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Unwarranted and inhumane. 11 consulate Staff Members left San Francisco today. Good evening thanks for joins. Those Staff Members are some of those expelled by the u. S. As pay back for hacking the election. But russian president putin surprised the white house revving to row tall 88th and the president elect calling the russian leader quote very smar smart. Heres mary bruce. Russian diplomat on the move. Packing up and shipping out after president obama shut down two russian compounds and the clock is ticking for dozens of diplomat and fabing family have until noon on sunday to get out of the country. Russia sen ago plane to pick them up. Have to leave within hours and its, its just not, not human. Reporter as the parade of moving vans roll out, president elect trump is praising russian president putin for his restrained response. Trump call it a great move. I always knew he was very smar smar. The russian had promised to retaliate before minister call for tit for tat ex pumtion of u. S. Diplomat from russia but then in stepped president putin with shocking 1 80. There will be no counter punch. Saying in a statement we will not create any problems for u. S. Diplomat. We will not expel any one. Instead of eviction an invitation. Putin welcoming all children of the u. S. Dip row mat accredited in russia to theew year and christmas children show at the kremlin. Experts say putin may be playing the long gym hoping a President Trump more receptive. That was staged. It was intended to show that mr. Putin could be magnanimous. That he could be above it all but again at the time goal of that message was not obama white house. Its the Income Administration of mr. Trump. Reporter president elect repeatedly questioned if russia was behind the hacking time for the country to move on to bigger and better things. I think we ought go get on with our lives. Reporter some members of congress blasting trump for praising putin. The top democrat contract on the House Intelligence Committee tweeting putin is smart. Knows he can get much of what he wants from donald trump through little more than flattery. Sad and dangerous. At one of the compounds today lindsay was there as the punishment came down. Cars were coming in and out of the property all morning until the u. S. Government closed down the gates. Neighbors we have spoken with say the russian who use this property were quiet and kept to themselves. Inside the gates this decadent mansion a hub for gathering secret intelligence. On the maryland shore similar lavish rae treat. 45 prime ache we are swimming pool. Tennis courts. Ornate room used for meetings and parties and alledgedly for spying. Tonight both properties now off limits. This is abc news washington. The Council General in San Francisco held surprise News Conference at the russian consulate on green street. Expressed bitterness about the diplomat kick out you heard some of. That heres Carolyn Tyler with more. Some of those leaving the consulate today may be permanently on their way out. Four people president obama has classified as intelligence operatives are being expelled along with 7 family members including three children. We consider these sanctions competely not substantiated. Unreasonable. And very detrimental to the the relations between two neighbors between the United States of america and the russian federation. Reporter russian counsel general says one of thoughts u. S. Has declared for the the conditions late chef who apparently prepared one last party buff if i for the diplomats today. He tells us the timing of the ouster is particularly upsetting. Unfortunately they will have to leave us without celebrating if you year eve which is bi biggest one of the biggest holiday in russia. Item just not human frankly. Not human. Reporter sky 7 was above the consulate with fewer stchlt business there will be impacted. Parker came for passport today. Shes hoping for the best with this deputy lo mat ick florida. Sometimes its politic and sometimes it happens. Reporter counsel general was asked about the income trump administration. We did hope that the new administration will be able to look at our relations. Reporter russian are expected to drive to los angeles thenfully back to russia leaving this consulate by tomorrow. In San Francisco Carolyn Tyler abc 7 news. Counsel general remark today were unexpected but it wasnt a rare appearance for the career diplomat t. He visited abc 7 news and sat down with Cheryl Jennings for interview. He spoke extensively with cheryl about the olympic and significant of the games to his country. Remarkable visit when he was here. Lets switch now to the weather talk about some frigid temperatures expected very soon. They are come. Drew is here with an Early Warning drew. Reporter frigid temperatures coming our way. We have enjoyed mild days in the past couple of days. That is changing. We are tracking a really weak storm system just