We begin with a local eye opener in 90 seconds. Its not just us against them anymore. You will see the entire International Community sis late north korea and let them know this is not acceptable. Just i think it will be a day of using pen and paper. A cyber attack is likely to get bigger. This is something we havent seen before. The global reach is unprecedented. If there are any tapes they have to be turned over. You cant be cute able tapes. Members of parties to call on the president to turn over secretly recorded conversations. The notion that the president can throw out these kind of claims and then not either confirm or deny them, is outrageous. What advice would you give the president before his first big foreign trip . Thats a good question. The key will be to limits spon ta nayty. I advise him to stick to the script. The pomp and ceremony is over and the hard work begins as he starts his first full day on the job. Your eyes and ears are not deserving you. This is russian president Vladimir Putin playing a grand piano. All that. The new miss usa has been crowned. District of columbia an uninvited guest comes crashing through a texas familys front door. And all that matters. After a wild week in washington, saturday night live had no shortage of material as Melissa Mccarthy reprised her role as White House Press secretary sean spicer. Spicy is back, sarah is out. On cbs this morning. The new york yankees honored former captain derek jeter. Just a kid from kalamazoo, michigan, who turned himself into a legend in new york city. I got a chance to play for a firstclass organization and in front of the greatest fans in the history of sports. This mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. North korea celebrating the newest advance in its weapons program. The north overnight said it successfully tested a missile capable of carrying a heavy nuclear warhead. Analysts and south korea say it flew higher and longer than any other from the north. The countrys seventh missile test of the year was launched from north koreas west coast yesterday. The missile landed in the sea of japan near the russian coast. Adriana diaz is in beijing following the growing threats and tension. Adriana, good morning. Reporter good morning. North korea says the missile was a new model. Kim jongun oversaw the launch and according to state media he warned that u. S. Territories are within reach and also claimed that north korea is capable of a retaliatory strike. The kn17 missile lifted off near the countrys west coast reaching an altitude of more than 1300 miles. North korea says the missile was intentionally fired at a high angle out of consideration for its neighbors. It traveled more than 400 miles before splashing down into the sea of japan, roughly 60 miles from russia according to u. S. Intelligence. If launched at a normal trajectory it could have reached u. S. Military bases in guam. International condemnation was quick. South koreas newly elected president moon jaein said the launch was a reckless provocation while the white house called for stronger sanctions and noted the missiles proximity to russia saying that President Donald Trump cannot imagine that russia is pleased. The timing could not have been worse for chinese president xi jinping whos hosting World Leaders including Vladimir Putin at a global forum in beijing. Putin called the test counter productive and dangerous. North korea has tested dozens of banned missiles in the last year. Though this was the first success after a string of recent failures. North korea is capable of continuing to develop longer range missiles. Reporter physicist david wright says the regimes longest test to date shows theyre inching closer to a missile capable of reaching the u. S. Mainland. An important step, a window for trying to negotiate with north korea capping its nuclear and missile programs at a point its much less of a threat to the United States. Reporter over the weekend, a Senior North Korean official said theyre open to talks with washington, under the right circumstances. Echoing a similar statement made by President Trump. But u. S. Officials say that missile launches like this one shatter the prospect of dialog, at least any time soon. Gayle . Adriana diaz, reporting from beijing, thank you. Concerns are growing about a potential new wave of global Cyber Attacks as the world heads back to work. Starting on friday, an unprecedented hack attack disabled Computer Networks in at least 150 countries, including the u. S. The socalled ransom ware takes computers hostage and demands payment. Charlie dagata is outside of london one of the dozens hit by the attack. Good morning. Reporter good morning. Here the scale of the attacks began to emerge and spread to places like spain, germany, the United States, soon it was everywhere. Hackers capitalizing on weakness first exposed by the nsa and then leaked online. The trouble is most Big Companies will shut down Computer Systems over the weekend. What happens when all of those users log back on. Unprecedented, escalating and sweeping the globe. The latest count is over 200,000 victims in at least 150 countries. Reporter widespread disruptions were reported today throughout asia. The frozen screen warnings are much the same that started here in bryn aitain and spread acrose world. Employees found their files encrypted no longer readable with hackers demanding 300 in ransom to key de code them or they would be destroyed. The Malware Program called wannacry first uncovered in documents stolen from the national u. S. Security agency exposing a vulnerability to microsoft operating systems. It crippled Britains National health service. Patients expecting scheduled operations were turned away. The worldwide attacks could have been far worse if not for a pair of Cyber Security researchers including darien huss from michigan, who stumbled on a kill switch hidden in the domain name the hackers were using. Even though the kill switch has been activated, there were at the very least thousands and possibly hundred thousand infections that occurred before the kill switch was activated. Reporter it may have stopped the malware from spreading to millions more computers. Its hard to feel like a hero i think because, you know, i just documented my analysis. Its kind of what i do on a daytoday basis, so for me, it was just another day at the office i guess. Reporter but Cyber Security experts warn whats happened so far is nothing compared to what might be coming. That might be unstoppable. The concern being that potentially a new variant of this ransom ware can show up on monday and it would take a lot more effort to try to stop that next wave of attacks. Reporter microsoft president brad smith said this should serve as a wakeup call to governments in a scathing statement over the weekend, an equivalent scenario would be the u. S. Military having its tomahawk missile stolen. Charlie dagata in london, thanks. Cbs News National security contributor Michael Morell was acting and Deputy Director of the cia and joins us from washington. Good morning, mike. Good morning, charlie. Let me ask you this, how serious is this . What is it that should scare us about this . I think two things. One is the breadth of it. We have never seen a cyber attack with this kind of breadth as charlie said, 150 countries, 200,000 users. I think the second thing is the sophistication. There was two pieces to this. One was, basic finishiphishing to get in networks but the second piece was lateral movements inside of a network once youre inside. It spread very, very rapidly. And that is very unusual and frightening. Is the suspicion this was a nation state or nonnation state actor . So i dont think this was a nation state, charlie. I think this was an organized crime. I think this is cyber crime. I think the fact that theyre demanding ransom in order to free up the data that they are encrypting i think that is what underscores that. But, so that makes it the largest cyber crime attack we have ever seen before. Compared to the damage done to other countries the u. S. Came out okay. Why do you think that is . I think two reasons. One, gayle, is that our Cyber Security is better than any other place in the world. Second, is that we have appropriate and uptodate versions of microsoft. In other parts of the countries the versions are very old and, therefore, they