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Hi there. Yeah. So right along broadway here in pac heights, Speaker Pelosi is home right behind me you can see the Police Department still has broadway closed down as this investigation continues. Lets going take a look at some video kind of walk you through what we know at this hour. Now, according to the San Francisco Police Department, officers arrived about 2. 27 early this morning to do a wellness check. When they arrived on scene, they found a Speaker Pelosis husband, paul paul pelosi, having some sort of argument with a man and there was a hammer involved. Now little while ago, the Police Department held a press conference. Heres chief William Scott with the San Francisco Police Department describing what happened next. Our officers observed ms pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. The suspect pulled the hammer away from Mister Pelosi and violently assaulted him with it. Our officers immediately tackled the suspect, disarm him, took him into custody, requested emergency backup and render medical aid. All right. Paul pelosi and the suspect has been identified as 42 yearold david, the pep. They were both taken to the hospital. Paul pelosi was treated for injuries to his head and his torso. Hes expected to be okay. The suspect is now facing multiple charges. Now here at the scene, we have seen the u. S. Capitol police along with the fbi, the San Francisco Police Department, the u. S. Attorneys office and the San Francisco District Attorneys Office as well as the San Francisco bomb squad here on scene looking into the situation. We expect them to be here throughout the day. Have the street closed down . Were hoping to get some more details about exactly what happened with know that this assault occur inside the home out front. Whose hammer was it . Were hoping to get some more specific details at some point this afternoon. But thats the very latest here in San Francisco. Charles clifford kron. 4 news. Stephanie, well send it back to you charles. And we can see that Law Enforcement presence clearly behind you. But yellow tapes is up there obviously, fbi out in full force right now. But while this through the security situation last night, were there any people watching the house . So nancy pelosi, Speaker Pelosi is at the house, there is additional security. Of course, shes, you know, second in line to the presidency. So they keep a very close eye on her. But shes in washington, d. C. , so we dont know exactly how much security is at the house when hes just paul there by himself or possibly with their children. Certainly theyve had incidents at the house in the past. So im sure they have some sort of security. But again, this is one of those questions were hoping to get some more details on exactly what kind of security was in place. How could the suspect potentially have gotten into the that is something that we are very curious about as well. And hopefully well figure out some some more information on that later today, stephanie. All right, Charles Clifford, thank you so much for keeping on top of the story for us. We appreciate it. And senator scott wiener tells us that Mister Pelosi is now undergoing brain surgery at San Francisco general hospital. The senator also sharing some new details about the suspect. 42 yearold david, poppy. Now, of course, is just another example of the escalation of Political Violence that were seeing. We know that this person a long history of its sort of Conspiracy Theory ive ive been aware of him for a long time to see what the with the the public nudity and some the castro. But its a long history with them. And its one of those situations were left meets right . And the really was going up to the speaker tragic way. Her got caught up in this and that was undergoing brain surgery. Just a terrible situation. And of course, that is what the senator is telling us. We are working to those facts with that information, rather with the police and working to get more details on these alleged in incidents involving this suspect. Now, in the meantime, we know that the poppy has been booked on several charges. They include attempted homicide, burglary, elder abuse and several additional felonies. Both he and paul pelosi were taken to area hospitals following this attack. And there are reports that the poppy shouted, quote, where is nancy before allegedly assaulted Mister Pelosi with a hammer. Now a motive for this attack is still under investigation. The white house releasing this statement according to rather releasing a statement in response to the attack, it reads and were going to pull it up here for you. The president is praying for paul pelosi and for Speaker Pelosis whole family this morning. He called Speaker Pelosi to express his support after this horrible attack. Hes also very glad that a full recovery is expected. The president continued continues to condemn all violence and asks the familys desire for privacy be respected and quote. And Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell also tweeting, quote, hes horrified and disgusted by the reports that paul pelosi was assaulted and his and Speaker Pelosis home last night. Mister mcconnell going on to tweet that hes grateful to hear that paul is on track to make a full recovery and that Law Enforcement, including our Capitol Police are on the case. We also want to dig into the political implications. What happened this morning . Sources who are familiar with the situation say, but the suspect, again shouted, quote, wears nancy before attacking her husband. Were joined live now by kron 4 political analyst michael yaki. Michael, its good to see you again. Michael, you work closely with Speaker Pelosi has for former district director. What are your thoughts to how