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Mainly across northern arizona. We had a few showers roll through phoenix in the last hour to an hour and a half. Those cleared out to the north and east, and a few more popping up down south of maricopa, along with some stronger shower activity in the higher terrain, and even fact south of that area. Farther south of that area. This will keep the chance of rain going in the forecast late this evening, and as this continues to develop and move to the north theres a chance we could see more rain tonight and hopefully well get something in the bucket before midnight. So far today only a trace, meaning average to date for september, well below average for the monsoon total thats coming in just shy and two and a quarter of an inch. For the year well below average as well, four inches acth sky harbor, more than at sky harbor so far this year, more than an inch and a half below. Tonight as the moisture continues to stream in from the remnants of what was once hurricane paine, its a so to temperatures for the rest of the week and the next storm system were tracking coming up in minutes. Remember redecrees . Its the recess . Its the best part of day right. Yes, and parents are fighting for the right for their kids. Hundreds have signed a petition demanding longer recess at school in chandler. And sonu wasu was live at the meeting. Any decision scheduled today . Reporter School Officials say tonight they just want to listen. Parentshave been handing out these fliers at the meeting saying yes to recess. More than 100 people signed the petition to support this, and these parents say right now their kids are getting 20 minutes of play time in a six hour school day. But the school does offer a brain break throughout the day. These are short videos or activities in class, but these parents want their kids outside in an unstructured environment. Their citing studies, saying its healthier. Nationwide. We found hundreds of petition on change. Org. You know, we turned out okay and had multiple recesses. Our kids can do that as well. The other side really has been very happy with the way things are and they dont want to give up the decisional instructional minutes. Reporter no decisions expected tonight. The principal tells me the next step is theyll send out a Community Survey to hear what district feel, and after that theyll sit back and make the decision. The district tells me they are open to change. All right, thank you. From the live desk right now charges filed tonight against the man suspected in the bombings in new york and new jersey. Hes the man accused in all of this. Hes facing several charges, including using weapons of mass destruction. Were also learning he was on when his father told agent he was entranting with quote bad people overseas. Now the next and first court date in all of this is set for next week. Well keep you posted. It looks like quite the lab, and some items you could have at your house, but this is no science experiment. Its a way to make sure terrorists dont target us. Some of the states top agencies spent hours inside a mock lab to simulate a scenario where weapons of mass destruction phoenix fire explained their role in these kinds of emergencies. It can be difficult, you know, because the people that create these things dont use the proper tools. They could put the chemicals in the wrong things, and when they do that something bad happens. More than two dozen agencies took part. Scary moments as students head to school in maricopa. A bomb threat shutting down the high school with promises to ransom. Abc 15s Maryellen Resendez tells us what happens next. Reporter police tell us what that threat of a bomb came in along with hostages taken for ransom, students were just minutes from arriving on buses. And then the phone rang saying there was a threat at the high school, the kids are being rerouted. With all thats going on in the world today it was really scary. Reporter police swept the school with bomb sniffing dogs. Nothing. Found. They believe the fax was sent via a spoof website. Hundreds of uneasy pare lined up for miles to pick up their kids. It was an extremely long line. , parents line. Parents parking miles away. Go back to the spot where we pick them up, i think that would work a lot better so you dont have the frantic parents. Reporter detectives say two other schools across the country received the very same threat. One in ohio, and another in atlanta, georgia, and theyre working to trace the ip address in maricopa, Maryellen Resendez, abc 15 news. A no tolerance policy for a valley man who tells valley deputies he got so mad that he killed his roommate after he disrespected his girlfriend twice. The man turned himself in on sunday after this shooting in guadalupe. He told the deputies he was drinking, doing drugs along with his roommate. He says he shot the roommate three times with a gun in the back of a truck. Will there be a copy cat on the campaign trail . Donald trump seems to think tonight hes saying Hillary Clinton will copy his policies, and even use the same language to get her point across on national security. He told a rally in North Carolina he expects clinton to suddenly talk tough. Meantime clinton is not worry about the first debate saying she can take whatever trump sends her way, and plans to talk about her economic plans tomorrow to get ahead of the game. The big speech in orlando, florida, a state