cant be patched or number two, theyre using pirated versions of microsoft. Thats one of the reasons russia was hit so hard. Pirated versions cant be patched. Those are the two reasons why the u. S. Wasnt hit as hard. Shifting to north korea, and their most successful missile test to date, the North Koreans say this could carry a nuclear warhead. Is this a game changer . So im not sure its a game changer, norah, for two reasons. One is you have to be careful of taking the North Koreans at face value. Theyve made claims before in the past that havent been true. I think, though, it does underscore that their Missile Development is accelerating, not slowing and its not going to stop. They are willing to sit down and negotiate with us, but they are not willing to give up these weapons or the missiles. Okay. Mike, the president is about to choose a new fbi director. Is there anybody that stands out to you . Nobody stands out in particular, gayle. I think whats important, and i think this is widely recognized, the individual chosen has to be has to be nonpartisan, has to be objective, has to be seen as such by both democrats and republicans. And that is the only way this is going to work. Thank you, Michael Morell. Always good to see you. Good to see you. President trump says he will choose that new fbi director before the end of this week. The Justice Department interviewed eight possible replacements over the weekend including former republican congressman mike rogers, republican senator john cornyn and cbs news contributor thats fran townsend. She was president george w. Bushs Homeland Security adviser. Jeff pegues is outside fbi headquarters right now and spoke to former National Intelligence director James Clapper about james comeys firing. Jeff, good morning. Good morning. In our interview director clapper was pretty blunt in his assessment of comeys firing. The bottom line is he didnt like how it was done and he made those comments with the white house parade of candidates to replace comey on full display at the Justice Department. Reporter ousted fbi director james comey is keeping a low pro financial at his virginia profile at his have va home while a steady stream of candidates to replace him filed in and out of the department of justice for interviews all weekend. President trump suggested the search for a new fbi director wont take long. I think the process is going to move quickly. Theyve been vetted over their lifetime. Reporter top contenders include former congressman mike rogers an fbi agent himself and previously head of the house intelligence committee. He has been endorsed by the fbi agents association. Acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe is not likely to stay in the top job. Investigation over whether he should have recused himself from the probe into Hillary Clintons private email server. In an interview with cbs news former director of National Intelligence James Clapper was critical of the way the president fired comey. Well i think it was pretty shabby. Pretty shabby. There is a graceful way to end someones tenure. Reporter on friday cbs news confirmed comey had refused to pledge his loyalty to the president in a dinner meeting at the white house. In response to reports about the dinner, mr. Trump tweeted james comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations. Well i interpreted it as a not so subtle threat. You thought it was a threat . I did. I dont know if theres a tape that exists or not. Reporter clapper says the tweet and other actions by the president , as well as russian meddling in the election suggests an erosion of trust in institutions. I worry about our institutions, which i think are under attack both from external sources and for that matter internal. Reporter that statement was aimed at the president. Clapper says he expects comey to testify on capitol hill. He says he will likely talk about the firing and the dinner with the president , but in an open hearing, not behind closed doors. Norah . All right. Jeff, thank you so much. Democrats in congress are threatening to vote against any fbi nominee unless a special prosecutor is appointed to take over the russia investigations. Lawmakers from both parties are asking President Trump to hand over any recordings of his conversations with james comey. If they exist. Major garret is at the white house. Major, good morning. Good morning. Robert gates a former defense secretary and head of the cia said this weekend when a president fires a Top Administration official he better have solid reasons and the ability to explain them. Without both, motives are questioned and thats exactly what Congressional Democrats and some others are doing to President Trump. The president is the ceo of the country. He can hire and fire whoever he wants. Reporter u. N. Ambassador nikki haley one of the few Top Administration officials sunday defending President Trump in the face of claims he asked fbi director james comey for his loyalty. As a former governor i can tell you loyalty and trust is everything. When youre a ceo. So i can totally understand why hes looking for loyalty and trust. Reporter in an interview taped friday, the president put loyalty into a national rather than personal context. Did you ask that question . No. No, i didnt. But i dont think it would be a bad question to ask. I think loyalty to the country, loyalty to the United States is important. Reporter congressman adam schiff ranking democrat on the house intelligence committee, condemned talk of loyalty and made multiple investigations into Trump Campaign ties to russia. Highly unethical at a minimum unethical if he was trying to impede the investigation in any way, maybe beyond unethical. Reporter after tweeting on friday he might have tapes of his conversations with comey the president later dodged the question. That i cant talk about. I wont talk about that. Reporter if there are tapes of the president relevant to the russia probe republicans and democrats say they should be turned over. If, in fact, there are such recordings, i think those recordings will be subpoenaed and i think they will probably have to turn them over. There may exist private tapes and we want to make sure those tapes are preserved because we will want to take a look at them in congress. Reporter Top Administration Officials Say talk of a white house staff shakeup is real. Said one, everyone knows its coming. The question is, now, or august . Things cant keep going the way they are. Sean spicer the secretary and Communications Director mike dupe ki are under the microsoft and the next 48 hours could be pivotal for both. The Syrian Regime of Bashar Al Assad is almost in control of damascus over 500 years. Hundreds of rebel fighters are evacuating. Seth done is in damascus with how the fight is affecting life there. Seth, good morning. Good morning. Reminders a reminders are everywhere that syrian president assad is in control for a regime that does not shy away from propaganda one of its biggest victories may be closer than ever, controlling not just the center of the city but outskirts too. Assads syrian army has been bombarding the suburbs of damascus. Destroying his own city to root out the opposition. Those who werent killed were given the chance to surrender. Thousands of rebels and civilians boarded busses near damascus over the weekend destined for other oppositionheld areas. 