 waukee -- who beat the black raiders 45-7 in last year's playoffs. warriors down 7-zip early, but daniel ray up the middle into the endzone, it's 7-7. east re-takes the lead. zach ingram boots the field goal. black raiders with a 10-7 lead. the east defense making plays early. alex case with the sack -- causes the fumble and carter prescott recovers. but the black raiders would stall after that. waukee qb ben ferkin hits michael winger in stride for the td. for the second straight year -- east's season ends in waukee, 55-24. playoffs start later today. i'm brad pautsch with the sports fource morning wrap. >> it's a breezy and cool morning in siouxland.... ben's back with the details in his forecast after the break. also... a company in sioux center iowa that specializes in voice, video and data services helps to take education to a new level for more than a dozen local schools. > technology has helped to elevate education in more than a dozen schools around sioux centnt, iowa. ktiv's tiffany lane has the story on an announcement made by the communicatio n company making it possible. educatioiol program in their own schoo and so they want to use online video, distance learning for their own capabilities," said doug boone, premier communications chief operating officer. "but that's really just- it opens up the world to any kind of content. tht they really want to have." school leaders say the one gigabit capability also helps push their science, technology, engineering and math initiatives. "our kids are in our classroom or in our stem room and they're hopefully going to be in a position where they can have real life situations presented to them by companies such as premier, interstates, trans ova genetics and some other companies that we're working with to where our kids are put in real life situations," said sioux center community schools superintendent pat o'donnell. the increased internet speed does not only apply to schools, but will be available to 13-thousand customers in the area. in sioux center, iowa, tiffany boone says the one gigabite capability is currently being used at 16 schools in the sioux center area. there are three more schools that are in the process s converting over as well. it's . time for a break. we're baba with our fourth half hour of news 4 today. first though.. here's a look at some of the events on the ktiv-dot-com community calendar. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. news 4 today. coming up in this half hour... a recap of last night's republican debate. donald trump was center stage but not the center of attention in the debate, as other gop contenders pushed their ideas. while ben carson made good on his vow not to counterattack, others adopted a feisty tone. more from washington in a minute. also....iowa's governor honono sioux citytyor its efforts to train unemployed workers and get them back to work. heararhat governor branstad had to say about the recognition and the state's unemployment rate. and some underground tunnels aren't just for getting to class at one siouxlandniversity. students have turned the tunnels into haunted hallways and they're giving visitors a fright. that story and much more headed your way... but first ben is on the outdoor weather patio where it's breezy and chilly this morning. republican presidential candidates are back at it today after their third debate last night. if you didn't stay up late to watch, we've got highlights for you this morning. tracie potts is in washington where the buzz is breaking in favor of the underdogs. candidate) "why not talk about issues people care about?" (sot: chris christie/ (r) presidential candidate) "we have isis and al qaeda attack us and we're talking fantasy football?" dr. ben carson told us aftererrd he thought this debate was light on the issues. the audience didn't like some of his questions ther: (sot: dr. ben carson/ (r) presidential candidate) "(booo!) see, they know." cnbc's economy debate covered tax reform.. medicare.. social security and the current fight in washington over spending and raising the debt limit: (sot: rand paul/ (r) presidential candidate) "this is the unholy alliance people need to know about." (sot: mike huckabee/ (r) presidential candidate) "somebody is taking it in the teeth - and it's not wall street." carly fiorina defended her business decisions: (sot: carly fiorina/ (r) presidential candidate) "i will run on my record all day long." besides the media, the republicans most consistent target: hillary clinton. there was a pretty fierce back and forth over some of the candidates' flat tax plans... crunching the numbers on whether they'll work. i'm tracie potts in washington, now back to you. congressman paul ryan is expected to be elected speaker of the house. on wednesday ryan was nominated by republicans to be the next speaker. today the full chamber will vote. ryan needs 218 votes to officially become speaker. there are 247 republicans in the house. john boehner --- who has served in the post for nearly five years --- is resigning from congress. iowa's unemployment rate ranks among the lowest in the country at 3- point-6 percent. state officials say there are still jobs out there for those who don't have one, but many of those available workers don't have the skills to do those jobs. sioux city is among 47 other iowa cities that are working hard to train those workers. for its efforts, the city received the "skilled iowa community" designation. "the fact that we do have a low unemployment rate meaea we have fewer workers with the s slls we need," said gov. terry branstad, (r) iowa. "so, that's why were really putting the focus on these job training progfams like skilled iowa and the national career readiness