A desperate search, the fbi hunting for a serial kidnapper preying on young children. Believed to have abducted a 6yearold from her home. The suspect caught on camera. Hundreds of tips pouring in so why cant investigators find him . And a giant shark caught on camera bursting through a diving cage. The team doesnt know it, but the diver is still inside. Nobody is in the cage. A man emerges seconds later. Wait till you hear what hes telling us this morning. . Living on a prayer . Good morning, america. Happy friday. We call it a lucky friday for that diver. My goodness. Were looking at it. Seemed like a very tense moment but for him it probably seemed like a tense hour. I have a question. Arent those cages supposed to keep sharks out . Just checking. They heard all about he wanted to experience the shark tank. Good one, michael. Do you hear the song . Oh, yeah. My favorite one. My go to. . Hold onto what we have got . Michael . . It doesnt make a difference if we make it or not . I was going to throw it to george but i realized the song would die right there. George. But why are you singing . Because i had a big exclusive interview with jon bon jovi and the whole band and they are going out on tour, and talking about his new album. The house is not for sale so that is coming up. That is coming up. Lets begin with the latest in the race for the white house. New polls show donald trump falling further behind as trump fires up his most fervent supporters by lashing out at the media and his wife melania joins him. There are new threats of legal action. David wright is on the scene. Good morning, david. Reporter good morning, george. Melania trump is threatening to sue People Magazine over a story filed by a reporter who the reporter, one of several women to come forward this week, to accuse trump of unwanted advances. Overnight donald trump on the attack again going after not only the clintons but the media and big business. Alleging a global conspiracy against his candidacy. The clinton machine is at the center of this power structure. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a rast deformed. They will attack you. They will slander you. They will seek to destroy your career and your family. They will lie, lie, lie. Reporter trump also took direct aim at a reporter, natasha stoynoff, assigned to do a puff piece on the trumps melania trump, six months pregnant at the time, but the reporter now writes that when melania went out of the room, trump closed the door behind her. Within seconds, she writes, he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat. Later, she says he leaned in and said, you know were going to have an affair, dont you and offered to buy her a steak at peter lugers. Natasha stoynoff has declined all requests for interviews but her People Magazine editor spoke out in her defense. Obviously, natasha her most trusted colleagues, and she is somebody that we absolutely believed. This was fully vetted and we stand by our story. The story is totally false. By the way, this is a room that everybody can see in. Its got glass walls. Its at maralago. Its got glass walls. Can you believe th . Why wasnt it in the story, biggest story of the year . Reporter trump not only flatly denies the story, but he seemed to attack the reporters what you think. I dont think so. I dont think so. Reporter trump also blasted the New York Times for publishing the story of two other women including jessica leeds, a businesswoman who claims trump assaulted her 35 years ago when she was seated next to him on an airplane. Another totally fabricated and false story that supposedly took place on an airplane more than 30 years ago. Another ridiculous tale. No witnesses, no nothing. Reporter we reached out to both women interviewed by the times without success. Trumps lawyers have threatened to sue the paper for libel demanding a retraction and an apology. The times refused, practically daring trump to take them to court, calling the story, newsworthy information on a subject of deep public concern. Now, none of these women filed reports with the authorities powerless to challenge trump publicly. George. Meantime, there is a new report out from the city of new york that raises serious questions about how donald trump responded to 9 11. Reporter thats right, george. Front page of the New York Daily News calling into question trumps claims to have given generously to 9 11 victims in the immediate aftermath. The city controller did an audit of the charities and found no contributions from trump. We should note the comptroller is a democrat and presumably a hillary clin george. Okay. David wright, thank you very much. All right now to that passionate and intensely personal response to donald trump from first lady, Michelle Obama. Attacking the republican nominee over that lewd videotape and Abcs Cecilia Vega has that story for us. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter good morning to you. This was not the first time she has delivered a hardhitting Campaign Speech for Hillary Clinton, but this was the first time she has said anything like this. This was angry, this was personal and this was all about donald trump by name. But it was Crystal Clear exactly who she was talking about. I cant believe that im saying that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women, and i have to tell you that i cant stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. Reporter her first Public Comments since that now infamous video its like a magnet. Just kiss, i dont even wait. And when youre a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. You can do anything. Reporter and Michelle Obama had a lot to say. This is disgraceful. It is intolerable and it doesnt matter what party you belong to, democrat, republican, independent. No woman deserves to be treated this way. Reporter she spent most of this was not just a lewd conversation. This wasnt just locker room banter. This was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory behavior and actually bragging about kissing and groping women. Reporter she was so worked up, she had to fan herself when it was all over. . Reporter clinton telling ellen how happy she was to have the first lady do the heavy hitting. The speech that she gave, i think, put into words what so many people are feeling. And not just women and girls, but men and boys. And in another part of her speech, she says, this is not the way the men in my house talk. And thats what ive been hearing from men for the last several days. Reporter now one person not going there, bill clinton. He was asked about the new allegations by trumps accusers. He dodged the question and said that Michelle Obama gave the more note for you. Youll probably remember one highlight from that debate. Donald trump so close to Hillary Clinton on stage, well, she addressed it on ellen and she said, he would, quote, literally stalk me around the stage, george. She called it really weird. Okay, cecilia, thanks very much. Lets talk about it with Cokie Roberts and matthew dowd. Cokie, you could hear the shake in Michelle Obamas voice yesterday saying this is not normal. She has now given two of the most defining speeches of the campaign. She absolutely has. And she is the best su george. What weve been hearing is young people really, really respond to her because shes completely authentic. Shes the real person there. And particularly young africanamericans are responding to her and you know theres been and Enthusiasm Gap there. But she was really on fire yesterday. And when she said this is not normal, the whole place just burst into applause. Absolutely erupted and, matthew dowd, cokie just talked about that Enthusiasm Gap. Weve seen a real shift in that when you take a look at the fox news poll that came out yesterday and number of polls over the last three or four days, there has not been a shift in undecided voters. Undecided voters today are still almost exactly where they have been over the last two weeks, but what has changed is Hillary Clinton supporters are now just as enthusiastic as donald trump. Donald Trump Supporters havent dropped. Hes still at his sort of 38 basement that he seems to lock n but her supporters have now risen. The other thing that i think is fascinating about the polling that has come out is donald trump has done what the democrats couldnt do, which is seriously damage the gop brand, Barack Obamas job Approval Rating is now at its highest its ever been and Hillary Clintons favorability rating is at its highest. Its still negative but at its highest its been in this entire campaign. Cokie, if you listen to Donald Trumps speeches over the last couple of days, it sounds like laying blame on why hes losing. Its not about winning more votes. Hes setting up a rigged system election which is very this has touched a lot of women. I had total strangers coming up to me all day yesterday telling me about incidents in their lives including a woman who told me about something that happened to her on an airplane and so i think that people are really relating to this in a way that terrifies them. Then the questions will they vote on that feeling, as well. Well see. Okay, Cokie Roberts, matt dowd. Thanks very much. The final debate is wednesday on abc. Ill be anchoring it at 9 00 eastern and now, michael, the latest on hurricane nicole. Yes. Another big story talking about yesterday, and it continues. Hurricane nicole is tearing through bermuda with 120mileanhour winds and, ginger, you were saying 90 of the country was without power. Right. Without power, but amazingly, no one injured