East basketball. We are fox sports hugely entertaining and we think its really funny. North carolina is exqxqsite and iope peoplee really feel immersed in the place, in the film. I hope they feel that they get to know the place because it was new for me. And i fell madly in love with with the water and the marsh grass and the skies. Its amazing. Natalie e ell be right backk with more of your favorite stars news report. Natalie wee back. Leles take a look at somommore films, onlyn the hollywood news report. Technicians and actors and topnotch artistic people screen, our biggest release of the year. Hail caesar is a prestige picture with one of the biggest stars of the world. A truth we could seeee if we had but if we had had cut Academy Award winning filmmakers joel and ethan coen assemble an allstar cast for their comedic look at hollywood movie making during the 1950s in hail caeaer. Somebody slipped it under myy or. We had your movie star. Gather 100,000 and await instructions. Who are we . The future. After we finished, they said that were working on a film called hail caesar about old hollywood with a big dumb actor and he gets kidnapped by communists and thether actor, the cowboy, s ss this isad for movie stars everywhere. That was the whole pitch. Them i was doing this movie and joel and ethan said weve never read the damn thing and finally they said it was written. It was a real movie but they hadnt written the screenplay and i kept saying im doing it next. I like old m mies but i think of whoo better to make fun of old hollywood than those two guys. I dont like old movies. I think theyre crap. You like only since magic mike forward. Nothing after that. Just that. They just understand absurdity i think better than most people and embrace it. I asked ethan at one point, i was looking at some book and structurur of writing and story telling and he laugh at me and i said, you tell me, what do you do writing a story . He said you want me to tell you . I said yeah. He said we sit down, we think of a scene we would like to see in a movie, then we write it and we think about what would be cool that and thats basically which is so much more complicated than thaha because they understand structure innately but they write what they feel like writing. Theyre not writing for anybody but themselves. Tell your line exactly as i do. With to us assemble. Would the detwoor deassemblbl why did you say twoor. I grew up watching old movies so to be on sets that look like that and participate in it and having joel and ethan way that theyre winking at it, almost like a drama comedy musical. s everything. It almos feelsls like seven movies in one but then at the enenof the dayts really i fe the story about joshs it and i love i love the bet. I love what they did with his part in that story is very moving. Spiritual dimension to the picture business but what it really is this fat cat, nick skank, out in new york, running this factory, serving up lollipops to what they used to call bread and circus. I have been trying to save my roman until i was older. The s srt is about that long and you want to be sure everything is covered. Those calves look just right. They took me out for chariot training. I went out for five minutes and i was like, this is the easiest thing ive ever done. Ha it wasnt like learning to tap. Gene kelly, hes the man. He wanted to makeeou believe it was a performance. He walks through life, its so easy, and you could almost do it while having a cigarette. Theyre two different schools. No matter what we see when were out there on thehe sea, we aint gonna see a dame whatever bet you take leads to another choice. Heres this weeks rundown of the top five movies in the u. S. A. Bad whitlock has been kidndnped. Bad for movie stars everywhere. Hey nobody said this was going to be easy. Natalie theres more Hollywood Hollywood news report. Natalie thanks for joining us again. Lets get back to more Entertainment News on the hollywood news breaking up sucks but you know whats even worse . Wasting a night in new york city. Give it to me im worth it let me teach you how to be single. Go get us some drinks. No, you dont buy the drinks. Boys buy the drinks. And rebel wilson teach the basics of how to be single in new york city. Whats up, yall. I dont know why i said yall. I started out in comedy, the first few projects i did were comedies and i know i signed on to this movie because the woman who wrote it, dayna fox, created a Television Show that i was on that was a comedy so it was nice to come back to it and also to come back working with her. I think i came to hollywood at the ehact right time and my first job was in the movie bridesmaids which was an rrated comedy and it crushed it and it spawned all these kind of movies that rrated comedies where women are being honest and confident. Its great to work with male stars in the industry and you always learn stuff from them but often your role, youre relegated more to the girlfriend or the wife or a side character whereas in movies like how to be single, the girls are the normally get more opportunities in those films. There are eight Million People in this city. Sounds like a lot, right . Half of them are women and as hard a as i tried in collele, i dont swing that way. So four million men, then you got to have some age limits. Lets say over 20, under 40. Keep it sexy. Now its a million. I think because my character is so rigid in the way she goes about looking for a husband and shes so specific in terms of what shes looking for, my advice is dont do that. My big advice is really to be have an open mind. You never know when someone might surprise you, if you meet a person, if theres any hint of a spark but youre like, he doesnt fit this criteria, i would say go out with him anyway. I think jake laces character has the best disposition where hes like, come on, life, lets do this. Whatever happens, youre pregnant, i dont care, youre still pretty hot, lets go. Thats true. She had to be kind of like pushed along which is dont be pushed. Just do it. Nike. Send me some stuff. Im a paralegal at b bwn, light and finkelstein. Is that 144 wall street. Yea i have the building next door. You have the building, in a fantasy Building League . No. I dont have the building. I kind of own it. I moved to new york when i was young and broke and single so i guess seeing the movie was a bit more like a reminder of what that was like because i havent been