the speaker is responding to all this and have you exchanged any words with the speaker yet . Well, first of i just want to extend my thoughts and somewhat known for over 30 years. One of the and isis most generous people persons ever met. And i hope that you hes all right now. I just want to state, by the way, for the record, you know what senator wiener said about the condition of of paul may or may not be true. May or may not be in church and they are it may not be breaks or you could be skull surgery. And that certainly in situations where your hat on ahead, you may have to undergo some pressure. Some surge in your school believe pressure. Thats a certain mean its brain surgery. So theres lot still out there that we have. Yes, you know, but to answer your question specifically, stephanie, no, i have not. Im not going to bother the speaker. Ive communicated to hearst to her staff. I thought my thoughts and prayers and willingness to do whatever i can do to help out. But, you know, this is something is not going investigation and its something where if this is true, if he did remember that police said very little about what they read, what they said, magics because if this person did say these kind of statements, if this person is could be connected to other people. And this is a much but it could be a broader investigation and they know or is that just some loan . What were going to we dont know. No, its and its an alleged suspect, although this is a person of the car, essentially with the hammer in hand. So well see. But one point i would like to say to. Now were standing the charges that the s and p d and laid out. Theres also very federal charge that could be levied against anyone to. Took this action against all and thats 18 usc section one, one, which is essentially that if you attack a family member, United States official, it is a federal crime and depending on the severity of the attack, you could be up to 20 years in prison. So this is a very serious offenses person may have committed n were going to find out more and more the next and the next day or so about what kids alleged ties or alleged connection to election denial. The insurrection and will come up. Yeah, absolutely. And there is much more about the suspect that we, too, are working to confirm in our newsroom is were also learning and working to come for come from or about the status of Mister Pelosi as well. You know, michael, this is all coming just 2 weeks before the mid terms at a time when the country is more politically polarized than before. But heard from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle expressing their condolences to the pelosi family. Do you see democrats and republicans taking advantage of this opportunity to stoke more votes . Well, i think its a thing that that goes toward vote, the questions really what is going to happen afterwards and if history is anything new it to be to be cynical. Im not too sure what but cant part is going to be and it you know, when when paul makes a full recovery, thats going to obviously be be the most important thing. But beyond that, you know, Gabby Giffords was nearly killed scully, swat severely injured. All these were attacks by people against members of congress. And this is against the spouse of a member of congress and yeah, theres a lot of click collecting. Theres a lot of, you know. The usual wellmeaning thoughts and prayers. But then the next step is what we do about what we do about the fact that their conditions of polarization, that the conditions of us of hatred, that that people get whipped up and interact chambers where they never here anything but their own repeated lies about about about the election or about the other people that kind of thing that has been addressed. And 2 that is addressed. I think that everyone, everyone who is in office was running for office has to worry about the fact that theyre lunatics out there who. Only and only believe their version of. And reality and can do and perpetrate terrible things and and this is not something you know, that. But this country hasnt seen before. And weve lost president s before from assassination. We lost other. We just air that and supervisor by an assassination many into these are the kinds of things that we still need to continue to need to grapple with whether its whether its guns, whether its education, whether its these, these echo chambers of hate that are out there until we do that. This is this country is never going to be the place and can and should. And of course, we cant do too much speculation about the suspect state of mind at the time of this but do what happened this morning affecting or shaping the midterm elections at all. Im not too sure. I mean, again, people so siloed off right . I mean, if youre if youre in one part of the news, they made do a little brief about, you know, how this happened and you know whatever. But other parts of news will be a little bit more drawn out. But if People Choose only consume what they want to consume, i dont know. I i would hope it would simply wake people up to the fact that. There is this part Political Division there is is in in same partisanship that has gripped our country and we need to elect people who are going to fall into that trap are not already in that trap. But i i dont know. I wish we could because honestly, the only way to look at to look at this if this was stoked, this is if this is perpetrated by someone who is locked in their head with the idea that the election twentytwenty was stolen, that the instruction in 2021 e didnt happen or is perpetrated by the it and nancy was. Someone who is worthy of being being got going and going after me, though, there are people who are running for office who subscribe to that theory and we cannot have those people