or killed. If you were wondering what a category 3 hurricane looks like this is the vicious wind raking that island of bermuda. General. Take a look. Reporter bermuda blasted. Furious winds in the hurricane reaching 120 Miles Per Hour. As category 3 hurricane nicole went barreling across the island, gusts were measured to 104 Miles Per Hour. Cant see much. Everythings a whiteout. Reporter officials warning people to take cover. We need everyone inside. Reporter but not everyone listened. My family is inside. Reporter nicole is the second major hurricane in the atlantic in just two weeks. Always impressive from space you can see the eye and inside that eye, this drone video taken as the winds briefly calmed. This morning more than 16,000 people still without power. Even with the fierceness of nicoles winds, damage on the island of 65,000 people was minimal. Nicole long gone and to the Pacific Northwest where winds in parts of oregon and along the coast there went up to 100 Miles Per Hour as well with this storm so that was storm number one and right now you can see it on the the images of the rain, the heavy rains and wind, well, its not over. Tomorrow is actually the big deal. Tomorrow we could end up making history because weve got this atmospheric moisture kind of forcing these storms and fueling them. But this one is from remnants of an old typhoon and will come in in the afternoon evening and seattle could see its worst storms in a decade. Wind gusts of 80 plus Miles Per Hour. Amy. All right, ginger. Thank you. Now to the desperate search for a man investigators are calling a serial kidnapper, seen right here in this Surveillance Footage accused of abducting and attacking a 6yearold girl and then trying to kidnap someone else. Abcs alex perez has the very latest on the fbis search. Good morning to you, alex. Reporter hey, good morning, amy. Investigators are expanding their search. They have received more than 300 tips over the last eight months but they still have not been able to track down the suspect. This morning, the fbi and ohio investigators on the hunt for a we have one of those very rare occurrences that is actually a stranger abduction and so that makes it even more dangerous. Reporter this is the suspect, caught on surveillance camera walking down an alley wearing a hat and a hooded sweatshirt. Authorities believe he is the man who kidnapped a 6yearold girl from her cleveland home in the middle of the night last may. The kidnapper dropping off the girl 17 hours later in a different neighborhood. Her parents now speaking out and joining the fight to track down whoever is responsible. Theres no kid safe out there while hes out. Reporter Authorities Say the suspect is cold and calculated casing his victims homes several times before striking, unlocking windows and doors and breaking in even when adults are home. Thats exactly what happened in elyria, ohio last february when police say the same suspect broke in through a window and tried to kidnap a 10yearold girl from her bedroom. Someone just tried to come in my daughters window and grabbed reporter she was able to fight him off and alerted her father but the suspect got away. He is fearless. You know, he is after a child thats his objective and thats scary. Reporter authorities believe the suspect is driving this vehicle, a chevy malibu with a mismatched front panel. And investigators are hoping someone will recognize this suspect. The fbi is offering a 20,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest. George. Lets hope that helps. Okay, alex. Thanks very much. Well get the latest from those samsung phones catching fire on planes. Some u. S. Airlines are now adding a new tool to protect passengers from overheating phones. Abcs gio benitez is here with the details. Good morning, gio. Reporter good morning. No doubt the airlines have been watching that very closely. Were talking about socalled fire containment bags and one of the largest airlines, delta, just announcing its bringing them on board. Its the latest move to prevent inflight fires from cell phones. Delta, Virgin America and alaska their fleet after reports of those exploding Samsung Galaxy note 7 phones. Samsung galaxy note 7 phones are not to be charged or powered on during this flight. Reporter a demo for these kinds of bags showing how they work. Watch as the equipment inside the bag smolders and then even with an explosion, the fire doesnt get out. The bags can withstand temperatures up to 3,200 degrees. Airlines have been proactive since the first reports of samsung phones smoking, catching fire or overheating. And weve seen what happens when the note 7s do catch fire. Recently a replacement note 7 started smoking on a southwest flight. We got smoke in the cabin. Can you send the emergency equipment over here . Reporter everyone was evacuated, but the case sparking an urgent warning, even for the new models said to be safe. Its really a pilots Worst Nightmare to really have to deal airplane. Reporter the faa tested the dangers of overheating lithium batteries on planes before. Now with samsung stopping production of the note 7, the company is sending customers fire safe packaging to ship the phones back. And itll take some time for delta to add the new Fire Suppression bags to its fleet and it will add them first to international flights, those long ones. Those note 7 fires adding urgency now as flights rush this equipment onto their make sure passengers know how to use them. Thats right. Thank you very much. Michael, back to that shark tank. Terrifying video, george. You know, shark tanks are supposed to keep the sharks out. Well, in this case, it didnt work. Shark lunging at some bait, ends up getting into that tank. And a single diver in the tank. Their experienced diver from shanghai went pespecifically to mexico just to go diving with he stayed down and went to the bottom of the tank and as hes at the bottom hes watching two other great whites circle around. Oh, my gosh. And the crew was smart enough to open the top of the tank. Thankfully the shark came out. The man was safe and his wife said next time i love you, but youd better be beeping careful when you go again. I love you. You almost died. Go back. Its like how did the shark get into the tank to begin with . Broke through. The bait and hit the tank and it burst through. Would you dive with sharks . Im just curious. I swam with nurse sharks but thats where i draw the line. Like never a great white ever, ever, ever. You confessed it was one of your biggest fears. A shark is a shark, nurse shark, great white. They all have teeth. They all have teeth. Not my thing. Not going to happen. Back to ginger. Im taking you with me next time, michael. I did it with 40 sharks. Youre coming. Youre coming. A quick look at those wind advisories, not just coastal but inland, gusts to 50 to even 80 Miles Per Hour. Your local weather in 30 seconds. First, the weekend getaways good morning. We are off to a gorgeous start. Clear skies and cold temperatures. Phoenix at 68. We will warm up today. But it will be a gradual warmer. Upper 80s by lunchtime. Mid90s set in this afternoon just in time for kids to get out of school. We will see i high of 95. A few high clouds drift in through the day but a lot coming up on gma. Virginia dean who faced Death Threats in the wake of that report of campus rape is now speaking out in an exclusive interview with amy. Then take a look at this video. A sevenfoot gorilla smashing through his zoo enclosure and escaping putting the zoo on lockdown. That terrifying moment coming i work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba . . Tresiba . Ready . Tresiba . Is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. . Tresiba . Ready . Tresiba . Provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. . I can take tresiba . Any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus . , which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba . Is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba . To treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba . , may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Right now investigators are trying to determine how a deadly fire started in phoenix. Overnight, we learned that a 50 yearold woman has died. This is from smoke inhalation. The fire started at an apartment in dunlap. Crews were on was inside citysearch the appointment and they found the woman. The measly began cpr. She was taken to the hospital where she died. The cause of the fire is unknown. The fire does not appear suspicious. And mma fighter accused of a violent encounter. Expecting to face a judge today. The video shows scottsdale pd showing Rodolfo Ramirez is the he kidnapped and sexually nothing but clear skies across the valley right now. We will see high clouds spilling into our state from the north through the day. Some of those clouds drifting across the valley that they are thin and high clouds. Otherwise, ashley sunny conditions. 68 and warming to 81 by 10 00. Upper 80s by noon. The 90s set todays high, 95. We have crash in the east valley from our centurylink traffic center. U. S. 60 westbound at country club drive. It has closed the on ramp. Use alma school instead. Slow back to gilbert road. This is a look from our adot camera. This is a rollover crash on the ramp. You will see delays on the main lane of traffic back to gilbert. Coming up on 7 30 am. Were back in 25 minutes with here you are. Anything i can do to make your stay more magical . Well, i wish we could have even more park time. Have dinner with a princess. Oo i want to ride the monorail or take a break by the pool. But be back in time for fireworks. Let me see what i can do. Whoa when you stay at a select Walt Disney World resort hotel, you get the most out of your vacation. And your family. And right now, create a 6night 7day package, including a select Walt Disney World resort hotel room for as little as 87 per person per day for a family of four. I tried hard to quit smoking. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release every great why needs a great how. . . Just a hometown boy born a Rolling Stone who says you cant go home . . Who says you cant go back . How about that duet right there, michael strahan, jon bon jo gma. . Its all right . George let play a little bit longer. Keep it going. George, talk. I was listening. I was enraptured about it. You not only sang but talked a lot. About marriage and the tour and family, charity, everything. And hes a man of many talents. He sure is. Looking forward to that coming up. But also right now donald assault accusations. The republican nominee threatening to sue as he adamantly denies the claims saying Hillary Clinton and the media are conspiring against him. And then the l. A. Dodgers defeated the Washington Nationals 43 overnight sealing the final four teams for the mlb playoffs, the dodgers, the cubs, the pblue jays and indians all committeeing fo competing for that world series title. None of these franchises have taken it in the past 20 years and for the cubs its been 108 years. 1908 was their last victory. Well, i can remember the other ones, 20 years, not 108 years. Out on that one. Also, take a look at this moment in a courtroom. A michigan judge tearing off his robe and jumping on a defendant. Were going to tell you why he did it and then hell talk about why he did it and what he has to say. Well find out what he has to say about it coming up. Taking justice into your own hands. That 8 million defamation magazine stems from an article they wrote about an alleged rape that was later discredited and the article retracted. You spoke with the former dean at the center of the story. Yes and nicole eramo is fighting back over how she was portrayed in that report. Its since been retracted and shes speaking out for the first time on abcs 20 20 and she says, the damage was done. Dear nicole eramo, the dean of rape. God will hold you accountable. And he will have his day with you. Youre a despicable human being. Reporter nicole eramo giving abc news just a tame selection of the onslaught of hate mail she received in the wake of an incendiary article in Rolling Stone magazine. Kept coming over and over again and thats when i just thought, what am i going to do . Reporter the article titled a rape on campus centered on a woman called jackie and her allegation that she was sexually fraternity. [ chanting ] reporter the article and its author Sabrina Rubin erdely highly critical of the uva administration. She went to the administration and told them she had been gang raped and the administration did nothing about it. Reporter the dean becomes the public face of the scandal, and public enemy number one. You were scared. Yeah, i thought i was sure i was going to be fired. I was sure that i just didnt know if i could do it honestly. And i went to work every day and i tried to do it but i wasnt sure i could do it. Reporter but the story was later discredited with Rolling Stone acknowledging mistakes in its reporting process and the Charlottesville Police making a blockbuster announcement. Were not able to conclude any to any substantive degree that an incident consistent with the facts contained in that article occurred. Fighting back filing a 7. 85 million defamation suit against Rolling Stone and the reporter of that article, Sabrina Rubine er portrayed her as callous, indifferent and became a false friend of jackie in order to coddle her and to not reporting her Sexual Assault beyond the bounds of dean eramos office. Reporter in her sworn deposition obtained by abc news erdely explains why she believed jackies story. She proved to be credible in so many different ways. She was able to furnish me with a lot of different pieces of evidence to back up what she was saying. Reporter in a Statement Given to abc news this week, Rolling Stone says in part the depiction of dean eramo in the article was balanced and described the challenges of her role. We now look forward to the jurys decision in this case. And lets talk to dan abrams about this right now and, dan, this story caused so much trouble for Rolling Stone and had to retract the story, but the dean. Rolling stone has won a couple of pretrial motion, the legal standard. What will they have to prove here . Shes not just going to have to prove they got it wrong or were negligent. Shes going to have to prove that Rolling Stone knew or should have known that the story was false. Thats a really high standard. The other problem for her is there is a department of Education Report out there, which is critical of the way that uva has handled Sexual Assaults, responsible, Rolling Stone will argue, for those sorts of reports. Theyll say a lot of what we said about her was true and those are two very serious issues for her. But because the story was discredited, do you believe that the jury might want to award some sort of punishment . I think in this environment, you know, in an environment where, you know, gawker lost a 140 million verdict. People are going to be angry, right . Rolling stone got this wrong and they retracted it. It seems. That theres going to be almost an emotional response to this to say, somebodys got to face the music here. Somebodys got to pay here. The question is going to be pay to who . Who were the victims of this story . And thats going to be the question. Amy, theres so much emotion around the whole issue of Sexual Assault right now. Whats been the impact of this case on victims . Its been pretty tremendous. We all know that one in five women will be assaulted on coll know that false reporting is extremely rare, and yet when you talk to Sexual Assault victims who say this case in particular was devastating for the cause and its difficult to get it back. You cant take it back. You hope it doesnt make people or young women not report because of this case that they feel like they will not be believed. Thats the big concern about among many. Thats right. The father temperature mentioned and individuals who were in the fraternity sued. The lawsuit brought by the individuals was dismissed. The lawsuit brought by the fraternity is still ongoing because, remember, they were the central figures in this, right. Horrible fraternity, this is where it happened, et cetera. Defaced and had bricks thrown through the window. Their position is it never happened. We didnt even have a party that day. Thanks very much. You can see the 20 20 special what happened to jack ie . Tonight at 10 00, 9 00 central right here on abc. What you can see itw board, is Donald Trumps brand damaged . What that leaked tape may be doing to his bottom line and that traumatic escape from the zoo when that gorilla broke throw this enclosure, and we have jack hanna is here live and well talk to him in two minutes about that. Stay right there. Well talk to him in two minutes about that. Stay right there. And well talk to him in two minutes about minutes about that. Stay right there. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. New tide pods child guard pack. Helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. Time for the big board and our team of insiders to weigh in on todays top stories. Well talk to jack hanna right here at the table in a little question about donald trump. Is his president ial campaign hurting his business . You know, the wall street journal says 6 to 13 drop in his brand value since that access Hollywood Tape was leaked. Lets talk about it all with our republican pollster strategist, Kristen Soltis anderson and kristen, the Trump Organization put out a statement saying the trump brand remains incredibly strong. We are seeing tremendous success across business units. We continu competitors and are enthusiastic about the future but the wall street journal report isnt the only one saying its taking a hit. Theres pressure to walk away from the trump brand. You have the u. S. Golf Association Getting pressure to take an event from one of trumps golf courses. You had brands like macys walk away from partnerships with trump. The problem is people used to think of trump and think of luxury and success. And now for a lot of folks the sort of toxicity of the campaign has seeped into their view of him. Kristen, fellow billionaire mark cuban, a clinton supporter, at one point, he said Bernie Madoffs brand is stronger than trumps brand. What could trump stand to lose right now . Well, one of the big challenges for anybody who is trying to market to Consumer Market a Consumer Brand is reaching younger people, the millennial market, the hispanic market, markets that are becoming increasingly closed off to trump, because of the stigma thats developed around his campaign. Now, you can be controversial and still be very marketable. Look at folks like kim kardashian. You able to reach growing and important markets and trump may be closing those off. He may be closing off some, kristen, but may be opening up new opportunities with his real loyal supporters right now. Certainly and this campaign has really developed a very strong brand for trump that could be used for Something Like a media organization, but when it comes to Consumer Products or things like luxury