male announcer this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. With breaking news. Pam breaking news tonight. 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree being investigated for an alleged Sexual Assault. This. Less than 48hours before kickoff. Of the nfc championship game between the 49ers and the atlanta falcons. Kron4s jr stone is outside Team Headquarters in santa clara. With the late breaking details. Jr . Reporter i have learned of this information in the last 60 minutes. I have been trying to contact those with the San Francisco 49ers. They just got on the plane four hours ago. It is heading to a plant up. I have sent emails asking if this will change his status. Keep in mind, that he has had nine touchdowns, 1111 rushing yards this incident happened in a hotel room and is being investigated. They say that Michael Crabtree has not been detained owe are only learning about this in the last 60 minutes. If youre just joining us this just in to the kron 4 news room the Police Department is investigating as of Sexual Assault involving San Francisco 49ers, Michael Crabtree. If we get new updates people bring them to you here on kron 4 news. Reporting from santa clara, j. R. Stone, kron 4 news. Pam developing tonight. Hayward Police Searching for a teenage girl who may have run off with with an older man. 13year old delicia moreno was last seen yesterday. Leaving for school. But she never showed up. Kron 4s dan kerman is live in hayward tonight. Thats where morenos family and friends are doing what they can. To help bring her home safely. Dan . Reporter she remains missing. They have been passing out in these flyers hoping that somebody will recognize her and somebody will know where she is. Family and friends spent friday night passing out fliers as they continue the search for the 13 yearold girl. I want her to come home. She was last seen thursday morning after dropping her Younger School off at an Elementary School and he word. Sheriffs Officials Say that she could have voluntarily ran off with her 22 yearold boyfriend. They live in the single Apartment Building but the Mother Police the something more sinister has happened. It is not a boyfriend. Not to a 13 yearold he is a predator. He is rain on my daughter. Reporter she said that she was given no indication before she left for school. There was no indication she did not take any extra clothes. She made brownies the night before. There is no indication that she ran away. Reporter they are going to continue to spread the word. They are fears that he could take her out of the state. This is just one Shopping Center where they have been passing out fliers. They plan on returning this weekend to continue the efforts. Dan kerman, kron 4 news. Pam prosecutors in Santa Clara County are weighing. Whether to file charges against a say, made up an attempted kidnapping. The woman told police. A man tried to snatch her daughter from her arms outside her home tuesday evening. After reinterviewing her. They determined she made up the whole story. New tonight at eight. Kron 4s alecia reid spoke to the childs father. He says, this isnt the first time the woman. Has been caught in a lie. Reporter glad his 3 year old daughter didnt actually go through a traumatic experience, curtis wordlaw says his ex, jenny araujo is a habitual liar. And wasnt surprised to find out the attempted kidnapping was all a hoax. Just last year he claims she told everyone their 4 year old daughter had cancer. She even went as far as to solicit donations for my daughters treatment for leukemia. Setting up a bank account, her out of state family donated about 2 thousand dollars towards my daughters care. She was confronted by her best friend as to what taylors treatments are and thats when she came clean. Reporter the duo has two Children Together and have been in a custody battle for years. This is the first time people outside of my family are getting to see the type of monster that she is. Reporter earlier this week, araujo told police a man tried to kidnap her daughter from in front their home and she got into a tug ofwar until she got a hold of the toddler and ran inside. Police put time and resources into finding the man on the run. We were not able to get in touch with police to find out if shell be facing charges. Kron 4 visited the home but no one would talk to us. The childrens father says hes disappointed with the turn of events. Last year it was leukemia, this year its the kidnapping, the year before that it was Domestic Violence, the year before that it was Domestic Violence with cps and san jose pd coming to the house to inspect one of my daughters. Its just been an ongoing struggle and im frustrated and tired. Reporter wordlaw says he wants to take his children out of the equation until their mother has been mentally evaluated. In san Jose Alecia Reid Kron 4 news. Pam Lance Armstrong. Continuing his tell all interview tonight. Some surprising details on whether or not he thinks his lifelong ban from competitive sports. Is the right punishment. Take a listen. I cannot lie to you. Frankly, this