captions paid for by nbc-universal television live from justices will either uphold a decision that will uphold or invalidate the law. >> it will have huge ripple effects for health care across this nation. we'll talk about the fallout this morning. >> and a high school teacher fired after a year after she used some pretty harsh words to describe her students in a blog, words like lazy and rat-like. the school claims that had nothing to do with her dismissal but she insists that it did. we're going to hear what both sides are saying in this story. >> and also a little bit later on on a much lighter note, matthew mcconaughey is going to be here. he stars in not one, not two but five movies this morning, including a steamy role in "magic mike." heap also got married less than three weeks ago. we're going to talk to matthew about his big day, his very busy career. we're excited about that. we begin with this morning's highly anticipated ruling on president obama's controversial health care law. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is at the supreme court with more on this story. >> reporter: after all the courtroom battles, political fights and six hours of arguments here over the law opponents call obamacare, it's up to the supreme court to answer the fund al question, is it constitutional. it became a flash point in the presidential campaign. >> we're going to have to have a president and i'm that one that's going to get rid of obamacare. we're going to stop it on day one! >> reporter: and it's a hall mack of the obama presidency. >> everybody should have basic security when it comes to their health care. >> reporter: 26 states and a national business group challenged the law's central requirement that all americans get health insurance. they say congress's power to regulate commerce does not extend to people who choose not to buy something that, is, who don't have insurance. if congress could do that, one member of the supreme court said when the case was argued it, could order people to eat their vegetable. >> everybody has to buy food sooner or later so you define the market as food. therefore everybody's in the market, therefore you can make people buy broccoli. >> reporter: but some of the nation's largest insurance companies now say even if the court strikes the law down, they will honor some its requirements anyway, keeping children on parents' policy until age 26, covering blood pressure screenings. but insurance honors would not honor other popular parts of the law. >> they can't guarantee they will sell you a policy regardless of your health status. they can't guarantee that i won't be charged much more for the monthly cost of my premium than my 32-year-old daughter would be. >> reporter: president obama himself said when urging congress to pass the law that the industry could not afford some popular changes without the mandate. >> and unless everybody does their part, many of the insurance reforms we seek, especially requiring insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions just can't be achieved. >> reporter: those are the big questions. so now what? we'll know the answer soon when the court issues what may be one of its most important decisions. >> so what will the fallout be? david gregory is monitor of "meet the press" and savannah guthrie is here. it's not going to be a one-page decision, it's going to be weighty. how much are we going to digest this before we know what it says? >> it may not be capable to be quickly reduced to a headline. there are four complicated issues. number one, is it too premature to hear this? number two, is the mandate constitutional or not? if they strike down the mandate, what part of the law if any can survive? and finally this law had a huge expansion of medicaid, some of which the states would have to pay for. states have argued they have been put under such a burden that the federal government has exceeded its power. >> if the court decides that congress does not have the power to force americans to buy something and in this case health insurance, do you think the other provisions in the law will follow? >> that is the essential question here. because some of the supporters of the law have said, wait a minute, you can let some of the law survive but the opponents of the law say forget it, it's too interdependent. if you strike down the mandate, the whole law has to go. >> david, the white house is waiting anxiously for word on this. they are putting out this idea that it's not all or nothing, that they can claim a partial victory if some provisions of this law are upheld. is that spin or reality? >> reporter: well, what the president will try to do, i'm told, if part of this law is struck down is really go out and tell the american people what the implications are, positive and negative, that are there are other parts of this bill that will still be held up. it is an opportunity for a president who, frankly, has not won the argument on health care yet, matt, to explain to the american people why it's necessary and how it will actually affect people's lives, something he has not done totally effectively yet if you look at the polling. >> this will have ramifications if three separate arenas, in the legal arena, the policy arena that you were talking about and of course in this election year in the political arena. what is at stake for both democrats and republicans depending on how this decision goes down? >> reporter: here's the overall point i think is so important. health care reform was passed on a party line vote. what happens if it is struck down in part or in whole by a 5-4 decision? would that not underscore how dysfunctional our government is, the major institutions of our government are? that is a real nightmare scen good morning, everyone. the u.s. supreme court has just handed down one of the most anticipated decisions in decades. a ruling on president obama's signature health care law that is sure to have sweeping ramifications for millions of americans and politically impact the presidential race as well. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is now poring through that decision. he has it in his hands. we're going to get to him at the supreme court in a couple minutes. i'm also joined by david gregory, of course, our moderator of "meet the press" and savannah guthrie is our legal correspondent. she joins me here many new york. while we wait for pete to go through the document that's probably more of a novel, let's talk about the options the justices had. >> we think it will be a lengthy opinion because there are four discreet issues before the court. number one, is it time for the justices to hear this case? it's basically a jurisdictional question, whether it's premature for them to decide the case right now. if they say, we can decide it right now, they get on to the central issue, whether that individual mandate that requires every american to get a minimum amount of health insurance, whether that exceeds the federal government's power under the constitution. if the court were to strike down that mandate, they'd have another more complicated question. how much of that more than 1,000-page law could survive? could they sever it? would they have to strike it all down? finally, one last issue. there's a huge expansion of medicaid in this law. some states have said it's so big, it puts such a burden on us, it violates the federal government's power. >> we might not be in for one decision here. we could be in for multiple decisions with majorities and minorities on all of those things. >> there's no question. there's a lot of ways to skin the cat, to use the old saying. for example, the court could uphold the mandate but for different reasons. we could have a deeply fractured court. there could be a different end result. >> we'll know all this in a moment, david. let's talk about the fact the obama administration has been anxiously awaiting this decision. how much hangs in the balance for the president? >> we have a presidential election coming up in about four and a half months. that's really what's been hanging over all of this, as you can imagine, matt. interrupt me any time when you get word of this. that's really the impact here. if any of this is struck down, the president's in a very difficult political situation where he's got to try to defend what's left, and also talk about the implications. republicans, including mitt romney, who about a year ago this week announced for president one of his major arguments would be he would repeal the president's health care law. all of this will be seen in the context of how both sides will argue this as we move forward over the next weeks and months leading up to election day. >> we're seeing comments on blogs already that savannah is passing in front of me saying this ruling is very, very complica complicated. the white house putting out the scenario that this is not all or nothing. they might be able to claim some limited or partial victory here. is that realistic? >> well, it is -- >> david, let me interrupt you. pete swwilliams is now ready fo us at the supreme court. pete, good morning. take us through. >> reporter: the bottom line here is the supreme court has upheld the health care case. they've said that it can't be upheld under the commerce clause, the individual mandate can't. this is chief justice roberts writing for the court. but he said it can be upheld under the court's taxing authority. the bottom line here is the supreme court has upheld the health care law. it is a penalty, not a tax, nonetheless the chief justice says it can be upheld under the court's taxing authority. now, i haven't had any chance to read what the vote breakdown is here, but it is chief justice john roberts writing the majority opinion saying that you can't uphold the mandate under the commerce clause. so this gets at the argument that it's wrong for congress to require everyone to buy health insurance. so they've left the penalty, the tax impact, and they say congress can do this under the taxing authority. so let me just take a brief moment to look at the vote breakdown, matt. >> all right. go ahead. you do that. let me bring savannah back in. this sounds complicated and confusing for the average person. what's being said? >> it's a very interesting result. it's interesting we have the chief justice writing the opinion. we'll learn, of course, i assume, that the left members of the court join him in this. there were really two theories of constitutionality that the federal government was arguing. first they said this is a valid exercise of the federal government's power under the commerce clause. it appears the court rejected that argument. that was the main argument. >> yet saved it. >> alternatively, there was an argument that said, look, we have a mandate with a penalty. the penalty, in essence, is a tax. the federal government has a rather unfettered ability to fax. that's what the court held on to, saying because of the federal government's taxing power, the mandate operates as a tax and therefore it is constitutionally okay. it is a very, i guess, perplexing result. politically, when this was fought out in the congress, the obama administration said, this isn't a tax. in the legal papers, they took the legal position it was and it was valid under the taxing authority. >> david, let me get you back in here. you know the obama administration and the president himself are watching this. what they know right now is that millions of americans heard the headline coming from people like pete williams that the supreme court has upheld the health care law. what's the reaction going to be at the white house? >> well, that's a huge victory. in is crucial in the white house view that the individual mandate be part of comprehensive health care reform. if you're going to achieve something approaching universal coverage, that you have to be able to pay for it. one of the ways that you can pay for some of the benefit is if, you know, people with prior conditions are accepted on health care plans without insurance rates going up and that everybody has to have a stake in that system, not just those who need health care, but younger people who may not need much from the health care system. they need to have insurance as well. that's part of the balance that makes this work. by the way, it's not just the president who argued that the individual mandate was important. so did mitt romney. back when he was pushing a health care law in massachusetts, he argued that an individual mandate was important as well. it's something that conservatives pushed for. way back when hillary clinton was trying this, that's part of what was necessary. this is a central tenant. we'll see how the rest of this shapes up. this is very, very important for the administration. >> all right. pete williams continues his speed reading. what else have you learned? >> reporter: so it's a 5-4 decision with chief justice roberts joining the court's liberals in upholding it. the other conservatives voting to strike it down. the chief justice basically says that it is a tax. it does impose a tax, but there's basically no penalty on a taxpayer if you don't pay it. this is unlike any other tax. if you refuse to pay your income tax, for example, you can be prosecuted. that's a crime. there