s sgle in a long time andnd bit of like the chaos that is involved in being single and also that you ultimately have to figure out who you are before you can be happy. If youre going to be single, be rich. Yeah. Thats the best way to be single. Like when you can just do whatever you want, buy it, you how much . Yelling through the glass. How much, to the tree. Yelling to the tree. How much for you. If tom texts you which he might because its still daylight, wait four hours to respond. Anything sooner implies youre needy and codependent and incapable of a simple hookup. Would she really get a man otherwise youll have no property or money but nowadays i think its so different. I think its a blessing to be single when youre younger because you can concentrate on your career, travel wherever you want, youre not tied down. I think its a good idea but if you find your true love, of course youll be with them but if you dont, dont worry, just enjoy your singleness. To me, advice e give myself, as well, when youre single, you get used to being single and by yourself and i think that you should be open to the possibility of finding love. You shouldnt just like totally cut yourself off. You should just still be aware person could be out there, you have to look a little bit. You n nd to get out. Youre in my apartment. Thiss not my apartment. Sorry. You were great last night. Was i . I cant remember. No one said this jobs supposed to be easy. Nobody said its supposed to be that hard, neither. Heres a look at this weeks Worldwide Box Office numbers. How about you spare me the chitchat. Im going to take your chitchatnto chitty chat, chat, chat, chat, chat. Im not afraid to die. Ive done it already. With more of and now, natalie were back. Lets take a look at some more films. Only on the hollywood news she cured zombies with love in the film warm bodies, now, Teresa Palmer is sparring up a romance with actor Benjamin Walker in Nicholas Sparks best selling feature film, the choice. Im travis. What are you so angry about . Your dog knocked off my dog. Iake full responsibility. Ive talked to him soo many times about using protection. Maybe 10 people on the planet are like, whos Nicholas Sparks . But theres not much work you need to do to be familiar with him. I didnt need to familiarize myself. I was obsessed, like obsessed with the notebook. Im almost embarrassed about my obsession because i truly, i would drere about it,t, iould talk about it, i still listen to all the music. Going to auditions ill listen to the beautiful music at the end of the notebook and it here at a junket talking about my own Nicholas Sparks movie and i get to play my own version of the character, that is such a dream. Truly i feel so blessed. We joke that you cant help but fall in love in north carolina. Its too beautiful. You cant help it. If youre in north carolina, youre getting married, its just going to happen. Youll have beautiful babies and live happily ever after under rainbows. That should be on the license plate in north carolina. I definitely agree and i felt very zenned out when i was there. Maybe itt because were making a filmm and we all loved each other so much and had so much fun on set but even like outside of work, wld walk around and id just, there was a peace to me and i think it has to do with that tranquil environment as well as the hospitality and the people there were just the most warm and loving and generous lks. I justelt so embraced there. Can you open . Were all good now. What am i going to do with all you guys . Huh . Thank you, travis. Thats first time you said my name. I like it. Life is just a series of one choice after another that in the end lea us to who we are and the experiences weve had. And every moment is filled with choices, what to have for breakfast, when to get up, whether or not to go to work. The nature of life is you will be confronted with bigger choices. Whether or not, for instance, to have children. Then, unfortunately, life sometimes throws us a curveball and were forced to make a decision about something we would rather not have to decide on and that of course is integral to this film so this is really a film about love but its also a film about life and theres an authenticity to those realities that i think will resonate very strongly with the viewers. Theyll feel as if they could be almost any o o the characters in what are you doing . Walking towards you real slow. Why . Because if i ran, id scare you. The choice is about the small decisions that or large ones, that you make over the course of your life tt shape your life whether yiu know it or not and in this case these decisis all in a row shape the lives of travis and gabby. They bring them together. And also into their lives together. Travis evolves over the course of the film because he learns so much he needs someone else and how much he was kidding himself that he could live this life alone or in a transient way with having any relationship he wanted at any time. He needed something permanent and something ive learned from travis and making this movie is that the kind of gentle reminder to not take for granted the time you have with the people you love. To another choice. Come back to me, baby. Some choices change everything. I should be have been there. Its not your fault, travis. Natalie thats it for this week. Join me next time on the hollywood news report where entertainment is news. Previously on mike molly. Look at you, writing again. Yeah, new story. About a young girl coming of age on a hardscrabble farm at the base of the mudlick mountains. Mudlick . Ththats weird. My mom grew up a farm in mudlick. Oh, no i have to see mudlick for myself. When hemingway wrote about paris, he walked those streets. Its what made it authentic. No i didnt know that. See, thats the kind of stuff im hoping to dig into when i drag her down there. Here she is. Rosie . You slut ill kill you why didnt you ever call me . Why do you think . I was wracked with guilt. I was so stupid. You were 16. And d upid. You know my mom hates dropbys. Its not a dropby. Its a checkin. We havent heard from her in two days. Or. cheery . We havent heard from her in two days. See . Its all in the way you look at it. doorbell rings since when are you so worried about my mom . Since were a month behind on our book. After were done w wting, en let the postman find her carcass. Wow. Or. cheery . Then let the postman find her carcass. There you are