And a musical performance by desiigner. Featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now its time for the late show with Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen boom hey hey welcome to the late show. Thank you up there. Thank you down there. Thank you so much, thank you everybody. Thank you, so much. Welcome to the late show. Im your host Stephen Colbert. And before we go any further right off the beep, i have to take a moment right now to congratulate a friend of the show, stephan curry, for being named the n. B. A. M. V. P. cheers and applause well deserved. Boom because he won unanimously, all 131 votes. Yet, somehow, Hillary Clinton was still awarded half the delegates. laughter i dont understand. Congratulations, congratulations, steph curry. Everybody must be so proud back home in. Uh golden state . And did you see his daughter did you guys see his daughter at the press conference steal the show at the press conference. Take a look at this footage right here. Thats her psyching out the front row. Thats pretty intimidating for a threeyearold. Aiden from gymboree, id think twice about cutting her in the trampoline line. And steph curry is the first ever m. V. P. To win it by unanimous vote. That never happens in anything. Our country is so divided right now, i think thats the ciewnd of unity America Needs right now. I think, i think steph curry should be our next president. cheers and applause that feels right to me. Jon that feels right to me too. Me,. Stephen think about it. He plays for the warriors. Thats military experience. Hes a job creator because it takes three people to cover him and hes ready to debate donald trump because he already has plenty of experience slamming round orange objects. cheers and applause . Jon hot dang stephen speaking of donald trump which is now my official job description. laughter everyone today is talking about a new poll showing donald trump this is true, is less popular than nickelback. Now, if you are not familiar with the band nickelback, congratulations on never attending a frat party. How do i describe nickelback . Just imagine the illegitimate child of pearl jam and guy fieri. laughter we laugh, but i want to Say Something tow everybody who is feeling smug because they think this poll proves that donald trump is bad, or unpopular, or as this poll also showed viewed less favorably than head lice. Thats true. Ironically, donald trump is very popular with head lice. He he is their everest. Because hes there. Because these there. Heres why this shouldnt comfort you. You may think nickelback is uncool, but theyve sold over 50 million records. Their fans dont care that you think that theyre not cool. In fact, they like that you think theyre not cool. Im pretty sure thats what brings them together, because theres no way its the music. laughter applause so trump clearly is going to be fine. But i am concerned about the rest of us because i have just learned that americans are now getting high on imodium. laughter . Jon wow stephen that put a hush over the room. laughter imodium, of course, is not an upper or a downer. Its more of a stopper. I believe the street names are cork, plug, the stationary dragon. Apparently the drug imodium contains a very mild opioid. So if you take enough of it, you can get just high enough to think its a good idea to take huge doses of imodium. And now that its being abused toxicologists have recommended that sales of imodium be limited, like they do with sudafed, which is great news for anyone who desperately needs imodium and now has to wait for the drowsy cvs clerk to find the key to open the cabinet. Lets see, lets uh, cleanup on aisle. You know what . I quit . The point is, its official that americans can no longer be trusted with anything in the drug store. Next, well learn people are snorting groundup glass repair kits and snorting us weekly. It has me saying something i never thought i would say just do drugs. Just do them. Not an easy think to say. Hey, i have a question. Anyone here work . People work. cheers and applause not everyone raised their hand in the band. Not everyone in the band raised their hand. Thats not a good sign. Or its a great sign. It doesnt feel like work. If you work i have great news for you. The National LaborRelations Board has just handed down a big ruling that your employer cannot force you to be happy at work. cheers and applause hmmm. Gosh i wonder where these underpaid government workers came up with that idea . Heres what happened. It was all about an issue with the mobile carrier tmobile. See, the Labor Relations board said that tmobiles employee handbook, which required employees to maintain a positive Work Environment was too restrictive, even though employees were allowed unlimited sadness on nights and weekends. laughter now, this is true. This ruling affects all businesses, including this one. So i need to take a minute right now to tell one of my writers, glenn. Come on out here, glenn. Hi. Stephen hey, glenn. How you doing, glenn . Im fine. Stephen i have really good news. Stop the presses. Stephen the government says i cant legally ask you to be happy. Really . Stephen yeah, you can be as depressed as you want. Thats fantastic im going to go tell the guys hey, guys, its okay to be sad well, ill tell you glenn everybody. Stephen ill tell you whos always happy, jon batiste and