Transcripts For KPIX CBS This Morning 20170628

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includes our pets, how to make yours isn't packing on too many pounds. >> we look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> we have to have health care and it can't be obamacare, which is melting down. >> the senate delays a vote on health care. >> this was mitch mcconnell's nightmare, it's like a rotting fish. the longer it's out there the more it's going to stink. >> one of my friends up there put out it's like a kidney stone, we just got to pass it and get rid of it. it shouldn't be a kidney stone. >> security experts are trying to contain a damaging cyberattack that crippling computers from across the globe. >> we're not sure from where this virus came from. it could be a bedroom hacker. the stolen police helicopter fired grenades at the supreme court. three chicago police officers were indicted on felony charges tuesday accused of covering up the facts behind the fatal police shooting of a black teen in 2014. several wildfires are spreading across the western and southern u.s. >> these flames getting really close. >> reporter: the new york city subway train derailment causing serious problems. a sheriff's deputy forgot t% stop his own car. >> no injuries involved other than the deputy's pride. all that the british man didn't let a little old thing like getting hit by a bus from stop him hitting the pub. the new star of the white house press briefings, rick perry is back. >> i have no idea what you just asked. president trump appears to have been caught awkwardly floating with a irish reporter. >> he's got all the moves. on cbs this morning. >> this could do it on the ground to second, and the gators get their college world series championship. they dog pile the mound. this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to cbs this morning. a senate vote on the republican party's signature health care legislation is on hold. gop leadersen regrouping after the vote was delayed until the middle of july. >> president trump is pushing gop senators to quote do something very, very important for the people of our country. he brought them to the white house yesterday to try to bridge republican differences. margaret brennan is at the white house with the administration's efforts to try to close the deal. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump considers himself a closer but his deal making has been ineffective in the senate where republican leaders boughed to pressure within their own party and postponed a health care bill until some time after the july 4th recess. >> we'll talk and we'll see what we can do. >> reporter: president trump summoned all republican senators to the white house for an emergency meeting tuesday after party leaders postponed the health care vote due to a lack of support. >> this will be great if we get it done and if we don't get it done it's just going to be something that we're not going to like and that's okay, and i understand that very well. >> reporter: some senators arrived back to capitol hill optimistic they will find a path to passage. >> we're not there yet. we don't have consensus. i believe we can get to yes. >> reporter: others are less confident. >> this president is the first president in our history who has had neither political nor military experience and that's -- it has been a challenge to him to learn how to interact with congress. >> reporter: mr. trump downplayed their dis sent in a twitter post, saying republicans are working hard and really want to get it right but his aides worked furiously to turn the tide. vice president pence a former congressman lobbied the entire caucus at their weekly launch. sean spicer also worked capitol hill. >> i think we've got a good chance of getting there. it'll take us longer. >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell must now try to resolve his own party's concern or be forced to find hard to win democratic support. >> we'll have to sit down with senator schumer, that in negotiation with the democrat would include none of the reforms that we would like to make. >> reporter: during yesterday's white house meeting, a number of republican senators complained about president trump's supporters running attack ads against one of their own, a pro-trump political action committee has been running this ad against nevada senator dean heller after he opposed the health care bill and that strategy backfired. heller personally complained about the ads and shortly after the meeting, the group agreed it would stop running them, gayle. thank you very much. let's go to nancy cor dis. she's on capitol hill keeping track of why republicans oppose the senate bill. >> reporter: there are a variety of major changes that they want and those concerns are going to have to be addressed because there are now at least 12 republican senators who say that they cannot support this bill in its current form. you have some, for example, like ohio's rob portman and west virginia's center who says the bill needs to do more to combat the opioid epidemic and several conservatives to say that this bill needs to eliminate more of obamacare's insurance regulations in order to bring down premiums. then you have susan collins and lisa murkowski who want funding for planned parenthood restored. on top of all that, they and a number of gop moderates say that the cuts to medicaid in this bill are just too deep gayle and are going to leave too many vulnerable americans in the lurch. >> i remember when it was three senators opposed and now it's up to 12. so what do senate leaders need to do to get everyone on board? >> reporter: they're going to spend the next couple of days working to cobble together some changes, some kind of compromise that everyone can live with. they're hoping they can do that by friday, but then even if they do achieve that they'll have to rewrite the bill and have it reanalyzed by the congressional budget office which is something, gayle, that they were hoping to avoid because it could take several weeks. >> i know they wanted to get this vote done before the july 4th recess. are they likely to face angry constituents back home? >> reporter: absolutely. you have a lot of protest groups that have been planning for this recess and will be demonstrating outside town halls but the reality is, that these senators were already getting an earful. they were getting phone calls and e-mails and that is part of the reason that you saw so many of these gop senators come out in opposition to their own party's bill and say, let's slow down, let's go back to the drawing board. we have concerns but we think that they can be addressed. the bill is on life support but certainly not dead. >> reporter: thank you so much and in our next hour we'll talk to one of those republican critics, rand paul will join us. that's ahead here on cbs this morning. no one's claim responsibility for a global cyberattack that disabled at least 2,000 computers in the united states and europe. the attacks started yesterday in europe. it's still spreading this morning. hackers crippled computers and told users to pay a $300 ransom to restore access. ukraine reported that most attacks through its power grid, government offices, banks and grocery stores were all effected. the cyberattack impacted drug maker merck and food companies and nabisco. it effected a pennsylvania health care system. bran townsend was a homeland security advisor for george w. bush. how sophisticated is this and where it might have come from? >> we're now sure where it came from. there's much speculation. the attack seem to start in ukraine, so we know that russia