We have to let the investigation unfold. As president obama and World Leaders descend on new york for a meeting at the u. N. This morning. You will see a lot of police presence. 1,000 additional officers and National Guard deployed. A city and a nation on high alert. And good morning, america. We are live for our viewers in the west with the manhunt going on right now for this 28yearold ahmad khan ramami. This is the scene in elizabeth, new jersey right now. The fbi searching his home. He is believed to be the person seen in that Surveillance Video. That was chelsea on saturday night, and look at that scene now. An active crime scene in new york city. We also know at least four jersey and new york since saturday. Since the blast in chelsea injuring dozens and overnight, at least five people detained in new york who may be relatives of the suspect. The president has been briefed and is expected to speak sometime today. Look at the live view of penn station right now. A lot of nervous people commuting this morning, and police here are on high alert. So many powerful people here in new york city right now. We have Team Coverage across the country. Minnesota as well on saturday ni we begin with the latest on that suspect right there. Abcs linsey davis is on the scene. Good morning, linsey. Reporter lots of Police Involvement and Activity Still right here in this immediate vicinity. Last night, the two men who found the backpack with the five explosives in the trash can, they said they initially thought reporter this morning, the fbi has identified this man. A 28yearold naturalized u. S. Citizen. People say he should be considered armed and dangerous. This on the heels of the latest finding of a backpack in elizabeth, new jersey, containing devices. It exploded. Around 8 30 sunday night, two men found a backpack stuffed with a wire in a trash can. Just 15 miles outside of new york city. Police say when the men noticed the wires in the bag, they immediately turned it over to authorities. And as police attempted to disarm one of the five devices the exam by the robot, there is no Electronic Devices attached to the bomb or the suspected bomb i should say at this point. We cannot see under the package. But it does not expect at this time there are any Electronic Devices attached to it. Reporter the scare caused major delays for trains across the northeast. One amtrak train on its way to manhattan, delayed, stuck near trenton for hours. Were into hour four of a sitting amtrak train. Relatively good spirits, i think, considering the situation. Reporter this as, at the same time, just 12 miles away, five people were taken into custody on the verrazano bridge. This was sunday night during a traffic stop, trying to drive from Staten Island from brooklyn. Those five were potentially related to the bombing saturday night in manhattan. Shut down the run. Get them out of the boardwalk. Reporter and police in seaside park, new jersey, are still desperately searching for the person who left a pipe bomb race packed with over 1,000 runners over the weekend. I got some type of explosion in a garbage can. The race was delayed. Due to a massive turnout, and the pretimed bomb went off before the runners took off. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Authorities are in the process of removing a car from this location, and authorities are also saying that they believe that rahami may be related to those people taken into custody. Robin. These breaks are coming after an investigation. Brian ross is here with the manhunt for that suspect. Good morning, brian. Cameras and cell phones were used to identify the suspect. The search could not be more urgent to make sure what happened over the weekend does not happen again. Reporter the upper third of this Surveillance Video shows the moment of the blast. The impact seen here from inside the lobby of a fitness club. Explosion from a garbage pail. Reporter pedestrians fled the scene as police moved in. Then just four blocks away, what this morning appears to have been a major break in the case. Based on a tip from a local resident, police discovered a second, unexploded device. Build authorities say, just like the one that did go off, a Pressure Cooker with wires and a cell phone attached. I walked right by here. Theres a pot on the street with wires sticking out of it. And i think its probably a kids science experiment. Reporter the bomb squad used a robot to remove the device so they could examine it for fingerprints, dna and most importantly, the Registration Number of the cell phone, which Officials Say then led them to the suspects father. Right now, thats evidence for us. Could be crucial to our case. Reporter today, police and federal as will be tracking all calls made through the cell phone towers near the blast site. Off the cell tower, you can get information as to who called. And see who, you know, who may be calling each other. Its going to be very, very important. Reporter also important, efforts today to collect additional videos from the dozens of surveillance cameras in place on this block. Agents already have been studying the videos of residents walking calmly just before the blast. And then running for their lives afterwards. On the chance the bomber might be among them. Authorities tell abc news one video in their possession shows a man leaving an object near the dumpster, which was the scene of the first blast. Then that same man is seen at the site of the second bom it was a viont act. It was certainly a criminal act. It was a bombing. Reporter Officials Say they are also investigating whether that bombing ten hours earlier at a race in new jersey has any connections or similarities to the new york attack. The new jersey bomb, hidden in a garbage bin, was also triggered by a flip phone. Like the ones in new york. Although the bomb was constructed with led pipes, not a Pressure Cooker. What more can you tell us about the suspect can and the five people taken into custody . Relatives of rahami, and they are being questioned by the fbi. Where might he have fled . Thats important information. They are not suspects themselves, but they will know about where this young man could be. They want to talk to him. Detained, but not arrested. Thats right. This whole city on high alert this morning. President obama is here, and mayor bill de blasio stepping up security as the world gathers for the general assembly. Linzie janis is on the reporter good morning, george. The blast site behind me still very much an active crime scene this morning. Fbi investigators scouring it for clues. The mayor saying, there will be heightened security. And the mayor telling new yorkers to look out, expect armed officers across the city from the transit systems to the u. N. This morning, new york city on region. Citizens urged to stay vigilant. Counterterrorism officers, state and local police, and the National Guard patrolling major transit hubs. Well be doing enhanced bag checks. Throughout the city. Reporter saturday nights blast caught on this Surveillance Video circulating online. Sending pedestrians running and ducking for cover. A bomb just went off in new york. Reporter the 23rd street location, a bustling center of restaurants and night life. This Surveillance Video from a fitness club across the street, capturing the chaos. Watch again blast rocks the camera. There was big black clouds of like smoke. All of a sudden, we hear, boom [ explosion ] reporter so strong, it blew out windows of adjacent buildings and cars, sending shrapnel and glass flying. This woman bloodied and dazed. Helped by a bystander. Come with me. Im holding you. Okay . Come with me. You okay . Nothings going to happen. Reporter First Responders leading the injured, 29 in total, into ambulances. But all of them released by sunday. Among the injured, brenda abero leaving the hospital. The pregnant woman says the blast lifted the car she and her fiance were driving from the street, causing him to black out. The babys fine. Everything is fine with the baby. A mild concussion i have. Reporter new York Governor Andrew Cuomo surveyed the scene on sunday. He said theres extensive damage. It is this attack. George . It sure is. Linzie, thanks very much. And joining us now, new york city mayor, bill de blasio. Thank you for joining us. A terrifying weekend here in new york and new jersey. As we come on the air this monday morning, is the threat contained . George, at this point, look, i want to be clear. Nypd is in a very high state of vigilance. We have beefed up our presence all over this city. Checked in subways, and you will see a lot of nypd presence at key sites across the city. Im confident about what the nypd has out on the vestreets o new