Bi that would put new limits on whereeroin dicts coul purchase methado a drug used r rehabilitation this is an issue that has made adlines right re in uthern colodo. News 5s joaa wise is live in coloradoprings with a closer look at the bill and thephil climb it facesna good morni. As you mayemr. We ced several stories about the heated debate over a prosedning of a methadone inicn the downtown are monume. And since then, a local lawmer has decided to take the sue to the state legislature. The ll wasutorward b moment replican pa lundeen. He says it would ban metne dispensing witn onethsand et of a school park or Daycare Center but s whe it face uphi climb. The bill iassigned to the use sta. Military anderans affair committee. They call that t Kill Committee because verfew bills actually advance out of there. Im a little concerned that its been sent the but at the same time, ie been aure that were going toave a pocy conversati, and a thoroughne at that. Anthats what iasking f, that thiget a fair hont hearing for the people of colorado. Ndeens bill is cosponsored in the ste senate k so if it fails in coittee in the house, lundeen hopes the bill will get a send chance in the sete. Wel stay on top this sty and bring you the latest updes as they come in on air and onlinet koaa dot com. Reporting li icoloradospris, joaa wise, news 5. Today. Colorado springs firefighters coinueinvestige three fires that sparked in ju a matterf urs yesterday one at the tanglewood aptments ne Austin Bluffs and acamy. Anotr. 18th reet. Near o colado ci. Ana third. At a self storage faty. Near the citadel crews spent last nigopping up hot spots at the storage facili. Trying to re out a cau. Here was popping nses and i was wang, i thought ybe somethwould exode, si was kif scar neighbors y theyve seen peoplellegally living inside floor toeiling wita lifeti ofeoples belongings. Blfs. Tenants were forced to flee apartments in their jamas. We know the red cross is helping one family that is displaced. And in oldolorci. 8 people a displaced from 5 homes. And one person was taken to a denver burn it. Well continue to update you as lrn more. New formatn this morning on colora springs. Poce believe the guns theyv covered that we being used in the burgri. Were stolen by the suspes during previous robbers. Right now. The search connu for several teageduspects. Police believe its grouof iends,. Who they consider to be armed and ngerous. Theyre ve aggresive, th force people to the floor, put gunso theihes, threaten to kill them. If theencounter a customer while in the store, if a customer walks in, they rob e customer as well. Th they ruoff and get in a two senteen ar os have already beenrrested,. At least three or four other suspects arender investigation right now. If you have any informatio plea call spris police. Me now for weather and traic on the 5s. Meteorolist Stephen Bowers is here now wh first aler5. Eruresre ithe te and 20to staur wednesday. Wind chills are in t sgle digits and tee. The skis clear across colorado aside fr some nonthreatenin high, th clouds that are passing by. Co fntkirtinalong the canadi borr is headed eastward. A littleit of messweatr over the Pacific Northwest will get ocked by high presre tween that disturbance and us. Th High Pressure really comes the big play ir weatr for e rest of thisweek. The sun comes out today ana rm up begins. That high prsure will shift eastwa in e coming days push tperaturetoward the 60s foeks e. Today will bsunny. Temperatures wl warm through the 20s d 30s d into t lower and ddle 40s by 10m. If youre epping outor lunch the afternoon warms into the 50s with 40s in the high spo and almost t60long the aansas river valley. The sun es low ithe sky and tempaturesase back through the 40s and 50s by 5 pm with 30s by 10 pm. The next round of snowill mo in le sunday night at the eaiest. Temperatures will stay unseasonably warm unl en with a sharpl down ely next week. Toy. 21st street between sh and gold camp in colado springs. Expted to repen. Afa war main b shut down t strch of road yesterday. It w a big mwhen it first happed. Forcing the northbound les to close. But if repairs go as planned today. St street betwbush and gold camp in colorado springs. Is expd to re ope. After a ma break st down thetretch of roadsterday. Itas a b ms when it rst happened. Forcg the