being the leaders being in leadership positions being able to make these statements and encouraging other people. Of a similar ilk. Because inevitably it leads to this mean when people talk about the brink of people being brink of civil war, its not just. On mass. Its a its individual by individual level. And theres some people who think in their own diluted say this person is that. But there are some people who think in their own deluded mind, but theyre the ones who should lead the way, you know, be the ones to foment are like the spark and take action such as this countrys replete, the people who who who deranged people who do this. And yet were living in a time when we elected officials encouraging this type of thought right and marginalizing it as it should be. Okay. All right. Thank you very much, michael, for your perspective today, we are going to be learning more about the suspect and working. Closely to get more information from police in terms of the suspect, the background and the potential state of mind. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you second. All right. Our coverage of this assault on Mister Pelosi will continue throughout todays newscast. You can get the latest updates on our website. Kron 4 dot com. All right. Coming up here on the kron, 4 news at noon bay area. Congresswoman jackie spear wraps up 15 years of community service. We take a look back at her work and the impact she made next. And we have an update on the 2021 shooting death of Tyrell Wilson will charges be pressed against a former Contra Costa County Police Officer involved in the case. But first, Oakland Police arrest suspects accused of shooting and killing a area dentist back in august. Stay with us. The kron 4 news at noon continues. And i keep an eye on the weather for you today. Some clouds out there keeping us cool. Ill have details on what the weekend. Welcome back. We continue to follow the breaking news of an intruder attacking and severely beating House Speaker Nancy Pelosis husband, paul pelosi with a Hammer Inside of a couple San Francisco home early this morning. And this is new video youre looking at right now just into our newsroom of black motorcades arriving outside of San Francisco general hospital. We know that this is where Mister Pelosi was taken after his assault. We were told that hes expected to make a full recovery and are working to get more information on his condition at this time. All right, governor gavin newsom issued a statement in response to all this saying, quote, this heinous assault is yet another example of the dangerous consequences of the divisive and hateful rhetoric that is putting lives at risk and undermining our democracy and democratic institutions, those who are using their platforms to incite violence must be held to account our leaders should never fear for their safety and the safety of their families in serving the people they were elected to represent, not in their homes, not it. Not at the u. S. Capitol. Not anywhere. Jennifer and i wish paul a speedy recovery and send our thoughts to Speaker Pelosi and their family during this time. And that is the full statement from our governor. And we will continue to follow this story closely and bring you more updates throughout this newscast and online kron 4 dot com. Another major story were following today. A Santa Clara County judge will not hand down a sentence for the couple convicted of kidnapping baby brandon in san jose kron fours camila barco has the latest on this case. Prosecutors now have to listen to several 100 phone calls made in jail by one of the suspects. In this case, the new evidence has pushed back the sentencing date for the 2 people who snatched baby brandon back in april and could impact how many years they spent behind bars friday morning prosecutors in the baby brandon case revealing new information. One of the baby kidnappers you saying at waterloo pay ramirez may 300 phone calls in jail after she pleaded no contest in august before it went to trial. What has been said in those phone calls hasnt been made public yet. I cant speak to their because it is public matter of Public Record at this time because the calls are in spanish. Its going to take some time to sort through ramirez faces up to 14 years in prison after kidnapping. 3 month old baby brandon in san jose. Her secret lover, jose faces up to 5 years in prison for joining in on the plan, prosecutor Rebecca Weiss says the calls could impact their sentencing recommendation of something with incriminating in these called it could lead her to a higher sentence. However, ramirez is attorney cody self in says hes been able to review some of the phone calls. As of now, i have not found anything that would suggest that. Its going to change kind of our approach to sentencing. Baby. Brandons grandmother was taking care of him when he was kidnapped by ramirez and after 20 hours of searching for him, he was found safe in petitos bedroom. The couple attempted to kidnap baby brandon 4 other times before they did so on april 25th, both parties will review those phone calls over the next few weeks and then theyll come back on january. 13th for ramirez and party owes sentencing hearing. In san jose camila barco kron. 4 news. Breaking overnight, Oakland Police arrested 2 people they say are connected to the Fatal Shooting of a bay area dentist. One of the men that you are seeing on your screen. Was escorted away in handcuffs by oakland officers late last night back in august. Really shoe was shot and killed when she and her partner pulled into oaklands chinatown area. We know the shooter fled from the scene after the shooting. We are expecting more details on the arrests from Oakland Police and the Alameda County da this afternoon. And well update you on broadcast and on our website. Kron 4 dot com. The Contra Costa County da will not file charges against a former Police Officer for the 2021 shooting death of transient man wilson, former danville Police Officer andrew hall shot and killed wilson after responding to reports of a man throwing rocks off the Sycamore Valley overpass in danville onto i 6. 