where shes points according to a poll. Remain calm, thats the word coming from oklahomas governor for the people in tulsa after an officer shot a man there. Protesters are outside the Police Department there upset about the death of unarmed black man, and kaepernick just weighing in tonight saying shootings like this are why hes protesting the national anthem. A streak of debris after a failed training mission, and sadl make it. The air force spy plane hitting the ground 60 miles north of sacramento after taking off from bls air force base. Amber sullins i temporary fix its a temporary fix, but will get the gas flowing again. States effected by a major leak in alabama will be closer to relief. Crews built itinerary by pass of the temporary by pass of the leaky pipe, but prices arent expected to stabilize right away. Chicago tonight after a bad string of violence in the city. The Department Planning to hire more than 500 officers. The formal announcement is expected tomorrow. There are currently more than 12,000 cops on the force, but with more than 500 homicides this year alone, the city says they need more hands on deck. Only on abc 15, the usda citing arizona wild life park in williams after a Mountain Lion jumped over two fence, killing a sheep. Il fences must be corrected, the arizona park manager tells abc 15 that this was an isolated freak incident, and that they will work with the local inspector on a solution. Well, Everyone Wants to get paid more, especially for overtime right . But that may actually be out of question for some workers. A bunch of states, including our own, just filed a lawsuit against the Us Department of labor. Its about a new rule kicking in december 1st, and basically the thresh hold for overtime would be eligible to be paid for it, but 21 states say that will burden businesses and call it federal overreach. Next time your spouse wants a piece of furniture in a different spot in the house, you might want to listen, it could help avoid disaster. Sadly this town home fire in glendale was because of a barbecue too close to a couch and the couch caught fire. And the battle against prop 205, the Recreational Marijuana law is getting support from colorado. Theyre traveling the country and warning about the fall out from legalizing pot. They passed the initiative in 2012, but say it came with increased teen usage, more homelessness, and an inflation of cartels. The black market influx of cartels. The black market is flourishing, and undermining receiving and could go to schools. The schools are getting a paltry amount. You get the chance to vote on the initiative in november. Proponents say theres financial benefits for education funding, and believe it will push illegal dealers out of business. The last and final portion of legal challenges against arizonas immigration low now done. A judge signing off on the new guidelines today that officers are required to do reasons for suspicion a person is in the country illegally. And they put it bluntly, Edward Snowden erased us capabilities used to help forces in afghanistan, and because of that they say the president ial pardon is unlikely. A toxic sip . Whats in our water, and why are the red flags just now being raised . Next victim. What to watch out for in your next delivery. Joe lets you know why one certain pop up on your iphone may actually be a good thing. Ohalleran i had some really tough cases as a police detective. But the problem in washington is as clear as day we cant trust our politicians to work for us. Tom ohalleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable and no more firstclass travel paid for by taxpayers. Im Tom Ohalleran, and i approve this message because you deserve leaders you can trust. I absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. With great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. Delivery. Hey. Chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. Have a good one. Ah, these small new york apartments. Protect your belongings. Let geico help you and back at the live desk, we have a live look at Police Activity inside a valley neighborhood, and truth be told were trying to get more information about whats happening here, but we want to let those in the neighborhood of 27th avenue and glendale know thawe this story, and well keep you updated. As soon as we hear anything more back from the Police Department about what this is well let you know, and well keep the live picture up as well. And breaking at the same time, a mobile home fire in phoenix. Were told crews put the flames out a short time ago, but lets take you there. A viewer picture from moments ago, this is the area of 35th avenue and broadway. Were told no one was inside the mobile home at the time, but at least two cars caught theres an invisible killer lurking in your drinking water, and 200 million americans are drinking it. Its chromium 6, a metal linked to cancer. And worse yet here in the valley were drinking higher concentrations than most places. Reporter this study said the chromium 6 levels in the water supply was on average parts per billion. At last the equivalent of having say 8 drops into an olympic sized swimming pool. California environmental activist Erin Brokovich exposed the dangers, and phoenix has high leaves of the chemicals. Levels of chemicals. The Officials Say its the what measures the levels at the tap . Our customers are seeing a very safe product thats been treated and tested