Now to restore you only see your own kron4. Four weeks ago a mother was run over by a park san reddick truck and holly park. Heres kron4s Philippe Djegal on more on the accident. the San Francisco department of public works says its investigating why it was in the dark in regards to its employees license status. Public works said it hasnt learned that its employees license was suspended until after the crash happened. Public works said that around 11 00 wednesday morning the employees collided with another vehicle at the intersection of cesar chavez and valencia while on duty and while driving a city owned truck. Rachel gordon with public words says there were no serious injuries now she says the focus turns to wide public works wasnt aware of the suspended license. Either dmv did not reported for the notification was lost. Gordon says theyre also looking into whether or not the employee ever told a supervisor that their license was suspended with his protocol under that circumstance. there seems to have been some breakdown in the system whether it came from the part of the stadium fee or some sort of reporting glitch in San Francisco at the public works department. We are looking into that now. We want to make sure it doesnt happen again. and the meantime the City Employee is still working for the department of public works. However driving a city of the vehicle is off limits pending the outcome of the investigation. And San Francisco, Philippe Djegal, kron4 news. James Family Friends and the Community Held a vital for that woman hit by that truck. The talk to the victims husband to see how shes thathes coping with the loss. support is what makes this possible for me and it also breaks my heart to think about how many that how much this happens all over the world all the time. James many of those who attended the vigil said they are demanding change about parks are right workers driving in the park. George parks and recreation for it parks and recreation. The time now is for all nine. The time now is 409. Coming up on the kron4 morning news. They 4 of the government shut down with no immediate deal in sight. Will have the latest. Watching bay area weather as we are monitoring windy watching bay area weather as we are monitoring windy cto those whove waited. Worried. Poked and prodded. Taken risks. And lived in a state of what if . Welcome to a new state. Of health. Welcome to covered california. The place to find quality, affordable coverage. Financial help for those in need. And nobody can be denied because of a preexisting condition. Enroll now at coveredca. Com. On our newly expanded advanced Digital Network, a connection you can count on. At t uverse high Speed Internet offers more speed options, reliability and wifi hotspots than ever. Go to our website below to get uverse high Speed Internet for just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a 1year price guarantee. Its all the speed you need all at a great price. Our newly expanded advanced Digital Network gives yomore of what you enjoy online. And with at t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wifi hotspot that connects your wifi devices and can even save on your smartphone data usage at home. Go to our website below to get at t uverse high Speed Internet for just 14. 95 a month for 12 months with a 1year price guarantee. That includes access onthego to our entire National Wifi hotspot network, with over 30,000 hotspots. At t uverse high Speed Internet. Now on our newly expanded advanced Digital Network, a connection your whole house can count on. We are back at 412. Our developing story out of d. C. Officials have been able to enter a few questions after a chaotic scene near the u. S. Capitol. Cnns angers and to report some of the most attack your mom to caught on camera. this video shows some of the cast during the incident near the capital were a patrol car crashes into a barrier. Officials havent been able to answer many questions about the suspect merriam carry or her motives. Officers arrived at her relatives home in brooklyn n. Y. Tried to get information. no one knows the exact circumstances of how this really occurred. after the shooting that left kerry dead the complex was evacuator where she lived in stamford conn. To search her apartment. Penn this video was captured. There is a oneyearold child inside this black and sanity. The driver spikes a barrier back into a patrol car and a speeds away. Officers opened fire not knowing about the child. Police caught the driver a few blocks away opening fire again. This time telling the woman. The oneyearold appear to be ok. The wild chase started near the white house were secret service thought it stopped a womans car at security checkpoints. She was later found on our bassein she used her car as a weapon striking an officer before speeding away. Im an actor spencer reporting. Andrew spencer. Female announcer the savings really stack up during sleep trains during sleep trains inventory Clearance Sale. Save 10, 20, even 35 on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. Get two years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Even get free delivery sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. The inventory Clearance Sale is on now guaranteed sleep train you ticket to a better nights sleep we are back at 416. San jose fire now working on putting out a fire. It was first reported at about 230. The