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captioning funded by cbs welcome to "the early show" on a saturday morning, good morning i'm chris wragge. >> i'm deb tee turner bell sitting in for erical hill. >> good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> did you get that shopping done? >> i have relatives that were serious about it. >> it is amazing how many flock to these places. >> my cousin got up at 3:00 in the morning friday morning to get the sales. >> retail sales obviously a big story we'll tackle this morning, this morning we'll go to a few malls and see how things are shaking out. >> on a more serious note, as college student dance student home on break and went missing eight days ago. they're still looking for her. >> first breaking news this morning, police and fbi have thwart ad terrorist plot to blow up a van filled k explosives at a crowded christmas tree lighting ceremony in portland, oregon. >> reporter: the tree lighting at portland's pioneer courthouse square would have had a much different ending if mohamed osman mohamud had his way. the somali-born a naturalized american citizen living outside portland thought as he dialed a cell phone his call would detonate a massive bomb in a van parked in the square. nvpd, he discovered he'd been captured at the end of a two-year stink and the explosives he thought would kill many in the crowd were dumb vms. the u.s. attorney in portland said he had been under surveillance since 2009. according to an fbi affidavit, mohamud chose the portland location knowing it would be packed k children and thought he would be sneaking out of the country afterward. instead he is facing charges that could have him in prison the rest of his life. >> police say portland was chosen like new york's times square to inflict as many casualties as possible and like last he's attempted bombing it was planned around the holidays. we're joined by our national security analyst juan zarate g. to have you with us this morning. >> good to be here, chris. >> how scary these terroristsss are too talking places like times square potentially in may now in portland, oregon. >> disturbing because you see american citizens partaking being radicalized and as the fbi being mobilized to take action against fellow citizen, not just about al qaeda plotting attacks but american citizens actually planning atax against fellow citizens even in portland, oregon. >> i guess the positive we can take away from this, this is a tiny corvallis, oregon. the fbi were in on this the entire way. i mean, this terrorist had, what, six 55-gallon drums in a van looking to detonate this. is that the good sign something like this in the pacific northwest like that was -- >> i think there is a silver lining the fbi has done a fairly good job over time with a series of these disruptions getting in beforeland and talking with these individuals getting in with agents and confidential informants. you saw in this case there was no real threat. you saw this in washington, d.c. with the metro threat. they had it contained. the good news the fbi is doing its job but the bad news you have american citizens trying to flow blow up their flow citizens. >> how vigilant do americans need to be especially around the holidays with crowds of people and malls and christmas tree bombings, people really need to be aware. >> absolutely. people need to be aware of their surroundings looking for suspicious activities. terroristss are trying to cause mass cas alts and disrussian so people have to be aware. >> juan, thank you for coming in this morning. good see you. debbye? >> thank you so much. buy now and save big. that's the message from america's retailers and yesterday millions of shoppers heeded the call lured by steep discounts and promotions. early indications suggest the start of the holiday shopping season could be better than expected. cbs news correspondent soet doen is at a k-mart store here in new york. good morning. is it busy there? >> reporter: not busy yet but yesterday it certainly was, debbye. analysts predicted consumers would be willing to open their wallets again even more this year. and so far, it appears they have performed. black friday seemed to live up to its name this year, putting many stores in the black. 138 million shoppers are expected to hit stores over the weekend in a sort of holiday gift to retailers. malls reported packed parking lots, as dedicated deal seekers shoved and splurged their way to a sort of recession retail therapy. >> clothes, people want clothes this year. the replenishing wardrobes they haven't repleneshed in 24 months. >> reporter: at a target in buffalo, one man was trampled shortly after the doors opened and later was hospitalized. around the country this holiday weekend, consumers are expected to buy more gadgets, tvs and luxury items. >> looking for iphones, ipads that, sort of thing. >> reporter: compared to last year, definitely more wants on the list and fewer needs. >> clothes. sweaters. things for ourselves, actually. >> reporter: but the hangover of a three-ier economic slump still lingers. >> it needs to be 50% off. i want a laptop so bad. but, it's kind of expensive. >> reporter: just look at one of hottest toys this season called sqinkies. they cost about 62 cents each. but after a dismal couple of years, retailers welcome a return to what they'd call a happy holiday. >> people are in a position to buy, not brows, buy. we should look not only for today but really the next four weeks. >> reporter: now, retailers like k-mart here plan to roll out more sales throughout the holiday season. after all, they say, this is a marathon, not a sprint. >> got to keep that in mind, seth doane, thank you so much. yesterday was a promising start to the holiday season are shoppers spending enough to rescue retailers and get the economy moving again? joining us is the chief marketing officer of k-mart, one of the country's biggest discount retailers, mark snyder. good morning, mark. >> good morning, how are you? >> great. the question is how are you, a little more than 24 hours into this holiday shopping season. how's it looking so far in you guys? >> well, we've clearly been cleared if take-off. this is the conspiracy bowl of weekends if shopping and crowds yesterday didn't disappoint. across the nation we had between 300 and 800 people standing in line at k oe-mart waiting to ta advantage of discounts. >> the numbers show a lot of people went out on black friday. is this a make-or-break time for retailers this year? >> i think black friday continues to be a really be a seminal event in the holiday shopping season. the early bird gets the deal and a part is standing in line 4:00 a.m. black friday. a big piece, though, actually starting in the end of september or early october trying to manage her budget as well as the stress. i think black friday continues to be very, very important. december will tell the tale. >> what about this year, mark, is it more important because the economy has been so bad for the previous two years? >> well, you know, we're always looking to build. i think that's what every retailer is looking to see at this point, comp sales grow. consumer debt at a five-year low, that says to us she's been saving and we hope it comes to bear this season in her spending patterns. >> are shoppers spending their money differently this year, shopping differently? >> well, what we're seeing in the market baskets not just sort of the socks and sweaters and essentials but actually an investment this year in consumer electronics, gaming, other things that make the family experience more important. >> haven't you you instituted a layaway program? that's new. i remember that when from i was a little girl. >> yeah, definitely. layaway has been part of the k-mart value proposition over 40 years. we made it the hallmark of the holiday com pain in 2008 and really became quite relevant at that point as the economy was crashing. for our customer, she loves the fact she can get what she needs, all the stuff the family is excited about, put it on layaway and not pile up a lot of credit card debt no. one is happier than christmas morning when they open the presents because it is paid for. >> based on what you said consumer confidence seems higher this year, yes? >> certainly consumer spirits seem higher. that's what we saw in the stores yesterday, you know, a genuine happiness, a conviviality in all the stores, whether you call that consumer confidence or great holiday spirit it was out there yesterday. >> consumer spirit is up and i imagine retailer spirit is up at least optimistically, too. >> i think that's a fair statement. >> all right, mark snyder, thank you so much for being with us. >> me pleasure. thank you. chris? >> thank you. president obama nursing a cut lip this morning accidentally elbowed friday during a pick-up game. the gash required 12 stitches. whit johnson is at the white house with the identity of the man who's elbow sidelined our commander in chief. whit, good morning. >> reporter: chris, good morning. his name is ray deserega, he works for the congressional hispanic caucus institute. the story goes they were in their fifth and final game of basketball. president obama on defense and he's on offense. he turns to take a shot and accidentally catches the commander in chief in the face. president obama seen applying an ice pack to his injured mouth while first lady michelle and his daughters accepted this year's white house christmas tree friday afternoon in a statement to the press, ray decerega said, quote, i learned today the president is both a tough competitor and a good sport. i enjoyed playing basketball with him this morning. i'm sure he'll be back on the court again soon. appearing on an abc special hosted by barbara walters, the president discussed not his physical wounds but rather his political ones. >> so, my hope is that new republican leadership, those who are coming in, that they welcome the opportunity to work together with me and other democrats to focus on solving the country's problems instead of focusing on politics. >> reporter: and a reflective mr. obama said his biggest disappointment of the year was not seeing more americans get back to work. >> you know, the fact that we haven't