Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20170720

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workic fast to stop the spread of the quick moving fire. the flames have burned more than 4500 acres and counting. local state and federal crews are continuing to arrive as the blaze travels through the mariposa county foothills. >> all that extra rain brought more fuel for us. >> the governor declared a state of emergency just days after the flames sparked up and quickly exploded inside. thousands of structures are threatened while some have been reduced to rubble. residents are evacuating as the fire inches closer. fire officials say the dry conditions and tough terrain are helping the fire grow. >> the fire's going to be challenging but we have now upgraded in terms of resources. we hope to make more progress today. >> thousands are without power. they say hundreds of power polls are damaged. they briefly lost power on tuesday and many of the power polls that service the park are being threatened. >> we're still seeing intermittent power outage which is to be expected. >> it's prompted road closures north and south of highway. they say the national guard was activated and bringing in more air support to help control the flames. >> they're standing by and will be used if needed. so far there have been eight structures destroyed by the fire and they say that number could go up. abc 7 news. well, thousands of people have been asked to evacuate. abc 7 news reporter has more from colter vill with the story. >> reporter: with flames closing in on two sides, the residents were given an emergency evacuation order. these folks were coming down from a hill top community outside of town. >> prayers for the firefighters and everything up there can be replaced. we can't. >> so what did you grab? >> just my golf clubs, animals, clubs. >> a coffee maker. >> that's about it. >> in colterville a town that's burned several times before. a fact not lost on locales. >> my house has been here since 1849. i think it's a piece of history i need stay and keep wet and try to preserve the best i can. >> chuck murphy told us he has the car packed but no plans to leave. >> reason i'm staying here is i love my community dearly and i'm going to do what i can to see that stays away. >> reporter: and those flames are just showing you those were actually this hill side that we're showing you that burned just a few hours agoe. this is what was left in its wake. total destruction. fortunately no buildings or homes in this area but with this less than 10% contained, cal fire tells me they will give no estimate as to when they will have it contained or controlled. in mare poesau county, abc 7 news. now of course the winds will be a major factor in which direction the fire moves. meteorologist drew tooma. >> close to that fire the temperature is going down, the humidity is going up and right now the current wind direction is out of the north. now a wind direction would actually move the fire away from yosemite but unfortunately would push it closer to mariposa. a very chaotic wind. it's not necessarily breezy. it's the wind direction. it starts out through the north, then it switches to the south and then it moves to the west into tomorrow afternoon. that fire line is going to be jumping arounld everywhere the next 24 hours. it's certainly going to be hard for firefighters to battle. showing you the smoke plume has been pushing off from the north. under that north wind it's pushing some of the smoke to the south and mariposa giving more of the smoke and the plume is very big. an air quality warning is in effect for 400 mile swath of land for smokey skies bringing hard breezy conditions. we'll give you a closer look at the fire. >> abc 7 news where dozens of firefighters, fire agencies answered the call and headed to the fire. 48 firefighters and 10 engines from san jose, mountain view, sunny vale, morgan hill makeup the three stripe teams which includes an office of emergency services unit. they're going to pitch in on the front lines as long as they are needed. we've been keeping you on top of any major wild fire developments. download it for free and enable the push alerts to get any breaking news sent right to your device. it works extremely well. senator john mccain and his family are reviewing his treatment options after doctors diagnose him wit a brain tumor. a statement says he's recovering quote amazingly well after surgery last week. >> reporter: doctors found the tumor when they removed a blood clot. the 80-year-old republican senator seen here last week was diagnosed with having glausomau. it's an aggressive cancer that will require frther treatment, including a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. she said now we live with the anxiety of what comes next. they gave dr. sanjay guptau permission to relay that information publicl on air. >> this is one of those types of tumors that it doesn't have a particularly cure. there's not a type of treatment you can say is going to likely lead to cure. >> reporter: mccain has suffered several bouts of melanoma skin cancer since 1993. mccain's opponent in the 2008 presidential election reacts to the stunning news. tweeting "john mccain is an american hero and one of the bravest fighters i have ever known. cancer doesn't know what it's up against. give it hell, john" and senate colleagues saying this. >> we talked about five minutes. going to be a tough week but he says i've been through worse and we started talking about health care. this disease has never had a more worthy opponent. >> family and friends say mccain is now resting and recovering from the blood clot. abc news new york. now the president sent out a tweet saying milania and i say send our thoughts and prayers to the entire family. get well