400,000 people are believed to have been killed in this war. It makes these scenes from the main souk in damascus four miles from the front line seem surprisingly normal. Residents here do have security. But war has affected that. Abu mohammad has been selling tamarind juice out of this contraption for nine years and prices have skyrocketed. The fighting also affects us psychologically, he admitted. We are strong as long as our leader assad is strong. Nearby this ice cream parlor was packed in the 90degree heat as syrians indulged Bashar Al Assad watched on. And student wael alasfar supports him. Maybe americans think all the people here under siege or under attack or rockets and missiles. Its not like that. Reporter at least its not like that here in central damascus. And those are the scenes the regime wants to get out. Stability and security where assad has control. Norah . Great reporting. Seth done in damascus, thank you. The same facial Recognition Technology used by facebook can help doctors diagnose rare disorders. Ahead, how new technologies can solve medical mysteries in children and provide faster, good morning from our kpix5 studios in San Francisco. Boy, its a chilly start to whats going to pan out to be a rather cool day with temperatures about two to 7 degrees off their mark. Currently just about everyone is reporting temperatures in the 40s, 44 degrees in santa rosa, it is now 50 in fremont. Later today with a brisk west wind, 10 to 20, gusts to 20 to 30, highs 50s, 60s, low 70s away from the bay, cooler today but nearly 90 friday. The parents of the penn state student who died at a Fraternity House are calling for change on college campuses. Ahead how they say more should have been done to protect their son and what they want the world to remember about him. Youre watching cbs this morning. Fraternity this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by weight watchers. Lose weight and enjoy the things you love. Ing. Cbs this morning is sponsored by weight watchers. Lose weight and enjoy the things you love. In the first two months, members have lost 15 more weight than on our Prior Program join for free and get a one month free hurry, offer ends may 22nd find fast relief behind the counter allergies with nasal congestion . With claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. Thats werthers originallatey. Sugar free hard or chewy caramels. Just one taste and you wont believe theyre sugar free. Discover chocolate flavored werthers original sugar free. Fortified. Tored. Replenished. Emerge everyday with emergenc packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. Why not feel this good everyday . Emerge and see. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. For healthy gums, and strong teeth. Leave bleeding gums behind. New parodontax toothpaste. At panera, a good salad is so this smuch . More than a bowl of something green. More than an obligation to be good. More than just something you have on the side. More than just one flavor, or texture, or color. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Whats the best way to get v8 or a fancy juice store . S . Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. I was in the military for 18 years. Rian, but, i smoked and i got heart disease. My tip is; its hard to serve your country when youre to weak to put on your uniform. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. It shouldnt be whateverfleas and ticks. Home. No, no no no no. Seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months for effective protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. 8month seresto®. From bayer. Torch bearing white nationalists are defending a confederate statute in this is a kpix5 morning update. Good morning, its 7 26. Im michelle griego. Waymo and lyft say they are working together to introduce pilots of fully autonomous vehicles. The deal would open access to millions of customers that use the lyft app to catch a ride. Today some of the worlds best cyclists will roll into the south bay. Stage 2 of the amgen tour of california ends in san jose this afternoon. The race wraps up saturday in pasadena. Stay with us. Balart in weather and traffic in just a few minutes. ,,,, 7 27. Here is your traffic update, an accident involving on a car on its side, this is along southbound 680. Has one lined blocked and traffic is backed up towards pro canyon. We are tracking delays at the bay bridge toll plaza, 50 minute ride from the maze into downtown San Francisco. An accident still has two lanes blocked on westbound 80 the bay bridge right at treasure island. That is a check of your traffic. Lets get a check of the forecast. This is our live weather camera looking out this morning towards angel island and alcatraz and you can see in port now the norwegian sun with up to about 2400 passengers. So if you see a tourist around the city of San Francisco, say, hey. Good morning, everybody. 44 degrees in santa rosa, 49 in San Francisco, the winds will be ramping up out of the west 10 to 20 later today, stronger gusts, temperaturewise 50s, 60s, a few low 70s, unseasonably cool. Additional cooling on tuesday, but check out friday and saturday, we warm to nearly 90 inland. The future belongs to the people who follow their hearts no matter what critics say. The struggle to remain compassionate and committed and the struggle to be constructively engaged, thats the challenge that you are in for class of 2017. Every single day, we should find a way to expand the definition of us and shrink the definition of them. And i i, will always love you. That, of course, is well ferrell to a special performance of this graduation season. Which one do you think theyre going to remember . Hes so hilarious. He had a regular speech, too. Pretty good there. Very good trooper. There is always a Little Something that comes out of there. Continuing on today, a around the globe. This proposal will bring visitors from six muslim majority countries. Administration loyals will ask the appeal courts to reinstatemented. James comey asked if Public Service will say no to the president. The fbi chief who succeeds james comey must be about politics. He served as eight years of the District Attorney in new york. Waymo has been developi developing the collaboration will speed up the arrival of autonomous driving. All but one virginia torch rally around confederate statue in virginia. More than 100 people gathered at the site to condemn the rally, they want the statue to be removed. The franciss youngest leader since napoleon. Francis military power, macron vowed to rejuvenate the union. He died in february. A grand jury record details how surveillance cameras inside captured events leading to his death. We spoke with the family and timot timothys girlfriend. Good morning. Reporter timothys family have not seen the video according to the grand jury report showing his was carried upstairs and smacking him on the face as he goes in and out of consciousness for hours. This was not boys being boys. They to rturtured him twelve ho and he died slow and painful death at the hands of these men of principles as they call it. They are struggle to make sense how timothy died. To hit him and slap him and brutalize him, they should try to get him help how do you look at someone and slap them in the face after you just watched them fall and they were unconscious. According to this grand jury report, theta pi, consumed a large amount of alcohol. The 19yearold fell down a flight of basement stairs. He was at the basement steps, laid there for any length of time all by himself, thats terrible. The president of the University Says theta beta pie will never return to the university, does that give you some solis . No. Thats not enough. What are the top three changes that you would want to see the next six month to a year. They need to eliminate alcohol. They need to come down very hard on any situation where there is hazing. I think fraternities a, they need adults chaperones all the time. Eight felony charges that could result up in 20 years of prison. I have a lifetime of absence for my son. I will be good for 20 years. What would you say to those students as they are entering college and thinking of joining a fraternity or sorority. If anybody tries to make you do something illegal, walk away, you dont want to be brothers with those guys. Did you have a conversation with your son . We did have a conversation. He did not know. He got carried away. What do you want people to remember about timothy, your son and brother and boyfriend. He can put a smile on everyones face. Hes such a good heart, kind, funny. He was just an awesome vegetable. We are a little worse off as the World Without him. The fraternitys National Organization banned the chapter saying they do not tolerating hazing or alcohol abuse. T the president of the United States says that can very well lead to expulsion. This family says this was not just their son, this was everyones son because they feel that this could have happened. Anybody with a child can relate to that. As painful as it is. It is painful just to watch them. I cannot imagine what it is like for them to have the feelings that they have but i am so glad for them to speak up. This was just a stupid thing and tragedy that their son is dead. The friends have not really come out. We heard the attorneys representing