and thats well below any limits that anybody set. Reporter still phoenix has a lot of skeptics. We have a lot of customers coming in that dont trust the source. Im particular about the type of water i drink because of reasons like this that usually you dont even know about. Its not as tasty as other cities ive been in, but its fine. Brokovich, and she tells abc 15 that its evidence of a water crisis nationwide, and say its due to the incompetence and complacency of our government leaders, and will only be changed by outrage by the voters. It can be easy to send a text message to the wrong person. I would know, guilty, but one text mistake was actually enough to send an indianapolis the 20yearold didnt realize that she sent a text message to a Police Officer offering to sell meth. The Police Department contacted the sheriffs department, and an undercover detective began texting her. Court papers show they arranged to meet two times before the detective arrested her. Facebook live is being used for just about anything now, but one dallas man thought it would be a good idea to live stream his arrest with all of his followers. Okay, so im getting pulled over here in the parking the auto zone because i didnt use a turn signal during the exchange with the officer he gets angry and demands to see a supervisor, and jokes about being shot, but then admits he has drugs inside the car. I got [ bleep] and inside the car police found a pipe that smelled like marijuana and cocaine, and he was eventually taken to jail. Hopefully you already see them on your computer, but what about when they show up on your phone . Does this look like a scam to you . A notice about changing my password. Reporter it does to will. After turning on his iphone this message pops up. Pass code requirement, you must change the pass code at this time. And im very leery of everything. Reporter and he should be. Its the quickest way to al malware. We checked with the cell phone provider. She told me it came from apple. Reporter so he changed it. But then a few days later. It asked me to change it again. Reporter apple wont comment, but they claim its part of their latest operating system security. You can be asked to change it if its too simple, common, or you use facebook or outlook. The good news, deleting the internet browser history seems to be the fix. Will says it worked for him. Sense. It worked this time, but the pop ups can be dangerous, so i say close them out until you know theyre not harmful. Go to www. Abc15. Com, and click sections and let joe know. Need my help . Heres how to get ahold of me. Im investigator joe ducey. If you have a problem, let me know. A cool and cloudy day here in the valley, on and off again showers, but not major for the valley of the sun, just a trace amount of rain here and there and we picked up a trace at phoenix sky harbor as well. Skies starting little bit out to the west, so it should be a gorgeous sunset tonight. The showers pushed well off to the northeast here approaching payson. We have more activity down to the south, and rain along i8 south of maricopa, and more shower activity thats getting pretty intense over the higher terrain over the last hour well to the south of i8, but well continue to keep a close eye on that, and were going to be watching it move to the southeast for new development because it has the potential of getting closer to the valley later tonight. In the high country is where most of the rain has fallen. And some of these spots like out near williams have seen well over an inch and a half of rain. A few spots even closer to two inches. All of this moisture coming in from what was left of hurricane paine, and now its a tropical depression down there off the coast of the baja peninsula, and it will continue to push moisture our way as it veers off to the northeast here and cros going into later tonight and tomorrow. So we still have that moisture in place. Humidity levels will be high tomorrow, and we have a chance of seeing a few spotty showers and thunderstorms. Later on tonight a chance in play, and later tomorrow when we get the afternoon heating going we start to see spotty showers pop up here and there. About a 20 percent chance for the valley tomorrow and thursday and a 40 percent chance in the higher terrain. Now more changes coming thursday and friday. We have the next low pressure system to track coming out of approaches we pick up the winds again on thursday. Breezy in the valley, windy up north, it works with that left over moisture from paine to give us the chances of showers and thunderstorms, and then behind it drier air and cooler into the weekend. 