golf courses, if you are losing among the sort of higher end Business Traveler perhaps, and folks with higher incomes, thats where trump struggles in the polls and that businesses. Time will tell. Time will tell. Now to a major headache. United airlines suffering a computer glitch leaving thousands of passengers stranded worldwide. Its the latest in a string of outages for major carriers and our chief business and exhibition ecoconomics corre, Rebecca Jarvis joins us now, rebecca, this seems to becoming commonplace. Im going to ask you like a consumer, what is going on . Youre at the airport and try to get information and they tart playing around with the system and takes them about 12 key strokes to do what we can do on our phone in one click or on our computers in one click. This is part of the problem, michael. So united overnight they solved their problems. Those travelers are off for the most part theyre going to their destination at this point but the issue with airlines in general is that the technology that theyre using, that Underlying Technology to get us to where were going, some of that technology hasnt been updated for as many as 30 years and when theres a little the entire system. That doesnt seem to make any sense, rebecca. You guys are flying every single day. Why not update the systems . They do it piecemeal, george. Theyve been trying. United has done it, delta has done it. Southwest has done it. Theyve all been upgrading their systems but there are so many pieces to this. Its like a ball of wires all wrapped around each other and theyre dealing with one at a time as opposed to the entire thing. Not as easy as an app update unfortunately. So well be dealing with that frustration for a long time, and you ca come. Rebecca, thanks very much. Exactly. Lets move on to jack hanna to talk about the gorilla escape at the london zoo obtained by thedailymail. Com. Kumbuka, the gorilla heading in right there, jack. How could he get out . It broke the glass. A lot of times you see gorillas in zoo, a lot beat on the glass to say hello. They shouldnt really do that. The zoo to tell people that. They do it to watch the people jump. Especially the silverbacks. They get a kick out of it. Entertainment . To them at times ive seen them do it and im sure something broke but the key is the animal escaped behind the scenes, not out in the public and later in the day two and im sure a lot of guests werent there but went right to the program with the tranquilizer. Much different than in cincinnati. Thats a whole different situation, and thats why it was back there behind the scenes and where it couldnt get out in the public, and knew exactly to you to keep him back there. We saw harambe and the shark get in the tank. Is it time to rethink human and Animal Encounters . Not really. When you take the things that happen compare to our zoological world, and take safety and everything thats happened to us in the last 20 years, were at the top of safety. Both for ourself and the animals and with the shark thing, what happened, ive done it twice, three times with great whites in the tiger sharks in the south pacific, they take a piece of dont put it on a hook. It comes by your cage, where youre filming and enjoying the shark, learning about the shark, but obviously, somebody im not saying the cameraman did it, made too big of a hole but the guy didnt get hurt because hes in this trap and hes not paying attention to this thing in there with him but warrants to get out and shoots to the top of the thing but when i take you shark diving someday, ill make sure that the iron is welded co let me cut you off right there. If there is anybody i would go shark diving with would be you and george. If george goes, i will go with him. He knows im his protection right there. Exactly. You want to be in the same cage or . Yeah, well be in the same cage, why not. Kristen, rebecca, would you go shark diving . Never. No way. Unless youre both in the cage. Ill go if she goes and you go, george. Youre a safe man. Im all in. Jack, thank you. Rebecca, kristen, thank you, both. Coming up in just two minutes, caught on camera. A judge ripping off his robe and you wont believe what happens next. Life can be messy. But with crayola color wonder. It doesnt have to be. Because the fun stays on the page. And doesnt go anywhere else. Dont you wish life could be this messfree . All magic, no mess. Find it in the crayola aisle. Sets each sold separately. Trickortreat awwww. I love candy hersheys all time greats, thank you everyones favorite picks for halloween, 9. 94. Save money. Live better. Walmart. Our special today is the seared ahi tuna. Dont you hate that . When they dont tell you how much something costs and you have to ask . Maybe thats why i always make sure to. . Bring up the costs associated with your services. . Just one way edward jones makes sense of investing. Going to the skate park today . Maybe. You can make it grrreat . Kelloggs frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. Theyre grrreat come on duck puppy barks you can do it duck. Hurry up duck you can do it duck. Very stage. So you can always look forward to whats next. And were back with that courtroom showdown caught on camera. A judge whipping off his robe leaping into action to help a Court Officer restrain the defendant. Abcs Mara Schiavocampo is here with what happened. Hey, mara. Amy, good morning. That defendant refusing to cooperate with orders to put his hands behind his back. So the judge stepped in himself to help keep order in the court. P back. Reporter this morning, the michigan judge leaping from the bench to the floor helping subdue an unruly defendant. It all began when an unruly defendant in court for violating a personal protection order got too mouthy with michigan judge john mcbain. I told you, just leave her alone. She clearly has no interest in seeing you. I want her to tell me to leave her alone. You know what, i told you to that didnt get through loud and clear, so today, youre going to jail for three days. You and her are buddybuddy. You all get along you all 45 days, county jail. [ bleep ]. 93 days in the county jail. Do you want to go for a year . Try right now one more word out of you itll be a year in county. Youre going to jail for a year in a county. 365 days in county jail. Reporter this war of words turns into a scuffle. Watch judge mcbain stripping off his robe running to the officers aid and pouncing on the defendant. Put your hands behind your back. Tase his [ bleep ] right now. Reporter this fed up judge laying down law and order. I certainly dont regret doing that. I would hope that almost any judge would say, hey, if my Court Officer is in trouble, im going to go down there and do what i can. Reporter now, that man did not end up having to be tased. The judge said thats the first Court Officials did review the tape and say the judge didnt do anything wrong. Ultimately its up to him to keep order in his court and if he wants to get his hands dirty, its his right. Of course, he didnt do anything wrong. I was skeptical. He did exactly the right hinge. He had to help the Court Officer out. I mean, my god if youre going to talk back to someone, dont talk back to the judge who said not to say another word. Hello . Okay, maybe im speaking from personal experience. Coming up next, that big exclusive, michael oneonone with jon bon jovi opening up about the band after Richie Sambora and his marriage and he is performing, so is michael. All next on gma. Yeah, lets not call it performing. Coming up gmas fall Concert Series presented by carmax. Drive whats possible. . You cant go back been all around the world . Back been al people say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Ut it. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. With asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a thma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for . . . And off you go, . . . And off you go, . . . And off you go, . For every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain quaker oats. Alright, did you know i was the mommy slam dunk champion . Really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up she did it. Again . You cant avoid gravity. But unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. Welcome back to gma. I learned something new today. A meteorologist said when i saw this, i love going leave peeping. I never heard of that before. Looking at autumn color, a very nice sight. Good morning america is brought announcer Good Morning America is brought to you by 7 56. Im dan spindle. A terror plot stopped and we have a clearer picture of why khan is facing terrorism charges. Document show she and her husband were plotting to set off bombs inside vending machines at the lewis prison. Her husband is an inmate their serving a life sentence for murder. The feds believe he converte to radical islam hind bars and they say michelle was smuggling in isis propaganda, disguised as legal documents. The policy will likely be a hot topic at the cannibas comphers and downtown phoenix. Vendors are setting up shop inside the Convention Center to show people in the valley the benefits of marijuana. This event focuses on jobs and financial revenue. It comes 25 days before arizona will vote on prop 205 which if pot in the state. If you plan to drive in downtown watch out for bike riders. There will be dozens of riders out protesting sheriff joe arpaio. This is the second protest against the sheriff in two days. The ride begins at 6 30 am and takes you through the park on fifth avenue and madison