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>> the rescue mountain lion living out their day at the zoo sanctuary. since 1990 it has been illegal to hunt them under voter approved proposition 117. but it is this photo from western out door news web site that is getting animal rights activist angry and creating a buzz on social media. the president of the state fish and game commission dan richards holding a mountain looip he recently hunted. not legal to bring it back to california. san bernardino county help can was appointed by then governor arnold schwarzenegger in 2008 but only recent will i became president on questionable vote noychlt big surprise they would be revolted at the image of our top fish and game commissioner trophy hunting and taking a mountain lyon with big smile on his face. sort of equivalent to drug czar appointed drug czar heading you have off to foreign country with its illegal and then posting a picture. >>reporter: nobody commented. the foundation says it has been fielding numerous e-mails and calls. the non-profit helps get proposition 117 on the ballot and is among the the organizations calling for richards to resign. >> california l answer trust fish and game department and the commission to be the protector of our wild life resources and this person is showing that he really doesn't care. >>reporter: california out door heritage alliance doesn't think richard should rae sign after all it is legal to hunt mountainly on in idaho. >> what he did was neither illegal or im movrment hunting activity in idaho has no bearing on his ability to act as a fish and game xitioner in the best interest of california wild life resource. >>reporter: california governor do not have the authority to remove any 5 commissioners but the legislature does. and there's talk about introducing a bill to get richards fired. his appointment expires in january. in sacramento, abc 7 news. no charges filed against the bart officer who shoot and killed a homeless man at the civic center station last july. after a seven month investigation the san francisco district attorney office determined the shooting of charles hill was justified. bart police always maintain that hill was armed with two knives. bart released surveillance video showing him throwing one of the knives after officer james cromwell. there the knife circled by blu blue. the da office released the findings today and say he acted lawfully and in self-defense when he shot hill. tonight hayward police have recap toured a domestic violence suspect who was mistakenly released from a psychiatric hospital. 32-year-old jose hernandez taken into custody about 4:30 this afternoon. it ended bizarre series of events. saturday night police confronted him outside his ex girlfriend's house where hernandez cut his throat and chest with a kitchen knife. he was taken to john george psychiatric hospital where he was released sunday night instead of being taken to jail. by mistake. police saw him driving around the hayward union city area this afternoon and rearrested him without incident. hundreds of people turned up today to weigh in on a plan to build a huge new church in their neighborhood. it would be located just outside walnut creek. the battle has been going on for years but is now coming to a head. here's laura anthony. >> off problem here. you have a big messy problem here. >>reporter: one by one resident in walnut creek neighborhood stood up to voice their concern. about a plan about the church to build a 6 66,000 square foot sanctuary near this nothing to do with religion but bad land use. everything is going in their direction. what about the people take actually live there. >>reporter: what about it's too big for the neighbor. >> it has compare the size of what will be actually seen it is actually smaller than an adjacent building. >>reporter: 350 member church purchased the current building in 1974. rooted in i saidia it was fountained in walnut creek in 1952. according to church literature it works in harmony with other religion with love and service to others as core principal. last fall the cocoa planning commission approved new sanctuary for the church near the current location two thirds of the new 66,000 foot building would be underground. the exposed 20,000 square feet welcome back shroud in 168 trees and extensive garden. some rest didn't still have concerns. >> it's the wrong location. wrong design. it's going to ruin our little neighborhood. >> garden will be open and it can only be a beautiful addition to the neighborhood. >>reporter: opponent of the new sanctuary appealed to planning commission early atravel to the board of supervisors. >> so that's what we are looking very closely at. what are the parking issues. traffic issues. what are the size issues. and try to balance all of that and make the right decision. >>reporter: now the board of supervisors is acting as appeal board in this situation. their decision is expected next month. if the soup stand behind the 20 million dollar project then the opponent might then have to file a lawsuit to block it. in walnut creek, abc 7 news. traffic was a mess this morning on the bay bridge but cal-trans says the lane