might not be the most popular answer but i think i deserve it. Maybe not right now but if you look at the situation, the culture, the sport. If i could go back to that time. You are treating my story for a six months suspension. That is what people thought. That is what other people thought. So i got a Death Penalty and you can never compete again. I am not saying that it is unfair. Im saying that it is different. To you think youve got to what you deserve . Bomb. For a long time people were saying that there were on a witchhunt. Do you think that at this moment, how big you were how much that meant and how much people believed. Whats your name and brand it stood for. Shore. I deserve to be punished. I cannot know if i deserve the Death Penalty. Pam Lance Armstrong went on to say, the most humbling moment in his doping scandal , was being forced to step aside from the live strong Cancer Charity he founded. Well have more from the interview tonight at 11. The National Weather service has issued a high surf and fiery. The best surfers are heading to Half Moon Bay. In santa clara tonight. With it comes. As the worlds best surfers are heading to Half Moon Bay. For the mavericks surf contest. Kron 4s Charles Clifford reporter it was a Beautiful Day along the coast on friday, but the National Weather service says that rough ocean conditions are headed our way and they are asking that beach goers and boaters to use extreme caution over the next couple days. A High Surf Advisory has been issued for most of the Northern California coastline. That advisory runs from 10am saturday morning through 4pm on sunday afternoon. Swells between 8 to 10 feet are possible creating dangerous conditions along the coast. Steep beaches and beaches that face northwest could be particularity hazardous. The Weather Service is advising that anyone visiting the beach be aware that sleeper waves and rip currents could also be a danger. Theyre asking that families and dog owners avoid low lying areas and surf zones. Fisherman should also avoid rocky shores and jetties. John young has been fishing along the coast here for 25 years. He says that an advisory like this one is not to be ignored. It is too dangerous, not a chance to reporter and finally, the coast guard is also asking that anyone who might be headed out on a boat this weekend to let friends and family know make sure you have Safety Equipment like life jackets, flares, and an emergency radio on board. In San Francisco, Charles Clifford kron 4 news. We are going to have some beautiful weather at the beaches. With warm temperatures and lots of sunshine that as what we had for today. 60s. Nearly 70s in oakland, san jose. Livermore, San Francisco, mid60s. Despite the warm temperatures, we still have the cold weather at night. From mt. Tam over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and the bay colt numbers once again. Here is futurecast. Notice the purple continuing to expand with 30s and 20s. Look for the coldest temperatures to be in the north bay valleys with mid upper 20s were santa rosa, napa, fairfield upper 30s and 40s by the bay. Pretty cold tonight with the 30s for san jose. Redwood city and as we go for tomorrow once we start to see that sunshine if it will warm up. Ahead at eight. Pam itthe flu getting more dangerous. As it spreads throughout california. People across the state and in the bay area rush to get protected. A big weekend in washington, as president obama prepares to officially begin his second term. The last minute preparations for the inauguration celebrations. But first, the dramatic video of an avalanche rescue near lake tahoe. Why the man whose life was saved. Is critical of his rescuers. Saved. Is critical of his rescuers. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. Or why it doesnt have to be an adventure to stick to your new years budget. Because safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. Right now, a case of arrowhead water is just 3. 33. Folgers is 7. 99 for the large size. Thats a huge deal. Rise and shine. Simply orange oj is just 2. 88. Real big deals this week and every week. Only at safeway. Ingredients for life. Pam we are now getting a closer look at some rescue video. Of a skier buried by an avalanche at lake tahoe last month you can see from this helmet cam video, that the buried skier was able to put a hand up above the snow surface. And then brush snow away from his airway until he was freed. The skier acknowledges mistakes were made by him and his rescuers, including skiing above a ridgeline which is prone to slides. Not having proper training for such a scenario. And not equipping all Party Members with rescue gear. He says, he wants others to learn from his mistakes. The Obama Administration has flatly rejected an offer to free two americans held by militants in algeria. In exchange for convicted terrorists. It has been confirmed. One us worker has been found dead at the bp natural gas plant seized by extremists. Algerian forces launched a rescue operation yesterday. 