streets. Temperatures today will warm up back into the 90s. Still in the 70s right now. We bumped up to 71 at phoenix sky harbor. This afternoon, low to mid 90s across the valley. Temperatures will be very similar to yesterday. If you high clouds will come into the state into this afternoon. Otherwise, dry conditions. Highs in the 70s and 80s across northern arizona. Have a delays in the west valley. A 30 minute desert drive time eastbound on the 10 from 73 5th avenue. On the mini stack. Also delays in east valley. Westbound at country club is blocking the right lanes. The on ramp is also blocked. Use alma school to get on the 60 instead. Coming up on 8 00. Were back in 25 minutes with more local news. Lets send it back to good good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. First lady Michelle Obama slams donald trump blasting the gop nominee over his lewd comments caught on tape. It has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. And trump lashes out at the women accusing him of Sexual Assault. These claims are all fabricated. Theyre pure fiction and theyre outright lies. . Stand by you . Binge eating battle. The College Football sensation who was waging a secret struggle with food. I would have to lay down to the point where i was so sick i couldnt move. How he hit the lowest point of his life and what finally got him back on the field. . Its all right its all right . And its all right. Were living on a prayer with bon jovi this morning. The rock legend revealing what drives him. Writing a song to me is the closest thing that ill ever know to immortality. Band and the secret behind his megahit, living on a prayer. Were shot through the heart as we say both good morning, america. . Whoa living on a prayer . And good morning, america. Getting ready for the weekend right here. Jugs just gave bon jovi a little haircut for his interview. Just haircut for his interview. St ga haircut for his interview. I felt like a rock star. Starstruck. Nobody in the audience when we were singing. Did you sound like a rock star . I did not. Yes, you did. Yes, you did. Nobody in the audience there . There was nobody. The camera people were there, obviously, to catch it but there was nobody in the audience but i felt like a rock star. George, you feel like a rock star every day. Thats a star, that guy. That does it. The bromance is alive, people. Im just saying. One of the big stars of friends is making news. In an interesting way, one of our favorites, Matthew Perry is reveal a super secret passion anxious to hear what the guys think about it. Nice tease. Ill tell you about that. Only a tease for a few more minutes. Lets get the morning rundown from paula faris. The big story, donald trump lashing out at his accusers angrily calling allegations of Sexual Assault absolutely false. Trump is also accusing the media and Hillary Clinton of conspiring against him. Now his wife also threatening to sue. Abcs david wright has the very latest. Hi, david. Reporter good morning, paula. Donald trump is hitting back hard against those women who have come forward to accuse him of Sexual Assault in the past. Trump denies those attacks ever took place and accuses the media and the Clinton Campaign of a coordinated effort to derail his candidacy. They will attack you. They will slander you. They will seek to destroy your career and your family. They will lie, lie, lie. Reporter trump even appeared to attack the looks of the People Magazine reporter who you take a look, look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I dont think so. I dont think so. Reporter both people and the New York Times stand by their stories even when trump threatened to sue the times. The times practically dared him to do it calling this newsworthy information of deep national concern, paula. All right, david, thank you. First lady Michelle Obama delivering a stinging indictment of trumps lewd comments saying that his treatment of women has shaken her to her core. She was visibly emotional at a rally for Hillary Clinton as she denounced trump for bragging about sexually predatory behavior. It is cruel. Its frightening. And the truth is, it hurts. It hurts. President obama also weighing in last night blaming republicans for the rise of donald trump. And in other news in north completely submerged underwater. Parts of princeville are still inundated with up to 12 feet of water left behind by hurricane matthew. Rivers in some areas are still days away from cresting. And theres been a setback in the battle against zika in miami. There is now a third neighborhood where mosquitoes are spreading that virus. Five people have been diagnosed with zika in a onesquaremile area. Pregnant women are advised to stay away. And britains Prince William is walking in his mothers footsteps today. He and duchess kat a childrens hospice in manchester founded by Princess Diana 25 years ago. They will also dedicate a new part of the frances house childrens hospice. And finally, guys, id like to know how youd get yourself out of this jam. The dad who had some explaining to do when mom got home. Heres the reason why. Heres dad pushing his son on a tricycle with a highpowered leaf blower. Yes, a leaf blower right onto a gravel driveway. Things were going well until the boy couldnt stop himself, falls out of control. Thats the end of the ride. We should say he is okay. George and michael, how would you get out of that situation . He was wearing a helmet with goggles on. How wow explain yourself . You just got me out, he had on a helmet. It did look like fun up until that last moment. I knew you were going to go there, george. The moment it started lara and i were like yes, what could go wrong . An interesting tale of two cities. The women were like this, what and the men were like to learn how to get up from a fall. By a leaf blower . What lesson does he learn from that, michael . That absolutely makes complete sense to me. See, there you go. I thought he was having a great time. I predict ali will buy you a leaf blower. I would predict not actually. Thank you. Of course, lara. Were going to talk to you again soon. I know. Lets introduce myself. Its friday. Lets get this Party Started with chris rock, your pal, he is returning to standup after an eightyear absence, and lets just say, he had more than a little incentive, like 40 million incentives. Whoa. He just signed a recordsetting 40 million deal for two netflix specials. The first show is set to tape during in 2017 during rocks upcoming world tour. Congratulations to chris rock. Who is going to see one of those shows or watch on netflix . He gets paid. We watch for free. Ill go live. I got to see him live. Hes great live. He is fantastic. He is very, very talented. Congratulations to him. Wanted to share that with you. And then also, j. K. Rowling will be bringing even more magic to the big screen than she expected. Originally fantastic beast was set for a threefilm franchise but rowling says, however, after plotting the script, she can confidently say she needs five movies five . To finish the story. She needs five, people. British nfl novelist ovelist wra screenplay after penning seven harry potter books and says its very different. She admitted learning how to write for the big screen she just learned as she went along. Quite, quite different than writing a book. The second fantastic beast film is in the works. The first starring Eddie Redmayne is opening soon, november 18th. Our grandchildren can keep watching them. Thats how long its going to take. Its the gift that keeps on giving. Yep. Finally, some guys have man caves. Do you guys have man caves . I do. Absolutely. You do. Do you have a man cave . Here. Oh, yeah, you have like the ultimate man cave but in your apartment do you . No. The girls have taken over. You have a man cave. I have a man cave. Well, i bet you dont have this kind of man cave. Matthew perry prefers a bat cave. The actor has earned enough from being on friends and so many other shows that he told jimmy kimmel he has a room filled, filled with bat memorabilia and two interesting notes here. This isnt a childhood hobby. Matthew told jimmy its a recent he only started creating his bat cave three years ago and that its also not the classic batman he collects. Its Christian Bale bat memorabilia only much acquired during late night ebay binges. Jimmy thought it was interesting. I wanted to share it with you. You said it at the beginning, thats a sign of someone with too much money. Too much money. Maybe too much late night time. Ebay binging. Would you go bat cave . I wouldnt go bat cave. But i respect his passion. Everybody has something. You know . Everybodys got something. Hes going with the leaf blower. Yes matthew, you enjoy your bat cave this weekend. Tgif, everybody. Thank you, lara. The College Football player known as a force on the field revealing a secret eating disorder. He is opening up about it next. Plus, whats better than michael with jon bon jovi . Not much. Nothing. Theyre teaming up on stage and we have a big performance just ahead. Cant go wrong. . Who says you cant go home . On Medicare Part d. From onedollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, its easy to save big at walgreens. . Just stop by walgreens. . Then sit back and enjoy the savings. Cant see it. Cant taste it. But theres so much more to it. Heres how benefiber . Works. Inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. The prebiotic fiber in benefiber . Nourishes them. And what helps them, helps you. No matter what you love, well help you style your home from floor to ceiling. Now