stay human. Say hi to the band, everybody. applause stephen whoa stephen well, you know, at this point in the election, a lot of the candidates have dropped out of the president ial race like 20. And im not making that up. They may be dropped out but theyre not gone. In fact, yesterday was senator ted cruzs first day back on capitol hill after dropping out and people were wondering if a more humbled ted cruz would try to get along better with his fellow senators. And we got our answer in this photo. Look at that parking job i never thought id be saying this, but, senator cruz, you should move a little further to the right. cheers and applause but i noticed Something Else in this photo, beyond teds excellent dbaggery. Of a parking job. Can we put that photo back up for a second, jimmy . S the photojournalist who took this photo is a guy named bill clark. And this is true, i went to school with bill clark. And bill and i are really old friends and hes been working in washington as a photojournalist for the past 20 years. I dont want to be too specific. Lets just say back in high school bill is the first purpose i did something with that is now legal in colorado. I cant say. cheers and applause i have not discussed sharing this with you with bill clark so lets just say it could be night skiing, okay . And heres what happened. I was at our homecoming dance with bill we didnt have dates because we were both uh, nerds i believe is the word. It was me, him Carlos Salinas air, friend of ours who now workses in the amazon working with the cofan people a true story and the three of us who were so beyond the society of our high school, we were way out in pluto of the social structure of our high school. We show up. We dont have dates. We dont even talk with anybody who could possibly dance with us or be our date. So we decided to leave, and bill, turns out has a substance that again, is legal in col colorado. But we have no way to wrap it up. Some substance you sometimes wrap up like little presents and instantly destroy with fire. So we used the comics page from the sunday paper, which i think might be why im a comedian now. laughter i think if i was an x man applause if i was a character from marvel that might be my origin story. So lets just say i am glad that bill wasnt taking photographs back then. laughter anyway bill call me. Meanwhile, in donald trump news or as its called now news Donald Trumps convention manager, paul manafort, promised that the g. O. P. Convention will be the the ultimate reality show. Yes, the ultimate reality show with singing alaskan crabber housewives and ice road cake hunters who think they can dance and when its over, well all be naked and afraid. This is road to the white house. Theyre cheating us, and theyre friends of mine. Yesterday was primary day in West Virginia. On the republican side, donald trump destroyed his competition nobody. On the democratic side, Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton 5136. cheers and applause West Virginia coal miners clearly related to the fact that bernie also looked like a man who crawled out of a cave. But even though Hillary Clinton lost West Virginia, she only needs 17 of the remaining delegates to secure the nomination. The math is really against bernie which is surprising, considering how much bernie has done for math. 3. 5 million. 25 million 15 million. 27. Stephen and the top. 01 of 1 owns as much as wealth as the bottom 90 , and 2 milk has 50 more than the 1 milk, and six was afraid because seven eight nine, and 525,600 minutes. cheers and applause still, how do you measure a year . Measure in love. Despite his long odds bernie got a powerful reminder he is a serious contender in this race. Donald trump gave him a nickname. I call him crazy burney because hes not very good. Stephen when it comes to knowing meaning of the word crazy, donald trump is not very good. cheers and applause i just hope i just hope i just hope that Bernie Sanders does not take this nickname lightly because they have destroyed all trumps opponents. Low energy jeb, gone. Little marco, via con dios. Lyin ted, see you, wouldnt want to be you. Seriously, would not want to be you. So this nickname strategy of trumps has been effective. But will it work for the general election . Here to discuss is Donald Trumps chief nickname strategist, timmy jenkins. Timmy, thank you for joining me. Thanks for being here. Have a seat. Timmy, tell me, how do you come up with these nicknames . Well, i have over five years of playground experience making nerds cry. And thats really fun. Also i once made andy sansewn change schools. Stephen impressive. Why do you think these nicknames catch on so well . Stephen, we have had top focus group testing. We dont pull this out of our hats. Our first choice wasnt little marco. We started with sweaty marco. Then we went todiarrubio, then we tried marco boobio. And off the chart fair little bit we called him marco pubio. Stephen all that research for one candidate. Stephen dont be naive. We do this preparation for all candidates. If rand paul was still in the race, we could have called him bland balls. We did it for carly peearena jab tush, ted poos, snot walker, and ass kisstie. Stephen hold on. Wait a second. Let me make sure i get that last one right. Ass kisstie . Is that Chris Christie . Duh. Stephen but hes an ally of yours. Does he know you