judgments over the weekend had nothing to do witness. at the worst the back up heading into san francisco stretched well past the mcarthur maze. some get testy and others ran out of gas during the wait. cal-trans says the grid lock was from people getting back from long holiday weekend just crowded out there. stall. and electrical issue with the metering lights. >> cause them to cycle slower than we normally would have had seeing that much traffic so we had to take a meter light and put them on manual to get traffic cleared a little bit faster. >>reporter: cal-trans says the problem with the metering lights is now fixed. should not ab problem in the morning. stanford university think tank says unfunded public pensions at the local level are just out of control. l corina reports from one bay area city grappling with the very issue. >>reporter: donation of stanford institute for economic policy research is sounding an alarm. just rae leased a new study on the pension problem. >> i think without question it's the biggest financial challenge we have in californi california. bigger than anything else. nothing is even close to this. >>reporter: the study evaluated top 24 independent pension system across california which include some bay area county city funds. it concludes spending on public employee pension has grown more than 11 percent a year since 1999. making retirement benefits the fastest growing cost for local government. the study finds the plans face more than 135 billion dollars in unfunded liabilities. >> instead of earning the money and then awarding it, you award it and then you earn it. in the public sector side. what happens if you don't earn it? you go to the taxpayers and you say you have to pay pishtion local government are having to cut essential services such as police fire and library just to keep up with growing pension obligations. the study highlights employee pension which range from low in stanislaus county of just over 24,000 dollars a year to a high in los angeles county of 4 46,000. retired public safety employees, police and firefighters get more. with average benefit ranging from low of 48,000 in fresno county to a high of 90,000 in san jos jose. steven levy with the center of study for economy say many pension plans had unrealistic assumption. >> because there was investment losses, city put more in the pot to meet the current obligation because the investment didn't make a high rate of return. lake people 401(k) didn't do very well. >>reporter: good news is that the improving stock market will have a positive impact on pension funds but nation says not enough. >> right now you still got people saying really not a problem. and by any interpretation even the best scenario possible there's a big problem. >>reporter: the pension funding gap is sparking debate up and down this state. many local governments are wanting employee groups to pitch in more in the short-term to their pension fund and in the long-term are looking to raise the retirement age and reduce benefits for new employees. in san jose, abc 7 news. tortoise and the scare. coming up. house fire and owner of 2 reptile very relieved tonight. >> plus different for men and more deadly. new heart attack warning signs for women. accu-weather forecast center. big warm-up followed by quick cool down all in my 7 day big warm-up followed by quick cool down all in my 7 day forecast in just a moment. >> also. if cheap labor and long daisy. first look inside the factory that makes your i-pad. fascinating report. >> party time just about over in new orleans. this is live picture tonight. street sweepers about to arrive in the french quarter tore clean up thousands of people celebrating mardi gras last party before lent tomorrow. dates back to 1682 in new orleans. as sweetheart. we need to talk. i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? i...i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. tryomething funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one year term. at&t. >> justice agree to look at case of white student denied admission to the university of texas. decision could limit the use of afirmtive action or broadly ban race as a factor in admissions. >> local fire official says he has never seen anything like i it. heating pad used to keep 2tor us warm touched off a fire in castro valley this morning. happened inside a garage on almond road just east of lake. more now from wayne. >> there you go. about very big night. >> big night that barbara jone w over a period of a lot of years and one thing that it happens. unfortunately but it does breakdown. >> hopefully not here again because crew already began building a new shed. just one question remains. >> what are you going to do to keep warm tonight. >> i don't know. don't ask me that. >> you have a few hours. >> to figure it out. >> we should note that while the tortoise escape without harm, one fair man was not as fortunate. he suffered from smoke inhalation and heat exhaustion so while we name the tortoise seems only fair we should also remember firefighters herb whose name will forever be linked with liberty and freedom. castro valley wayne abc 7 news. >> liberty and freedom remind us slow and steady. >> we have the forecast and really remarkable. >> eights incredible. disbelief as well. >> here's a live view right now from our high definition east bay hills camera. looking west ward back across the bay and just a beautiful evening mild one all around the bay area. clear skies with some fog at the coast. locally across the bay and dense in some spots by early tomorrow. high today. check the out. 70 agrees in santa rosa. 71 at clear lake. cover dale 73. 