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bring us down to 66 firefighters on duty. in a county this size, it's unheard of. >> reporter: the plan so far is to close one station in july and another next year. supervisor mitchoff says she is optimistic they can find other options but unfortunately, dipping into the general fund might not be one of them. >> i know there is a feeling that we are going to be asked to use general fund dollars. and at this point, i have to weigh that against other needs in the county. >> reporter: today, the budget was just up for up for general discussion. the board of supervisors will make a final decision on it on may 14. cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> we have learned that station 87 in pittsburg could be one of the stations forced to close. well, if you want proof the economy is rebuilding, look around. chances are you will see a construction crane somewhere. bay area builders are breaking ground left and right and leaving the recession in the dust. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington telling us what's driving this remarkable rebound. >> reporter: allen, all you have to do is drive down the highway from san francisco to san jose to see all of these construction projects happening in our area including this one, the santa clara gateway office campus. economists say the bay area is bouncing back from the recession faster than most other places creating jobs for white and blue collar workers. >> earthquake stadium here. it's going to break ground. >> reporter: the president of devcon construction in milpitas says they are busier than in years. currently working on 40 projects in the bay area, including the 49ers santa clara stadium. >> santa clara stadium, we have right now probably 1100 people on site on a daily basis. >> reporter: it's an exciting time for construction workers and companies like his seeing the largest job growth since before the recession. >> right now there's a lot of demand for ironworkers to erect steel buildings and welders to weld the steel buildings when they're in place. there's also a big demand for the interior guy. >> reporter: the jobs everything from apartments to hotels to office buildings. in the past year, there have been almost 14,000 new construction jobs in the bay area. that's a 10.2% increase over that time. there's 151,000 jobs total. the largest growth in the south bay, up 12.4%. and in the east bay up 10%. in san francisco, 8.8%. steven levy with the center for continuing study of the california economy says getting these people back to work is extremely significant to the economic recovery as a whole. >> really broaden the recovery to blue collar workers. >> reporter: and the bay area is leading the pack because of the industry here. >> people are expanding all over the place. apple is expanding, twitter expanding. san francisco, microsoft, google are expanding. tech is expanding here rapidly. >> reporter: these companies need buildings and workers a place to live. the numbers are encouraging and levy called this surge in blue collar jobs a step forward part of a regionwide trend with staying power. >> we're headed in the right direction for construction. >> forecast is probably for the next two to three years this sounds like it could be pretty busy. >> reporter: another trend, construction businesses are seeing companies wanting their own unique buildings rather than ones built by developers and then leased out. elissa harrington, kpix 5. bay area construction hit rock bottom in march of 2011. there were just 127,000 jobs compared to nearly 200,000 at the industry's peak in 2006. a bill to allow california bars to stay open later got its last call at the capital today. the proposal died in committee. it would have allowed local governments to decide whether to extend alcohol sales to 4 a.m. state senator mark leno was behind that bill. he claims the move would have attracted more tourists away from places such as las vegas. leno tried and failed to get a similar bill passed in 2004. the california lawmaker has drafted a bill which he has termed a homeless bill of rights. the bill from san francisco assemblyman tom ammiano is meant to keep communities from rousting people who have nowhere to go. the crux of the bill would give homeless legal protections when engaging in, quote, life sustaining activities like sleeping and panhandling in public places. it's a response to tent city removals and sit-lie laws. the bill also requires state governments to fund all-day access to hygiene centers with showers and restrooms. checking bay area headlines now, students at two concord schools were put on lockdown today as police searched for a carjacking suspect. it started around 11 a.m. when a person driving a stolen car crashed into another car on concord boulevard. the suspect ran from the scene. concord high and el dorado middle school went on temporary lockdown as a precaution. the suspect got away. an 8-hour standoff involving the oakland s.w.a.t. team ended this morning with no suspect being found. police surrounded the lockwood