the 18 that have been charged. There is still a lot to be seen. The preliminary hearing is scheduled this week. I know you spoke to them for a long time, what did you find of the out pouring support that they received . Really letting them know that they want these parents to be parents of change. L this could have been anyones child. Nobody called 911. So sad. I am glad the family is speaking to us. A 90 seconds test can help doctors determine whether a child has some kind of autism. Once used in lab is helping doctors identify disorders more quickly. We invite you to subscribe to our cbs this morning podcast. You are watching cbs this morning, well be right bark. Back. And administrative paperwork. Back. Back. Back. Back. Back. Back. D rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. Were coming for you, too. For those who wont rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. Optum. How well gets done. Ahyou the law . Weve had some complaints of. Is that a fire . Theres your payoff, deputy. Git velveeta shells cheese. Theres gold in them thar shells. Mmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm. Ugh. Nothing spoils a moment like heartburn. Try new alkaseltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. Its fast, powerful relief with no chalky taste. [ sings high note ] ultra strength, new from alkaseltzer. Enjoy the relief. Hi guys. In the desert. Be here. At the mall. On the mountain. At school. At the beach. In the big easy. Yeah. Yeah. Today i want to show you guys the nextgen chevy equinox. What do you think . Thats pretty. Pretty sexy. Its allwheel drive. Look at that. It looks aggressive. But not overbearing. Its not too big. Not too small. It looks like it can go offroading. But at the same time, it looks like a car you can take to a nice event. You can dress it up or dress it down. Seems like the perfect car for anybody. I would take it anywhere. I want one. I love it. Shes a bad mama jama. Chevy stepped their game up. Dixie ultras new flexproof® Technology Makes it twice as strong as the leading store brand. Thats strength you can count on. Is thno, its, uh, breyers gelato indulgences. You really wouldnt like it. Its got caramel and crunchy stuff. I like caramel and crunchy stuff. Breyers gelato indulgences. Its way beyond ice cream. Im karen, im a teacher. Olfer. My Psoriatic Arthritis caused joint pain. Just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for Heart Failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, fda approved for 18 years. New technologies are tr transforming how doctors are diagnosing children. Another Company Creating faces to genes app. Ana warner is showing us signs behind these tapes. He was much slower to grasp. All of his things he learned was delayed. Doctors did not know what was wrong until teigens parents brought him here where doctor uploaded his pictures face to genes to study his image. Most people look at him would not see anything at all unless hes a cute kid. I did not know anything particularly different about him thats why i was impressed that this app was able to see looking at only at his face. The system is developed by companys fdna looking for similarities or matches among images of children with 8,000 rare genetic disorders. So this is the condition that shows the highest levels of similarities shown by this bar here and completely filled. This is the one thats in the end. In just seconds, the app suggested that teigen may have a metabolic disorder. It helps doctors reaching diagnoses quickly and efficiently. Another one calls right eye targets autism. Doctors at the scecenter shows how the test uses infrared sensor tracking the child here. Research shows much children are drawn to timages here on the right. Toddler focuses on the shapes here on the left. Test inventors karen pearce. We are categorizing it as an autism risk. Melis melissa the face to genes app is available in the store. Only medical professionals are allowed access to the database. We dont want the moms and pops to go on and download this app and use it to try to diagnose their kids. I can see a lot of people at home are saying wow, if i had that app on my phone, maybe i can figure out whats going on with my child myself. Being responsible as we are, we dont allow that. We dont want people to go get anxiety over things they dont understand. From cbs this morning. Ana warner new york. A routine skin test that could save your life ahead of what i learned of melatonin. Good morning our kpix5 studios in San Francisco, grab a light jacket heading out the door. We have temperatures currently in the 40s and in the low 50s, a little bit of a wind out of the west and southwest, variable, up to about 10 to 20 miles per hour. Right now 49 degrees in mountain view, going up to a High Temperature there today, 68, mid60s in redwood city, about 7 degrees below average. The extended forecast, a cooler day on tuesday but, boy, nearly 90 by friday and saturday. We aon weight watchers. W us what its really like to be its delicious members have lost 15 more weight in the first two months than on our Prior Program and theyre still eating the foods they love join for free and get one month free. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. Flea bites can mean misery for your cat. Advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. Fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. Advantage® ii. Fight the misery of biting fleas. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. 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Had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up bigtime. Tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated. Had to talk to my doctor. She said, how long you been holding this in . laughs that was my movantik moment. My doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. Dont take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. Movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Why hold it in . Have your movantik moment. Talk to your doctor about opioidinduced constipation. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. How do you become americas bestselling brand . You make it detect what they dont. Stop, stop, stop sorry. You make it sense whats coming. Watch, watch, watch mom. Relax im relaxed. You make it for 16year olds. Whoawhoawhoa and the parents who worry about them. You saw him, right . Going further to help make drivers, better drivers. Dont freak out on me. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. At panera, a good salad is so this smuch . More than a bowl of something green. More than an obligation to be good. More than just something you have on the side. More than just one flavor, or texture, or color. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you . Of your allergy season for continuous relief. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Every day. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. Fotheres a seriousy boomers virus out there thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. One in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most dont even know it. Because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and its not tested for in routine blood work. The cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us its time to get tested. Ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. Its the only way to know for sure. This is a kpix5 morning update. Good morning, 7 56. Im kenny choi. Today a Court Hearing puts San Franciscos sanctuary city policy in the spotlight. A taxpayer has filed suit against the Sheriffs Department claiming that her money shouldnt be used to restrict sfsd from sharing immigrationrelated information with federal officials. At a uc regents this week in San Francisco, a secret fund totaling 175 million is one topic on the table. The meeting will also center on a possible tuition hike of roughly 300 annually starting next year. Stick around. Traffic and weather is just a moment. ,,,, good morning. 