has sort of been behind some of these sorts of attacks against ukraine. i don't think anybody really knows. the problem with this is, you recall the wanna cry attack which also was a ransom ware attack, this takes that to the next level. that was stopped because it was a kill switch. they haven't found a kill switch to this one yet and this is -- once this is out in your system, it sort of prop gates itself with that direct commands from the hackers so it is pervasive and it is sort of difficult to deal with once it's been launched. >> we keep hearing that this hacking attack was used by something that was created by the nsa, so what is the responsibly the nsa to protect us and how do we protect ourselves? >> this is the big debate. nsa has not confirmed -- nobody in the government has confirmed that this comes from the internal blue export but what we've seen is wanna cry built on that exploit and now this attack builds again and that's the problem. when the government creates an exploit and let's it loose into the world whether intentionally or not, it then gets added to and turned around like a boomer rang and comes back at you and americans are rightly saying, wait a minute, my tax dollars help fund the development of these tools, don't you have an obligation to protect me? and the intelligence community struggles. they create these exploits to go out and use them against foreign intelligence targets, but then what is their obligation in terms of the american people. >> will the companies pay the ransom? >> all these ransoms seem to come back to the same bit coin address. you got to pay your $300 to the same bit coin. individuals certainly will and the question is your right to be asking will the companies -- they lose money every day they don't have access to these hard drives, you worry that they will. it only encourages these attacks. >> this is the second major attack in the last month. what what are the vulnerabilities here in the united states? >> the interesting thing is once this became public, microsoft did what you would expect a responsible company to do they put patches out there. these are patches to cover the vulnerabilities and microsoft 7 and 10 which is what the attack takes advantage of. the problem is say big organizations as you know, we have thousands of people -- is it properly installed and what we're finding is some didn't install it at all, some didn't install it completely. >> there you go. fran townsend, thank you so much. an entire town is under evacuation orders this morning in our prescott, arizona. the path is in the path of the quickly moving goodwin fire. it's grown to 18,000 acres. it is only 1% contained. it's one of about 50 that are burning across the southwest. temperatures are expected to top 100 degrees in arizona, nevada and california. three chicago police officers are charged with an alleged cover-up in the connection with a deadly shooting of a black teenager. they were indicted yesterday on charges that they all conspired to lie about the actions of officer jason van dike. the dash cam video shows him shooting and killing the 17-year-old is 2014. demarco morgan is here with how that video led to the charges. good morning. >> the charges filed against the three officers are not for pulling the trigger but for what they did after the shooting according to court documents. they are accused of not only protecting each other but their fellow officer who shot mcdonald. >> reporter: police dash cam video captured 17-year-old mcdonald walking away from chicago police as he carries a knife in his right hand. he's then shot 16 times by officer jason van dyke. and police reports that followed officers reported that mcdonald swung the knife toward the officers in an aggressive manner and after he was shot was attempting to get up while still armed with the knife. on tuesday, special prosecutor patricia brown holmes announced the charges. >> this indictment alleges that these defendants lied about what occurred during a police involved shooting in order to prevent independent criminal investigators from learning the truth. >> reporter: detective david march and officers are each charges with felony counts are conspiracy, official misconduct an obstruction of justice. >> while they are sworn to serve and protect as well as uphold the law, they are not above the law. >> reporter: in a statement current chicago police superintendent eddie johnson said the department is fully cooperating with prosecutors and is committing to implementing policies and training to prevent an incident like this from happening again. following the video's release in 2015, thousands demonstrated across chicago. the city's fully superintendent was fired and in january a federal investigation concluded the department engaged in the pattern or practice of excessive force. they told us they do not comment on active investigation. gaffney was suspended from the force. march and walsh no longer work with the chicago police department. they're charges carry prison terms of up to five years. van dyke has pleaded not guilty of first degree murder and is awaiting trial. jim mattis says syria is taking the u.s. warning seriously. there has been no chemical attacks since the white house warned assad would pay a heavy price. they inspected russian war planes yesterday in western syria. a cbs news crew joined a group of american crews working to make villages clear of isis. just north of the group's strong hold. halle, good morning. >> reporter: officially there are around 500 u.s. troops here in syria for the fight against isis. the real number is thought to be much higher. yesterday we met some of them just 12 miles north of raqqa the so-called isis capital. these marines and army engineers have spent three days camped in the desert replacing a shattered bridge, destroyed when isis fled the area two months ago. in the nearby village, they told us when isis left they vowed to haunt this place for another 70 years. what they meant are the deadly mines that the extremist planted around the village. said his team is now working with the villagers to clear the area. >> ones that are out in the fields that are visible, they'll point them out to us as we go by. and if we -- if we're going by and we see them, we'll help dispose of them. >> reporter: just minutes later a truck hit a mine less than a mile away and the marines raced off to investigate. the driver miraculously was still alive. medic treated him for lacerations and concussion. he's a fighter with american syria allies and said he was heading to the front line. the marines later found more mines and detonated them. winning hearts and minds in the middle east will never be easy for the u.s., but the callus brutality of isis has at least for the moment made it a little easier. the villages were too frightened to speak to us on camera because they still have family members living under isis control. after half a decade of civil war, they told us they are in desperate need of running water, food and education for their children. norah. thank you so much. transit officials in new york city blame a scarey subway derailment on human error, two subway cars jumped the tracks yesterday morning and slammed into a tunnel wall into a station in harlem. it hit rail equipment that was improperly stored between tracks. people had to evacuate through darken train tracks. >> a lot of smoke and very dark. everybody turned on their flashlights on their phone so it wasn't terrible. >> the train just started going up and down jumping the track side to side. you could see sparks outside the window. people -- it was like one of those disaster movies. people were in and