Tower around 6 30. Nick smith is on campus now with the very latest for us. Nick . Reporter this is still a developing situation. In fact in a few seconds we hear the loud speaker behind me. That is Campus Police letting students know that the campus is indeed closed. If you look over my shoulder you see that theres a car blocking the gates. Only essential personnel are allowed on campu campus. Uc officials now investigating if today explosion is related to copper theft. This is what we know. About 4 30 this afternoon there was a power outage on campus. 2 hours later maintenance wor workers were rae storing the power to the campus, there was an explosion. Now that explosion caused massive power outage across campus. There were minor injuries. One person required medical attention and was transported to an area hospital. Right now there are 20 people trapped in elevators all of them have been located and crews are working to 43 them just moments ago i received an update from campus officials. It appears that unknown individuals were stealing copper grounding wire from the University Electrical system. Literally using heavy equipment to pull it out of the ground. That was discovered late last week. At the time all the daniel that we could assess and see was medley repaired. Those repair were finished on sunda sunday 00. Preliminary information suggest that damage caused by the vandal far more extensive than originally thought. The lights are out. Reporter officials are calling this an act of vandalism. People who were stealing copper were not on campus. It was at sub station in what they describe as remote and secluded location. Now classes tomorrow remain to be determined. Staff faculty an students will be notified by text message, cell phone or email as to whether campus will be open. We will provide live update tonight at 11 00. At berkeley, uc berkeley. 7 news. Reporting continues on twitter follow us at 7 news and ahead on 7 news at 11 over on channel 7. Following breaking news in washington as well. White House Budget Office has just ordered federal agency to shut down. Thats because congress has failed to pass a budget that would keep the government running. Hoping for hail mary pass disappointed and first time in two decades the u. S. Government is now partially closed. About Karen Travers has more tonight from capitol hill. Lawmakers from both sides of the isles dug in their heel. No last minute wrangling stop a partial government shut down first since 1996. I didnt come here to shut down the government. Im ashamed of what the congress has become. House again passed a bill that washington would fun the government through mid december and delay part of the Health Care Law for a year the bill went over to the senate where it quickly was rejected. They lost their minds the clock is ticking. Despite the stern warning from president obama today. Shut down will have a very real Economic Impact on real people. Throw a wrench into the economy when most. 800,000 federal workers nonessential forced to stay home tomorrow. Social Security Check and Medicare Medicaid benefits still go out. As will the u. S. Mail. But all National Park museum and monuments will close. This middle School Student from colorado said out loud what so Many Americans are thinking. I think its very disappointing. To me because its kind of sending a message that the government cares more about their party and bipartisanship than they do us the american people. Reporter this battle went down to the wire and theres another one quickly looming around the corner. In just 2 and a half week the nation will reach its credit limit and there is even less agreement among republicans and democrat over how to fix that one. Karen travers 7 news capitol hill. 15 people sicken by unlikely source. Fisherman wharf hotel tonight. Bear repel interest. At 5 30 people started complaining of strong odor at the hotel on beach street. Police called in the a Hazardous Material team to check it out. They found a canister of bear reappellant gone off in a room and went through the air duct. Hotel evacuated and 4 people taken to the hospital. 20 foot boat carrying as much as 2000 pounds of marijuana capsized on Santa Cruz Beach today. But not before most of that pot was off loaded. We were over 4 mile beach earlier when investigators say the boat washed ashore around 11 00 a. M. 80 pounds of bundled pot was discovered on the beach but investigators say its likely the boat came load from mexico and they think those responsible off loaded much of it before abandoning the boat after it capsized. No one was arrested. Police sheriffs deputy want to find out if 2 people were targeted when someone fired into an ac transit bus. Driver heard at least 4 shots bus head along international boulevard at tenth avenue. Gun fir wounded 2 people riding aboard the bus twoot 20 this afternoo afternoon. Driver kept going for a few more block to get away from the shooter. Both victims expected to survive. Learn more much about the woman accused of beating and slamming her car in a minivan killing High School Boy and critically injuring mom and