program." the "skilled iowa community" designation highlights the cooperative efforts of sioux city businesses, iowa works of greater siouxland, the sioux city community school district, and western iowa tech community college. "the type of career education that's done here at western iowa tech, and around siouxland, is the type of training that we're looking for in all sectors of the state because we have such a high demand for tool and die, sheet metal fabrication, welding, hvac, electricians... you name it," said ed wallace, iowa workforce development deputytydirector. sioux x ty is the largest community in iowa to receive the designation. with iowows low unemployment rate, employers statewide are looking to fill openings with skilled workers. a panel of education and business leaders, as well as students talked about how to bridge that gap. it was part of the future ready iowa initiative... and iowa governor terry branstad said it's an issue that needs to be aressed. "in the past, there's not been, we've worked in silos. education does one thing. workforce development does its thing. economic development does another. now we want to see coordination and collaboration so we're all working together as a team, preparing our young people for exciting new careers here in iowa for the future." the future ready iowa initiative comes after iowa received a national governors association policy academy grant in 2014 for up to 170- thousand dollars. they're getting in t t halloween spirit at brbrr cliff universityty everyryear, a student club turns the school's underground tunnels into a haunted house. this year, it's a circus theme. the haunted tunnels start at heelan hall and stretch across campus. it's designed for people of all ages. "the president of briar cliff came through last night and she said this was one of the scariest tunnels that she's experienced so far," said dillon beckmann. "just [with] all the clown rooms, and dark parts." the admission fee is three dollars. the haunted tunnels will be open to the public today and tomorrow from seven to ten p-m. there's also a toned-down family hour before that at six. on halloween, they're open from 6 to 9. coming up in what's trending.... another world record was broken n this week by tososng pizza in the air. and i'll have your complple > the area tomorrow bringing with them a few showers late in the day tomorrow and tomorrow night. those should be out by halloween leaving things dry for trick-or-treaters as highs return to the 60s to near 70 early next week! see graphics. >> more than 500 people made pizza by tossing the dough in the air yesterday and broke a guinness world record. the record-breaking attempt was held in shanghai and five hundred twenty-five people took part. fourteen of them were disqualified and 511 broke the record. that bested the record by papa john's staff in london who tossed three hundred and eighty-eight pizzas in june. the dough must be a certain size and participants must keep tossing it for at least a minute. most of the participants in shanghai were breast cancer organized to raise awareness of breast cancer. the pizzas were sold and all the proceeds were donated to a cancer charity. jimmy fallon will have his own ride at universal resort. we'll tell you all about it. plus...the new james bond movie premiered in london this week. and some companies had special launch parties this week. that's coming up after the break. welcome to subway, what can i make for you? you'll love our new rotisserie-style chicken. 100% white meat, herb-seasoned pulled chicken, on freshly baked bread. enjoy it while it's here! if you didn't stay up last night for jimmy fallon... on the show tonight, will forte, kate upton, and steve martin and edie brickell. you can catch the tonight show with jimmy fallon right here on ktiv at 10:35 after news 4. and fallon announced will be getting his very own theme park attraction at universal orlando resort. "race through new york starring jimmy fallon" will open in 2017. the full "tonight show" experience as it takes them into studio 6-b and through new york city as jimmy challenges his studio audience to the ultimate race. the ridedeill replace "twister... . de it out" at the park, which will close on november 2nd. if you remember, a aut a month ago... we showed you this pumpkin from sioux cititartist, brenda thelen who painted it with some familiar faces. she painted nbc's tonight show host host jimmy fallon as "dracula." and a few other people as halloween monsters. well, the pumpkin has made its way to the tonight show with jimmy fallon... and wi be featured on the ow tomorrow night. james bond is back with the film's 24th installment, "spectre." and the release is drumming up big business for companies with promotional tie-ins. the film premiered in london on monday, and brands and businesses associated with double- oh-seven's adventures are already celebrating their sponsorships. being a sponsor allows companies to show bond-themed t-v commercials and throw lavish bond-themed parties. in london tuesday, belvedere and aston martin hosted a launch party complete with bond's girls as well as his car and his liquor. it's the vodka brand's biggest promotional sponsorship. thursday sarah- actress gabrielle union is 42 al- actress winona ryder is 44 sarah- actress joely fisher is 48 al- actor dan castellaneta (tv: "the simpsons") is 58 sarah- actressssate jackson is 6767 al- actor richard dreyfuss is 68 > day tomorrow and tomorrow night. those should be out by hallowwen leaang things dry for trick-or-treaterr as highs return to the 60s to near 70 rly next week! seeegraphics. >> when we ome back we'll have a recap of some of our top siouxland h hadlines this morning. and a calf from nortrt dakota doesn't need a this year. he was born read if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. here are the stories making top headlines this morning in siouxland. 