80, wilson can be seen in that body cam video holding a knife at the time of the shooting District Attorney diana becton told the wilsons family thursday her office could not prove without a reasonable doubt. That hall broke the law hall is currently in prison serving a sixyear sentence for a separate shooting that happened in 2018. All right. Lets get things right over to our forecast now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan. Kyla pay their. We have some of those high clouds out there making it appear a little bit hazy, stephanie, but keeping a lid on temperatures as well. You can see were sitting in the 60s across the bay. 61 in San Francisco right now. Little warmer in spots like concord at 66 65 in san jose and livermore today, those temperatures will again be below average. Looking at about 62 in San Francisco. You can see about 70 degrees as we head to the inner east day. But really its going to be more about the 60s 70s today. So whats happening right now is that weve got High Pressure thats been kind of holding off any weather coming towards us. And thats going to hold on for the weekend. So today staying dry again, those kind of below average temperatures and that carries through the weekend. But by monday night, late monday night into tuesday, thats when our overnight rain chances are going to start increasing as the system starts working its way toward us. But today its all about the clouds. We show you futurecast, how this works out take you into your weekend. Theres your saturday afternoon again. Well have some of those high clouds with us with some breaks in the sun coming our way. You can see there sunday. This is the system on monday evening. So after the trick or treaters go to sleep, that i think could bring us. Potentially a few sprinkles. Well see what happens. Here is a look at your extended forecast. Really quickly looking ok for our monday, some cloudy skies for halloween and then a little cooler and rain chances after that. Stephanie, back to you. I would love to see some rain. Thanks so much, kyra. Still ahead this hour, we continue to follow the shocking attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosis husband, paul pelosi. More details on this developing story when we come back. The first inperson voting starts tomorrow for sonoma county. More on where and when you can find one of 7 Voting Centers. Early inperson voting starts on saturday in sonoma county. All registered voters not voting by mail may vote in person at one of 7 Voting Centers throughout the county. The center is open daily from 9 to 5 starting saturday until the day before the election on election day. Theyll be open from 7 to 8. We have a list of those polling locations up right now on our website. Kron 4 dot com. San Francisco City hall also start offering Voter Services this weekend. City hall opens this saturday and sunday and next weekend. But first, more on the attack and Home Invasion involving paul pelosi. What San Francisco police found out about the suspects involved. We have a live report coming up. Vo Climate Change is fueling a wildfire crisis. Destroying our forests. Threatening our communities. Polluting our air. Prop 30 taxes those making over 2 million a year. No one else pays a penny. 30 will reduce the tailpipe emissions that drive Climate Change. And prevent wildfires and toxic smoke. So we have clean air to breathe. This is about our kids future. Omar prop 30 helps contain fires and combat tailpipe emissions. Vote yes on 30. Are learning more on our top story. House speaker Nancy Pelosis husband. Attacked at home during a Home Invasion early today. Now we want to get right to kron fours Charles Clifford. Hes been outside the pelosi is Pacific Heights home in San Francisco for us for the last several hours. And hes got the latest on this charles . Hey there. Yeah. So right along broadway divisadero here in San Franciscos pac heights neighborhood up to Speaker Pelosis home just over the hill there you can see the holice department has that section of broadway closed down. The probably going to be here throughout the day. This is normally a very quiet neighborhood. Lot of activity today. Lots of media here, lots of interest in this story. Lets going take a look that about 2. 27 this morning. Officers arrived at the pelosi home to do a wellbeing check now. Speaker pelosi, not there. Her husband was home when officers arrived on scene. They found paul pelosi having an argument with a man is ive been identified as 42 yearold david to pepe at the home. Now, the Police Department says the 2 men were struggling over a hammer. One point the peppy got the hammer away and then struck paul pelosi in the head and the torso. Now, both men were taken to the hospital and treated for injuries to pepe is now facing multiple charges, including attempted murder. Paul pelosi is expected to be ok, but certainly was very hurt pretty badly. Now, as you can imagine, this incident has been shocking for the neighborhood. As i mentioned, its usually pretty quiet around here. This is a very affluent neighborhood. We talked a woman, one woman nearby who says she cant believe this happened. The pelosi is when they had graffiti on the garage. The San Francisco police front of the house and then they werent there. I dont know what happened. I didnt hear anything. And usually i feel pretty safe because the have a neighborhood security beach and a stay on that corner office. Broad bay