call him that . He does now. laughter stephen tim, obviously, youre an expert in the field but are these types of juvenile tactics really good for our democracy . Thats an interesting question. Let me think about that for a minute. Stinky colbutt stephen hey i can smell you from here host of the lame show with steaming colfart. laughter . Stephen stop it, timmy stop it ill stop it when you stop hitting yourself stephen what are you talking about hey hey hey are. Are you going to cry you little baby. Stephen im not going to cry. I hate politics. Make America Great again butt faces stephen well be right back with Kate Beckinsale. More like bait bucketsmell. When a rear hatch remembers your height. When systems can help sense your surroundings. And when cameras change your perspective. Thats the more human side of engineering. Experience what a lincoln can do for you at the Lincoln Spring collection event. Your choice of the lincoln mkc or mkz for 289 a month, or get 0 apr for 60 months. Oops, yo mama said, ah oops, yo mama said, ah oops, yo mama said, ah oops, yo mama at pure leaf, we know that the best things in the life are real. So we brew iced tea the way you brew it at home. For real, delicious, leafbrewed iced tea. Pure and simple. Pure leaf. For the love of leaves. No other scents feel like glade. Melt your mood with our hawaiian breeze fragrance. Feel relaxed, feel glade. Whats it gonna be . An ovenbaked digiorno . Or waiting for delivery . Did you have that beard when we ordered . A hot, freshbaked crust . Or . Did we order extra soggy . Dont settle for delivery. Rise to the occasion. Its not delivery. Its digiorno. Yeah, we rocking right now. Theres a party over here. Theres a party right now. Hey, im in heaven. On his legendary quest, jack created a breakfast worth waking up for. The triple cheese and hash brown breakfast burrito. With provolone, cheddar, pepperjack, and a crispy hash brown. Then he announced it to the world in the most legendary way. Ahhem. Triple cheeeeeese the triple cheese and hash brown breakfast burrito. Hurry in before its gone. When josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Feel me lois . Im feeling you. Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. applause stephen everybodys happy everybodys happy jon yeah stephen everybodys has been. Hey, everybody welcome back. Welcome back to the happy place. My first guest tonight is a talented actress whose films include pearl harbor, serendipity, and the underworld series. She now stars in a new jane austen film adaptation, Love Friendship. Please welcome Kate Beckinsale applause stephen nice to have you here. Hi. Stephen thats a lovely dress. Thank you so much. Stephen its very springlike. It is quite spring like. I was worried it was a bit westernish saloonish. Stephen a little bit down in the west texas town of el paso do you like that sort of thing . It was an accident. I only realized it at the very last minute. Stephen i do not necessarily associate this look with how many people know you which is the skintight leather vampire who hunts the werewolves. Thats how i intend to go around, if i can. Stephen thats how i know you. Thats how a lot of people know your work. If i hung out with you, would i go yeah yeah, totally a vampire. Does your most famous work represent what youre really like . I think the thing is those trousers kind of stick in peoples minds. Stephen yes, they do laughter . I feel board now. But i think, you know, ive done loads of movies and only a few of them have been in that sort of trouser but people remember them. Stephen very popular movies. Trousers. Stephen yexactly. I dont know. Im generally not jumping off things and shooting people. Stephen youre not a badass . If you look at my kid the wrong way i might flip a car or two, but thats all the moms, i think. Stephen i found out something shortly before you got here. My producer told me you went to oxford university. I did. Stephen i know you know that. I know youre not surprised. But i was surprised because i look dumb. Stephen no, not at all. I do. Stephen not a lot of actors i met went to oxford university. What did you study when you were there . Russian and french. Stephen russian and french. Oh, my god you speak russian and you speak french . And i wear those trousers. Stephen so you are a badass. That kicks ass in its own way. I guess. Im very good in an uber. There are a lot of uberdrivers and i can chat with them. Stephen you live in los angeles . Yes. Stephen how long have you been in los angeles . Ages, over a decade. Stephen do you miss london . I cant imagine two places more different. I do, my mom is there and all the people i do silly things with are there. I dont mean that in a dirty way. Stephen that didnt sound dirty. I said, all the people i do sill things with and i felt immense guilt. Stephen you said dirty. I said silly. It felt dirty. It all got away from me in a horrible way. Stephen silly as a way of saying naughty. It could be. I feel like eave gone down an abyss. Stephen are you a silly person . Ish. Stephen are you silly with your friends and family . Again, i mean this in the the least naughty way. Okay, perfect. You dont have pantomimes here, do you . Stephen pant miems . Its a christmas show, thats usually a fairy tale. In england theres often a character thats a horse in a costume with two people in it. Stephen or