180 new jobs are coming to northeast nebraska. texas-based "o-c-t pipe" says it will build a manufacturing facility in norfolk to make seamless steel pipe. the company will invest 111-million dollars in the project. the one-million square foot plant will go at the southwest corner of victory road and eisenhower avenue. they hope to break ground next month and have the plant in operation by july 2017. sioux city gets recognition for its efforts to train workers. governor terry branstad presented the "skilled iowa community" designation to local leaders on wednesday. state officials say there are don't have the skills needed. that's where the training comes in. this designation highlights the cooperative efforts of sioux city businesses, iowa works of greater siouxland, the school district, and western iowa tech. governor branstad was also in sioux center, where he designated sioux county as the 24th designated home base iowa community. community leaders and members of the public joined the governor for the presentatiti at the sioux county courthouse. home base iowa provides v verans with resources s help them find employment andndntegrate themselves into the community. . thth're getting in the halloween spspit at briar cliff university. every year, a student club turns the school's underground tunnels into a haunted house. this year, it's a circus theme. admission is three dollars. the haunted tunnels will be open to the public today and tomorrow from seven to ten p-m. they also offer a toned-down family hour before that from six to seven. on halloween, they're open from 6 to 9. praised for a strong performance. and he's joining us, this morning. (out) also ahead.. (v/o) criminals posing as utility workers.. to fool you into letting them into your home. think you wouldn't be tricked? wait until you see what happened, when jeff rossen put homeowners to the test. (out) those stories, plus.. (v/o) one of the biggest stars in the world. we'll have some fun with oscar winner, sandra bullock.. when she stops by studio 1.a., this morning on today. >> we're just two days before halloween and one young animal in north dakota was born ready for the holiday. on a farm east of bismarck lives a calf with the markings of a skull on its head. yes... a skull. some might think it's creepy. it's owner bruce lang says when he tells people about the marking, they often accuse him of faking it... but once they see it, they can't look away. and if the little cow is needed for halloween duty she's ready. lang says 'skull cow' still has a couple years before she's sold for meat, so he doesn't have to worry about being haunted just yet. good morning. free for all. the republican presidential debate gets heated in a hurry. candidates taking repeated shots at the moderators and the media. >> the questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the american people don't trust the media. >> taking shots at each other. >> someone has convinced you that attacking me will help you. >> marco rubio taking on his one-time mentor. marco rubio joins us. the out of control journey of the run away army balloon. >> chase it down. >> this riveted the nation for hours and left a path of power outages in its wake. the military sent fighter jets to track it. $1 million blimp and a monumental blunder. the prince of washington. >> prince harry. >> harry delights the crowds and the president during a quick trip to the u.s. what he revealed about the moment he says changed the direction of his life. today, thursday, october 29th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. usually, you and i track through the debates. we couldn't keep up. >> my thumbs aren't fast enough. there were different moments. fiery, intense, heated. pick any of the words to debate. while the candidates have issues with each other, they shared a collective target. last night, it was the media. we'llreak it down and talk to the man who many people think won the night, marco rubio. highlights. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning.

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Louisiana , Shanghai , China , Texas , Briar Cliff , Tennessee , Sioux City , Iowa , Kentucky , Briar Cliff University , Sioux County , Indiana , Greek Island , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Sioux Center , Well Run , Mexico , South Dakota , Rock Valley , Nebraska , Indianapolis , Hollywood , California , Pennsylvania , Maryland , North Dakota , France , Greece , Hawaii , Americans , America , Mexican , Greek , French , American , Marco Rubio , Ktiv Sheila Brummer , Ben Carson , Floyd Ray Cook , Carter Prescott , Marty Jackley , Laura Phillips , John Kasich , Matt George , Richard Dreyfuss , Daniel Ray , Kate Upton , Papa John , Bruce Lang , Kevin Rader , John Harwood Cnbc , Winona Ryder , Steve Martin , Edie Brickell , Jimmy Fallon , Savannah Guthrie , Chris Christie , Sheila Brummer , Brenda Thelen , Alcides Escobar , Al Qaeda , Tiffany Boone , Troy Wayne , John Boehner , Alex Gordon , Eric Hosmer , Paul Ryan , Tracie Potts , Zach Ingram , Matt Lauer , Aston Martin , Shane Solberg , Bob Hansen , Jacob Shultz , Chris Whitney , Bob Vollmer , Terry Branstad , Lebron James , Jeb Bush , Dillon Beckmann , Doug Boone , Katie Mccarty , Carly Fiorina , Mike Huckabee , Johnny Cueto , Britney Glaser , Jim Scheer , Jeff Rossen , Chris Kroll , Jackley Saas , Rockefeller Plaza , Mary Moloney , Odessa Clark , Lori Warner , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton ,

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