is no penalty associated with the failure to pay the penalty for not buying health insurance. so the supreme court says in essence, there's no real compulsion here. i can tell you that this is one of the scenarios that administration officials had considered, that if the court did this, they would consider it a big victory. their view of this is that a rational person who has a choice between paying a penalty and buying insurance will buy insurance. and that will keep the health care system working. that will provide the insurance industry enough income to support the so-called guaranteed issue provision that says you can't be turned down for pre-existing conditions, and the community rating provision that says you can't vary your rates based on a person's age or sex. they think this will compel enough people to buy insurance that it will keep the system going. it has to be said. if you don't buy insurance and you don't pay the penalty, i don't know what happens. there's no penalty for not paying. >> where's the teeth in the law then, pete? >> reporter: right. i guess there aren't any teeth. it's more the fact that if you're the average person and facing a choice between not paying the penalty or buying insurance, the theory is you'll buy insurance. the fact is, there's no penalty if you don't do either one. so it's going to remain to be seen here how this works in practicality. as a matter of law, as a matter of what the supreme court says, they said we can't uphold it under the mandate. we've struck that down because that's not constitutional. it doesn't give them the power to regulate people in commerce that don't have health insurance. therefore, you look to other ways to uphold the statute because there's a long-standing rule of interpreting laws that you try to construe them as constitutional if you can. that's how you do it. >> pete, i think most people watching right now know that this is the highest court in the land. does that necessarily mean we have seen an end to all legal challenges on this health care law, especially at the state level? >> reporter: no, because, you know, i haven't looked yet at what the court says about the very important questions to the states, which is what happens to the medicaid restrictions. my colleague kelly o'donnell has been reading that portion of the opinion. she says it seems to uphold the medicaid resixtrictionsrestrict. remember, none of the 2014 provisions have kicked in yet because they won't for another two years. as they kick in, there could be additional lawsuits. the overall claim that the whole health care law rises and falls, this was the moment, and it failed. >> let's make sure people understand what you just preferred to. the provisions in this law that have not kicked in and wouldn't until 2014, the insurance manda mandate. adults cannot be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. that's the guaranteed issue. restrictions on charging more on the basis of a person's age, sex, or medical condition. the so-called medical rating. no annual dollar limit on the amount of coverage a person may receive. exchanges must be operational in each state. and the expansion of medicaid. let's go back to savannah. you'd like to comment more on the staff that chief justice roberts took. >> it's fascinating to see him being literally the difference between life or death of this health care law. this is someone who is clearly a conservative jurist, but found himself aligned with the libe l liberals on the court. it also, in some sense, is expected from chief justice roberts. if you talk to people who are veteran court watchers, those who are litigated before the supreme court, something i heard over and over again as we waited for this decision is, chief justice roberts is an institutionalist. he cares about institution of the court. he has talked about whether or not the court is starting to be looked at as an ideological institution, a part of an institution. he's well aware of the context in which this decision comes in the heat of a presidential election, a president's signature domestic achievement. it's fascinating. >> we were talking earlier about the timing of something that chief justice roberts wrote on monday in a decenti ining opinin a completely different case. he said -- he criticized the court's majority in that case for having failed to, quote, display our usual respect for elected officials. he went on to say. they say this sort of thing all the time. the timing of this coming on monday just before this decision. >> very interesting, especially because it's clearly on his mind. this is a cannon of constitutional interpretation that the courts are supposed to be deferential to the elected branches of government. here's an example of where chief justice roberts took a position, obviously, where he's saying i'm not going to substitute the court's decision for the congress, but it will be a controversial one. >> david, let me bring you back in. we talked about reaction from the white house and president obama. how do the republicans now react to this? what are you expecting to hear from it them? >> well, talking to republicans on capitol hill over the last couple of days, their argument will be that nothing changes for them. just because it's constitutional doesn't mean it's good policy. you've heard that from governor romney as well. he's going to make that argument as he has in recent days. he's never really taken on the constitutionality of it. he's argued that it's simply bad policy, and he'll move forward n, he has to answer questions about his own approach. he did something very similar in massachusetts, but he's been opposed to it on a federal scale. i think it's full steam ahead for the republicans in terms of the individual mandate. i think the political context is so interesting with chief justice roberts. he has spoken publicly that a 5-4 on the court under mines the supreme court. he's take an big step here. he's going to be cheered for that by some on the right and the left, criticized i'm sure, as well, by some on right. don't forget, there are also key decisions coming on this fall that he may be looking at, affirmative action, where he may take a different view. >> thank you, david. let's go back to the supreme court. pete continues to mull over this document. what else do you have, pete? >> reporter: matt, one thing on medicaid, it's interesting that the court's opinion on the mandate or the tax or the central part of the health care law is a bit of a compromise. the same thing is true on medicaid. what the supreme court says is, yes, the way the medicaid law is phrased right now, it would be unconstitutional because it says to the states, if you don't expand medicaid coverage the way the bill directs you to, that is to say bring more people into coverage and give them more benefits, then you lose everything. you can't have any part of the medicaid system at all. the states that challenge that said that's not fair. the supreme court basically agrees with the states. so what it says is what the federal government can do is ask the states to provide these new benefits, but if the states say no, then you can't throw them out of the medicaid program. so it's again a question, in practical terms, how many states are going to want to go along with this, and how many states are going to say, you know, thumb their nose at the federal government and say no? it appears from this decision if the states refuse to go along, the federal government can't throw them out of the medicaid system. >> i think that's significant based on what pete is saying. in some sense, it has the potential to undercut the health care law in a potentially significant way. the expansion of medicaid to increase the roles of those who are uninsured is a key part of the health care law objective. if some states, by the way it's states objecting to the provision. if they said, you know what, we don't want to take this medicaid expansion. they have the option not to. then that potentially could undermine some aspects of the health care law. in the light of day, that may become more and more significant. >> as we've mentioned, they were obviously closely watching all this at white house. we're expecting to hear from the president sometime today. right now, let's go to kristen welker, who's live at white house with reaction. >> reporter: goo morning. according to a senior administration official, we are expecting to hear from the president in a couple of hours. i've been talking to them over the past several days. he has clearly been thinking about his reaction to the three possible scenarios to this given the complexity of this ruling. he is likely working on his specific reaction. he has maintained he believes this would be upheld, but still, because this is complex, he's likely right now working with his aides on his specific remarks. senior administration officials have been watching this closely this morning. the president expected to be in the oval office with vice president biden at 10 a.m. this morning when we were watching all of this come down. so what are we expecting to hear from the president? clearly this is welcome news. clearly this is what the white house was hoping to hear, but you're not going to hear a victory lap from this president. remember, he's in the middle of a tough re-election battle, and the economy is still in a difficult place. so his remarks will likely be upbeat, however he probably won't be spiking the ball, as it were. the president right now working on his reaction. we expect to hear from him in a couple of hours. >> you don't expect the president just a little -- and david, you can weigh in also -- to say, look, i told you this was constitutional all along and the republicans were on the wrong side of this issue. isn't that something that could become a mantra on the campaign trail? >> yeah, matt, i'll take that. i think it's a very important point. i think the president will be delicate in his language. he's going to use this as an opportunity with so many people watching and paying attention to this to try to continue to make the case for health care. what it means for people -- remember, there's so much of this health care law that nobody's feeling yet because it doesn't go into effect until 2014. before that time you're going to have either a second term of president or a new president, mitt romney. and there could be legislative work under foot to try to roll back some or all of this as we just talked about. i think this is an opportunity that he seizes to argue why this matters, how it affects people positively, and what the implications would be if republicans try to roll it back. he hasn't really found his voice on that. >> pete williams, as i congratulate you on your speed reading, i'll give you the last 20 seconds here. take it away. >> reporter: well, we have a health care law intact. the question now is, is it going to work in any way nearly the way the administration hoped it would? if you take away the mandate, if you take away the ability to punish states if they don't want to go along with the new medicaid thing, then how many states and how many people will voluntarily do what the bill wanted them to do? that's what we'll have to see. >> pete, thank you. savannah, thank you. david, thank you. some of you will stay with us here on "today." others will return to your regularly >> good morning. i'm jon kelley. new this morning two fatal crashes on south bay roads. a motorcyclist dying on north first street in san jose. police found the 38-year-old driver down in the middle of the road. investigators at this point still do not know exactly how it happened. but they don't believe any cars were involved. >> and speed is suspected in the cause of another fatal crash at 101 and trimble. a driver died after being thrown from his car in a rollover crash. the off ramp was shut down for several hours for the investigation which included infrared technology to search for other victims. take it outside, meteorologist christina loren says nice. >> it is going to be another bay area stunner with temperatures on par with our seasonal averages, early summertime, this is what it should feel like. 80 in los gatos. as we head into the weekend, temperatures drop off into the upper 70s inland. mid-70s bay side and the 60s at the coast. as we head through monday and tuesday t climb is on. temperatures all week hovering around 85 to 90 degrees. so make sure you enjoy the cooler than average weekend we have in store. the fourth of july looks good. 84. 