york city today. I think in the coming hours, well be able to say a lot more about what happened here specifically. We know a lot more than we did just 24 hours ago. Its certainly leaning more in the direction that this was a specific act of terror. And i think were going to have a lot more to share with the people. What i can say right now is we need the peoples help. Anyone who has information about that situation, we need it now. And the new York Police Department from my understanding is putting up a be on the lookout alert, and they want to release a most wanted poster for this 28yearold man. What more can you tell us about the suspect . Were going to have a lot more to say on that soon. But we want to publics help and as were going to be able to fill in the blanks about what we know, it is going to provide the public some information that the important thing here, again, thank you god no one was seriously seriously injured on saturday. And, people, i think, were wonderful in response to the crisis that happened on 23rd street. People helped each other out. Our First Responders did an amazing job. In the coming hours, as were able to put out more information, its important for the public to fully participate in helping us find out what we need to know. We did have some people who were paying attention in jersey last night, that were able to identify that bomb. Yesterday, you were reluctant to call it an act of terrorism. Are you prepared now to say it was . Well say more in the next few hours, but its definitely leaning in that direction, the more we know. What can you tell us about the five individuals detained apparently on the verrazanonarrows bridge last night . Heading to maybe Kennedy Airport . There was a car that came to the interest of the nypd. That car was followed. They were pulled over. Those individuals have been questioned. Theres definitely a situation there where were learning more information. And as we said, as well, you talked about the preparation because of the u. N. General assembly. You have president obama here today. You have got World Leaders gathering, and a lot of nervous new yorkers. The police out in force. But let me go back to the original question. Do you believe that there are more attacks possibly coming, or do you believe the threat is contained . I believe a couple of things. First, the amount of a capacity we have on the streets is extraordinary. We have the largest antiterror capacity of any force in the country. Youre going to see it. That is one of the ways to make sure there are no further situations. I think until we have pulled all the of the pieces of the case together, its premature to say what might happen next. I do feel that were getting information literally hour by hour. This situation is speeding up. Im very confident were going to find the individual or individuals involved based on but i think we have more work to do. Involved in chelsea, elizabeth, and seaside . Thats an open question. But one, again, that a lot more information is coming in. Its still premature to say if theres a connection. In the coming hours, well be able to tell you more. Mr. Mayor, thank you for your time this morning. Officials believe he was connected to all of bombings. Thats right. We turn and former nypd commissioner ray kelly who is here in the studio with us. Want to talk more about the investigation. Pierre, what is the status right now on the investigation . Reporter good morning, robin. Theres a growing belief of the bombings in seaside and chelsea are connected. Heres what sources are telling many e. All three bombs used flip phones to detonate. There were some differences in design. The seaside explosive device involved pipe bombs tied designed to detonate when the race began. The two bombs in chelsea on 23rd and 27th streets have signatures we have seen from bombmaking designs posted online, including in an al qaedainspired magazine. Both chelsea bombs used Christmas Lights for wiring, and one of the bombs had a label on it for tannerite. That can be used and bought in that Pressure Cooker bomb was described as being extremely heavy, containing shrapnel to maximize injuries. The way you describe those bombs like that, thats how you are able to determine who could be behind it. Reporter exactly. The leading theory is this is a serial bomber beginning to work, but also some investigators believe he had to have help. Ray, you ran the nypd for investigation . I think theyre getting close. We think were going to get a conclusion very soon. The key is the cell phone that did not explode on 27th street. Cell phones have a lot of data in them, and they will trace it back a new jersey, and perhaps it will be him or a member of his family. That led to the identificat leading to an apprehension very soon. Is there anything we can do to stay safe . Its a bustling city, and its a target. A terrorist target, and we want the public to be aware. Anything of untoward nature, that woman on 27th street, she helped solve this case. If you see something, say something. Absolute i. Thank you very much. Hillary clinton and donald trump both here today as well. Of course, this is 50 days before the election. Both are weighing in on the tax. Abcs tom llamas has the latest on that. Reporter before officials even declared that explosion in new york city a bombing, donald trump had heard enough. Just before i got off the plane, a bomb went off in new york. And nobody knows exactly whats going on. Reporter trump, preaching vigilance. We better get very, very tough. Just happened. So well find out. Bu thing thats going on. Reporter Hillary Clinton, who arrived in new york the night of the attack, also calling it a bombing before the official word was out. Ive been briefed about the bombings in new york and new jersey and the attack in minnesota. Obviously, we need to do everything we can to support our First Responders. Reporter clinton later calling them apparent terrorist attacks. But striking a much different tone than trump. To wait until you have information before making conclusions. Reporter and trumps running mate, mike pence, seeming to agree with clinton on at least this subject. It would not be appropriate for me to comment on an Ongoing Investigation other than to say we are thankful in our hearts that there was no loss of life. Reporter both hillary and trump did tweet out condolence messages. But trump also sent this out. Lets put it up on the screen. This happened last night. And clinton, americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Time to change the playbook. Trump clearly trying to seize the moment. Well hear from president obama later today. Lets go the ginger. Reporter more than 2,200 acres burning. They have it 0 contained and really bad fire danger. Lets get to the select cities coming up, much more on the breaking news in new york and new jersey this morning. And the latest on the terrifying attack in minnesota. Isis claiming responsibility. We have live Team Coverage all morning long. And it was a big night at the emmys. Game of thrones, people v. O. J. Simpson. Won real big, lara was there for all of it. She joins us live next. It. She joins us live next. Does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. 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Developing out of tennessee, new information about a string of vehicle fires around 48 street and southern. Were told four trucks were torched as well as dumpsters in the area. Investigators saying the fires are suspicious. A wrong turn for a driver in phoenix overnight. An Apartment Building damaged in this crash near 15 avenue and peoria. Were told the driver who caused it took off. We will check the abc15 accurate forecast coming good monday morning. Talking about the most accurate forecast. Right now a live look outside. We can see the skyline in the city of phoenix. Looking nice. Current conditions at sky harbor, 77 degrees. Warming up a little bit. Still wonderful conditions. Wind out of the east at 9 miles per hour. Here is the forecast by the hour. And 96 by 1 00. Well into the triple digits after that. The high is 104. We will talk about the seven day forecast and big changes coming up. We have several slow spots throughout the valley. A crash on i10. This is i10 eastbound. If youre taking the loop ones are one north on, partially blocked. Another look from the a. D. O. T. Camera. If youre traveling northbound on the 101, in east valley, it is slow. Partially because of a it is about 7 30 a. M. My goal was to finally get in shape. Not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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They believe its connected to the five people detained on the verrazano