to the north of redding and it does have some snow showers. This is going to skirt by right along the coast and isolated shower early tomorrow morning. The thinks well north of the gulf of alaska. This one will arrive on monday actually stall over our renal. So on the stormy packet scale its not a strong storm by any means. Its a one. Light city. With these colder storms they cant hold as much moisture so limited showers. But what it will do open the democrats and republicans for very cold air to arrive. As the storm system exits late tuesday early wednesday morning it could try and throw us a winter mix but everywhere on wednesday you will feel the chill. Futu tracker temperatures show you wednesday morning the low a lot of spots will start in the 20s. Much closer look at time line of the mixed precipitation. All important new years eve planner coming up in the full accuweather forecast. Thanks drew. Now update on breaking news we first brought you at 6 00. 18 people stuck on Amusement Park ride near los angeles are being the let did you know using a rope city. Its happening in Orange County wherefirefighters are very slowly and very carefully lowering each passenger down one by one. This rescue has been going on for nearly two hours now. Sky cabin ride that takes people slowly up in the air for a view got stuck 130 feet into 1 80 foot asen happening hours ago at 2 this afternoon. So the people have been up there for such a long time. Firefighters had to use the rope system because the ladders on the fire truck only werent long enough to reach the ride. More ride than they bargain for. tis the season for new la law. Here in california that means a tightening of restriction on cell phone use by any one behind the wheel. Not screws hand free. We are talking about hand off now. Big change. Laura has the story. Reporter california is about to get tougher on cell phone use by the state 25 million license drivers. But are they obeying the law already on the books . Ride with people and playing with the cell phone and as a passenger you are very nervous. Reporter so how will they do with the new law that bans holding the cell phone for any reason while driving a car . I dont know how successful it will be. A lot of people depend on the gps to get almost anywhere these days especially in the city. Reporter indeed. It seems the ship sailed when it comes to drivers and phones with new law that the device must be mounted then if a driver hand made contact it can only be a single touch or swipe. How is that going to work with uber or lift drivers for instance who fend on their phone for the livelihood . And directions . Do you think its practical. Who is counting. Thats the question. Reporter some want to take it one step further. Mounted, unmounted whatever. I dont think we should have any of thoyshtion appearance is a sign we did find some people who are on board and fully intend on complying with the law to cut did you know on distractions and hopefully save lives. My wife she was on top of it. I didnt even know about the law until the other day but my wife gave my son one of those mount for christmas and then oh, good. Yes she is paying attention. Reporter thats the hope. With new year more drivers will just pay attention. In walnut creek, Laura Anthony abc 7 news. Teak boy accused of shooting a woman in the face when she answered a knock on her door. Happened in San Francisco hunter point neighborhood on north ridge road just before 1 this morning. Sky 7 shows you the area. 32yearold victim is expected to survive. Police say the suspect is a teenager male between the ages of 15 and 18. They say the victim doesnt know the shooter and no word on motel jive extra inspectors will be in the field tonight trying to figure out the source of a some fewer odor that plagued parts of San Francisco and richmond early this week. Bay area air Quality Management district and cocoa Health Officials received more than 100 complaints about the stench of rotten eggs. Two Agency Working together to investigate all possible sources including the richmond chevron refinery. We have much more ahead for you on this friday night coming up. Everybody suffer. Reporter unemployed over night. Option now for hundreds of bay area restaurant workers without a be joy. They are coming. Glimpse of the father stay with coming. Glimpse of the father stay with us more to s from state capitol. First dog of california has died. The Governor Press office announced it just a short time ago. Sutter passed away peacefully this afternoon with Governor Brown and wife by his side. The dog underwent emergency surgery october but doctors werent able to fully remove the cancer. Sutter was taken years old. Wrouns say the other dogill assume the role of first dog. All 15 pasta in the bay area are now shut erred and hundreds of people without job. Location include 4 in san jose as well as restaurants in novato, oakland and san bruno. Heres cornell bernard. It was sudden closure