sister. Tonight we hear from the father for the first time as well the woman was booked on gross vehicular manslaughter on friday and soon released on 300,000 dollar bail. 1 15yearold kevin sand was killed when his mother minivan was struck at pine and golf. Memorial there is she was drive erratically going 80 miles an hour when plowed into the minivan stopped the at red light. The father spoke to reporters through an interpreter. Every day family wake up and wishes it was all jaws nightmare and can still hug and see kevin warm smile. None of what has happened makes any sense. We can not even comprehend why anyone would be driving 80 miles an hour in a street of San Francisco. We know San Francisco police and we know had he will do their best to seek justice for kevin and his family. The vehicle essentially because of the impact fused together because of the high speed so it will take time to go over the vehicle to see seat belts were used. If they werent. Mechanical malfunction. That takes time. Spotless driving record. Kevin sand mother remains in the hospital in critical condition. Case expected to good to the District Attorney office tomorrow. Teacher turned Police Officer faces serious charges nitd. Hes accused of sexually abusing children in his care. Richard mccloud accused of abusing girls between the ages of 12 and 14 at livermore after School Program before he became a Police Officer. Laura has the story. Majority believed this was something special. Investigators say it all happened before 2007. Before Richard Mccloud became a hayward Police Officer. Mccloud accused of sexually abusing over a 9 year period working as teacher in after School Program at livermore middle school. Nothing was forced or anything like that. It was built on being a friend being a mentor. Ill take care of you and threaten was some fondness with the young girls who got an adult male giving me a lot of attention. Reporter 38yearold mccloud worked as teacher coordinator at the kid zone after School Program at submission school. Cushion the sexual intercourse span from 1998 to 2007 when mccloud tlovt become a hayward Police Officer. We are upset. We are upset. Reporter barry the general manager for livermore area wreck asian park district. Well see what the outcome of the Police Investigation is. We already do a lot with our employees background check fingerprinting training which is why we have such a good record to date. Investigators say no investigation mccloud continued the bus after he became a Police Officer. Hes in the jail on 750,000 dollar bail. In livermore, Laura Anthony 7 news. 3 teenagers face charges following a party confrontation with sheriffs deputy in mill valley. Paramedic ka uld to house on reid boulevard yesterday morning. They found a person under the influence of lsd covered with blood from self inflicted injuries. Investigators say combative party goers confronted the first deputy on the scene. Police santa cruz recell today recently discovered body is that of man who vanished in 2009. Dfa test condition firm that the map is the person found in a wooded canyon 3 wee weeks ago. Detective believe he was murdered when marijuana deal went bad during the summer of 2009. Search for him focus on santa cruz after the burned out car was found near where his body was discovered last month. Although he was a victim in this indirectly his family was a victim and the ability to bring closure to the family is so important to follow that through. 2 men now in prison after being con vbingted of murdering the 29yearold los angeles resident. Oakland has distinction of having the highest robbery rate in america. Federal statistics show nearly 11 people were robbed for every one,000 oakland resident last year. That puts them way ahead in other cities in the united states. Oakland police say robbery up 24 percent from this time last year. 8 robbery investigators say a growing case load. Officers themselves are going out there every day and working very hard the tray and push back this crime rate. Our problem is about we have so few resources, so few officers. We need more cops to get the guys off the street. Thats what needs to happen in the shortterm thats for sure. Reporter police point out many thieves target people smart phone and other high tech gadget. Coming up next. Governor signs off on popular law for low emission vehicle. Cars continue to get the dpren light to drive in the car pool lanes. And double parking in San Francisco. New plan to did something about it. Im in the accuweather forecast center. Muggy weathe weather. Dry air coming in and weather. Dry air coming in and warmup in o Governor Brown signed 4 year extension of car pool lane access for electric car and low emission vehicle. Current program would have expired in 2015. This bill will be for solo drivers and these special cars. The sticker allow drivers to get a discount on bridge toll. If you live in san fan work here or visit the city you know the streets can be very congested. Part of the problem is double parked cars and truc trucks. Now one San Francisco supervisor is saying enough. Carolyn tyler has more on the