entire night in case of any incident be can call them and theyre there. And i will cobb. I see all and police cars i feel very scared. Very sad about what has happened to paul and it. No, it could have happened. All right. Back live now. Now the investigation here is expected to go on for some the San Francisco Police Department is here as long along with u. S. Capitol police, the fbi, the u. S. Attorneys office and the San Francisco District Attorneys Office. At some point this afternoon, were hoping to get some more details about exactly what happened here early this morning. But very latest here in San Francisco, Charles Clifford kron, 4 news. Stephanie, well send it back to you. Yeah, thanks a lot, charles. And you know, could you help describe the pac heights neighborhood on a typical day here for us for those may not be from San Francisco who dont live in the area because, you know, this is not exactly what you consider a high crime neighborhoods. No. So pac is one of the most affluent neighborhoods in San Francisco. There are some very high profile people live in this area. Dianne feinsteins home is not far from here. Speaker pelosi just over the hill behind me here. So it is a neighborhood that is not known for having a lot of crime problems. Its very affluent big. You know, mention type homes in this area. And certainly this is very disruptive in very out of the normal, although in the past, there have been some demonstrations in front of the pelosi home from time to time. But for the most part, this is a very quiet neighborhood. All right, charles, thank you so much for that additional perspective. We appreciate it. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer also responding to this incident. He tweeted, quote, what happened to paul pelosi was a dastardly at i spoke with Speaker Pelosi earlier this morning and conveyed my deepest concern and heartfelt wishes to her husband and their family. And i wish him a speedy recovery. Were also hearing from folks on the other side of the aisle responding to this texas sen ted cruz tweeting, quote, what happened to paul pelosi last night is horrific. Heidi and i are praying for him and nancy and the entire pelosi family. May gods protection be upon them. We can have our political differences. But violence is always wrong. And unacceptable. All right. A tennessee man who attacked a dc Police Officer during the january 6 insurrection. Well spend more than 7 years in federal prison prosecutors say albuquerque head dragged officer Michael Fanone into the crowd on the steps of the u. S. Capitol. The mob beat and tasteful known with a stun gun until he suffered a heart attack during sentencing, the judge called heads actions, quote, some of the darkest acts committed during the riot. A federal court has cleared the way for former president Donald Trumps income tax returns to be handed to congress. A House Committee is looking into how the irs audits, president ial income tax returns and whether there were any conflicts of interest here. Trump could appeal the ruling to the supreme court. Its not clear yet if he will do so. All right. Lets talk a bit about our forecast now, shall we taking a live look outside at the embarcadero where it is looking a little bit overcast. Little bit foggy, perhaps come from meteorologist kyla grogan tracking it all for us. Hey kylen. Hey there yet. So its not been so much the fog today, stephanie, is its just been these high clouds that are from a system, the staying well to the north of us and you can kind of see that when you take a look at Half Moon Bay, which normally would be the one getting the fog, right . Its really not. Its more just those high clouds that are out there. You dont see anything kind of clinging to the coast. And by the way, its not stopping a bunch of folks are getting out here on a friday and enjoying the beautiful view. As we look from another beautiful view from the Berkeley Hills right across again, you see those kind of it was kind of high clouds that are hanging out and it makes it look a little bit hazy out there. It also helps keep a lid on the temperatures, of course, because the sun can get in as quickly. So were sitting about 65 in fremont and san jose. 66 in concord, fairfax, about 66 for you about 62 in santa rosa. You can see 50s out the coast in pacific and point raise. Weve had relatively calm winds today and that should stay that way as we work our way through the day and your weekend is looking pretty good. So were going to stay dry this weekend. You can see looking out for inland spots to get into the low 70s 60s around the bay and then low 60s and also maybe some 50s. If youre at the coast. But friday, saturday and sunday, staying nice and dry. Think sunday is your day. Thats going to be the sunnier of the 2. If you have outdoor plans and then we look up to the gulf of alaska where the next system is kind of getting its act together. Thats going to head our way next week. Ill be back with your extended forecast. Were talk about our rain chances. Stephanie, back to you. All right. Thanks very much, kyra. As we enter this final stretch of this election season. A new poll indicates californians have made up their minds on several major ballot measures. Capitol correspondent Eytan Wallace gives us a look at the results. Well, all kinds of propositions on the ballot, including a pair of Sports Betting measures and another that would tax the wealthy to raise funds for electric vehicle programs. But according to a new poll on those measures, california say theyre voting with just under 2 weeks until november 8, a new poll shows voters are not in favor of legalizing Sports Betting in california. Of the 1700 plus californians surveyed for the poll from the Public Policy institute of california or ppi c. Just 34 