nobody saw coming. Hes a former pass a take kitchen employee in san bruno. He got a text december 26 saying dont come to work. Restaurant chain was closing its doors for good. He just got his last paycheck. I have direct deposit. Some former coworkers say they have not been paid and many still have personal items inside they cant retrieve. Cant take out my stuff we have in. I dont know what will happen right now. I dont know. Reporter the chain finances are in question. This notice on the door of the san bruno cafe demand 19,000 dollars in back rent for december. We found similar notice on the door of this restaurant 18,000 in rent never paid. Property Management Company told us off camera they were shocked to see it vanishes overnight. Wendy posted this note on the door asking laid off employee to apply with them. The chain is hiring across the bay area especially in the south bay. Where this new restaurant need workers. We offer 13 dollars an hour for crew members starting at 15 dollars for management and up depending on their experience. Reporter other company are stepping up. Economy lumber and camp bet tweeted its hiring, time. How tune you have reached. Reporter abc 7 news tried contacting the Restaurant Company for comment but no luc luck. San bruno contact dress on the web site turns out to be a p o box at this postal annex store. Employee not only baseline sidedment 9yearold Birthday Party also got cancelled. In san bruno, 7 news. More local crab fishermen refuse to get out of the water. Early this week fishermen from the canada stretching north of bodega bay went on strike. Now crab fishermen say in show of solidarity they wont fish today through the weekend. They will continue to sell the crab. Striking crabbers fighting for 3 dollars a pound a quarter more than who saleers are offering. We have been on theagle watch last if you day mop toring the south west florida eagle camp in fort myers. Heres harriett. We are starting to feel for the american bald eagle who is apparently waiting for the two egg she laid in november to hatch. More crook appear obtain shell today but no baby emerge. We did get look at her partner m 15. He brought half fish to the necessary and relieved her of her warming duty. Usually takes 48 hours for them tow mental once the incubation period has ended. Watch the live feed at any time. You can check it out on our free app as well. Shes not kidding. Always check. Excited when i see crack in the egg. 6 00 oclock attack me. Drew was doing weather. Look what is happening. Nothing yet. Drew is watching the cold temperature heading our way. 3 minutes to watch it. Here we go. Accuweather showing you we track changes over the weekend. Cooler then we track even cooler air early next week. We see a quiet evening out there than joy really mild days sunny sky comfortable temperatures but thats starting to change overnight tonight. Outside we go. Live look from the south beach camera pointing up. Beautiful building of san trachbility we see patchy cloud cover. First change we note. Cloud cover will move in from west to east. Out there right now numbers with the cloud cover. 52 in oakland. 50 san jose. 50 San Francisco. Right now santa rosa with clear sky cooling off a bit quicker than most areas dropping to 41 at this hour. Overnight tonight we have the cloud cover increasing from west to east fashion. Cloud cover acts like a blanke blanket. Help insulate with the temperatures overnight. Not too cold fall in the mid to low 40s. We track very weak disturbance and just the west of redding in between eureka there are snow and rain showers. Really weak system that will scoot which right along the coast overnight and try locally isolated rain showers. Future weather analysis. 5 if the morning isolated shower and no big issue rank on the storm impact scale and item dry new years eve so the forecast cloud cover midday. Cloud bring back if the afternoon and evening plenty of strs and clear sky at midnight. This will hold in the mid 40s as we welcome 2017 but then early next week we track a storm system. On the stormy packet scale its a 1. Light system monday to wed. Limited moisture. Light showers but what it will do is help tiny introduce some cooler air into our neck of the woods and chance as the system tuesday to wednesday the cold air could interact with the moisture to bring us a wet snow flake. Future weather. Temperatures over open the moisture map tuesday afternoon its going to be a cool raw rain as it falls tuesday afternoon. Temperatures holding in the low 40s as the rain comes down. As the rain begins to pull away cooler air gets pulled n. If it does interact with that moisture quick enough there could be a lo foe flake at Mount Hamilton with the system likely exit and bring sierra snow. Future sfo t him if 19 inches in south lake tahoe. 19 inches in kshing wood. Foot in donner and 15 inches in tahoe city. So the cooler air will make the presence nationally. 