fire since then been brought under control but it did burned the roof and attic of that home. No injuries have been reported. We will look to see if that information changes going forward. Are seenkron4s will tran is on his way to the scene and we will bring to a live update coming up at 430. Now lets turn our attention to weather. It is friday and we have the weekend ahead. Right now we do have some wind conditions right erica. Erica thats right but wins will die down as we head into the afternoon. The temperatures are mainly in the 60s but it doesnt feel that way since it is so windy out there. Temperatures ranging from the low seventies on the coast to the low 80s inland so temperatures continue to warm up with it tomorrow actually been the warmest day of the week. As to take a look at when speeds right now. Fairfield 23 mi. Per hour sustained land. Plans. Futurecast 4 shows and to the 6 00 hour a lot of folks leaving their house for work or school. We could see us in the 20 to 25 mi. Per hour range. Whence will start to die down through the latter Morning Hours and then take a look at 3 00 this afternoon when the wind advisory expires. Looks like very calm conditions throughout the bay area but because we do have that drier air mass. It looks like theyre red flag warning will extend into tomorrow morning. As we take a look at afternoon highs for today expect 80s today in the south bay. It is going to be a nice day. 82 degrees in santa clara. Low 80s 4 those of you in santa clara. Vallejo today at 81 degrees. Downtowns San Francisco today climbing into the upper 70s. Was a good mixing of 70s and 80s down the east bay shoreline. His 7 day around the bay forecast highlights former weather into tomorrow. We will start to cool things down into next week as we do have an area of low pressure began and a lot of cool weather into the bay area. It looks like we could see a little bit of rain with the system. That was a look at whether for it on to traffic. A few minor accident. Southbound 880 look like the vehicle may have overturned a cross over into the northbound side. As of now details are very minimal. But this is something certainly to keep your eye on if youre taking a 83 hayward. As of right now we dont have a backup but we will continue to monitor this accident. Naso tracking wind advisories for some of the east west bridges. His approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. Pretty gusty conditions across the span. San mateo bridge currently not affected by that when the advisory the things could change later on this morning. The Golden Gate Bridge looking pretty good with your drive time 23 minutes from a bottle heading into the city. All was well for the south bay. At north bound 101 a pretty easy ride coming out of Coyote Valley and for those of you who take north bound to eight. You will see all grain on the road with sensors indicated speeds 50 mi. Per hour. James today marks day four of the federal shutdown. And this morning there may be the first signs that House Speaker john the banner is backing down from the budget impasse with president obama. We get more now from bernanke lawyer. with the government partially shut down in the United States careening toward defaulting on its debts in mid october, House Speaker john boehner made a key admission about the debt ceiling. A republican who spoke to cnn after a private meeting with house gop members said boehner in the form them he would not allow a dutchjudge he would not allow a debt to happen. In a city that lives for an open mike a moment to pull back the curtain, Senate Republican leader Mitch Mcconnell and fellow kentucky senator ran appall delivered. But at a Campaign Style events and the maryland, president obama pulled a little bit of an ace out of his sleeve sounded the alarm for a key voting bloc. As he explained why defaulting is worse than a Government Shutdown and in economic shutdown if we dont raise the debt ceiling they dont go out on time. The again pressured House Speaker john vander boehner. Even a car chase and shooting on capitol hill brought into relief the chaos in washington. The two federal officers injured are both working without pay because of the shutdown. Bernanke letters cnn washington. Brianna keilar. James with the u. S. Government shut down some others are beginning to worry about the fate of a federally funded program that supplies them with a baby formula. At issue is the federal women, infants and Children Program or wic. At issue is the federal. States say they have enough money to operate it at least through the end of october. But advocates for the poor were that 9 million women and children will be at risk if the shutdown cracks on. Visitors to Yosemite National park were met with an unpleasant surprise this week. The parks scenic views and drills are closed to the government shut down. And unfortunately a lot of attraction are also off limits. Trills of the park have been completely blocked and stores are closed. And visitors already at the camp had until 5 yesterday afternoon to leave. Happy friday everyone. Saturday is going to be the warmest day of the week for some period of looks like a can see some inland warming by sunday but everyone else will start to cool off. All have the full details on your extended forecast coming up in just a couple of minutes. hear Stanley Roberts about the people behaving badly. lets watch the actions of