plan. Why did you double park . I got this is a good police to do it. Trying to do my job. Reporter double parking is rampant in San Francisco. You probably notice how it disrupts traffic and creates safety issues. If you have driven along the top 5 streets for violators. Mission. Sutter. Howard. Polk and union. Really the wild west. People just seem to stop their vehicle wherever they want whenever they want. Sometimes even when they have the possibility of pulling over. Reporter supervisor weiner called a hearing today to discuss enforcement. Which he says concentrated do you want not enough in the neighborhood. Commercial Truck Drivers already get some exemption but still make up 62 percent of the violators. Im not sure i have a solution but people have to be tolerant of what we do and know this is a vital function for the community and for the business at large. Reporter this driver is inconvenienced. Happen a lieutenant. Every now and then. No big deal. Reporter Municipal Transportation Agency is in charge of citations. And says 261 parking control officers are working the streets. We have issued 22,000 parking ticket the last year we issued up to 15,000 so far this year. So we are enforcing these rules and its a matter of using our rae source best to our ability to be more efficient. Reporter fine for double parking 110 dollars. The maximum allowed by law. So without the threat of increase supervisor weiner believes vet ra enforcement the only way to change the culture of the wild wild west. In San Francisco, abc 7 news. You can see from carolyn image shot today in San Francisco its gray out there. But really rather warm and muggy. East coast weather. Humidity up and sticky. Wasnt very warm muggy going away. Dryer air coming in tonight. Especially during the overnight hours. Fair sky right now. Low clouds near the coast line but dont amount to much. Mostly clear view from emeryville camera westover the bay. Temperature readings 58 exploratorium, psycho at oakland. 65 san jose. 63 los gatos. 57 at half machine bay. Here at 7 embarcadero clear skies temperature readings rate now 58 at santa rosa and 60s napa novato 63. Mild 67 at antioch. 64 concord livermore and now at the Golden Gate Bridge absence of fog and low clouds as we look at the forecast feature. Mostly clear overnight. Certainly dryer air coming in. Cooler than last night. Sunny dry fix few days and big warmup coming our way at the end of the week. Satellite radar composite funnel system that swept through this morning and earlier today. Few sprinkles and isolated light showers to parts of the north bay but precipitation has ended now. Start our forecast animation 11 00 oclock tonight. Notice during overnight hour absence of clouds dryer air flowing in. Sunny sky and dryer conditions tomorrow. And relatively mild not much of a warm afternoon. Weak ahead we continue animation. See center of High Pressure building in to our northeast by the end of the week. Give us offshore flow of dry wind and that will warm us up rather significantly of friday and in saturday. Over tonight low pressure mostly clear sky mainly in the mid 50s then tomorrow nice sunny pleasant day in the south bay. High pressure mainly in the low to mid 70s up to about 72 at san jose. 76 at los gatos. Pevrns la high of 68 at san mateo o. 71 redwood city and Mountain View mid 60s on the coast and pacifica and a Half Moon Bay do you want San Francisco hi of 66 tomorrow. 64 in the sun set district. Up in the north bay 60s on the coast. Low 70s in the north bay valley. 71 in santa rosa tomorrow. 73 napa. Over on the east bay look for high of 70 at oakland san leandro. 71 down in fremont. Inland east bay high in the mid 70s. Not warm. Certainly pleasant. 75 walnut correct and fairfield and 74 in livermore. 76 at antioch. Heres accuweather 7 day forecast. Nice warmup beginning on thursday actually but by friday even warmer mid 80s inland. Mid 80s after about 90 inland on saturday. Mid 80s around the bay on saturday and low 70s on the coast. Look lick a great weekend for getting out to the beach. May not have many more weekend leak this as we get deep interfall. Exactly. Take advantage of this one. Exactly. Still to come at 9. Something to see. Half Time Entertainment that Time Entertainment that entertained a crowd that was changed his mind about treating all passengers equally in the stiff competition so now watching a new premium class section called mint. New section feature seat that lie flat. They have a personal 15 Inch Television and door for privacy. Also comes with a ta p a style menu. They begin next summer. Jet blue says the coach class gets an upgrade. Google making it easier for San Francisco to get delivery when not home. Mountain have you Company Offering locker inside city stores where you can have delivery sent. The locker are provided by buffer box. Canadian company that google bought last year. Part of the of Google Express shopping schlts you cant have delivery september from competing company to the locker as well. So far there are about a dozen delivery locker in San Francisco. Amazon tried to do the same thing but had problems