7 day forecast show you tomorrow. Chance of morning dry evening in 2017 and sunny and cool for sunday. First day of the new year. Mopped through wednesday the weak light storm system that brings in the cooler air by thursday and friday. Its sunny but its chilly temperatures. Thanks drew. Coming up next. Into the traffic and bay area is getting a little bit worse. Guess what . Caltrans has details on screws how much more time we are caltrans has details on screws how much more time we are spending out on the road female announcer when you see this truck, female announcer it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. But sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event ends sunday. Through sunday, choose from a huge selection of tempurpedic models, including the new tempurchoice with headtotoe customization. Plus, get 36 months interestfree financing, two free pillows, and free sameday delivery. Are you next . Announcer but hurry. Sleep trains ticket to tempurpedic event ends sunday. Your ticket to a better nights sleep but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. 2016 stock market wasnt for the faint of heart. Sharp drop and rises but by the end of the year the market had the best 84 since 2013. Here are the percentage gains for 2016. Dow up 13. 4 percent. S p gained 9 and a half percen percent. Nasdaq up 7 and a half percent. Well it is not your imagination. Traffic is getting worse. New report in the Business Times from caltrans shows an 84 percent increase in Traffic Congestion over the past 10 years. 84 percent. Cap you believe that. That translates to roughly 72,000 daily hours of delays for cars. Especially i can not go out anywhere like except from work to home thats it. Reporter county with the most congestion alameda county. Surprisingly San Francisco the least. Report also found wed is the worst day of the week for dela delay. Maybe counter intuitive. Problem expected to get worse. As for longterm solution caltrans plans more connected corridor and more express lanes. We knew it was getting worse. Yes. All right another half of 7 news at 9 00 is neck. Couple. Navigating the night out. Tips up how to get around on new years eve. Abc music exclusive. Todd fisher speaking out about the final private moments with his sister and his mother. His plans for Service Honoring both. St with the xfinity tv app, anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels. Plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Click, call or visit an xfinity store today to learn more. Or, get started with this great offer. Tomorrows the day besides video games. Every day is a gift. Especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto. A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Getting around challenging during new years eve especially seeing the fireworks in San Francisco. We tried to come up with Survival Guide for you. We tried to come up with Survival Guide for you. Jonathan has some reporter first moment of 2017 will come with another first. What is it like to work here this is first time so i hope item pwichltz i hope i make some good money. Reporter for uber lift drivers this is like christmas or chance to pay off christmas. Its going to pay off a little bit of debt. Going to help nishtion past year we have seen drivers prepare. This is a hospital quality. Reporter worth it to drive on fight when demand and prices go up. I have seen the surge might be 3. 5. Prison might be through the roof but item worth it. Pets safe than sorry. Reporter if the wallet hurts thinking about it plenty offal turn i have to calling a car like kailing the aide car and now boarding on the platform 2. Running until 3 00 a. M. Reporter bart has extra car and train with unusual skip stop schedule. Some traibs skip a station and some trains stop at that station. Reporter keep platform from overcrowding. Rule to remember whatever station you arrive at coming into the station is the station to good back to when you leave. Leave the clipper card handy. Cal train and immune ri free. More options visible to people it can help reduce drunk driving. Reporter both add extra service until 2 00 a. M. With cable cars and historic street cars replaced by bus ins case people are crowded in the streets. Easier to maneuver cars not on track arent on overhead wires. This is great. Reporter unless lucky enough to know this guy. We intend on offering drives where people have more than a couple drink. Reporter so you guys are going to be your own transit agency. Yes. Reporter in San Francisco, Jonathan Bloom abc 7 news. A lot of preparation going on for new years eve celebrations tomorrow in San Francisco. Pyrotech are off barges. Dock along the embarcadero building and tiny fireworks for the city annual show. Jessica castro from morning show has more on what you need to know before heading out tomorrow night. As you stock up on the sham paper, the city and Police Department are gearing up for the huge crowds flocking into sf like they do