this bmw. The driver stops at the stop sign and then proceeds across miller creek road. That driver was just one of dozens upon dozens of drivers and many will end up with a huge fine. Heres why. A few months ago marin county supervisors passed an ordinance banning this behavior on this off ramp. Cabdrivers exit the freeway at iran would only to re enter the freeway permit the system by past congestion on highway 101. But it got so bad that residents got fed up and asked for help. So caltrans installed these blackandwhite regulatory signs left turn only from 6 am to 10 00 a. M. And this yellow advise resigned letting drivers note that there is a left turn only approaching. Anyway to make a long story short, the signs might as well be invisible. Because drivers are ignoring them or claim they never saw the signs so first the chp handed out warnings to curb the problem it but now its a full down crack down of drivers tried bring off the freeway and ignoring the signs. So a special Enforcement Team of the chp is their response to high volume system complaint is handing out tickets like candy. In fact want to this officer finishesjust once this offer finishes writing this ticket another one comes up on his radar. Its so bad that i may chp cruiser and as a driver in front of the officer ignores the sign and crosses. In the next segment i will show you just how many people were ticketed and what some of the drivers had to say it like this lady. everybody does that. i remember using that line all my mother and i remember asking my mom that and i remember my mom st. Will of everyone and jump off a cliff. You know the rest of the story. Stanley roberts kron4 news. James still ahead on the kron4 morning news. The rto those whove worried. James still ahead on the kron4 morning news. The suffered in silence. Hoped. And lived in a state of fear. Welcome to a new state. Of health. Welcome to covered california. The place to find quality, affordable coverage. Financial help for those in need. And nobody can be denied because of a preexisting condition. Enroll now at coveredca. Com. A German Shepherd and her pups are doing this morning. Erica good morning. Were taking a live look from our mount tam cam. It can certainly see a checking around. It is a clear start to your friday morning so we do have an area of low pressure right along a Central California coast line. Thats actually allowing for those wins and those elevated places. Very strong winds above 1,000 ft. Notice 23 mi. Per hour sustained winds in Fairfield Wind advisories are to expire at this afternoon and looks like a very calm ones for just about everyone. Looks like fire danger is to let concern. We have a red flag morning until 6 00 tomorrow morning to to that dry air mass settling in place. It wont be as wendy. As we focus on temperatures into warmer start. Take a look at oakland. A 6561 degrees out and antioch. Sunnyvale year heading out to 62. We will finally see some eighties killed in this afternoon. Downtowns San Francisco and the upper 70s today and mid 80s and redwood city. As we focus our attention on the north bay we have not forgotten about you guys. Take a look at napa. 814 today. Upper 70s and sonoma. I think will system low 80s, a thin fairfield permit a quick programming note, kron4 will be broadcasting the raiders game this sunday with kickoff at 835. With those of you actually had into the game expect temperatures in the upper 60s for it is 7 day around the bay forecast shows warm weather into the weekend with plenty of sunshine to go around. It looks like things will start to cool off as we start the next work week. Traffic around the bay area was of very busy over night. As of right now we are tracking this act of a accident southbound 880 at west eighth street. Its an injury accident involving an overturned we do have an emergency crews on the stain. It we do have wind advisories for some of our east to west and bridges. A live look at the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. Traffic is definitely building so drive with extra caution. Cut the san mateo bridge looking pretty good. No wind advisory here. Soft, no one the Golden Gate Bridge is accident free and shorter way out of the rich james police in fremont are on the hunt for a woman suspected of robbing a credit Union Wednesday afternoon. These are images of the suspect from surveillance video. And happened at 145 act up to local credit unionPatelco Credit Union and the 5100 block of mow have nory. The female suspect entered the bank and rob the teller of an undisclosed amount of cash. Police said she did show the teller a weapon. She is described as a Pacific Islander or asian female, 58, 170 lbs. And dark brown hair that was pulled back in a bun. She left the band of foot and an unknown direction. Kron4s j. R. Stone has more at it his name is matt to smuggling. Never heard of him. Hes now the raiders backup quarterback. Mat mcgloin. Hes the guy you can see as Terrelle Pryors side. Get he explains in the letter was being from scranton pennsylvania means. Not he explains what he did when he was on recruited as a High School Prep star pr. At penn state hit prove taters wrong. Proved haters wrong. Despite his success, bulls and the nfl were not interested in the 6 ft. 1 1 4 back. No one drafted him. Before making the raiders, he finished his video with a bold message to teams. say to me now youll never make it. All i have