out of seats, screaming. nearly 40 people are hurt. crews worked overnight on repairs and more delays are expected this morning. >> i think you get very descriptive when you're terrified. you really put it in context. >> if you're driving anywhere for the july 4th expect a surprise at the gas pump. the average nationwide price for a gallon of gas is expected to be $2.21, that is the lowest gas price for july 4th weekend in 12 years. many analysts have predicted the gas would be closer to $3 a gallon. according to one estimate, it would be cheaper to fill up this weekend than it was on new year's eve. gas prices will be higher, it's great to say it's lower. >> my car's powered by battery. >> okay. what are we driving to this weekend? you didn't tell me yet. >> i'm off to the water. >> where you going, norah? >> i don't yet have the battery power but #goals. >> all right. a toddler is astronomical hospital bill is helping shape the health care debate. >> how a mom's tweet about her young's son health struggles shows the ♪ that was fun. wait till you see where we're going. introducing an all-new crossover. toyota c-hr. toyota. let's go places. bmilk and fresh cream,a. and only sustainably farmed vanilla. what is this? a vanilla bean? mmm! breyers the good vanilla. we use non-gmo sourced ingredients in some of america's favorite flavors. mmm! if you have a garden, you know weeds are low-down little scoundrels. with roundup precision gel®, you can finally banish garden weeds without harming precious plants nearby. so draw the line. just give the stick one click, touch the leaves and the gel stays put killing garden weeds to the root with pinpoint precision. draw the line with roundup precision gel®. and be sure to check out roundup® with sure shot wand. another good-for-the-garden product from roundup. is more than one thing. with floral fusion oil it's soft skin and fine fragrance. discover more than one thing with caress. soft skin, fine fragrance. caress. essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". families say loved ones would still be alive if they had crashed into a different type of guardrail. ahead, how they plan to take on the company that makes them. your local news is next. today bart officials are showcasing the last installation of train surveillance cameras. good morning, it's 7:26. i'm michelle griego. today bart officials are showcasing the last installation of train surveillance cameras. it's 470 train cars will have four cameras each costing $463,000. last year the "san francisco chronicle" revealed that less than 1/3rd of bart cars had working cameras. a long-standing dublin tradition continues at noon today. "safe and sane" fireworks will be sold by local nonprofit organizations at four parks throughout the city. fireworks can only be used on july 4. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a mom ent. good morning, time now 7:27. we are getting first reports of a new accident. this is along the eastshore freeway. westbound 80 right near university. we expect delays it's already been a slow ride as you make your way towards the bay bridge toll plaza. about a 44-minute commute for drivers heading from the carquinez bridge to the maze and from the maze into san francisco, just under 30 minutes. your drive time in the yellow and red. slow ride into san francisco. roberta? >> this is the reason why they call it "june gloom." good morning, everybody. check this out right now from pier 9 alameda the port and estuary. reports of localized drizzle at the coast. livermore 57 degrees. later today warmer way from the bay. 60s beaches, mid-80s inland nearly 80 in san jose. 83 in santa rosa. additional warming takes place thursday, we have seasonal conditions on the 4th of july. evidently trump has a "time" magazine hanging on the walls of many of hills ot clubs with the headlines, donald trump "the apprentice" is a television smash. it turns out it's fake. in fact, the date of the issue, march 2009, had no release that day. trump made his own time magazine cover. oh, my gosh. you know what that means. that means he's acquired mall kiosk technology. >> i'm surprised anyone would even notice that. when you look at the cover lines. >> because the front doesn't look like the real team magazine cover. >> we've all done that, haven't we? >> "time" magazine has interviewed him for covers. >> interesting tidbit. welcome back to "cbs this morning." the "washington post" reports the fake copy of the fake "time" magazine cover hang always over the word. steven co-barrett reports that they did not publish a march 1, 20 20 2009 issue. they did publish a march 2 issue. kate winslet was on the cover. >> he was on the cover once long before running for president. the "san diego tribune" reports that president trump's border wall will start in september. four prototypes will be built near the san diego border fence. it must be 38 feet call. no contracts to build them have been reported first. supreme court neil gorsuch appears to be asserting himself. he fills the seat of the late antonin scalia and some say he's perhaps further to the right. decisions on monday reveal he was skeptical. he is also further to the right than almost all of his colleagues on gun rights. facebook removes thousands of hate posts day. it relies on "i" users to identify potential hate speech. they surpass over 2 billion regular users. >> the "indystar" says usa jim mastic . there will be a policy to track troubled coaches and member clubs will be held accountable. news reports las investors. newman says he will pay them back. many students 'tending camps this summer will rely on school buses get there. a cbs news investigation explores the lack of federal regulations in the process to find school bus drivers. there are nearly 22,000 school bus crashes every year. there are about ten students hurt every day. kris van cleave has more. good morning. >> good morning. our investigation found it can lead to problems that run much deeper than traffic accidents. >> when you're raising a child, you know, your job is to, you know, make sure nothing happens. >> reporter: this father who asked we not reveal his identity struggles to even talk about the day in 2015 when his 15-year-old daughter was taken to this hotel in chattanooga tennessee and was raped by her school bus driver. our cbs news investigation found on average at least once a week a school bus driver is arrested for -- >> caught a big whiff of alcohol. >> -- driv underaged pictures. >> reporter: or child pornography or sexually assaulting a child. it was not their first offense. >> it was shocking to find out the record this drive had. >> the driver had a previous conviction for possession of drugs and a weapon. he was ineligible for hire but got the job anyway. like this driver in wisconsin arrested in december for driving a school bus while under the influence of drugs, her third dui charge. >> parents really need to be asking who's driving their children. >> steve ger stin is a transportation attorney. he said federal gas rules do not apply on school buses because school districts are exemt from driver qualification, hours of service, and vehicle maintenance regulations. >> why do we require drivers to be safer to drive lettuce to stores than to drive our children to school? >> no national statistics appear to skpeft on school bus drivers breaking the law, so we reached out to every state to get them. only gel ware and connecticut arrest drivers on the job and while 21 states said no drivers have been arrested for dui in the past 39 years we received police reports showing other-wise. hiring dribers is not easy. last year 90% reported a shortage in part