said they support prop 26 the ballot measure calls for in person Sports Betting on tribal lands and select horse racing tracks across the state. Thats wagered at the tracks with see a 10 state tax with revenue going toward regulation for gambling, Mental Health and Sports Betting. And with support, not looking strong for prop. 26, its looking even weaker for prop 27 which would allow online Sports Betting in california and would implement taxes and fees on tribes and gaming companies. The majority of the revenue raised would go toward Homeless Services and gambling addiction programs. But for the majority of the people surveyed support was just not there. About half the likely voters said. Actually thought it would be a thing if had but and then theres prop 30. If passed, it would increase income taxes by nearly 2 for people who more than 2 Million Dollars per year. With funding from that going towards subsidies for 0 emission vehicles, infrastructure for more charging stations and resources to fight fires. As of the last ppi seiple a month and a half ago, the majority of those surveyed said at the time they support the measure. But since then, Governor Newsom got in the mix coming up against the proper fast forward to today. And just 41 say theyll vote yes. People who supported the measure through a lot of things that make him feel confused or change their mind. People are confused. Theyre most likely going vote now in the race for governor Gavin Newsoms lead over republican brian. Dolly dropped slightly since the last poll. But newsom still comes out on top by 19 points. Still more than half of those surveyed say. They are concerned about the direction of the state are a lot of anxiety about. Economic conditions and how people are feeling about their governments. There are a lot state their of course, the conditions in theyre experiencing difficulties that like to see some and the poll also found more than 60 of californians say abortion is very important as they decide who to elect to congress. Reporting here outside the state capitol, a ton wallace kron. 4 news. And with 12 days until the Election Races across the bay area are heating up open mayoral candidates, Lauren Taylor and treva reid formed an alliance encouraging their supporters to select the other as their second choice. Now, a second choice votes cast a second choice votes, rather can make all the difference in a ranked choice election. A recent Oakland Chamber of commerce poll found Council Members, taylor and sheng tao running neck in neck in the race with former Council Member ignacio de la fuente running 3rd, heres de la fuentes response to all this. Im jumping in with i ask people to vote for me at number one. Whatever whoever they want vote for number 2. And number thats fine. You think about it as 3 Council Members running the city is in deep, deep trouble some not going to align myself with people of it. In my opinion, are partly responsible for for the crisis that were facing. A and in the says hes learned a lot from his years as president of the city council and says he expects support for him to increase as election day nears. Coming up, tom brady picks up an unfortunate new record against the ravens last night. What happened next . And october is Cancer Awareness month. We introduced you to a bay area, Plastic Surgeon helping survivors, how theyre doing it after the break. I see it in my office all the time. Kids getting hooked on flavored tobacco, including ecigarettes. Big tobacco lures them in with flavors like lemon drop and bubble gum, candy flavors that get them addicted to tobacco products, and can lead to Serious Health consequences, even harming their brain development. Thats why pediatricians urge you to vote yes on prop 31. It stops the sale of dangerous flavored tobacco and helps protect kids from nicotine addiction. Please vote yes on 31. Vote yes on prop 31. October is Cancer Awareness month. A San Francisco Plastic Surgeon is using a groundbreaking new surgery to help cancer survivors feel whole again. Kron fours ken ken wayne shows us how it works. When somebody dies that they donate their body to science, that they donate their organs. We might use their skin for, you know, skin graft surgery with burns. We might use their corneas for corneal transplants or their or their tendons. And nobody has ever harvested nichols an aerialist before. So its so exciting. Doctor karen horton has been in the business of cancer reconstruction for well over a decade. The traditional techniques involve either a threedimensional tattoo or folding the skin on top of itself to try to recreate the. Now shes one of a handful of doctors in the country studying whether they can reconstruct a. Using that once belonged to another woman. The aerial a complex crafter and they see graph is different. Its a female and areola. They process it. So all of the dna has removed. All the cells are removed. So theres no chance of rejection because theres no other immune system cells from another person. Its not an animal products. Its not made in a lab. And the more time a woman spends with her new them or her body will adapt over time. Doctor horton says blood vessels and nerves will grow into the graft. Meaning the patients natural color could return and even feeling. Even though its it was not the original nickel. Its possible that some of the connections between the, if it is an raj in his own for women and the brain could still be there. Studies have shown reconstruction is a critical part of a womans journey and overcoming cancer. It can help them physically emotionally and psychologically. But this newest study promises to enter uncharted territory. You think there are any women who are going to be reluctant just because its coming public matter . Of course, any time