because there wasnt benefit from the service. Look at this one. Stumbling tooub a players fell like domino while the band from austin, texas performed friday night. The section did wrist back to its feet and musician did their best to pick up where they left off. Told no one was hurt but the mishap damaged 2 horns. School has been quick to toot its own horn about all this posting on the band Facebook Page quote our tuba are famous. Perhaps not in the way they wanted. Coming up next. Update for you on the breaking news on uc berkeley campus. Also the government shut down. What happens now that congress has failed to agree on spending plan . Major provision in affor affordable health. Law business to take effect. What to expect when you sign up. And caught on camera. Daredevil boater drove straight into 5 water spout. Another inlook at them with another that uverse wireless receiver. Back in our day, we couldnt just move the tv wherever we wanted. Yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. Because if theres anything that improves magic, its math. The only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. Lets get some cake in you. I could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. Get uverse tv for 19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. Rethink possible. Update for you now on breaking news following at uc berkeley. Explosion underground electrical vault caused a campus wide power failure tonight. In the last if you moments authorities told us they are going to start rolling out power a little at a time to the campus. You can see the smoke resisting moments after the explosion in the video posted by the daily California School newspaper. Underground fire break out intercalifornia hall in the middle of campus. Uc Police Believe copper thieves stealing wire are to blimp for danieling the campus power grid. Explosion happened when they restored power to the campus. One person went to the hospital with minor injuries and outage did leave others trapped in elevators across the campus within the half hour they have all been rescued. Clock struck midnight in washington, d. C. With that shut down of the federal government has begun. This is the first government shut down in 17 years. Flurry last minute move by the house senate and white house late monday failed to break a bitter budget stand off over president obama Health Care Law setting in motion the first government shut down at we mentioned in nearly 2 decades. Impasse means 800,000 federal workers will be furlough in more than million others could be asked to work without pay. Stock close lower today as wall street braced for the shut dow down. Doyj fell 128 points. Nasdaq dropped 10. S p 500 also lost 10. Abc News Washington postpoll finds 63 percent of americans disaproof of the way republicans are hatched licensing the budget. Not much better for democrat. 56 percent disapproval rate there. And 50 disapprove of the president handling of the federal budget crisis. Sheriffs officials in colorado say 5 people buried in a rock slide are dead and that Recovery Efforts are suspended until at least tomorrow because the area is simply too unstabl unstable. Rock slide happened around 11 this morning in the pike san is Bell National forest 100 miles south west of denver. 13yearold girl who survived the slide pulled from the rubble and nren to Children Hospital in denver. Recent heavy rains in the area may have been a factor but the shaves says its really just too early to say what caused this. Fda has approved the first medicine to treat Breast Cancer before surgery. The drug is called pro jen women with early stage Breast Cancer with hi risk of having cancer spread. Doctors hope that using these cancer drug early will shrink tumor making them easier to move and treatment could allow some women to avoid having a mastectomy. Starting tomorrow people can Purchase Health insurance under the Affordable Care act. Every american will be reared to have it. Paula explains how it will work. Im max. Reporter max was dropped from Health Insurance because of preexisting condition. I have asthma and allergy. Reporter courtney says she cant afford it. Billingest thing i need for Health Insurance is good maternity coverage. Reporter we heard from so many of you. Have mr. Affordable health care. Reporter all part of the 48 million americans who do not have insurance. About 15 percent of the population. Starting at midnight go on this web site. Health car. Co care. Govern where you can shop around. Compare plans and buy. Everyone regardless of age gender income or preexisting conditions will be able to get insurance. If you dont want to buy or have been delayed because of expense you have until march 31 6 month to purchase a plan or face fine from the government. I just want to be covered. Reporter no one will know how good of a deal this is until midnight. But for people like max he can breathe easier now knowing he has a choice l. I uses want to have the safety net. We have much more information on our web site on the Affordable Care act. Specifically covered californi california. Just good to our web