each year and this weekend is no different especially with the holiday falling on sachlts tell tale sign that prep under way and installed along the embarcadero to keep the large crowd safe while watching the fireworks show. Also dui checkpoint set up today. Police will have all hands on deck tomorrow looking for anything suspicious including the suspicious bag. Police will be in uniform and plain clothes all around the city. In lit of what was going on in berlin and in france, people have asked the are you in ceetion our security. No. We have already increased our security to the maximum level. Reporter also working with several agency tocial media posy respond to any threats made on line or anything suspicious. Other important things you will see the heaviest patrol in downtown embarcadero Market Street and castro leave any guns knives weapons at home. You cant drink in public. No open containers. And watch the beongings. If you get a cell phone or small item swiped dont necessarily need to call 911. Item probably most effective to flag down one of those many officers you will see on the streets like any big day remind the public if you see something say something. This is abc 7 fuss. Also avoid the traffic and celebrate new years eve tomorrow here. New years rocket eve with Ryan Seacrest starts at 8 00 p. M. And caught up with the day news then back to ryan. Connecticut Supreme Court today reinstated murder conviction for kennedy cousin michael. He was release from prison three years ago after judge determined his defense attorney was constitutionally deficient. He was found guilty in 2002 of the 1975 killing of martha. 15yearold lived next to him in connecticut. His Attorney Says he has 20 days to file a petition asking the court to reconsider todays decision. In exclusive interview todd fisher speak for the first time on camera days after the loss of his mother and his sister. The two hollywood legend died just a day apart. Family now planning a joint Memorial Service for mother and daughter. Matt is in los angeles. Magical. The love story. That wept on for 60 years. And i got to see 58 in that 3 quarters of it. They were close in life and will be closer in memory. Todd fisher in an exclusive enter vow telling 2020 Elizabeth Vargas the family is planning to hold a dual Funeral Service for the singing in the rain star died wednesday and her daughter died the day before. Well have a joint service for them. Well put them together and thats how she would want it. Reporter he rae count the mother final moments hours after Carrie Fisher passing. She then said she really wanted to be with carrie. She said that is. Those precise words and within 15 minutes from that conversation she faded out and within 30 minute she technically was gone. Reporter the bond began with her children watching adoringly 1964 photograph of carrie mesmerize by her mother performing on stage in las vegas. We always were sitting in the wing watching my mother on stage in awe. Reporter there were rough patches but if any one can handle Carrie Fisher addiction ballots with bipolar disorder todd says it was their mother. Its horrible. Item beautiful. Its magical. They are together. Reporter they will be together in perpetuity. Todd fisher tell us that mother and daughter will be buried side by side right next to old friend like liberace and may dave is in los angeles. He says there will be a private few rall service for family. Public memorial for all the millions of fans. This is abc news, los angeles. Tonight 2020 will air special one hour edition dedicated to the lives of both carrie and debbie. Career and close bond. Hollywood love story right after the newscast over on channel 7. Come up next. Extraordinary story of transformation. How man gave up gang life to dz. Ome Southern California doctor is doing some extraordinary work truly in one of the busiest Trauma Centers in the country. The journey to working in the operating room is anything but ordinary. We talked with the man who over came gang life to become a doctor. Thank you for joining us for share your story. We watched a little bit of what you do every day which is kind of incredible. Its a dream come true for you. You are at ucla harbor medical center. Talk to me about what you do on day to bay basis at work. We are in a trauma center. Very heavy very busy acute care Trauma Service that takes care of really everything as first year resident. We see it all. Primarily focus around taking care of the patients in hospital before or after surgery. Reporter the fact that he took residencey at harbor ucla is no coins dechbilitys his colleague will tell you how he shos shows special compassion for victims of violence and trauma but its why he cares so much that hes so compelling. He was hard working reliable trustworthy i just knew that he would be a great fit for the program here. To have some one whether can speak spanish. Who is from sort of this area makes a big difference in patient