74 bay side and 64 degrees at the coast. crystal clear conditions. here is mike with your drive. >> south bay drivers build to make everything slower, look at this live shot for 280. usual spots, 280 under the 880/17 interchange. that's the worst of the south bay. to the peninsula, easier drive now. millbrae, the wires have been cleared, power restored to the folks around that 1300 block of el camino real. the other side of the bay, smoother drive to the bay bridge. more slowing past the coliseum and westbound 80 down the east shore freeway. no big deal. metering lights around the bend. >> thank you for the update. we're back in a half hour. ♪ cross my heart and hope to die ♪ >> that is the new video for "one more night," the latest video from maroon five. the grammy winning rock band will be here for a live summer concert. that's tomorrow on our plaza in our 8:30 half hour. meanwhile, it's 7:30 on a thursday morning, june 28, 2012. i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry. just ahead, news for millions of americans struggling with their weight. >> for the first time in 13 years the fda has approved a new prescription drug for weight loss but there are concerns about its safety. >> and americans spent an astonishing $1.7 billion every day at restaurants. we hope you're making healthy choices when you eat out. this morning consumer reports tells you if you're spending your money in the right restaurants. >> and matthew mcconaughey is in the house. you know he just got married. congratulations are in order for him. also he's going to talk about his role in a movie called "magic mike," in which he actually didn't have to but decided that he wanted to strip down, seriously strip down. and he says he enjoyed it. so we're going to find out why coming up. >> he has his tie loose this morning. he might could it right here in the studio. >> i would not complain. >> and a teacher fired after a year she blogged about her students calling them disengaged lazy whiners. she's filed a lawsuit. we'll be hearing from her. >> also we'll begin with a strange case in michigan. a man charged in an alleged plot to kill the suspect in his wife's murder. craig melvin is in detroit with more on this story. craig, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. bob is being held in the job behind me on a felony solicitation of murder charge. they say he was trying to pay one hit man to kill another alleged hitman. this is wealthy business man bob bashera in prison garb wednesday appearing for his arraignment. >> he met with another person, not a law enforcement official, on several occasions for the purpose of hatching a plan to kill mr. gents in jail. >> reporter: he was charged with the brutal killing of his wife back in january. bashera was named as a person of interest in his wife's death but was never charged. >> the evidence will show he didn't want mr. gents to testify in any future proceedings. >> reporter: the mother of two was found in her luxury mercedes, far from the gross point neighborhood where she and her husband lived. she'd been strangled and severely beaten. gents confessed he was offered $2,000 and an old cadillac to kill jane, his wife of 30 years. he maintains he had nothing to do with his wife's order or nothing to do with hiring someone to kill gents. >> i think the evidence going to show that he was set up. >> reporter: in an interview conducted by dennis murphy that aired last month, he would not talk about reports he had a secret life still and an mi mistress with an underground sex dungeon. he says in an interview he misses his wife. >> let me tell you i loved my wife dearly. >> reporter: he is being held on a $15 million bond. prosecutors allege he met with two middle men, made them strip down to check for wires before making the down payment on the jail house hit. if he is convicted on the solicitation of murder charge, he faces the possibility of life in prison. ann? >> craig melvin this morning. thanks. and now here's matt. >> a high school teacher in pennsylvania who was caught slamming her students in an online blog has now been fired and she's fighting back claiming school administrators held her to an unfair standard. dede is in doylestown, pennsylvania. >> good morning. this week natalie found out she won't be coming back. natalie monroe is looking for a teaching job. >> this is my career. this is what i want to do. >> reporter: for six years she was an honors english teacher. on tuesday the board dismissed her following a unanimous 7-0 vote. she gained national attention last year for calling her students "utterly loathsome," lazy, frightfully dim and rat-like on a blog that went viral. >> i'm not sorry for what she said. >> reporter: natalie says her posts were meant to be anonymous. they didn't name the school, students or colleagues but she did post a photo of herself. >> it was to get out my feelings like a diary. >> reporter: her remarks stunned students and her employers. >> her comments were unprofessional, disrespectful and disturbing, particularly coming from the heart of an educator. >> reporter: monroe was suspended in february of last year when word of the blog spread on facebook. her students who she'd called tactless and dunderheads. in one part monroe took on parents asking "don't you know how to raise kids?" >> i think she owes it to the parents and students who apologize. >> reporter: monroe offers no apology sfp. >> sometimes the truth hurts. >> reporter: she was allowed to return to work and ultimately was dismissed. monroe says she was fired in retaliation for her protected free speech. >> it is clear that's what they were leaning toward the entire year because they were holding me to different standards as other teachers. >> reporter: monroe hasn't been blogging much these days, but she did respond to her dismissal in a post saying "i've been set up." >> i know that people are mad about it but it's true. i stand by it. >> reporter: nbc news did reach out to school district official bus we did not hear back. the school board has said monroe's dismissal had nothing to do with her free speech, had everything to do with her job performance and her release process was the same as that of other teachers. >> thanks so much. >> let's great check of the weather now from al. >> matt, thanks so much. what are the odds we got a mother/daughter -- it's both your birthdays? >> yup. >> what's your name? >> lisa and courtney. >> where are you from? >> boston. >> and you're only 12, 15 years apart. you look like sisters. oh, she gave you a look. what was going on there? yikes. i don't know what to tell you. let's show you what happens happening as far as today is concerned. 50 million people affected by 100 degree heat. then for tomorrow that heat is going to be making its way east with record break highs moving into the ohio mississippi river valley, a few more showers in the midwest, sizzling conditions into southern california into the southeast. it's going to be hot here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning to you. 7:38 on a thursday. temperatures looking good, the sky is mostly clear. this is the san mateo bridge. it's choppy out on the bay. let's get to temperatures. today we're looking toward highs a touch cooler than yesterday. 79 san jose, 83 livermore. about 68 degrees in san francisco. the next three days we stay comfortable. dropping you off on sunday to 76 degrees. next week dog days of summer return just in time for the fourth of july. >> i guess i owe these folks an apology. i almost ran you over with my bike yesterday? >> yes, almost did. >> those are the people you told me you almost got, al. thanks very much. still to come on a thursday morning, the parents of a 9 week-old baby who was killed by a wild dog speak out about their 32-year fight for justice. we'll talk more about that right after 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[ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. ♪ . two weeks ago in australia, it was ruled that a dingo killed a baby 32 years ago. sara james, we go to you. >> reporter: this has been a long battle looking for acknowledgement that a dingo is a wild animal that can be dangerous and deadly. >> half a lifetime ago, half a world away, an anguished australian mother would utter that unforgettable phrase, but it would take 32 years before a coroner agreed. >> please accept my sincere sympathy on the death of your special and loved daughter. >> reporter: baby azara had indeed been killed by a dingo. >> finally you're exonerated and finally it's done. >> reporter: for lindy and her husband, the nightmare began in 1980 with a family camping trip to airs rock. what happened that evening as a slumbering 9-week-old azara was snatched from the tonight would be portrayed in "a cry in the dark." they insisted a wild animal had taken their child. >> it was a powerful beast with sharp teeth. >> reporter: but authorities were skeptical and lindy was put on trial for murder in 1982. >> the senior prosecutor labeled the dingo story a lie. >> reporter: this pastor was shocked of the rumors. >> with why we should be accused of being linked with satanic activity is completely bizarre to us. >> reporter: he writes about the case in his new book entitled "heart of stone" and attributes suspicion surrounding his family with the culture of the time and a fascination with movies such as "the exorcist" and rosemary's baby." >> i thits it was the back drop that drove the belief we were up to no good. >> reporter: but michael admits he had his doubts about exactly what his wife saw. you mentioned the fact that at one point you did question lindy on what happened at the tent. >> a father needs to know exactly what's happening when it's to do with your own daughter. >> reporter: lindy faced criticism from all sides about her stoic demeanor. >> by the time it came to trial, it was two years later and they expect you to be crying the same way as you were on the night that it happened. >> reporter: but what clinched the prosecution's case at the time was forensic evidence which experts said showed blood in the family's car. >> she sat in the front seat of the family car, held azara out in front of her and slit the child's throat. >> reporter: the jury found lindy, then eight months pregnant, of murdering her own daughter and sentenced her to prison for life without parole. just a few weeks later, lindy was whisked to the hospital only to have her newborn daughter taken away. >> i was losing another daughter all over again. so it was like losing two of them rather than one. >> reporter: there was a heavy toll on your family. >> a huge toll on the kids in particular. and it's hard to go to school with kids coming up and telling them your mother's a murderer. >> reporter: then three years after lindy was convicted and sent to prison, authorities discovered a tiny jacket that had belonged to baby azara near a dingo layer, further undermining her conviction. so a soundproofing spray, some copper dust and a spilled milkshake and somehow that gets mistaken for baby azara's blood? >> stranger than fiction. >> reporter: in light of the new evidence, lindy was immediately released from prison with her conviction overturned two years later. >> we will continue to fight for a just conclusion and for our names to be cleared. >> reporter: which finally happened this month with a death certificate stating what the family has known all along. lindy and michael divorced in 1991 and each has since remarried but what happened all those years ago is both past and present. is it over? has the final chapter been written? >> there are questions for sure and why did it take so long? who was involved? and how could so many mistakes be made systematically? >> reporter: for her part lindy is working to help others who have been wrongly convicted and is looking to the future. >> i can look the world in the eye. now i've got a clear conscience and know that god knows i've got a clear conscience. >> reporter: she says she'll remember azara always. >> when people tell you you'll forget, they've never lost anyone. anyone who has ever lost anyone knows you doesn't forget, you just learn to handle it better. >> reporter: both lindy and michael say one reason some may have been reluctant back in 1980 may have been a concern that dingo attacks could hurt tourism in the area. they say this has brought relief to them and their children. matt? >> up next, the fda approves the first diet prescription pill in years but does that pill work? right after this. now there's a new way to help put bedwetting frustrations... to bed. with new goodnites bed mats, take the goodnites better night test. just place, peel, and protect. and see how goodnites bed mats can help. diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. back at 7:49 with a new tool against the battle of the bulge. the fda has approved a new diet pill called belviq. good morning. this drug i understand changes the brain chemistry so it makes us feel like we are full? >> right. this drug took me by surprise. there are several in the pipeline. when it was announced yesterday, i zeent it coming but it does target the serotonin levels in the brain that makes you feel satisfied and good. if you adjust serotonin levels it's believed you will feel satisfied and eat left. >> does it work, joy? >> it does work but there's only a small impact. we fond people lost while they were taking the drug about 5% of their body weight which translated to about 12 pounds on average, compared to people taking the placebo who lost about five pounds. the other thing is you have to have a good diet and get regular exercise along with taking the medication. so the medication alone does not work. >> at the same time, this is the same drug that the fda rejected in 2010? >> it comes down to they say these drugs are dangerous, there are heart problems, people get agitation when their brain chemistry changes. it's not perfect. but the drug marvs come back and say if you lose this percentage of weight you lower your risk of diabetes. it goes back and for the. i don't love this drug. long term we'll have to see if people will comply with changes in diet and lifestyle. 