pantomime horse pantomime horse. Stephen you sent along a clip of this. Yes, because i own one a costume. Stephen wait, lets show the people what weve got right here. cheers and applause . Stephen okay. All right thats silly. Thats very silly. I can rock so many different kinds of trouser apparently. That was me in the back. Stephen oh, you were in the back of that . Yes the tallest person is in the back. There are rules for a horse costume. Very strict rules. Otherwise it makes it a wonky horse. Stephen that, i would definitely upon to look that one in the mouth to find out. Exactly. Stephen why and i you know . Why . Why are you dancing around in a horse costume . One youve obviously not trieded it. Two ive never tried it actually. I have it here in new york so we can try it at some point. I do tend to travel it, just in case of a low moment or feeling depressed or get bad news, you get the horse on and you cheer up immediately. laughter applause stephen i just want to make sure i have this clear. I just want to make sure i have this clear. You travel with a horse costume. Yes. Not if im going only for a weekend. I trust myself to remain happy for two days, but if its a long shoot somewhere in eastern europe, i think there may be a bleak weekend where i feel a bit low in my spirits and, you know, i might want to have a bit of a cantor around the hotel. Stephen to cheer yourself up a little bit. Have you tried massive doses of imodium . Im going to try that next. Stephen youll try that. Its less fun gli would love to try that with you some time. Next time youre here. I was saying yes to the imodium thing. Stephen oh. Weve got to take a little commercial break. Stick around, well be right back with more Kate Beckinsale. cheers and applause 3, 2, 1 [whispered rocket] band playing cheers and applause stephen were back with one half of a pantomime horse Kate Beckinsale. The new movie is called Love Friendship. I understand its A Jane Austen story. Yeah. Stephen and jane austen has an interesting thing. Youre a woman. I am. Ask a horse. Stephen and a horse at the same time and the jane austen stories have a very particular early 19th century view of being a woman what the challenges are of being a woman. Do you think theres any similarity between then and now for women . Yeah, i think having worn a corset in the whole movie, i think its so great we dont have to wear corets, but i feel like we now have to be corset which sucks. Stephen what do you mean . You have to do hot yoga or whatever it is to make you the corset. Stephen to get in the trousers. Were still not allowed to be frumpy. Stephen what book is it based on . Its an unfinished notela. It was called lady susan. Stephen im not familiar with lady susan. There are jane austen novels that havent been adapted . Tons that people have not heard of. Stephen there are unknown jane austen novels out there and i understand you brought some with you tonight. I did lets show them to the people right now. Sense and sensibility 2 locked and loaded. Stephen people know sense and sensibility but they dont know this one sex and flexibility. Stephen this was a popular one prejudice and more prejudice. Very few people know she wrote this one. Fast and furious. Stephen this was very popular in the own day bonnets and bloodletting. Leather and lathering. Stephen i like the way you say laghtering. Is that the wrong way . Stephen no its a perfect way. We say lathering . You have never lathered. You should try it. I think im going to. Stephen do you want to try this one . The rheumatoid clergyman and the dairy wench. Stephen never published in her lifetime. The seamstress and the muffin top. And, of course her biggest seller, i cant believe this has never been adapted. A carriage ride to bonetown in the meantime, Love Friendship is in theaters this friday. Well be right back with b. J. Novak im here for the new iphone. My horoscope told me i should get one. Well it just so happens that right now, were offering a really great deal on the iphone. Oh, great. So your horoscope said buy the new iphone . Oh yeah. It said, this day will be fairly eventful. Yeah, i mean theres no other way to interpret that. Totally, right . At t has a better reason to get a new iphone. Switch to at t and get up to 650 in credits per line this year, make every amazing, despicable wizarding second of your vacation count by staying where the adventure never ends. 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Here to help, not to sell. cheers and applause stephen welcome back everybody. My next guest played ryan on the office, is a bestselling author, and is the cocreator of an app called list. Please welcome b. J. Novak. cheers and applause thank you. Stephen nice to meet you. Nice to meet you stephen. Stephen youre an actor. Youre executive producer on the office. Youre also a writer. What do you consider yourself first an actor . I consider myself a writer. Stephen a writer first . Yes everything im interested in flows from that, so. If im acting, the exciting thing is getting the script just as you envision it, and the espn2 is so people can write. Stephen when you write your own material, do you ever get it as good on film as you had it in your head . Uh, thats something ive been learning how to do. I mean, youre an improvisor so you probably have seen both sides of it. You know, as a writer you imagine