site and click on see it on tc. 3 researchers San Francisco fwlas glad Stone Institute being awarded multimillion dollar grant to help develop elusive knock out punch against aids. They were chosen because of their unique strategy for tieing the disease. Researchers green and weinberger the fight against aids is about cutting off the hiv virus at the pass before it can trigger the disease. But unlike the current therapy that rely on viral drug they are con sen tikriting on 2 different but equally novel tactic. The cell are inaffectd with hiv in green and the red cell shown here have therapy particle. Weinberger team believes it can start the virus by creating parasite. Genetically modified version of hiv harmless to human but once in the body they suck up cell resource the virus needs to replicate indicate and cause aids. Just by the virus hijack the cell we are building parasite of the virus that you say hijack this hijacker and steal the resource from his the hijacker. Reporter dr. Weinberger believes the sayer site also known as therapeutic interfering particle could possibly mutate along with hiv itself acting like a longterm vaccine in the body. We are really at the beginning of building these therapeutic approaches. These tip of therapeutic approaches. These are the cell infected. Reporter the second project by green targets inflammation affect associated with hiv that kills off key immune cell in the body ultimately resulting in the development of aids. Now testing an existing class antiinflammatory drug. To brick this cycle of cell that inflammation ra cutment of new cell and. Reporter he believes the strategy could work with existing hiv drug or perhaps produce low cost alternative for use in country with some of the highest rates of hiv infection. Keep people alive until they can get on drugs. Reporter he plans to again human trillion in africa in the next 6 to 12 months. Recipient of new award for younger researchers making an impact in fight against aids. In all the lab will receive more than 12 Million Dollars from the National Institute of Mental Health health. Governor brown will make history this week. About to become the state longest serving governor. Fears taking off office in 1975 at age 36 youngest governor. Today at the age of 75 brown is in his third term and the nation oldest governor. Brown service will exceed that of governor warren also a third termer. Warren resigned in 1953 to become chief justice of the u. S. Supreme court. Bay area group looking to improve the Education System in the philippines. The organization wants to create more engineers entrepreneur by changing the way science and technology are taught in the philippines. Goal is to foster entrepreneurship and more Economic Prosperity in the company where nearly a third of the population lives in poverty. Only way to break through the poverty ceiling is further education and training. This is not a sprays its coming from us out of silicon valley. Reporter if you said raiser for the Philippine Development Foundation Kicks off this weekend with special concert at the north theater with filipino icon. Go to our web site for more information and look under see it on tv. Just ahead. Technology you can wear. This goes way beyond google glass. Take a look at google glass. Take a look at the device whole new category of electronic and being held as what is next after the smart phone. Jonathan has a look at the latest which arable technology. Michael burner first kid on the block with this. New toy. Lack great feel great super light. And function national is incredible. Samsung galaxy gear smart watch hit stores in the coming week. He has been developing the app to work with it. The watch takes key piece of the smart phone and put them on your wrist. I i think as bringing your phone 5 second closer to you. So now 5 seconds easier to take a pickth easier to make sure you catch the notification of the thing you care about. Early entry in whole new category. Wearable technology. At the conference in San Francisco there are many other others. Quus lick dick tracy this watch is cell phone with tiny keyboard that works. And help sensor. Track things like heart beet beat. Movement. Things like perspiration level in skip. And could tell if you areen jig a movie. Netflix i rate this 4 stars we can find what parts did you lick. Author robert says its becoming the norm. Whole system is learning more and more about you and will get much more personalize in the future and a little bit freaky to tell you the truth. Seems future and new dont forget you probably already own a piece of wearable technology. What about the ear. Head set maker is putting motion sensor into pwluv tooth ear pest and nours and skull. Why look lick a robot. Dorky and awkward i thought about micking something more fashionable. Looks are important. This giants logo on the google glass. Its on your face. Anything on your head affects how people perceive you. Reporter field with a lot of unknown but one thing founders of the glaze conference says its big. In San Francisco, john top bloom abc 7 news. San francisco base twitter is expected