5% sounds great and if you're a diabetic and that little bit gets you going, it's fine. this is not meant for people with congestive heart failure. i think this will get fda approval and will be on the market in '13. i'm watching this cautiously. >> there are a number of drugs for weight lost in the pipeline. is there a rush now to get them out? >> there's a rush for the pharmaceutical companies to get them out but we've seen a pretty slow fda for approval. >> this is not for everybody. it's for people defined with obesity. you want to be at least 30 pounds overweight to consider the drug or have an issue because of your weight. >> thank you so much. >> any time. >> much more coming up, including matthew mcconaughey after your local news. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking, wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... let'"that looks hard"oject from ♪ what's in your wallet? to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one, now with stain blocker. each coat works three times harder, priming, covering, and blocking stains. let's go where no paint has gone before, and end up some place beautiful. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now at the home depot, buy four gallons of paint and get the fourth one free. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. so it stays on in conditions like sand... sun... 100-degree heat, and ocean water. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. >> 7:56. good morning. i'm jon kelley. we want to update you on breaking news. the supreme court a big win for the obama administration and democrats in a 5-4 opinion, the chief justice john roberts joining more liberal wing of the court confirming president barack obama's signature piece of domestic legislation, that being the health care reform law. we'll of course have continuing coverage on air during nbc bay area news at 11:00 and online at locally, another big story, san francisco suspended sheriff will get a chance to make his case to try to keep his job. ross mirkarimi testifying in front of the city's ethics commission which is considering the mayor's demand to remove mirkarimi permanently for official misconduct. this stems from mirkarimi's guilty plea to domestic violence charges for bruising his wife's arm. mayor ed lee set to testify tomorrow. >> right now let's take it outside like plants we feed off the sun, christina loren says lots of vitamin e out there. >> good morning to you. sun and clouds this thursday, temperatures running a touch cooler than yesterday if you like yesterday, you will love what we have in store today. the breeze will remain gentle. temperatures will remain mild. we're talking about the 70s and 80s. 79 in san jose today. 83 in concord and 76 comfortable degrees in oakland. tomorrow cooler, then as we head through next week, the fourth of july is wednesday. it's looking clear, guys. let's check your drive. >> 280 approaching 85, the accident on the left side of the screen. that's causing all of the jams. we have lanes there. we have problems on 880 as the problem builds out of hayward into fremont. a standard flow but more slowing there. and here, westbound 580, reports of five large fish flopping in the lane. that's all i have. >> interesting, mike. thank you. ♪ ♪ 8:00 now on a thursday morning. thursday morning, the 28th of june 2012 as the crowd at rockefeller plaza wave at home to the loved ones. the music is a reminder that adam levine and the boys from maroon 5 will be rocking our plaza tomorrow here on "today." i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer and al roker. we have a star in the plaza. we have got matthew mcconaughey. he leads a band of male strippers in a new movie called "magic mike." and heap also got married just a few weeks ago. we have a lot to talk to him coming up this morning. >> talk about a rude awakening. i walked out of the door of the studio. people are saying, matthew, i love you. i thought, how nice. i moved away and they're ought pointing at that guy. also, the yankees are in the middle of their hope week where they honor some really deserving people in the community. i got to chip in and spend the day with a really wonderful 5-year-old boy. and wait until you see what he got the yankee captain derek jeter to do for him. >> that's pretty cool. and then on another note, how does your favorite restaurant chain stack up when it comes to value food and nutrition? nearly 48,000 folks took part in a new survey for consumer reports rating things like taste and value. we will share those results. >> all right. meantime, matthew mcconaughey is still saying hi to people outside. really nice. we'll be talking to him in a few moments. now, let's get inside and get a check of the morning's top stories. hey, natalie. >> good morning. in one of the most anticipated rulings, the supreme court handed down a landmark decision upholding president obama's health care reform legislation. the ruling affects millions of americans and is a big victory for the white house in a 5-4 decision. the justices upheld the center piece of the affordable care act requiring americans to have health insurance. firefighters are desperately trying to get control of that huge wildfire still raging in colorado. dry weather conditions and shifting strong winds are fuelling the flames that have forced more than 30,000 people from their homes and burned some 300 homes in one neighborhood alone. the younger brother of convicted swindle lr bernie madf is expected to plead guilty tomorrow. court documents show he will plead guilty for conspiracy to commit security fraud and other charges including falsifying records. the punishment, by the way, carrying a 10-year prison sentence. new audio has now been released in the investigation of the shooting death of florida teen trayvon martin that may help investigators determine who was screaming for help on that fateful night, martin or the accused shooter, george zimmerman. the recording has zimmerman yelling help several times at the request of investigators in order to compare his voice to the voice that was on the 11 call. now here's brian williams with look at what's coming up tonight on nbc "nightly news." >> good morning. coming up tonight, we'll know much more about what the supreme court decides and whatever they come down with on the topic of health care, it will affect all of us by the end of the day. we'll look at all of it for you tonight on nbc "nightly news." for now, back to you. >> now for a look at what's trendsing today. our quick roundup of what has you talking online. paula deen is showing off her new slimmer self on the cover of "people magazine." she's dropped 30 pounds six months after she revealed she was diagnosed with type two biebts. well, this ring is not getting a stamp of approval. it's an anti-cheating wedding band with the words "i'm married" engraved underneath leaving an imprint on your spouse's finger in case he decides to slip it off. the symbol of ever lasting love will set you back $550. and a new demo of google's goggles is wrapping up on youtube. they put their any lens on some sky divers so you could share the experience of flying in realtime. the prototype goes on sale to a select group of developers. google, meanwhile, is also trying to take a bite out of apple's ipad dominance unveiling its new tablet computering which retails at $199. it's 8:04. back outside to matt and al. mr. roker is -- >> over here! >> there. >> thank you. we have a louisiana girl. what's your name? >> kennedy. >> kennedy, and where in louisiana? >> belleflat. >> had to check with mom first? very nice. let's see what we have this hour. our pick city today, seattle, washington. king 5, the home team. showers developing. a temperature of about 64 d degrees. a lot of heat in the midsection of the country. look for showers moving into the pacific northwest. record highs stretching from the southwest into the upper ohio river valley. cincinnati today will get to 101 as will detroit, as will chicago. earliest 100-degree readings for those three cities. that's what's going on a good thursday morning to you. 8:05 now. taking a live look. crystal clear conditions and you can see both towers at the golden gate bridge. 68 degrees in san francisco. 80 redwood city and 80 in los gatos. down just a touch on your temperature and about as warm. the breeze will be gentle yet again tonight so perfect patio weather. this weekend, temps fall into the upper seventh. clear fourth of july. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you very much. when we come back, matthew mcconaughey is here. he's talking about life as a newlywed and his brand new movie. we'll get to that right after these messages. 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can you top this? no, no, no, no, no. can you touch this? no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. the law says that you cannot touch, but i think i see a lot of law breakers up in this house tonight. >> matthew mcconaughey, good morning. you look like you're having too good a time up there. >> oh, that was a ball. that was so much fun. >> first let me talk to you about getting marry to camilla. you've been together for such a long time. you're i'm sure enjoying being called a husband. but she didn't say yes at first? >> she didn't say yes right away. i took a knee. i said will you marry me and take my name? i won't say what she said but yes was not the first word out of her mouth. took around 30 seconds. i told her i'm on this knee, i'll outlast you, i'll stay down here for a while with a little chatter from my family and her family in the background, too. >> they all knew what was going on? >> they knew, she didn't. >> she was just shocked because i don't know who would say no to you. >> she said she was shocked. >> you had this big wedding, and were the two kids you have with camilla in the wedding as well? >> they sure were. levi brought the rings on the necklace. vida brought the rose petals. i don't think she dropped one pet al. they -- >> sounds like a great time. not many people get engaged and learn how to strip at the same time. >> no coincidence. >> good for camilla. >> what caused you to decide you wanted to play this role? >> i got a call from steve soddenberg, never got a call from him, a director who i respect. there's this guy dallas who runs the show, the emcee, the business man, believes he's the messiah of the male stripper universe. >> why did you say yes when you didn't have to take off all your clothes? >> well, i was going to regret it. if i was going to be in the one stripper movie of my life and i'm sure as heck not going to be a real stripper, i would have regretted not giving that a punt and not saying -- >> why? >> because it scared me. i don't want to do that and as soon as i said i don't want to do that, i said you got to do that. you got to give it a try. if i didn't do that, i would have regretted it. >> so you've always been a guy who likes to confront his fear. >> the fun fears, yes. and this was a fun one. >> really? there was a wardrobe malfunction in this one, want there? >> there was. i snuck out on that. >> i don't know what we can say on morning television. we're talking everything came off. >> not everything. a thong with two little strings on the side when i was down in the mosh pit, and i felt it happen and i'm glad my left hand knew what to instinctually know what to do and what to cover and i rolled out of there. >> you actually got so good at figures out these moves that you actually have names now -- >> i do have names now and i definitely cannot say any of those. >> i didn't know what the names were or i would not have asked. >> yesterday i had a lot of fun, we all danced outside. he is pretty cool about this having been a part his past, trying to make his way in life. how much did he help you get into the groove of thinking what's going on in the minds of these young men? >> well here, shared some stories. we went to a male review in new orleans about an hour and a half and that was about all the behind-the-scenes research i felt like i needed to do. channing was sort of the technical adviser for everybody on the film. this was a time in his life, 18, 19, 20, which is a universal story for a lot of young men and women at that age and you're not sure what you want to do with your life and it's not a bad thing to make $200 for two hours at that age. >> and you get to stand up in front of 200 women screaming as you're taking off your clothes. describe that experience. what exactly is that like? >> the hardest part is that entrance from, okay, it's about to be action. you're going to step from behind the curtain on to the stage to go perform. the heart's ponding, very er -- pounding, very nervous. and then after you get into it, it starts to get fun. when it's over three minutes later and everyone's on the ground laughing, including myself, you want to do it again. so you go out there and hopefully get take two. i mean, it a hoot. you're on the stage, it kind of fun rock star stuff, do you know? >> when you say you want to do it again -- >> no, no, no, i'm probably done. >> good. well, no, not good. >> with public displays of nudity, stripping. >> what are the other movies you have out. >> we had "bernie" come out. then "magic mike," then a film called "killer joe" where i play a hit man. that will come out july 28th. and october 6th "the paper boy" and a beautiful story called "mud" will be able out late next fall or early next week. >> so life is great m. >> it is healthy. personal life is good, career feels good and we'll just keep on cultivating. >> keep doing it, matthew, mcconaughey. you're great. thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you. the movie is "magic mike" and it comes out in theaters tomorrow. >> and coming up, a special boy who got to live out his dream with derek jeter. that's coming up next. on like somebody had set it on fire. on and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] introducing zzzquil sleep-aid. 