due to low pay, split shifts, and lack of benefits. durham operates in 2 states and turns to craig list for applicants. >> they were kelly shane hooper. school officials often do not even know who's driving as the principal explained to the father in chattanooga. >> he said, you know, if someone were to kill the bus driver on the way into the school and hijack the bus, we'd put the kids on because we wouldn't know any difference. >> a convicted sex offender was out on parole. on the bus, a list of students an their home addresses. he even tried unsuccessfully to pick up those students. >> it could have been bad. >> he was arrested. he pleaded guilty to statutory rape and was sentenced to probation leaving this parent demanding more be done. >> at what point do you say as a society we need a higher standard. >> there was one piece of disturbing video. the boy on the bicycle did survive. the driver stayeded on the job after the crash. now some in congress have proposed to better regulation school bus drivers and those bills all died in committee in recent years. the industry says school buses are still the safest way to transport the children to school. >> how did you do the reporting. >> we had to go state by state and go state by start. meaghan tui put in hours and hours. they said in some states with very no report of school bus drives being arrested for dui. state police then gave us reports of school bus drivers being convicted of dii. >> like you said, you give more attention to people driving your lettuce than students. that's very, very shocking. >> we have an update to a report on guardrail barriers. there's a lawsuit file. attorneys claim seven people nationwide have died in accidents regarding these x rail guardrail pieces made by the lindsay corporation. we have video of william byrd's deadly crash. it peers the car instead of doing kwhat's designed to do. we spoke to the parents of accident victim lauren beutel. >> i absolutely 100% feel she would be alive if that guardrail end piece had not been in place because it acted like a skewer and went through car and it wasn't supposed to do that. it was supposed to protect them. >> they say x-lite has passed safety tests and remains in use on american roadways. the high cost of health care is getting new attention thanks to a mom speaking out about her children's procedures. >> he doesn't know any other life. >> coming up next, how a tweet about a massive hospital bill put as health care debate in we care about using cage-free eggs. and we care about amazing taste. because at best foods, we're on the side of food. 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ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. a man who wu hit by a bus had a remarkable escape. video shows the double-decker bus crashing into the man. he flew into the air and skidded across the pavement. miraculously the man stood up, walked away as if nothing happened and walked into a pub. >> it's only funny because he's oklahoma. new deaf physician for pub crawl. a new study on pet facts. we'll be right back. h ford, america's best-selling brand. now with summer's hottest offer. get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. during the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. offer ends july 5th. when frankie popped summthe alligator floaty.rning plus, the snacks and drinks are gone, people. and one of us used up all the sunscreen! i wonder who... . we're gonna need some reinforcements...quick. copy that. walgreens makes it easy when summer needs a little help. your summer base camp is just around the corner so you can get in, out and back to those summer shenanigans. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy®. now with card, buy one, get one 50 percent off sunscreen. bmilk and fresh cream,a. and only sustainably farmed vanilla. what is this? 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see me. see me. i found clear skin that lasts. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me to know... ...clear skin can last. don't hold back... ...ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. deputy in the face.. is now behind bars. he was arrested at a motel in sacramento last night. good morning, it's 7:56. i'm kenny choi. a man who reportedly shot a deputy in the face is now behind bars. he was arrested at a motel in sacramento last night. hours earlier, authorities say that he got into an argument with the deputy at the regional transit station. at last check the deputy was in stable condition. all right, in just a few hours ford is launching its new bike rental service. the company says that 3500 bikes will be available across the bay area by labor day. stick around; we'll have traffic and weather in just a moment. good morning. 7:57. we are tracking an accident along southbound 680. this is as you approach highway 84. it's near sunol boulevard. you can see that it has one lane blocked. speeds drop to about 10 miles per hour. we're tracking a travel time of 25 minutes for drivers heading southbound from 580 down to 84. we continue to see delays along the eastshore freeway. tough ride all due to an earlier crash near university. 49-minute ride from the carquinez bridge to the maze. and then "slow, stop, go" from the maze into san francisco. just under a half-hour. roberta? >> hey, jaclyn. good morning to you and 7:58, hello, everybody. this morning, gray skies from the coast through the bay into our inland areas. going to see some partial clearing right there bayside. temperatures in the 50s now 62 degrees in san jose. we started to see a few breaks in the decks of cloudiness. no sunshine at the beaches today. 63 at rockaway. mid-60s bayside sunny inland low to mid-70s winds to 20. temperatures in the 80s inland. test. snoop dogg in the morning on "cbs this morning." good morning to you, our viewers in the west, it is wednesday, june 28th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." tensions rise again between the u.s. and russia over potential new threats from syria. we'll talk to the former u.s. ambassador to russia about what's at stake here. and music producer comes to studio 57 talking about his long hit making partnership with dr. dra. here's today "eye opener." president trump considers himself a closer, but his deal making has been ineffective in the senate. >> they say they're going to cobble together some changes, some kind of compromise that everyone can live with. >> we keep hearing the hacking attack was news by somebody that was created by nsa. >> americans are rightly saying my tax dollars help fund the development of these tools, don't you have an obligation to protect he. the charges found are not for pulling the trigger. they're found guilty of protecting each other. $2.21. the lowest gas price in 12 years. >> my car's powered by battery. >> i don't have a battery power but #goals. on to the gop plan, 22 million people would lose their health coverage. if you played 22 million people end to end it would reach canada where they could get health care. and just -- just -- just from their prime minister, his smile heals. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the senate will go home without voting on health care. mcconnell says the bill needs more support. president trump called senate republicans to the white house yesterday after the vote was postponed. the president said he believed they're working hard to improve the deal. mcconnell insists they can make a deal and pass it. >> i think everybody around the table is interested in getting to yes, interested in getting an outcome because we know the status quo is simply unacceptable, unsustainable and no action is just not an option. >> at least 12 gop senators have reservations about this bill. republicans can only afford two no votes and there are many competing interests. west virginia shelly more capito and ohio's rob portman say they're worried about medicaid funding and the opioid crisis and some conservative centers say the bill does not go far enough to end obamacare. and one of those conservatives senators is kentucky's rand paul. he will join us in our next half hour to explain his problems with the senate's bill. a global cyberattack that disabled at least 2,000 computers is still spreading. earlier this morning the virus was detected in beijing. the attack started in ukraine and hit that country the hardest. it quickly moved across europe and into the u.s. the attack targeted computers using microsoft windows. it is similar to ransomware used in another attack in may. users were asked to pay $300,000 in bit coin -- $300, rather in boit coin to recover files. no one has claimed responsibility. qatar is asking the united states to lift the recent boycott. qatar's foreign minister yet with tillerson yesterday. they want to continue to talks to the good faith. the saudis want qatar want to comply with their 13 list of demands by this weekend. >> qatar finances terrorism. >> president trump stood at the white house and said that the very highest levels of the qatari government there is support for terrorism. was he wrong? >> it's absolutely wrong. qatar is committed to countering terrorism. >> reporter: when the president says at the very highest level, it doesn't happen any more, the president was wrong? >> it was wrong, yes. it never happened. senate foreign relations bob corker says he will not approve u.s. weapons sales to any gulf countries until there's a path to settle the crisis. that would jeopardize $110 million arms deal with saudi arabia. syria is planning a chemical attack is hurting peace talks. russia has backed syrian president assad during the civil war. assad visited russia's main air base in syria yesterday and stepped inside the cockpit of a fighter jet. he made sure cameras were rolling as well. the nikki haley told a congressional hearing the u.s. issued the chemical weapons warning not only to assad but to his allies. >> i believe that the goal is at this point not just to send assad a message, but to send russia and iran a message that if this happens again, we are putting you on notice and my hope is that the president's warning will certainly get russian iran to take a second leak. >> the u.s. will continue to callout russia for ties to assad but the two countries need to work together to solve the crisis. 43 years in the united states foreign service before retiring from the state department in 2014. he served as deputy secretary of state under president obama and is ambassador to russia from 2005-2008. welcome. >> great to be here. >> why would bashar assad consider using chemical weapons knowing what happened last time? >> because he wants to intimidate his own people. he wants to send them a message that nobody can protect them and that he's determined to reassert his control over all of syria after having killed already half a million. >> and are the russians serious about shooting down an american plane if it comes into certain areas that they say are protected. >> there's the dangerous of collisions like that. it's a lot at risk. i wouldn't underestimate the threat of those kinds of problems. >> we're off and running if that happens? >> we could be. there's an awful lot at stake. >> it does seem, too, that assad is publicly thumbing his nose at the u.s. again with the visit to this russian air base with the cameras rolling. what's the message he's trying to send? >> he's showing off. he's a thug. he's trying to demonstrate that, you know, he can get away with the subgu gas station of his people having consolidated control in his country. >> would he have lost had he not had russian support? >> it's iranian support that's been the core. >> hezbollah. >> through running revolutionary guard, troops and advisors but the russians have played a significant role in propping him up. >> let's turn our attention to russia. it was reported about russian interference, that the obama administration knew about it. we still don't know how to deal with the russian interference. what do you think needs to happen here? >> russia's hacking of our election this past year was a very serious assault on a democratic system and it's a huge mistake to underestimate that. >> can we stop it? >> i think we can deter it. i think the sanctions that the congress is pushing through right now are the right step to take and i think when president trump, i assume he's going to see president putin in ten days in germany, his message needs to be a very firm one on this issue because from putin's point of view he may wonder how seriously president trump takes this issue. >> president obama delivered that message in-person to putin? >> he did, but now you have some practical steps that are taken to impose some cost on the russians and the sanctions package and you need our new president, president trump, to reinforce that message and make clear that the united states is deeply concerned about this and isn't going to allow it to happen again. >> what does putin want? >> putin is a very combustible combination of grievance, insecurity and ambition. a lot of his world view was shaped by the russia in the 1990s which was flat on its back economically was being taken advantage of by the u.s. and the rest and that the u.s. in that period reinforced in international water from putin's point of view that constrained russia. denied it what he thinks is the entitlement of a major power which is his fear of influence in the former soviet space and gave license to the u.s. and other countries to question putin's very tough authoritarian rule inside russia itself. as a result of that, putin's conclusion is the way to ensure russia's major power status is chip away at american influence and point to external threats, to say to russians it's the united states that's trying to keep us down and i'm the person who can stand up to that. >> is history going to look badly at how the united states handled the dissolution of the russian empire. >> no. i think there was a serious effort to understand what russians were going through, to try to help economically as well. so you can fault different tactics during that period but i think the basic problem was a russia that was going through a really difficult period and there was a sense of humiliation that you couldn't escape. >> you brought up the g20 summit and there's disagreement about whether president trump should meet with president putin. should they meet? >> oh, i think they should meet, however difficult relationships are, you need to connect directly. i think the question is not whether they should meet but what the message should be. the message needs to be a firm one on hacking first, on ukraine and our continuing concerns there and as syria. >> i can recall this is always come up even in the past administrations about these meetings and obama and putin looking very stern and angry at one another. whether they'll be the chummy pat on the back that we saw with the russian ambassador on the oval office. >> this is not a time for chummy conversations. there are a lot of very serious differences between us and russia and i think it's important for the president to make that clear, so there's no misunderstanding about the depth of our concern. >> i think it's a really thorny problem. it's one of those issues that keeps my nostalgia for government service under control. the choices are not easy. >> it's difficult and challenging. thank you. >> thank you so much. ahead, done daller shows us how the nation's obesity epidemic is impacting cats and dogs. >> this is they will ma. we love our pets. we give them play debts and buy them toys and give them that extra special treat. but many of them are killing them with kindness. coming up on "cbs this morning," i'll explain how. >> first the unlikely duo of jimmy and dr. dre helped change music and our culture. ahead, jimmy is here with film maker alan hughes to discuss their docu-series about that unique partnership. plus, how he finds success in being, what his friends say, brutally honest. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. brutally honest. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. distinct ch] [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? 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say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. in today's "morning rounds," reports show pets are getting faster. the obesity epidemic now including our pets. dogs and cats are getting obese. don dahler is at a dog park in new york city with the warning signs for pet owners. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the aspca says there are about 700 million pet dogs in this country and almost 8 million pet cats and unfortunately many of them are alarmingly overweight. business live stiles and unhealthy diets are wreaking havoc on our pets. >> obesity has increased by over 160% and 170%. >> reporter: dr. kirk breuninger is the lead on this study. he attributes it to a number of factors. lack of exercise, too much food, and a changing attitude toward pets. >> we are considering our pets to be more and more members of our family. we like to communicate and show affection to them by offering them treats. it can be a mistake to offer too many pets. >> that is a problem because just as with humans, lugging around that extra weight can be a problem to your pet's 4e89. >> for example heart and health disease. type 2 diabetes is something we see with cats who are obese and we can see links with dogs being overweight that how do you know if your pet needs the treadmill treatment? after all dogs come in all shapes and sizes. he says you can use this as a general good. looking at your pet from above you should see a tuck at their side and waist and you should see a dog's ribs. there is something you can do about it. >> you can forget that your pet needs exercise too. >> deborah montgomery is with morris animal inn in new jersey, a kind of day care for pets where they can run trails or swim or just play. >> reporter: what advice do you have for people who don't have access to this kind of place? >> you know, even taking a walk, you get a chance to bond with your pet. it's just something simple as giving them more of a healthy diet. >> that's what worked for happy or rather an unhappy beagle. when she was 10 she weighed too much. her owner gave her healthy walks. at 14 she's a svelte healthy 289 pounds. he tells us there are naumer be of things. cut down on the number of treats. take him on dog walks like this. it's important to note that dog and cat breeds are very different so you should always check with your vet before you change their routine or their diet. gayle. >> that's very good advice. you know, they also say the pets are a reflection of their owners. i know your girl lifts weights and your two are in very good shape. >> yes. >> nos overweight. >> and yours is -- >> lucky is no longer a puppy, so she only eats twice a day. i don't think we give her any treats. >> do your kids love lucky as much as when the first met lucky? >> yes. >> there's been no diminution. >> they don't mind taking the dog for a walk. >> it only grows. cats do too. thank you, don. i'm allergic to katzs. >> can beer replace goody marries as a brunch favorite? plus a police officer under goes a chase of his own police cruiser. awkward. only on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: "cbs this morning" brought to you by rocket mortgage by quicken loans. mortgage confidently. there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. is more than one thing. with floral fusion oil it's soft skin and fine fragrance. discover more than one thing with caress. soft skin, fine fragrance. caress. true radiance comes from within. new radiant toothpaste by colgate optic white. whitens teeth both inside and out. for a radiant, whiter smile. be radiant by colgate optic white. my doctor recommended i switch laxatives. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. "how could there possibly thbe this many blues?", don't worry. at lowe's, we guarantee you'll always love your paint or we'll replace it. now save an additional $10 to $40 off paint, exterior stains, and resurfacers via rebate at lowe's. at least a dozen republican senators are worried about replacing the obamacare. senator rand paul. he explains whether republicans can overcome their differences and move toward a vote. your local news is next. a san francisco superior court judge wi gavin newsom.. and good morning, it's 8:25. i'm michelle griego. today a san francisco superior court judge will hear arguments from gavin newsom and the california state lands commission seeking to take control and reshape the waterfront. and in just a few hours three men accused of beating a lyft driver on highway 101 are due in court for a preliminary hearing. the entire attack was caught on camera. stay with us, traffic and weather in just a mome nt. good morning. 8:27. and we are tracking slowdowns for drivers heading along southbound 680 due to a five- car crash as you approach sunol boulevard there. still blocking at least one lane. 47 minutes will take drivers from 580 to highway 84. still crowded at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city on the right side westbound 25 minutes. 880 getting slow in that northbound direction in the yellow just over 25 minutes from 238 on up to the maze. the eastshore freeway freeway in the red 47 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. and from the maze into san francisco, "slow, stop, go" 23 minutes. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. >> i would have a hard time knowing what this view is if i didn't already know. it's gray everywhere this morning. hi! this is the scene looking out from valley elementary school look in the direction of the san ramon valley and out towards the mountains looks like more towards dublin- pleasanton. mostly cloudy skies. boy, the marine layer pushed onshore at least a good 60 miles to the east this morning to the north and to the south. we currently have temperatures anywhere from the 50s to 62 degrees in san jose. livermore at 60. winds have been brisk today up to 22 in fairfield. later today variable winds 10 to 20. 