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Victims were all innocent by standers, the 65yearold woman was identified tonight as shi woo and she was well known tonight it happened at 10 30 at ocean view neighborhood at plymouth and broad street. Has become a hot spot for gunfire. Today at 10 40 in the morning we go the report of shots fired. I thought it was a cherry bomb went pow, pow, pow. The police found a 65yearold woman and two men shot. The woman died. One of the men is a contractor who worked for a cleaning company doing work for muni. The second hand man was walking home from the corner store his exwife identified only as katrina was in contact with him. I know it was a flesh wound went in and came out didnt hit nothing vital so hes okay. The shell casings suggest at least eleven rounds were fired. Witnesses say one car was involved. Police would not say if the shooters were targeting anyone. We are definitely looking for one possibly multiple. This intersection is notorious for the number of shootings, four since last november. We had two in november latest january 20th and then this one today so this intersection continues to be a concern for us as a Police Department and more importantly a community. Neighbors say the young men near by are often targeted. Its outside neighborhoods who come here to commit these violences something needs to be you done because our children and families we dont deserve this at all. They are going to step up enforcement in the area abc 7 news. A 50 foot long chunk has rip add part on the red wood road between Castro Valley and oakland. Our reporter with more. Reporter these k rails likely be here a while as this section of redwood road between Castro Valley and oakland could be closed for months. What were doing is setting up a hard road closure so redwood between oakland and Castro Valley will be closed for through traffic at this section. Reporter the issue 50foot section of roadway that collapsed earlier that began showing signs failure six weeks ago. The rains may be dwindling but the grounds keep moving. Those cutting through from castro and more agoa and favorite for cyclists. Theres a lot of roads that lok like they will tumble off theres two sections that clearly look like they are about to tumble and they havent in a year which doesnt mean they wont tomorrow. This sinkhole is latest example of what public works crews have been dealing with all over the bay area is this winter one that saw record rains in many areas here on redwood road would be a nogo for a while. On the weekends this is a popular route so will have to pick an alternative route along with the commuters. The first sign there was a problem came in late february in this area were showing you now was basically a land slide that began to take the road away with it, were told at this point earliest estimates before this is repaired and reopened maybe two to three months could be as long as six months. Near Castro Valley abc 7 news. Thats just one of the many crumbling roads state wide it help fix them Governor Brown and state democrats want to raise 5 billion over the next ten years to do that gasoline excise taxes up 12 cents andr the registratin fees would go up. For a long time state is not going what it has to do. This is a common sense measure. Even in washington theyre talking a trillion in roads and public infrastructure. The governor will be in concord tomorrow to discuss his package. If your car is less than 5,000 you would pay 25. If it is worth more than 60,000 you pay additional 175. A potential powder cake has been disfused over how the water agency handled last flood meeting. Three hour meeting ended with two sides agreeing on some issues not others. Reporter sometimes it takes a face to face meeting to iron out differences and tensions between mayor and Water District board chair eased as Board Director put last months flood in perspective. We should seek constituents we care more than anything about them so we are on the same page with you. Reporter however san joses mayor remains addiment that the water meter shared bad data how coyote creek would rise telling the board based on its data no evacuation was ordered. My concern is if we do not acknowledge that this information was flawed or that theres improvements that need to be made were doomed to repeat this debacle. The Evacuation Order caught residents surprised as they woke up with cars submerged and only small path to dry land. The water faces issue zbrz we have potential lawsuits its certainly a concern. And lawsuit judgments increase cost for all water consumers. In san Jose David Louie abc 7 news. Former Hayward Police sergeant sentenced to six years in state prison earlier was convicted michael beil of nine felony charges of grand theft found cheating former informant half Million Dollars was a prostitute who was mentally ill. Gilbert returns to course may 10th for restitution hearing. Coroner may need dna to identify victims of a fire at mead avenue. Relatives continual to grief. It hurt. Reporter johnson still a newy wed lost the one person he calls his heart. I cant get her back so im devastated. Reporter he married cassandra in december 2016. Beautiful woman. Two beautiful kids. She was a great ball of joy to be around, great cook. Reporter surnlded by his surrounded his brothers he came here to grief. I will never be able to recover from this. Reporter he say. Said the dog is dead shes trapped and too much smoke she cant get out. More than 85 residents slept here last night. The city is working with red cross and other agencies to find permanent housing for these people. A lot of frustration people getting edgy and antsy. Gill gill complained about the condition many times to the owner. He could have prevented this to an extent thats one of the reasons andre is sharing his story. What do we do about the buildings that are run down what do you do about the People Living in them put them somewhere else . Officials are still investigating what caused the fire abc 7 news ehe said it is coming and now its happening. Home earns in this sinking skyscraper are suing to get the building fixed. Why this laufs lawsuit could get it done. And well have the forecast. And flight it is breezy outside and only going to get windier tomorrow. Ill show you other changes straight ahead. And a livestream your favorite sport at the airport. Binge dvrd shows while painting your toes. On demand laughs during long bubble baths. Tv everywhere is awesome. The allnew Xfinity Stream app. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Our goal is to recover all of the funds that are necessary to fix this building and fix it once and for all. Another lawsuit was filed today over the sinking mellen yum tower the most rnt positive millennium tower, the tallest residential building in San Francisco on mission and freemont streets. Sunk 16 inches since it opened in 2009 and is tilting 2 inches. We explain why this latest legal move is so important. Who knew what and when and why didnt they tell the home owners . Thats what the homeners association wants to find out through their lawsuit they are selling the Millennium Partners and everyone else who built the high rise that has sunk 16 inches and tilted north west. You saw the golf ball rolling down the unit. Others have filed lawsuit but under the law the Home Owners Association lawsuit is the only one that can address the structural issues of the building. Our goal is to recover all of the funds that are necessary to fix this building and fix it once and for all. The hoa is also suing transit Bay Authority building a huge complex next to the towers, its the same decision theyre making that the towers ground level dropped by a staggering 20 feet when they built an underground wall between the high rise and the sielt. Whatever the cause of the shifting the home owners board stead has been difficult for the 1,000 residents. They feel something has been fak taken away from them. We went them to have the value that they want. The group through the lawsuit wants to send another message that this cannot happen again. Abc 7 news. The developer issued a statement saying the hoa board is shifting gears to a disrupting strategy that leaves no choice but to defend against false claims. The San Francisco career board chose career educator to serve as next surperintendentsus a native of the city, previously served as superintendent in Oakland School district. Might be the biggestay of the year for one the biggest restaurants of the world. You think its a baseball first kind of place. But not today. This is a deal about getting our name out there. Never under estimate the San Francisco giants when it comes to marketing, hence whats become a bay area annual tradition price declaimer. 9. 50 multiply by 6 and get a whole pizza. Or bankrupt. Not here. We get it its not the cheapest place to eat but we think the food offerings are really fun. This is the Natural Evolution of ball park food in a culinary city. Wouldnt say they were a risk but we took a chance on garlic fries they are now the leading sellers now can add popcorn shrimping and organic chicken from a Company Called the org organorga organic coupe. Its a branding play. Why not with 3. 3 million customers guaranteed through the spring, summer and fall, you want a big League Product tie it to a Big League Team and after today over eat evinen media wit traced of indigestion. Nice day to go to the ball park. Gorgeous out there. Almost perfect not too hot or warm just great. Thats right the temperatures in the low to upper 70s. Absolutely Beautiful Day as we look at live doppler 7 well check whats happening from that perspective its going to be changing so do expect those changes. As we head into tomorrow. Clouds are beginning to increase from north to soichblg. South. Were going to see potential for damp roadways tomorrow morning. South. Were going to see potential for damp roadways tomorrow morning. Heres a look at the system sliding south ward do expect a few sprinklers. We have beach hazard statement extended until 3 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning north facing beaches sneaker waves and current waves eight feet. Visibility good. Temperatures 55 in San Francisco. In the 50s and 60s from san jose to gilroy. This afternoon the coast in the low 60s. Were watching low clouds ahead of the next system. 63 in concord. Live look looking towards castro. You see the flag swaying in the wind. It is breezily. Its that time of year. We do expect windy conditions. Increasing clouds. Sprinklers overnight. Cooler and windier tomorrow and warming back up in time for weekend plans. I want to show a wind advisory issued for tomorrow and friday in effect for the hills midnight thursday through 12 00 friday for the San Francisco and the coast line area about 12 00 to 8 00 p. M. Tomorrow. Heres whats going to happen, wind will increase gusting 40 to 50 miles an hour at times that has a potential for taking down trees and power lines during this time period. 