theres something new on the market, theyre going to be skeptics. Theres going to be people that are hesitant to be first in line. I totally can relate when theres a new Plastic Surgery machine out there. Not the first in line to purchase it, i have been in practice for 16 and a half years. And i think that this is the best option that we can currently offer to women. And that was ken wayne reporting for us. Doctor gordon is offering women a chance to take part in the study for free. You can find a link to sign up for a consultation on our website. Kron 4 dot com. A new federal bill would require private Insurance Companies to cover the medical exams of assault victims. Lawmakers say the new bill is necessary because too many victims are burdened with the cost of the medical exam. A previous study found that survivors will build in nearly 18,000 out of 113,000 emergency visits for violence in 2019. Bay area. Congresswoman jackie spear is saying her final farewell as she wraps up her long career of Public Service, including 15 years in congress. She held the first of her 4 farewell town Hall Meetings in burlingame kron fours gayle ong was there and shares the congresswomans last messages to constituents. Congresswoman jackie spear greeting constituents at the Community Center in burley game thursday through this. You are and kicking off their well town Hall Meetings after spending 4 decades in Public Service. There comes a time i think every career. When you have to assess the. The interests of your family and your interest in wanting to continue to pursue your dreams and you know, they came in complex recently and i recognize that it was time to come home. Representatives spears, a San Francisco native and a graduate of Mercy High School in burlingame. She decided to dedicate her life to Public Service after surviving the 1978 jonestown massacre. At the time she was an aide to representative leo ryan. They were on a Factfinding Mission in guyana when she was shot 5 times on thursday, spear reflected on her work in congress and thank her constituents for their support over the years responding to half a million inquiries and letters a 10,000 cases. We have returned to veterans over 5 Million Dollars in payments that were stock in a va system that was out of date. California Assembly Member kevin mullin and San Mateo County supervisor david canepa are on the November Ballot vying to succeed spear in congress peer indoors, mullin last year, but did not address him directly at thursdays meeting says a public event. Im in my legislative office. So im not im allowed to talk about campaign issues. As for whats next, im probably going to join one of the speakers bureaus i made to a political analysts work for tv stations i may write another book, but im going to say very busy. And representative spear will be hosting a 3 more of these farewell town halls. The next one is scheduled saturday at 02 00pm at the boys and girls club in Half Moon Bay reporting from burlingame gayle ong kron. 4 news. All right. San Francisco Unified School District started construction of its new mission bay campus. You can see a number of elected, including mayor london breed there for the big event. Now, this school will include a pre k through 5th Grade Elementary School as well as a learning hub for High School Students in this is expected to serve a several 100 students when that construction is done. We have a school thats going to serve the kids of this community to make sure that the next generation, if the education they need to be prepared for the future. The school has been in the works for 2 decades. Its scheduled to open august of 2025. A new report from the Commerce Department shows the u. S. Economy is growing from july to september, grew at an annual rate of 2. 6 . It comes as americans are dealing with high inflation and Interest Rates with the midterm elections. Coming up, many voters say the economy is a top issue. All right. Lets talk a bit about our forecast now taking a live look outside at San Francisco from our mount tam camera. Gorgeous perspective there. You can even see the bay bridge. I know that come from. Meteorologist, of course, is also tracking what we can look forward to for the weekend. Right . Kyla . Yeah, absolutely. And i wanted to kind of address if anyones heading out of town this weekend maybe you are right. So i figured wed start with a live look at sfo. You can see certainly some high clouds out there, but it is not stopping any of the planes from taking off for doing good. Theyre calling a mostly clear breezy little wind out of the west 18 miles per hour. And i want to get a check of some or other Regional Airports as well. San jose oakland all running on time. La vegas, phoenix, seattle, if youre headed there looking good and even new york, its very quiet across the country today. So its a good day to travel. If you are traveling. And if youre staying in the bay, kind of a nice day to be here to beautiful out there, even though we have some of those clouds with us today, low 60s in San Francisco and oakland, mid 60s for san jose livermore. Concord petaluma coming in about 63 degrees. So this is where were going today. Again, its going to be 60s and maybe a few low 70s on the map as you head inland. But were staying kind of that pattern, right . Were a little bit cooler than we should be. Lake tahoe is that were headed this weekend. A live look right now. This is beautiful, right near incline village. And theyre looking out for some cloudy skies today. Temperatures in the 50s and 60s over the next few days. Just like us are going to see most of their sunshine on sunday. Heres a look at stormtracker 4. You can see all those high clouds that are rolling across, but its all about the systems to the north and west of us