something as a certain way, and sometimes if you let yourself be in the moment, you can discover something exciting. Stephen right but i often find if a joke is written just right i can hear the music in my head and i can almost never play it as well as i hear it in my head. Yeah, you just have to keep it in your head, i guess. Stephen never tell the best jokes. No, thats for you. Stephen a lot of writers say they were nerdy kids, unpopular, like oust cast or that sort of thing. Was that your experience growing up . I think thats exaggerating. I think people like to say oh i was such a nerd. I was a rebel. I sat in the back of the bus. Most people sat in the middle of the bus. Thats how buses work laughter . Stephen do you sit in the middle . Yeah, thats where i sat. I mean i did my homework and dreamed of being a bit of a rebel. I did i did a very nerdy version of rebellion, which i guess is sort of my way of balancing where i sat on the bus. When i was 14 i got it into my head that i wanted a fake i. D. And i committed what the only term for it is Identity Theft to get this fake i. D. I never told this story before. This is pretty much the nerdiest way you can be, like, a bad kid. I went to the Newton Library where i grew up, and i went through their polling records buckle in. laughter stephen i think youve already just that sentence has violated a federal law. But go ahead. Theres a hand full of these. And i actually tried to google the statute of limitations on this before the show and couldnt get the wifi. I looked up this is true eye looked up someone that was 21 years old through their polling records stephen and youre 14. I was 14 years old. I looked up someone who was 21 who had my same first name and initial because i thought if i get drunk id never been drunk if i forget my name, i cant get busted. So found someone who was named benjamin j. Something. So i found this guys name, and i thought if i can just forge all his documents i can go to the d. V. M. , and say i lost my license, and theyll give me a new license with his picture. This is my plan. So first i need to know where hes born so i can get his birth certificate. So i call his house. I ask for him eye dont know what i would have done i get his brother. And i say i work with ben. Were doing a crossword puzzle based on his life for his birthday, and you tell me what town he was born in . So he told me, i took the subway there, and i got his birth certificate you. Stephen went to the county clerk they didnt ask for i. D. They just gave me this birth certificate. Then i then i opened up a mailbox in his name. And wrote i was 14. I didnt know what i was doing. I wrote to the i. R. S. laughter and i filled out tax forms in his name. And then i went to the d. M. V. , and i said, i lost my wallet. I need this is all i have. And i looked 14 years old. But i had these documents. So they sent me to the back room where this woman sized me up and said i cant give you this. You dont even have a picture. And then said with a wry smile on her face, open your wallet right now. And like a true method actor the only thing i had in my wallet was a library card i had signed in his name. cheers and applause and she approved it. And for the rest of high school i had this actual drivers license with my picture on it. cheers and applause im glad i have some support. You have a look on your face like i dont even that was funny or it was fan fantastic. I just hope you have a good lawyer. Yeah. I dont know i dont know. Stephen wow. Did you ever do anything else like else like that. Stephen illegal . What did you then do with it . That was it. Stephen did you do anything with it . I bought, like, two beers. Again, i sat in the middle of the bus. It wasnt like this crazy rebel. Stephen did you tell your friends this is easy to do or anything like that . Yeah i actually did tell a friend and he did the same thing and we would take a subway to Downtown Boston and order screwdrivers because it was the only drink we had heard of. And wed sit there at 4 00 p. M. Drinking screwdrivers luke a couple of old men yawr 14 years old. Yeah, and wed take the subway back home play sega games, and wall it a weekend. cheers and applause so you know wow. Congratulations. Congratulations, thats really beautiful. Thanking. Stephen now lets lets talk about you got an app he were that you created with someone else. Dev is that his real name or a fake name . Ill have to investigate. Stephen its called list. It allows people to make their own lists lists and share their lists with each other. For instance, what might someone make a list of . You can do anything from crimes i did when i was 14. It started as a recommendation thing. I thought we all have these great lists we share with each like restaurant. It evolved even further. There are 250,000 lists on it for six months. The majority have veered into selfexpression. I think a lot of people are Walking Around with all these just thoughts in their head what happened to me today . Funny things i overheard. Pictures on my phone. Stephen is it always the same number . Is it always five things . No, its whatever you want. Five is pretty common. Stephen five random photos. Five random photos from my phone. The game is you close your eyes and choose at random. Stephen this is you with a bread stick. This is a picture of david lifn. I dont know why its on my phone. Stephen this is you you with a friend of yours. And this is you with my wife mindy kaelin. All right, all right. Di i did i did one of these i saw you on the app today. It was exciting. Stephen i did one of these. At random here, actually, i dont have the app up here. This is my son with a cookie bigger than his face. This is a guy holding a crane down with a rope on 53rd street. This is me from a sign i stole from late night with conan obrien 10 years ago. This is my dog cookie. I call her queen of the goldep wood. And that is me getting my teeth whitened. And now ive shared a list. And see how much youve pressed with that list. Stephen b. J. Novak thank you for being here. List is available for iphone and android. B. J. Novak, everybody well be right back. Strong. You. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. New special k nourish. Fortify. To feel this special. You need to eat this special. I love it start your day with crunchy wholegrain flakes. And real strawberries. Special k. Eat special. Feel special. Hello nice to meet you welcome, welcome today im going to show you the allnew 2016 chevy cruze and ask you what you think. But heres the catch. You can only answer in emojis. What emoji would you use to describe the design . Sfx message sent i think its sexy. 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People get brave and daring in the dark. Bowling is less sad, and making out is much more likely. So if all this good stuff happens in the dark, wouldnt you want a camera that can capture things. In the dark . The new galaxy s7 edge with lowlight camera. Whats it gonna be . An ovenbaked digiorno . Or waiting for delivery . Did you have that beard when we ordered . A hot, freshbaked crust . Or . Did we order extra soggy . Dont settle for delivery. Rise to the occasion. Its not delivery. Its digiorno. Network Television Debut tonight. Here with his charttopping platinum song, panda, please welcome desiigner late show, party us right now. Late show, stand up. Clap. Clap. Clap. I got broads in atlanta twisting dope, lean, and the fanta credit cards and scammers hitting off licks in the bando black x6, phantom white x6 looks like a panda going out like im montana hundred killers hundred hammers black x6, phantom white x6, panda pockets swole, danny selling bar, candy man im the mocho like randy the choppa go oscar for grammy bleep bleep pull up ya panty hope you killas understand me i got broads in atlanta twisting dope, lean, and the fanta credit cards and scammers hitting off licks in the bando black x6, phantom white x6 looks like a panda going out like im montana hundred killers hundred hammers black x6, phantom white x6, panda pockets swole, danny selling bar, candy man im the mocho like randy the choppa go oscar for grammy bleep bleep pull up ya panty hope you killas understand me panda, panda panda, panda, panda, panda, panda i got broads in atlanta twisting dope, lean, and sipping fanta credit cards and the scammers wake up versace, bleep life desiigner whole buncha lot of bleep they be asking round town who be clappin bleep i pullin up stuff in the phantom ship i got plenty of stuff of bugatti whip look how i try this bleep black x6, phantom white x6, killing on camera pop a perc, i cant stand up gorilla, they come and kill you with bananas four fillas, they finna pull up in the phantom know bleep , they come and kill you on the camera big rollie, it dancing bigger than a pandie go oscar for grammy, bleep pull up your panty fill up ima flip it, i got bleep pull up and they get it i got bleep that counting for digits say you make you a lot of new money jeff the don doing business zana ray bleep up bleep and she doin her bidnezz i be getting to the chicken counting to the chicken and all of my bleep gone spilt it panda, panda panda, panda panda, panda, panda i got broads in atlanta twisting dope, lean, and the fanta credit cards and scammers hitting off licks in the bando black x6, phantom white x6 looks like a panda going out like im montana hundred killers hundred hammers black x6, phantom white x6, panda pockets swole, danny selling bar, candy man im the mocho like randy the choppa go oscar for grammy bleep pull up ya panty hope you killas understand me i got broads in atlanta twisting dope, lean, and the fanta credit cards and scammers hitting off licks in the bando black x6, phantom white x6 looks like a panda going out like im montana hundred killers, hundred hammers black x6, phantom white x6, panda pockets swole, danny selling bar, candy man im the mocho like randy the choppa go oscar for grammy bleep pull up ya panty hope you killas understand me make some noise right now you all, make some noise cheers and applause panda, panda panda, panda panda, panda, thank you so much. Desiigner, everybody. Well be right back bend me shape me any way you want me. As long as you love me its alright. Shape the best sleep of your life. Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology adjust any way you want it. The bed that moves you. Only at a sleep number store. Late show. Tune in tomorrow when my guests will be ryan gosling and russell crowe, jessie mueller, and a musical performance by animal collective. Stay tuned for james corden and his guest simon helberg. Good night reggie are you ready to have some fun feel the love tonight its the late, late show ladies and gentlemen, all the