to say is this. I do play with a chip on my shoulder. I will prove you wrong. the backup for the raiders. Let hard to say if we will see him on sunday 3 it is also a video of him are right that touchdown pass to the raiders receiver. That was from preseason. At this point he has yet to take a snap this fall. Paris, kron4 newsprint james developing news right now out of san jose where firefighters are on a scene at a house fire in san jose. The house is located a few miles from highway 87 and santa teresa. Kron4s will tran is live. a family thats is that this house. All around 230 and the morning a woman was up. She walked around after smelling some sort of smoke and then they went to investigate. The family found out there was smoke coming from the attic. The Fire Department came here within minutes but they said that this fire at a big head start because it was in the attic. To the point that where it while they were fighting fire they had to go into defensive mode. Pool from outside the house and use the letters but out the flames. The smoking censer was useless in this case because the fire started in the attic and the Smoke Detector was below thankfully the woman was up at the time and noticed it. The fire was contained to this house of long and because it was when the at the time they have to make sure that other holmes did not catch on fire. The cause of the fire is still under investigation for it will be here throughout the morning to bring to the very latest on this developing story. That is the very latest. Reporting from san jose will tran kron4 news. James it is 438. We will take a quick break. More news after the break. Watching what street this morning. Futures trading shot off three indexes and the positive this morning. Investors are selling stocks across the board as the government shut down tracks on. Heres closer look at the closing numbers. The dow fell almost 137 point. The nasdaq lost 43 and s p 500 dropped 15. Now its time for the kron4 tech report with a gabe slate. Gabe good morning. Twitters a new Emergency Alert system was tested yesterday and during the shooting near the capitol in d. C. This is one of the first major events or an organized asian used these no Emergency Alerts. Heres a look at how it did and how you can sign up for these Emergency Alerts. with this tweet that put out word via twitters a new alert system that there have been done shot thursday on capitol hill and tell the senate and staff to a shelter in place. The hash attack alert is what makes it an alert and not just a normal tweet. This new alert system must next week by twitter close Government Agencies to warm the nation about harm coming their way. It comes to the fund as a text message. So it really stands out. The agency sends them through twitter as a normal tweet. Its pretty easy for them to send the veryattack it as an alert to make it an alert print the sergeant later sent this alert at letting people know they could leave the shelter and they ended the day praising twitter san that these a new vote alerts were a valuable tool. Anyone on twitter can sign up for these alerts from the various agencies and the government. Considering all the natural disasters and shouldnt we have lately in this country maybe not a bad idea to sign up. It gave slate kron4 newsprint james and other twitter news. The social Media Company has officially filed for its ipo. Theyre going public. And because they filed we are getting to see some of their financials and numbers for the first time twitter is hoping to raise 1 billion from its ipo. This is based on an internal and valuation of its shares say the company is worth about 9. 7 billion. They brought in 106 million in 2011 and 370 million in 2012. Twitter says 75 percent of users access the site of mobile devices. They now have 215 million monthly active users more than 100 million daily active users and its users generate about half a billion tweets per day. At 443 we will take a break and be right back. Time now for diane and dish. the movers and shakers of sellout, a valley girl to escape thrift follow me to madera at rosewood sand filled. The restaurant and lounge in menlo parks rose what resort is a Silicon Valley hot spot. Farming the land drinking and cutting deals for it to alex due may says most wouldnt even dream of being without their smart phones and computers thrift. Maderas restaurant offers fine dining and more casual found. Executive chef pierre rode off is that,. Daniel sanchez is a chef to closing. Cuisine. The webs the cold desert are the handiwork of pastry chef at melissa route was not shy about her obsession with chocolate. chocolate for me is where its at. Its the reason that i do what i if i have free tardieu finding next to the chocolate machine because it is absolutely my passion. these are not only stunning handmade truffles and bought bonds but there ridiculously tasty. My top picks. Love the flat bread and a grilled octopus plus those bonbons pierre deck a desperate to find out more about madera go to our web site at kron4 dot com and click on the dying and dish. In menlo park vicki liviakis, kron 4 news. James lets get the word on whether it friday. Wendy. Erica most of us are waking up to 50s and 60s. As we focus on your temperatures you one of his plenty of 60s low 60s headed out to its workers will in daly city. As we follow these numbers into the afternoon it is going to be warmer. The