95 tomorrow, 92 thursday. Down into the upper 80s friday. Back to the 90s saturday, and well have your sevenday forecast coming up in the next half hour bad luck for becoming target . The new fire scare at this beloved valley saloon. Plus parents with a lot to say about their sons almost unbelievable leap of faith. And he does big things on the football fields on sunday, and big things for the we are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. Sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeus office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. Critics have said pcsos use of the foundation and theyve also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. It may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. Or if theyre just being used to make the sheriff look good, as he runs for congress. Yeah, you can get it. Yeah, you got it. Thats what the guy is down on the off day, no practice for the cardinal, so Patrick Peterson reveals patricks corner number seven are students where students and families can read and explore today. His wife and daughter were on hand too, and he says this is just the beginning. We have a lot of things to plan, a lot of things we want center some day. We have patricks pick up a book program which we started at one of last schools in arizona as far as reading, and now theyre the top three, so we have a lot of things in store thats going to continue helping the arizona community. Tough not to like the guy on and off the field. Yeah, great guy, great effort. Cute buy by too. Absolutely baby too. Absolutely, and i have a those dads, can i have it. Yes you can. And the traffic back up that could put you in a crunch before your next trip. More disturbing accusations against a u of a football bombs will be heard on the streets, words from the accused feds. This is just coming out. They said the suspect vowed to be a martyr, he said hed never be caught after setting off explosives in new york and new jersey. Court dock youths show he didnt documents show he didnt try to hide what he was doing. Ordering the bomb making materials online and having them delivered to his work. Hes still in the hospital after being shot yesterday. Its been a cloudy day, the skies opening up just enough to get a few for the evening tonight, and the showers continue especially up in the higher terrain, williams one of wettest spots today, receiving well over an inch of rain, including prescott as the moisture coverages to stream in. Heres the desert doppler, much of the action still up to the north, but we have a few showers down to the south to keep a close eye on, theyre on and areas south of there over the open land and higher terrain spots. Now into tonight, just a slight chance of a stray shower or two here in the valley at 10 percent. The chance will increase a little bit in the overnight forecast, but not by much, and then tomorrow with all this lingering moisture still in place, we could still see a few showers pop up in the heat of the day. Temperatures tonight until the 80s. The high today only only 89. Caught in the act, this is needs to be caught. He tackerred act apartment complex in targeted an apartment complex in tempe filled with College Students and young professionals. And this could happen to anyone. And joe bartels has the story youll only see on abc 15. Reporter steve and self knee, the package stephanie, the package stealing punk probably wasnt expecting to be caught on camera, but the victim catching surveillance pictures of guy striking right people arent home. Special delivery, the victim expecting a very nice 600 high tech watch to be delivered to his apartment last week. Well it made to the apartment door, with the into someone elses hands. Thats honestly since i live here, thats scary. We get packages all the time. They dont go through the office. We have a policy where they come straight to the doors. Reporter take a look, the victim caught a series of surveillance pictures from inside a hallway. The white package is tucked away in the corner doorway. Then this guy helps himself. His face never shown. Hes a white guy about 200 pounds wearing a baseball cap, and the victim believes the person might live in the complex. Tempe Police Looking into the case. Back to you. A new crime alert tonight in tempe. Police say a criminal is behind those suspicious track fires late sunday night in the area trucks and a couple of dumpsters on fire too. If you have any tips or know anything call the police. A second scare at the buffalo chip saloon, there was another fire, but it didnt spread to the saloon. Theyre about ready to be reopen after a fire last year that destroyed part of iconic structure. Theres speculation it was arson. A fight over a cell phone, strangled for coming home late. Accusations against a former u of a football player, and thats the testimony from the second alleged victim. Were told that woman came forward after the first batch of charges were filed against orlando bradford, and some of the details are just too graphic to report. The second victim actually had a relationship with bradford for nine months. You probably never thought changing your childs diaper is something that can actually land you in jail, but theres at least talk around town of the Arizona Supreme Court is upholding a law creating a very gray area between sexual offenses and basic parental activities. Its a convoluted topic, so heres the answer on whats what from county attorney bill montgomery. In caring for a child without any sexual motivation whatsoever are not going to run the risk of being investigated, yet alone charged, yet alone prosecuted or convicted. Bottom line montgomery say its all about common sense. No one doing the right thing will be prosecuted. And were learning more about the terrifying movements. A pilot and his crew jumping out of a burning plane. The pilots parents speaking out. Ryan kilgores parents say their son flew the plane as long as he could as the four sky divers parachuted to safety, and he was forced to the plane crashed into a gilbert home, and ryan landed in a field about a mile away. With the heroic act of a brave pilot who was more concerned for others than himself in a crisis, were proud to call him our son. From the live desk now, were