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[ male announcer ] watch the adventure at easy. it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. >> we're back here at 8 :20 with a special week here in new york city that even fans that boston red sox fans might be able to appreciate. hope week signs a spotlight on very special people and i got to be a part of it. >> 3,000! derek jeter has done it. >> as far as heros go, they don't get any bigger than this. >> 3-2. that one is drilled deep to left field. that ball is going to be gone! see ya! >> world champions for the 27th time. >> but even heros need someone to look up to. and this week it's a 5-year-old with fortitude, a cook with compassion and horse lovers with unbridled heart. the yankees hope week is a week-long community service initiative bringing care, attention and a few surprises to deserving honorees. >> reach for the sky! >> this may just look like horsing around but for 9-year-old owen atkins, it's a chance to be like everyone else. >> walk on. >> flying manes provides riding therapy to children with special needs like owen with cerebral palsy. and this year mark texeira is trading his gold glove for day in the saddle. >> i thought about when i was a kid honestly and just it's great for him to have some of the same experiences that i had. >> stole home, yeah. nice job, man. high five! >> stealing home and hearts. he's called the angel of queens, the superman of roosevelt avenue. jorge munoz, a former school bus driver, has been cooking and delivering meals on his on dime to the hungry and homeless every single day for the last eight years. but today jorge has some help in the kitchen. a few yankee chefs including robinson cano. >> what's on the menu today? >> it's amazing what jorge has been able to do in the community. >> and the yankees wanted to help him by filling his pantry. and invading him to their house. >> jorge munoz will throw the ceremonial first pitch. >> it's clear for jorge sel selflessness is his main ingredient. and finally, my buddy. andy has a condition that requires him to stay out of the son and has left him legal live blind. like any little boy, he's dreamed about playing baseball and that dream has it and him all the way to yankee stadium, from throwing out the first pitch to high fiving the players after the game. his energy and curiosity unending. >> what's that? >> that's an air conditioner. >> why do you get to have gum? >> i haven't had any gum yet. all the players walk in there and go in that door and shower and wash their clothes. >> oh, they'll be naked in there? will they be naked in there? >> for a little while. >> reporter: he was fearless, even when meeting yankee captain derek jeter. >> he's the captain of the new york yankees. >> what's the significance of hope week? you do this every single year for kids like andy and other kids. what's the significance? >> it draws attention to people doing great and wonderful things in the community. i think a lot of times they get overlooked and people do a lot of wonderful things. >> and it reminds you a little bit of priorities. playing ball is great but when you can help somebody with a gesture, a simple gesture, a shake of the hand, it must mean a lot. >> no question. spending time. i think the easy way is to give money but when you look at people who give their time, i think that's something cherished a little bit more. >> reporter: even when it's getting a 5-year-old something as simple as water. >> i need this a little more cold. >> you need a colder water. >> captain, can you do that? >> yeah, i'll be right back in one second. >> and though andy may not appreciate it now, his parents know one day he will. >> this will sink in in ten years or so and he's going to look at the video and say i asked derek jeter to get me an ice cold water. >> but the thing is derek jeter got it for him. >> that's the story of the week without a doubt. >> and i loved spending the afternoon with andy. he's a great kid. >> just ahead, consumer reports ratings of chain restaurants. but first your local news. we learned that president obama will speak in the east room at 9:00 this morning. nbc news will provide a special report at that time. in a 5-4 decision with chief justice john robertsj3rf joinie more liberal wing of doert the justices decided the insurance mandate is constitutional. we will have local reaction and political fallout coming up on nbc11 at 11:00. you can learn how the law impacts california by going to and searching affordable care. also in the news this morning the road to london passing through san jose. the u.s. gymnastics trial gets under way. they are trying to land a spot on team usa pen competing for five spots on the team. the women start their competition tomorrow. tickets, i'm told, are still available if you want to see the trials in person. pretty cool opportunity to see future olympians. of course, for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay owner a facebook. i'll have another local news update for you at 8:55 this morning, in half an hour. have a great morning. 8:30 now on this thursday morning, the 28th day of june 2012. tomorrow if you stand by the plaza, you'll be treated to a concert from the grammy winning band maroon 5. you're listening to a little of their music right now. it should be a great summer concert. stop boy in our 8:30 half hour. out on the plaza, with ann curry, al roker and natalie. what do we have coming up? >> we have an assessment of all the food you can choose between at chains, restaurant chains. "consumer reports" is out with the list and we'll give you the results coming up. >> and a lot of people heading to the beach this weekend and next week, july 4th. what are some of the best beach reads throughout? we have two great beth selling authors. they've got their picks for the hottest books to bring to the beach. >> speaking of hot, today's professionals are here. they're back and they'll be tackling some of the hottest issues of the day, including the latest change to facebook that has outraged many users. we'll have that and a lot, lot more. >> how about some weather? >> it is going to be downright hot. >> what? >> i was going to say darn and then it's hard to say down and i went asian on you, yeah! showers in the pa sek northwest for tomorrow, sizzling conditions in the south. as we move on into saturday, more heat, it's going to be rough. heat all the way up to new england. sunday it gets even hotter with the temperatures in the mid to upper 90s. sizzling weather southeast, gulf as most of the nation sizzles we get another bay area stunner. taking a live look over san frcisco. a little bit of that natural current off the pacific and keep your temperatures in the upper 60s today in san francisco. meanwhile, low 70s in places like oakland and 76. 81 napa and 77 fremont and 79 in san jose and we hit the stride. we continue with comfortable weather throughout the next few days as low pressure sits just to our north. that's your latest weather. now let's check in with big willie scott. hey, uncle willie. >> here we are in the beautiful sculpture gardens at the national gallery of art. a lot of people walk past it and don't see it. it's right next to the national gallery. happy birthday from smukers. beautiful morning. leslie oldt, 100 years today plus seven. 107 approximately follows poll tex all the time and loves to cook for the family. >> eddie, it's a lovely lady because her father wanted a boy and said by god, i'm going to name her after it. 105. loves to play wii bowling. never heard of it. i've heard of it. it's a video game, right? that's all i know. anyway, take a look at clarence. we're proud of clarence. he's the pride of portsmouth, virginia. clarence "ace" parker. he played as a professional football player and baseball player and is the oldest living member of the nfl hall of fame. yes, they are proud of him. and we have catherine babbitt of friendswood, texas, 100 years old today. proud veteran, served as a staff sergeant in world war ii, one of the lady members of our armed forces. william murray from wheeling, west virginia, 100 years old today, world war ii veteran and was on the first boat that landed on k day. send shivers up my spine. lillian and don corbin, sarasota, florida. they've been married five years and they love to cruise all over the place. >> thank you so much. coming up next we're going to get the consumer reports ratings of the best restaurant chains as voted on by you but first this is "today" on nbc. . americans spent $1.7 billion a day eating out at restaurants. what are the best chain restaurants in the country? nearly 48,000 diners weighed in on their favorites in this month's "consumer reports." todd marks is here with the results. four basic criteria, right? >> food, mood, value and service. it doesn't get any more elemental than that. >> did all of them carry the same weight? >> they're all key parameters, they're all the same. >> let's get right to the italian. one of the best rated was bravo cucina italiana and the low was ram romanio's macaroni grill. >> romano's did about average. and bravo, which is according to the size did an exemplary level. >> in food and in quality of ambience. >> part of the mood, which is part of the dining experience. it's very important. >> let's move on to the pub style or grill, on the highnd you have houlihan's and on the low, hard rock cafe. why? >> houlihan's has improved their game in recent years. >> it's subdued. >> you want to talk about hard rock, a lot of people gave it bad marks for value. that pulled it down. and it was also considered it had worse servicing, more people complained about than any other restaurant. >> hard rock responded saying today's report doesn't align with our own independent research and isn't indicative of our recent business performance. let's move on to the family category. first watch was on the highnd and friend lip's on the low. >> if you've never heard of first watch, you should. they've topped the ratings for a long time. they're informal, great for kid, indestructible and you can be yourself. they generally lack when it comes to the quality of the food and the service. >> friendly's has been at the lower end of the ratings but they fell short, especially in the cleanliness area. >> let me give friendly's their say. they said as friendlies emerged from bankruptcy in january of this year, the company has had a singular focus on improving the customer experience in every one of our 389 restaurants across the 16 states. we understand the root cause of this issue and have seen recent improvements in our customer experiences. maybe they'll be on the up swing next time around. let's talk about other major chains, cheese cake factory, red lobster, uno's. >> very big chain, middle of the road chains. they're above average but the bar has been raised so there are better players in their respective categories. >> as i mentioned, $1.7 billion a day spent by americans in restaurants. some quick tips, snip out some specials or eat when others don't eat or eat at the bar. >> you order off a smaller menu. you can even get cheap drinks at fancy restaurants. >> and join an e club. >> at imaginian open's just for signing up, you get a $10 coupon for your first meal. >> reporter: to find the full resorts, you can head to up next, two best selling ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] go from being on the road to being on vacation. hilton honors. the guest loyalty program with over thirty-eight hundred hotels worldwide. back now with today's sizzling summer reads. two best selling authors are here with their picks of this year's 12 must reads. charlesaine harris and janet evanovich. good morning. >> good morning. >> we're going to break this into three categories. the first one is the beach season. charlene, you like "wicked autumn" and "let's pretend." >> i love both of them. "wicked autumn" has a priest who is a former agent. it's fun, it's not too serious. it's wonderful to read. >> and "let's pretend this never happened? >> it's fabulous, it's bitter, it's funny, i laughed so hard tears came to my eyes. >> that sounds like a good beach read. janet, you like joan rivers' book "i hate everyone starting with me." >> yeah, yeah, i love joan rivers. she's funny and there's such an element of truth to all these funny things that she says. i started a book tour flying out of florida in the middle of a tropical