gardens apartments at 65th avenue. they were looking for a man they say shot another person in the leg. officers searched the suspect's apartment but found nothing. misconduct by san jose police officers is at nearly a 20-year low. a new report found only 11 officers were disciplined in 2012. that is down from 42 the year before. according to the independent police auditor the number of complaints that resulted in officer discipline is also down 7%. a panel of political superstars met today in the south bay saying silicon valley is the perfect example of why immigration reform is needed now. kpix 5's mark sayre tells us they are urging congress not to let the boston bombings on hold. >> reporter: immigration reform one of the most complex and politically risky topics on capitol hill today but how to bring more high-tech workers to america is one of the key issues up for discussion. >> we believe that this is a critical issue to our country's future. reporter: former secretary of state condoleezza rice says the time for immigration reform is now. >> that ability to continue to attract these ambitious people to fuel our economic growth and our economic development is at the core of our strength and we cannot afford to let that strength erode. >> reporter: rice cochairs an immigration task force of the bipartisan policy center which is working to help shape the immigration debate. one of the key questions for silicon valley, h1b visas which allow highly skilled workers to come to the u.s. right now only 65,000 are issued each year and one proposal in congress is to increase that to 110,000 per year. former mississippi governor hailey barbour is also on the task force. i doubt there is a magic number but there have to be more than now and it has to be adjustable up. >> reporter: with some calls in congress to call off immigration reform in the wake of the boston attacks, both republican and democratic members of the panel say that wouldbl a mistake. >> that's wrong. it's wrong for a lot of reasons but mostly because we all believe that if we get immigration right, if we can build a comprehensive bill, that will increase national security. >> reporter: they say high-tech issues can only be dealt with as part of a larger immigration reform package. >> it deals with border security. it deals with balancing the kind of workers we admit both high-tech and skilled workers, engineering level people, as well as people who will work in agriculture and construction. >> reporter: all members of the bipartisan working group are former high level national political figures. and they are going to keep the pressure on congress very much by public outreach, by doing research reports and make sure, allen, that congress is not dropping the ball, doesn't let up on this push for immigration reform. back to you. >> there is a plane going overhead. hopefully you can hear me. the h1b visa 65 now, they are proposing 110,000? there has to be incredible pressure to get one of those. >> reporter: there is. the competition is incredible. the application period for next year that is 2014 opened on april 1 of this year. within the first five days, all of those spots were gone. all the excess ones ended up in a lottery type situation. so basically you want to work in america in high-tech you had five days to apply. now you have to wait until next year to apply again. so if they increase the number, obviously, it will allow more people to make successful applications. >> still sounds like that may not be enough. >> reporter: that's true. >> thank you, mark sayre in san jose. a gentleman was found on my balcony trying to break in. >> crime hits home for governor brown. how he has been a victim more than once. >> how tens of thousands of people could be affected by a water emergency. >> still a truckload full of sunshine here in the bay area but don't let this picture fool you. there is a big change under way. our winds are changing and that's going to bring in some cooler air. we'll talk about how low we'll go temperature-wise coming up. >> then at 6:30, a fake tweet with very real consequences. how a hacker spread panic about the president and caused a stock market freefall in a matter of seconds. 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[ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. learned today, when jerry b revealed his place was near robbed over the weekend. and ian schwartz tells just because you're governor you're not immune to crime. jerry brown told us his place was nearly robbed over the weekend. ian swartz tells us it's not the first time. >> i understand the importance of public safety. >> reporter: and governor brown found this out firsthand this weekend when crime hit him close to home at his home in fact. speaking to crime victims at the rally on the capital steps today, brown told them he too was a victim. >> just a few days ago a. >> tried to break into my fourth story loft. >> i live on top of chang's on the fourth floor. luckily i wasn't home. >> reporter: but his name at the swanky downtown address was home and called 911 when he saw the