wait, for the official con fir mission, but as of confirmation, now officials believe theyre dealing with a heat related hiker detect. The man was with a death. The man was with a group, but somehow got separated and went through two bottles of water. Flames are spreading in an area where our state experienced one of the worst fires in history. Right now youre looking at the fire burning west of show low. Parts of it will naturally burn that specific area any time soon. Dont say we dont warn you, the easy breezy airport many of us use is about to get really busy, and you could be faced with delays. Starting october 6th, sky harbor plans to close one of the three runways for maintenance for an entire month, and is predicting delays of 30 minutes in peak hours, so what do you get in exchange . New concrete on the runways, new light, and upgrades to terminal three, and those livi airport may hear more planes flying by until november 6th. Pieces of history at our backyard tonight coming from the uss phoenix, the los angeles attacked submarine was first put in the water in 1981 and decommissioned later. The goal is to build a monument. Only three ships were named after the city of phoenix, and there is the only submarine named after the city of rudder will stay at the military residencization. Donation reservation. And creepy clown sightings leaving teachers and police all right, now we know why the poli a valley neighborhood. There was a shooting out there, the officers confirming it for us. This is the live picture near 27th avenue and glendale. The investigation just beginning. Several shottings were fired in this shots were fired in this group of men. One has a gunshot wound to the forearm, but they believe everyone they want to talk to has been detain. Creepy clowns roaming the streets of maryland. Turns out it was just a prank students talking about a couple of people trying to lure them into the woods. Teachers got worried, contacted police, but then the kids confessed to the hoax. The clown scenario has been making its way across the country. Tropical moisture still streaming in, rain chances continue over the next couple of days. Humid and warmer tomorrow. Well look at cities across the state, how much warmer its going to get, and the rain imagine looking into a childs eyes and telling them they get no lunch. Its a lunch shaming policy that forced one cafeteria worker to walk away from her job. And accusations of gutless leadership as Elizabeth Warren ohalleran i had some really tough cases as a police detective. But the problem in washington is as clear as day Tom Ohalleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable no pay for congress if they dont pass a budget, reduce the influence of big money and special interests, and no more firstclass travel paid for by taxpayers. Im Tom Ohalleran, and i approve this Message Police shooting why coming in, this one happening though in charlotte. Police say one of their officers shot a man, the man its determined was armed. It happened after they noticed him getting out of the car with a gun. Officers saw him as a threat and opened fire. He did not survive, dying at the hospital. A cafeteria worker is throwing in the towel after accusations of lunch she claim she was forced to take away hot meals from children with overdrawn lunch accounts, instead it was replaced with sandwich, but for older kids it meant no lunch, and it was something she couldnt do. His eyes welled up with tears. Ill never forget his name or his face. The school say its about money owed, and the parents are a lot, but somehow Surprise Police ended up the target of an angry vandal. The 19yearold john ivy went to the property yard, but got mad when he couldnt get inside, so he broke the call box, kicked in the gate, and broke the security camera. And todays wells fargo hearing got heated senator Elizabeth Warren tore into the ceo john stumps. You squeezed your employees to the breaking point so theyd cheat customers and you could drive up the value of your stock and put hundreds of millions of dollars in your own pocket. It was all over the millions of fake accounts the bank created over several years, and thousands of employees fired. Warren slams stumps for failing to fire any Senior Executive linked to the scandal, while price. And tomorrow milans ceo is going in front of a committee. The ceo is in trouble for the price of the drug if you missed last nights spat between the giants and dodgers you didnt miss anything too exciting, but what was impressive was how quickly and effectively the were able to poke fun at the situation. It happened when puig grounded out to baumgarner, and its known they dont like each other, so had he said dont look at me. Benches clear, nothing really comes of it, that is until today. Dodgers slugger gonzalez tweeted out this picture with just fuel on the fire of the dodgers rivalry with them. Im like the furtherrest thing from a dongers fan, but thats pretty funny. Funny enough for you to root for them . Nope and now new looks at whats happening right now on abc 15 desert doppler. We just got the update in, and theres a slight chance of showers tonight, nothing major, but still moisture with, so models still showing the chance for the late night forecast, and even into tomorrow. Right now on abc 15 desert doppler, showers developing to the south. Some of them getting heavy, well keep a close eye on that for you. In the meantime rain still falling along i40, and its the spot like williams thats received close to two inches of rain, and its still falling through williams and flagstaff the north farther of to the north of that area, and its headed to the northeast at this hour, but the stuff building down to the south is also heading to the northeast, so that could come into Central Arizona later tonight. Well continue to keep a close eye on it. Its 86 in the meantime, dewpoint at 60, and winds breezy at14 miles per hour, and breezier at deer valley. The breezes a little lighter than just a couple of hours ago, and almost continue to taper will continue to taper off into the late night forecast tonight. Temperatur c 80s through the most of the valley. Cave creek and anthem with the exemptions, 79 in both of those elections. 