storm and i had joan with me. so if i could laugh through that, that's a good book. >> so the laughter translates from the page. >> yes. >> and you like "the after wife." >> very compelling. it starts off with the death of a husband but it's about a strong woman. it's very well written. it's a page turner. very uplifting and funny book. very entertainmenting. >> it rocket yours emotion around. >> it does but it picks up and it's not some read. you like "the rook" by daniel o'malley. >> i love that look. it opens with a woman standing in a circle of corpses and she had no idea who she is and she she nodes she needs to retrace people. it's incredibly complex, weirdly funny and just fascinating all the way through. >> and "defending jacob." >> that's a more serious book temperature. defending jacob, if you're a parent, can you identify with the central character very strongly. he's a district attorney whose son is accused of murdering a classmate. and there's a lot of discussion about the violence. >> it has some serious -- >> it's a chewier book. >> speaking of chewy, your rainy day pick is a little different. you have "media raw." >> i love anthony. he's gorgeous, he goes to places i would never go, he eats food i don't have the courage to eat and this book is so beautifully written. he writes better than i do so of course i hit him for that. >> but you at mitt it. it's a great book about the food industry. it's very entertaining. >> and then lady karn eelus f m from -- it's a wonderful book about a woman at the turn of the century. >> we could either be talking about scary mysteries or the romance novels so "once burned" about jannine frost? >> i picked one of each. >> look at those rippling pecks. >> she ripples pecks with the best of them. jannine frost is an intelligent, witty writer who has chosen romance as her genre and super natural romance at that. >> and those across the river by christopher biehlman. >> scary. scary, scary, scary. >> "heat rises" for you, janet. >> again, this has the television tie-in. we don't actually know who writes these books but it's a good mystery story, good sexual tension, a fun read. >> and rafa and then -- if they had a whole body shot, i would have paid twice as much. >> maybe the sequel you'll get the mid section. thanks for your picks. we're back in a moment but first this is "today" on nbc. welcome back, everybody. it's 8:50. this is not easy to say but this is going to be my last day as a co-host of "today." i'm going to be part of the family still but i'll have a new title and new role. i never expected to leave this couch after 15 years but i am so grateful, especially to all of you who watch because matt and i and everyone who sit on this couch weeks often call ourselves a family but you are the real "today" show family. you are why i have ventured into dangerous places and interviewed vick tateors and jumped off of planes and bridges and climbed mountains and landed in the south pole and convinced the dalai lama to come live in our studio. i have loved you and i've wanted to give you the world and i still do. they're giving me some fancy new titles, which essentially means i'll get tickets to every story we want to cover with a terrific team of my choosing and we're going to go all ofrt world and all over the country at a time when the country needs clarity. we're being given the chance to do the work most of us got into skrournlism to do. t -- got into journalism to do. after all of these years, i don't even know if i can sleep in anymore. i'm not sure if i can but i know whatever time i wake up, i'll be missing you and i'll be believing in you. i love all of you, especially all of you who are behind the scenes, behind the cameras, i love you guys, mark and anthony, all of you guys, davey, i love all of you. and i love all of our brilliant, brilliant producers. and for all of you who saw me as a ground breaker, i'm sorry i couldn't carry the ball over the finish line but, man, i did try. so to all of you who watch, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me touch yours and thank you for your tweets and your e-mails and for your support and i will keep trying. i'm so sorry i've turned into a sob sister this morning, please forgive me and i hope you'll miss me well. >> oh, do we. i'll start with the group and i'll say something we've said a thousand times. you have the biggest heart in the business. >> i wear it on my sleeve this morning. >> no, you put it on display every single day in this studio and you have for, what, almost 20 years on this show? the way you care about people comes through in every single story you report. there could be a thousand examples. a few we just want to remind our viewers about. i will never forget the way you handled the story of those american hikers who were held captive in iran, the ordeal they went through and your interview with ahmadinejad and because of you that we were told he would release those hikers. >> and i recall the tsunami and the day you reunited that family with their daughter. >> they were great, great family. >> and you being the queen of tweet, you were able to use the power of twitter and reunite them. >> but our whole team was involved with that. that was so nice. and thank you. >> and most recently, ann, who could forget the incredible efforts you are still making and will continue to make to help all of those military families who are returning to the front lines and you helped with the hiring heros campaign to help them find jobs and that was your doing. >> i'm proud of the show. >> you have a beautiful voice and you're going to continue to use it. >> thank you, my sister. i'm proud of the show for putting that kind of material on tv. i'm really sorry, forgive me. >> can we just say it's not good-bye, not by a long shot. we're going to continue to put you on planes, maybe jump out of one or two. you'll be with us at the olympics. most importantly you've made us better and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> we'll be back with more. update from nbc bay area. >> good morning. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we want to update you on today's breaking news. the supreme court in a 5-4 opinion with chief justice john roberts joining the more liberal wing of the court confirmed president barack obama signature piece of domestic legislation, the health care reform law. we, of course, will have continuing coverage on air during nbc11 news at 11:00 and online and how it affects you. what about that forecast? let's check in with chris tina. beautiful conditions for today. if you're headed out to the fair, 84 degrees at 4:00 p.m. temperatures are going to climb into the upper 70s by noon. your seven-day forecast in just a few moments. now we send it back to the "today" show. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. 100% natural ingredients like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark chocolate flavor. plus, 10 grams of protein. so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. we're back now with more of today on thursday, the 28th of june. nice crowd gathered on a pretty thursday morning. look for you, the weather continuing this way tomorrow morning. in the studio, matt lauer, savannah guthrie, natalie morales. >> we have gay pride with a picture of a rainbow oreo. we will have their opinions on that and other hot topics. >> speaking of hot, new twist on sun protection for anyone that resists slaterring on sunscreen, there's clothing with spf protection built in. >> lots to get to. let's check out the headlines. natalie is here on the sofa. >> today from the supreme court, a key long awaited ruling on health care reform. this morning in a 5-4 decision, the high court upheld the centerpiece of the law, the requirement that americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty. chief justice john roberts says the mandate is within congress's taxing power. the decision that helps hospitals. the laws go in effect by 2014. another tough day on the frontlines for firefighters battling fires raging in colorado. the big fire in colorado springs doubled in size this week, wiped out entire neighborhoods. more than 30,000 have been forced to evacuate, with the fire nowhere near contained, thousands of homes remain threatened. investigators in florida may be closer to figuring out whose voice was screaming for help the night unarmed teen trayvon martin was shot and killed. prosecutors now have a recording to compare to the 911 call that night. investigators took george zimmerman back to the scene of the shooting and asked him to call out for help. initial fbi analysis of the 911 calls could not determine who was screaming, whether zimmerman or trayvon martin. the new recordings may help officials find out though. if you're one of the many people struggling to lose weight, there may be a new pill to help. the fda wednesday approved the first long term weight loss pill in more than a decade. it is meant for adults that are obese or overweight, suffer with at least one medical complication, diabetes or high cholesterol. the fda says that may help people eat less and feel full. results of a new cambridge university study may put a smile on some women's faces, husbands, listen up. the study finds men that help with household chores, doing cooking, cleaning, dishes, well, they are happier, have a better sense of well-being, and enjoy a better work life balance than those who don't help. some experts also suggest it may in part have something to do with feeling less guilty. all right. take note, husbands. one of the older brothers on the long running 1960s hit show "my three sons" has died. don grady that played son robbie douglas reportedly suffered from cancer and had been receiving hospice care at his california home. he was 68. soccer star david beckham failed to make it on the team. he didn't make the final cut. he says he is disappointed, hopes the british team still wins the gold. a new survey by national geographic channel finds 36% of americans believe ufos exist, and 79% think the federal government is hiding something about ufos. the survey found if there were an alien invasion, 65% of americans feel president obama would be better suited than mitt romney in handling it. bizarre survey. meanwhile, onto other things, if your mom told you to chew food slowly, you will appreciate this. peanut the turtle, eyes are bigger than his stomach as he tackles a raspberry, savoring every bite. we could be here all day, a big hit online. >> it is mesmerizing. four minutes past the hour. >> good of david beckham to say i hope they win the gold as opposed to i'm not on the team -- >> exactly. >> mr. roker? >> let's see what we have for you. unfortunately natalie told you, we have horrible wildfires out there. weather is not going to help. scattered afternoon storms, dry winds, bringing in storm winds of 45 miles per hour. we have fire danger warnings, red flag warnings from nevada to ohio, up into michigan, and then we also have heat to talk about. we have dangerous heat, heat watches, warnings, and advisories, from texas as far north as minnesota, and as far east as ohio, with 27 states and 50 million people by friday yeah, that takes the edge off our 85 degree readings and warmest spots across the bay. san francisco, you'll hit 76 and a beautiful june day. 9:05 now. temperatures work out like this. 80 degrees los gatos. no need for the a.c. or heater. not too hot, not too cold. cool you down over the course of the weekend. good news is dog days of summer return for the fourth of july. latest weather. savannah? ♪ i've been taking care of business ♪ >> now to today's professional the, star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman is here. >> we have an account from a stanford police detective who said one of the ways zimmerman could have deescalated the confrontation is if he had identified himself as a neighborhood watch captain. star, you're our lauer. is this legally significant as we look at this case? >> i literally screamed at my own television when i saw the news and said "duh." that would have been one of the two things he could have done. one, not get out of the car. two identified himself. it never ceases to amaze me that people assumed that zimmerman was afraid of trayvon but never for the first time thought trayvon may have been in fear of zimmerman. he may have been in fear of some dude walking down the street confronting him. >> donny and nancy, does this change your opinion of the case? >> we'll never know what happened. it's a tragic case. >> it will be interesting to hear with the new recordings versus the scream that night if everything will turn on that. we were talking about plea daelts deals or how this is going to go down. he should never have gotten out of the car. it's a disaster that never should have been. >> this is an extraordinary case and unusual facts but on the issue of neighborhood watch captains, is this a service or something that outlived its usefulness? is it capable of abuse? >> it's capable of abuse or we wouldn't be talking about it. >> you can have abuse in any situation where you put two human beings together. i think it's positive for people to take matters and protect their communities. >> how about, hello, i'm george zimmerman, i'm a part of the