things calmed down and -- >> i heard your name 37 times for people -- i gave your name out 37 times for people complaining about the rain. >> i gave your address! [ laughter ] >> we are going to dry out a bit today. look at the rain making it its way up into the foothills, more snow in the high country winter weather advisories up there, 4 to 6" across the higher peak there. the storm system winding down in the bay area but still heading eastward. >> chain requirements in the high sierra. you will find some roadwork overnight just likely probably another half more so on the lower deck of the bay bridge, but upper deck gets by fine same thing across the golden gate, ongoing roadwork both directions of 101 between terra linda and highway 37. but the bay bridge an easy drive. back to you. >> thank you. promising leads in the search for the gunman who opened fire on a young family. >> a 3-month-old baby was killed and his parents wounded in the attack as the family left a baby shower at 1 a.m. sunday on wisteria drive in east palo alto. linda yee on how it all went down. reporter: the family's car is riddled with bullets, wounded the couple tried to drive to a hospital when police found them on university avenue. they had just left a baby shower in an east palo alto neighborhood just before 1 a.m. when two suspects walked up and started shooting. a baby boy was killed, his 3- year-old brother escaped unharmed. their parents are hospitalized with serious injuries. >> the mother received a wound on her back side and we believe at this point that she suffered that wound while using her body to shield her children from the gunfire. [ pause ] >> it's a very sad event. and it's a death that hit my detectives very hard. >> reporter: some 40 officers are on the case including the county gang task force. investigators say this shooting was not random. >> this was not an accidental shooting. this was a target. >> reporter: extra officers are patrolling the neighborhoods. there is concern there could be more violence. >> even though we're not in a position to say that it's gang- related we cannot rule it out and if it is gang-related or it is some type of dispute then we have to be concerned with retaliation. >> reporter: 12 hours after the shooting police arrested two juveniles and confiscated three weapons. they were not immediately considered suspects but they are being questioned about the shooting. both suspects are thin build, possibly in their 20s. ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: members of different churches prayed in the neighborhood where the family was gunned down. the violence brought some to tears. >> i just heard it like half hour ago and i can't let go my child. it's really -- it's very sad. i feel for the mom and the father. >> reporter: police say violent crime here has come down in recent years. but the murder of a baby today has shaken their community. in east palo alto, linda yee, cbs 5. and in the east bay oakley police are investigating their second homicide of the year. 21-year-old james didio was shot to death in a park around 4:00 saturday morning. the "contra costa times" reporting the victim was with a group of friends when a stranger opened fire. there are no suspects nasir ris of shootings in oakland over the weekend. three people were injured near maxwell's lounge and webster on sunday morning following a dispute inside the club. one of the victims critically injured. some innocent bystanders were injured, as well. and on saturday afternoon, a fight between two men ended with leo dunston of oakland being shot to death in the 2900 block of high street. 4:35. this morning, people remembering the two san francisco firefighters who died last week in the line of duty. firefighters from around the city have been stopping by station 26 in diamond heights to pay their respects to vincent perez and tony valerio. the two men's helmets and other gear sit in the station's entryway. it is the center of a growing shrine of flowers and cards. >> everyone has been touched in this neighborhood. you know? we all mourn the loss of one. but when you have two for a selfless act, we just -- you know, just come to give our support and what not. >> a note from a group of glen park families thanks all the firefighters in the area and expresses condolences for their loss and one family's card tells of receiving help for a house fire and medical aid for family members. anyone who wants to express condolences can send messages by mail to fire station 26, 80 digby street, san francisco, 94131. the funerals for the two firefighters will be held together friday at st. mary's cathedral in san francisco. the time still hasn't been announced but we'll post more information on our website, just about an hour ago the u.s. military reporting five american troops were killed today in iraq. so far, the u.s. military not saying how or exactly where those servicemen died. today's death bring to 4,459 the number of americans who have died in iraq since 2003. 