Catherine indiana democrats choosing and encouraging democrat Bernie Sanders to pursue his campaign. President ial candidate ti the great political upsets in the history of the United States a. Catherine now at 8. Catherine were following breaking news tonight on the campaign trail. Senator ted cruz has dropped out of the 2016 president ial race. Catherine he made the announcement after finishing a distant second to donald trump incruz was a favorite of tea party voters. Catherine and got off to a strong start by winning the Iowa Caucuses and finishing thirdbut he fell short in South Carolina and the first round of super tuesday states. And was never able to pass trump. Catherine tonight in his response to cruz dropping out. Donald trump dropped the insults. Catherine donald trump won more than 53 point percent of the vote in indiana tonight. Hes on target to pick up all of the 57 delegates. Catherine grant is here to tell us about the upset victory by Bernie Sanders. Grant sanders remains far behind as clinton closes in on theindiana democratic delegates are awarded proportionally. It was close in the hoosier state. But sanders edged the clinton. Grant cnn National Correspondent ryan nobles joins us live now. Grant the meeting in the meantime cruz is out of the race. Grant we do have ryan just a few weeks ago now what trumps as the nominee things have changed. Audio difficulties. Catherine and i were watching this whole thing unfold and we were waiting to see what trump would say. But not a whole lot. Audio difficulties catherine we have a story about a bribery in in burlingame. Robbery reporter the man and a black head and another man in a blue sweater unplug it atm and carried it out the front door. Pointing a gun right in the clerk read gardening for it several minutes the two began to fight the continued to fight. The gun vault to the floor. Falls to the floor. The suspect jumped over the counter and fully. The clerk contact the police. Reporter she said the atm was owned by a third party and not sure if there was any money in it. This experience was fighting for her. Reporter that also stated that the gun dropped by one of the meant was a fake. Catherine a Police Accountability forum was scheduled tonight. Catherine it was set up as a Discussion Panel with San Francisco police chief greg suhr and public defender jeff adachi. Catherine but at the last minute it was cancelled because of security concerns. Kron fours jeff bush is live tonight at sherith israel temple with the latestjeff. He is incapable. Catherine the protesters entered city hall and stood outside the door of the Mayors Office and was told that the mayor was not their spirit. Reporter kaplan this yvette was scheduled to be a debate between the public offenders and the police chief but the police chief back out at the last minute, due to security concerns. There was about 3000 protesters here. The want to hear what the chief had to say as well. This was scheduled months ago. About abuse of force. There were community that says there were security concerns and we are disappointed that we could not go ahead at the meeting as planned. We have a very big interest and inviting the community to join us. Reporter i am jeff bush reporting live in San Francisco, kron 4 news. Grant see ian and correspondent brian nobles is now with the spirit cnn correspondent, ryan nobles is now with us. Reporter you are starting to see a lot of Republican Leaders who is solid lead among the group of established republicans who said that donald trump would have been the worst thing that could ever happen to the party. As a nominee. He tweet tonight if it was a choice between the two that he would choose donald trump said every time if so you are starting to seeing some of these Republican Leaders to break back into donald trump to see where their party is backing the support of this individual. Reporter you cannot avoid or you cannot ignore the voters. Grant i know you heard today the comment stating thepence in regards to trumps father being with Lee Harvey Oswald for it reporter 6 you take what he has said to his fellow republicans you would have the money supply that by a significant notion as to what Hillary Clinton has in store for. He is demonstrating that he is willing to go there. As far as their needs to be to abuse or bruised his opponent. Reporter remember several months ago all wrong christmas where Donald Trumps this he was not in touch with john mccain because he was captured everyone cried that that would be the end of his campaign because he went to far the hill we are now he is the nominee to the present tool nominee. He isnt the nominee. Reporter we are just at the beginning of what will be a lot of attacks that will go towards Hillary Clintons attacks. We are talking about a different audience here. For the general election. Grant Barney Sanders has one indiana but at it seems as if he wins here and there but killer clinton is so far ahead with you think that will go . Reporter big difference between this tool is that they are in the same position between cruz andBernie Sanders he is 74 years old already he will not run for president again and he has built something here that he will like to see last beyond this campaign. He will continue to put the pressure on his request in light up into the conviction he has the money to do it and will continue to build across that state big speeches. He wants to make sure that she stays committed to some of these topics that we have talked about. Reporter cruz is a young man we have now seen the last of him. So to your point yes, it or clinton has