70 also at fairfield and very mild day today and we have even warmer day coming our which tomorrow. right now 48 degrees at half man bay. cool spot but low to mid 50's everywhere else in the areas. highlights see area of fog tonight. locally dense a moment ago. sunny warmer still on wednesday and thursday. it will be breezy and cooler for the weekend so quick cool down after couple of very, very warm days. satellite radar image. large ridge of high pressure building in that's the dominant feature in our weather next couple days. that brings us continuing warm-up starting forecast animation this evenin evening. you can see some low clouds and fog near the coast of night. pull back and sunny afternoon tomorrow and into thursday morning we go. center of high pressure will fix it self to our north and clockwise circulation around the high will bring us bit of offshore flow contribute to more barging and thursday probably see the peak of the warming with high pressure close to 80 degrees some of the inland location. overnight tonight again fog will be with us in some spots. low pressure will be generally in the low mid 40's and then tomorrow under golden sunshine in the afternoon. see high pressure in the mid to upper 70's. 76 at santa rosa. napa and antioch livermore 74. san jose 75. concord and clover dale. 71 at oakland. in san francisco. just tad to our south mild as well. high in the low to mid 70's. near monterey bay inland gilroy 77, 76 holster. 75 at morgan hill. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast so we get the two incredibly warm day was high near 80. inland location on thursday. friday we cal down a little bit. further cooling over the wean. a bit windy on saturday. get a few more clouds around for the weekend with the cooling but there is no rain in sight so still dry pattern even though a bit of a cool down. even with the cool down we still look at mild conditions for month of february. even with mid 60's. that's pretty mild. upper 70' 70's. about. >> pretty strange. thanks very much. >> coming up next. exclusive look at where people make all the apple gadgets. we open the door to the company controversial manufacturing plant in china. stay with us. news ♪ ♪ ♪ don't stop doing what you do ♪ have i paid my dues just to be with you... ♪ mother kaisered of being get away driver after her 15-year-old son stabbed another teenager. police arrested 42-year-old margaret swayze on suspicion of attempted murder and her son also charged. she drove him away from the scene after he stabbed a 13-year-old boy on thursday. victim is expected to fully recover. police continue to search for second teenager in connection with this attack. >> shuffling through the glove compartment for registration could be a thing of the past. state lawmaker introduced a bill giving you the option of putting your proof of insurance and vehicle registration on your smart phone. or any other personal electronic device. bill would authorize auto insurance providers to issue insurance documentation in electronic form and let the department of motor vehicle do the same thing with registration. on the subject of smart phones. tonight an extraordinary look inside the world of apple. bill here was granted exclusive access to factory in china run by apple biggest supplier. it may make you think differently about apple products. ♪ all so stylish. the stores. white packaging. touch screen. all the more touchable since the company that makes them has been shroud entered tantalizing secrecy. about until now. >> this is very first time any reporter from any country has been allowed. >>reporter: dust 43 bunny suit to watch a room filled with massive robot glide around with sheets of i-pad glass. >> look at that. like a scene out of wally. >>reporter: these are future exception and with apple reputation under fire most i wanted in the people. who build the complex xwaj it one tiny piece at a time. as a whole it's a complex process but look at the individuals and you see mostly teenagers from the countryside. 17. 