bridge here in new york that appeared to be headed to the airport. They are beg questioned right now. And take a look at the chelsea area of new york city. Youre looking live at a very active crime scene after the bomb that went off saturday night injuring 29 people, and a just blocks away. First we want to get right to penn station where the commute is under way. The morning commute. A lot of people, as you can imagine, are on edge. Security is stepping up here in new york city. Lets go to amy on the scene there at penn station. Good morning. Reporter thats right, good morning, guys. You all know this one is of the busiest train stations in the country. Millions of commuters coming in and out of here trying to get to work. We just went inside. And there are a lot of people standing around. A lot of station this morning. And a huge show of military force. Big throngs of men and women dressed in fatigues, armed with weapons, ready to protect those commuters who are coming in and out of penn station this morning. And that is all part of a Big Initiative officials are put into place here in new york city. Bringing in 1,000 extraNational Guard officers, local bus stations. Subway stations. Airports across the tristate area as folks try to safely make their way to work this morning. And i mentioned the delay signs. You look at the board, its delay, delay, delay, delay. Thats what officials are telling commuters trying to get into new york city this morning. To bring your patience and stand guard. Be vigilant. It was pretty alarming. We saw here coming across eighth avenue, a militarystyle vehicle. A humvee, armored humvee. Something you would expect to see in a war zone. Not in the streets of new york city. But it is certainly a sign of the this is not your average monday. As an allout manhunt continues for those responsible for planting explosive devices around this area. Back to you, robin and george. A lot of tension here in new york city. We want to go to minnesota to get the latest on the terrorist attack at a mall on saturday night. Isis is claiming responsibility for the stabbing rampage that left nine people with wounds before an offduty officer shot and killed the attacker. Abcs eva pilgrim is on the reporter gorge, this is where the attack started, here at the entrance to the mall. A man with a small knife of sorts stabbing people as he went through. Those in his path telling us this morning, it was clear. This was a man on a mission. This morning, the fbi investigating if the man who went on a stabbing rampage at a minnesota mall had ties to terrorism. It was absolute chaos. Reporter 18yearold ryan says he was walking into the mall when he came face to face with the attacker. He started the back of the head. I was just a roadblock. I was just a speed bump in his way. It was just one hit. That was it. Continued on to whatever his objective was. Reporter in total, nine people stabbed, and Officials Say the knifewielding attacker, dahir adan, was dressed in is security guards uniform, and referring to allah in his spree. One victim was asked if they were muslim. Reporter after five minutes of terror, an offduty Police Officer shooting and killing the suspect. Speaking through a translator. Yeah, he died at a mall. Reporter confirming his son died during the rampage. Are you aware that isis is saying he was a soldier . [ speaking Foreign Language ] translator nothing, nothing. Reporter saying he wasnt aware his son was involved with isis. This, as the terrorist Organization Claims to have inspired the attack, saying adan was a soldier of the islamic state, actin call to those citizens. Target the citizens. Authorities are scrubbing his devices trying to figure out what motivated to come to this mall and hurt nine people. George . Okay, eva, thank you. Im here with a former fbi investigator, brad garrett. Our consultant on terror and security issues. And brad, this man, adan, isis claims responsibility, but he i think thats right. He doesnt have a footprint, as far as talking to isis, going on their websites. Hes another kid thats been selfradicalized. In the meantime, here in new york, a far more sophisticated attack than we saw in minnesota. We heard mayor de blasio talking about how fast this is moving. A lot of clues on the ground here in new york and new jersey. York and new jersey. Thats right. You have the luxury of a lot of surveillance cameras and a lot of witnesses. And the combination of the two, and i think they have gotten lucky on a car and a tag number and put it together very quickly. Some of the cell phones are intact, and that could yield a lot of information. Absolutely. That will give you a lot of clues. The more important question, george, are they connected to other people . And are there other bombs planted . What do you make of the sophistication of this overall attack . These are we have seen Pressure Cooker bombs before. They were at the boston marathon. There are pipe bombs at seaside. And i could learn online in a couple of hours, in reality. We would make a couple of mistakes. The bottom line is, people can build bombs today because theres ready, available formulas for them and the ingredients are out there. Brad garrett, thank you. Were going to go over to michael now and see whats on the big board. Thank you, robin. Coming up on the big board. Donald trump is weighing in on the attacks moments ago. Well have the very latest on what hes saying about the attacks. Plus, the National Anthem protests that are growing in the nfl. What you can expecto the monday night game. Well have that in just two minutes with our big board panel. There they are. Have that in ju minutes with our big board panel. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] . . Man, my feet are killin me. Same time tomorrow, fellas . Dr. Scholls massaging gel work insoles absorb for comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. Dudes got skills. Dr. Scholls work insoles. Dont let dust and allergens get between you and lifes beautiful moments. Flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. . Our invigorating ocean spray singleserve juice drinks go anywhere. Like on your commute. Or at the office. Im in the break room. Enjoy the bold taste of ocean spray any time or place. We welcome you back. Its time for the big board. The team of insiders standing by live. For more on the mornings top stories, and well begin with tom llamas at the table. You were talking about the bombings. Thats whats been the top story all morning long. And how the candidates are weighing in. You shared a little bit about the race . Its incredibly important. It will come up at the debate in one week. Donald trump just moments ago made news on this. He is calling for more profiling when it comes to people like this who are potentially terrorists. He just said this moments ago. When you look at the approaches between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, theyre starkly different. Hillary clinton, much more measured in her words. Donald trump likes to get out there aggressively. Sometimes it gets him in trouble. Like it did in orlando when he tweeted out a congrats for himself. But other times, it has helped him. Paris, his polling numbers on the muslim ban went up amongst b republican voters, so thats his approach and he is sticking to it. How does this affect past races . Have we seen anything like this before . Right now, its unprecedented. We havent seen these terrorist attacks in the past like this or abroad. This is whole New Territory for us. Terrorism, according to the last national poll, is the second most important issue facing americans after the economy. And right now, according to that poll, Hillary Clinton and donald trump are pretty much in a dead heat. Debates coming up, sure to be no doubt in the forefront. Thank you, tom. Next up, the latest on protests in the nfl. The Philadelphia Eagles will take the field later on for some monday night football. Some players plan to kneel for the National Anthem. This as Colin Kaepernick and other players continue to protest during the game on sunday and espn games. Espns jamele hill joins us live. How are you, my dear . Im well. How are you . Im doing very well, and america is on very high alert with the possible terror attacks, and sporting events are targets. Does this cause a greater sense of concern for everybody . Well, it should for sure. As you mentioned, sporting events are often targets and often considered symbols of american freedom. So when you have a situation like you have in miami, where the police are actively saying they dont want to protect certain Football Players because theyre taking part in this protest, it just seems hugely can i ask you . Im sitting