to file initial public offer paper as early as this week according to the wall street journal. This means twitter stock could be begin tradeing in late october or early november if the offering guess as planned. Twitter announced earlier this month it made confidential failing with regulators. Their idea is one of the most anticipated in recent years but expected to be much smaller than facebook offering. Private market value twitter at 10 billion dollars. Up next on 7 news at 9 00. Daredevil vote whor drove snrit nice car. Sure is. Make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] so, what do you say . Thanks. But i think i got this. [ male announcer ] the allnew cla. Starting at 29,900. Extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. And these are the ones youll love on a school night. Pillsbury crescent dogs. With just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. Pillsbury crescents. Make dinner pop [ pop ] but press them flat, add sauce. And some pepperoni and cheese. And School Nights turn into grands mini pizza nights. Pillsbury grands biscuits. Make dinner pop because what you dont know, can granhurt you. Urance. Ghts. What if you didnt know that posting your travel plans online may attract burglars . [woman] off to hawaii what if you didnt know that as the price of gold rises, so should the coverage on your jewelry . [prospector] ahh what if you didnt know that kitty litter can help you out of a slippery situation . The more you know, the better you can plan for whats ahead. Talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. We are farmers bum pa dum, bum bum bum bum one of the moments where you are probably thinking what were they thinking . Its a story about voters who made sure they had it open tape surrounded by not 1 not 2 but 5 water spouts. The boaters. Matt shows what happened next. This might seem panic. Charter captain Kevin Johnson one spout. He was lobster fishing wednesday on his boat with his friend and his best friend the dog. Dog doesnt care. Also in the key when they spotted this rare weather system with multiple water spouts. Getting angry. Basically minitornado over the water. How many people seawater spouts and tornadoes from this perspective. All of a sudden the funnel were all around them. Other side of this one there is 3 arrest 4 more. Reporter in this situation you flee, roo it . Not this boater. Bat 10 down the much and going in. Reporter he guns the boat heading for the water spout then hammer writ through it. Batten did you know the hatch and everything. Reporter the snorkel the camera missing one thing. Life jacket. The dog didnt have one either. It was a calculated risk. These are 70 miles an hour tornadoes or less. No relevant danger. He calls this a calculated risk what would you call it. Reckless. Hes putting his life in danger. Putting the passengers in danger. Putting rae responders in danger. Reporter still the skipper said would he do it again. Not advised oneless check of our forecast now with expense are. Not in my wildest dream. I have had some pretty wild dreams. Yes. [ laughing]. This afternoon from our High Definition east bay camera in emeryville. Clouds at various levels of the sky moving across the bay. Interesting sky this afternoon but latter part of the afternoon and that early evening we saw the cloud bricking up and moving out clear sky moving in. Dryer conditions might add. Pretty muggy cooped of day today. Looking at this low clouds on the coast. Mostly clear sky across the bay area. Relatively mailed writ now. Tomorrow state wide we have nasty dry sunny mild day most spots maybe not up in youve eek a shower or two High Pressure in the mid upper 70s and cheek oshtion sacramento 84 fresno. 76 in yosemite down in los angeles the high of 71 tomorrow. Sunny sky tomorrow. Much clear humidity than we had today. High ranging from mid 60s at the coast to about 70 around the bay to mid 70s in the warmest inland location. Heres the accuweather 7 day forecast. Expecting of warm. Big warmup at the end of the week. Inland high mid 80s by saturday up to about 90 degrees. Mid 80s around the bay and low 70s on the coast and as we get to the fall season we probably can not expect weekends like this. So take advantage of this while you can. Out door 0activity or beach or whatever you might do with the weather. This is the weekend for it. Thanks. As you know dan ashley isnt here tonight. Thats because he was playing golf earlier today all for a good cause. Dan hosted his annual Charity Golf Tournament in allah movement 160 golfers tee off for event raising upwards of 100,000 dollars every year this money used to send 500 under served kids to summer camp at camp concord in south lake tahoe. The summer camp is a right of passage for young person and what we do here is make sure that that happens. Able to send children up to lick tahoe for a summer camp experience all expenses paid. 17 years the Charity Golf Tournament spent 8,000 children to camp. For more information on camp concord and helping kids attend the summer camp go to our web site and click on see it on tv. Mike and i were talking about