18-year-old far away. very poor homes. >> this is home. >>reporter: live in a dorm with 7 strangers. spend 6 days aweek compete -- completing the same task again and again. fatigue and boredom are common in any factory. but this one is surrounded by suicide horrifying workers jumped from the buildings here in the past few years. suicide rate in this massive company is lower than average in china but after people jumped in such a sobering cluster, there was a counseling center and raised starting wages about 25 cents an hour. i wonder though if it went for the group of suicide that it would take something that severe to rethink how you treated your worker here. >> absolutely. what we are facing a changing much rapid pace than we could have anticipated. we also changing. >>reporter: as fair labor association collects employee grievances on get this, i-pad. we talked to dozens of employe employees on camera and off and most common complaint? low pay. most like him he can't afford to live with own children much less buy one of the product they help build. while she carves thousands of apple logo on the back of i-pad every shift she has never seen a working i-pad. what do you want the people who end up buying this to know but? >> i want them to know me she says. wants to know a lot of effort into the product when they use it please use it with care. abcgqp news, new york. >> inside p certainly tough by american standard but workers say the lives are better because of the factory and alternative are so much worse. when 7 news at 9 continues hear tonight. increasing number of people have a heart attack but the symptoms are not being caught. daily chore of insin rating garbage nawrns political disaster for the american military. what happened top commander plans to do about it. >> nfl player scores big with today return to san francisco neighborhood. stay with us. another half hour of news begins right here in just a ♪ let me get that door for you... [ man ] i loved my first car... sometimes the door gets stuck... oh sure. ooh! [ man ] ...and then, i didn't. um... [ sighs ] [ man ] so, i got a car i can love a really, really long time. [ male announcer ] for the road ahead, the all-new subaru impreza®. ♪ experience love that lasts. >> good evening once again. thanks for joining us. look at the headlines we are following for you. animal rights activist are calling for the resignation tonight of california fish and game commissioner. smiling dan richards was photographed holding a mountainly on he killed on a hunting trip in idaho. he wrings the same disregard for animal rights to his job as game commission president. >> walnut creek resident express their concern over new church sanctuary and complain the 66,000 square foot building is simply too big for the small neighborhood. supporters say 2 third of the building will be underground once and if it is constructed. stanford university think tank says california is looking at more than 135 billion dollars in unfunded pension liabilities. pension spending is the fastest growing cost for local governments. headlines tonight. well a big worry for the american military. all because of what they say was a cultural misunderstanding. it has to do with accidentally burning discarded old copies of the quran. we have the anger and the apology. >>reporter: reaction from afghan was swift, passion in the and violent. hundreds of protestors wailing over the charred pages from dozens of the muslim holy book shouting death to america. and starting fires of their own. but the american damage control was equally swift. within hours of the protest commander of u.s. and international forces general john allen issued a profuse apology. >> there was no intention by any member of our staff to defame the faith of islam or desecrate precious religious materials of this faith. >>reporter: from washington a cascade of statements and apology follow from the secretary of defense, state department and the white house. this began at around 11:00 p.m. last night. u.s. soldiers were replacing older cure an used by detainee because they feared prisoners were secretly communicating through pages. the soldiers put the used quran that an insin ration pit. apparently unaware that it was considered desecration. afghan working on the base saw what was happening and pulled the book from his the flames. the administration is clearly worried about a repeat of last year when the burning of a quran by a florida pastor prompted an attack on a un compound in afghanistan. >> from muslim the quran is the word of god and when muslim see desecrated they see this as attack on islam and they get angry and upset. >>reporter: if one is damaged it's supposed to be placed in a flowing river or buried like thousands are in this sacred cave in pakistan. general allen already ordered training for all military personnel in afghanistan on the proper handling of relimb us material to be completed in the next two two weeks. also expect these apology to keep oncoming. this the is abc news, washington. food and water running dangerously low in the be siege syrian city of homes where shelling pounded rebel stronghold and killed at least 30 people today. about shells reportedly rain down on rebell us district at rate of 10 per minute at one point. red cross call for daily cease fire for a time so it can help wounded. obama administration is watching closely. >> we don't want to take action that would contribute to the further military of syria. because that could take the country down to dangerous path. >> if we can't get assad to yield to the pressure that we are all bringing to bear, we may have to consider other measures. >>reporter: no one in the administration is elaborating on what additional measures might be taken but there are calls to armed rebel and syria seems to slowly deaccepted into an all out civil war. hepatitis c is killing more