3 00 thursday wind gusts close to 30 passing along the coast by thursday evening and wind will be howling 34 miles an hour at the coast tomorrow night. Going into friday evening still have gusty winds primarily coast and over the hills and that will keep it choppy along the coast line as well. As far as your system is concerned its not a big system right now looking like a few light showers or sprinkles between 2 00 to 6 00 a. M. Look at this forecast this is when the commute begins by 5 00 or 6 00 you notice the showers will be diminishing. Slick roadways tomorrows commute. Tomorrow night morning upper 40s to mid 50s. Afternoon getting windier. Low to upper 60s and a cooler day. 7day forecast. Morning drops. Breezy and blue for friday. Warmer conditions. In time for the weekend. Mid to upper 70s inland and slight drop in temperatures on monday and recovering on tuesday and few show you ires on wednesday. Up next the president has a new phone. And yes hes using it to if you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. Thats why theres biotene. And biotene also comes in a handy spray. So you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. Biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. A drug designed to fight multiple sclerosis which we first told you about two weeks ago has now been approved by fda, this makes this drug ever approved for primary progressive ms. Doctor houdser over seen testing of the drug. The patients will need two intervenious doses without insurance will cost 65,000 annually. Tonight lyft offering new way to get to and from work with shuttle service, being tested in San Francisco and chicago. Right now hasnt announced the pricing scale but the company says will not surge price its shuttle routes. President trump n uses an iphone despite once calling for apple boycott for years tweeted was vulnerable to hackers and spies, social media says president has been using his new iphone past couple weeks here on twitter quote us four five reading and tweeting. Last year the Company Refused unlock the iphone involved in the San Bernardino shooting. Up next, who gave clearance for the visit at the white. Also shes not as provac ative as mileo. Now a visit by vo want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase . At enterprise, we guarantee it. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Change your thinking about buying your next one. Tomorrows the day besides video games. Every day is a gift. Especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto. A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Aouncer live where you live this is abc 7 news. We begin this half hour with mixted signals from the white house. After last weeks disastrous failure of Health Care Reform President Trump said there will be a deal that will happen quickly. But white president secretary said the president was joking. Tonight even some republicans are losing patients with the man running the investigation for russian interference of the election. Do you think he cant run an impartial investigation. I really do. Now looking for the senate to lead the charge. Seems the issue is polarized in the house. House Committee Chairman devin nunes who wos an the Trump Transition Team came under fire on information he uncovered and we learned the day before he had a secret meeting with a source on white grounds. Still not going to share your source. Ive answered these questions over and over and will continue to do that theres nothing to report. On monday sean spicer looking into who that was and today still didnt know. No i dont have anything further on that. On gma even one of the president s closest allies is criticizing nunes. Do you think nunes should recuse himself. Thats a very personal decision for nunes. You dont have no problem with his mystery meeting on white grounds. Wouldnt be the one i have done things whether or not he has to recuse himself is a personal decision he has to make on his own. Nunes himself is pointing the finger across the aisle. With his House Committee stalled tonight the senate is plowing ahead with its russia investigation with leaders eager to show a united front. I have confidence that we together with the members of our committee will get to the bottom of this. If you get nothing else from today take that statement to the bank. They made clear to distance themselves from the embattled house inquiry. [ inaudible question ]. He usually knows my sources before i two. And ive also got his cellphone. When we caught up with nunes he said his committee doesnt play by those rules. They have each others cellphone numbers. I would question thats the case. Doesnt apply to your committee though. No thank you. Thank you. Now despite the president s claim that the russia story is a hoax the republican chairman insist will take wherever intelligence takes them and this investigation is just Getting Started already reached out to 20 witnesses including Jared Kushner the president s soninlaw. Abc 7 news. Free speech on campus of uc berkeley will be put to the test again next month. Conservative author anne culter scheduled to speak remember last month had to cancel the speech, we look what could be different. One thing could do differently was to partner with a nonpartisan campus group bridge cal to focus on il little immigration. We thought it wasim pear ative to bring someone most americans believe right now. After the milo event a lot of people were saying it was hate speech well now its a professional atmosphere and we expect students and faculty to take it professionally zblx m e mile. The milo event had cancelled that speech because some of the protesters outside turned violent. This left wing activities says protects is the only way to be heard. So anne culter famous tv, radio newspaper columnists has aqui to mass media. Students ask questions and another speaker will take opposing view at a late event. University says she free to appear after details have been worked out. Milo who is gay td me he is all for it in a text message that says good on them that makes two fabulous conservative queens. I will be sure to return to berkeley myself soon. The response from the berkeley Police Department there isnt one since they found out about this this morning abc 7 news. Box bill bill owe right nle about comments he made about jane waters. I didnt hear a word she said i was looking at the james brown wig. Its the same one. Says earnhard