neighborhood watch. are you a part of the neighborhood? extend your hand. all of a sudden it's not that confrontational. >> that's not reality. >> it is reality if you treat people the way you want to be treated. >> it's not a congenial situation. >> you have to question why wasn't it a congenial situation? you approached it in a negative way. >> and why pro actively is someone carrying a gun? we will prove on to a top. they did this oreo for a symbol of pride for the gay communities. there were comments for it, against it. donny, is it a good idea for companies like this to get involved in a political issue? >> the issue aside, here's what should govern a decision and only one thing. their shareholders. they have a responsibility, all corporations have a responsibility to the people that invest in their company to sell their product. having said that, if they made a calculated and i think this is a smart decision that taking that stand and maybe con temporizing the grand and building an emotional bond is right for selling cookies and it's the right decision. my company did the first commercial, two gay guys shopping for furniture. that was a company about inclusion and it was right for their brand. >> i like what donny says in terms of it being business oriented but a moral standing ground. you sort of say this feels good but i'm doing it because it makes sense. >> you are agree, though, there's nobody a bigger supporter of game rights than me. but having said that, if it was not right for their business. >> i found it very interesting that the cookie is 100 years old. they made a very decided opinion. i'm not an investor in this company but i'm a consumer and i love my oreos. i loved this! loved it, loved it, loved it! purely as a consumer. >> if you didn't agree with the sentiment, would that make you leave the brand? >> yes, as a matter of fact i left a brand this week, whichly tell you about off camera. >> let's talk about facebook. it cot in some trouble with some of its use thers week because it changed the e maim address that users had provided as part of its profiles to a address. facebook says we did tell our users but maybe we didn't adequately warn them. are they on thin ice this morning, as far as a privacy issues? >> i think this connectivity, the whole thing with the ipo, this brand is in trouble. i don't want to -- remember i told you that for a lot of reasons it's going to keep coming down and down and down. >> i was in a meeting silicon valley. they all have stopped using facebook. they think that the previouscy issues are so egregious that they no longer do it and this was the heart and soul of the silicon valley. >> now that young people are starting to feel as it if their business is being put out on the street and it not cool anymore, once they think it's no longer cool -- >> it's not even the privacy issue, it's -- >> it's not cool. >> let me be devil's advocate for one second, if you give your information to facebook, do you in any way assume the risk -- >> yes. i don't have anything on my facebook that i wouldn't want my grandmother to see. >> have you seen this ring. on the inside it's engraved "married." if you were to slip off that ring, your finger would still say married. is this an idea whose time has come or if you need the ring you have a problem? >> a lot of times women are tracted to men with rings because it's not a long-term commitment. >> you are so wise, it's going to stop you from cheating. it does not matter -- >> what is officially a hoochy? >> a hoochy is a person that even if you're running for the president of the united states and the wife is dying of cancer, you will still go after him. that is a hoochy. >> do you spell it with a ie or a y? >> ie. >> no one in anyway mai family wear as wedding ring, including my report.s is an nbc news here is brian williams. >> good day from new york. this is today's u.s. supreme court decision on health care, the so-called obama care law. it was largely upheld. we are with bto hear from president obama from the east room in the white house. first, back to our justice correspondent pete williams who had the responsibility of describing this decision in its early, early words to our audience. pete, what did the court decide today. >> reporter: basically, upheld the health care law and not under the commerce power but said that congress has the power to require people to buy insurance under the taxing power. a 5-4 decision and the majority opinion was written by chief justice john roberts. nomally considered one of the court's conservatives and joined the four liberals in producing the five-vote majority. the other important question on the medicaid command to the state supreme court said if the federal government give the states this new money, it can't turn off medicaid entirely if the states say they don't want to participated. brian? >> it's notable, pete, the chief justice, there is an expression the chief justices often want to be on the side of history. so that in big rulings, they want to be in the majority and not in the dissent and that happened today. >> reporter: he was clearly in the majority and means he signed the opinion to himself. it's interesting, obviously, this des spells one of those decisions that is strictly along partisan lines. on the usual 5-4 split it was a usual 5-4 split but not the usual way. >> thank you, pete williams. the president is going to be walking down the long corridor to the microphone. >> >> good afternoon. earlier today the supreme court upheld the constitutionality of the affordable kaerlt act the health care reform we passed two years ago. in doing so, they reaffirmed a presidential principle that here in america in the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin. i know there will be a lot of discussion today about the politics of all this, about who won and who lost, that's how these things tend to be viewed here in washington. but that discussion completely misses the point. whatever the politics, today's decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the supreme court's decision to uphold it. and because this law has a direct impact on so many americans, i want to take this opportunity to talk about exactly what it means for you. first, if you're one of the more than 250 million americans who already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance. this law will only make it more secure and more affordable. insurance companies can no have lifetime on what you receive and no longer discriminate against children with preexisting condition and no longer drop your coverage if you get sick. they can no longer jack up your premiums without reason. they are required to provide free preventive care like checkups and mammograms. a provision that has already helped 54 million americans with private insurance. and by this august, nearly 13 million of you will receive a rebate from your insurance company because it spent too much on things like administrative costs and ceo bonuses and not enough on your health care. there's more. because of the affordable care act, young adults under the age of 26 are able to stay on their parents' health care plans and a provision has already helped 6 million young americans. because of the affordable health care acts is receive a discount on their policies. it saves americans 600 dollars each. all of this is happening because of the affordable care act. these provisions provide common sense protections for middle class families and they enjoy broad popular support. thanks to today's decision, all of these benefits and protections will continue for americans who already have health insurance. if you're one of the 30 million americans who don't have yet have health insurance in 2014 this will offer you affordable private health insurance plans to choose from. each state will take the lead for designing their own options and if the states can come up with better ways of covering more people at quality and cost, this law allows them to do that too. i've asked congress to help speed up that process and give states this flexibility in year one. once states set up these health insurance marketplaces known as exchanges, insurance companies will no longer be able to discriminate against any american with a preexisting health condition. they won't be able to charge you mow just because you're a woman. they won't be able to bill you into bankruptcy. if you're sick, you'll finally have the same chance to get quality, affordable health care as erchs everyone else. if you can't afford the premiums you'll receive a credit to help pay for it. today, the distort also upheld the principle people who can afford health insurance should take the responsibility to buy health insurance. when uninsured people can afford coverage get sick and show up at the emergency room for care, the rest of us end up paying for their care in the form of higher premiums. and, second, if you ask insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions but don't require people who can afford to to buy their own insurance some folks might wait until they are sick to buy the care they need which would drive up everybody else's premiums. that's why i knew it wouldn't be political popular and resisted it when i ran for this office. we ultimately included a provision in the affordable health care act that people who can afford to buy health insurance should take the opportunity to do many. still, i kno the debate over this law has been debated. i respect the very real concerns that millions of meramericans h shared. i know what it means politically. well, it should be pretty clear by now i didn't do this because it was good politics. i did it because i believed it was good for the country. i did it because i believed it was good for the american people. you know, there's a framed letter that hangs in my office right now. it was sent to me during the health care debate by a woman named natoma canfield. for years and years, natoma did everything right. she bought health insurance, she paid her premiums on time, but 18 years ago natoma was diagnosed with cancer and even though she had been cancer-free for more than a decade, her insurance company kept jacking up her rates year after year and despite her desire to keep her coverage, despite her fears that she would get sick again, she had to surrender her health insurance and was forced to hang her fortunes on chance. i carried natoma's story with me every day with the fight to pass this law. it reminded me of all the americans, all across the country, who have had to worry not only about getting sick, but about the cost of getting well. natoma is well today and because of this law, there are other americans, other sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, who will not have to hang their fortunes on chance. these are the americans for whom we pass this law. the highest court in the land has now spoken. we will continue to implement this law. and we will work together to improve on it where we can but what we won't do, what the country can't afford to do, is refight the political battles of two years ago, or go back to the way things were. with today's announcement, it's time for us to move forward, to implement and, where necessary, proof improve on this law. now is the time to keep our focus on the most urgent time of our time, putting people back to work and obeying down our debt and building an economy where people can have confidence that if they work hard, they can get ahead. but, today, i'm as confident as ever that when we look back five years from now, or ten years from now, or 20 years from now, we will be better off because we had the courage to pass this law and keep moving forward. thank you. god bless you. and god bless america. the president's remarks from the white house after what has to be called a validation by 5-4 vote of most of his health care law by the supreme court today. you heard his admonition there than not be viewed through chief political spectrum. we are duty-bound to point out this is a presidential election year, a few minutes before the president started his remarks, we heard from mitt romney on a c balcony overlooking the us capital in washington and it won't surprise you to learn he took a different view. here now some of what he had to say. >> as you might imagine, i disagree with the supreme court's decision and i agree with the dissent. what the court did not do on its last day in session, i will do on my first day, if elected president of the united states. and that is i will act to repeal obama care. let's make clear that we understand what the court did and did not do. what the court did today was say that obama care does not violate the constitution. what they did not do was say that obama care is good law or that it's good policy. obama care was bad policy yesterday, it's bad policy today. obama care was bad law yesterday, it's bad law today. let me tell you why i say that. obama care raises taxes on the american people by approximately 500 billion dollars. obama care cuts medicare, cuts medicare by approximately 500 billion dollars. and even with those cuts and tax increases, obama care adds trillions to our deficit and our national debt and pushes those objections on the coming generations. obama care also means up to 20 million