next to a hall of famer. Sorry, tom. Im talking about mike here. I thought you meant tom. Give me some time. I have a couple good years in me. Its an honor to be in the pro football hall of fame. And Darren Sharper has been nominated. A lot of people are raising eyebrows. Yeah, he is a fivetime pro bowl safety. But hes serving 18 years in prison right now. For multiple attacks on women. How does this happen . How does someone like this get nominated for the hall . Were both wondering that by the way. Yeah, everybo that. Because the nfl fan base right now is 45 female. And moms as we know, with the issues with concussions, will be a huge part of the conversation about whether or not their sons participate in football going forward. The nfl has done a lot to try to convince women that they are doing something about violence against women. You cant talk out of both sides of your neck. And have you say one thing on one end and then on the other ballot. Who decided to put sharper on the ballot is what i want to know. A lot of people want to know. It only takes one. I think it only takes one. The hall of fame is separate from the nfl per se. Both separate things. Just to make that clear. But still, does not look good. Jamele, thank you. I agree. More bad news for the Worlds Largest smartphone manufacturer. A new lawsuit filed by a florida man after his Samsung Galaxy note 7 phone in his pocket. Our tech expert becky worley is on the job. What are you hearing . The note 7 phone. Weve been talking about that with battery problems. The message not getting to people. A florida man, jonathan strobel, shopping at costco, feels the phone getting hot in his pocket. Not surprising, its summer and in florida in kocostco. We tell people, but it exploded in his pocket, resulting in Second Degree burns on his leg and his hands, trying to get the phone away from his body. The pictures are horrific. Samsung being direct. Issuing a warning, if you have a call them with someone elses phone, robin. Theres a recall. The florida man did file a lawsuit. So just how big is this . It seems like he has a pretty good case. The note it was released just in august. It sold more than 2. 5 Million Units worldwide. 1 million in the u. S. What we know, michael, 26 people being burned, including a 6yearold child. 55 instances of property damage. The faa banning the use of the phone in flight. Theres a mandatory Consumer Product Safety Commission recall on samsung says theyll have replacement phones available by wednesday of this week. In my almost 20 years of tech reporting, i have never seen a consumer recall on a tech product like this. Its big. A behemoth like samsung is struggling. They are wobbling. Theyre trying to manage the billion dollars this is going to cost them, robin. Before my flight to san fran, they made a big announcement saying, if you have one of those phones, do not turn it on on the flight. Which is really scary, on the phone and on the plane. Now they say put it on airplane mode. I dont know how many people do that. Thank you three. Thank you becky, jamele, and tom. Future hall of famer. Give him some time. Coming up, lara joins us live from los angeles with all the action at the emmys. Jimmy kimmel hosted last night. Great show. See her on the red carpet though . She looked good. Clear for take off. See ya when youre living with diabetes. Steady is exciting. Oh this is living baby only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. 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Bringing home their fair share of trophies, but there were big surprises. Take a look. Reporter Host Jimmy Kimmel set the tone for the night straight out of the gate. If your show doesnt have a dragon or a white bronco in it, go home now. The people v. O. J. Simpson. The people v. O. J. Simpson American Crime story. Reporter the simpson docudrama led the way with five emmys. Including best actor for a limited series or movie, for courtney b. Vance playing johnny cochran. What was it like to hear your name called . You listen to the first syllable. K k. Thats all i listened to, and i knew it was me this time. Reporter and in the same Sarah Paulson who brought a very special date. Her reallife alterego. Sarah paulson who played marcia clark and actually brought marcia clark with her tonight. [ cheers and applause ] because, everyone in l. A. Knows if you want to win, sit next to marcia clark. [ laughter ] i loved the moment. The big hug that you gave marcia clark when you heard your name. Tell me about that. It was very meaningful to have her here. Reporter game of thrones. Led the way in with 23 nominations, but lost out in the major acting awards. John snow, froze and snls kate mckinnon, best supporting actress in a comedy. Thank you, Hillary Clinton. [ applause ] reporter and the candidate she frequently impersonates sending out this tweet congratulating kate. And veep brought home the best comedy series. As its star, Julia Louisdreyfus made history. Winning her fifth consecutive emmy for the same role. I think that veep has torn down the wall between comedy and our show started out as a political satire, but it now feels more like a sobering documentary. [ laughter ] so, i certainly do promise to rebuild that wall and make mexico pay for it. Reporter what a speech. And then, Julia Louisdreyfus also paid an emotional tribute to her father who died just three days ago, saying she was so glad he liked the job she was doing on veep. With this win, now tied with Candace Bergen for the most emmys for playing the same role. Of course, bergen for murphy brown. And guys, theres a fun fact for you. There is also a guy who has that honor. Don knotts for bernie fife. Also a fivetimer. On the Andy Griffith show. Oh, my god. How were those french fries last night . I saw you posting that. Uh huh. You know me, robin. I was like, sprinting to the room. The robe went on, the fries went in. Looking good then, looking good now. And were going to have much more with lara in the next hour. Well have more coming up. Oh, yeah, you were all over the place. So a lot more on the emmys. Lara sharing the best moments backstage. Well stay on top of the breaking news. A lot of people on the search now for a suspect in the bombing in new york and new jersey. Well have all the latest in our next hour. Next hour. ll have all the later people say, lets just get a sandwich or something. Or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. If your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with. You may be muddling through allergies. And zyrtec . Is different than claritin . Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec . Muddle no more . If youre using this toothpaste, youre probably expecting to get visibly whiter teeth, about a halfshade of whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white is different. It contains hydrogen peroxide, a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. It goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten. It whitens four shades, and that is a visible difference in whitening. Colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. 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The halls, where you see the walk of fame, right . This is just an idea of what is happening. The production room. Where a lot of things the green rooms where the stars come through. And were on the wait. We cannot wait to see him. All of that brought to you by Liberty Mutual insurance. Your local news and weather is announcer Good Morning America is brought to you by las vegas. By good monday morning. It is 7 56 a. M. A scare for a dps trooper in the loop 101 valley. A driver pulled over pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. I just had a guy pull a gun on me northbound 101 and heard a quick. The trooper talking to the dispatcher. He said fortunately the chamber was empty and the gun wasnt loaded. Investigators do not know yet because they have not found the gun. They did find the suspect hiding in the bushes at an apartment complex. He is being questioned as we speak. It is 7 56 a. M. Happy monday. Here is the most accurate forecast. Mid to upper 60s. Go out and enjoy it outside. It is 82 by 9 00. The high will be 104. A scorcher. Much cooler after that. It will be 91 tomorrow. A 40 chance of showers as we get some rain from the hurricane. It will be 93 wednesday. After that, clearing out. But we will stay in the low to mid90s. Despite two groups appealing a circuit courts, a. D. O. T. Contractors will begin construction on the southbound freeway later today. The Indian River Community did not want the loop 202 extension on their land. Now they dont want it cutting mountain either. This will begin at the interchange at i10 and ahwatukee and proceed east. Drivers can expect to see a series of deep the tours until 2019. We still have a lot of slowing on the valley freeways right now including i10 in the east valley. Lets give you a look look at a 20 minute desert drive time. It is pretty slow and guide u. S. 60. A. D. O. T. Camera. Just moved this to the right hand side moments ago. I17 southbound not looking too that. It was walking the center lane. You will see some slowing here. Coming up on 8 00. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. Breaking for our viewers in the west. Massive manhunt for this suspect. Linked to the bombs in new jersey and new york. Up to five people in fbi custody right now after a bomb blast at a new jersey train station overnight. Millions on edge. Also more parents. Codeine used in kids can be deadly. Dr. Besser here to break et down. Family, food and fame. Whats life like off the court for steph . That controversial tweet and why she doesnt consider herself a basketball wife. Her secret gameday dish for her hubby, and wait until you see what riley is up to. And its the emmys. With all the big winners. The moment us didnt see on tv and all the hottest looks right off the red carpet. Gma there for every single moment. Right as we say good morning, america. Good morning, america. A lot of news to get to. Attacks. That includes the bombing in manhattan and the stabbing in the mall, and isis is taking credit for that. The suspect was killed, and at least five people have been detained in new york overnight. Police released this image of a 28yearold man, ahmad, khan rahami. Im here with brian ross. 28 years old and connected to all the bombings. He is connected to all the bombings. Station and two planted here in new york city. They are now searching for him. He is a bomber on the loose, and the fbi says he is considered armed and dangerous. If he is seen he should be detained if approach him with caution and call police. The bridge overnight connected to him as well. They are family members, and they crossed the bridge and thought they were headed to the airport. They pulled them over for questioning. They are not suspects, but they want tono 28yearold son. A lot of information on the cell phone. Exactly. The cell phone that was found in the unexploded bomb led them to the suspect in elizabeth, and thats what they are searching looking for more devices there. All of us in new york got these alerts just a few minutes ago saying this man was being looked for. Everybody, like, looking at their phones in the audience, and upstairs as well. Appreciate it. Lets go to linsey davis just 15 miles outside of new backpack bomb was discovered near a strtrain station. Linsey . Reporter a very act everybody scene here, and several blocks remain blocked. The department above the Fried Chicken business is the last known address. They say he is connected with all the explosive devices we have seen in new york and new jersey over the weekend. Fbi agents continue to go in and out of this building. They are in the process of also taking a car away from the 28yearold Ahmad Khan Rahami as a suspect wanted for questioning over saturdays blast in the chelsea area of new york city. He is a naturalized citizen from afghanistan. Police say he should be considered armed and very dangerous. Theres an active scene near the train station where two men found a backpack in a trash can containing five suspicious disarm one, it exploded. It may be related to the five people taken into questioning for the bombing. A very, very tense weekend. Lets go to amy for the rest of the headlines. Good morning, and authorities are investigating the motive behind the rampage at a mall. Nine people were injured before an offduty officer killed the attacker, who was reportedly asking if people were a somali man says it was his son. But he didnt know he was part of isis. Donald Trump Says Police are too often afraid to track potential suspects, and as for Hillary Clinton, she says, building more trust is crucial. The recruitment and radicalization that goes on online has to be much more vigorously intercepted and prevented. Reporter clinton called for a closer partnership for intelligence efforts. Well, the fragile cease fire in syria has expired with no talk of intention. Rebels hit the area on sunday, after one raid by the u. S. Coalition. The u. N. Will try to tackle the refugee crisis at a summit this week. A close call on a racetrack after a formula one race. Take a look. The worker on the track. Did not realize the race was restarting and u ran for his life as cars came zooming by. He was picking up debris and had been told it was safe on the track. One day earlier in singapore, look at this. A giant lifzard interrupted it. Neither human nor lizard were injured. Lets go to l. A. , with pop thank you so much, george. Yeah, downtown l. A. Missing you very much. Want to tell you about the incredible time we had after the preemmy red carpet show. I got to go behind the scene and get you all some inside scoop from some of your favorite stars. One of the biggest winners of the night reminded me that years ago i gueststarred with him in a sitcom where i played a minister. Guess i forget about that one. Unfortunately, he didnt. Check it out. Its always one of my Favorite Award show moments when stars collide. Reporter like this unexpected red amy schumer and the travoltas. Im a huge fan of both of theirs. And couldnt have loved the show more. Shes genius. Do you guys mind if we have the floor for a moment . Not at all. I want to be left alone. This is the best two on one date ever. Youre nominated for the people v. O. J. Did you see that . Yeah. And it turns out it looks like he did it. A spoiler. Reporter and two of its stars, sterling k. Brown and Sarah Paulson. Playing chris darden and marcia clark. I see somebody you know. Im sitting there taking a load off of them feet. Your speech was so lovely. Sterling was flattered. Sterling k. Brown, if i had more time, i would never stop extolling your virtues. Suffice it to say, i am holding this because of you. I think the story speaks for itself. At the end of the day, it was entertaining. But there are two people whose lives were snuffed out way before their time. Reporter and travolta says he was staying alive all night to celebrate with his with the people v. O. J. Simpson costars. We promised we would stay up all night. We promised we would have drinks and have fun. This level of success rarely happens. Yep. And i i want to take advantage of from now until 6 00 a. M. , im taking advantage of it. Partying. Yes, absolutely. Reporter with bingewatching changing the way we watch tv, i couldnt help but know all the favorites of the nights winners. The Great British bakeoff. I gotta tell you. Its a great show. Master of none. All of downton abbey. I did like six seasons. Getting into stranger things. Reporter in a strange twist of fate, turns out Keegan Michael key and i go way back to penn state. I was the year before. You were the year before me. I told everybody, lara was the year before me. And we were on a tv show together. Yes. And i played the weirdest pastor ever. The weirdest pastor. Just so i know for later. Wheres the bar . Came in at the strangest time. Im not an actress. I played like a pastor or something. You were marrying me and niecy nash. I know. We were a couple. This is my wedding day, curtis. So, i can now say, in all honesty, ive been in a sitcom with an emmywinner, keegan, and an emmy nominee, niecy nash. If any casting agents are out far, far away. Quickly, you know how hard we work. Get over here. This is how it all came together. Look at this. Get over here. The dream team. I just want you to see. There you go. You know how it happens. This is kelly and sabrina made those pieces happen. I wanted to give them a big thank you for keeping me awake. Theyre like, thanks, lara. Thank you. Lara is using them to get us off the fact that you played a paster in a sitcom years ago. What was that about . You know, it was typecasting, george. Im a very pius woman. The girls are under your arms like, i cannot believe she pulled us up here in our sweats. But you look great. Great job, lara. Great job, ladies. Coming you, we have a Big Parenting alert. The mu me the new medical alert about and dr. Richard besser is here live to talk to us about that. I had a chance to go two on one with the currys. Ayesha and stephen. Revealing the secret ingredients to their happy life and success. And riley, too. Riley, too, come on back. Announcer gmas morning venn view ewe and brought to you by centrum vitamins. Its like awful. It feels like am not actually cleaning it up. Whats that make mommy do . doorbell t . Swiffer wetjet. This is amazing. Woah wow. Now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. Only new wetjet pads have absorb and lock to soak up tough messes and lock them away stop cleaning. Start swiffering. Daughter mom, ready to go . 