7 57 and we are tracking a major accident that had three lanes blocked along westbound 80 and this is right near pinole valley road. You can see traffic starting to stack up in that area, only one lane of traffic gets by in that westbound direction making it very slow heading over to the bay bridge toll plaza. A live look 880 through oakland, a tough ride, 48 minutes from 238 towards the maze, and the bay bridge toll plaza blocked, 50 minutes into downtown. A lot of clouds out there but also have a lot of blue sky looking out towards coit tower, good morning, everybody, this is the scene, looking out towards telegraph hill. We are currently in San Francisco 49 degrees, otherwise 50 in santa rosa, 53 degrees now in san jose, boy, we dipped all the way down to the low 40s this morning. Later today unessentialbly cool for this date. 50s at the beaches, 60s bay, 60s with the sunshine around the peninsula and low 60s to 70s in the bay area. A brisk wind during the afternoon. West 10 to 20, stronger gusts, cooler tuesday but approaching 90 by friday. ,,,, good morning to our viewers in the west. Its monday, may 15, 2017. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Ahead, President Trump considers shaking up his senior staff by some of the most high profile figures at the white house who are under serious pressure. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Kim jong un oversaw the launch and he warns that u. S. Territories are within reach. Hackers capitalizing on a weakness. First exposed by the nsa and then leaked online. The suspicion that this was a nonnation state actor . I dont think this was a nation state, charlie. I think this was organized crime. I think this is cybercrime. The largest cybercrime attack we have ever seen before. Director clapper was blunt in his assessment of comeys firing. He didnt like how it was done. A president fires a Top Administration official, he better have solid reasons and the ability to explain them without motives or questions. And i will always love you will ferrell treating the graduates to a special performance during this graduation season. Hes hilarious. He had a regular speech too. Thank you for that warm welcome. But also i would like to apologize to all of the parents who are sitting there saying will ferrell, why will ferrell . Im charlie rose with gayle king and Norah Odonnell and the white house may be on the brink of a staff shakeup. Sources say it could happen in days or President Trump could wait until later this summer. Communications office is under the heaviest pressure it seems after a tumultuous week including the firing of fbi director comey. Major garrett has new information on this. Reporter good morning. Since Inauguration Day talks of rivalries, intrigue has been constant here at the white house and at one time or another, white house chief of staff Reince Priebus was mentioned as someone who could get fired. So could White House Counsel Don Mcgahn and steve bannon and all are still here. Yet, this time it does feel more real. The president s frustrations about the direction of his administration are real and hes considering staff shakeups of a significant magnitude. What thats really meaning this week probably though is sean spicer and the Communications Director mike dub i can could be the ones under the most scrutiny. Why . Because theres a pervasive sense at this white house that though President Trump set the firing of james comey the former fbi director in motion in an awkward way, his communication staff compounded that, made matters worse as the week went on. If those two figures, spicer and dubke dont convince the president this week they can solve the problems that they in part created for this white house, they may find themselves on if outside looking in. Thank you so much. President trump plans to name a new fbi director by fbi when he leaves on his first foreign trip of his term. Eight candidates interviewed on saturday. They include current acting direct mccabe and adam lee who runs the field office in richmond. New York Appeals Court judge Michael Garcia is also being considered. The former u. S. Attorney in manhattan would be the first latino fbi director. Republican director ben sasse has written a new book called the vanishing american adult and why young people are in a state of perpetual adolescence. Senator, good morning. Good morning. A good topic. Well get to it in a second. But lets get the news of the day off the top. The search for the new fbi director, some of your colleagues have said it should be someone that does not have a political background. Do you agree with that . I think we have a crisis of public trust right now and we need to restore that. The fbi is a really special institution and the American People need to know they can believe in it. The fbi director has a ten year term for a reason because its supposed to be insulated from politics. I want to restore the rule of law and the institutional conventions around that so theres more trust. Who created this trust factor . We should start at the beginning, right . We can go back to the 1960s with the erosion of a lot of public trust in america but its been accelerating in recent years. Congress has a 9 and a 12 Approval Rating and we act like thats normal and sun tanable and its not. With more the whats going to happen in the future is the more echo chambers. Would you include the way that he was fired as creating some sense of distrust of institutions . It contributes to that erosion, yes. The timing is very troubling. The timing bothers you, why . For obvious reasons. Lots of reasonable people can dispute whether or not the fbi director who is a fundamentally honorable man, james comey is an honorable guy. Hes never going to take a bribe in his life. But he made mistakes in the view of lots of people in 2016 as he navigated the unprecedented complexities of that election cycle. But once you get to the place that theres an active investigation, the fbi director is not supposed to be in a political chain of command. Thats the appearance of this situation and the timing. Senator, you talk about the vanishing american adult. I know its not Public Policy but a lot of interesting stuff in here. What do you mean by that, about the vanishing adult . Too many of our kids are stuck in a sort of state of perpetual adolescence. Its not good for them but this book is no old man get off my lawn screaming. Its about the fact that were not celebrating scar tissue with our kids. Whats wrong with 20yearolds living at home with their parents . Nothing wrong with an intentionally multigenerational family. Whats happening right now though is a lot of drift. For the first time in 130 years, more 20 somethings and 30 somethings have moved back home than establishing their own households. A lot is about initiative its hard to tell 10, 15 and 25yearolds apart. Peter pan is a dystopia. We want our kids to become adults. Peter pan is not a good story, about a man who never grows up. But you talked about kids in the open, here you are a young president at the university. Something as simple as decorating a Christmas Tree that left you with a houston we have a problem here. Im 37, im a new college president. I dont think of myself as that different generationally than the college kids. We have a big athletic arena and a bunch of the strong, healthy well rounded vital vibe rant students are supposed to decorate it. They decorated the bottom eight feet and then they were leaving, with the top 12 feet naked. One of the Vice President s of the college happened by and said whats going on here . They said, i dont know, there was no ladder. It bothered you that nobody had the initiative to figure this out. Yeah. What we should be celebrating scar tissue, they needed to solve that problem. I mean, the numbers in here are startling about how americans can name the three branchs of government. Yeah. We have a crisis of not understanding the first amendment. Freedom of speech, press, assembly, religion, the right of redressing grievances, these are the beating heart of the american civic experiment and were not teaching it to the next generation. How many of the fellow congress men and women understand this . I think im one of five whos never been a politician before and i dont think that city is smoezed to be the sen supposed to be the center of the world. I think where people raise their kids is the center of the world and d. C. Has a bubble fever thats about politics and partisanship. Whats addressing the urgent policy and the issues facing this country . Whos addressing those issues . I think thats a good way of saying it. Were hollowing our local economy and were politicizing our national conversation. There are fewer and fewer