soon. now let's move on. here in the bay area a search is on after a man was shot to death while pushing his three month old baby in a stroller. you can see the stroller among the bullet markers. the baby was not hurt and is now in protective custody. the shooting happened at meekland avenue in the area known as cherryland. they say the gunman may have targeted his victim. >> we believe he is the fath orof the child. moving forward we're concerned about threats to that family so right now we're going to keep all that confidential. >> they're now talking to people in the neighborhood trying to get surveillance from neighbors as well. rescue crews have called off the search from a boater who is a beloved fixture. charles tom friend worked as an oyster farmer for 28 years. he vanished yesterday afternoon after dropping off other boaters. today the coast guard and murin county fire crews searched for him again as did crews from other oyster companies. they did not find himp sadly. they say he was universally loved by everyone in that tight knit community. >> he's been growing oysters out there for decades. he's a beloved member of the community. he was a tough old bird. >> today sheriff's deputies are looking for information to try to explain exactly what happened to him. a huge apartment fire in walnut creek was scary but not a surprise for neighbors who lived nearby. they say the woman and her boyfriend who were renting this unit have caused problems ever since they moved in last fall. neighbors described domestic violence, dog bites, erratic behavior and many visits frump the police. >> it's like telling people not to snitch. using racial slurs, just not okay. >> it's been a very hard burden to have to go this road with them because whatever's happened to them is happening to our community. >> the property manager says the tenants had been evicted hour busine -- hours before the fire started and the cause is unknown. still under investigation. a total of five units were destroyed by flames, smoke, or water. coming up next the frightening robbery in an east bay mall. what police are now looking for. an what you need to know about the san francisco marathon if you're driving into the city this weekend and antioch police are looking for four men who snatch and grab jewelry from a store inside an antioch mall. they attacked a clerk with pepper spray, then stole high priced jewelry from inside. abc 7 news reporter is on the story. >> and they walk in and disable him by using the pepper spray and then they start -- >> reporter: antioch police respawned around 11:00 a.m. inside ron's jewelry store. they say four male robbers attacked the clerk with pepper spray. >> they were targeting certain show cases which had valuable items. looks like a pretty planned thing. >> reporter: the men got away with trays of expensive jewelry and last seen running to a silver infinity sedan. they're looking to see if it captured anything but so far it doesn't appear to have any images of the crime. >> i mean somebody else around 11:00 in the morning. >> the store employee was pretty rattled by what happened. he says it's the first time in 25 years anything like this has ever happened. >> three women are wanted in the theft of thousands of dollars of jewelry in the north bay dress store. they released these picture ochz who they're looking for. they say last wednesday two women distracted the clerk at mexico while a third woman took jewelry worth more than $8,000. police are looking for tips to help find these women. there will be a major change for this year's run thoofg san francisco marathon. this sunday drivers will face numerous road closures before, during and after the marathon which begins at 5:30 a.m. this shows you the route the race will take where runners will go around the northern half of the city. for the first time ever all northbound traffic will be closed on the golden gate bridge. it lasts until 9:00 a.m. this decision was made to close the lanes as a security measumeasure. they don't want that happening here, obviously. southbound traffic will not be effected. but what kind of weather will it be to run the marathon? are you trained? you ready to go? >> clear skies, likely the fog will not be with us in the early morning hours. live doppler 7 showing you a quiet picture out there. live look from our tower camera showing you great visibility out there. some coastal clouds will build back in but it won't be a very thick marine layer. you look at our forecast features. slightly cooler in terms of temperatures tomorrow. a it allal bit below normal. that's a one-hit wonder. because on friday we're warming right back up and that will lead to a warm to hot weekend. current numbers out there right now 50s and 60s the name of the game. we're down to 56 in san francisco. 65 in san jose. about 78 degrees. so here's the call. really patchy cloud cover along the coast. but 99% of the region dealing with mainly clear skies, plenty of stars and most spots will hold in the 50s over the next 24 hours or so. your day planner really minimal areas of fog 7:00 in the morning. a lot of -- we're calling it bright and breezy. you can see those temperatures in terms of july standard really comfortable this time of the year. a little breezy along the coast. 