60s beaches. i wouldn't bank on much sunshine there. partial clearing across the bay there. sunny skies peninsula into the 70s. inland highs up from yesterday when we were at 76 in livermore to 84 so you'll feel the difference. and then tomorrow additional warming takes place. friday and saturday the warmest days coming up. we begin to lose a couple of degrees on sunday. then seasonal temperatures by the 4th of july. an ohio sheriff's deputy found himself chasing his own cruiser. he forgot to put it in park when he stepped out for a traffic stop. it slowly rolled backward. the dash cam shows the deputy racing after the vehicle. he caught up with it and was able to hop back inside. there were no injuries but embarrassment. >> do you think that he'll get teased back at the station? >> back at the station? >> i do. >> do you think they'll say, oh, we understand? i don't think so. welcome back to "cbs this morning." let's go right now to the green room. hey, jimmy iovene and alan hughes. you can say hello. we're talking about their four-part play. they're going to join us in just a second. right now it's time to show us headlines from all around the globe. reports were released by chinese authorities this morning. the factory makes shoes for ivanka trump's brand. there were allegations of excessive overtime and low wages. the men were released on bail pending trial. the "washington post" reports sarah palin is suing. a lawsuit filed yesterday claimed an editorial in the "times" this month accused her insighting the 2017 attack of congresswoman gabby giffords. "the new york times" told cbs news we have not reviewed the claim yet but will defend against any claim vigorously. and "the wall street journal" says anheuser-busch and others are targeting the brunch crowd. restaurants say beer lets diners try no flavored pairings at breck fast time and many are willing to have drinks with lower level of alcohol at lunch. brewers want people to consider beer more. they're concerned about the legislation. senator rand paul of kentucky says the bill does not go far enough to repeal the affordable care achlkt he met with president trump yet to discuss it. he tweeted the president is, quote, open to making the bill better. senator paul is with us from capitol hill. senator, good morning. >> good morning. >> when you say senate leadership you're talking about mick mitch mcconnell. >> they've done a lot to placate moderates. they've kept motive most of the obamacare subsidies. they actually keep the medicare and medicaid expansion forever. eventually the states have to pay but they actually managed to keep it. we've kept ten of the 12 regulations. for those of us who said we promised to repeal the whole thing thamd & that the regulations are part of the reason the premiums are rising so fast. we think you have to repeal to bring down prices for people. >> when you talked to president trump, do you think he understands that? >> you know, i think he's sympathetic to the gum and wants to get the bill through and he thinks it's important for all of us and the country that we repeal obamacare, but i guess i tried to make sure he under many of us don't think the current bill is repealable. we voted 60 times to repeal it, all of it, or as much as we thought we could repeal. we repealed quite a bit of it. here we are now keeping quite a bit of it. >> there are those who argue that what you're trying to do is repeal tax reform within health care. you eliminate tax reform and do it somewhere else. you could agree on health care. >> well, i would say if you get rid of the taxes and keep the spending, that's not very honest. in fact, that was a little bit dishonest from the beginning. you're rye. we primarily get rid of the taxes. we don't have a real honest debate. we have people squawking that were not keeping enough medicaid expansion when, in fact, we keep it for seven years. we let the expansion states continue to expand and it never has been really an honest accounting with medicaid. our government if you look at the budget, we're $500 billion in the hole. now, they play games with the baseline and say, oh, this is saving money. nobody wleevs this is saving money. they're creating a brand-new insurance fund. there's no way to pay for it request savings. >> senator, we heard mitch mcconnell say recently it might get to the point of gas sitting down with democrats if republicans can't get on the same page. do you see that happening? >> actually i think once we can repeal the things that democrats would never repeal, we should sit down with democrats. they're never going repeal any tangss or anything. frankly that's what separates us as parties but once we repeal the tax's regulations, it's still not going to be completely fixed. we still should sit down with democrats and many of the ideas they had for buying groups, allowing them to associate together, i've talked to many democrats who are open to that idea. >> in ohio, for example, the government came to rally and raise the case about medicaid expansion with senator ron portman. isn't kentucky one of the largest recipients of medicate expansion? >> they are. i said all along if we want to keep it, we should just be honest. we can pay for it if we double the sales tax and state knicks tax. then we would be saying, you know what? there are some trade-offs. tennessee has zero. maybe we're going to lose some business. instead what all people in government do and this is republicans and democrats, they punt the question. they say, oh, the states can't afford it. we'll send it to the federal government. they have a printing press. we can't sustain the entitlements before medicate expansion, so we should be honest and say you have to raise taxes if you want to provide this extra health care. >> you gave an interesting analogy comparing it to kidney stones that sometimes you've about got to just pass it. >> i never had wurch, but i would assume it's painful. would you say this process is painful? >> i have to give credit to my friend who came up with the analogy. pass it, pass it, pass it. it should be very much a studied issue. actually when we study it as someone said the more complicated it appears but that's the other problem with this. i did tell anybody who'll listen you shouldn't overpromise. obamacare w health care was broken before obamacare. it didn't fix it. mainly because there's not a marketplace. the consumer doesn't make a decision based on price. until you can connect the consumer o the praise and have real capitalism, the health care would still be broken. >> isn't that part of the problem? you would replace or reform obamacare and you can't do it because of the party and now you have to go to vetters in 2018 perhaps not having either reformed or replaced. >> yeah. i think you can make two sections of the republican party and independents unhappy. ones that said you promised to repeal it and you really didn't and also those who want the premiums go down and you make these big promises for premiums to go down. i fully expect -- i think there's a 99.99% chance that premiums go down. so people have to realize, they've gone up 105% in last six years but they were rising to. be fair, health care has broken a long time. >> all right. we thank you for tacking the time. music legend jimmy iovene began by cleaning the recording studio by sweeping with a broom. he's in the toyota green room with filmmaker alan hughes. the rise to the top and the very special partnership he has with jimmy iovene and alan are powerful partners. in addition to their musical success, this pair created the popular headphones brand beats by drea. i bet you've got some in your house right now. they later sold it to apple for $3 billion with a blgtsd. a new docuseries called "the defind one" talks about stories with artists and executives they've worked with for the past few decades. the duo's behind iconic movies "menace to society," and others. here's a look at "the defiant ones." >> we're talking about jimmy and dr. dre. >> jimmy iovene is the levitator. dr. dre is the innovator. >> i need something a little more impressive. >> bruce taught me a little about work ethic. i had to do as well or better than the next guy. >> a friend o mine put together two turntables. i started doing this thing. >> jimmy iovene and alan hughes join us at the table. i started doing this thing. it's kind of like started from the bottom and do it here. i love, alan, how you started this four-part documentary series on ho. you started with a crisis between