dinner tables and rotary clubs and communal events that we get together and discuss the shared american narrative thats prior to the republican versus democrat policy differences. These are important questions, so you wrote this book. Youre critical of President Trump. Would you consider running against him in 2020 . I have the only two kids i want, raising two little kids and representing the nebraskans. I get home on friday afternoon and my wife says who annoyed her the most. Im contend with my current colleagues. Your kids are home schooled. We do hybrid schooling. Train them on the road. You didnt say no. You didnt say no. For now. Senator, good to see you. The book is really a great read. Very important lesson for a lot of us. The vanishing american adult is available tomorrow. More people get skin cancer because of tan than develop lung cancer because of smoking. Norah and her dermatologist share what led to her,, basketball star Kareem Abduljabbar is half of one of sports most famous odd couples. Hes in studio 57 to share his 50 year friendship with his college coach. Ucla legend john wooden. Ahead what his mentor taught him off the court. Youre watching cbs this morning. The court. You are watching cbs this morning. ,,, whoa youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. As smeummer approaches, mor people will be at risk from the sun of melanoma, more than 80,000 people are expected to be diagnosed this year. Nearly 10,000 could die. Those are more than just statistics to me. I was one of those cases. You can read about my melanoma diagnoses in the june issue of good housekeeping. Early detection made all the difference. My doctor Elizabeth Hale here at the Medical Center at new york. Doctor, thank you. Thank you for your good care. I am freckled and fair skin and what was that we found and why was it suspicious to you . We know you have several risk factors because you are skin, your freckles. You grew up in texas with a lot of sun exposure. I have not seen you for a little while. I noticed there is a mole in the upper back that looked asymmetric and thank goodness your melanoma was caught. Have you felt anything or seen anything that made you think i am going to go check this out or did you just went for a regular check up. This is part of why i am trying to share the story. There is no recommendations about how often you are supposed to get a skin check but you are supposed to go every year. We recommend that every adult gets checked once a year and if you have some of the risk factors that we talked about, going regularly than that and twice a year, we see you every three months for two years and every six months forever. Go ahead. I wonder if people realize how serious it is . When norma and i talking this morning, more people are getting skin cancer compares to smokein and skin cancer for tanning. People are still getting tan. We know exposure of the in door tanning increasing your chances by 75 . And having had sunburns especially during childhood, 5 or moreson, what do you do . Everyday you should apply a Broad Spectrum sunscreen of fvf 0 30 or higher. We want to embrace the summer and nice weather, we just want to do it carefully because skin cancer is to common. Is the risk great for people of color when you are out in the sun to get this. People with light skin and some of the risk factors that n nora has have morre risks. Everybody should be careful and everybody should get checked bob marley died of melanoma of his toe of age 87. Thats why you should get checked because people cannot look at their back or toes. Everybody should get an annual skin check. Thank you, very good story. You can find a link to my story on cbsthismorning. Com. We find out travelers are making out. Inside, the Cutting Edge Research here and see the technology thats shaping the future of the Movie Theaters. You are watching cbs this morning, thank you for that, well be right bac,, [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. At t fiber sounds amazing. Wait a sec, im not done yet. Less than 12 of at t homes actually qualify. Huh. Hold on. Everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. But no one reads this stuff anyway. Except for the old guy with the binoculars. Huh. We got ourselves a reader. Dont be fooled by at t. Xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. Access to this omnivore kacompl operation. Delta is paying for the entire move. It is part of the airline, 1. 9 billion investment and expanding operation here at l. A. X. For people who are doing the move, tast rait is a race again. They only had five hours when the last one landed last night and the first one took off this morning. As night fell, it was the airlines who were on the move. Listen up. There is a lot of stuff going on tonight. From terminals two and three, everything must go. Just follow the signs as 15th Airlines Travel across the airport to make way for delta to move in over the three nights. It is been a 13 mopt planning session. Why not stretch it out and not try to do it all at once. It is really hard to operate an operations as large as delta over the course of four weeks. We cannot do that with almost 200 flights away. Outside, planes needed to be toed to their new homes along all thats on the tarmac. Inside the ticket counters, kiosks and signs and computers have to be carefully wrapped. Boxes are loaded on the van only to be patched minutes later. Construction projects are going on multiply, do we wnow wo go to terminal 6. Flyers confusion is expected. I have al 6 20 a. M. Flight out of here and it is saying that you are supposed to be at the airport three hours. That will means i have to get about 1 00 in the morning. Thats one of the volunteers there helping the confusion. Delta is operating at four terminals today. Fliers do need some help though. This is the Largest Airline terminal swap in history. Getting it right is really important considering tensions between fliers. You got to pack your patience triple time when you go to airport this is day. Thank you very much kris van cleave. The Airlines President and Ceo Robin Hayes will be on our studio talking about how to keep people happy along with the little incident the other day, well talk about that, too. The youngest student is among the class of 102017. The 14yearold college graduate. You dont want to miss this story, your local news is next. This is a kpix5 morning update. Good morning. 8 25. Im michelle griego. Officers are investigating another freeway shooting, the latest happened last night along 880 near whitton avenue in hayward. Officials say someone drove up to the drivers side of a car and started shooting. The suspects got away. Investigators believe arson could be to blame for a massive fire in emeryville, it erupted at a construction site near 39th and san pablo on saturday. Some roads in the area are still closed. Stay with us, more on traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. 8 27. We are tracking major slowdowns for drivers headed along 880 through oakland. That northbound direction from 238 out towards the maze on the right side of your screen there is about a 48 minute ride. Its not nearly as bad, though, as what we are tracking over along westbound 80, this is right near highway four, three lanes blocked. A sigalert remains in effect and you can expect over an hour commute, 82 minutes to get over to the bay bridge toll plaza. Speaking of the toll plaza, 50 minute ride across the upper deck. That is a check of your traffic. Roberta. Thanks, jacqueline. Morning, everybody. Take a look at this right now, we have the influx of a few clouds and a lot of blue sky, marine layer has deepened along the coast and into the bay early this morning. As it does so it has a lot of cooler air mass aloft. That is going to make our temperatures today stand out about two to 7 degrees below where it should be for this time of the year. Right now we are 49 San Francisco, 45 redwood city, 50 in santa rosa after dipping down this morning all the way to 41 degrees. Later today, numbers will be stacking up in 50s in the beaches, 60s around the bay today, 60s around the peninsula. Redwood city at 65, the 70 degrees where we should be for this time of the year. 70s to the north in santa rosa through napa. Concord, clayton, walnut creek in the 70s. Winds robust out of the west 10 to 20 miles per hour. Stronger gusts