do notot take if allergigic to farxixiga. symptomsms of a seririous allec reacaction inclulude rash, swellingng, difficululty brbreathing oror swallowini. stop takining and seekek medidical help r right away. tell youour doctor r right ay if you h have red cocolor in urine o or pain while you u urinate, or a g genital arerea infectn since a rarare but sererious genital ininfection mamay be life-e-threatenini. dodo not take e farxiga if youou have sevevere kidny proboblems or arare on dialyl. other seserious sidede effecs includude dehydratation, suddenen kidney prproblems, genitatal yeast anand bacterl infefections in womenen and men,, urinary trtract infectction, and low w blood sugagar. stop takaking farxigiga and call youour doctor r right awy if you h have symptotoms of k ketoacidosisis which is s serious and may lelead to deatath. more timime with herer? soununds good toto me. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you c can't afad your medicicati, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> o'donnell: there are >> o'donnell: there are new warnings this year about lyme disease with ticks turning up in places you might not expect including southern california beaches. that story is tomorrow. if you can't watch us live, don't forget to set your d.v.r. so you can watch us later. that is tonight's "cbs evening