650 workers were reportedly set free. A dozen others have been killed. It is still not clear exactly how many us workers are being held. Philadelphia police have arrested a man blamed for a shocking act of violence in the citys subway. Surveillance video shows what happened tuesday after asking a 23 year old woman for a lighter. He returns and attacks her. Eventually pulling her off a bench by her feet. And dragging her over to the tracks where he throws her off. Fortunately, the woman managed to pull herself out quickly and had only minor injuries. Police used this video to track the man down. Former new orleans mayor ray nagin has been indicted on federal corruption charges. A 25page indictment. Includes conspiracy. Money laundering and fraud. This comes after two city contractors pleaded guilty to bribing nagin. In return for nobid contracts. Nagin ran for mayor on the promise he would root out corruption. And bring his high tech savvy to city hall. He spent eight years as mayor. And was in office when Hurricane Katrina hit new orleans in 2005. He is also accused of accepting pay offs and free trips from contractors. As the city was struggling to recover. Condem pam the nation will be watching monday. When president obama celebrates his second term inauguration. From the flashy to the mundane there have been a thousand details for the organizers to consider. Kron4s Catherine Heenan reports. A few facts about how these crowds will be handled. The u. S. Military will be helping park police for the first time ever. The secret service will be working with 57 federal and local agencies. A new app is designed to keep people from getting lost or stuck in overcrowded spots which happened in 2009. Theres continued concern over whether there will be enough portapotties. Also a new pastor has been chosen to give the benediction. Unlike the first choice luis leon supports same sex marriage. Ut 40million dollars. The tradition is almost as old as the country itself. This is Teddy Roosevelts parade in 1905. And as the years went by. The ceremonies become more and more tightly controlled and choreographed. This years Inauguration Committee had 432 staff members. Nothing is left to chance theyre rehearsing the swearing in using stand ins for the first family. A tightly controlled secret where the president will get out and walk part of the parade route. Its become an expected part of the inaugural parade. And we now know the president s playlist of performers includes katy perry, beyonce, usher, Stevie Wonder and john legend. Among the High School Students invited to the parade. The iowa drill and drum corps the first family liked so much last time theyre invited back. And a new term means a new portrait by white house photographer pete souza. Heres the old one from 2009. The new one shows the president with a bigger smile. Despite what could be the rough waters ahead. The president has been working hard on his speech. And is hoping to turn the page on a first term marked by economic turmoil. Pam comedian Stephen Colberts sister is planning a run for congress. Elizabeth Colbert Busch wants the democratic nomination in south carolinas first district. The seat is vacant because of tim scotts appointment to the senate. It is a traditionally right leaning seat. And several republicans, including the states former governor, mark sanford, are after it. The colberts are natives of charleston, south carolina. Ahead at eight30. The flu 3. Been obrya brighton brian is cool it is cool, with upper 20s. With a cold start for tomorrow. Warm temperatures and once again mid60s sunday it shaping up to be very similar. A warm afternoon, plenty of sunshine. And the same on Martin Luther king day. We will see lots of sunshine impose afternoon temperatures will see mid 60s. For tomorrow, just mid 60s. 64 in san jose, milpitas. A little bit closer for the central valley. But 60s for the bay, hayward, union city. And San Francisco will seeing the north bay valleys could also see some fog. That could limit visibility. Oakland, 64 degrees. And a look at your Holiday Weekend and next week with lots of sunshine and warm afternoon temperatures in the 60s. Remember, the mornings are going to be cold. Temperatures will be cold. Stormy weather patterns. Right now, just some threats of storms. Is that time of year reckon, sk that yearagain, with skiing and snowboarding these are ski goggles from oakley. Id is friday night and of the shiit is friday grand alecia reed with a buster posy resigning. I am always ready. It is that time of year again, ski and a snowboard. You have got to check this out. These are the oakley ski goggles and these are extremely high tech. These have a builtin video screen. It is in the lower righthand corner. You can still ski without being distracted. It is fair to display information. Like the temperatures, current speed. Altitude and if you take a jump it will also teach the height of your children. And if any of your family are wearing the same goggles at the same resort . You can run the same at and see where they are at the same resort. These will connect to your smart phone be of blue tooth. And Text Messages and even incoming phone