65 in san francisco. go to 70 in oakland. a really comfortable 79 tomorrow afternoon. warmer inland but still very comfortable for this time of the year. 85 in santa rosa and vallejo up to the 77 degrees. early morning patchy fog. most spots we'll see tons of sunshine in the afternoon. a minimal spot along the san mateo coastline. your current ocean temperature holding ste you into the future on friday, temperatures go back to reality. very typical values like 60s and 70s along the bay. our warmest spots inland getting into the low 90s. the hot weather really returns to start off the weekend on saturday. very close to that century mark if not hitting 100 degrees. warm in the north bay into the 90s. cloverdale above that 100 degree mark. 60s, 70s and 80s around the bay waters. temperatures are cooling off rather rapidly along the coastline. plan the next seven days for you. tomorrow a little cooler. feeling really nice if you don't like the heat. warming up on friday and we really warm up on saturday. there's the 100 degree inland. minor cooling and back to a more typical pattern monday, tuesday and little change. >> saturday pf's 100. thanks, drew. well, they call her hurricane hawken. the incredible story of orunner 101 years young celebrating a new world record. a symphony of hand saws and wood chippers ushered in a new era in san francisco today. crews from the department of public works were busy trimming trees thanks to a voter approved plan. they will now begin caring for an estimated 125,000 street trees. superintendent of urban forestry broke out her trademark tree costume. she believes it could lead to even more tree planting in the city. >> but there's lot of money out there that in the past we haven't sought after because we wanted to be responsible and only plant what we could take care of. now that we have the resources to take care of the trees, we're going to work with our partners to find more money to plant trees as well. >> the measure sets aside money for tree maintenance. a representative for orange county congressman is defending a question about mars. his boss posed to a nasa panel. >> you have indicated that mars was totally different thousands of years ago. is it possible that there was a civilization on mars thousands of years ago? >> well, social media is not being kind since he asked the question yesterday. they took the question in stride saying evidence shows mars was different billions of years ago but there's never been sign of a civilization there. today said the congressman was merely asking a question he gets all the time from constituents. saying quote it's parent that many of those covering it did not hear the wink in his voice. all right. this is an amazing story. a runner who started training at 81 years of age has set a new world record. julia hawkins is now 101 years old. she's known in her home town of baton rouge as hurricane hawkins. she set a world record last weekend by completes the con00 meter dash. she competed against people 20 years her junior. hawkins said her inspiration is her late husband because making him happy makes her happy. >> i broke a record and that was nice. i i did it. fwrrs i did it. >> oh, yes she did. she said she's always been competitive and she likes to win. president trump has harsh words for republican law makers. can coming up his latest attempt to repeal and replace the affordable care act and the one senator he targeted. plus reveals topics of discussion with russia's president. also o.j. simpson takes a bid for freedom tomorrow. the case he will plead to the parole board and his s who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades noo text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand... ...and get $3 off your first order live where you live. >> president trump scolded republicans today for their failure to agree on a health care repeal and replace bill. he told republican senators they should not leave for the august break until they get it done. mary bruce is on capitol hill where those law makers met tonight. >> first the president said he wanted to repeal and replace. then when republicans blindsided him, he said just repeal. then it was just let obamacare fail. and today at the white house a new order to go back to repeal and replace. >> it was a signature promise he made repeatedly on the campaign trail. >> we're going to repeal and repras obamacare. >> then as president elect, he promised to do it quickly. and today he told senators they should not leave town until they get it done. >> we should repeal and replace and we shouldn't leave town until this is complete until this bill is on my desk. >> the president reminding republicans sitting there that they voted more than 60 times to repeal all or part of obamacare while obama was in office. >> i'm sitting in that office. i have pen in hand. you never had that before. for seven years you had an easy route. we'll repeal, we'll replace and he's never going to sign it. but i'm signing it so it's a little bit different. >> the president making a veiled threat against one of the senators who signalled he might bail sitting right next to him. >> look, he wants to remain a senator, doesn't he? >> reporter: meanwhile, back on the hill protesters swarmed the capitol making clear what's at stake for republicans. tonight republican leader mitch mcconnell is push ahead. he says the senate will still move on a vote to repeal obamacare. >> no replace with are epeal. whatever part of the process is, i'm not moving forward. >> president trump told the new york times that he never would have appointed jeff sessions had he known he would recuse himpself from over seeing the russia investigation. trump makes that extraordinary statement during an interview today. he told the times that sessions' decision to recuse himself was quote very unfair to the president. mr. trump also talked about a conversation he had with russian president vladimir putin. the president says the brief conversation consisted of pleasantries but says the two also discussed adoption. that is the same topic donald trump jr., his son, said he dus cussed with a russian lawyer that has drawn so much criticism. meanwhile, the son in law will speak about that meeting on monday. donald trump jr. and former campaign manager will testify on wednesday. an emotional protest over donald