wins will start to die down. Looks like we will finally see some 80s for places like pleasanton antioch. Its point to be a son and, after annum. Afternoon. We are following the wind advisories that expires at 3 00 this afternoon because that car air mass is quick to settle we will still look at the concern first high fire danger road when sensors are picking up any signals just yet but it can be a little slower approach to the accident. The windy weather definitely having its impact on bay area freeways. You can count on someone divisors for some of the eastwest bridges. We do have that when the advisory in effect for the bay bridge so drive with extra caution and keep those hands on the steering well. To those whove waited. Worried. Poked and prodded. Taken risks. And lived in a state of what if . Welcome to a new state. Of health. Welcome to covered california. The place to find quality, affordable coverage. Financial help for those in need. And nobody can be denied because of a preexisting condition. Enroll now at coveredca. Com. Nice car. Sure is. Make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] so, what do you say . Thanks. But i think i got this. [ male announcer ] the allnew cla. Starting at 29,900. Top stories we are following on this friday october 4th. Destructive winds knocking down power lines and trees across the bay area. Well have a look at some of the damage. Top stories we are following on this friday october 4th. The oakland as have a big game tonight, the first series of the post season starts tonight. Were live at the ohdotco with all the game details. In just one week bay area residents could be waking up to a commute nightmare. Bart worker contracts expire at midnight on october 10th. Well have the latest in negotiations. A chaotic scene unfolds at the us capitol, ending with a driver being shot and killed. We have new details about the suspect. Tonight is the night that the Oakland Athletics will face off against the Detroit Tigers in the first game of the postseason. Kron fours mike pelton is you can see that the road is actually shut down right now. Theres a Service Vehicle waiting to pick up this tree that fell across the roadway around 1 00 a. M. For some video from earlier this morning. We talked about those i those high winds. This is the same road about a quarter mile away where last year a giant tree fell to a house just write down the road. Less than a quarter mile away. Watching more of the weather this morning. Trees have been knocked down and at least one roadway is blocked in alamo this morning. And it was all caused by high winds. We want to see your photos of the damages wind has caused in your neighborhood. Send them to us at breaking newsatkronfourdotcom. Well post them to our website, facebook, and air them live throughout the morning. Happening now. Fire crews are battling a house fire in san jose. It broke out overnight in the 800 block of foothill court. Thats where we find kron happening now. Fire crews are working make sure a house fire stays under control. It broke out overnight in the 800 block of foothill court. Thats in san jose. The Fire Department says the fire has been contained. So far no injuries have been reported. We have a crew on the scene, and well be brining you updates as they become available. Happening now. A grass fire burning near Lake Berryessa in napa county. The Fire Department says five Hundred Acres have burned so far. The blaze is 75percent contained this morning. And firefighters have stopped the forward progress. Strong winds of 50 miles an hour are pushing smoke down to the bay area. The smell of smoke from the fire has been reported as far away as downtown San Francisco. The blaze was reported around 8 15 yesterday evening near the intersection of knoxville and east side roads. A bail hearing is being held today for a man who ran an black market drug website. Ross William Ulbricht is accused of being the mastermind behind silk road. A website that allowed users to shop anonymously for Illegal Drugs like heroin and l s d. It is believed the site made more than one billion dollars in revenue. The 29 year old was arrested here in San Francisco. As he was chatting online in a public library. Ulbricht also faces a charge in maryland of arranging to hire someone to kill a witness. A former High School Student faces life in prison for a sexual attack he called a prank. A jury convicted 21 year old David Velasquez of trying to kidnap and rape a teacher at a redwood city high school. It happened in january of itlook at them withary of that uverse wireless receiver. Back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. Management and Union Leaders will be back at the bargaining table trying to work out a deal. This as the deadline of the cooling off period quickly approaches. The good news is that the pension side of the deal is wrapped up. But the main sticking points, compensation, health care and safety, are still points of contention. The unions want nearly a 12 percent raise over three years while bart is still proposing a 10 percent increase over four years. Meanwhile, a new poll by the Bay Area Council says 77 percent of residents surveyed oppose a strike. The poll also says 63 percent of residents think workers should accept barts offer while 6 percent say bart should accept the unions proposal. Female announcer the savings really stack up during sleep trains during