man on the governor's balcony. they showed up and arrested the suspect on prowling charges. somehow he made it on to the roof before getting on to the balcony of governor brown's loft. but there is no evidence the possible would-be burglar was target, the california governor. he used his story of a near break-in to show victims he feels their pain. >> i know the feeling and anxiety. and i want to do nothing more than make this place safe but i got to make it actually happen. >> the governor says something similar happened about a year ago. he says three men tried to break into his house in oakland while his wife was at home. core the governor, the men claimed they were looking to buy real estate in the neighborhood so police let them go. moments ago the santa cruz city council passed emergency measures to conserve water. after a dry winter the city is looking at a water shortage this summer. kpix 5's don ford with the plan to save millions of gallons of water. reporter: water, once again folks in santa cruz are concerned that they need to save more. the santa cruz water department's toby goddard is asking the city council to declare a stage 1 water shortage alert. >> with the extreme lack of rainfall between january 1 and mid-april, our flowing sources, which is the main source for the san lorenzo river are running very low. >> reporter: last winter the san lorenzo river was flowing and the lock la mon reservoir filled up. then the rain stopped. while the reservoir is full the river is half what it should be and santa cruz gets most of the water from river. >> we already do a great job conserving water. >> reporter: some stage 1 requirements are hoses to have nozzles, restaurants not to serve water unless asked and if you have a new pool, you can't fill it until fall. >> they call this the new normal. so the new normal of water is uncertainty. >> reporter: after a lengthy presentation the measure passed and it will take effect may 1. a stage 1 declaration has a small impact on water users. but here in california, it's always a good idea to save water. in santa cruz, don ford, kpix 5. >> now, other water districts are faring much better. east bay m.u.d. announced today they are not looking at water restrictions this summer. well, we should never get out of the habit of cutting back. >> conserving. >> it's good. >> there's a big difference there. santa cruz relies on a river which are way down because we have not had that much rainfall but most of the bay area relies on reservoirs. and reservoirs are doing well because of all the rain we had back in november and december. that got banked stored. that's the difference. we have a difference in the weather now. much cooler weather now. mid-70s at lunchtime. now we are in the mid-50s outside. now, before the marine air began to move in, look at the highs we hit today. kentfield near 90. mid-80s for napa, concord and morgan hill. low 80s for san jose. downtown san francisco you hit 73. but you have cooled off a good 20 degrees since then because we now have that marine air moving in. and look at the temperature change. 82 degrees yesterday at the u.s. mint. then 77 degrees at 11:30 this morning right in downtown san francisco in the financial district. then by 4:00, we cooled all the way down to 60 so a big change over the course of one day or one afternoon in this case. radar is clear. i don't see any rainfall for the bay area. that's not going to be the change. but temperatures will change because high pressure is doing nothing more than just kind of moving farther offshore. our weather is so sensitive that it's the same dome of high pressure, same thing is going to keep us dry. but just because it moves a bit, our weather is going to change a lot. see all this cloud cover down here over the southern half of the california coastline working its way up? now the door is open, if you will, high pressure moved farther away so now the cloud cove can get closer. the coolest day will be thursday. then the only change that happens as we head toward the weekend, high pressure moves back closer. that will give us a light onshore flow and then temperatures will climb back up. so it's all about that high and where it is and right now it's in a spot to drop our temperatures for the next couple of days. look at tomorrow san jose not the 80s. mid-70s. livermore not up near 90. upper 70s. 77 for livermore, 74 san jose. downtown san francisco only 64. san rafael 72. napa 74. santa rosa 72 degrees. extended forecast, certainly well within the comfort zone here. this heat wave is finished. thursday will be kind of chilly if you will. i love that. i love living somewhere where 72 is chilly. toward the weekend upper 70s ends and low to mid-70s near the bay. so is it colder than where we were? yes. is it cold? no. not really. [ laughter ] >> it's actual arguably going to be more comfortable for most of us. >> that's why we live here. >> yes. >> thank you. i'm ken bastida in mobile5. it can run by the power of the sun. and it's flying over the bay area right now. we'll have a live report. >> what a biologist hopes to learn