trump's border wall came to a peaceful end today in oakland. they targeted the home of a construction company owner. they claim they registered on a federal website for contractors interested in building the border wall. after building their own protest wall, the demonstrators went to talk to the owner of cpm logistics. she said they registered but never planned to actually submit a bid. >> we're interested to see how this border wall would come out. we never had any intention on working on it. >> they had no intention of submitting a bid for this contract and they also signed a petition and took the pledge to not pursue any future bids. >> after obtaining the pledge from cpm, protesters say they will turn their attention to other bay area firms they think are working on the border wall president trump is proposing. a blow on the travel ban. the justicess rejected the president pfsz bid to bar entry to some people with family members already in the country. the ruling means the government must accept pealal with grandparents and other relatives in the u.s. from six majority muslim nations. it did give president trump a partial win and granted the request to more strictly enforce its ban on refugees, at least until the ninth circuit rules. a tragic turn of events during a trip of a lifetime has left a california family trying to cope with the unimaginable. his family is praying for him to survive and struggling to get him back home. abc 7 news reporter chris nguyen has their plea for help. >> that diocese of monterey some are saying the prayer for a local family. >> when we received the news, we were in shock. >> they travelled to italy earlier this month for their 43rd anniversary. it was supposed to be a vacation of a lifetime. a chance for them to see their daughter, son in law and five grandchildren who now live overseas as a military family. but tragedy would come during a trip to the swimming pool. >> every day when we think maybe we're getting closer to getting out of it we find no we're going deeper in. >> she suffered a medical emergency and nearly drown. he now lies in a vegetative state. tests and scans indicate he has suffered major brain damage. >> i know he will be here with me in the spirit and that's what i look forward to still sharing that with him. i love him and his family and i miss him deeply. >> they say italian officials won't release him until they can secure a transported back to monterey. born and raised on the monterey peninsula, he spent 30 years as a teacher, mostly at the consistenter garten levels. they're trying to raise the funds to broing home the man they say has left a lasting legacy. >> this could have happened to anyone. the tragic accident can happen like this and you don't expect it. >> a family heart broken but holding out hope. new information out tonight reveal as. man woman's final moments. authorities released transcripts of two 911 calls. and the first the 40-year-old tell as dispatcher she can hear a woman screaming afraid it might a rape and she called back asking when police officers would arrive. 15 minutes later she was dead. shot and killed by minneapolis police officer. >> the greatest concern is for the individual seeing damon and for her family that have suffered this loss. >> officer muhammad nuir is still refusing to speak about why heat spoke him. there was laud boom right before the the shooting happened. tomorrow o.j. simpson could get paroles after nine years in prison. those who support his release include one of the men he's convicted of robbing. >> reporter: after nine years at lock up in nevada, o.j. simpson is headed to the fateful parole hearing with a ace up his sleeve. the man he's robbed. saying he'll testify on behalf of the nfl hall of famer. that heist got him a 33 year sentence. >> i thought i was retrieving my property. so i'm sorry. >> former prison guard chatted with simpson regularly during his first years in prison. >> to tell you the truth he was just like anybody else oin the yard. he was never disrespectful. >> and that's the case simpson will try to plead and it all happened through that little blue door there. that patrol board will consider the potential risk he poses to society should he be released. he needs a majority to be granted freedom but given his age, the support of his victim and the clean prison record it is likely he will be paroled but that can't happen until at least october 1st. abc news will carry the parole hearing live in a smelsh report on channel 7 and on the abc 7 news app and abc 7 well, coming up next what could be the coolest thing we've seen in a long time. the technology behind this soft robot. what in the world? stay with us. they freed a badly tangled hump back whale. bh wh the team got there it was struggling to breathe. the animal had two fishing lines running through its mouth. at least six fishing buoys and fishing anchors pulling its tail straight down. in really bad shape. it took them nearly eight hours to free the animal. once freed t circled the rescuers boat before swimming away. a whale expert says he expects the whale to survive. it was the seventh instance of hump backs getting caught off the west coast. on to our next story. you'll either find this creepy or koolg. mecantle engineers have created a robot that can grow like a vine. university released this video. the robot is soft, can squeeze into tight places and expand when neededtop it can pull things along with it. it can form itself into shapes. it's bazar. this robot prototype is power bood iair. we'll let professor of mechanical engineering explain how it works. >> it's called eversion. so it basically turns inside out as the material emitts from the tips. by doing so we allow more material to be fed through the center and that allows us to grow to very long