what any credible effort this has been. Most turn lent last 2 or three years and they are gone. 17 years unheard of for a charity event. For a great cause. Yes. Kudo to dan. One game tie breaker between texas and tampa bay to determine the wild card in the american league. Tampa bay contribute to the race and the contribute to the race and the blast. Finally coming up tonight on 7 news at 11 00 late breaking details on the explosion and power outage at uc berkeley including the very latest on effort to restore power on campus. Also road rage revenge. Fearing for his wife and 2yearold child see what the driver of this black suv did when surrounded by bikers. We have much more on these stories and more coming up on 7 at 11 00. Right now mike is here with a lack at sports and baseball. Everybody thought the baseball season was over. One extra today to determine the final spot in the american leg play offs. Texas hosting tampa bay for the second wild card spot. Ranger fans pumped up before the game but wouldnt like the outcome. Third innin inning. If rays ahead 3 nothing here. Then in the sixth david dejesus. Double to right. Score. Tampa goes up 41. Price the distance for the ray. Gets cawz to ground out shortened the game. Tampa advances to face cleveland another do or die game on wednesday. Now oakland a will host Detroit Tigers friday nature at game one of the alds. 7 00 p. M. Saturday night same 2 go at tonight game 2. Starting pitcher announced tomorrow. Look for the a to go with cologne the veteran in game 1. Meanwhile the reigning World Champion will not make post season appearance but ended the season on a high note with the hunter one off single coming from behind in the 90th yesterday to beat san diego. Zito probably gone and general lacking for the future. Conventional wisdom tells that you we need more talent we need more depth. However we accomplish that we will try to do that. I dont know how realistic if the trade front will be. We got real lucky with that the year before. I dont know if the opportunity will present themselves in the off season but just as diligent that way too. Trying to stichbility starting quarterback with the raiders may have lasted only one game. He started yesterday against the redskins. Symptoms from the concussionless monday here was declared inactive. Now one man does not make a team but this touch down to ridiculousie tight end. Give the raiders a lead. Not bad. 2132 for 227 yards. Fumble and unfortunately this pick which triggered 24 unanswered points for the redskins. Didnt get much help. If injuries and sacked 7 times. Stay in the pocket a little longer than fryer. Today coach allen defended his choice of starting quarterback. He wanted to play. But again this was not this was not a play decision. This was not a coach decision this was a medical decision there were still some symptoms there that if it wasnt werent going to put him in that situation thats the right thing to do. Thats the decision we made. This is part of the leg new mandate to make sure you continue go back in the game with a concussion. I wish it would have been around when i played. Sunday tonight at the stick after texas blew 17 point lead yesterday lost to seattle in overtime. Willis left the game with pulled groin and talked with him today as he promoted a new protein drink. 49ers without wilson and smith. Willis that is in the win over the ram and patrick side kick took up the slack. Monster game. 6 tackle. 2 sack. Pass to and more importantly took over the leadership role patrick usually hamd haments and couldnt be more proud of his temperature mate. Play one of the best doe fender in the game. Went out there and showed nationwide worldwide the other night and im his biggest fan. Lake a brother to me and i love him to make play and do grit and like the other night i was like wow thats whether im talking about. All right dont forget another addition of this sunday night when vernon sits down with me for a conversation after the huh stop game 5 30 kick off. Only on abc 7 news. Monday tonight football. Saints and dolphins in new orleans. Got to love the saints fans. Entered 3 and o but saints stay perfect drew brees to daryn. 13 yard score. New orleans up 2110. 7 catches. 114 yards receiving. Through for 4 13 yards. 4 td. 2 of them to gram. 43 yards and 4 and o. Dolphins fall 3 31. 3817 the final. 41 games he has thrown for 4 touch downs. Not bad. This is the time of year baseball. Basketball. Hockey and football all going on all looking forward to the as play off game friday nature. Exciting. Detroit knocked them out the last few times. Maybe third time the charm. Pay back. Thats what we are talking about. Thanks for joining us even. Im Carolyn Johnson in for dash. For all of us here, thanks for watching. 7 news continues writ now on line on Twitter Facebook and all the mobile device with our new 7 news app. See you at 11 00 over on channel 7. In the mean over on channel 7. In the mean time have a great [ ] mm ugh. Hot n browns coffee wakes me up to the fact its coffee sucks. I miss having a coffee shop

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