northbound les to close. But if reprs go planned. Colorado sprgs utilities says it will open again today. If youre driving in that area. Use cacaio rit now. Colorado sprgs police are also lookg for driver involved a t d ru police say the car the suspect iving was dark lored 2006 t2010 model ford explorer. Following for you. The driver fled the scene saturday night after hitting 53yearold frz wils who was wal on circle if you know anything youre asd to call the poce eblo police chief ls vele is outlining plans to address a crime rate thats more than double the national average, and make his offirs happier in the process. But. Some city councilors and the police unionave dotsabout his an of acti. Th rept revealed couil shows 9 11 calls went up 26percent last year over 2014. And its not just citizens coerned for their own safety the Police Unions attorney ys officers themselves a in daer when theres no back up, poting to a lack of maer year afterear. And he says the adtion o seven new offirs in 2016 is just a drop inhe bucket. Know over the years theyv always pointed to the et, but ey control theget and they determine the priorities and they make the choices. This year, velez is contempling a w ment analyzing ofcer overtime, usinthe us rshals to link gang incidents and pricting crimehrough mapng rynd be proactive. New city councilorori winner has called fn exiv session to sak with ci manager sam ad directly about his role in the police partment problems. Still ah. The search is for the gunmen who opened fire at a heless camp iseate. Weave the test on deadly shooting,. Plus one veteran is transforming s wheel air to give back to the counity. Welcome back. This morning. At least o pson is missing in ohio after home odes into flames ke aook. This is video the hse completely on re showing t mediate aftermath of lt ghts explosion. Although officers believe most of tilthat liv in the hoe survived, crews are still searching for a man that neighbors say is the homeowner. Right now. Police in seattlare searching for the su who shot five people at a homeless ca last night. Two of the victims died. The other three are recovering in the htal. Ofcials y they believe t shooting was not random. Auories are now loing for twpeople of interest as the investigation continues. Today. Staff at a Naval Medical center san diego. Will be returning toork after yesterdays false alarm of an active shooter the all clear has en gen by thorities. E hospital told people to run, hide or fight. The base remained on lkdown for six hours,. And authorities went room toro releasing peoplfrom the cility. S out,. Threport came fr single individu. And noing was un in this morngs eltion watch. Republicresidential candidate ted cruz is taking on rival donald trump. Challenging him to a oneonone debate. This after. Trump said he will not participate in tomrrow nights fox news debe,. Senator cruz is calling trump out aying he is scared of debate modatormegyn kelly. I know that donaldinds megyn frigening, so we could arrangefor different derators. If all of them are too scary, th we can do it with no moderators whaoever. ll do 90 minutes, Lincoln Douglas manoamano,onald and me. Canay out his vision r is country and i c y oumy visn fothis couny inront of the n and Trumps Campaign says that instead ofarticipating ithe debate, he will han event in io to raise money r veterans and wounrriors e raging waters of niagra falls y soon bturnedo just a trickle today. State officis in new york will meet to diuss plan to reace 115yearold bridges nkg the maland to isla ne the fal. Hove placing these coredg wi mn re t flow e ameranidof the falls. And redirecting the Niagara River to the cadian side. Officis will dece t plan this ternoo ti n f wth a traff on t 5s. Meteorogt ephen borss he now witfirst er5. Mperures aren the teens and 20 start o wednesday wind chills are the single digitsnd teens. Thsky clearcroscolorado gh, then cs th are passinby. A cold fnt srtinalong the canadian bordeis hded stward. Little bit of messy weather over the pif northwest wil get blocked by hh pressubetween that disturbance and us. That high essure really becomes thbig player in our weather for the rest of this week. The n comeout today and a warm up begins. That High Pressure will shift eastward in the coming ds and pu temperatures toward the 6 for wes