calls will display on your goggles. There will be no more funneling to take your gloves and mittens off to try to get to the phones. Your even able to control it with a wrist remotecontrol. Www. Kron4. Com gabe slate tech report pam outbreak gets worse. The disease is now widespread throughout to protect themselves. And a big change to the body scanners at Airport Security checkpoints. The new technology that promises to be less invasive. More freezing temperatures on the way tonight with 20s and 30s. We do have some nice and daytime temperatures for this weekend. [ male announcer ] if youre ready to get more from your tv service, nows a great time to get at t uverse tv. Make the switch. [ female announcer ] call now to get at t uverse tv for only 29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. Plus, add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] with uverse tv, you can record four shows at once with the total home dvr that lets you play back, pause, or rewind your shows from any room. Get over 170 hd channels. Thats more than cable. [ female announcer ] call now to get at t uverse tv for only 29 a month for 6 months, with a total home dvr included free for life. Plus, add hbo and cinemax, and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] and now, exclusively from at t, our wireless receiver lets you move your tv where you want around the house, even outside. So youre no longer tied to the tv outlet. [ female announcer ] at t uverse. Tv like youve never seen before. Now for a look at our top stories at eightthirty. San Francisco Police say, they have interviewed 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree. As part of an investigation into a Sexual Assault. It happened in a hotel early sunday morning. Hours aftinveste has been interviewed. And is cooperating with the investigation. Alameda county sheriffs deputies are searching for a 13yearold girl, who they believe has run away with an older man. Delicia moreno never showed up for school yesterday morning. Her family and police think she may be with 23 year old ruben polanco. Described as a neighbor, and family friend. And the surf is going to be way up this weekend. Swimmers and boaters are being warned to watch out for waves as high as 20 feet. And to be cautions of rip tides and sleeper waves. It is however, good news. For spectators heading to Half Moon Bay for sundays mavericks surf contest. Caltrans will begin repairing the bay bridge fender system which was damaged earlier this month, this coming tuesday january 22nd. This is video from our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. Of when the bridge was struck by an oil tanker. Crews will replace the damaged fender sections, which are constructed of steel and recycled plastic. The project is expected to last about four and a half months. And costs up to three million dollars. This is a computer image of a generic human body which the new Airport Security scanners will display now that congress has mandated that the tsa replace the old xray scanners at u. S. Airports. The old ones reveal graphic images of the naked body which concerned many travelers here in the bay area, Oakland International is one of two airports still using the old scanners and passengers there tell kron4, they welcome the change that we have in this country san jose mineta airport also has the old security scanners at both of its terminals. Congress has given the tsa. A june 2013 deadline to change to the new scanners nationwide i think it is a good thing. The t s a is trying to be more personal. I think it is easily a good stand equally. I have not had a problem going to the scan. I understand that they have been adding a lot of extra security. Since they have implemented some programs they are very evasive san jose mineta also has the old scanners june 2013 is the deadline. The golden state crosses a new threshold in the flu epidemic. Today, california joined the cdcs list of states where the disease is widespread. And the death toll is climbing nealy a half dozen californians under the age of 65 have died. This years flu vaccine is reported to be 62 percent effective. Kron4s justine waldman. In fremont today where Health Officials are trying to get everyone vaccinated. Reporter thursday, friday, they gave all 262 flu vaccines. They did not want to get sick or they finally found a place to get a vaccination. I finally found one about fall greens. These shots for 10 and based on the popularity hospitals are debating weather or not to open up this again next week. Pam people also lined up in the east bay at a local store. In hopes of getting a shot. And they were in luck. As kron fours Terisa Estacio reports, one person in line said. The severity of this current flu season prompted vaccine. Before its too late. Reporter sandy kabealo was confident but a little nervous. Confident she was doing the right thing by getting a shot. But a bit uneasy because this was the first time, she has ever gotten a shot. Just never did it before. But with this season, and i work with elderly people it was the right thing to do. I