get up to 40 off our best paint via rebate and make your home happy, at lowes. . You never believed in fairytales. Knights in shining armor or happily ever after. But you believed when the right one came along, youd be ready. Time to shine. Orbit. You wanna see something intense . Pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest prov formula ever. He gets crushed and it was the kicker that made the hit. Oh. Welcome back to gma. That is joey julius, a kicker for Penn State University taking down an opponent from michigan. He is a fan favorite at my alma mater. The nittany lion sophomore known as much for his size as his ability is now opening up though about his private struggle, and paula that story. Lara, good morning, good morning. Everyone. Joey seemed to be on top of the world, popular on campus yet secretly battling binge eating disorder. It is a lifethreatening disorder and says it could have taken his life and joey just sitting down to share his courageous story with me. Joey julius to kick it away. Reporter joey julius is a College Football sensation. At nearly 260 pounds the penn state kickers uncanny size and powerful hits make his fans go crazy. Him, his size, is what he secretly hated. I was always calling myself fat, disgusting, lazy. Reporter a secret he recently shared in a stunning facebook post. Ive decided to go public about my absence from the team. Reporter depressed and anxious, joey left the team this past spring and checked himself into a treatment center. It was there he discovered why hed been struggling for the past 11 years. My name is joey julius, and i have an eating disorder. Reporter joey had binge eating disorder. Its when people lose control over their food intake including eating large amounts of food at a time even when not hungry and eating fast. Its often done alone. How do you respond to learning that you, a man, a collegiate division 1 Football Player has an eating disorder . I just said, whats that . You had no idea what it was . No idea. There is a stereotype that eating disorders are quote unquote womens problems. I mean, we all eat, you know. Do you think there are guys out there that are struggling with this but theyre too ashamed to come forward . Yeah, i would think so because i was one of those guys. Reporter in the u. S. Alone 20 million women and 10 million men will suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point. I think just the fact that being a College Athlete kind of pushed me towards, like, that goal of kind of correcting what reporter for joey a typical episode would involve eating a salad in front of his teammates but then hiding food in his backpack, going back to his room alone ordering cheesesteak, fries, chinese food and bingeing. I would have to lay down to the point where i was so sick i couldnt move and just, you know, lay there there were some time i would cry. Joey, has there ever been a moment where you thought this could kill you . Yeah, after i think i got the treatment, thats when i was like, you know what, if i would have continued down this path, you know, i might not be here right now. Now joey says this is he acknowledges there are going to be some bumps in the road but when he feels himself going in that dark place, the wrong direction, he takes a step back and thinks about what hes doing and you guys he phones a friend. Hes no longer afraid and ashamed to ask for help and asking other people. Its stunning, that stereotype that these are womens issues. Right now. Shocked by that number, 10 million men deal with it. I was asking michael if he saw any of this in the nfl. I want to say, joey, thank you for speaking out. Its phenomenal. And its real. Controlled by number. Youre controlled by a weight. Are you okay over here . No. Sorry. Are you okay . Lets go to a commercial and well be back. Jon bon jovi, michael strahan. Good luck, joey. Lets go to a commercial and well be back. Jon bon jovi, michael strahan. Good luck, joey. When they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong. Yey which is why our products are too. Angel soft. The mercedesbenz of tomorrow will transform not just the automobile, lity itself. An autonomousthinking vehicle protecting those inside and out. And its the mercedesbenz of today that will help us get there. Introducing the allnew eclass with innovations no car has offered before. And that will change driving forever after. Fact. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. What i love most about tempurpedic mattresses. Is that they contour to your body. It keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. Change your sleep, change your life. Change to tempurpedic. To sleep happy guaranteed, and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm. People say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] back here on gma wanted to let you know that amy is okay. It was a coughing fit and she will be with us in just moments. But look who i am with now, jack hanna and boomer the kangaroo. Jack, i have a 9monthold son. Boomer is 9 months old, only my son is a lot heavier than boomer. This one isnt in your pouch. Your son is outside the pouch. Thats a lot easier. For you. You were telling me when theyre born, theyre a fingernail size. A jelly bean. Its amazing. So much more to learn. We have made it to friday. As you think about the weekend, know that we will see high clouds drifting and at times today. Warm temperatures into the mid 90s today. Over the next couple of days our mornings will start out cool saturday and sunday but afternoon highs will be above average. Although we will see a downtrend and temperatures. I sunday, we have gorgeous weekend on tap. Your weather and heres your music. Bon jovi is back. The band has a new album, this house is not for sale. Along with a new perspective as they get ready to go on tour. Again, i got the chance to sit down with the man himself, jon bon jovi, and even better, got a chance to join him on stage. Check it out. Reporter now this is a pinch me moment. On stage with the one and only bon jovi. As they gear up for the release of their 14th album this house is not for sale. . You cant go home . . This house is not for sale . So, this house is not for sale is a bold statement. Integrity. This is not for sale. Reporter the groups new album is their first without their original lead guitarist Richie Sambora who left in 2013. Everyone says, what happened . We were in cal ga bring. We werecalgary. The last album was entering the charts at number one. We were sold out every single its show number 21 and the short of it is richie just didnt show up at the show and we havent seen him in person since. There was no fight. There was nothing, i swear, on my whole career, and hell tell you the same thing, so we went on. Has it made you closer . I think, yes, it definitely did. I mean it hurts when he just decided to quit. You know, and it definitely hurts, and we looked at each other and said, we want to keep going. Reporter in a message tweeted earlier this year, richie says he wishes his former band mates nothing but the best. God bless, good luck. Hope you g reporter with all your success what motivates you . Writing a song to me is the closest thing that ill ever know to immortality. Its something thats going to last forever. . Shot through the heart and youre to blame . . You give love a bad name . But when you write one and its a hit, do you know its a hit when you write it . Absolutely not. Living on a prayer almost never made it. Richie said, youre out of your mind. . Oh were halfway there oh what will you three tell to kids out there who want to be these rock gods like you guys are . Play music, learn. I mean, the best thing they can do is play with other people, the interaction. Know your instrument. Practice it. You can never stop learning. . Ill be there for you these five words . Reporter one person thats always been there for jon, his wife of 27 years, dorothea. I love her more every day. I found the right girl when i was in high school. It must be nice to everybody who supports you no matter what and who has your back. Who calls your bs. Okay, rock icon, garbage needs to go out. Of course. Reporter together the couple working hard to help their community through the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation launched ten years ago that includes two Soul Kitchen Community restaurants. Dorothea at the meeting says i see the vision, and this little 33seat restaurant has now served 59,000 meals. So explain how it works. So, if you were to come in, you leave a 20, it covers your meal and it covers a meal for somebody who cant put down the same money and then somebody who is in need of a meal volunteers. Would the jon bon jovi of 33 years ago be proud of the jon bon jovi today . I hope so. I hope so. I think he would. Thank you. Thank you, my brother. Thank you. . Its all right its all right its all right . [ applause ] you hear the crowd roaring. Yeah, the crowd is roaring. You know for me ive known jon a long time and hes such an honorable guy, such a good guy, very open, jon, tico and david were very open in that conversation and they never talked about richie, and that was a big thing for them because he was an original member of that band, but they have the new album out, this house is not for sale. Its going to be available on in february. So tickets are going to go on sale for that tomorrow. And you will be joining them. Ill be joining them on tour, everybody. Thats the announcement. No, thats a joke. Its not happening. All right, but coming up, we got a big jon bon jovi performance