about nature by scaling to the top of this bay area building. >> and kpix 5 is the official television station for the bay bridge opening ceremony. we are counting down the days until the new eastern span opens in september. ,,,,,,,,,,,, (sir can-a-lot) good day, ma' lady. i am sir can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! (male announcer) break the monotony. visit of a kind aircraft touring e bay area. ken. 3:27 " the same time protect ken bastida is live with mobile5 in sausalito to tell us about a one of kind aircraft touring the bay area. ken, this one is special. >> reporter: yeah, this one is really different, juliette. it was here over sausalito about 10, 15 minutes ago. it's moved down past alcatraz and the san francisco skyline. they are probably going to put it to bed here as the wind starts picking up. we're talking of course of the solar impulse. this is a swiss-made carbon fiber long-range solar powered aircraft. really amazing to watch it fly. we got some shots of it from chopper 5 today. it was taking off from moffett field. it is flying around the bay area today part of a little tour. it's going to be going to phoenix, dallas, atlanta, st. louis, new york. the creation of andre borschberg and bertrand piccard. it's got room for one crewman. it's 71 feet long, 208-foot wingspan, roughly the size of an airbus a-340 the wingspan. it only weighs, though, 3500 pounds. it's powered by four 10-hours electric motors powered by 11,000 photovoltaic cells. it's solar poweredded. piccard says it's for about solar than aviation. >> at the same time protect the environment and allow incredible things like this. you know, if all the technologies we have in solar impulse were used everywhere in the world, the world could divide by two weeks energy consumption and produce half of its needs with renewable sources already today. >> reporter: yeah, check out this cool video. captain piccard at the controls if you will. coming off moffett field this morning, it goes very slow. it's almost like a motorized glider. it's got the four engines and it just kind of lifts off and cruises at between 35 and 40 miles an hour. there is a plan to circumnavigate the world. they have already set a number of aviation records in this aircraft but they want to try that sometime in 2015. reporting live from sausalito, i'm ken bastida, kpix 5. >> ken, this begs the question, how long can this plane continue to fly before recharging? >> reporter: that's the amazing technology, julie. it can stay up theoretically indefinitely because it's got the photovoltaic cells on the battery so it charges during the day when there is sunlight out. it gets to a certain elevation about 26, 27,000 feet, and then at night it runs on the batteries so it can fly all night long. fly again the next day, fly all night long. and go on indefinitely. it's only encumbered by the stamina of the pilot. think about the technology. >> the future of air travel. thanks. a bay area biologist had a special mission today. high up on the facade of san jose city hall, glen stewart rappelled down the 18-story building right to the spot where a family of falcons lives. he works for uc-santa cruz predatory bird research group interested in tracking the life- span and health of the birds. while he was up there, he discovered that all the newborn chicks on that ledge are male. now, if you would like to see the live cam of the falcons, visit our coming up, in the next half hour, remembering lives lost during terror in boston. as mourners pay tribute to two victims, we're finally hearing from the dead suspect's wife. >> how hackers spread fear of an attack at the white house and sent the stock market into a brief tailspin. >> i had a quite bad illness and i haven't been able to get out and get around. >> why hundreds of disabled bay area seniors might be left lonely and hungry. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald now at 6:30. life slowly gets back to normal in boston. today, mourners remember two lives lost in the violent streak that gripped the city and we're finally learning more about a possible motive for the attacks. investigators are piecing together what led up to the boston marathon bombings. they are getting some clues from the surviving suspect whose condition has been upgraded from serious to fair. vinita nair is in boston with what the suspect is telling investigators. >> reporter: the suspect is here at beth israel hospital recovering from recovering from gunshot wounds. you said the word clues. that's exactly what they are getting right now. he is talking but not saying much about his motive. but for the first time, we heard from the widow of the slain brother. a sign that read, we are boston strong, is now on the doors of boylston street apartment building that chris and lindsey returned to today. >> we are happy to be here. >> reporter: block by block, residents, business owners and workers were allowed back into the neighborhood the deadly bombings rocked eight days ago. >> we are safe and i think that was most important thing. >> reporter: the condition of 19-year-old