care and how patients and loved os relate to physicians like james. Item important to you to serve that community that has patient come inment why is that. I was raised in Southern California. Very latino community. Growing up it was a lot of poverty that i saw. Violence. Social injustice if you will. Early on always something i address as an adult. Reporter son of mexican immigrant as a child he showed a lot of promise. Avenues good student on the right path even enrolled in Gifted Program but in high school he took a turn down a different path. My parents worked a lot because they had to support me and my brothers. They were gonna lot. Reporter a lot of freedom. A lot of freedom which sometimes gets new trouble in the absence of strong role model, leaders i ended up. Reporter running with a tagging crew led him to gang activity. And he ended up behind bars at 16 years old. I ended up incarcerated in Juvenile Hall facility. I was there a total of eight months. Reporter what was the turning point. I hit personal rock bottom for me it was like you keep this up you will end up in prison. That 63rd me. My parents come visit but the pain in their eye. My dad would seaman cry was like this is really not me. I cant continue to do thisment causing the pain. Reporter washington do you think saved you. My family. My kid. Havently talk big. Started walking state and narrow. Really just the sort of burning desire and passion within me to do something. Reporter this is abc 7 new news. What a powerful story. He wept on to get a degree in medicine from ucla now serves the same under privileged community that he heard he came from. Inspirational. Up next. Drew has a final check on our foyvrjt as 2016 comes to a close we look back at a year that we will not soon for ge as the year draws to a close we take a moment to look at the year top stories. So many stories we covered and changed lives from so many stories we covered and changed lives from mosquitos to mayhem to murder. February 12th the last state Police Believe shelly was aliv alive. Any pregnant women considering fragile to area where zika virus transmission take place abstain or consult wi Health Contrary provider. People were in awe as Solar Impulse two glided through the sky. Legislature of everybody who is here before. Legend. One officer is had been shot twichlts then i see swat coming from the produce deputy. This is what is left of the house on roberts avenue in fremont where wednesday suspected gunman hold hill self for hours after shooting two police officers. Shes now fearful sleeping alone and of hides in the apartment path room. I can hear her crying. Prosecution did the job prosecuting him. Jurors did their job in finding him guilty. What is unusual is the sentenc sentence. Protest outside the donald trump rally in San Jose Convention Center Thursday tonight started with a message. We have to fight for working people. We have to fight for working people. Ended with violence look how cavaliers are nba champion. Collin refused to stand for the National Anthem in protest of what he calls the oppression of black people. Steady stream of information coming from her since i first interviewed her. The first cop she encountered at 16. He would tell me he would be like hurry up and turn 18. We are close to the end of an investigation 0of a racist text message. They are wellly inproceed yacht. And not acceptable from any one whether wears the badge. Criminal investigation gets wells fargo comes in the wake of accusations that employee were pressured to sign up roughly two million customers for programs without their knowledge. This has purpose more than 4400 acre in the past week and this has purpose more than 4400 acre in the past week and a half. Trying to get everyone out. All happened really quick. Any time we lose a Community Member we feel it. The fire was just a very difficult scene for everybody the fire was just a very difficult scene for everybody that was involved intercepted. It broke it broke it broke. It broke. It broke it broke it broke. It broke. It broke remarkable moments. What a year. We are closing out the year with some cold weather. We are indeed. Drew is back with that. Yes. Not too bad. Tomorrow we have really calm condition. 3 day forecast showing you chance for early on in the morning sprinkle and otherwise dry for the engine. Sunday cool for 2017 on sunday and then monday we track a light shower. Storm system that rank 1. Late storm on the stormy impact Scale Limited moisture will bring cooler air and possibility is there that it could end with couple snow flake as cold air arrives tuesday night to wednesday morning. Long enough that anything wont accumulate. Future track temperatures morning low on wednesday. Today frigid record. 