52 in flagstaff right now. Lows tonight in the higher terrain are not going to be as cold as they have been. Some of the spots like the grand canyon, flagstaff, window rock, have been down into the 30s over the last few nights, but tonight with the cloud coverage around its 50s for the Early Morning lows and 66 in globe is what youll wake up to early in the morning about sunrise, then 70s in payson and sedona for high, show low at 73. Safford in the 90s as will most of the Central Arizona spots, and even areas out to the west, mostly in the low 90s for tomorrow afternoon. Heres a closer look at the valley. 93 in mesa 9 tomorrow in gilbert, scottsdale, and tempe, and deer valley checking in at 92. This. Up into the 90s by noon. Rain chances continue about 10 to 20 percent throughout the day. Nothing major expected but we could see thunderstorms in the mix tomorrow as well. And same story on thursday. Thursday another storm system coming in from the pacific northwest. Well work with the moisture already in place. So Storm Chances continue, winds pick up, cooler air coming in, and were down to 88 on friday with the 90s back in play this weekend. Can you imagine seeing this guy and not actually catch him if well a South Carolina him . Well a South Carolina familys first alligator hunt surprised many that have been hunting them for year. They managed to catch the 604 pound gator. Take a look at the footage, big claws and teeth. It was a catch the family wasnt even looking for. A 13footer found in a well populated area. Unforgettable experience. Kind of frightening for the kids. The gator came from the very same area where they grew up swimming. Oh my gosh that video is incredible. All right action lets talk groceries. What do you buy most at the Grocery Store . Chances areits on sale somewhere. Danielle lerner has the best deal. Get a three pound bag of seedless mandarins at frys for 2. 99, and seedless grapes for 88 cents a point, but better and head over to the ice cream because several varieties are on sale, 1. 99 for bryers, clip the coupon to get the deal. Albertsons has bartlett pears 99 cents a pound, and gala apples for the same price, and food city if you shop on wednesday get three pounds of gala apples three pounds for 9 cents 9 cents. Food city has red bell peppers on sale, and 3 for 99 cents at food city is baking potatoes. Another great deal. The next best price was at albertsons for 99 cents a pound. And get 7up two liters for 67 cents. Share your Favorite Grocery page. And abc debuting two new shows, speechless bringing diversity to the family sitcom, their oldest son has cerebral palsy. They move to an upscale School District only to find trouble. It debays tomorrow night at 7 30. And Keifer Sutherland is returning in designated survivor. You can catch the First Episode at 9 00 tomorrow night here on abc 15. Heres a look at tonights prime time line up on abc 15. Two full hours of dancing with heres your top stories, at least three school scares in arizona today. The first at maricopa high school. A bomb scare there. Then at North Canyon High School in phoenix and cactus students brought guns to school. Nobody hurt in any of the cases. A guadalupe man is held on a 1 Million Dollars bond for shooting and killing his roommate this past weekend. He turned himself in, told deputies he got angry after his roommate disrespected his girlfriend. The man say it is two roommates were drinking and doing drugs. And a shooting investigation just wrapping up in the valley right now, they just cleared the sane, but four people scene, but four this is near 27th avenue and glendale, and caused a pretty big police scene. One guy was shot out there. Froze. And new tonight at 10 00, a new rash of car break ins in the valley, and we have the video you want to see. Handing out prescriptions like candy, its happening, and its pretty easy to do. How small pills are leading to a bigger problem. Plus finding love online. Its not just your anymore. What your potential matches can see that could be a big turn off. And still a slight chanceover showers and thunderstorms over the next couple of days. Temperatures warmer tomorrow at 95, 92 thursday, and the breezes pick up. Windy conditions up north. Another storm system bringing a cool down for friday. . . Grocery shoppers of america take your o organics baby carrots. Take your eggs. Even your o organics chips. And join the organic movement. Organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. Exclusively at safeway. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. . . Announcer live from hollywood, this is dancing with

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