sleep trains inventory Clearance Sale. Save 10, 20, even 35 on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. Get two years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Even get free delivery sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. The inventory Clearance Sale is on now guaranteed sleep train you ticket to a better nights sleep back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. Darya new this morning. A large fiery reps recycling center in stockton california. You could see the flames clearly from high in the air over the center. Two propane tanks at the plant rupture during the fire. Firefighters decided they needed to lead the propane burn off. Adding to the flames were large wooden crates bundles of cardboard and paper and even hay bales. The heavy smoke obscured parts of nearby interstate 5 causing some trouble during the afternoon commute on thursday. Mark here is the first residents along the northern coast of the gulf of mexico are beginning to prepare for what is expected to be a weekend landfall of Tropical Storm karen. A hurricane watches in effect from grand isle louisiana west to destine florida. Louisiana has already declared a statewide state of emergency. Florida has declared one in 18 counties. The storm posed as a big challenge for fema. Many workers were furloughed due to the government shut down and are now have to be called back to work in anticipation of this storm. Part of the government went back to work on thursday but it wasnt banks to converse. It was thanks to a hurricane watch in effect for parts of the u. S. Gulf coast. Only some people working for the Florida National guard who have been furloughed were asked to back to work this week. About 1000 civilian employees were sent home on tuesday. On thursday about 10 of them returned to work. Another two dozen or so will come back on friday. Adjunct general and itemmett titshaw worries that might not be good enough. Lets find out about our own weather. Erica good morning. Erica people have been writing into the st. Wins were so strong they did not get any sleep last night. 25 mi. Per hour sustained winds currently in fairfield. We do see down trees in the vicinity of all and around broderick 3 9 mi. An hour winds and oakland right now but very calm conditions and, wins in pleasanton and antioch. Were looking up to 60s. But it does not feel like it because of the gusty winds. Speaking of upper 70s downtown San Francisco with a high of 77. At 81 degrees and now but it looks like a good mixing of 70s and 80s along the east bay shoreline. Kron4 will be broadcasting the raiders game sunday night kickoff at 845. If theyre actually heading to the game temperatures in the upper 60s but you can enjoy it from the comfort of your home saturday perhaps one of the last days to head to the beaches. Temperatures local as low pressure moves are low areas. Were struggling to see and it 70s as we head into next tuesday and wednesday. 521 that was your weather. On the traffic now. The morning george bridge george wind advisories are and place for most bay area bridges except for the golden gate and the san mateo bridge. Even the dumbarton bridge got included print although we still have light traffic and the westbound direction is still a fairly easy ride here. Your commute to the san mateo bridge and no delays coming from the nimitz freeway across 92 and it looks good across the span. Theres an accident on the e shore freeway on interstate 80 and not a commute direction. A big rig crashed. Thankfully because of a the early hour and direction its not affecting the east bound ride. It could affect the westbound ride is not clear before daylight. Although there is a wind advisory through the all to my pass this morning your trip through the south bay no delays for one on one peninsula looks good but the ride is clear as well for your trip through marin county 0101 southbound. Its a 21 commit commute time from about down to the Golden Gate Bridge. Hn [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedesbenz has pioneered many breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in design. Breakthroughs in safety. In engineering. And technology. And now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. Introducing the cla. Starting at 29,900. Twitter unveiling its ip o. And earnings are less than expected. Coming up after the break well take a look at the disappointing numbers. Watching wall street this morning. Futures trading show all three indexes in the positive this morning. Investors are selling stocks across the board as the Government Shutdown drags on. Heres a closer look at the closing numbers. The dow fell almost 137 points. The nasdaq lost 40. And the s and p 500 dropped 15. And the s and p 500 dropped 15for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. Losses as twitter user growth is slowing. And they warn of slowing revenue growth. As twitter is on track for steep losses. In fact they lost 69 Million Dollars in just the first 6 months of this year. Even though they had 254 million in revenue twitter does have 218 million active users. But a major concern is that they only added 1million more user in the last quarter. Welcome back. Watching more of the weather this morning. Trees have been knocked down at least one road way is blocked in alamo this morning. It was all caused by high winds. Kron4 jackies sissel is live from alamo with the latest. This morning a large tree fell down blocking the road way and i can tell you that on the way out here the wind was an extreme. Not only did you see a leaves and branches i also talked to one of the crew members. It looks like we may have lost jackets audio. But as you can say at least the majority of it has been cleared. If you notice any damage outside send us a pitcher. Picture. We would show m drop the morning. Lets get on with the weather to see if the wind will die down. The winds will come down as we head into the afternoon. Theyre not as strong as that were overnight. 