been able to make a bigger debt in unemployment during the course of this year, that's something that, you know, will keep poking me until -- until we solve it. >> reporter: mrs. obama, meanwhile defended her husband's record which critics including former vice president candidate sarah palin said are driving us off a financial cliff. >> there's nothing that i would look at in this year -- i wouldn't look at not giving this country health care. i think from a policy perspective, he's done an outstanding job. >> she's a little biased. >> reporter: and speaking of sarah palin, the president also said when it comes to his potential 2012 rival, he claims he doesn't think about her very much. well, everybody else in politics does, however. and the former alaska governor continues her book tour today in the crucial caucus state of iowa. chris? >> we'll talk about has in a second, whit. before i let you go, back to the president's future in basketball right now, is there any truth to the rumor when he returns to the court he'll bewaring a helmet? >> reporter: i don't know about the helmet, chris. and, in fact, it is probably unlikely he will give up the game. we hear the president is pretty serious and pretty competitive when it comes to the game of basketball. anybody who has played knows you will catch an elbow in the face from time to time. i'm willing to bet the commander in chief has probably dished out a couple himself. >> you will catch an elbow but not the president of the united states. good to see you. happy holidays this weekend. iowa holds its first presidential caucuses in 13 months. sarah palin is in des moines, which is big news. to does that and look ahead at the president's meeting with republican strategist is ed rollins. connect the dots, sarah palin and iowa. can we connect them? >> this is the kick-off of the iowa season. unlike the rest of the country iowa never gets tishd of politics takes it very seriously and i think the reality sheels the ultimate celebrity staffer in the republican party and can she move the next year from being a serious candidate being someone thought to be competent to be president. >> does that help or hurt her. >> the most valuable in politics is name i.d. she's got it there. where everybody has to meet 10 or 15 people at a coffee catch, she has tens of thousands signify show up for her book signing. after a while she has to show he had has substance. you get the initial attention. sort of the rudy giuliani at this cycle. at this point in time was leading in 50 states and never won a delegate. >> let's talk about that, you mentioned a second ago, taking her policy seriously. on two occasions she called north korea an ally. she called them a few moments before she said "ally" but people will close in on those things. when you declare you are running, you can't make those mistakes. >> where she has real vulnerability is on foreign policy and domestic policy. she wasn't governor very long, running against a bunch of governors who obviously have a lot more experience than she has and will have to know her substance. >> is this her nomination to lose at this point . >> no, absolutely not. i think she begins as a viable candidate but we don't have any front-runners at this point in time. >> and i guess, when we look and we see sarah palin and we see the brook tour and bristol on daenzing with the stars and the fact she's on fox news channel seemingly all the time right now do you think she jumps into this race? >> i think she has every reason to jump in. i don't think anybody will discourage her from running and i think at the end of the day she doesn't have a political team saying there are consequences. right now she's making money and a star and a kingmaker. once you get beat up by other candidates, she will, you are diminished. >> talking about president obama meeting with congressional leadership this week k. we expect anything to get done at this point? >> this is a first date. this is two people didn't like each other meaning republicans, democrats for a long period of time. he's got to reach out to them. they now don't have to be invited to the meeting, they're in the meeting and they control the agenda. >> when you have people like mitch mcconnell saying look our goal is to make this a one-term president and the president knows that going in meeting with republicans right now how difficult for any leeway or give and take on either side? >> unless there is compromise on both sides there will be nothing. we'll spends two years basically doing battle. if we want to cut spending and create jobs what everybody cares about, you could have common ground. >> do both sides have to look sen up a little? the american people have spoken and there are frustration on jobs and key issues. >> neither side has the whole game. democrats for two years, neither side has it today. to be successful as clinton and reagan, you've got to compromise. >> ed rollins, good to see you this morning. for a look at our top stories, good morning elaine. >> good morning. tensions remain high on the korean peninsula in the wake of north korea's deadly artillery attack than a south korean island four days ago. this morning protesters in seoul demanded tougher action a against the communist north. meanwhile warships are enrote there in anticipation of tomorrow's war games between the u.s. and south korea. the u.s. is doing damage control with allies around the world about potentially embarrassing comments in the expected weekend release of classified u.s. diplomatic cables by wikileaks. the founder of the site says the release will be seven times larger than the 400,000 pages made public in october on the iraq war. in southeastern afghanistan two suicide bombers killed at least 12 afghan officers and wounded 16 others at a police headquarters this morning. authorities say they were wearing police uniforms and made it through three security gates to the main police building before setting off their explosives one inside and one at the entrance. the taliban is claiming responsibility. relatives of bernie madoff and his wife and former employees of the disgraced finance year are being sued. 40 lawsuits have been filed by the trustee trying to recover money for victims of madoff's ponzi scheme. the trustee is seeking about $69 million in funds dmos itted by madoff's customers. he is serving a 150-year jail sense for a ponzi scheme in which tens of thousands were bilked out of an estimated $20 billion. about 18 minutes after the hour. lonnie quinn with ur first check of the weather good morning. >> good morning. i hope you brought a nice warm coat this morning. >> the scarf, too. >> new york city will be chilly feeling like you never get out of the 30s but the big weather headliness across the country, mt. shasta, california pick up about a foot of snow today, a beauty in the plains and lake-effect snow has now begun. if you take a look, here's injure storm around mt. chas sta and your lake-effect machine. if you are not from the area around the great lakes undoubtedly you heard about lake effect but may wonder what exactly is lake-effect snow. it all comes down to warm lake water. i say warm, it's relative. temperatures in the water about 48 degrees but that's warmer than the cold arctic air flowing over it so the water heats up as it rises over the lake and dumps the snow around buffalo, syracuse, rochester, today maybe 2 to 4 inches, some could see up to 6 inches. that's a quick look at one little portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. all right. where wherever you are make it a great day regardless of what the weather is doing. this time of the year nothing all that out of the ordinary in terms of our weather patterns. i understand you've got a story one of the odder one of the morning. >> da-data, otter, as in wildlife. have you ever seen? most people haven't seen them but floridians beware in the sleepy community of boca row ton mon of nature's more adorable creatures is on attack and apparently no one is safe. >> what's up little otter. what's up little otter? >> reporter: something so irresistbly cute about an otter the site of this one turned a 19-year-old man with a cell phone camera into a giddy boy. >> come here little otter. ahh, there it goes. >> reporter: little did he know this is an animal with an attitude. he's not the first victim. boca row ton, florida in the grips of an otter rampage. >> what the heck? look at that guy. >> cell phone video of a charging otter. >> a picture of the alleged otter sent by greg butler, who says he attacked his dog, chester chester was bitten on the nose after an otter charged his screened-in porch. two human neighbors were bitten on their heels and hands. >> this hotter comes flying out of the lake, just starts to chase my bike. >> actually went right after my bike. >> it seems so out of character for the animal with the little button nose. >> they' holding hands. >> wildlife experts think boca row ton's angry otter has pups to protect or rabies. they are trying to lure it into a trap with tuna but it strikes again. kelly koeb a yeah, cbs news, miami. >> come on, toughen up, would you? >> one of the funnier things i've seen. they've said for years one of the most dangerous cities to live. >> in all those otter gangs down there. >> this proves it. it is tough they are cute but when they charge at you, especially if they have rabies. >> that's the important thing. picking it up is very important capturing it or pups or maybe the otter likes the lake and doesn't want everybody else. >> i got to tell you, if it doesn't have rabies, i wouldn't pick it up. >> it is a wild animal but small. how much damage can it do. >> the desperate search continues. we'll have the latest on this investigation when we come back. >> later. missed black friday? how to make the most of cyber monday's amazing online deals and to avoid getting scammed. ,,,, [ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the new chipotle chicken & cheese on flatbread, or the melt-tastic chipotle steak & cheese. subway® melts, subway. eat fresh. welcome back to "the early show" on a saturday morning. coming up, winter driving tips that can can save lives especially on the east coast where the roads are getting to get slick