20 2 and 30s even cooler 8 descends on thursday with wide spread freeze. Update on that. Accuweather 7 day fork show you theres the nice finish. Tomorrow evening. Light shower chance through wednesday and then thursday and friday a lot of sunshine out from but item chilly. Temperatures in the 40s. The thanks. And now the sports and warriors. Chilly to red hot talking about the warriors they are putting on a show against the mavericks. How a red hot Third Quarter by thompson had them headed for another blow a little brotherly love was in the air at oracle. Warriors hitting the court against his little brother and maverick. Raider coach i gives to be the top seed to get court side seechlts whats up coach. Why so far out. First quarter steph to peculiar gee. Little brother a hard time passing back and forth with kd before burying the three. Had 14. Fast break points in the first half. Green taking it coast to coast throwing it down. Burns showing out against his former team. 25 points. Thompson heat up in the third. 17 points in the frame on 6 of 7 shooting. Up 22 points and finance wish 29. Warriors win it 10899 t. Cardinal facing asu stanford pick up 35 points for sheffiel sheffield. But how about grant. Check this out. Showing off his hop. Get up. He had 30 for the sun devil. 5 of 8 from behind the ark. Win 9893. Stanford drops 85 on the season. Women hoop card fall against arizona state. Third quarter. Bit any mcphee business loin and she will shift into reverse for the bucket. Had 8 points. Led all players with 16 here and cardinal won every pack 12 opener since the 2000 season your final score57. Well for the first time in a long Time College Football was actually buzzing about the sun bowl thats right sup bowl. Why. Christian said you know what im done. Wildcat choosing no the to suit up for stanford to gear up for the draft. Taking on North Carolina deep in the heart of texas. First quarter. The floater to love on the wheel route will take a 49 yard for the touch down. Also had 115 yard rushing. 7 nothing stanford but trouble on the fix drive. Chris. Trying to avoid a tackle but injured his neechlt he would leave the game and not return. Stanford giving some luck two minutes left in the half. Scramble check out rvt re. Knock the football loose and fumble. Stanford led 137 at the half. Fourth quarter now. Unc up a point. Dallas floyd will say thank you very much. Take it back to the house. 19 yards for the pick 6. That made it 2217. Thomas beast on defense. 7 tack and this sack. 34 seconds left tar heels down 8. Avoids the rush and somehow found howard. Thats right. They were bugging out. Ufc with the touch down. Still down two so they good for the 2 point tie but wouldnt get it. Look at thomas putting pressure. Stanford wins 2523. Cardinal finish the year at 10 and 3. Just a test men to the charge of the team. Never stopped. Loss 2 gyms in a row came back. Just shows that we never stop fighting. Film love you so much. Reporter oops. Rough start with Florida State mascot in the orange bowl but even rougher for jim harbaugh. Town at the half. One minute left in the third. Peculiar off here by mike mcra mcray. Takes it in for the score 2015 fsu. Michigan take the lead with two minutes left. Check out this run. 40 yards for the touch. Wolverines up 3 after the two point conversion however they give up a 65 yard kick return and look at the beautiful touch down pass. Michigan blocks the extra poin point. Took it back for two so now down 1 and fourth and 10 and that is not going to do it. Item an interception Florida State hang on to at that time orange bowl by one point. The fifth orange bowl victory. Shark look for fourth win in a row. Fence that guy and the fliers i used to cover him when head coach of the sioux city musketeers. The advantage and marlo for the power play foley tampa and pack with goalie kaivrn dell. He saved all 21 shots. He faced. First career shut out. Third period. Joe feeds justin brown and snipes it for the top shelf bowl. Shark win 2 nothing. They face the kings in lala land tomorrow. This sports report brought to you by toyota very busy day. Nothing more exciting with College Football play offs tomorrow. Text book strip by the referee. Sign him up. Thank you. Coming up tonight at 11 00. Clock is ticking for russian given deadline to leave count try as east coast utility find direct evidence of russian hac hack. Craig list app for the puppy led to taser attack. Good news tonight so join us for 7 news at 11 00 on channel 7. About you that is our repor report. As always we appreciate your time. For all of us here, 7 news at 9 00 thanks for joins. We leave with you a live picture south west florida eagle cam in fort myers where the eagle is still weighing for two egg to hatch. Check it out on our web site two egg to hatch. Check it out on our web site until 11 have a great evening narrator this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. Viewer discretion is advised. Today, teen groupies using social media to rob the homes of celebrities they idolize. But these delinquent bffs are in for one big omg as cops put out the apb on their criminal clique

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