and a surprise for our audience. You dont want to miss the surprise. Good morning. Im christopher sign. A scorned lover or something deeper . Thats what we are expecting to find out after a man is hit by a cart near price and ray rhodes. Shandler Police Believe his ex girlfriend was driving when he was hit. The guy was taken to the hospital. No word on his condition. Were trying to figure out if the driver has been caught. The chief deputy of the pima county chest apartment finding himself on the other side of the law. He will head to court today. He resigned amid an fbi investigation. He was indicted for misusing money that was seized from criminals. It has been a phoenix landmark for 40 years. What is up with Metrocenter Mall . Is it closing . The chief Operations Officer tells us, no, we will not isan long time. They added changes are coming. Stay tuned. If youre heading out to do some shopping, warm afternoons each day. The mornings will be cool just like this one he. We started out in the upper 60s. Temperatures in the 70s now. We will climb into the mid90s by this afternoon. A warm day on tap in the valley. This weekend, haze stay in the 90s. If youre looking for cooler weather, flagstaff looks good. Temperatures are trending down into the 60s for that area. And maybe a good time to check out fall colors. Lets check the traffic we have delays on i17. At 13 minute drive time southbound from the i10 stack to the i10 split. The crash at u. S. 60 and country club has cleared. Here is another one. This is at the exit ramp of country club, westbound. Slow back to about stably. We have a lot of breaking on abc15. Com allegations against pinal county sheriff paul babeu. Paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. On abc15. Com accusations of widespread abuse at a massachusetts private school. She is sick of hearing sheriff paul babeu lie. Allegations of abuse of power. Another headache, the fbi has subpoenaed records. Lawsuits regarding abuse and neglect. Questions of babeus integrity. New page of controversy. A question of judgment. Ultimately voters are going to have to decide if hes the type of candidate they want in congress. . Hello friday . [ applause ] all right, welcome back to gma, everybody. We have a great audience here but they have to be kind of quiet because jack hanna is here and he has animals and, yes, weve got to be not going to rile up the animals. Who loves all right. We got a big surprise for you, okay. Thats coming up. We have a big surprise for you but, george, what did you bring to the table . What i brought to the table a couple of questions for everyone. How many were brought up to use proper grammar and puntation . Well, i was, george. My mom is an english teacher. How many of you actually use proper grammar and punctuation when you text . Nope. You do . You do . Im from boston. And you wrote, hello, period. How are you today . From boston, of course, i do. Boston. No lols for you. No lols. That may be taken by a sign of rudeness. A guy named Christopher Rosa from Glamour Magazine said he would go through a week of using only proper punctuation. There he is right there. Full sentences, punctuation, capitalization, periods at the end of sentences. He only lasted four days. No emojis. No do everything properly and his friends took it as standoffish and a little bit rude. That makes sense. It can be risky all the time because of that because you cannot hear the toeng in which somebody is writing and then add to that if youre more formal were not used to it anymore. The use of the period especially and there are other studies, as well, seen as too abrupt. How dare you . Like im an exclamation point person. I am too. Or the three dots thats not proper grammar so he wasnt allowed to do that. Im very excited for the party, period. And it doesnt deal with the tone. You dont you said the tone . Smiley face. I said you have a lot of homework to do and did a couple of smiley faces. See, thats sarcasm. No, its okay. But the thing is, his friends thought that he was mad. Yeah. They thought they offended him and some of them said you all right . Yeah. I love an lol. I love a heart. I like the blow kiss. Thats what i do. Yeah. Show me that one more time. [ laughter ] but i dont want to discourage my children or any of us from using proper grammar. I mean we just did. Yeah, all right. Oh, well. Speaking of kids ttly. What do you have. This is pretty interesting. A bridetobe, a bridetobe for her wedding. She says no, your kids cannot come to my wedding. Megan green is writing this in redbook and said when they say i do there wont be kids present. Its not sitting well with some of her friends and family and having an elegant new york city wedding and noticed other receptions parents cant let loose when kids are there and i have to make a full disclosure here i had a new york city wedding. And i said the same thing. And i had the night say thank you for making me not bring my kids because i could have fun. You know, because at first people do get upset. What did her friends think . Well, its to come of the i think her wedding is still to come and saying some are upset. What do you think. We had a nighttime wedding all adults and had a great time. Daytime i think its a my sisters my niece just got married and had a lot of conversations. I think its financial. Have to consider that and ultimately whatever the brides fami family, the bride and grooms family decide you have to honor. I believe its your wedding. You do what you want so if you dont want other peoples kids or your own kids, then im sorry, mommy and daddy will see you later. Its your wedding. Its a lot more fun without them, im just saying. We have a couple who just got engaged. Yesterday. Where are they . They are right here in central park. So i want to rank you, kids or no the way. Thank you. Nice ring. You can see that ring from here. Are you going to have any kids at the wedding. Baby, no. Kids, yes. All right. Thats okay. Split the difference there. We brought like duff and kate came to the wedding and love their cousin and even stayed for wanted to see what the tent looked like and then they left and that was that way they the ceremony but not the we did too. At the sear upon but byebye. Got enough to feel like they were a part of it. There are people that come from out of town and in yes. I understand. But at the end of the day it is that couples day. And it is expensive. So the head count is the head count. Yes. Kids are not half price. Congratulations to you two. Good luck. Congratulations and good luck to you. [ applause ] and are you guys ready for some cuteness . Yes. Here we go. Check out the newest adigs to th rightout side of allentown, pennsylvania. Thats a baby african penguin. Look at those little babies. Now, they were just introduced there. Theyre three weeks old, the zoo hasnt even doesnt even know their gender yet. Wow. How can they name them until i dont know that. Jack hanna is re. There is nothing but followup questions. Jack would know that. Well have to ask. They cant enter the exhibit for a few more months and they are even thinking about doing a naming contest because they dont have names yet so a lot of things with these little baby penguins and we have jack hanna here coming out right now. But, but, but we have yes, with penguins, i see a sloth. I see Snow Leopards. Well ask you guys to do a very, very quiet clap for jack because hes holding Snow Leopards that might scratch or worse if they get startled so lets have a lovely quiet warm welcome for our friend jack hanna. Hi, jack. Am i allowed to hoeld. Come on, sit down. I know you have a new book and more importantly new beautiful species. Hi. Hey, girl. How are you doing . Hey. What can you tell us about these babies . These are african leopards. Never had one on. This is a first . Yeah, they may start crying. Theyre not hungry. These cats on their first birth, cheetahs will consume their babies. Our Mountain Lion will consume the baby in 30 seconds. You have to be careful. This is endangered in africa until last summer and switch the leopard is doing pretty good now. So soft. The cheetah is in danger. Yes. Theyre going to do all right. This cat is called a cat that can walk right if front of us in the bushes. You would never know its there. How big will he get. Probably i say 150. 