at times. Extended forecast calls for cooler on tuesday, rain drop far north bay. Couple inches of snow in tahoe tomorrow. Then sunny and warmer wednesday. We will be tapping off friday and saturday near 90 degrees. ,,,, finally, an attempt of breaking the worlds record cooking the largest hamburger turned into happy meal yesterday when it was caught on fire. Boy, some scary moments there, i bet. Frightening. Well, thats all the time we have. Well see you in the tomorrow. Thats from last nights new episode of the hit thats from last nights new episode of the hit hbo show is name. Wing our name. We like it. When i look at it, i dont okink it represents any of us. Sents antaking bits and pieces from all of the tv scenes. They i am not looking and thinking thats charlie, you and me tvint. G are you . Youhats not even close. I want to make it clear and we love the show. T what was that . Hamburgers . Welcome back to you, the real cbs this morning. Now,ur green room right now, hes for real, for real. Thats kareem abdul is here. Kareemlking about his isationship on and off the court with one of the greatest coaches of all time. Who is that . John wooden. It is time to show you some of this mornings headlines. Powers boothes died joon yesterday. Gs movie roles including sin luding nd 1980 for playing jim jones. He was 68. The Washington Post thatts on President Trumps views on exercise. C aftrump has said in the past e mostly gave up athletics after college because he believes the human body was like a battery, it had a finite amount of energy which exercise only depleted. The experts say this argument is becom little flawed because the human body actually becomes stronger with exercise. The New York Times reports on a dinosaur mummy thatsth best preserved specimen of its kind. Dinosaur lived on earth six di cars ago. Maicontent of its guts were well, it is now the main ttraction at a newly opened Museum Exhibit in alberta. To see like to see that. You would . He word. I just heard the word guts. The Dallas Morning News talks with the youngest student ever to talk with texas uating. An university. 14yearold carson received his adchelors in physics on eaturday. He had a double minor with math and chinese. Carson plans to stay at tcu for raduate studies. In and new yorks ddaily new honored derek jeter. I got a chance to play for first class and in front of the reatest fans in the history of sports. The team retired, that would be, two. The captain played 20 seasons to the yankees and he led them to therestles. Theres mrs. Jeter. The baby on the way. I just like everything about him. A leader by any definition. A leader and a class act. From one class act to another, talking about you kareem abdul jabbar, shedding light on his relationship with one of the best coaches in basketball history. I am talking about john wooden nd they went on the win three straight championship from 1967 to 1969. The halloffame coach player remained close relationship. They formed one of the most enduring relationships in sports history. Abdul jabbars new book gives an intimate look at their deep bond. Kareem abdul jabbar, welcome back. Thank you. De you cannw coach wooden. You cant say enough about him. But this is special because you were a great player and had this great relationship. What was an essence about him that we all need to understand, andeciate, and emulate . His motivation to coach had to do with his chris can faith. He wanted to use basketball as a hows to have an influence on young men and show them how to live their lives. But you had become a muslim. Ty. Morality is morality. Its ant right and wrong. You dont have to be that specific. When i became muslim, i let coach wooden know about it. He wanted to know what my motivations were. He did not disapprove. He just wanted to understand und my thought process was and ng ae i was coming from as a person. You write that he didnt tooly focus on becoming better players. He wanted that too. Makinmportantly was making tter r people. That seemed to matter to him above everything. That was his ultimate goal. On the way to that, we won a few easketball games. You said you two were an odd couple waiting to happen. As an odd guy, 55, youre 8, 72 from the inner city. Ou said in the beginning it was Mutual Respect but not warm. Yeah, the mutual bond was basketball. Once i got to know coach wooden and got to understand him, i was and english major, he was an english teacher, we had things to talk about. He enjoyed expanding the relationship and what it was based on. You quote him all the time too. Quoting shakespeare. All of his favorite poets. Twas surprised he was into langston hughes. That really surprised me. You write that he echoed a lot of values you had learned at home. You l his favorite saying was, ont hope, hope is for people who arent prepared. Quotes wly. H dont need to hope. E need to understand what the problem is and figure out some solutions and be ready for the problem when it gets here. Work ethic. Ions oh, work ethic and just preparation is what it was all about. One of his favorite sayings was failing to prepare is preparing to fail. I love that. Stole it from ben franklin, but it was quite appropriate. Tarted you have this guy hooked before you got to ucla . In i started working on the hook shot in the fifth grade. This is the greatest shot ever in basketball. You were really tall. I got to be 68 when i was in the eighth grade. One of his other important lessons look at that. Theres that sky hook. We should never focus on the rybody wbut on the activity itself. How has that guided you . Everybody wants to win. Everybody feels best when g of we winning. But learning what you need to learn to win is really the crux d tot. You cant win all the time. S ofope. But you had a pretty good record. You said you and coach wooden were fluent in basketball, but you dont think players and coaches can have that kind of hadtionship you two had back then today. Toi dont think thats possible now because kids arent going to college now to get an education. Asicre going to play basketball it is raro the nba. Thats basically whats happening. Its rare to see some guys stay and try to get their degrees. I was very impressed with wiversity of wisconsin, the guys stayed, made a commitment o each other and the school. They were in the ncaa finals two ears in a row. I really admired what they achieved as students and athletes. Good for you for writing this book. Thank you. Always a pleasure to have you here. Tank you so much. Nice to be here. Morrow. Ch wooden and me goes on sale tomorrow. Laboratd, we go inside dolby howratories to show us how theyre working to keep pudiences on the edge of their seats. Rs and skineasuring brain waves. Ons andmeasuring skin reaction nd heart rate. Exactly. And you cant fool this. Etectorke a lie detector test. It literally is,,,,,,, on september 9, 2010, pg e learned a tragic lesson we can never forget. This gas pipeline ruptured in san bruno. The explosion and fire killed eight people. Pg e was convicted of six felony charges including five violations of the u. S. Pipeline safety act and obstructing an ntsb investigation. Pg e was fined, placed under an outside monitor, given five years of probation, and required to perform 10,000 hours of community service. We are deeply sorry. We failed our customers in san bruno. While an apology alone will never be enough, actions can make pg e safer. And thats why weve replaced hundreds of miles of gas pipeline, adopted new Leak Detection technology that is onethousand times more sensitive, and built a stateoftheart gas operations center. We can never forget what happened in san bruno. Thats why were working every day to make pg e the safest Energy Company in the nation. There are rumors the legend of the sword of a king other than yourself. Find him. King arthur legend of the sword becomes the Summer Seasons first major flop at the box office. This film made just 14. 