think it wont hurt, reporter and she was not the only one getting a shot. But throughout the day, there was a steady line of people coming into this pleasanton safeway to get the vaccine. For some it was just a matter of timing. But with the season kicking into high gear, tehy all told kron four that they wanted to make sure tyhey got the shot before getting sick. I am heading back east. So i definitely want to be prepared. Reporter Terisa Estacio, kron 4 news. Let me walk you through this website to. Find a vaccine flu. Gov just enter your zip code. These three locations you will be able to find out what locations or retail pharmacies have vaccinations available. You are able to navigate around a map. He does a great way to get flu shots. Pam the man who gunned down two people on the Richmond San Rafael bridge toll plaza back in 2009 is sentenced to death. Nathan burris received the Death Penalty after an emotional hearing in martinez. Burris was convicted of killing his former girlfriend and her male friend who he believed were romantically involved. Belmont Police Released a Security Camera image. Showing a suspect wanted for allegedly exposing himself to a woman last weekend. Police say, the woman was walking on hiller street in belmont around 3 30 in the afternoon when a man pulled up in a car and asked for directions. Plenty the transamerica building, cloud freak. Ee clouds ash cloudfree. Plenty of sunshine. With 20s in the north bay valleys. And towards concord, antioch. However through the morning in the afternoon to look for temperatures to go for the 50s and 60s by the afternoon. That screen showing the temperatures in the 60s. With an update on your sierras. Coming up a brief tutorial on what to do when you see one of these signs. I will explain in the next edition of people behaving badly. For the new mattress models but sleep trains huge year end clearance is ending soon. For a short time, save hundreds on tempurpedic mattresses. Get the most highlyrecommended bed in america at closeout prices. Plus, get interestfree financing and free sameday delivery. Why wait for the new models . Sleep trains year end clearance is ending soon. Superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep pam update. Stocks end the week mostly up. And post their Third Straight week of gains. Ge helped fuel the dow. After reporting a Strong Quarter thanks to growth in several emerging markets. On wall street. The dow rose 53points to end the week about 13thousand600. The nasdaq lost a point. And the sandp500 gained five points to close at boeing says, it will stop delivering new 787 dreamliners. Until the problems with the aircrafts electrical system are fixed. The us, japan and several other countries. Have all grounded the jetliners because safety concerns regarding the batteries. American inspectors from the faa. The ntsb and boeing arrived in japan today. To inspect a 787 that made an Emergency Landing because of battery issues earlier this week. The faa speculates. The lithium ion batteries are overcharged. And may be responsible for fires on two aircraft. Honda is recalling 748 thousand pilot suvs and odyssey minivans because of airbag problems. Honda says the driverside air bags were improperly assembled. And may not deploy properly during a crash. Potentially causing injury. No incidents have bee reported so far. The recall covers pilots made through the 20092013 years. And odysseys made between 2011 and 2013. Honda says it will start notifying the affected owners next month. Che coming up in spots, the atlanta championship game. However, with a cloud as one of their star players is accused of Sexual Assault. Gary radnich is next. Q x there is a statement from the 49ers on the Sexual Assault allegations against Michael Crabtree we are aware of the allegation and we understand that he has fully cooperated with authorities theyre taking this matter very seriously. This is an ongoing legal process. Any questions should be directed towards the attorney for Michael Crabtree. We will keep you updated. male announcer now, heres Stanley Roberts who found people behaving badly. We here in the bay have a history of ignoring things. Like this truck parked in the crosswalk which is totally illegal. Even though one of the workers told me they had a permit from the city, funny though when i called the city they said no. See the right turn only sign, we ignore it and often turn left. Its so common you sort of expect it. Then there is this crosswalk closed sign due to street, and yes we ignore that too because thats want we do. In fact all too often we will look at the sign as if to absorbe its meaning then cross anyway but the most ignored signs in the entire San Francisco bay area is this little red octagon with four little letter stop bicylist think it should be a yield sign and apparently so do operators of 4000 pound plus vehicles. On marina blvd in the Marina District of San Francisco drivers constantly roll through stop signs. Soooo im going to give you a brief lesson on what it means to stop. If you follow this simple rule i guarantee you, you will never