4:37 your time. the family of that missing nursing student michelle le wants the fbi to take over the investigation. le was last seen nine days ago leaving a nursing class in hayward. family spokeswoman says hayward police waited days to search her apartment and car and say it will take weeks to get results of the searchers. hayward investigators say they are already consulting with the fbi. and the search is on for a man who attacked and robbed an elderly woman in santa clara county. a man posing as a pest control worker forced his way into a home on porter early saturday. he attacked the woman and stole jewelry. the woman's injuries are not life-threatening. the suspect got away in a white cargo van. pleasant hill city council chambers expected to be full of police officers tonight. the officers plan to lobby against proposed cuts in their benefits. the "contra costa times" reports contract talks with the officers are at an impasse. the union leader says there have been no raises in the police department in two years. pleasant hill is solvent now but officials expect a $1.9 million deficit by the end of fiscal year 2013. the supreme court could rule as early as today on a california law that restricts kids' access to violent videogames. state senator leland yee of san francisco authored the bill and then signed by governor schwarzenegger in 2005 but later struck down by a federal appeals court. it bars minors from buying or renting ultraviolet videogames. free speech groups oppose it. and right now hundreds of people lined up outside moscone center in san francisco anticipating the opening today of apple's developers conference. >> it's 4:38, guys. here we go. this is a live picture. this morning apple's ceo steve jobs will make his first appearance since went on medical leave 5 months ago. the icloud will provide users a spot on company servers to park their itunes library so they can quickly stream music to any apple device. it may include movies and tv shows. jobs will likely unveil the next generation of software for the mac and the company's mobile operating system. they are already lined up. >> that's a huge appearance for the apple enthusiasts. so already lining up and we'll keep you posted on that. 4:39. after a few raindrops this weekend, lawrence, good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. i think the weather is going to be much improved toward the next couple of days. still a few leftover showers and could even see a few showers here in the bay area but most of the energy sliding now into the sierra nevada. they are seeing heavy snow across parts of the high country there so be careful heading in that direction. locally we are watching the storm system wind down. check out the low starting to make its way down toward point conception and moving onshore. there is a chance we could see a couple of wraparound showers around the back side of the system but usually that's just light showers out there. so right now temperatures running into the 50s. so fairly mild start to the day. mostly cloudy skies. some widely scattered showers showing up early on. by the afternoon, we may see a little bit of sunshine, temperatures warming upper 60s inland, 69 san jose, 60 san francisco. but get a load of the next five to seven days. boy, how about this! a return to normal here in the bay area. [ applause ] >> thank you very much! as we are going to see some sunshine and warmer temperatures. thursday and friday looking good. and the next weekend, mostly sunny and dry. how about that elizabeth. >> lawrence is looking stunned this morning! [ laughter ] out to the maps, we don't have a whole lot going on right now. 880 through oakland looks great. really top speeds up and down coming from hayward all the way up towards downtown oakland. here's a live look right there by the coliseum. looks good in all directions. hey, we have a giants game later on tonight. they take on washington around 7:15 or so. so watch out for some extra traffic by the ballpark by at&t park especially along the embarcadero commuting towards the bay bridge this evening. san mateo bridge this looks great. right now you are good to go in all directions across the span. the right side is the commute direction, westbound 92 a 13- minute drive time out of hayward and to the south bay, mostly green on our sensors. usually monday morning we take a little while to get going. traffic very light on northbound 880. quiet towards cupertino, drive time 11 minutes between 101 and highway 85. mass transit just checked, bart running all trains on time. ace train number one get a great start. muni metro and caltrain look good. that's your traffic and weather. back to you guys. >> did you call him a weather stud? >> i did. >> just so we know. >> we'll have to remember that. >> lawrence is smiling all the way downstairs right now. >> i'm a weather stud! just a few minutes ago an underdog stepping into the presidential race. the new face hoping to rally republicans. plus, bernie madoff spoils go to the highest bidder. how much someone shelled out for the swindler's underwear. and it could be a major breakthrough in preventing breast cancer. the drug that would slash women's risk by 65%. we'll be back. ved my mortgage. [ whistle blows ] all right, layups, guys. let's go. in sioux falls, i locked in a rate. coach, you get that house yet? working on it. [ coach ] the appraisal? ...springfield. wherever i was, my citi mortgage consultant had me covered. [ crowd cheering ] and 500 miles from home... [ cheering, cellphone beeps ] ...we finally had a new home. [ male announcer ] from pre-approval to closing, citi is with you every step of the way. i know you're worried about making your savings last and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here -- to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there every step of the way. call or come in and talk with us today. running for president. in an within the past 30 minutes, former senator rick san torn has announced he's running for president. in an interview this morning on "good morning america," santorum says, we are in it to win it. the pennsylvania republican hopes to appeal to social conservatives with his opposition to abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research. santorum does not have the fundraising cloud of some of his gop rivals. the former head of the international monetary fund due back in court in new york city today facing charges he sexually assaulted a hotel maid. 62-year-old dominique strauss- kahn expected to plead not guilty to seven charges. strauss-kahn is currently under house arrest. he resigned his post as head of the imf after his arrest may 14. would you pay $200 for somebody's underwear? probably not. but someone is. that was the winning bid as the federal government auctioned off items that were found in bernie madoff's florida home. besides the underwear, the sale featured 400 pairs of italian shoes, some watches, furniture, books and art worth more than $100,000. >> i think a lot of people like to own things that have a historic or celebrity name attached to it. >> he was the jesse james in a dressed-up suit. >> madoff will be in prison for the rest of his loop after pleading guilty -- rest of his life after pleading guilty of ripping off investors for billions. well, the royal newlyweds are poised to move into kensington palace taking a small apartment in the grand palace as their starter home. >> nothing like having hyde park as your little yard. prince william grew up there with his brother after his parents divorced. it will only be temporary as it's considered too small to start raising a family. >> mom will be down the road, so probably good to move out soon. not mom but grandma -- 4:46. we now know the culprit behind the deadly e. coli outbreak in europe. >> plus, some new drugs show promising signs for fighting cancer. coming up. and communities evacuate as a historic fire rages in arizona. how today's weather could hold up the firefight. and their dog was ripped from their home in that massachusetts twister last week. the emotional reunion for one family and one very special puppy coming up. traveling out of sfo today, a chance of a few leftover showers here but will diminish. temperature 59 degrees. heading across the country looking rough in parts of the states as you will see some thunderstorms and some very warm temperatures. getting hot. 90 in chicago, some muggy conditions there, as well. as you head towards the eastern seaboard, new york 79 degrees partly cloudy skies and dry. more on your local weather coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, earthquake struck just after midnight.. it was centered about 10 miles south of downtown l-a. so far.. we aren't hearing of any injuries or damage.. but hundreds of people r is it. a 3.4 earthquake after midnight centered 10 miles south of l.a. no injuries or damage but hundreds of people felt the rattle and the roll early this morning. a wildfire in central california broke out yesterday in a remote area southwest of lake isabella and kern county. the fire is 350 acres, only 10% contained and the terrain is so steep, firefighters have to hike in to battle the flames. and there are several mine shafts throughout that area. more than 2,000 firefighters from several states battling a raging wildfire in arizona. fire has destroyed thousands of acres near the state's eastern border. the wallow fire is what they are calling it. it is the third largest wildfire in the state's history. wind and dry lightning could push the fire to grow even larger today. a very happy ending for one family and their puppy separated by the tornadoes in massachusetts. that pup's real name is shadow. but now they are calling him super dog. the 6-month-old was ripped out of the family's house during the tornado last week. after searching everywhere for days, he was found 200 yards away under the roof of a destroyed home. >> he jumped all over us and licked us. he's doing great. he's tired and hungry, but besides that, he's in great shape. >> happy to be home. the puppy a gift to the family's 7-year-old daughter, who is battling cancer. things settling down weather-wise finally here in the bay area after record rainfall over the weekend. the rain now moving further to the east. still a chance of scattered showers, some wraparound moisture toward the bay area but now ending up in the sierra nevada where they are seeing lots of snow in the high country. yosemite southward towards kings canyon a winter storm warning in effect. could see another 4" to 7" of snow, if you can believe that there. the storm system finally beginning to make its way onshore. you can see the core of the low opinion is off the coastline the -- spinning off the coastline the better part of the coastline. a chance of the moisture coming into the bay area. clouds in the forecast, slight chance of showers. by the afternoon, most chances will be inland as that system continues to make its way east. temperatures 60s and low 70s. a lot of 60s inside the bay. 50s at the coastline. but looks like the weather going to be much improved. temperatures outside right now pretty mild as we have the system swinging eastward at this hour. but traveling around the state, still a chance of some of those showers and snow in the high country if you plan to go to tahoe. winter weather advisories up there as well, so be very careful. mixture of sunshine, rain and some snow across some of the higher peaks. the system working its way out of the bay area. it's sliding to the south now so the showers will be coming to an end it looks like as the system moves through and then much more improved weather the next few days as high pressure begins to build into the bay area. so with that in mind, we are looking at warmer drier more normal weather in the bay area. temperatures working out like