24 mi. Per hour winds before fairfields. This is certainly aware of the wind is strongest. , conditions for the mid peninsula. We do not have any wind advisor is there. It will continue to be breezy and we have a red flag warning that has been extended until tomorrow. Speaking of this afternoon our highs will climb into the low 80s. Warmer weather is expected this weekend. Fire danger is not that much of a concern. I will bring down your 7 day around the bay coming up. It is all about the wind this morning and the traffic. We still see pretty light traffic but on days like today when there are advisories we may see them activate the mean lights earlier. This is when you back up the traffic on the toll plaza you will increase the speed across the bridge. This seems to be that you will want them to move slow or if the wind is higher. You might want to leave more space between you and another car. Right in between the dumbarton bridge both of these bridges are under a advisories. At the Golden Gate Bridge is light and no problems reported. Tonight is the night that the Oakland Athletics will face off against the Detroit Tigers in the first game of the post season. Kron4 mike pelton is live with more on which you need to know. This is the call before the storm. In about 12 hours this will be open to new fans. Is the team that beat the as and last years postseason. To organizations believe that this team is better than what they had a year ago. If you go inside there is facing a rate change. They removed the tarps from the upper deck. This will allow 15,000 extra to in seat. You was see people allowed inside but even before you get inside you will have to walk through a metal detector. That was also checked all of your sex . ]bags. This is a sellout games. You can only find tickets online at stub hubn. After they play on saturday, they switch it up for the raiders the game on sunday. They need 24 hours to convert the game from baseball to football. The time is 5 35 a. M. The mother of 81 year old stated that her daughter had post part numb and depression. The mother stated that the daughter had no history of violence. She set off a highspeed chase yesterday putting the capital on lockdown. Officers arrived at her roles as home in brooklyn, n. Y. , last might try to gather information. Neighbors of the woman said that they are shot. The cops stated that my men due to the shutdown. A taller in the car with carra carey was not injured in the incident. The officer heard in the pursuit is expected to be okay. And president obama has canceled a trip to asia due to the government shut down. The president was scheduled to attend to asian nations summit as part of his trip to indonesia annexed brunei. According to a white house statement, president obama called the leaders of both nations to express his regrets. Press republicans can continue to allow a vote on a spending measure that does not include changes to the Health Care Reform act. The government shut down claims another victim. The monthly jobs report. The department of labor confirms that the Employment Data scheduled to be released today will not be released. Officials said there to shorthanded to get the information now. The last time a jobs report was delayed was in 1996. That data came out two weeks later. No word on when or if the report will eventually be released. Analysts predict that the countrys Unemployment Rate for september would be 7. 3 . Coming up on the kron4 september would be 7. 3 . Coming up on the kron4 morning news. Back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. In the past, coming up as 6 00 a. M. A Texas High School in cheerleader with down syndrome is back on the sideline after being benched and called a liability. 16 yearold Brittany Davila is all smiles and of this she is back with our team. The honorary cheerleader was sidelined after a recent volleyball game and told to cheer in the stands. School district leaders say it was a misunderstanding and met with her mother to work out an arrangement that includes her to cheer again. There were indications but the fact that we were able to meet with the family everything was resolved about 5 minutes, that really says a lot about how far apart were. Br \ittany knows many of the cheers of but does not participate in stunts. There is not a designated area for her while the other cheerleaders perform stunts, and if she needs a break. I will talk about the red flag warning coming up. Look at them with that uverse wireless receiver. Back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. The time is 5 45 a. M. The mount tam cam is really getting knocked around. We are getting reports that trees are down. We received a report in lost bottles. There is a big branch that just missed a car. I saw a couple lower branches down and we are hearing that they