that have me keeping an eye on things as we head towards the weekend. So here we go. Enrolled show you on saturday. Again, just some high clouds, no rain coming our way. We get into sunday. Same story again. You can see a lot more sunshine on sunday, but it is this system coming our way as we get into the overnight hours monday into tuesday. That could potentially bring us a little bit of rain. And yes, could also bring maybe a little sierra snow. So thats some good news. So heres your forecast looking good for the weekend. I think were going to stay dry on monday for halloween. Just look cloudy and then that rain chance coming in overnight tuesday and into wednesday as well. Stephanie, back to great update. Thank you so much. Kyla. For the first time ever, the warriors have been announced as the nbas most valuable team today. Forbes said the team is worth 7 billion dollars. The warriors value increased 25 from last year after winning their 4th nba championship in 8 years before this year. Only the lakers and knicks had held the top spot. The New York Knicks are now ranked second followed by the lakers. Chicago. Chicago bulls came in 4th and the Boston Celtics ranked 5th. Nfl legend and buccaneers Quarterback Tom Brady is divorcing with his wife. Does jen after 13 years of marriage, brady made a public announcement this morning hes not fairing much better on the field. And during thursday night football against the ravens, brady broke the record for most time sacked in the nfl. Thats when a quarterback is knocked down, killing the play. Hes now been sacked 555 times its the buccaneers, 3rd loss in a row. All right. 12 c taken by to the selfie stick. A new web site makes it easy to hire photographers to get those perfect travel picks. Rich demuro shows us how it works in todays tech smart. Weve all been there trying to take the perfect picture on vacation isnt enter. Flight og refer a website that lets you hire a professional photographer in hundreds of cities around the world. My names nationally and ive been a photographer for about 6 years. No meet you. All right. Ready to give me a thumbsup to snap photos with the best local backdrops. If you like game, you can get this. If you want something with traditional, you have temple. Less than 3 of find your network. Were actually except in. So we really vetting process. Nicole smith is founder and ceo of photographer. The idea came to her while on vacation. A memory that shows the city and the people i went is is kind a sudden your packages start at 285. That includes 15 curative photos. You can download okay. Now looking at me, i met up with go for napoli in tokyo. Were going to get started with a shot from over here. First pitches. One of my favorite we spent about an hour walking the streets, snapping photos i can get on my own. You little your called it. You can go little more to the center. Theres not many people out to hold it but the result lifelong memories way better than selfies or asking a stranger to take. If you really want to something good quality and were not just your face. Like 75 of the photo, its good to hire someone to actually do it for you. Up next, the cdc getting in the spirit of spooky season. What their new report reveals on the safest city. It is on the outbreak ever were to happen. All right. A kentucky man has gained worldwide attention on tiktok for his unique and very strange talent playing dead. Well, now hes landed his dream job with an upcoming role on csi vegas playing, of course, no surprise, a dead body. All this very interesting. Okay. Well, josh nalley has spent more than 300 days posting videos to tiktok of himself playing dead in a wide variety of locations with captions counting the number of days hes pretended to be a corpse until hes cast in a movie or a tv show. And i guess thats one way to go viral, right . Guys . Well, the lifeless work paid off and last month now announced he cast in csi vegas. He will be playing a corpse in a morgue. Not sure if theyre going to be showing his his face, well see what youve been preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse. Theres a new study that might have a plan for you. The cdc, the centers for Disease Control conducted a study and found the best place you want to stay. And if the dead ever start to walk again is orlando, florida. Well, researchers say the key factors like Grocery Stores hunting and gun stores and the number of basements out there make up for some pretty good preparation before the zombies come well, the 3rd place or rather the next best place to be in is salt lake city. And coming in 3rd is honolulu. All right. Very interesting headed to it for us here at the kron. 4 news at noon. Lets send things over to Olivia Horton for live in the bay live it as a surprise you that florida is the best place to be for Zombie Apocalypse. It absolutely does surprise me for me i was thinking costco that have to be the best price right . But costco in florida. Maybe the costco in florida, like you said. So best of both worlds. But im kind of hoping theres no Zombie Apocalypse anytime soon. Dont know about you. I know. Lets keep that away from us, yeah, absolutely. But coming up today on live in the bay. Halloween is here and there will be so much fun happening for both adults and kids at the halloween fest on 4th street. We have your preview of the halloween day event. And the tshirt buddy stopped by to share how he turned his Online Business into so much more than just then i got to with san jose. But just a night when they came in studio to share their love dance and music. And of course, were getting in the spirit of halloween looking back at just christ. The summoning immersive experience. Theres so much happening today on ve

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