bombing suspect johar tsarnaev has improved from serious to fair tuesday. he has been communicating with investigators mostly through writing because a gunshot wound to his neck has limited his ability to speak. sources tell cbs news the radical islamic views of tsarnaev's older brother were behind the bombing attacks and it does not appear they were connected to a terror group. the dead suspect's wife released a statement saying she was shocked to hear news reports about her husband and brother-in-law. she says she is cooperating with the investigation. public health officials revised the number of people injured in the attack from their initial report of 170 to now more than 280. that's because some of the survivors waited to get treatment for their injuries. a private funeral service was held today for 8-year-old martin richard. his mother and sister were seriously wounded in the attack. the family released a statement saying, this has been the most difficult week of their lives. m.i.t. campus police officer sean collier was also laid to rest tuesday. investigators tell cbs news the brothers assassinated the officer in his car so they could take his gun. >> reporter: we have also learned six weeks before the boston marathon bombings the older brother was at a new hampshire fireworks store. we're told at the store he bought two mortar kits. it's unknown at this time whether that was what was used in these two pressure cooker bombs but certainly another piece in the puzzle. investigators will look to answer that. >> so johar answering these questions, vinita and the fact that he is upgraded to fair, is he fully cooperating with investigators now? >> reporter: thus far they say he is. if found competent when he stands trial, that could mean the death penalty if convicted or life behind bars. so far he can't speak very well so he has been writing responses. >> we'll see as he improves if he cooperates more. vinita nair, thank you so much. we will have continuing coverage of the boston marathon bombings here on kpix 5 as well as a bogus tweet about an attack on the white house sent stocks into a tailspin today. an "associated press" alert prompted a crash on wall street. it bounced back weather it announced the twitter account was hacked but it's made us wonder how could a single tweet hit the market so hard so fast? what's to keep it from happening again? we sent don knapp to find out. >> the dow is cruising up around 150 points on the day. then all of a sudden that twitter warning about the attack comes out and boom it just dropped down in a matter of moments. >> reporter: what triggered that was a tweet from the "associated press" saying falsely there had been explosions at the white house president obama had been hurt. the dow dropped 150 points and quickly recovered. in less than 5 minutes as much as $136 billion by one estimate may have changed hands. the reason high frequency computer trading. still, it wasn't enough to put brakes on trades. >> the dow only moved down a little less than 1%. that's not big enough to hit those alarm bells and those safeguards. >> reporter: some analysts say there don't seem to be sufficient safeguards on twitter accounts which when hacked quickly distribute bad information. >> it's too easy to hack anything, but it's too easy to hack twitter. >> it's too easy to hackneying they are still relying on simple passwords. >> reporter: cnet writer and tech blogger molly woods says while twitter is protected legally it's increasingly untrustworthy. it's heading toward a tipping point of more noise than light. >> they have to have good content. if you can't trust what you read on twitter, they will stop reading twitter and that's a problem for their business. >> reporter: twitter declined to talk with us saying it doesn't comment on individual accounts for privacy and security reasons. the "associated press" says it's cooperating with twitter to investigate the hackers. >> it does start to get a lot scarier, though, when the goal is to spread misinformation. you have to wonder if the hackers today profited from the stock market drop after the false ap news. >> reporter: the "associated press" says a group called the syrian electronic army claims credit for the hack although the ap could not corroborate the claim. the fbi has entered the investigation. don knapp, kpix 5. >> more news came after the marked closed. apple's 2nd quarter earnings of $9.5 billion beat the street's expectations. but it's still an 18% drop from this time last year. it is apple's first year-over- year profit decline in a decade. the stock is down $300 from the record high set back in september. but shares rose slightly today on word that the company is raising dividends and boosting a stock buy-back plan. left lonely and hungry. still ahead, why hundreds of needy bay area seniors might stop getting the meals they rely on. >> so it was a widespread scam. >> how a bay area moving company tricked hundreds maybe thousands of customers over the past few years. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, seniors may soon find themss seniors... may soon find themselves going hungry. as k-p-i-x 5's john ramos explains... the sequestor cuts... could slam the brakn eals on wheels" pr hundreds of shutin bay area seniors may g hungry. as john ramos reports, the sequester cuts could slam the brakes on the meals on wheels program. >> reporter: kim is making her rounds. every six-weeks she volunteers to deliver lunches to shutin seniors as part of the contra costa meals on wheels program. >> they are older, disabled and don't have family to bring them food. >> reporter: so for about 1500 people each day, that knock on the door is a really big deal. >> i had a quite bad illness and i haven't been able to get out and get around. >> reporter: but now the program is taking a big hit. with private donations already down, the government is going to reduce its funding as part of the federal sequester cuts. >> we have already strained at the seams and then we got hit with sequester cut of $100,000 and shoved us off the cliff. >> reporter: most of the program costs are fixed and its workforce is largely volunteer so the only place to cut is the meals themselves. paul the program's nutrition director says the need has simply outpaced his resources. >> you know, the recession hit us hard. and frankly i have allowed the program to grow larger than what we could sustain. >> reporter: so now no new clients will be added unless they prove severe need. and in the future, some current clients could be turned out. something that has never happened in the 40-year history of the program. all this has paul questioning the government's priorities. >> it's hard to see weapons systems that the military doesn't want being funded and meals to homebound elders being cut. >> reporter: these are the tough choices of a nation grappling with the question of what smaller government is supposed to look like. in martinez, john ramos, kpix 5. >> now, ironically, the senior meals program was created back in the 1960s as a way to save the government money by keeping seniors in their homes and out of expensive nursing facilities. caltrans is going to hold a news conference tomorrow morning to update the public on those troubling bay bridge bolts. dozens of bolts fastening seismic safety equipment started snapping on the new eastern span of the bay bridge last month. we have learned that bridge officials brought up some quality concerns about the bolts back in 2008. they ordered additional tests but it is unclear whether those tests were ever done. a warning for anyone who is thinking of moving. how a bay area company used tricks and threats to rip off hundreds, maybe thousands of customers. >> pretty significant change coming to our weather. we have the marine layer moving in saying bye-bye sunshine to the coastline and bye-bye 90s and 80s. find out how chilly relatively speaking our weather is going to get coming up. >> i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, the four words that raider fans dread. >> the oakland raiders select -- >> how the general manager plans to change the draft culture in oakland. the as beat up boston's ace while san francisco's prodigal son comes home. >> and he was a first class [ bleep ] >> reporter: we'll drop the curtain on sports in just a few minutes. ,,,, we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. employees. they're accused ripping-off a search is on for the owners of a san jose-based moving company and three employees. they are accused of ripping off hundreds, possibly thousands of customers over the past few years. it's one of the worst cases of moving company fraud ever seen here in the bay area. reporter: roni and his wife are on the move and the d.a. thinks they may be in israel. the pair are accused of running a moving company out of the san jose industrial park but asap relocations operated under 7 different names and authorities say all of them have been ripping people off. >> it was a widespread scam. they're accused of giving low ball quotes via telephone to people who are seeking moving services and failing to disclose that there are going to be additional fees charged on moving day. >> reporter: for example, look at these scathing online reviews. complaints about moving jobs that cost many times the quoted price, exorbitant fees for parking supplies and threats of holding property hostage if customers didn't pay. >> we even had witnesses tell us that they were the victims of those auctions where their goods were auctioned off. >> reporter: the companies have d and f ratings from the better business bureau. but donahoe says the business survived by frequently changing names. >> the different names allowed them to leave their bad business reputation behind. >> reporter: yesterday, three employees were charged with grand theft and fraud and in addition to the company's owners, three others are facing similar warrants also believed to be on the run. so how do you find a good reputable mover? relying on one source like yelp isn't enough. they just changed names. so personal recommendations from friends are obviously best. and make sure the mover has a permit in