the two of them. the huge beats deal/apple deal had been announced. then there was a leak and apple was not happy. that started it and shows what in your opinion? >> it shows the strength of their partnership because it was terrifying when it went down. the film almost went away too. i thought my film was going away because i was shooting three weeks before that happened. he keep it a secret. i hadn't known. >> you hadn't known anybody. >> hmm-mm. >> and it was leaked on the internet. >> on one of the knapps. >> facebook. >> and you thought this deal is going bye-bye. >> i knew it was a problem and we had a real problem and apple is very concerned about secrecy as they should be and it was a very difficult time. it was one of the most difficult times with jimmy and drea and alan decided to open the movie with that i guess to show that, you know, you stand -- like i said -- when i said to what he said in the movie, dre made a mistake. it's the horse i rode in with. >> i'm sticking with him. >> also we immediately i wanted to immediately send a signal to the audience that this is not a fluff piece. this is not going to be a fluff piece. this is not going to be a tribute film. it's going to be a serious film. the good, the bad, the ugly. >> did you get them to tell the truth? >> absolutely. i learned a lot about what the truth is. there's versions of the truth. >> between the two of them. but i think you should let the audience know about the partnership that you and dre have because you come from two very different backgrounds. >> yes. very different but similar in some was. dre's from compton, i'm from brooklyn, and we both wanted to make a better life for ourselves, right, and we both -- somehow we're both recording engineers. that's how we got our break. he was a deejay and became a recording engineer and so was i. what happened was when we finally met -- we meet in episode three, and we stuck together in some of most difficult and unnerving times ever in the history of the entertainment business, and whoever sees the movie and looks at me and says hourks did you do that? friends of ours will ask me, how did you do that. i said because i believe in him and he stayed with me. he trusted me, you see. that was the big thing. the thing was that he trusted me and there was no basis for him to trust me. >> will's so many great interviews in the documentary. bono, of course. he says, there's a lot of people that don't like him, but that's why you want him in the room, for his brutal honesty. what were you brutal with bono about in. >> usually the music. he'll come to me and say it's the greatest song i ever wrote, and i'll say, no, it's not. and we had that relationship and i'm very honest with him about it. you know, that's the hardest hing to be honest about because the thing he loves and cherishes the most are his family. >> bono said you're like a virus that takes over the main organs of the body. go ahead, charlie. >> we talked about this before with you. apple didn't buy a bunch of headphones. hay bought a bunch of heads. that's what they bought. >> the good news is that the headphone business has done really well at apple, so i'm thrilled for that. but the main -- not the main thing, but the focus of it right now is the streaming service, apple music, you know. i wanted to get apple into streaming and i wanted them to come sbroo business to help the business because they're the only company that can truly blend technology and liberal arts. they were founded on that premise and i wanted to do streaming there. and so we needed everything to be in one place. we need beats to be -- i couldn't be of here running beats and over here running apple music. it wouldn't work. we have it going on now and it's running well on all fronts. >> it's music that really matters. >> right knew it's the future. >> when you travel, do you notice how many are wearing beats and headphones? >> when i see that, i always assume that i gave it to them because in the beginning i would just fwivg them to everybody you know. i would say, i wonder how i know that person. >> you say it started not when they came to dre about a sneaker deal. you said don't do sneakers. do speakers. >> the reason why i said that is fashion and audio don't rhyme. >> there you go. jimmy iovene, your daddy once said this about you. every room you go into is better because you're there a. >> and if you don't understand it, go watch the documentary series. >> it airs four nights starting july 9th. that's nikt week. you can hear more on "cbs this morning" on our podcast and who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. today bart officials are showcasing the last installation of train surveillance cameras. its 470 train cars will have four cameras eac good morning. it's 8:55. i'm michelle griego. today bart officials are showcasing the last installation of trains surveillance cameras 470 train cars with four cameras each costing $463,000. last year the "san francisco chronicle" revealed that less than one-third of bart cars had working cameras. police in belmont are still looking for a man who robbed a marijuana dealer last night at the carlmont shopping center. he got away through a nearby drainage pipe. a long-standing dublin tradition continues at noon today. "safe and sane" fireworks will be sold by local nonprofit organizations at four park throughout the city. the fireworks can only be used on the 4th of july. stay with us; weather and traffic in just a moment. good morning. a slow ride for drivers heading along southbound 880. that's all due to an accident blocking at least one lane near stevenson boulevard. you can see speeds drop below 10 miles per hour. traffic backed up beyond the dumbarton bridge there. do expect delays heading in that direction out of hayward to foster city. san mateo bridge 22 minutes. 880 back in the green but that northbound direction still looks crowded. 21 minutes from 238 to the maze. and along the eastshore freeway, 37 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. "slow, stop, go" into san francisco. roberta? >> thank you. hi, good morning, everyone. the coast is not clear. we shrouded in "june gloom" a stack of low clouds and also some fog. low tide taking place at 8:45 this morning but look what's clearing out. that's gorgeous. you can see the low clouds surrounding blackhawk and tassajara around the mount diablo area. some of the clouds floating by, as well. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. 64 in san jose where the skies are also clearing now. 79 degrees across the santa clara valley to the low 80s towards los gatos and saratoga. mid-60s with partial clearing around the bay today which is seasonal. 70s with winds at 20 across the peninsula. 84 livermore. 80s in the east towards discovery bay. warmer thursday, warmest days friday and saturday and for the 4th of july, sunny inland. wayne: hey, baby! - momma got some money! - oh! (laughing) jonathan: it's a trip to miami! tiffany: come on, guys! wayne: you won a car! (cheering) jonathan: oh-oh! wayne: whoo! - let's get that big deal, baby! whoo! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal." now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hey, everybody, welcome to the show. i'm wayne brady, thank you so much for tuning in. let's go, three people, i need three people right off the top. let's see, the dog in the front, i think you're a dog, yes, you. let's see... let's go with sandra. is it kasandra? yes. and last but not least, you, garrick. stand over here for me, please. stand right there for me, please. boy, oh, boy. you guys stand in a line for me.

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