already won the democratic race. But it does not mean that Bernie Sanders will drop out any time soon serious. Catherine coming up at eight. Catherine two former Police Officers appear in court. Accused in a racist texting scandal. Catherine also the mother of rap legend tupock shakur dies in the bay area. What police are saying tonight about her death. Catherine and next. Facing allegations he raped a disabled woman. Catherine why a former 49er star says hes innocent. Peak catherine today former 49ers star Dana Stubblefield. Said he is not a rapist. Flanked by his legal team. The morgan hill resident laid out at least part of his defense. One day after being charged with raping a developmentally disabled woman. Catherine grant lodes is here with the latest. Grant stubblefield and his attorneys say as of today, theyve begun mounting astubblefield said sex with his accuser was consensual. Grant prosecutors say the alleged 2015 here at stubblefields home in morgan hill, where the victim, an unidentified, 32 yearold developmentally disabled woman, was being interviewed by stubblefield for a job as a nanny. Grant stubblefields attorneys question whether she is actually disabled. She was a book that as cam for money over 20 something times. She was able to ask these charges again are completely false and look for it to providing money proof of innocence. Grant his attorneys say stubblefild was targeted because of his wealth and celebrity status. They produced evidence that he passed a lie detector test. Grant the 45year old former niner and raiders is facing five felonies. Today the das office didnt mention the long delay it took to file charges, but did say quote. We look forward to presenting our evidence in stubblefield accountable for his crimes. Catherine highprofile rape cases, put the spotlight on the crime. And victims feel the courage to come forward. Thats what kron 4s Justine Waldman found out today shes here with us now with details. Justine . Justine when rape cases are in the news people start talking. And it triggers something in victims. And the Crisis Center bay area women against rape is ready to help. I dont think anybody likes to talk about rape justine a difficult topic, that the the bay area women against rape center in oakland tackles every day. Justine it offers support for Sexual Assault survivors. Phone justine high profile rape or violence cases in the news translates to more calls at the Crisis Center. When we receive those calls on the hotline it could be i saw this thing on the news and i am feeling really triggered by it because it relates to my case or thank goodness this woman got to Say Something because i never got to Say Something Justine Howard bloom, tells me it is too soon to tell if the Dana Stubblefield case will have that effect. Justine the last time, the center felt higher need for its services was when the allegations against bill cosby were in the headlines. It is usually the holidays like thanksgiving and christmas when more victims come forward. Justine awareness is important. I think it is good as long as people are having the conversation nats phone when the phones ring justine the conversation here usual turns to victims rights and the complications of the legal system. People do not understand how people get charged what it is like for the survivor after that conversation is good instead of keeping in the dark and silent phone hangup justine do see an increase in donations. This all goes to help survivors. Justine we have put information on our website to the bay area women against rape center reporter want to step out of the way and show you in the distance the people out here. Snatches in the parking lot. But some off way off in the distance. Those are packed with cars as well. Nevertheless, all of the parking lot are busy as can be purified you want to go to some of the video that was shot in the last couple of hours and to see what i was talking about. For those folks that goes too athletic games usually the parking is free but not the case this evening we are talking about 40 parking. For those that are used to free parking. Reporter is not often that the place to park is more than the actual ticket price. Most people remain pretty positive is an exciting thing having the warriors hot right now1 we got a good deal. Ago from a free parking day to having to pay 40 that was kind of speech. We go from a free parking day to having to spend 40 that was kind of steep. Reporter to lead lot of excitement out here. But at last check the as were losing. And at last check the warriors were losing. So lets hope that this turns around. Brittany weather wise we will continue to see the clouds for tonight and breezy conditions with coastal f o g as well. Moving at nine mount for all of the wind. Napa at 61 and san jose in the mid fifties right now. Brittany have a system starting to move on shore and increasing our monster. You will see mostly cloudy skies for your wednesday creek with a chance of rain showers. If we do it would only be a 10th of an inch we are not talking a bout a whole lot of rainshowers. Brittany afternoon tide tomorrow 67 in redwood city. With temperatures in getting up to 70 degrees. Cooling down since the beginning of the work week. Antipaters in san for cisco with 64 to 70 degrees. When will take a closer look at the 74 pastorate and i will track how mothers day weekend will shake up. Catherine. Reporter an entirely new neighborhood is being built from the ground up. Tonight we will take you there. Reporter and tech report gabe slate and i have a special segment coming up soon catherine a