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Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. With less pain, i can be more active. . Welcome to my house . And welcome back to gma. Theres robin at home with the currys. Cooking up a nice meal. Were going to have a lot more on that coming but first, a new medical warning for parents. The American Academy of pediatrics is now urging doctors to not prescribe pain medication with codeine for kids. Dr. Richard besser is here. And when we were growing up, it seemed like all the cough syrups had it in there. Codeine is used as a cough suppressant. And a pain medication. Used by dentists after dental procedures. Codeine itself has no effect. An a very strong drug. Some people convert it quickly. Some slowly. If you convert a lot and very quickly, it can suppress your breathing and in some children, be deadly. What should parents do . Theyre saying to doctors, think twice, three times about using it. Think about something else. As a parent, if your child is ever prescribed an opioid or narcotic, ask if theres anything else that would have the it could be safer. Always a last resort. Exactly. Coming up, robin goes two on one with the currys. They talk food, family, faith, and basketball. . We dont have to go out . Kids dont play with the scorpion. Honey were out of. Coffee got it. . George. John. Forget something . . If youve gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. Try clarispray. 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Also known as rico funds. Critics have said pcsos use of the foundation is like money laundering. And theyve also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. It may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. Or if theyre just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. Dccc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Hey, back here on gma. Were so happy youre back was. Kelsey from maryland, hes showing me some of his speed drills. We got the audience going. Some of his tricks. Im standing by because were about to hear from the first family of basketball. Thats right. Steph and ayesha curry. Theyre opening up to robin. I love this, kelsey. Great work. . Welcome to my house . I wondered what that noise was. It was a basketball. Dribbling. I was like, what is that up there . Life with the currys. Thats whats up. The superstar family making a name on and off the basketball court. Stephen becoming the first ever unanimous nba mvp. And his wife, ayesha, a star in her own right with amazing dishes. How do i know . Because i had a chance to visit with them at their home outside of San Francisco to see whats cooking. Ayesha here. Reporter food, family, and faith. Ayesha currys ingredients. For living her best life. Welcome to little lights of mine. Reporter shes a selftaught whose recipes and lifestyle hacks gained her over 4 million social media followers. And frequent appearances on rachael ray and chopped jr. This is phenomenal. Reporter at home, her nba superstar husband, stephen, and two daughters, riley and ryan, are very happy to be her taste testers. Its obvious, your passion for food, for cooking. Tell us where that all stems from. It stems from family. Growing up i just remember always being in the kitchen. I feel like food gets people talking. It makes people feel things. Thats why i love it so much. Have about half cup of milk here. It was stephen who one day said, this is an abc news special report. Now reporting, George Stephanopoulos. Were coming on the air because president obama is about to speak in new york city about this spaight of bombings over a bomb in chelsea, new york and seaside, new jersey sunday morning, and detonated by officials. A suspect is being searched for. The man seen on this Surveillance Video. Thats the video of the explosion on saturday night in chelsea, but the man seen on the Surveillance Video, dropping packages in that neighborhood. Ahmad rahami. 28 years old, born in afghanistan. Naturalized u. S. Citizen and being brian, officials now believe this man is connected to all the bombings over the the weekend. Thats right. All four bomb experiences. The attack on the charity race for marines in new jersey, the bombs down the overnight at the train station in new jersey and the two bombs here in new york. The Surveillance Video in new york indicated they saw him at both sites, plantdiing a bomb, leaving the bag. They tracked a cell phone that cell phone attached to it, and they exploited the the information on it, that tracked him to his father and led them to the suspect. Police have been able to identify his car. A blue honda civic, and they spoke with his family members. There were five family members. The fbi was following them, and as they crossed the bridge into new york city, they believe they might be heading to the Kennedy Airport, and they pulled them over. They are in questioned about the whereabouts about their 28yearold son. Pierre thomas is on this. They wanted to get the word out. I want to stop you there, because we are seeing president obama. Lets listen here in new york. Talking about the explosions that happened here in new york city and new jersey. And the other device that had been found in new jersey. I have been monitoring the situation closely, and receiving again by fbi director comey. In addition, i have had a chance to speak with governors cuomo and christie, as well as mayor de blasio. We have seen what seems like a pipe bomb go off in new jersey, in seaside park that could have injured our marines and specta spectators that were there for a race. And the bombing in chelsea, new york injured more than two dozen people. We are grateful no one was killed, and our prayers go out to those who were injured and we hope for a speedy recovery. I want to commend the Outstanding Police and First Responders in both new york city and new jersey for their extraordinary professionalism and Quick Response which surely prevented even more people from being hurt, and ensured that people got assistance quickly. Rapidly, and as is my practice, im going to leave it to the fbi and Law Enforcement to provide details. Everybody is aware at this point that there is a person of interest who is the focus of the investigation, and the fbi can give you further details in terms of how that is proceeding. I told governors cuomo and christie and mayor de blasio that they and their teams will continue to have all federal support as they move ahead with th in tracking down every lead and working to keep the people of this city and of this region safe. Law enforcement is asking for the help of the community, and so to everybody in this region, i want to repeat what we have said before. If you see something suspicious, you need to say something. Contact local Law Enforcement. Interc in the meantime, i would ask that the press would refrain investigation. I am extraordinarily happy with the cooperation that has been talking place between the fbi and state and local Law Enforcement officials. They are moving smartly on this investigation. It does not help if false reports or incomplete information is out there. So try to, as much as possible, stick to what our say because they actually know what they are talking about. Meanwhile, i know that the United Nations meetings here every year already create an additional workload for new york. But given the u. N. Meetings, we also have a particularly high level of federal resources so help as needed. We will make sure everybody is working together seamlessly as one team to get to the bottom of what happened to find those meanwhile, while all this is going on in new york and new jersey, were also focused on the stabbing attack at the Shopping Mall in minnesota. At this point, we see no connection between that incident and what happened here in new york and new jersey. Our attention there is on the people who were injured, and again, we are very grateful that no one lost their life. Thanks to the quick action of a brave offduty Police Officer, the suspect was killed, and we avoided more people being hurt. I had a chance also with governor dayton this morning. I assured him well provide all the assistance he needs in the investigation. The fbi is investigating the minnesota incident as a potential act of terrorism. Well direct the full resources of the government to make sure that the investigation goes forward aggressively. And finally, i want to take this opportunity to reassure the and americans across