americans than aids. 15,000 people every year. and national institute of mental health health says that figure could double in the next few years. researchers say most people with hepatitis c die between the ages of 45 and 64 and most of the 3 million estimated to have writ baby boomers who don't know they are infected. hepatitis c is spread by contact with the blood of infected person. it is leading cause of liver transplants. national institute of mental health health also has ground breaking study out tonight about women and heart attacks. abc dr. richard vesser reports, women and even doctors do not recognize the symptoms. fichlt she's not having chest pains. that's the point. >> are you okay. >> i'm fine. >>reporter: american heart association public service message aimed at younger women would could miss the warning signs of heart taichblingt are you okay >> i'm fine. >>reporter: like this it hammers home critical points about women and heart attack. woman less hikely than man to experience that classic warning sign. chest pain. she's less likely than a man to get immediate treatment. and more hikely to die. are you okay. >> yes i'm fine. >>reporter: that's because woman symptoms can be jaw pain. shortness of breath. weakness and fatigue. heavy sweating. nausea. signs easily mistaken by women and their doctors. as indigestion. flu. even stres stress. about mom. i think you are having a heart attack. >> honey. do i look like the type of person who has a heart attack? >>reporter: at age 43 gale lived that p sa. heading to the er after tingling in her arm she was having a heart attack. >> after 4 trips to 2 different hospitals i was trying to weigh in and treat me like i was having mental problems. >> sorry to bother you. i think i might be having a little heart attack. >> for women this is literally something that could s. you knf you find a lump in your breast but may not recognize some of the symptoms of heart attack. but heart attack is more likely to kill than breast cancer. we put the symptoms on our web site and learn them. dr. richard vesser, abc news new york. >>reporter: dr. vesser says women should know the numbers. risk factor like smoking, hi bloop, hi cholesterol and diabetes and family history of heart disease raise the risk of heart attack. >> high price campaign strategy mitt romney uses to knock down his opponent. tonight we'll show you the money. >> about plus command performance by president obama [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver from at&t. get u-verse tv for $25 a month with free hd for six months. at&t. bb÷÷÷ñ@"xf÷&psix months. ÷÷ [ gunfire]. >> spectacular. took a few seconds for decades of history to plunge into the ohio river today. demolition crew imploded 83-year-old bridge connecting ojai with west virginia. engineers discovered serious defect in the structure and officials decided not to repair it because a wider bridge nearby is used. >> one week to go before critical republican primary in michigan but tonight there are interesting new numbers in the the all important money race. after all no, cash, not much of a campaign in that game. mark matthew was what those figures reveal. >> romney locked in a heated battle with santorum. >> rick voted to raise the debt ceiling 5 times without getting compensating reduction in spen spend. >>reporter: he's pounding santorum on the stump. latest finance figure show he's out spending his rival by a huge margin. 18 million dollars. nearly three times more than erased over the same period. >> breaking down washington romney spent you can see most of it went for television and radio advertising. bruce. >> in order to bring newt down and now santorum down he has had to spaend lot of money. >> the strategy is to spend now and knock out potential rival. >> can't hope for it ever to be a love fest. can't expect the kind of enthusiasim that barack obama had in 2008. that's not going to be his candidacy. his candidacy is a bee grunling admit that he's the only alternative left standing. >> but quick look at the republican super pack numbers shows that it may a much longer primary campaign than romney had figured. yes his super pack has raised 6 million dollars but gingrich raised 11 million. gingrich says he's staying in it until the end. if santorum can upset michigan favorite son in next tuesday primary, a lot could change. >> the great opportunity we have to make a huge positive impact, point in american history. >>reporter: the president raised under 12 million in january. add to go what erased for the democratic party it's a little over 29 million. but his own total is just about a third. what erased in january 4 years ago. it's important to remember that 4 years ago senator obama was locked in a pretty expensive primary race with hillary clinton. he needed a lot of money because he was spending a lot. these days he's pretty much bank i. at least for now. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. call it the right stuff. >> what you have to do is about you have a responsibility. >> coming up next. how football player and former san francisco eric wright gives [ male announcer ] what happened when ford owners compared their trucks to a chevy silverado? i can see myself driving in this for hours and hours. i like it. man: i would definitely consider a silverado trade-up from the pick-up truck that i've got right now. [ male announcer ] we dare you to compare your truck to a chevy silverado, the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pick-ups on the road. celebrate president's day. get 0% financing for 60 months on all 2012 silverados. if you trade in an eligible vehicle, get an additional $1,000 trade-in allowance. offer ends february 29th. >> oscar sunday is this weeken weekend. be sure to down load exclusive oscar app for live oscar sunday video from the red carpet and back stage. plus you can join the conversation on twitter by using this the site. at our exclusive web site you fine oscar history. fashion. photo gallery and fascinating oscar facts that you may not know. mick jager and bb king no less help rock the white house tonight and president obama could not have been happier about it. >> one of the things about being president i talked about this before is some nights when you want to go out and just take a walk, clear your head, or jump in a car and just take a drive, you can't do it. secret service won't let you. that's frustrating. but then there are other nights where bb king and mick jager come over to your house to play for a concert. >> ♪ hi everybody let's have some fun. about let the good times roll ♪ let the good times roll. by don't care if you are young or old, get together let the good times roll. >> i know you don't want me to talk. listen to it all night. when the concert ended president couldn't say no. mick jager held out a mike and mr. obama helping out the blue. check this out. >> come on. baby don't you want to go. same old place. good old chicago. >> the concert is part of pbs series performance at the white house. able to see the whole thing. that is good stuff. >> all right let's go back and talk to spencer. he can sing. >> yes he can. looks like he's having fun there. i'm having fun being king of weather. let's look at the time lapse view this afternoon from our high definition sutro camera. looking at the fog coming through the golden gate. more than jaws finger fog there. quite a bit rolled through during the even hours. but tomorrow here in the bay area state wide we are lacking at mainly sunny conditions. with the exception of way up north in eureka a little bit rainy. a little bit dreary up there but rest of the state sunny and mild and mild in the bay area again tomorrow. even milder than today with high pressure in the mid 70's. mid upper snis some inland location tomorrow and here's our accu-weather 7 day forecast even warmer on thursday high pressure in some inland spots will approach 80 degrees. see high near 70 on the coast on thursday. cool down a little bit on friday. a lot moreover the weekend windy and cool dow down. still no rain on the horizon. just nice mild dry unwinter like pattern. for the next 7 days. >> when it rains once again the prince of precipitation. >> i >> thanks very much. >> well off in the news in one san francisco neighborhood focuses on crime. but there are plenty of positive things going on in bay view hunter point and we want to share those. carolyn tyler has the story of ung man raised there who is now an nfl player giving back to the community. >> how are you doing? i'm eric. >> they should get used to seeing him at the y in hunters point. they are the founder of new venture here called the right step mentoring program. >> i think giving back is all a part of the game. what you have to do it's your social responsibility. >>reporter: 26-year-old is a defensive back for the detroit lines but his heart belongs to san francisco. particularly to bay view hunter point. eric wright grew up in this community right around here near third and oak dale. >> i had both my mother and my father in my life. they helped out tremendously throughout the course of my life. obviously. and they got me in a positive direction but you still have to deal with the element outside your own house. >>reporter: writ step program will match teenagers at the y with mentors like college graduate shawn tanner who help them navigate challenges. >> i just let them know education change opportunity that you cap benefit off of. >>reporter: he lend his name, his contacts and resources to offer college tour, guest speakers and other potentially life changing activity. mike is the mentoring coordinator. >> want to support the youth and focus on their strength and support their abilities to be successful and take the right step. >>reporter: perhaps some day be a role model. >> be a cool guy. >> yes i'm cool. >>reporter: his program is still recruiting mentors and has scheduled a kick off celebration april seventh. in san francisco, carolyn tyler abc 7 news. lots of good things happening there. show those when we can. larry is here. they used to say they call polo before yacht racing. >> yes. you need some big cas cash. it's crazy amount of money you have to spend to even get into this thing. big boat are coming to san francisco for the america cup. we talk hundreds of millions of dollar dollars. take a sneak peek at some incredible vessels and dollars. take a sneak peek at some [ male announcer ] and with citibank, it's easy for jay to deposit checks from anywhere. easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> woman: don't forget the yard work! >> o.k. >> announcer: with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. >> nice job, ben. >> announcer: well played, dan. well played. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citiba >> coming up tonight 7 news at 11:00. young man shot the by oakland police. tonight his mother says her son was unarme unarmed. plus 7 news is learning about the man personal connection to oscar grant, bart passenger killed by bart polic police. >> and the new fee and fines being considered by muni. how much parking tickets might cost you if approved. the stories and more coming up in an hour on 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. hope you can join us for that. larry here with all the sports and hockey to talk about. >> not good. not good. shark on 9 game road trip g.o.p. for two week. 2 and a half week. they just can't win any games right now. prove it is possible to be in first place and in a crisis at the very same time. shark continuing this never ending trip. tonight they were crushed in columbus. under siege in the opening period. jeff carter on the power play. 2 nothing jacket. cart her a hat trick tonight. nash shoots and scores 3 nothing. yang in the first period. thomas comes in. didn't do any better. blue jacket pick on the shark like bully in the school yard. if in comes rj. and here we go. come get some. may have motivated the shark trying to rally against the worst team in the west. off the skate and ricochet off thornton. counts. 13 for the year. home to make it 4-2 but san jose would get no closer. they lose 6-3. shark losing streak season high 4 games may have dropped 5 of 6 on this trip. and hot on the shark heel in the west? phoenix coyotes. this score with two and a half minutes left against the king to send that game to over time then the shoot out where they prevail after johnson shoots wide. so phoenix with the victory. now tied with the sharks top the pacific division. we are sneaking up on march madness. naacp tournament few week away. kentucky had a scare at mississippi state. the squad trailing most of the game. got to check out davis. freshman. long arm. and long leg. 6 foot 11. topic in the craft wait to go happen. 3. over davis. and the bull dog led 6 60-fwaechlt kid gill christ misses. stay was it. not denied. another sensational freshman for kentucky. wildcat ahead. davis pits it away. they survive 73-64. open to baseball. giants tim skipped a planned session because of stiffness in the lower back today. giants say not a big deal. jaws precaution. he is going to be okay but injuries they worry were huge deal last season. wilson was hurt pretty much all year. variety of problems including hip and elbow issues. tim says staying healthy this year will be key. >> you know for us last year was we never had a stint where everybody stayed healthy at the right time so injuries were plaguing our season. with that i think everything is kind of hungry to just stay healthy and play ball and win some games. >> hurts to look at sanchez with the shot coming off the field two,000 13 america's cup held in san francisco bay. now 15 months away but the reigning champ working hard in over drive for the 34th cup. mike got a look at the top secret facility day. we got a sneak peek aboard this home base at pier 80 impressive. entire team here to practice on the smaller version of the final product the ac 45. we p competitor might use the photo for the own design. i asked hells map who won the cup for united states in 2010 what are the biggest challenge on the bay. >> everything. there's a tide. the wind. and it's not always apparent which direction to go. which is the most favorable way to go. given that the bay is very small there will be a lot of spectator craft. the boats more physical than ever before just going to be extremely challenging. >>reporter: the actual america cup tri-may ran 72 feet long with two 23 foot mast. over 20 stories. the boats are capable of going three times the speed of the wind. >> 50 or 60 miles an hour. so really have to hold on. >>reporter: tack tition was raised in marin county and learned to sail on the bay which means he's a rippinger. >> we hope to have an advantage from my experience here on san francisco bay but quite honestly the other teams will figure it out and they will get the hang of it. >>reporter: course between the golden gate bridge at treasure island and this san francisco bay. >> san francisco is the perfect arena for it. so it's going to be incredible. >>reporter: pier 27 the place to be in 15 months for the 2013 america's cup. in san francisco, abc 7 sports. >> that's intimidating lacking boat. >> they are big fast and beautiful. >> they are. pretty impressiv impressive. >> and expensive. >> especially that. that's this edition of 7 news at 9:00. for all of us here, thanks so much for watching. appreciate your time and hope to see you again in an hour on 7 news at 11:00. goodbye for now.

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