200. And they can take iv them take an impala, take 400pound animals and when they get this big they weigh 120 and pull them up hike a marshmallow. Up a tree. Thats where they consume it otherwise hyenas or other manimm animals would harm them. Ill go to tanzania and film and its not an easy animal to find at nighttime. If you go to afrikka dont hike hey, you said it would haul an impala that weighs 400 pounds. I would go up the tree too. Ive gone on hasafari and had a chance to see them. Youve seen it . Yes. Theyre nocturnal animals. So were seeing them. This one is calm. Yeah. I dont know what happened. While we swap out the cats, tell us about jack hannas big book of how. Well, we did the book why first and then true and how because when youre younger, no, no, you dont put him up there. Hes little or younger, always asking how does a fish stay in water or so i did book, is it true. Oh. And the point is, everybody, dont ask any questions. I cant know every question there is. You know so much and what id like to know what is this fellow and why is he going to town on a deviled egg . In south america. It is incredible. I filmed there 20 years ago and ten years ago i filmed and they get out, everybody, and they got in my tent. They got they got in my underwear. They got my clothes and put them in a tree. Seriously. Yeah, so im not upset but theyre so bright theyll get in your tent. Theyre mischievous. Eggs and cranberries. Told me not to bring them because they make a mess. Im sorry, george. They made a mess but they eat oh. Want to eat the mike. What is lara holding. My new best friend. This is an anteater. It is huge. The coloring on that animal. Look at the tongue. Look at this. See this on tv. Oh, yeah. You will not believe this. This tongue, everyone, this tongue its licking me. This tongue is 12 inches long. Are you listening . Lara. But in all seriousness, the anteater, thats how they eat ansome. Its very vital. Watch out. You dont have honey in your pocket, do you . A lot of saving today. Well wrap this up. Jack hannas book is available now and see his show into the wild on saturday mornings. The diet of you love allday breakfast. I love allday breakfast. But you dont love that you cant get all your favorites all day. I dont love that. But now youre gonna love that you can get more all day. Like mcgriddles. Ve to find Something Else to not love. Hey buddy like exploding fist bumps. Pggggggghew or forgetting what youre about to do. Wait. What was i about to do . Or when people who say you look like. James lipton. Oh man. Its uncanny. Welcome back to gma. Emma stones gracing the cover of vogue opening up about one of her biggest roles yet. The musical movie lala land with ryan gosling. Theyll be here and you can read about it when the november issue of vogue hits national newsstands. We are in for a great day but it will be warmed by this afternoon. Right now, 71 degrees with clear skies. Some clouds will drift in this afternoon. If youre heading out to the that weather brought to you by prudential. Amy, this crowd is like seven all right. Ginger, yeah, weve got a great crowd and time for the diet that has everyone from beyonce to jay z and Jennifer Lopez signing up, its called the 22day revolution and here to explain marco borges. Thank you. Explain how it works. A plant based buy set is a diet that removes all animal products and aeg is close to that in that you remove animal products so the animal flesh but allow dairy, eggs, some milk, some cheese. So what we do is we what we do with the diet we think about adding. Right, so youre maybe taking out a few of the staples youre used to eating but adding legume, bean, seed, nuts, grains, vegetable, fruits and the list why 22 days. Psychologists discovered it habit so if you want something steenable its about creating behavior modification so if you adopted a Healthy Habit over the course of 22 days youd be a healthier version because you need the tool to continue living that way. Lets start with beyonces go to diet. I believe she actually is enjoying it right now. Yeah, there she is. You see, she came. Are you guys impressed . [ applause ] come on. Play along. All right. This is really amazing. This has me like really is our who doesnt love burgers, right . But, wait, wait. Im going to get you now. Imagine a burger full of fiber and without any cholesterol . Right . So Heart Disease is still our number one killer, so the greatest thing about a plantbased diet the only diet in the world that has been proven to not only arrest it prevents and reverses Heart Disease and diabetes so this is like a win win. Whats in it. Its pinto beans, quinoa, complete protein source, walnuts and thats it. Wow . Thats it. Simple as that. Put to mate tos, onions, avocado. Guiltless. Now this looks especially delicious. And this apparently is something that jay z enjoys and yep, look at that. Looks a little angry there but i know hes enjoying it. Tell us what he likes to eat. Who doesnt love great ice guilt that usually follows after youve eaten it, right . This is guiltless ice cream. This is made with coconuts basically really simple and theyre great for helping improve cholesterol levels and its topped with sweet plantains, sweet plantains are out of this world so its literally a guiltness ice cream. And ryan seacrest. Incredible breakfast option. A smoothie. Its me tab link kick smoothie found in the cookbook made with great antioxidant, great for antiinflammation and has kale in it and have all the nutrition you need to get you going for the day. The audience will get to sample it. Thank you so much. Fantastic. Fantastic. Marco, we appreciate it. Coming up next, bon jovis big performance, stay with us. Big performance, stay with us. Cheers. I learned as a Police Officer and a businessman you should never abuse peoples trust. Unfortunately, today too many politicians either serve their party or themselves, milies suffer. The Arizona Republic called paul babeu a disgrace. Babeu spent 28,000 of taxpayer money at a fivestar resort and was questioned by the fbi for using public money to promote himself. Ohalleran im tom ohalleran, and i approve this message, Sexual Assault and rape. Outofcontrol Corrections Officers arrested. Because, with county attorney bill montgomery, some people are above the law, making us all less safe. Theres a better choice diego rodriguez, a career prosecutor who believes in tough sentences for Violent Crime and equal justice under the law. Vote for diego rodriguez. A county attorney for us all. All right, everybody. Our fall Concert Series is kicking off with bon jovi, but first we have some big, big news. Tidal is hosting a live listening party with the band october 20th at the theater here in new york city and even more great news, everyone in our audience this morning, youre all getting a ticket to the show. [ applause ] if youre not in awe, if you you can livestream the show, go to tidal. Com bonjovi. But time to get to it. Lets hear some music with the nightle track to the house is not for sale, heres bon jovi, everybody. . . These four walls have got a story to tell . . Ooh oooh . . The door is off the hinges theres no wish in the well . . Ooh oooh . . Outside the sky is coal black the streets are on fire . . The picture windows cracked and theres nowhere to run . . I know i know this house is not for sale . Hammered each nail this house is not for sale . . Where memories live and the dream dont fail . . This house is not for sale coming home im coming home . . Drove a spike into the ground and i staked my claim . . Standing on the dirt where theyll dig my grave . . Ooh ooh . . Now what built these walls is in my veins . . No time for looking back the wolf is at the door . . This heart this soul this house is not for sale . . I set each stone and i hammered each nail this house is not for sale . Dream dont fail this house is not for sale . . Coming home im coming home . . This house was built on trust thats what it is and always was . . No wrecking ball could knock it down this house was built on Higher Ground . . . . I set each stone and i this house is not for sale . . Where memories live and the dream dont fail . . This house is not for sale coming home im coming home . . Coming home im coming home this house is not for sale . . Coming home im coming home im coming home . . Im coming home this house is not for sale . Thanks for watching, everybody. Have a great weekend. Happy friday. Good morning. You can become a dolphin trainer for the day. One of the four experiences at it is opening tomorrow. Be very clear, not everybody is happy about this. Activists say the dolphins do not belong in the desert and are planning to protest near pima road. I believe that is tomorrow. Elvas just got a brandnew best. Not an impersonator but a very special canine in mesa. Look at these new threads. This is a bullet and stab resistant vest given to elvis byas elvis is only one of 19. Elvis is only one of 1900 Law Enforcement dogs in the country with with this type of body armor. As you get ready to plan your weekend we will have some clouds rolling in through the day today. Mostly sunny with clear skies this weekend and cool morning temperatures and warm afternoons. Today the High Temperature may sunny skies for saturday. Sunday highs in the low 90s. Low 90s into next week with morning temperatures in the 60s each day. The freeways are almost completely clear. Very light traffic except for i 17 southbound around the durango curve and a little patch in the north part of the valley, eastbound just eastbound past 19th avenue. Everything is to the side on eastbound on the 10, 35th avenue. Going to say little bit slower than normal. We are back at 11 00 with a full hours worth of news. Join us next on sonoran living. It is rally for red day. That means the mayo clinic is alpaul babeu exposed in a damning home video. Pinal county sheriff paul babeu. Accusations of widespread abuse at a massachusetts private school. She is sick of hearing sheriff paul babeu lie. Allegations of abuse of power. Another headache, the fbi has subpoenaed records. Lawsuits regarding abuse and neglect. Questions of babeus integrity. New page of controversy. A question of judgment. Ultimately voters are going to have to decide if hes the type of candidate they want in congress. Today on sonoran living it is rally for red day. We have some important heart information regarding Clinical Trials and Research Studies to share with you. And are ready to get rid of them . The new treatment of erasing annoying lines. Kids are moving, shaking and getting active and having fun. We will tell you how your kids can join them. Voted the best burgers in america. Are hot daddy burger bar in the kitchen creating some of their decadent burgers. Thats all right now on sonoran living

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