our country that our counterterrorism and Law Enforcement professionals at every level, federal, state and local are working together around the clock to prevent attacks and to keep us safe. They are the best of the best. Over the years, they have thwarted many plots and saved many lives and we are grateful for their Service Today and every single day. Well continue on th to destroy isil which is instigating a lot of people over the internet to carry out attacks. We are going to continue to go after them. We are going to take out their leaders, were going to take out their infrastructure. They are continuing to lose ground in iraq and in syria, and later today, i will be meeting with Prime Minister abadi of iraq to discuss the need to sustain that momentum. Territory, it exposes isil as the failed cause that it is, and undermines their ideology which will stop inspiring people to violence. And well talk to tech and religious leaders to push back on online extremist content and all messages of hate. Moments like that, i think its important to remember what terrorists and violent extremists are trying they are trying to hurt innocent people, but they also want to inspire fear in all of us. And disrupt the way they live. To undermine our values. And so even as we have to be vigilant and aggressive, both in preventing senseless acts of violence, but also making sure that we find those who carry out such acts and bring them to justice, we all have a role to in making sure that we dont succumb to that fear, and theres no better example of that than the people of new york and new jersey. When i was speaking to Governor Cuomo and governor christie, and mayor de blasio, the one point they all made is, folks around here, you know, they dont get scared. They are tough, they are resilient. They go about their business every single day. And that kind of toughness and resoluteness and recognition that neither individuals nor organizations like isil can ultimately undermine our way of life. Thats the kind of strength that makes me so proud to be an american, and thats the kind of strength that is going to be absolutely critical. Not just in the days to come, us harm that they will never beat us, by showing the entire world that as americans, we do not and never will give in to fear, thats the most important ingredient in us defeating those who would carry out terrorist acts against us. Thank you very much, everybody, and as i said, you will be receiving im sure, ongoing briefings from both the fbi and local Law Enforcement in terms of the details of the investigation. President obama wrapping up, and that new information is coming in as the president was speaking. We have learned that the suspect, ahmad rahami is in custody. He was taken in new jersey. I want to put up the photo. He was apparently shot by police, were told and he is on his by to the hospital. Im here with brian ross. This information just coming in. Just coming in now. Confirmed by a federal and local Law Enforcement officials. Hour in new jersey, in what was described to us as an active shooter situation. We dont know the details, but according to police, he is in custody, and he is taken alive. He was being tracked in a blue honda car about a few miles from his home. Earlier when i was speaking to the mayor, he sounded confident that they had a lead op t on this man, and brad garrett, think . He didnt want to die. He sets the bombs off and goes on the run. Over the weekend, it was at least three different locations. The idea he got in a shootout doesnt surprise me, but that he also survived doesnt surprise me. We have video coming in, and its video of him in the ambulance being taken into the hospital right now. You see that is the scene near several miles from elizabeth, new jersey where his family members had a home. I want to go to linsey davis who has been in elizabeth where the f fbi was searching that home. Reporter thats right. We see an active scene here. The roads for several blocks are blocked off. You have fbi agents who continue to go in and out of the apartment just above the First American Fried Chicken. We have learned that apparently, his father owns this Fried Chicken business. He is said t above the suspect was said to have lived above it in the apartment. That was his last known address. Apparently, from time to time, he worked aftt this fried chick business. And a few miles away, remains the train station where you had the two men that found the backpack with the five devices inside. Thank you. I want to put that video back up of the ambulance. Just a few moments ago in new apparently conscious. Strapped in to that stretcher, but of course, the fact that he is now in custody does not mean that this is over. Not by any means. There are questions about whether he had accomplices, and they are searching through his social media to see what contacts he had in this country and overseas. Pierre, what do you have . They are happy that this arrest has been made, but they emphasize caught, a lot of work had to be done. Some sources felt he had some kind of support. They are looking at his entire background, and also looking very closely at his internet activity, social media footprint because one of the things they want to know is was he directed to do this or inspired by some organization like isis to do Something Like this, george . The key here is that right now, they want the public to continue and brad garrett, as this information is coming in, we know that his family members were detained on the verrazanonarrows bridge. But they have not been arrested. Correct. That would tell us theres no immediate or direct connection between the family, him and these bombings. It remains to be seen what they know or dont know about his behavior, but no charge yet. Brian ross, this is getting to the heart of recent shootings where you see people inspired, not necessarily, connected to others, but we cant make that determination here yet. But it appears that the stabbing was not directed by isis. Isis claimed he was a soldier for hem, them, and the break cad that had a cell phone attached to it, and by 3 00 early sunday morning, they had that cell it went back to rahamis father and that put him on the target list. He became a person of interest. They were watching him all day, and within a matter of 12 to 14 hours, they had a good idea who the suspect was, and as they looked at Surveillance Videos, they saw him not only at both sites in new york, but they believe they see him on incompetent. S although they are grainy, at the Marine Charity run. He was covering a fair amount of ground, but we dont h evidence of the kind of network we have seen on the attacks in europe. No. And he is another example i believe to either be a lone wolf or one or two other people with him, but this is a guy that maybe has some direct or indirect connection to isis. My guess is he planned this himself and launched it. He was able to construct several different explosive devices. But, george, thats not that that have been described, you can find online, and within a few hours, we could do it. You, not me. Perhaps. But the idea of being this is just not that difficult to do. If you are willing to take the risk to do it, and look at what they did. He dropped bombs, walked away, and didnt drop them in highly populated or places that people gather regularly. New york is a highly populated place. Is. They were random and in my view, odd places. Why next to a dumpster, knowing that lodgicalogically, the dump will absorb it . Amat amat amat amateur. These were classic bombs, and there was a precise set of instructions online, and how the used in this case. One didnt go off for whatever reason, and that was the big break in the case because with an unexploded bomb, they can look for friningerprints, dna, now the question is are there other devices he may have planted elsewhere . Or where they left behind . And at the scene of where he was taken down. Were former fbi agent. This comes at a time when new york city on the highest state of alert because of these wor leaders here for the general assembly, including president obama. Thats right, george. When the u. N. General Assembly Takes place, police are all hands on deck. You have a heavy security presence. So its interesting that they would pick to that time period to do these types of mr. Rahami was trying to get rid of the bomb, when one was found in elizabeth heading into new york. That would make sense. Obviously, he had to feel that investigators were beginning to close in. They had acquired more skpef lo evidence andi looking at video and he dumped the bombs is and was trying to get away. This fits a pattern we have seen here in the over the last year. As