7 million in its opening weekend. But the movie cost 175 million to make. Ouch. Hollywood is preparing for what could be its biggest summer slump yet. The l. A. Time reports industry insiders predict ticket sales will drop 5 to 10 from last year. We got a look at the Science Behind an effort to enhance the movie going experience. Jeff, good morning. Good morning to you. Between small screens, streaming technology, and short attention spans, it might be harder than ever to get someone inside the average Movie Theater, which is why average is going away. The experience inside theaters is changing as a new generation pursues its version of movie magic. Its an air lock. Reporter deep inside a 16story building in the heart of San Francisco this is where the magic happens. Wow. Reporter lies what might be the best place on the planet to watch a movie. This brings together the best of everything we have to offer today. Reporter the theater is wrapped in steel, boxed in by two sets of walls, all resting on a floating concrete floor. Our goal is to provide them with a greater palate. Reporter the space he showed us is not open to the public. Strictly a spot where the company can test and show off. Everything we do begins with a belief that story telling is a basic human need, and engaging in those needs is a basic human need. Reporter dolby was founded in the 60s by ray dolby as an audio company. Came the Industry Standard in the 70s and 80s, catapult the in part by a once little known film. Today this Cinema Technology blends both audio and visual. Today were doing for the eyes what weve always done for the ears. Reporter it means producing software to produce pure levels of color as well as a focus on objectbased sound. We want a sound in the front or a sound panning through the speakers, you can do all of that. And its no longer just about the number of speakers but its also about not seeing them. When people have a Reference Point for where the sound is coming from, it removes them from the illusion of it being real. What does he have on right now . So evan is wearing this is an eeg. Reporter the research is done in labs all over the companys campus. They psi fire on tv and naturally just get hot. Right. Reporter this is dolbys chief scientist. Youre measuring brain waves. Exactly. Youre measuring skin reaction and heart rate. Xactly is any one of those more telling than others to figure out where to move the Technology Next . It always depends. Youre watching a really adrenaline rush car scene, and theres this one salient moment that the content creator is hoping people jump out of their seats. Were going to probably look at skin response. And you cant fool this. Its like a lie detector test. It literally is a lie detector test. Reporter the mental testing helps produce a physical product. The processors in this projection room that put sound and picture in this theater. What used to be a lightbulb in a film protector, a digital projector, is now an array of laser Light Sources that combine a whole bunch of laser pointers together to create light on the screen. So exciting for you to sit at these. We spent a lot of late nights here. Reporter one person whos taken a keen interest in this new technology is a producer who needs no introduction. J Jerry Bruckheimer has put together movies and tv shows, including on this network that are memorable and highly profitable. This is where it all started. Yes, this is these sound stages were the original pirates. Reporter he struck gold again with pirates of the caribbean. The fifth installment of the series comes out this month, available in, you guessed it, dolby cinema. Is that the goal, to get something to be as realist you can as possible . Thats what you want. You want the audience to believe it, feel it. Theyre seeing it. Reporter bruckheimer is a Firm Believer that the experience inside a Movie Theater can be transformative. An given the right combination of story and science, one that isnt going anywhere. You think the movie goers will spend more for a ticket to see a better picture. Always. But when you get to 20, 30 a ticket, it gets pricey. It does, but you know what, you have a kitchen in your home, right. But you still go out to eat. Good point. There are about 40,000 movie screens in the country. Just 71 are dolby cinema right now. Of course, they arent the only ones trying to up the experience inside theaters. This venture was in largely imax, regal also has something called rpx. More competition, better viewing. I like jerrys an jis. You have a kitchen in your house, but you still want to go out. Pretty cool. Hes right about that. I like going to the movies. Its the big event you want to go out for. Thank you, jeff. Sure. Its graduation time. Somebody we know has some fitting words for a new class of doctors. Thats next. And you can hear more of our cbs this morning on our podcast. Find extended interviews on itunes and apples podcast app. Youre watching cbs this morning. ,,,,,,,,, whats going to distinguish you as true healers is the way you embrace humility, compassion, and empathy. Turn away from the computer screen and look your patient straight in the eyes. Understand the extraordinary importance of listening and realize that even when you dont have the answer for a patient in need, you can still a sympathetic ear, a reassuring touch of the hand, and by sticking by them through sickness and health. Congratulations. So true. Such good words. Ive seen him do that time after time. He actually walks the walk and talks the talk. Giving a commencement address at quinnipiac. Sorry, i was trying to read quickly. John had the honor of speaking to the schools first ever graduating class of doctors. Congratulations. Thank you, my dear, for sharing what you did. Thank you, charlie. Thank you, charlie. Very import its not a weekend hobby. Ance . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. man hmm. Hat do you think . stranger good mornin store p. A. attention shoppers, theres a lost couple in the mens department. vo theres a great big unkhaki world out there. Explore it in a subaru crosstrek. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. This is kpix5 morning update. Good morning. 8 55. Im kenny choi. Officers are investigating another freeway shooting, the latest happened last night along 880 near wynton avenue in hayward. Officials say that someone drove up to the drivers side of a car and started shooting. The suspect got away. Waymo and lyft say they are working together to introduce pilots of fully autonomous vehicles. The deal would open access to millions of customers to use the lyft app to catch a ride. A secret funding totaling 175 million is one topic on the table. The meeting will center on a possible tuition hike of roughly 300 annually starting next year. Traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,, good morning. 8 57 and we are tracking several motorcycle accidents, one along westbound 24 right at the central lafayette exit and you can see that has traffic backed up all the way to 680 and then along southbound 680 to concord avenue. Do expect delays making your way through that stretch. Oakland still pretty tough ride for drivers making their way from 238 on up to the maze in the red, 48 minutes and over at the bay bridge toll plaza, slow, stop, go, 47 minutes into downtown San Francisco. Roberta. I am taking a look out at a hazy bay right now, according to my transamerica view looking due east we have limited visibility just east of your yerba buena island. A cooler air mass in place. Temperatures now are rising, we were down to 41 degrees in santa rosa, now 56. It remains in the 40s around some of the peninsula. Later today numbers stacking up from 57 degrees in pacifica to the mid60s around the bay and peninsula. 60s and 70s away from the bay, so a relatively cool day, especially when you factor in the winds will blow 15 to 20 miles per hour, an occasional stronger gust. We have a cooler day on tuesday but check out your friday and saturday, nearly 90 inland. Good mor ,,,, wayne screeching jonathan its a trip to ireland irish accent hello, wayne mcbrady. Wayne oops, im naughty. Jonathan its a new motorcycle omg. Wayne come on, brother, lets do it what . tiffany wake up wayne if youre having a good time say, yeah jonathan its time for lets make a deal. Now its time for tvs big dealer, wayne brady wayne why, hello, america. Welcome to lets make a deal. Im wayne brady. Thank you for tuning in. Who wants to make a deal . Lets see. The lady, you with the. With the egyptian garb, yes. Tahina, i believe. Everybody, have a seat. Watch your step, watch your step. Is your name tahina . Yes, it is, yes, it is. Wayne nice to meet you. I just love you to death. You are so talented, oh my god, im so sorry

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