this today. plan on lots of clouds in our skies, sunshine in the afternoon, 60s and 70s in the south bay, 50s at the coastline. plenty of 60s and couple of low 70s well inland by this afternoon. but the weather will continue to improve as we head throughout the afternoon hours and looks like a little more sunshine coming our way over the next few days. and then looks like we'll see the peak of the temperatures mid-70s as we head into the middle of the week and looks like we are staying dry right into next week, elizabeth, how about that! >> i know. be joking with you all morning. i think you're beating your chest this morning. >> i feel good! >> sensing you're growing hairs as we speak. [ laughter ] >> thank you, lawrence. let's talk about bart. mass transit, still recovering from an earlier problem. for a while trains were not stopping at the civic center, bart. there was some police activity. trains are now able to stop at the civic center station. but again expect residual delays. hopefully this will improve completely shortly. no delay on ace train, muni metro, cal train all on time. so elsewhere to the roads. you can see these are our live traffic sensors. 63 miles per hour across the golden gate bridge. traffic still very light. there is some ongoing roadwork on both directions of 101 between terra linda and highway 37. this is ongoing roadwork not causing a delay right now because it is so early and traffic is so light. same on highway 4. problem-free this morning out of antioch. and coming out of the altamont pass, we look great on this early start to our monday morning. 14-minute drive from 205 towards 680 and the dublin interchange. it is problem-free through pleasanton. again, one of our live traffic sensors there pick up speeds about 64 miles per hour. let's go show you a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are off. they will be likely off for at least another hour, hour and a half or so. and you can see everything is cruising this morning heading into san francisco. on the lower deck into oakland, there may be still some ongoing roadwork, various lanes blocked for a little while longer. but overall not too bad a drive around the bay area for the start to our monday morning commute. remember kcbs, our radio partners, at 740-am and 106.9- fm. that's your traffic and weather. back to you guys. >> thank you. 4:55. test results are expected today to confirm bean sprouts are the source of that deadly e. coli outbreak in germany. at least 22 people actually died, 2100 others got sick including several americans. health officials say five different kinds of sprouts from an organic farm from hamburg to hanover could be traced to the outbreak. the farm is closed and produce recalled. a drug for treating breast cancer may prevent the onset of the disease. women at high risk for breast cancer can reduce chances by taking a drug to block estrogen. that's the hormone that fuels cancer cells. among more than 4,000 women, those who took the drug for three years reduced their risk by 65%. and also there is a breakthrough for skin cancer patients. a team of american researchers finds that two new drugs can shrink tumors and prolong survival rates. one of the drugs attacks a genetic mutation that accelerates tumor growth and the other unleashes the body's immune system to fight the disease. the result are online in the new england journal of medicine. a lot of people likely to be waking up in santa cruz with some mighty sore legs this morning. more than 2300 cyclists kicking off the tenth annual aids life cycle ride from san francisco all the way down to l.a. they rode 82 miles to santa cruz on the first day. today it is 106 more miles down to king city. the riders raised a record $13 million for aids research. >> what an exciting race! a chilly weekend for one of the most grueling races in the country. >> yeah. i'm not sure i would do this but 2,000 amateur and professional athletes jumping into the bay yesterday to kick off the escape from alcatraz triathlon. half mile swim followed by an 18-mile bike ride then an 8- mile run. andy potts marked his fourth consecutive win just under 2 hours. it would take me that long to do the swim. ha. >> at least he got a little good weather. so congratulations to all the finishers. the supreme court stepping in on the battle over violent videogames and kids. the california controversy that started it all. and the east palo alto police department has thrown every resource they have into finding the killers of a 3- month-old baby. i'm kiet do with a live report coming up. remembering two san francisco firefighters killed in the line of duty. how people are coming together to help their grieving comrades. >> steve jobs comes back from medical break for another big apple announcement. the new technology that could change how you get your tunes. >> caption colorado, llc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald.

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Altamont Pass ,California ,United States ,New York ,Springfield ,Pennsylvania ,Germany ,Sierra Nevada ,Oakland ,Embarcadero ,Pleasant Hill ,Santa Clara County ,Glen Park ,King City ,Alcatraz ,Dublin ,Ireland ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Reunion ,San Francisco ,Hanover ,Niedersachsen ,Arizona ,Iraq ,Hyde Park ,Massachusetts ,Kern County ,Lake Isabella ,Colorado ,Chicago ,Illinois ,Italy ,Italian ,Americans ,America ,American ,Leland Yee ,Andy Potts ,Dominique Strauss Kahn ,Tony Valerio ,Leo Dunston ,Vincent Perez ,Linda Yee ,Bernie Madoff ,Jesse James ,Linda Marie Macdonald ,

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