get a stop sign ticket again. When you approach a stop sign simply cease all forward motion, there is no three second rule, you just have to stop however the longer you stop the better it is. All the weight from your vehicle should shift to the rear, oh and make sure its behind the limit line which in this case is the beginning of the crosswalk. It if you follow what i just told you, you will never get a ticket for running a stop sign so go ahead practice it use an empty parking lot if you are worried it might be to difficult. For the record. I do that everytime i drive, everytime even if someone blows a horn at me. Because way i see it the horn blower is not going to pay my ticket or go to traffic for me or pay my insurance premium. Just saying. In San Francisco, Stanley Roberts kron 4 news if you were going to the sierras there is a lot of sunshine the weather is looking nice. This through the weekend, temperatures are going to be in the 40s but only Single Digits in the mornings. It is going to be cool to start off the day for tomorrow in the bay area. 20s in the north bay with below freezing for concord, pleasanton. 30s and san jose. The highs for the afternoon with all of this sunshine will also be much warmer with 60s. Just about everywhere. 60s in san jose, San Francisco. And here is a look ahead as the go towards sunday and monday with plenty of sunshine. Warm afternoons that will be the case for tuesday. We are watching a week weather system with increasing clouds and a chance for little or light rain. Good evening, everybody a little bit rough for the 49ers. The San Francisco Police Department is investigating a Sexual Assault allegation involving Michael Crabtree. Crabtree has not been interviewed but he is cooperating. He is not detained or arrested. Pamela just read you the statement and of course here is what you want to hear they will play on sunday in the championship game. In the meantime, the want to a light practice they are favored by 4 points. Kaepernick is key. If he played again like he did the are going to go to the super bowl. From the practice field to walking to the boss, frank corder, kaepernick got the head set working. This is his second year a few words. It is a big challenge. It is a big task. To go fight the a atlanta falcons. People and said some nice things, that is nice. They have said some nice things about our team flight it does not change anything what our job is. It was a great practice and were very focused. We are all very excited. What our favorite is and we are not looking at that we are looking to earn respect. This is 100 percent. This is what we prefer. I will have to stop and think about it. The war yours. They have now lost five of theirs last six, the warriorswith a basket malfunction. And it delayed the game by 20 minutes. It did not hurt san antonio. Cundiff was waived by thtony parker. With 9588. They went without corey. They have allowed 28 games in if you or word about buster posy . They have avoided arbitration if you are worried about buster posy. With a one year, 8 Million Contract in their continuing to talk about extending his contract more than just one year. It is e mail time. Are you ready . I am ready. All i will also show you a gun that looks also just like vern glenn. It is not you, brian [laughter] , next. Here is someone who looks a lot like fern vern glennn and why do say that kaepernick will not run against like green bay. I am here to give you my insight. The deal is that how do you expect him to run just like to did on green bay. I do not think that we could expect the same type of performance that he had one week ago it was practically legendary. I do not say that he will not play well. How did Lance Armstrong get away with this for so long. A thing two different reasons. There is not that 1000 concentration on cycling. Clearly. It is a european sport. And also, he was mean and tough enough and smart enough. Anybody that somebody could write something if they had an insight on how he could get something he will say that i will suit you. The media has been in bad shape, with threats of suing. And he is cold. And this hopehopes to you think that notre dame shouldve come in on this hope the wordhoax. If they were too, and said that perhaps if there were come forward. He is supposed to be a good kid. The last word is that what it was a hoax. In a worst case scenario, he was naive. And jean says that i hear that heat and manning is a loser. I do not think that he is a loser. He is anything but a loser he is a great guy and a great player. Pour you a little bit difficult on the female global croppe or globetrotter . She is a sweet girl. 0 during sleep trains huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempurpedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. Plus, get free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. And through monday, get 3 years interestfree financing on selected models. But hurry, the special financing offer ends Martin Luther king, jr. Day. Dont miss the year end clearance sale

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