and snow is starting to fall you need to be prepared. >> in the video we were showing we saw a truck and suv a. lot of times so many people own those with four-wheel drive, they have a sense of security. >> think they can plow through anything. >> all the more important to know the tips frirmts your windshield wipers to how to navigate a turn if you are hydroplanning. >> you turn into it. >> miss fix to talk about car control coming up. also tomorrow night at midnight cyber monday begins. thousands of online deals and very dangerous scams. we'll show how to protect yourself from those internet rip-offs out there. you are watching "the early show" here on cbs. stay with us. ,,,, people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down. . welcome back. let's talk sports injuries, the president, commander in chief took one in the chin yesterday, 12 tiches playing a little basketball. he loves his basketball. >> i think it is a badge of honor, is it not? you guys are athletes and take a hard hit. >> i'm not going to nato the next day. >> that's just it. we don't have to be on camera every mfnt of the day. i think the president is probably waking up this morning, owie. >> he is a pretty competitive guy, clearly. otherwise, you wouldn't be president. >> -- feel bad for the president, i feel bad for decerega. the one who hits him. >> this just in, traded to the team in guantanamo. >> he'll be playing power forward for the gaun tan na garmin gant than whats. >> you take the president out, my bad. i'm sorry. >> what's the conversation that happens there? >> excuse me, president president, i did not mean to clock you. >> i think the funny thing now is -- >> he takes on the edge, bring it on, you have something for me. >> when the president returns to the basketball court it is going to be like, go -- in basketball news president obama had 94 points today. it is very interesting. >> imagine secret service, too. they must have had quite the reaction, rushing up there. >> -- could solve all of the worlds conflicts and will forever be remembered as the guy who split the president's lip. >> of course. >> he's going to be nursing a fat lip for a while. >> he's going to look terrible a couple of days. >> i had a buddy in the tv business and played basketball on his break and lost both front teeth. that's the reason i don't play basketball anymore and don't run anymore because of my achilles. i just don't play any more. >> gee, call if,,,,,,,, there you have it, so wonderful those people to take a few minutes away from their shopping morning to join us on the plaza. thank you for joining us, as well. welcome back to "the early show." i'm chris wragge. >> i'm deb tee turner bell. if you sat out black friday, my guess is not many of you did, but looking for more deals, cyber monday offers o incredible deals. we'll tell you how to get first dibs on them and that you don't fall for bogus items. >> if you thought black friday was, good wait until cyber morning. what you can do before you start the car that can save your life. we've got all that coming up in minutes but first we turn to the continuing search for jenni-lyn watson the college junior who disappeared nearly a week ago. our correspondent is back with the latest on this story for us. elaine, good morning to you again. >> police officers have covered 1200 acres of wooded area in upstate new york looking for watson and hope cell phone records can provide much-needed clues to the dance major's whereabouts. just after returning home for thanksgiving break, college junior jenni-lyn watson disappeared. now, eight days later, the search for her is intensifying, more than 100 law enforcement members spent friday looking for clues. >> we're working under the assumption we're going to find her and bring her home safely. that's our he goal and we would like to have happened. >> nof move 19th there was cell phone activity in this wooded area near where she vanished. the cell phone is now off and her purse and wallet left at home. police are asking for help to find the driver of a mysterious dark pick-up truck seen nearby. >> as time continues there, is a timeline where that becomes a criminal investigation rather than just a missing person. >> friends say it's uncharacteristic for the 20-year-old dance major to simply disappear. >> this is very uncharacteristic of her to just get up and not contact family or anything. i'm just still in shock and don't know what to even think. >> reporter: for the last week her friends and family have been passing out flyers and praying for her safe return. >> we hope that, you know, tonight there will be a call that she's home. >> we just want to find her safely and alive. >> this morning, professional search and rescue teams as well as law enforcement personnel are looking for watson. officials say he they plan to continue searching through the weekend. chris? >> elaine, thank you very much. joining us to discuss this case criminologist casey jordan. good morning. >> good morning. >> it doesn't seem from you what hear the type of person that would go missing like this not that you could classify people as seeming types that would go missing but what do you make of this case as we see it now. >> this is why after a week we are getting more and more alarmed because the family says they are close and it is not characteristic of had err to take off, she would leave a note would, not get in the car and drive to a concert, not involved in drugs. nothing seems right about her appearance. >> heft her wallet behind, her cell phone found in a wooded area i assume raising so many red flags -- >> the cell phone signal, we don't know if it was a signal or calls were made, texts were sent they are being very closed-lipped about the activity. that's all that's missing, your right her purse, her keys left at the house. we don't know whether she had access to a car, so many questions not answer sgood what are the questions investigators are looking at. with clues like that, certain things are left behind, the purse is, you know, not with her, the phone in the woods, stuff is left behind, what are you looking at. >> well, they are just now beginning to focus on some reports from friends of hers at college she had a boyfriend some man who wanted to marry her and perhaps there was a bad break-up with that. they've been at an extreme disadvantage it is thanksgiving break. college isn't session. they can't run to the college and interview her friends because they're not there. the interesting information there could have been a bad relationship, one of the friends described the break-up as bad and the guy is stalker ish, i think that's the direction they're going in now. >> probably. cell phone records, is that something they will address and kind of basically see what kind of calls or text messages exist there? >> hugely, they are try an gull lating the signal to the area they are searching but it is activity. they say the cell phone is off which probably means the battery died out but texts sent or incoming calls they got all that and believe me are following up on any calls coming in and out. >> when someone is missing for seven, eight days like this, is it usually a bad -- i mean, is it a worse sign. >> statistically, it's not good. it is less and less likely as time goes by the person will be recovered alive but we have great stories, elizabeth smart, among them. of people who are recovered alive so. there's always reason for hope. >> any other things there that maybe police are not releasing to the public possibly going on behind the scenes? >> i think that the boyfriend break-up thing is the biggest thing going on. so many things they are not explaining. i don't know how she got home from the thanksgiving break from college, did somebody drop her off did, she drive herself. what was the state of her luggage? was it, you know an exploded suitcase? they say there was no sign of a struggle but a lot they are not telling us. let's hope the investigation is going better than we know. >> thanks so much. we appreciate you can here. >> always great to be here. >> lonnie? >>. >> chris, good morning you to g. morning, everybody. i got out here and said, boy, a great looking crowd, you guys are up bright and early and this little one said i was here first. what's your name, hon. >> lucia. >> where are you from. >> pennsylvania. >> welcome. >> it this like your big sister . >> no, my name. >> oops. missed this one. what's your name. >> elleory reed. >> what you are doing in the city. >> i marched in the macy's day parade. >> what was that like? >> it was awesome, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. >> congratulations. everybody loves watching that parade, the most famous in the world. let's take a peek what's going on weather-wise. most of the u.s. in pretty good shape. northern corners where we see unsettled weather which means here bego again out west another snow maker for higher elevations place like walla walla, washington, pendleton, oregon even e wldz ko, talking winter weather advisories for you. higher elevations could be picking up as much as a foot of snow. that's a quick look at one little portion of the country. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. apparently i made a mistake. s th that's not your big sister. >> in. >> no sisters? at all. >> gib her a big hug. >> up next, everything you need to know about cyber monday, when to log on, what sites have the best deals and how to protect yourself against internet scams. this isty shoerl show on cbs. the list checker-offers. d. the christmas morning rainmakers. we can make it a weekend of trading up, piling high, and saving even more. doors open bright and early. see you there. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of christmas morning. get a maytag washer or dryer for -- you ready for this? -- 249 bucks. that's $300 off the pair. lelelelelelele 249 bucks. ah, this is hey guys. what the eightsorry we're late. milk looks warm. finally got the whole gang together. maple brown sugar, strawberry delight, blueberry muffin. yeah, a little family reunion. [ wind rushes ] whoa! whoa! whoa! whoa! we're cereal here! what? just cooling it down. enough said. gotcha. safety first. whoo-hoo! watch the whole grain! [ female announcer ] try kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® hot. just add warm milk and you've got a hot way to keep your kids full and focused all morning. oops. dude your eight layers are showing. [ female announcer ] mini-wheats® hot. keeps 'em full, keeps 'em focused. and then there's most complete. like what you get from centrum silver ultra women's, the most complete multivitamin for women over 50. it has vitamin d, which emerging science suggests supports breast health, centrum silver ultra women's. jo black friday, move over. 138 million people are expected to hit the ground shopping this weekend. but one of six americans is waiting until cyber monday, which starts tomorrow at midnight. when hundreds of etailers reveal deals and steals on their home pages. the secrets to navigate the online offers and avoid the growing number of online scams which can be the scary part. good morning, regina. >> thank you. >> cyber monday sort of a new thing, only around for a few years. is this real discount opportunity or sort of marketing hype. >> certainly is marketing hype in terms of being a promotion, a term coined by the national retail federation, as black friday is but it's effective and the websites are following that lead. 58% will offer cyber monday specials and there is a lot of momentum going in. >> starting midnight monday. it is important for online shoppers to be on their computer online. >> as offline is the case i would suggest, yes, if you are buying big-ticket items, a television, laptop ereader, fine jewelry. prioritize your time by price, big ticket items tend to sell out and go first. otherwise for other items, i would certainly wake up early. here's the deadline in my head, 10:00 a.m. eastern monday, before the lunch hour on the east coast when the whole world is going to be shong and selection is going to go down. you will won into things like yes we have a that item only in one couple and a can you mr. he of sizes. >> if you want variety -- wake up early you can do it if your ja mas. >> there you go. >> what site will have the best deals. >> walmart set an unbelievable precedence, known for how low can you go, the same on their website. what teem don't understand they have tens of thousands of items more additional things than the story, a whole different division of walmart and i think they will have exceptional prices simplsts it important to be a mem br of like their enewsletter to find out about their deals. >> i think that's a great trip n. technology terms information gets pushed to you including coupon codes. other sides like amazon has something called lightning deals which roll out on the half hour. you've got to be quick. i want to remind everybody it's not to have the item in your cart. you have to complete the check-out process. it is a good time to register with sites, get in your billing process and be fast in the tee, if you will in the check-out process. >> are there sites that will help you find deals on line? >> several. they scour the r >> really important tools for people like me who get overwhelmed. >> it is a great starting point you if r. >> the more serious side of this, dealing with the internet there, is a lot of opportunity for scam and misadventure. talk about three ways people commonly can be duped online. first is bo dus gus bargains. what do you mean. >> the online equivalent throwing up a sign in the window that says going out of business when you're really not. just because you see the term cyber monday doesn't mean it is a legitimate sale. it is only a sale if the price is right. you will see cyber monday plastered all over the web. >> lookalike sites. >> actually if you go to a site the gap is the gap is the gap should be pretty safe the culprit is fake e-mail confirmations,ing like this before we ship your recently purchased item we need to confirm a couple of things. i have been shopping and want it on e-mail back pertinent information. that never happens by e-mail. watch for those. if they are not addressed to you or from the store you bought from -- >> really pay attention. the pitfall of free shipping. >> yes, free shipping people say you need the code before we give the code again you have to hand over information. you should never have to hand over your credit card information orb social security to get a secret code and e-mail tends to be the culprit. stay in the driver sdrees seat going to websites and to the sites weaver given out and you'll be find. >> always great information. >> thanks. >> if you want more information you can good to our website. cbs and get all the details there. chris. >> thank you very much. up next, winter weather makes for very dangerous driving. we'll show how to arrive at your destination all winter long very safely from tire pressure in your tires to exactly how far you should be from theering wheel. you are watching "the early show" here on cbs. t that bacon! smokey bacon, crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular, story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at ,beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! [children screaming] [growl] i met my husband here. i got to know my grandkids here. we've discovered so much here together. but my doctor told me that during that time my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why i'm fighting my cholesterol... with crestor. along with diet, crestor does more than help manage cholesterol, when diet and exercise alone aren't enough. crestor is also proven to slow plaque buildup in arteries. crestor is not right for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. i love it when we're here together. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. who can change the world are the ones who want to. well, we want to. and we invite you to join us. starting today, when you buy a chevrolet, we'll invest in renewable-energy, energy-efficiency, and tree-planting programs across america -- reducing carbon emissions by up to eight million metric tons over the next few years. and just one more way we can proudly say: "chevy runs deep." ♪ welcome back. aaa predicts more than 42 million americans will hit the highway this weekend. for a lot of people that means driving on icy roads through snow and freezing rain. winter weather as you know is tricky business. on this morning's health watch we're going to show you how to brake on ice and navigate a skate if you happen to be unlucky enough and what you can do before you start your car that could possibly save your life. how are you? congratulations on the book. >> thank you. >> one thing we talk about he preyour car before you head out on the road and wiper blades are essential. >> 80% of your driving decisions are based on visibility. if you haven't replaced them in a while that and head lights visibility is really the most important >> we have this is kind -- >> a winter wiperblade like a jacket on, like you would put one on. another option would be a year-around blade. this is great because you have windshield chatter on a mini van you would no longer have this. replace your headlights really important, as well. >> talking about vision. the glares you get when it snows and even the glare from the sun coming down, sunglasses are definitely essential. >> i recommend polarized sunglasses. you can buy cheap ones or real expensive ones but the polarized ones will cut the glare. when driving the you get the reflection off a snow especially on a gloomy day and could be even brighter than the summer. >> talk about tire pressure, really key. i think a lot of people don't put a whole lot of emphasis on tire pressure whys it so important. >> only four things that touch the ground whether in a mini cooper or a big truck and they need to have the tire pressure checked once a months. there is a dor placard. >> were you pulst gloves on here. you are getting serious. >> washer fluid, i check -- everyone has one of these. forget, that's useless. you what awn digital tire pressure gauge. this is the most accurate like the thermometer that goes in your ear, really easy to do. i'll show you. very simple, if you go to your tire there is a cap, you take it off and take the valve stem and match it up to the gauge and push it on. this is a spare and actually has low pressure. so, don't forget to check your spare. this is only 21 pounds. if you had a flat and had to replace it. >> what should it be. >>? whatever it says in your owner's manl. every car is different. do it while the tires are cold. >> we have our mock seat. i'll actually sit. we'll talk about where the sheet should be adjusted. >> the first things have your hands at 3:00 and 9:00, really important. the second thing when you sit back in the seat you want the center of the steering wheel where the airbag to be 12 inches from your chest. if is too close you could cause damage. >> a good arm's length. >> and your arms bent which is critical sfwli have our fake u)jt the)e are people like we mentioned before suvs think they can gun it through everything. >> every car will have issues i don't care what it is. i run snow tires on an all-wheel drive vehicle. you see something happening in front you of and think i want that situation to stop. your natural reaction is what. >> hit the brakes. >> that's not the right reaction. look for an escape route. keep your eyes open and give yourself plenty of distance and feather the goods and drive away from the situation t. doesn't mean slam on the gas. >> isn't that tough to convey to people in trouble? i think anyone's first inclination would be, boom, jam on that brake. >> because you want it to stop. shoe practice that in a parking lot. you have better car control using the gas pedal. >> say i'm trying to negotiate a turn and all of a sudden can feel myself hydroplaning. what's then, you always say. >> turn into the steer. you should practice in a parking lot without telephone poles and use the gas to accelerate away from it, it doesn't mean it slam on the gas. everything is like dancing, a bit of smoothness and you can actually practice that. i have my kids doing that and they are teen teen-aged drivers and are very, very safe. the key to brake in a straight line then cornering. distance is most porpt. >> i think the fear people get when you feel the car is out of control knowing what to do in that split second because you don't have a whole lot of time to react. >> teas true. your natural reaction is hit the brakes. practice that situation, brake in straight line and cornering and use antilock brakes don't pump the pedal like with the cars in the '70s use that ability to brake and steer. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. for more tips on driving safe this will season go to our partner in health and search "saef winter travel" luckily my car is in better shape and my steering wheel is attached. thank you so much. we'll be right back. you are watching "the early show" here on cbs. [ sneezes ] you're up next. yeah. aww...that oj needs alka-seltzer plus. fast powder packs are a taste-free fizz-free way to transform your drink into a powerful cold fighter! there's a cold front moving in, but relief is on the way. ♪ talking about nutrition [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" with no trans fat and 70% less saturated fat than butter. butter taste, better health. in the science of color with quattron. by adding a fourth color -- yellow... yellow. banana. the standard rgb color system, quattron produces more colors... banana! ...and makes images brighter. banana! banana! when seen in 3d -- whoa! whoa! aah! quattron makes tv so realistic... whoa! won't believe your eyes. [ male announcer ] aquos quattron 3d from sharp. [ engineer laughs ] you have to see it, to see it. we have a welcome back n. minutes we'll talk about some of the best tech toys out there as you try to ound out your christmas list. >> yes. >> and all those other requests you get i'd like this or i'd like that. >> you really need to pay taengsz. these are the hot items. even the things you think are hot now might be eclipsed for something coming i'll use that is a tease. >> that is my fear of buying anything technically. you buy it for a week and it's out of date. >> the grit thing with many of these, it is inexpensive, you can afford it. >> for some of you, your local newts is next. for others, stay with us. we'll be right back. >> i think i'll get that! >> so you guys started your shopping? >> ehhh -- this is a tough time for me shopping-wise my wife's birthday is december 16th and the big holiday on the 25th and our anniversary is the jan swan 13th. of those three i have bought one of her gifts so far. >> you better get cracking. >> onlike makes it so be easier. >> revolutionary. >> do you do all your shopping online. >> i kinds of have toimplts why would you even attempt to go to a mall? >> right. >> i agree you with. >> no offense to the folks thatting are go to a mall. i couldn't do it. >> it takes a lot of time and patience. >> packing alone, especially in jersey. >> you think the president had a tough time in that basketball game yesterday? trying to get a parking space at the garden state plaza drives me crazy. >> you drive around for everybody and waiting for somebody to pull out. nobody is pulling out. >> i went to the mall a week and a half ago before the shopping season started and it took me 30 minutes to find a parking space. i was so mad by the time i got in the mall i was in no state to shop then it was busy in. >> there i'm usually pretty mild mannered but when you are online and just kind of off on the side waiting for someone to exit the mall hop in their car and zip into the parking space and someone shoots past you, literally i've practically come to blowss with people. that whole jersey mentality comes out and forget about it. >> it is a jersey sport, the parking space. >> if you don't buy your gifts on black friday or cyber monday, there is another day they'll throw a deal out. >> oh, absolutely. >> the saturday of before christmas is another one. we'll be right back. you're watching [ boy's voice ] hi, samantha. [ girl's voice ] hi todd, do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the new chipotle chicken & cheese on flatbread, or the melt-tastic chipotle steak & cheese. shop with all you got, the holiday shopping frenzy has begun. this year, nothing is hotter than electronics. we're live at the malls and in the studio with the coolest tech toys for the geeks on your shopping list. i'm fired. an owner of a struggling company decides the only way to keep her staff employed, to give herself a pink slip. we're talking exclusively with the amazing boss who put people over profits. and the animals of winter, some just love to brave the cold, the dark, the ice, and the bravest are here with us this morning. we have all that and much more as we welcome you to "the early show" once again this saturday morning, november 27th, 2010. >> it's officially the christmas season on "the early show." >> yeah. they're happy about it i. look at them all hearty. it's not that cold out here noimplts better place to be no matter the temperature right now this time of year right here on fifth avenue. >> that's right. >> shopping capitol of the university next to the plaza, next to the apple store. all of our shopping is right here. >> you started your shopping? >> you are kidding. >> one no in all the yeses. >> welcome once again toty early shoef. >> we have a great segment coming up. i'll walk you through a segment with beautiful winter animals, animals that are specially suited for this cold weather. they don't need colds and scarves. >> you are the running joke with me. i'm like the next studio over. >> i'm going to protect you. >> that's a beautiful fox. >> they are so gorgeous. we'll talk about their hey, feet, ears. >> i like that otter in boca raton, that could kill you at any moment. >> nahh. >> if you have had enough turkey, kerry have nan is our czech on a shoe string. believe it or not at home you chose steak and -- >> i didn't know steak was light. >> we promise you. >> i want to see that. >> first let's check our headlines. hi, elaine. >> good morning, everyone. police and fbi have thwart ad terrorist plot to blow up a van packed with explosives at a tree lighting ceremony in portland, oregon. the 19-year-old suspect mohamed osman mohamud was arrested friday after a two-year sting operation a naturalized citizen from somalia. the nation is struggling to recover from a deep recession and unemployment remains high. but that's not stopping millions of americans from shopping for the holiday season. yesterday was black friday and early indications suggest people are willing to spend if the price is right. cbs news correspondent seth doane is at at a k-mart in new york. seth, good morning. what are retailers actually seeing in the early hours of the holiday shopping season? >> reporter: well, elaine, good morning. it appears retailers might have a brighter, happier holiday season this year. call ate sort of natural recession retail therapy. we saw consumers racing to stores yesterday to take advantage of the black friday deals. this is a vitally important period for retailers. this kicks off the all-important holiday shopping period. in some cases, that last quarter of the year the four thee quarter can account for 40, 50, 60, up to 70% of profits for companies. and they're seeing a modest increase, about 2.3% was the expected increase in consumer spending this year that. is modest, but headed in the right direction from a retailer's perspective. this year on the shopping lists are definitely more wants than needs, which is a good thing from retailers' perspective and seeping the luks resector really propelling a lot of the growth, a lot of the increase this year. but, this is just the beginning. cyber monday, of course, is coming up monday. retailers will remind you that this is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. elaine? >> seth, cbs news correspondent seth doane, thank you. nearly two weeks since hollywood publicist ronni chasen was murdered. police have some new clues but many questions to answer. cbs news correspondent john blackstone has the latest. >> reporter: it is now believed whoever shot ronni chasen in her mercedes may have used a .9 millimeter handgun according to a coroner's report obtained by an l.a. tv station. she was at this beverly hills intersection and shot at least five times through the passenger side window. >> there were shots directly to her chest. this was clear al shooter of some degree of marksmanship. and it seemed to suggest this was maybe even a hit. of. >> reporter: that's also the belief of those who attended chasen's funeral last weekend, like fellow publicist howard brag man. >> most of us believe that it was a hit, that it was an intentional murder, it wasn't a drive-by, it wasn't road rage. we think that it was intentional. >> reporter: even if police conclude how she died, the bigger mystery is why. >> we have two great fears in hollywood. one is that somebody murdered ronni as a course of business. and the second fear is that we'll never find out what happened. >> reporter: nor do investigators seem any closer to finding out who pulled the trigger or may have put them up to it. >> i don't anything we've seen hat this point makes this a more solvable case but might suggest there may be more people involved than just the shooter. >> reporter: this has all the plot lines of a classic hollywood who-done it. that's what making so many in hollywood so nervous about this real-life mystery. >> we just want answers. >> reporter: john blackstone, cbs news san francisco. qantas airbus 8380s are flying again, the first took off from sydney, australia. qantas is putting just two of the planes back into service, while engine modifications are made on the remaining aircraft. federal investigators have shut down a second drug tunnel connecting mexico and san diego. the sophisticated passage is almost a half mile long with a rail line, lighting and ventilation. authorities seized more than 20 tons of marijuana and arrested eight people in the u.s. and mexico. earlier this month, a similar tunnel was discovered nearby and 32 tons of marijuana was found. that's the news at this hour. now back over to chris. chris? >> thank very much a. story you don't hear much these days when the owner at a background check in california realized the grim reality to save her company, she to trim herself she made an unlikely choice, herself. lola gonzales