the state's public utilities commission. we put a link with some good resources at a bill proposed today would set new regulations on drop-off centers for children. now, unlike daycares, the drop- off centers are not regulated by the state. randy paige on this loophole that many parents aren't even aware of. >> reporter: doreen and her 4- year-old son vincent are playing at his licensed child care center in covina where stringent regulations are in place mandating criminal background checks and other health and safety requirements but if she were to leave him at one of the many unlicensed drop- off child care sites found in shopping malls and fitness centers, those requirements would not be in place. but that could soon change. senate bill 766 would require these drop-off child care sites to make sure a provider at least 18 years old is present at all times. criminal background checks would be required for all providers 18 years of age or older. a ratio of at least one provider for every 10 children under 7 years old and one for every 15 children 7 to 17 years old would have to be maintained. and at least one provider on site must be trained in first aid and cpr. the ceo of a child care agency that provides daycare for more than 5,000 children says the basic protections in this bill are needed. >> they are the things that a good program operator is going to do anyway. >> reporter: we contacted several fitness clubs that offer child care in southern california. this hour fitness was the only company to respond with a written statement with says, in part, at "24 hour fitness" our current kids club practices comply with the provisions outlined by senate bill 766. at "24 hour fitness" safety and security is a top priority. this was good news for doreen. she is a member of 24-hour fitness of and brings her children here regularly. as for the proposed legislation? >> i love the idea. >> reporter: the bill is now beginning to make its way through the state legislature. >> randy paige reports that senator yee says the catalyst for the bill came from a toddler who suffered a cut on his forehead when he fell in the child daycare area of an unlicensed california family fitness center. the family is suing the fitness center saying it created an unsafe environments for the child. seven of the ten most blued zip codes are in the central valley. that's according to a new study of pollution by cal epa. scientists looked at a range of data including pesticide use, traffic patterns and ground water threats. three of the worst polluted zip codes were in stockton. >> information about the community whether or not there's a lot of children present, adults, whether there's high incidence of asthma. >> the other three zip codes in the top 10 are in los angeles. shocker. >> it wasn't the pollution, it was the pollen the last couple of days. >> raise your hands if you have been sneezing. >> no rain to help out. if anything the heat is making -- there are weeds blooming right now. everything is flowering around here which looks pretty but to your nose it's a whole different story. things will be cooling down, no rainfall but we'll be cooling down. the 680 corridor the worst spot for pollen, not a single cloud in the sky. but things are changing weather- wise. pretty drastically, as well. concord you're now down to 74. oakland down to 62 from the marine layer. downtown san francisco off a high of 77 degrees today, all the way down to 54. before that marine layer moved in, a beautiful shot looking back from sausalito towards san francisco. you can kind of see a little bit finger of moisture at the golden gate. what a gorgeous afternoon it was outside. even with the breeze picking up and the winds now shifting. oakland 51 tomorrow morning, livermore 48, and concord 50 for a low. our forecast showing you this drop in temperature. san ramon not as warm tomorrow. you hit 90 yesterday. tomorrow, 76. it gets cooler. thursday, all the way down to 71 degrees. and you may get some morning low clouds and fog coming up. it may push all the way inland coming up thursday morning. high pressure moved farther offshore opening up the door for some moisture to work up from the south. that's the onshore flow, the flow coming from the very chilly pacific ocean. when we do that, we can go from the 90s down to the 50s very quickly and that's exactly what we're doing right now. so with high pressure farther away from us, it's allowing that moisture to move in and we're going to be cooler tomorrow. cooler still coming up on thursday. but then something simply happens. high pressure says, eh, i want to come back and it's going to move back closer to us kind of cutting off that flow from the ocean, limiting the onshore flow. so we'll have temperatures going back up. not up to record levels to the 90s, but it will increase from we are and where we will be coming up on wednesday and thursday. so fog coming back to the coast tonight. nobody is even going to hit 80 tomorrow after widespread low 90s yesterday and some 80s today. nobody hitting 80 tomorrow. the coolest and foggiest day thursday when we'll