tried to defend waters, says waters was critic at of those defending trump saying criticism was from love of country owe riley calling his comments done but for many the damage was already done. Speaking in San Francisco Hillary Clinton blasted his words. One of your own congress wembley waters was taunted with a racist joke about her hair. Im a strong black woma i cannot be intimidated. I cannot be under mind i cannot be thought do be a friend of bill o riley or anybody. Dont allow these right wing talking heads, these dishonorable people to intimidate you or scare you, be who you are, do what you do and let us get on with discussing the 78yearold has become one of the harshest critics of President Trump has openly called for his impeachment. On capital hill gunfire send tourists running and a car slammed into a police cruiser. The driver taken into custody. Our reporter on capital hill. Reporter here this important that the capital was under attack. A suspicious driver heading towards it police. Happened when a an aggressive driver nearly hit ped eastern and nearly hit a cruiser. It was all over in seconds. Authorities arresting 20yearold Talia Everett sources telling abc 7 news she has history of mental illness. Authorities have seen a pattern of unstable people engaging in acts of violence near washington landmarks. Another innocecident other woma 2013 rammed a white gate and shot dead after being chase bid police. The suspect has been charged with seven counts of assault on a police officer. Abc 7 news. Days before slamming president obamas regulations reached out to the white house encouraging him to support the agreement as effective way to deal with Climate Change ex on said it is well prepared to compete for the deal. During the campaign President Trump called the Climate Change a hoax but later said he would keep an open mind. Theres one doctor you could call any time of the day or night and will never have to wait on hold. Abc 7 News Reporter Jonathan Bloom has the new app that gives alexa knowledge of thousands of doctors. Alexa ask doctor ai. Reporter yes ai as in artificialintelligence. I have been trained by thousands of doctors but still dont have any medical degree. Reporter health tap was launched three years ago with doctors. Im heidi jones family medicine. Reporter those doctors have build an of a massive set of anonymous data to train ai. More than a million times people go to google to put symptoms in the box but its a Search Engine. Reporter unlike a Search Engine ai narrows down to find out whats wrong. What other symptom. Sore throat. Any other symptoms. No. Reporter business. Reporter perfect for biusy parents or for seniors. Reporter she likes her experience as an early test user. Stuffy nose. You said stuffyness. Reporter dr. Ai get smarter every day as more people use it. Something else is happening its also becoming more compassionate. We saw last night how we saw how alexa is pronouncing certain things. Reporter and inserting humor where appropriate. Starting to feel like youre talking something closer to a human. It is sometimes called jumpers knee. May be a charge of 44. Reporter some health plans are already picking up the pfee hi doctor thank you for calling. Reporter in palo alto abc 7 ne livestream your favorite sport at the airport. Binge dvrd shows while painting your toes. On demand laughs during long bubble baths. Tv everywhere is awesome. The allnew Xfinity Stream app. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Hes a nascar champion whos shes a worldclass swimmer whos stared down the best in her sport. But for both of them, the most challenging opponent was. Pe blood clots in my lung. It was really scary. A dvt in my leg. I had to learn all i could to help protect myself. My doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®. To help keep me protected. Xarelto® is a latestgeneration blood thinner. Thats proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical studies, almost 98 of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. Heres how xarelto works. Xarelto® works differently. Warfarin interferes with at least six bloodclotting factors. Xarelto® is selective. Targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your bodys natural bloodclotting function. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. While taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. It may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If youve had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or musclerelated signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Youve got to learn all you can. To help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. Talk to your doctor about xarelto®. Theres more to know. Then you belong at Bass Pro Shops for huge savings during our dog days sale. Like a 3pack of playhound dog toys for under 10. And redhead mens rock bridge shorts starting at under 20. Just over a week ago former 49er star dwight clark revealed he has als, lou gehrigs disease robbing people eventually to move, speak, swallow and ultimately breathe. But in stanford developing a remarkable technology. Allowing them to harness their brain waives to do what their arms and legs used to. The woman in this Research Video is a prisoner of als but the disease thats paralyzed much of her body has not touched her mind and using just the power of her mind is putting thoughts into words with help of Experimental Technology a braincomputer interface called braingate. So this is a tiny sensor we insert into the outer layers of the brain. A surgical implanted sensor captures sensors and cable feeds to a decoding system which is a product of decades of research. Were beginning to understand the language of the brain what those patterns of neural activity look like and how they translate into movement. Patients