new study shows that more than fifty percent of teenagers admit theyre addicted to their phones. Our tech trends reporter gabe slate shows us what parents think about this. Reporter this poll confirms what most parents know reporter teens are extremly dependent on their phone reporter sense media involved interviews with parents and kids 12 to 18 years old. Reporter there is one special group that they care about for your individuals is that their key friends at school. If you can go without your smart phone or Internet Access you are older and 37. Reporter size and dropped in the hammer and taking away the phone. To get involved. If they are going to be stuck on their device make sure they are safe from other forms of harassment and bullying. Reporter follow them and talk to them about the applications that they are using. If they seem upset that you are using their own axe townwide. Gate slate kron 4 news. Using their cell fan creek cellphone ask them why gary sports next before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time and 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericadid to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. I want to show you some cutting edge technology. This is a vhs tape. Push that tape in and hit play. This is a flip phone. Have you seen these before . Its called a compact disc. Oh. Looks like were getting a facsimile. What year is it to you . Its old. Youd rather use Newer Technology . Definitely. Well, ive got something to show you. This is the 2016 chevy volt. It uses extended range electric technology. The prius hybrid uses Battery Technology developed 15 years ago. Chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. Its got every technology there is. The prius actually belongs on the table. Reporter this was a very sudden announcement for it when senator cruz said it was over. He spent a lot of time campaigning but he could not garner enough delegates. Reporter case it has spent last and the gop race but has yet to receive accurate proceed. Reporter plans on sticking with the gop candidate. I think maybe he will be more president ial. Ive seen kids will get serious hit because he really needs to get into the policies. Reporter he believes trump will brink and the best and brightest to bring it on a plan that will work best for the country. Reporter can forget about gridlock if you decide to move to the old area and San Francisco. It is so crowded that he uses one individual uses a golf course. Robert reporter is one of the first people to purchase a townhouse at the San Francisco ship yard and massive new development at the old naval park. Reporter put in perspective that is the same number of new homes built in all of San Francisco and the last five years. Reporter birds the threebedroom condo with its view is still under construction. He believes this is like to be something big. Is quiet. But what you do know is that it is coming. This is probably the flask of the fuel of this skill. This is probably last of its few of this scale now you can see it. This is very cool. Reporter there are 60,000 homes and the pipeline right now and samprass all along. But even if they all give field and fall short of the huge demand for housing. The project like the shipyard that starts off as relatively affordable do not stay that way for long. So the Housing Housing that was affordable is no longer affordable. Reporter sure he bought this to their own for 700 and 50,000he bought this home for 750,000 per he sold it for 14 percent more. It is still pretty much brandnew brick and ready to go. Reporter is impossible somehow hide things will go. But starting to show signs of a slowdown in demand for housing for the middle class is still very high. Catherine a former San Francisco Police Officer is accused of lying to investigators one of four investigators involved in a scandal. The messages came to light after a woman reported that, officer had raped her. Accused of tipping them off of the investigation. And appeared in court pleading not guilty. Catherine only on kron4 with a violent our marine the violent robbery. It was all captured on video creek a store that you will only see on kron 4 news. Catherine Concord Police it happened saturday at 1 00 a. M. Creek at 7 e. Levin. If a man walked into the store tried to steal several cases of beer purity the sol what they were doing. The clerks van tried to stop them. Want to do something about it and you see it happen right in front of your ride port however, the court was outnumbered. It happened right in front of your iraseyes Catherine Lee said if you think you may recognize the people in the video please contact Concord Police. Catherine are some weather changes. Brittany not to worry if you have plans for mothers day we will dry out. And we are not talking about a whole lot of rain. Maybe up to a 10th of an inch or a quarter of an inch of rain showers. You just want to make sure that you were not caught outside. We will continue to see fall de conditions it tomorrow. Foggy conditions brittany we will also see cooler temperatures you will notice tomorrow. 59 degrees in oakland, 64 in livermore and 67 degrees pushing off shore with unsettled weather. We will stay dry as we go into the rest of tonight and into the morning commute. With a mostly cloudy skies. Brittany lot of the luster will head to the east of our area. We are tracking a better chance of these light showers popping up as we head into friday, we will see our best chance of rain showers. Brittany youre with the temperatures in the 50s for most spot. Sixties to set things, as we head into tomorrow with our 7 day forecast shows straight through saturday and sunday mothers day look good. Catherine no one is laughing now. A High School Prank goes wrong. Catherine next, the u. S. Military being held as heroes after a dramatic rescue. Rescue. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah grant they were on the fourth floor of that building brick with a fire starting grid there were a couple of servicemen that what by by the at the same time. Convincing the women to throw their babies they were tossing the children out and finally she jumped landing on a pile of pillows that they had placed underneath the blanket. All of the individuals are ok. The mom wants to remain anonymous but her father gesture husband did come up to think men for helping them. Catherine this is the photo of 19 year old hunter was born. 18 at the time. He is facing dozens of charges. What beat on the senate exposure. And he may have to go down as a sex offender. Still catherine ahead at eight next apart millions of people use the company has lost its second lawsuit with claims that it can cause cancer. Catherine gary has the sports next coming up you live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Tenths to stress Catherine Catherine at airports and recalled to tell you about. A bay area based company is recalling t because it could make you sick. Republic of tea is headquartered in a bottle. They are telling people who drink the spice of life grantee to throw it away. Catherine the company said the organic ginger and reading could be contaminated with salmonella and the products affected are ginger drink tea and 50 contents and 250 lb. Bulk that for 50 count we feel that spirit with a bass said the date of march 23rd, 2018 and april to 13th, 2018 there are no reports that anyone has gotten sick after drinking the tea. male announcer its now time for gary radnich with sports . Gary tonight sharks still lead the series patrick that are back and has built on thursday night. Warriors are in game as we speak. Grant has an update. Grant the warriors are down nine. Gary 5953, is left . We always like to think people will switch over from have time to see if i am still breathing. Grant blazers do not get the shot off in time we go to have time. male announcer its now time for gary radnich with sports . Gary like to do this spirit is mark burnett working tonight . Our good friend mark burnett grant i have no idea. Gary you will like to show us that you are watching kron at this moment we will love to hear from because we appreciate. Gary capelin and visit my mom a couple of times. Kathryn visit my mom a couple of times. And there were some people who were unhappy with me. Gary and a big enough man to apologize to those people because i took a valuable air time. I cant think everyone for keeping me on my toes. I am just being a wise guy. Gary steps steph curry has won the 201516 Magic Johnson all war. Which one is the players who does come buys excellence and the Basketball Court with cooperation and dignity in dealing with the media and the public. Curry was selected from a boat of the professional Basketball Writers Association members. About 1075 writers and editors who cover the nba on a regular basis. Gary miami and cleveland that it would love to see Lebraun James and the way in which it go up against each other. Gary the nba listed funds and corporate calls. In the final 13. 5 seconds of less my thunderspurs in game. The most notable was not call on the young waiters who should have received an aunt this stuff about for pushing manu ginobli what tried to embalm the ball. But the league also said that generally should have been whisked for delay of game for stepping on the sideline during the amounts. The spurs and it of stealing the ball but with no time outs had to settle for a rare shot that came up well short. Under the and 9897 to tie the series on onerun. Shh gary 11 gary i have a lot of friends. We did get feedback. People tune over from the game. Grant like the shirt tonight mr. Cool. Grant is like a join the conversation tight but things. Gary see, kaplan people do switch off of a major event. Gary caherine, stay away from my mother laughter catherine we will be back. Hey i think the internet just went down. Huh, why dont you give it a sec, itll come back. Something just happened in the world and we have no idea what it was. Get high Speed Internet from at t with 99. 9 reliability for just 30 a month. Keep calm, your internets on. Catherine realestate tycoon Barbara Corcoran who appears on the tv show shark tank and apparently believes that wearing bright colors and hiking up pursed her works for her. But for the shark tank start, after she tweet the spot on the a woman running a business in a mans world is a huge advantage and. Funding a 35 yearold the state group that operates in york city, the hamptons in south florida and as 18 billion in sales annually. This is that the first time she has shared a hot business tactics. And two dozen high profile in womens wear daily she said they still strategy and a corporate be a slightly inappropriate. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. Flonase is the first and only nasal spray approved to relieve both itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. When we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. More complete allergy relief. Flonase. 61 changes everything. Governor i have to talk all of you into doing something. Something i know we need to do. And i dont know how to talk about it. What do you want us to do

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