bottom out temperature-wise. tomorrow wednesday, mid-70s for san jose. upper 70s for concord. still above normal, still pleasant not as warm. fremont tomorrow 71. san mateo upper 60s. redwood city right around 70. and only low 60s along the coastline. pleasant hill tomorrow, 77. pleasanton 78. pittsburg 78. san rafael 72. berkeley on the cal campus only 66 degrees tomorrow. thursday is the coolest day but still nice. low 70s inland. we'll warm back up starting friday and right now the weekend looks great. not too hot, not too cold, highs generally in the 70s with afternoon sunshine. we have sports and the as doing great that's coming up next. [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ degrees at gametim the as have been as cold as the weather in boston. 42 degrees at game time for an oakland offense which has been outscored 46 to 18 against teams not in the american league west. jonny gomes on the cover of this week's sports illustrated. colon lowered his e.r.a. to 2.42. brandon moss base hit two runs score 3-0 oakland. later in the frame, josh reddick with a hotshot down the line heating up hopefully. mike napoli makes a nice stop but didn't cover first and a wild throw home. you get the idea, six runs score in that inning for the as. and it didn't stop there. seth smith goes aiorne. the game was mercifully called because of rain. i think it was the mercy rule in fact in the 8th inning. there you go. 13-0 is the final. even colder in denver. 23 degrees at the first pitch making it the coldest game in coors field history. not even snow could slow that man down, upton with the first to reach 10 home runs this year. braves beat the rockies 4-3. >> the warriors will play indoors tonight in denver. golden state begins life without david lee in a few minutes putting more pressure on steph curry. lee missed three games that year and curry averaged 30 points a game including his 54 points at madison square garden. >> for a guy that has been through a lot in eight years and finally got his first crack at the play-offs, to have that taken away is just tough. try not to miss a beat. so he can enjoy this experience more if we win. that's our goal and mission to help him by doing it on the court. are you ready for football? this thursday the raiders will have the third overall pick in the draft. al davis won't be making the pick since lyndon johnson was president. >> the raiders select -- >> oakland has had plenty of times recently of the last five first round picks, mcfadden is the only one still on the team. mcfadden was holding the cards close to his chest today. >> i really don't like to talk a lot to you guys because you guys love information and you know i'm not going to give it to you. [ laughter ] >> and he did not. but perhaps mckenzie can find aidan founds. channel 5 sports anchor is back in san francisco today. >> mr. dan f outs of the class of 1968. he was back at his alma mater this afternoon as part of the nfl's hall of famers. he graduated from st. ignatius in 1970. he called the 1968 wildcats the best team he ever played on. local comedian bob was also part of the championship team. >> the only way to get away with being that much of a wise [ bleep ] in front of jesuit ballplayers was to be a great wise [ bleep ] and dan was a first class wise [ bleep ]. >> it wasn't all that long ago, 40-odd years or so that i was sitting in those stands and feeling the spirit of it. ignatius. and it's still there. and to be able to walk out and have that reception, it was wonderful. >> to be cynical about it there aren't too many reunio the 0-28 teams. if you win something no agtte we had like 15 guys from that team. it was a good team and i was right. you know, it's amazing, 11 major college rides in 1967? i mean, i got one so we must have been pretty good if i got one. [ laughter ] >> yeah. '67 was that team. >> hello. the green men have become household names in vancouver. if you haven't seen them, they heckle opponents as they come into the penalty box. last night they unveiled an honorary third member. sophie tweed the daughter of the lead singer of kiss. she the honorary member of the group. you know who her mom is? shannon tweed. playboy. captions by: caption colorado wa. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. quincy jones: kids are not broke, man. they don't need to bxed. they need to be loved, nurtured, and taught. pitbull: through education, you can be whatever you want to be, no matter what you come from or where you came from. jason mraz: without a good teacher, you might sit something extraordinary in the kid's lap, but they might not know what to do with it. it's the most important job in the world. justin bieber: mr. montee was my english teacher. he believed in me and was always supportive of my dreams. ♪ who's gonna save the world tonight? ♪ this is my way of congratulating you all. [crowd cheering] hope was the one that told me that i could do it. she taught me how to believe in myself. i can't believe that this started in my classroom with a kid with a dream.

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