concentrate on moving the cursor by imagining their using a mouse, the sensor in the part of the brain that would control hand movement. In the first few sessions they are already moving the cursors. World tame famous Stephen Hawkings has als they cannot Relay Communications from the brain. Some technologies use cameras to type with their eyes by blinking when they reach the letter they want. Researchers say streeaming straight from the brain can be much faster. Our research is working towards these wireless able to use 24 7 without technician intervention. Theres caution that theres still several years of work ahead before braincomputer interface could be available but he envisions a day patients control typing, robotic limbs and possibly sin thezize speech with the power of their own brain waves. Amazing. Well is the vo shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood. All with worryfree ownership. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Shift your thinking about buying your next one. Little origin revealed first images of usable space capsule the company is set to take tours into space next year the capsule roomy interior will fit six travellers with views with the largest windows in space. Will be able to sit or float in the not wireless, weightless environment 62,000 miles above the planet. Test flights expected to begin this year. Blue origin has not announced a price just yet. Wont be cheap im not going first. And im not going with weather like this. Thats right its absolutely fantastic but changing tomorrow. Live doppler 7 showing a view what it looks like. Were tracking clouds, rain is up to the north and well see changing. Thursday expect winds to pick up. Sun will be out for the afternoon. Cooler day with temperatures low to upper 60s. For the evening hours going to the bay bridge, a asgiants grab a jacket mid to upper 50s but will be dry. Oakland 65 degrees. Friday and saturday will warm you up in the 70s and temperatures drop again still above average, cooler and windier with morning sprinklers with temperature back to the 60s and 70s for the weekend and track possibility of few showers every time we get closer we pull out the possibility of showers. Nice to have a break. It is. On to sports. We have the warriors in action. What a game it was brutal backtoback at hufouston and to brought to you by local toyota daler. After grounded last night in houston get spurs in san antonio. Not the start the warriors were looking for tonight. Second to last road game as they took a while to show up on this one, down 150 and then 233 when aldridge bounces it in. Andre iguodala 40 points on the night. Klay thompson fires a three. Trailing by three at the half. 80 run to start the third. Klay three. Steph curry way out. Dropped in gamehigh 29. Warriors finish with 13 threes four from klay who had 23 points and david west, huge against his former team. Warriors win nine straight 11098 to take three and half game lead over the spurs. It gets better, reenforcements may be on the way, kevin durant testing his knee in noncontact drills in practice they are hoping k. D. Can start with physical contact shortly and be reevaluated they will have to be careful not to reinjure the knee f all goes well will get back into the game before playoffs. Is Marshawn Lynch coming back out of retirement, beast mode is enter tangent the idea, mode is entertaining the idea. Oakland would have to acquire him in a trade or waiver him. He looked ready to play football. The mentality that it takes to play the game the way he plays the game he has to be really invested and ready because he goes deep when he plays and whether or not that burn is still there i couldnt tell from talking to him. I know that he was kind of playing with the idea. Marchand if you a Marshawn Lynch wed love to see you in silver and black. All right as third inning, two run bomb. Second of the spring. Adam rosales went 1 for 2. Mack mcbride his first home run of the spring. As would fall 1511. Heres Adam Rosenthal ales on rg to the as. It truly feels im back home, all of the familiar faces, the Energy Around the oakland as good to be back back part of it again. He know whats to expect and like whats he sees the in this clubhouse. A lot of youthful spirits and lot of energy, definitely optimistic how well we are coming together. Nine year veteran returns as utility infielder and mentor to these young players. With the experience i have now im more in a leadership roll and kind of mentor the younger players to teach them the basics, things you dont quite know until youre seven years into the major leagues so hopefully help to take on that leadership role. Great story 14yearold Redwood Shores native lucy lee will play tomorrow first lpg major of the year ama inspirational. She conthe junior she won the Junior Championship this weekend. I just want to have fun next week and enjoy and learn. I bet its going to be really similar yet different from youth open. Im really excited. Good luck to lucy this abc 7 report brought to you by toyota. Warriors willing to say they had huge win and you want that Home Court Advantage through the playoffs. And then they could get durant back and be more dangerous, if thats possible. Coming up next at news at 11 00 a 65yearold woman shot and killed in a triple shooting tonight her family in mourning as the hunt for gunmen are under way. And a local business will celebrate all things marijuana join us on at 11 00. Over on 7. Narrator this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. Viewer discretion is advised. Today a married woman finds more than salvation at church after she gets involved with a married man. What begins as an adulterous affair ends in a murder. Rob my brake lines have been cut for my car

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