are down and fairfield it is pretty windy. The camera is shaking a round. As of right now the winds are strong. Some Higher Elevations along the peninsula as well. We are dealing with 25 mi. Per hour sustained winds. The blue shade on the screen indicates that is between 20 to 30 mi. Per hour. The wind wilt die down and you would just see them at 13 mi. Per hour by 10 00 a. M. By the time the wind advisory expires will have very, conditions. Lets talk about the fire danger. The wind advisory will expire today we still have a red flag warning that has been extended to 6 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. We may see a pop up fires later on this afternoon. Focusing on the temperature, it is a warmer start and as the 40s we are waking up to 60s. 62 out the door in pleasanton and as we follow these into afternoon plenty of 80s in the south bay. It will be a gorgeous afternoon. Santa clara will have a high of 82 degrees. We will see our fair share of 80s in the east bay. At 82 degrees for fairfield and made 80s for pittsburg. Downtown San Francisco will get into a high of 76 degrees. You will notice that we are not seen this already degree span in temperature and everyone will be mostly in the upper 70s or low 80s. This weekend, kron4 will be showing the raiders the game. Here is a look at your extended forecast it is still plenty waking up tomorrow morning the land highs will be in the mid 80s. 70s along the coast. Tomorrow will perhaps be the last day to head to the beach. Cooler weather for the next work week. We are still watching a pretty good ride around the bay and the wind is what we are looking now for. We have wind advisory for a number of places. The bay bridge traffic is starting to back up. The Richmond San Rafael bridge, the san mateo bridge has not been an official advisory but there is one for the dumbarton bridge. It is likely that this bridge has the same conditions. We are still monterey in an east bay accident on interstate 80 and even though it is still out there is not affecting the ride in either direction. Contra costa county is under wind advisory. The west bound 580 ride is heavy as you come out of all my pass way. The south bay freeway is still pretty okay now. The north bay ride is still looking good down to the Golden Gate Bridge. A dramatic scene on a or down highway as a driver opens fire on a state trooper. Watch what happens. You were speeding. Sir, did back end your car. Sir, please give back end your car. I told you were speeding. shots fired 34 yearold john van a llen, a military veteran was on a road trip with his three children, each between the ages of 10 and 15. You can see him getting out of his car when his military fatigues. The trooper repeatedly asked him to get back in his car and then he opens fire. The trooper returned fire, hit seen allen, who then got back in his car and drove off. Allen was found dead half mile down the road with a single gunshot wound to his chest. The children were not harmed. State trooper was shot on right side of the chest, but he did not suffered serious injuries. Newark police are investigating a case of animal cruelty. Officers found a pregnant German Shepherd named bristol tied to a park bench at the newark late what she was giving birth. That was when officers to jump into action, then untied her, and quickly brushed her to the that hospital in fremont. Hospital Officials Say 18 months old bristol was scared and confused when she arrived. After some tender loving care, she and her newborn puppies are doing well. Police in fremont are on a hunt for a woman suspected of robbing a credit Union Wednesday afternoon. These are images of the suspect from a surveillance video. It happened at 1 45 p. M. At the Patelco Credit Union in the 5100 block of los mowry ave. The famous suspect entered the bank and robbed the teller of an undisclosed amount of cash. Police say she did show the teller a weapon. She is described as a Pacific Islander or agency milk, 5 8, 170 lbs. , and dark brown hair pulled back. She left the bank on foot and an unknown direction. The sharks opened the season at home against the canucks. Second. The score 10 canucks. Brent burns flies down the ice to score the first sharks goal of the season. The score 11 tied. Justin braun gives the sharks the lead with his first go toone sharks. The final score 4one sharks. The game 1 is friday at 6 37 p. M. Pperack eese, mushoms, jalapes, bon, matond avocado. I ca it,the avoca da nci. Crea youomlartith dennys ild ur o omette menu. Female announcer the savings really stack up during sleep trains during sleep trains inventory Clearance Sale. Save 10, 20, even 35 on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. Get two years interestfree financing on tempurpedic. Even get free delivery sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. The inventory Clearance Sale is on now guaranteed sleep train you ticket to a better nights sleep coming up on the kron4 morning news at 6 00 a. M. Pope francis is visiting on the basillica of his namesake. Their reason the basillica of his namesake. Their reason behind the trip to assisi, back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. Top stories we are following on this friday october 4th. Destructive winds overnight knocking down power lines and trees across the bay area. A big cleanup is now underway. Te

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