brad garrett was talking about, individuals acting on their own, maybe with one partner. No sign yet of a broad network. Exactly. Increasingly, Law Enforcement authorities have become even more concerned about the threat posed by individuals who are inspired by what they see on social media and on the internet, informed on how to carry out attacks by what they see, and acting out for difficult to deal with for Law Enforcement, and we have to think about how we investigate tips and leads coming in to Law Enforcement about people who may pose a threat. And chances this problem could get worse, even as, you know, you heard president obama just a minute ago talk about the progress being made against isis on the battlefields of iraq and syria, but that could create more problems in europe as fighters flow out of iraq and syria and into the united states. That that more fighters have gone to syria and back and come armed and ready to take action. In many cases, isis sends notes to its sympathizers. Stay where you are. Attack where you are. That will do us more good. Theres no indication or allegiance that rahami, if he is the suspect had, but its still of great concern. We are told they are looking at social media contacts. He knew people in pakistan. Isis is sending out broad messages to try to get people excited and take matters into their own hands. Absolutely, george, and were hearing from the sources that charges could be levied as early as today. They have enough evidence to bring charges and it could come today. Youre right. If you put in perspective what just happened in minnesota with the stabbing, this case, the fbi and Law Enforcement in this under tremendous pressure. We dont know if this case in the new jersey area is tied to isis, but there are more than 800 different suspects that the fbi has identified as to sympathizing with isis, and there are various levels of investigation in all 50 states. Think about that, and what the fbi director has said over and over again, its the people they may not have come across that so far, we have no indication that the suspect was on the fbis radar. Well be digging into that as the day goes on. Thats the question i wanted to follow up on. This did not turn up on any kind of fbi or intelligence chatter. This incident or the one in minnesota on saturday night. Well, again, thats the early guidance. The first rush suggests that, but again, they will be going through computer files, checking with different agencies to make sure nothing was missed. Sometimes, something that they didnt know was there, but that is the early indication that these people were not on the radar, which is again, the threat that looms large going forward. Okay, pierre, thomas, brad garrett, and brian ross. Linsey davis, and once again, the suspect in the bombings here in new york and new jersey has been taken into custody, and has been shot. Now in the hospital in new jersey. Federal charges expected to be filed today. We will be back at 12 30 when york and Police Commissioner will be giving us the latest on the investigation. Im George Stephanopoulos from new york. Announcer this has been a im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . Themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. [ cheers and applause ] . You hear that music playing . Magnificent seven theme, because we have Denzel Washington here. And a reboot of the western with an allstar cast. Lets take a look at a clip. Looking for a man. A big fella, about your size. Whats his name . Name his mama gave him was daniel harrison. Sometimes he goes by the name padre dan. Oh. You look good, man. You know, that was some nice shooting. I see you still doing this. Manuel, one of the guys in the magnificent seven a spanish kid. He outdoes all of us. They say you mastered it. You practice all day every day. You were in meetings with them. Walking down the street with them. No, no, no. Hes not crazy. No, no. But you get you just practice. Youre with your horse every day. I liked that. Cleanshaven right now. Do we love this look . [ cheers and applause ] hey, hey. Oh, i see. They comment whats the alternative . Theres no hate it signs . No. Whats that mean . The gold sign . Its good. Its all good. I love the mutton chops. That was your idea. Yeah. How did pauletta, your wife, like that . She didnt say anything. She understood what it was family, right . I watched bonanza. I hated watching it because i knew you had to go to bed right after. Ed sullivan. Bonanza. Then bed. I always liked hop sing. This is a reboot. I remember the original one. This one is so i love the cast. We all love to see just this differ of life. Does it speak to the new generation . You mean just having different colors of folk . It speaks to the reality in the 1870s. Thank you. Thats more typical than movies of the 50s, and 40s, where there was nobody that looked like us. We were there. We were there. Thats whats great about the director. It wasnt like, oh, were going to do this for that reason. I just wanted to be in chris pratts movie. He felt the same way. Hes here tomorrow. Well ask him. A diverse cast. I love the movie. The interaction with everybody. And speaking of sports. I know youre a big sports guy. Fbl season. Your son, john david, was a professional Football Player as well. You gave a pep talk to one of my old rivals, the cowboys, what did you tell them . I told them the time is now. Its like, lets go. Pick it up. Pick it up. Ive been a cowboys fan since the 60s. Nay used to ship, they had an old ship. They would do this. And they had black folks on the team. So i was a running back. Wanted to be bob haste. I wore 22. I saw gayle sayers, i wanted to be gayle sayers. I was more his size. Jim brown was too big. I have always been a cowboy fan. I stick with my team, unlike a lot of people. Not saying you. Not saying you. I stick with my team. Youre from mt. Vernon. I thought you bowled bah giants fan. Since you have been there since the 60s, you can stay with the cowboys. I had a chance on that note. Lets take a break. Were going to be back with . [ cheers and applause ] Denzel Washington. How much fun is it to see you two guys talking football . Its wonderful. I want to talk about something so very important to you. You have been working with them for many, many decades. What is that relationship like . I mean, the most dangerous time of the day for Young Children is between 3 00 and 6 00 afterschool. Most times parents are working. I grow up in the boys club. When i was a kid, they took to Yankee Stadium to meet the giant. It was a positive place. A safe place. Is it a tissings show kids that grow up in the clubs graduate at a higher rate from high school and college. In every way, its good. And hey. Magnificent seven hits tleerts on friday. Strike it is 8 56 am. We are working to update you on two shootings in the valley. At first, we take you to good guadalupe where investigators are still investigating a we take you to guadalupe where investigators are still investigating a scene. We are expecting and update any minute now. This is near 40th street and thomas. Our crews were there as the victim was loaded into an ambulance. He is expected to pull through. Phoenix police tell us someone knocked on his door, asked for after a brief struggle. The suspect is still on the way. More on www. Abc15. Com were talking but the most accurate forecast. It has been a beautiful morning so far. As you drive to work and go to school, a lot of us in the upper 70s and low 80s. By lunch, low 90s hand triple digits as you drive home. Crank up that airconditioning but that is the only one day this week. Rain chances and manganese rest of the work week. And the streets are finally improving valley wide but i want to focus on the north part because were looking at an eight minute desert drivetime. Mrs. Eastbound to 71. You are seeing some slowing were. Lets get a look from our adot camera. This is i10 near u. S. 60. Its clear but very heavy all through the broadway curve. Just about 9 00 now. We are back with a four hours worth of news about a terror investigation is being updated on www. Abc15. Com. Coming up at 9 am. Are you expecting a lot of company this Holiday Season . Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. Hes going like i dont remember . Because an open road is always calling your name. Because life is sweet. Because every moment counts. Midfirst bank will always be true to your money with Convenient Services that help you maximize the joys in life. Today, it is that time of year. What to do if your child gets head lice. An we will show you how to choose a quality supplement. Plus, Pumpkin Spice and peppermint. 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