lengths. >> researchers say this robot is great for difficult spacesike searching collapsed places for people and could be used as a medical device inside the human body. just wild, isn't it? and meteorologist drew tooma is staying -- and whether it's high cost will raise water rates and if there are plans are being considered for an 11th reservoir to serve nearly 2 million water customers in the santa clara valley along highway 152 along the san luis reservoir. it would be the first new vez voer to be built in decades in fact. here's david louie. >> this is where the proposed reservoir and dam would be built. the 12,000 acrer site is for sale for $21 million and they think adding an 11th reservoir is a good way to guard against droughts. >> if we do have to cutback, it's not as seve so we would have rationing or calls for rationing at much smaller level than 20 or 30% if we had better supplies. >> reporter: the reservoir could supply 650,000 people with water for a year. they're trying to meet a deadline to help tour the estimated $800 million cost. >> there is no better time than right now with the opportunity of proposition and in terms of understanding what the needs of a county to move forward for the future generations of the county. >> reporter: this 11th one could have the capacity of the five largest existing reservoirs combined. its foot print would be half the size of san francisco. the sacramento based planning league believes it could be less costly such as use of a reservoir, more conservation and using recycled water. >> without that type of research and analysis before you acquire a property or start this process, you potentially are -- and they haven't done that yet. >> a decision is not expected until spring. >> one last time. meteorologist drew tooma is here. >> we're tracking a nice day. little bit below norm before heat returns. a few coastal clouds out there. we'll see temperatures dropping to the 50s. about 57 oak pdland. you're going to enjoy it if you don't like the heat. 79, san jose, and about 86 that number in antioch. here we go. slightly cooler tomorrow and then we cool up, especially over the weekend. hot again as the summer heat takes hold and cool off by early next week. >> very nice. sports director larry beale is here with a name out of nowhere. >> this is a blast from the not too distant past. pandemonium. could pablo sandoval, the (male announcer) are you ready to take the scenic route? then you belong at bass pro shops for freedom days. with clearance savings of 20 to 40% on select shorts and shirts. and save $50 on this eclipse speed frame tent. 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take a 3-1 lead on that. here it comes and there it goes splash down to mccovey cove. love the kayaker diving in for a souvenir. 4-2 indians in the 8th. they rally with conor gillespie and that goes right through the legs of santana. two batters later. buster posey had the day off until the clutch pinch hit was needed. giants up 4-3. hand it off to sam dicen to close. bases loaded for ramirez. and the final out, the giants win it 5-4. bruce bochy. kind of baseball royalty on his thrown after the game. >> yes, it's comfortable. no, it's going to be a fun night tonight, "game of thrones." so we're having a little fun with the chair today but great game today. these last two games -- it's the kind of magic we used to have so it's good to re-create that and find a couple nice wins here. >> sunny gray may have made his final start as a member of the a's. winning his third straight as the a's beat the rays. the trade deadline's coming up at the end of the month. wilson ramos going to drive this ball opposite field off the wall. evan long oria scores. 1-0 rays. 2-0 in the fifth. this is a really weird play. deep to right. ball hits the foul line, which means it's fair. thrown out at the plate but it was ruled a ground rule double. so the play is dead right there. the run scores after a sack fly to two. davis in. 3-2 a's. yonder alonzo. 4-run out for the athletics and they lead 4-2. allowed just two runs and here gets out of a jam. a's win 7-2 in perhaps the last time we see sonny gray in the green and gold. the warriors have come up with a unique plan to find the new billion dollar arena in san francisco. a little bit like a personal seat license but you get your money back at the end. the chase center under construction in mission bay. 15 grand per ticket. so that ges you the rights to buy the tickets. the new twist is in 30 years you would get a full refund from the warriors. they say they're the first team with this new refundable plan. >> the first time in professional sports warrior season ticket holders will know with certainty at the end of the membership term what they have spent is fully refundable. that's complooetly unique. >> the summer of beast mode continues. he just saved an emory vill restaurant by buying it. and his family church foundation has been working with kids all summer. if you check out the top selling jerseys provided by nfl shop, looks like beast mode could win the electoral college. even has alaska and hawaii on his side. the blue states are split between tom brady and dak prescott. beast mode in 2020. >> thanks, larry. panda, that's funny news. interesting. coming up on abc 7 news at 11:00, we're staying on top of that breaking news in mariposa county. our laura anthony is there and will bring us a eare port from the fire lines. join us over on channel 7. that's all for now. we appreciate your time. we'll see you agone in one hour on channel 7. narrator: today on corrupt crimes... a gunman goes on a terrifying killing spree cavalluzzi: he pumps two or three bullets into each person. and they drop to the floor one after another. it's absolutely sickening.

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