said she couldn't bring herself to fire any of hire employees and walked away from her own six-figure job. she joins us from tampa, florida. how are you. >> good, chris. thank you for asking. >> what made you decide to make a decision like this. >> well, i believe it was the right thing to do, looking at the global economy. i had to trim my husband told me i should cut an employee back. and it angered me. and i decided that i was going to call my -- my confidant, my good friend, my attorney with ier and told him what i wanted to do and he gave me his blessings and told me go for it. >> what did your staff think when you assembled them in a conference room or whatever you did and you did tell them this news they must have been slack-jawed. >> yes, they thought that i was kidding because i do like to play pranks. but i told them that i was serious and i trusted them. i hired them. we provide wise hiring decisions, i mean, information for employers to make the wise hiring decisions as i hired them, as well and was confident i was doing the right thing. they thought i was crazy. >> when you told them were you leaving and were going to sacrifice your own job, did they look around the room, okay if she's leaving, who's running this place. >> yes, they asked me that and d said you are, you are, and i trust you. they've taken ownership and i do not he regret what i've done, for a minute. >> are you, i guess wealthy enough you could afford to do this without getting too much into your personal business, does your husband have a job? what was your situation like personally you were able to walk away from this six-figure job. >> actually, i was able to be more creative, picked up more death penalty cases which goes back in the company so i can reinvest, we do mobile fingerprinting. my husband is there and works the hours needed and can still oversee the flexibility afforded to me with my current employer, devereaux kids, has given me the opportunity to still have the leadership role, give direction but not burden the company, taking a salary even benefits because my benefits are paid by my employer. >> when you left your job, you were able to quickly fandz another job half the salary in a different field but an employment opportunity out there and you did get that job, connect. >> it was a blessing, it so happened i crossed the street and ran into somebody, our sheriff and told him i was looking no a job and it was a referral and it was a job made for me. >> if an opportunity presented itself and the company continues to do well and there was an opportunity to go back, would you go back or is thereth is now in their hands. >> as a facilitator, my job is to put myself in this communities, bring in the resources and leave in about two years. and then the community center should be run by its own. we don't have public transportation so there's a lot of things i'm working on. but my job is to put myself out of business. >> miss gonzales, thank you very much for taking the time and sharing your story with us, a wonderful gesture and deed and i'm sure your employees are extremely graiks and appreciative of what you did there. very nice story. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. happy holidays to you. >> you, too. >> 10 minutes after the hour. back outside for another check of the weather with our own lonnie quinn. hi, lonnie. >> mr. wragge, good morning. good morning to everybody. hello to carrollton, texas. richard and reggie what's your name. >> grace. >> where from. >> from corona, california. >> you have an interesting story. quickly. >> on my way to the show i left my purse in the cab and my daughter called the cab and she -- and the cab driver came back. >> you got the purse back. where is it? >> right here. >> new yorkers, we're out for you. they are friendly and he want to talk about the hot spots, the dhilly dhilly temps. not just dallas, tulsa in on the action, new orleans, beautiful skies overhead. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. i got to tell you a great day to undertake a home improvement project and our friends at home depot remind you to get out and find the great shopping deals still happening. that's a quick peek at one portion of the country. here's a closer peek at the weather for your weekend. >> announcer: this weather segment sponsored by home depot. more saving, more doing. that's the power of the home depot. >> the fun things in our crowd at "the early show." look at this little. what's your name. >> ocean. >> ocean is pretty important to me, my little nephew here. that's it for us out here. inside to you. >> lonnie, i bet ocean would love a high-tech gift for the holidays. we have them from ereaders to video games to cameras. our tech expert katie linendoll will be here to tell you what the best ones are if you don't know and how to get them at the lowest prices. isn't that right? >> that's right. >> all right. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. with guaranteed low prices that are now even lower, there will be more than tinsel glinting around our trees. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. we're lowering the cost of christmas morning with this 18-volt 4-piece ryobi combo kit for just 69 bucks. that's over half off. with this 18-volt 4-piece ryobi combo kit for just 69 bucks. thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries. you can decorate with them, bake with them, even make holiday drinks, like our cranberry punch we call the festive sparkler. mm! festive. for all these reasons, we declare the ocean spray cranberry... the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. we'll probably get flak from the dates and figs. but no one can tell them apart, anyway. [ snickering ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to time for our early holiday series designed to take the stress out of your holidays. chances are a few high-tech gifts made your shopping list this year and with so much media technology out there, it's hard for all of us to keep up with the latest gadgets but fear not katie linendoll is here with the season's hottest tech toys and will tell us about them. i'm going to join here and if you notice the lights are a bit low because this game works better -- good morning. >> good morning. >> first, you are starting the game right now, the x-box connect. >> this is kin nekt for x-box, one of the hottest games, they sold over a million consoles in just ten days bringing virtual reality to the console. you can see the sensor on the top that tracks your entire body. there is no comptroller needed to play and you really become part of the gaming system. >> so your body controls it but that camera, is that a camera? >> we have a little trouble because it is hard in the studio but i want to show you really quick how awesome it is when you get involved. you become part of this river rafting experience. it is really neat. wain you to do as soon as this game starts. >> how sch this? >> this is really interesting, it is only $149.99 if you already have an x-box. kinds of a no-brainer who halls the x-box gaming console. we're going to jump? start and hop right in. >> see if my a"avatar" comes in. >> i've got to tell you i'm not really good at video games. >> this is okay. it is for everybody in the family. >> sort of the next generation and answer to the wii, right. >> people are like, my gosh, the wii was three so three years ago. it is a lot of fun for everybody in the family. >> it is a lot of fun. our next one this is apple tv. >> all the rage this holiday season are settop boxes and you are like what is a settop box. plenty to choose from. apple tv gives the option to not only download movies and tv shows, i can hoot up to net flicks streaming radio. i'm a big country music fan, i get all mine here. what's really cool i can take my whole music library and stream it wireless to the tv. >> this is counter cool. i want you us to keep moving on because we have other things. how much is this? >> 99. low risk. good stocking stuffer. >> can't beat that. >> yes. >> now we have this new tablet. >> we know the ipad has been a huge success in the marketplace. but now, it has a bit of a competition. who is going to play ball, the samsunk galaxy tab, 600,000 have sold in a few weeks. >> wow. it is so much smaller than the ipad. >> as you can see a seven-inch screen opposed to the size of the ipad, of course a 10-inch. different in size. what's cool it has a front-facing and rear-facing camera, you have the capability to teleconference and if you want, no joke it is like a gigantic phone. >> your quick prognostication, this do as well as the ipad. >> no. >> let's go on, the ereader. >> talking tablets but this is the ereader tablet. the nook color. the first to really come out with a color screen. >> look at. >> that that makes it different. what's awesome, now magazines on here, newspapers periodicals and even the capability to read kids' books. you can see the great color but it will also read to them which is awesome. >> the big che with this how does it do in the sun, the glare is a big problem. >> that's a great question. they've used a laminate screen to get out of the glare in the sunlight whench is a nice option. when you are leading and like a line that inspirational you can save that paragraph or sentence and share that with people on facebook and twitter and e-mail. >> i have seconds left. cool and colorful. how much does it cost? >> 149. you'll see a lot of designs, all about custom saiks and personalization. you can create your own photo and upload it for the camera or choose from thousands of designs. last but not least quickly mini ihome speakers, 50 bucks. they are magnetic and can attach to each other, nice little option. >> very, very cute. you always bring cool stuff. >> that was fast. >> thank you very much. up next a walk on the wild side. we will show you amazing animals that survive the brutal winter. they don't need a coat or a scarf or anything. this is "the early show" on cbs. so, during sign then drive i can get a cc for just my signature? that's right, right now you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature, like the cc or the tiguan. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance. really? that's great. there you go. that guy's pretty good too. yeah, he's ok. [ male announcer ] it's amazing what you can do with a pen. sign then drive is back. for a limited time get any 2011 volkswagen for practically just your signature. for a limited time get any 2011 volkswagen here, take the card. you go to the shops... i'll meet you at the gate. thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to can go from my pocket to taking a picture in seconds. what up, dave! [ click ] i just point, shoot, and post to facebook. so instead of fumbling to open my camera app like dave here, i can put my phone away, and open my parachute. open yours, dave! hey, is it cool if i date emily when you're... nevermind. [ male announcer ] buy any windows phone and get a second one free. so get your holiday on at at&t. [ tea kettle whistle ] [ water pouring ] [ punches ] [ male announcer ] beat your worst flu symptoms. new theraflu max d contains the most powerful medicine allowable without a prescription to fight your worst flu symptoms. theraflu max d. serious power. take the power of theraflu in warming caplets or warming syrup. we know bears hibernate but what about the other animals who spend their winter in the wild. >> many of them like this beautiful guy right here can survive the most brutal conditions. we asked the host of the syndicated program "animal exploration" for a look at these incredible animals. we welcome him to the program. >> good morning. >> great to see you, as always. >> what do you think of boris. >> boris is gorgeous. >> this is a lynx, an example of just one of best adapted cats for winter life. you know, like you said bears hibernate and a lot of animals change their whole behavior when winter comes but, you know, like people we get winter weight and put on sweaters and animals do, too. >> touch, chris. >> is it declawed? >> stop it. >> i'm kidding. i'm kidding. soft. >> fur is a big reason they are able to stay warm. >> his fur has doubled in thickness. ayes got his little bit of -- his winter weight, his paunch right here but you mentioned his paws. look at the size of these things. >> i want to hold this paw. do you mind, boris? >> he's licking -- >> he's tasting you. >> he's nursing off of you. >> baby. >> teeth under there? >> he he does have teeth. but what's amazing look at this cat. again, this is a siberian links one of the harshest climates on earth. we have a canadian links found in the northwest used to be all over the united states. when full grown, 70 pounds. what do you think these feet would be used for. >> like snowhow iss. >> absolutely this cat can run 35 miles an hour on the sur faels of the snow. >> got to let you go, big fellow. >> isn't he beautiful. >> thank you, bore lis. >> he doesn't want to leave. this is call showjacking. >> exactly. >> here we go. >> we've got to come up front. >> that was a good predator. look at one of the prey items. >> from one end of the food chain to the other. >> look how beautiful this is. >> this is an elk. >> believe it or not, this elk was born just two weeks ago. when you think about it, they are one of the most popular -- they used to be all over the united states by the millions but like by son border states, northern border states and the rockies. beautiful. >> how is this different from the deer? >> we have white-tailed deer in the east. this is the second largest in the deer family second only to the poos. 800 pounds when full grown. this animal has to bulk up for winters. in the wintime they have though change their feeding pattern. >> she's going to go exploring. >> we have another predator. >> we'll come back around. >> is it go have them both in the same room. >> no, not at all. >> there we goirchlts i wanted to make sure. >> yeah, exactly. >> that would be a wardrobe malfunction. >> bring the wolf. >> we've got to meet this girl. this is a timberwolf like the number one predator of the elk. >> from minnesota. >> is she coming up. >> there we go, come on. >> baby. >> her name is alli. >> look how gorgeous. >> look how beautiful. while we are getting the wolf on the table. >> leash. hold the leash, hold the leash. >> they used to be so numerous in the wild. >> absolutely. wolf like this used to be only in the united states now found like in the borer states and follow the prey animals. she's only about two years old. >> gigantic. >> she's 100 pounds. >> she can take down a big prey, can't she. >> absolutely. a pack of wolves can take down an elk but in the wintertime he had have to change their behavior and bulk up because if a wolf doesn't feed, maybe on me a bit, in the wintertime they'll have to go after a weak elk. that was interesting about the elk, too, there you go doris. >> we'll let him go. unfortunately we've got to stoch. >> we do? ohh. >> so much fun. >> thank you so much. >> for some of you your local news is next i'm a little scared but for the rest of you, stay with us. we'll be right back. >> don't be scared. >> we've got a fox coming. >> back with jared. >> this is more my speed, this little guy. >> more your speed, chris. >> yes. hello kitty. >> from the largest in north america to the smallest, the swift fox. >> explain why. >> it is swift. >> cool. >> speed, cunning, this animal, again is a predator that lives up in canada. used to be in the united states. they've been pretty much eradicated but they are a beautiful animal feeding on ground squirrel sz and in the winterstime this guy has to be kuning to compete with wolves and other big predators. >> because he's so small, how he does survive the winter? a lot of times it has to do with girth. >> i tell you what, he's a chunky fox. he puts on the weight. feel that coat, though. >> oh, yeah. >> that's a kubel coat. you know what, feel the paws, debby, she's got fur on the bottom of her feeft. >> yeah. >> if we did, we'd have to go to the doctor. >> what do they eat. >> the animals the wolves can't get small row departments, birds, things like that. they have to survive. >> they spend a lot of time undergrounds, don't they? >> this do. this fox has hearing so acute he can hear mice burrowing four feet under the snow and dive and get them. >> isn't that amazing? >> i love watching them in the wintertime. >> do you have a favorite? >> you know, of course -- >> you can't pick. >> there are so many to choose from. >> also, so amazing how many of the winter animals have ear adaptations for the winters. >> you notice, the tiny ears you see a desert fox has big ears. in a hot climate they -- >> you don't want big appendages. >> like animal radar. >> you don't waurch big appendages hanging out in the snow because of frostbite. >> thank you, ,,,,,,,, welcome back. from nice animals to these animals. >> these are wild and crazy guys! >> i dig these animals. >> absolutely. the other ones scare me a little. i'm always afraid they will pounce. >> you did really well, didn't actually leave, you touched one. >> i trusted you to protect me. >> i would never lead to harm's way. >> my layer of protection. >> i got you baby. >> thank you. welcome again toty early he show on aat day morning i'm chris wragge. >> i'm debbye turner bell. he sings, he surfs, donovan faingenwriter, he's here to wake us up with some really feel-good music you'll love. >> our "chef on a shoestring" prepares chill heley glazed steak. you have decided also a fresh arugula sal laid. kerry heffernan is there and will be up in minutes. >> as my young nephew would say suppoebly low in fat. >> that's all coming up. first, we want go to lonnie quinn somewhere on the plaza this morning for a final check of the weather. >> oh. >> there he is, just lounging. >> i found some of the dancers who opened up the thanksgiving day parade. congratulations on that, ladies. guys, having fun in new york city? we've got people from all over the country. we love mary. >> land! >> you split it -- okay, you guys love maryland. carrollton, texas hello ka sandra, mum loves you. if you take a look at the satellite and radar picture you will find a low pressure system around the pacific northwest also one around the great lakes. the big red "ls" means unsettled weather where the not-nice weather s. but the big blue "h" in the middle of the country take a look how that translates to nothing but beautiful clear skies out there. it is a great looking day for most of the u.s. that's a quick look at the national picture. here's a closer look at the weather for your weekend. yeah, no, you can stand in the picture, it's cool, don't worry bit. give me that thing. put this thing together. all right. there we have it. hey, gang, it is beginning to look a lot like my shout out this week to the folksotour affiliate in raleigh, north carolina holding their # 2nd annual coats for children coat drive. right now, through new year's eve, anyone can donate new or gently used coats with gloves and hats, t-shirts, long unerwear, socks, the whole sha bang. to give online go to and search "coats" the last 22 years they have collected more than 120,000 coats, they've raised more than a million dollars. please keep up the good work down there in raleigh. thank you to everybody watching "the early show" on saturday on wral tv. all right. guys, enjoy new york city. it loves having you. chris, over to you. >> lonnie, thank you so much. we love having lonnie, do we not? >> absolutely. >> up next, eating leftovers? time to go cold turkey. our "chef on a shoestring" has a much better idea, delicious chili glazed steak. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. we'll be right back. is a story.d every opt tell yours with my open heart collection at kay jewelers, the number one jewelry store in america. there are millions of reasons to give one, but the message is always the same: keep your heart open, and love will always find its way in. - i love you. - i love you too. lose those lines for up to a year! juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! , yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! ["stir it up" playing] stir up a smile with hershey's syrup. would you like me to read you a story? you can't read. [ grandma ] 'twas the night before christmas, and all through the house... whoa, that's grandma. [ grandma ] ...nothing was stirring, not kara, not maya... how does she do that? magic. [ grandma ] ...grandma loves you. [ both ] goodnight, grandma. [ female announcer ] be there to read them a story every night. read it to me again. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. this christmas, make it wonderful at your hallmark gold crown store. for those of you recovering, still recovering from that thanksgiving food, we have the cure for you this week's "chef on a shoestring" serving up something light and refreshing. kerry heffernan began cooking at 14, became a chef and at new york's prestigious southgate restaurants. so great to have him once again. >> good to be back. good to see you. >> happy holidays. >> happy holidays to you. >> what we have on the menu? folks, you at home decided you wanted chuck steak so we are bringing you chuck steak here this morning. start with the salad. like we said, everybody is kind of -- i can barely fit into my apron i've eat sdoen so of the last couple of days so we are lightening things up for you start with the salad. >> at southgate we have a lot of light seasonal dishes. the dressing, oil to thicken it up, a few nuts in there. >> what did you have to start? >> sorry. what we had was mustard, egg yolk, chal lot, vinegarmin. gives you a nice thick dressing, a little walnut flavor goes over the top of this beautiful earugal salad, a little endive. some pares and pomegranates. very bright, great antioxidants. before we go to the pomegranate, itself, how do you pick out o the right pomegranate? how do you make sure you have a right one. >> heavy in weight, firm and when you cut into it you'll see all these bright fresh seeds. >> yep. basically cut it open and get them out of there, right. >> absolutely. >> let me try the salad before we move onto the steak, if you don't mind. >> absolutely. >> very nice. i like that. >> so, what we do in order to freshen the spices is to put them in a coffee blender like this. you can take any of the spices you have at home, we have chosen, corander, kumen, fennel and chili flakes getting a nice fresh mixture here get your own spice blend going. this kosher salt on there. >> this portion of the stek here, somewhat lean? it looks like it has marbleization. >> it does. that's what's nice bit, chuck steak, making a comeback, my mother used to make them. >> shoulder. >> north of the rib-eye which make it so good. get it in the pan, searing up nice like that. the other great thing about this dish, we can use almost the same pan. the cast-iron skillets come in so handy. >> you really need to have one of these. you recommend everyone have one of these skillets, huh? >> absolutely. we'll sear our steak. afterwards we will have caramelized our mo taye toes, wipe out the oil and put a touch of butter in that pan. >> just a touch. >> and wheel literally wilt the spinach. so, it's got -- >> thank you. >> a little bit of salt on there. >> smells good already and we are just starting. >> when it comes out, you is simply going to place it on the plate. you haven't quite cooked it all the way but broken it down a bit. >> literally a couple of seconds. >> in and out. >> at southgate we have a lot of dishes like this. an incredible way. >> the steak, how long do we have the steak on for, usually? >> about three to four minutes on this side. one of the most important things i tell people to have the steak out at room temperature really allows it to cook thoroughly, you don't get the big bright bull's-eye. the other important thing ait's cooked, allow it to rest. you want the steak to rest so the juices can retract back into the meat itself so that when you slice it, it's not going to sort of bleed all over the place. >> and those spices on there. >> absolute ly. >> a little piece on the end, i'll try that, a little bit more well done. >> there we go. >> hmm. that is good. >> as far as steak, though, it is kind of light. i think a lot of people continuing is steak, how light can steak be but it is very nice? >> i think it should come back. it is very affordable. you can get that nice color. we turn it over. >> look at thamplsts a darkening and caramelizing of the spices even blackening is okay thamplsts was about three minutes on that one side and look at that color. >> that's right. >> talk about dessert here. we have the finished proungt straight ahead. >> we have taken clemtines and raspberrys and a sts bit of tarrago. put them in dessert, fresh yogurt. >> at the end, take that out. >> you've got to have a good dessert. >> yogurt, fruit, very light. [ coughing ] >> downwind. >> dessert. >> salad. >> i want to see how you did, kerry. you know, you had the number $40. let's see exactly how our chef on a shoe string d. you came in under $40. that's wonderful. let's see our how low can you go tally. didn't finish in the top three so i'm afraid you can't be invited back. no, you are always welcome back. if you have a chance, south gate gimplts to see. >> drew: now time for you to decide what's on the menu next week. here are your choices right now a patty melt, simply call: sauteed chicken and pasta, call remember don't text, just dial, the citrus salmon option, as well. standard data and message rates will aplichlt go out there and vote. you voted for the steak last week. look what we brought you, beautiful chuck steak. >> thank you. >> like the viewer's choice foinchts more, go to our website. we can't make it easier for you at home. we'll enjoy the steak and potato sz. kerry thank you. up next the acoustic folk of donovan frankenwriter. ur here watching "the early show" here on cbs. ♪ ♪ naturally colorful vegetables are often a good source of vitamins, fiber, or minerals. and who brings you more natural colors than campbell's condensed soups? 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>> i turned professional at the age of 16 surfing and it's taken me all around the world so living in different countries and being part of different cultures. i went on a surf trip and that's where i picked up my first guitar, meeting people all around the world and picking up the guitar and learning about different types of music and that's how i picked up music >> you love surfing but live in i did troit, which is kind of -- >> ahh. >> in hawaii, right? >> on the awful island of kai you what. >> my wife pet ra all love being in the water. my 3-year-old can't even swim yet but he has floaties. >> he's destined because of his dad. >> we're out of time. for more on him head to our o website. don't you worry, we are coming right back with an encore performance. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. stay with us. ♪ glow >> announcer: this "second cup cafe "segment sponsored by ocean spray. tastes good. good for you. bake with them, even make holiday drinks, like our cranberry punch we call the festive sparkler. mm! festive. for all these reasons, we declare the ocean spray cranberry... the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. we'll probably get flak from the dates and figs. but no one can tell them apart, anyway. [ snickering ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to she starts at dawn and so does her back that's two pills for a four hour drive. the drive is done. so it's a day of games and two more pills. the games are over, her pain is back, that's two more pills. and when she's finally home, but hang on, with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rachel, who chose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. ♪ and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. to eat an eggo...your way. gotta get that bacon! dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk. welcome back. before we say good-bye, monday on "the early show" the pop star 2 hot for sesame sheet katy perry dishes on marriage. >> let there be light. the season's coolest holiday lights and how to put them up without electrocuting yourself or falling and breaking a hip or something like that. >> before we do, really and truly say good-bye we have a facial hair emergency on the plaza this morning. if anybody knows a good waxer, please get them here fronto. that's right. they've all got the frankenreiter on. >> look at the little boy. >> look at that guy. >> look at that guy right. >> there we've got to work on that for you. >> with that said an encore performance from donovan frankenreitr' keeping me away from you". >> i think he wants to shave. >> take it away, buddy. ♪ i know you're down and out but don't show it, from a million miles away ♪ ♪ you never know why i can't stay ♪ ♪ it's been so long, yeah ♪ it's been so long, yeah ♪ one thing i remember most ♪ the things you say ♪ the good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ ah, it feels like i just lost a friend ♪ ♪ i give, i take, sorry for life's mistakes ♪ ♪ and keepin' me away from good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ ah, it feels like i just lost a friend ♪ ♪ you give, i take ♪ sorry for life's mistake ♪ shine on, though, 'cause when you do, we can sail on through ♪ ♪ anything that comes our way ♪ anything that keeps me away ♪ from these sad songs, yeah ♪ keep movin' on, yeah ♪ and, baby, when the night falls dark ♪ purcha ♪ i'll comfort you through the good times, bad times, up again, down again, ah, it feels like i just lost a friends ♪ ♪ you give, i take, sorry for life's mistakes ♪ ♪ keepin' me away from the good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ ah, it feels like i just lost a friend ♪ ♪ you give, i take, sorry for the life's mistakes ♪ ♪ and keep sdeg me away from you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so, shine on, love ♪ and i'll comfort you through it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so, shine on, love ♪ ♪ ♪ and shine on, love ♪ good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ you give, i take, sorry for life's mistakes ♪ ♪ hey, hey, good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ ♪ ah, feels like i just lost a friends ♪ ♪ you give, i take, sorry for life's mistakes ♪ ♪ and keepin' me away from the good times, bad times, up again, down again ♪ ♪ ah, feels like i just lost a friend ♪ mrveg you give, i take, sorry for life's mistakes ♪ ♪ and keepin' me away from ♪ you ♪ just keepin' me away from ♪ you ♪ just keepin' me away from you ♪

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