end. Today will be suy. Temperatesilwa throu th20and 30s and in the lower d middle 40s by 10 am. If youre steppingut for lunch arnd noon, expect lower 50s. The afrnoon warmintohe 50s with 40s ithe high spots and almost to 60 alo the arksas river valley. E sun goes low in the sky and temperuresasback through the 40s and s by 5 pm with 30s by 10 pm. The ne round of snow will move in late sunday night at the earliest temperures will stay unseasonably warm until then ke a lk this. One iraqwar veteran in nebraska is helping his community by shoveling snow in a w ustin anderson trormed hieelchair into owplo bydding a snow blade to d now. Evy time it snow. He heads out to ovelhe dewalks anstreets fohis ighbors he ys he doesnt do it for recognition. But he this of it as dy the community has supported me immensely with my struggles d tough times i had a l amputated and myight with ain ncer. Justin rect a new prosthetic. Says he plans on making some more changes this keshift snow plow to make it en bter ill ahd. Hoying hit and run all caughtn ra. Why some a clingt a ,,,,,,, lce back. Rle customerwho booked flights reas affecteby the zika virus can get a rund. Unitedirnes is oerg refus flights to any countrcovered by thedcs travel notice. That iludes puerto rico and mexico. American airlines is ging nds pregnt womewi tickets to el ador, hondur, pana or guata. Weve been reporting. The ka virus is mosquito borne anmay cause serious rth defects. Brazil is se deploy 220 thousand tros to try and contain the zika virus. Next month tho troops will flood the couny, going doorto dooto raise awareness about it. Azils bn hit hardy the virus. The tions topealth offici admitted the country ibadly losing t battle againstmosquitoborned diseas. In england. A Security Camera captures terrifying hit and run on a city stet. Into a man. Who is thrown several yards down the road. Passer eventuallcome to helpim. Lieve it onot. The yeoldictiisexctedo be ok he heainjuries buts no out of the hpital. Ght authities e st okinfor thdriver,. Take lathis. A firey celebration the Shetland Islands. As hundreds of modernday vikgs take part i an ancie norse festival the Shetland Islands areust noh of scotld. In the fesval called phey a. A 30foot longship is set ablaze in the harbor. You can see it goingp in fles. The feivals been happening everyear for more than 150 years. It celebtes the influence of on the 5s. Meteorologist Stephen Bowers is ow with first alert 5. Temperatures an the teens d 20to start our wneay nd chills are in the singl digits and teens. The sky is clear across colorado ase omome nonthreateng hi, then cuds that are passing by. A cold front skirting alonth canadian borr is head eastward. A little bit of messy weher over the Pacific Northwest will get blocked by High Pressure between that disturbancend us. That High Pressure reall becomethe big player in ou weather for the rest of this week e sun mes out today and a warm up gins. That High Pressure will shift eastward in the coming days and push temperatures towa t 60s for weeks end. Toy will bsunny. Temperatures will warmhrough the 20s and 30s and into the lower and middle 40s by 10 am. Youre stepping out f lun around noon, expect lower 50s. The afternoon was into the 50s with 40s in the high spots and almost to along the aansas river valley temperatures easbackhrough the 40s and 50s by 5 pm with 3 by 10 pm. The next round of ow wilmove in le sund night at the eaie. Temperaturesill stay unseasably wm tith , go why the feds raid thsiness and the vestatio surrounding it. Our wednesday is off to a ld art with temperatures in the teens and s. Toy will be sunny d warm with highs in the 50s. The warm up will connue, but foholo . Im lookahead to a sharp cool down and some snow coming upn weather trafc the 5s. Mni, thanksoroing us on this wednesday moing. Its january 27th. M ane snead. Elle has the wk f. And im cr. Ppeng toy a committehearg will be he in the stateegislature for a bill that wopuw lits onreoin addis could rcha methane a drug used for rebilition. This is anssue that hamade headlines right here in southern corado. Newss jnna wise is live in colorado sprin with a closer ok at the bill andhe uphill clb it faces. Joan. Good mning. You may rember. We covered ser stori about thhe debate over a

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