americans they will lose the insurance they currently have. the insurance they like and want to keep. obama care is a job killer. businesses across the country have been asked what the impact is of obama care three-quarters of those surveyed by the chamber of commerce said obama care makes it less likely for them to hire people and perhaps most troubling of all, obama care puts the federal government between you and your doctor. for all of those reasons, it's important for us to repeal and replace obama care. what are some of the things that we will keep in place and must be in place and a real reform of our health care system? one, we have to make sure that people who want to keep their current insurance will be able to do so, having 20 million people up to that number of people lose the insurance they want is simply unacceptable. number two, got to make sure that those people who have preexisting conditions know that they will be able to be insured and they will not lose their insurance. we also have to assure we do our very best to membershhelp each . and something that obama care does not do that must be done in real reform is helping lower the cost of health care and health insurance. it's becoming prohibitively expense i. >> part of mitt romney's remarks from washington today. join us in the studio in new york by our chief analyst savannah guthrie. what happened today for those just tuning in? >> if you're a supreme court litigator your lesson is always have a fallback argument. the federal government said this is valid. the court rejected that and if it had ended there the government would have lost today. however the federal government had a fallback argument and said this mandate and penalty associated if you don't buy insurance operates as a tax and therefore we can do this under our constitution because of our taxing power. it's an interesting legal argument. it's a legal argument that saved the day for the obama administration. it will be a complicated political argument for them because now essentially what the supreme court has said is obama care raise taxes and makes things a little more difficult for the obama administration going forward. >> we are seeing that issue already emerge. to make it through the day on a 5-4 vote was enough. david gregory is watching this from washington. how does this change the discussion at your famous table on sunday morning? >> i'm focused on the politics and palace intrigue. i know you're interested in both. the discussion we have on sunday, what i think will be a discussion all week is how this plays into the presidential race. this issue is not going away and you heard it from governor romney. republicans want to repeal what they call obama care. that's going to be a big issue. savannah mentioned the tax question now becomes part of this debate. the palace intrigue and that is re-examining the legacy of chief justice roberts. i have spoken to conservatives today, supreme court lawyers who say there will be a prevailing view he got intimidated by the left and he wanted to be on the right side of history as you suggested before and that he gave this nod to the right by saying i agree with you, it can't be upheld under the commercial laws. we can do it under congress taxing authority. there will be a lot of debate about just what his role was in this case as we move forward. >> savannah, they do call it for good reason, the roberts court. this bears your stamp, this bears your impromoto like the warren educator for so many years. >> he put together this majority opinion but it's a deeply fractured court. yes, he decided with the liberals in this decision but the liberals said that congress had the power to do this under the commerce clause and in some ways it is -- i guess you call it a solomonic decision and chief justice trying to walk that line. in the end the act is upheld but for juris prudence. a heavy opinion we have here and we all will be studying it for a long time to come. >> don't lie to me. savannah guthrie, i haven't seen you walk out like this. chuck todd, where do you see this affecting at least our short-term policies? >> reporter: i think on the presidential level you'll actually see this fade a little bit. i think the obama folks believe there is a small window for them here to essentially readvertise the health care plan. you heard that from the president and maybe they will move public opinion a little bit. but you're going to see mitt romney slowly stop talking about it. yes, it's good fund-raising fodder and good for their base. where you will see health care politically be a bigger issue is in house and senate races and on that front, republicans think they actually have a winning issue as far as holding the house and perhaps winning the senate. presidential level we may see a fading on the issue. brian? >> okay. the roberts court has spoken by a 5-4 decision. largely the headline today is the obama health care law has been upheld. there will be coverage all day long, of course, on msnbc and join us this evening for the people you have seen here, a complete wrap-up tonight on "nightly news" on the ways this affects every american, what the supreme court did this morning. for my colleagues here in new york and in washington, for now, i'm brian williams, nbc news new york. ♪ don't worry, nobody got hurt. but they sure know how to rock. the grammy award winning band maroon 5 has a new album in stores. they're going to be here tomorrow to rock the plaza with songs from their new album. come on down to the plaza tomorrow here on "today." >> adam levine can take a punch." that's going to leave a mark! >> absolutely. >> coming up in this half hour, protecting yourself in the summer sun. we all know the drill about sunscreen but now clothing marvers are getting into the act with uv protection built right into the clothing. >> that's right. experts say we're in for a very buggy summer because of the mild and moist summer. lou is leer wihere to keep thoss pests away. but enough about your inlaws. >> al, what about the weather? >> sizzling in the southern half for the country. for saturday, more rain in coastal northwest. hot even to the northeast in new england and sunday, sunday we're looking at more showers along the coast in the pacific northwest. sizzling weather continues mid atlantic states, gulf coast, southwest into the mid 9:31 on a thursday morning. taking a live look over the san mateo bridges. beautiful conditions and you can see for miles and traffic looks well. check with mike in a few moments. temperatures today will be comfortable yet again on par with our seasonal averages. 80 in los gatos and 82 in santa rosa. the dog days return for the weekend just in time for the fourth of july. >> and that's your latest weather. >> coming up next, summer fashions that provide sun protection for the whole family. but first these messages. where choice is on the menu. start with all the fresh salad and warm breadsticks you want. choose 2 appetizers made for sharing. then 2 entrées from 6 of our favorites. classics like eggplant parmigiana and new favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken and spaghetti with four cheese meat sauce & meatballs. 3 courses, 2 people, just $25. but only for a limited time, at olive garden. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. introducing the new toy chest aisle at petsmart. it has every kind of toy for every kind of dog, no matter how big or how small. find exclusive lines from bret michaels, toys "r" us® pets & martha stewart pets™, only at petsmart®. happiness in store.™ right? get. out. exactly! really?! [ mom ] what? shut the front door. right? woop-woop! franklin delano! [ male announcer ] hey! there's oreo creme under that fudge! oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. so it stays on in conditions like sand... sun... 100-degree heat, and ocean water. for uva/uvb protection in seven conditions, banana boat. we've got you covered. yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive. call or click today. [ male announcer ] why not talk to someone who owns an adjustable version of the most highly recommended bed in america? ask me about my tempur advanced ergo. goes up. goes up. ask me what it's like to get a massage anytime you want. goes down. goes down. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic brand owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. ergonomics. [ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. [ female announcer ] visit a participating retailer and save up to $600 on a tempur-cloud supreme mattress set. ♪ this morning on today's "moms," built in sun protection to your clothing. she has fashionable items that will help you protect against the sun's race. we have to talk about the da dangers of skin cancer. it's the most preventable kind of cancer every year. >> doctors are seeing an increase of 75,000 people diagnosed with melanoma. the fashion companies are finally taking note. you're going to see items that have upf and fpf ratings. no matter what we show today, you're going to see some good fashions. you have to make sure you're still applying sunscreen to the exposed part of your bodies. that's the nitty-gritty science. let's get to the fashions. >> we have a beautiful couple dressed for a barbecue. and they are also going to be well protected. come on out. >> it's a perfect mix of cool and casual. we wanted to put her in something that's really lightweight. we love the summery feel of this. this has an fps 50 plus rating. it will block 50% of the sun's rays. that is $75. that's a real life couple. her boyfriend kevin, we put him in a cue baseball short and those also have a upf of 50 plus. and the hat, you always need a hat. that's from sunday afternoon. everything you see here isnd unr 100. >> thank you very much. we wanted something a little more stylish for a picnic. come out, joan. >> we really wanted to elevate the look. i think we accomplished that with joan who is going to a picnic. this is from cabana light. it's $90. we love the beading around the neck. this company was started by a fashion editor who was also a skin cancer survivor. and you see a lot of companies come out of san diego, australia. you can trust that everything here has a upf and you'll be protected. >> this is amazingly stylish, wearing this even over a bathing sued. >> thank you so much. it looks beautiful on you especially. next you want to take your whole family out for an outing. ali taking christian and stella. ali is one of our producers and these are her kids. >> putting sunscreen on a child can be like wrestling a giant worm, right? very difficult to do. >> very hard. >> you want to get them in these kind of clothing because it really will protect them and they'll look adorable. let's start with christian, a columbia top and lands end shorts. you're looking for something comfortable for the long hall. every that the kid are wearing, we have stella in lands end, that's all moisture wicking. it's greatf they want to go on a water ride because it will absorb all that. and ali, one of my favorite girls, she's looking super stylish. the skirt is actually a skort. it's 40d and it's shorts underneath. she'll be super comfortable. it has a temperature regulating system so when it senses high temperatures, it cools you down. >> all of their outfits are so cute. >> you're smiling now. yay! thanks, ali. and finally, you dressed cassandra head to toe. >> this is more of a party, wear fib rick and light colored clothing. people are freaking out saying that's sun protection? we tacked about the right red hat. that hat is $55 and with every purchase 5d goes to stand up for cancer, for skin cancer research. so that's a great thing to buy. and the pants are draw strings, they're really comfortable. you really can find affordable options that are stylish and functional because you're getting protected from the sun. >> i don't know if you guys can hear me, but if you can come back out one last time. thank you to our models and congratulations on your little girl. coming up next, we'll have more of our summer survival guide. how to avoid those annoys bugs right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] the vertical chair-climb. it's not an olympic sport, but it takes real effort and it takes a diaper that fits their every move. pampers cruisers with 3-way fit adapt at the waist, legs, and bottom for up to 12 hours of protection and all the freedom to play like a real champion. pampers. proud supporter of babies' play. ♪ as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios she would help her child. no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. abracadabra. it's the bes♪ for your skin. hershey's milk chocolate with almonds in pieces. your favorites, in pieces. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. ♪ i don't like spiders and snakes ♪ >> this morning on today's "healthy home," staying bug free this center. the weather has provided the perfect breeding ground for bugs that bite, sting and ruin your garden. today we have effective ways to keep those bugs and pests at bay. good to see you. >> good morning. >> so it's that time of year. it looks like it's going to be a really bad bug season. >> it's been dry in a lot of the country but they're still out there. even though we haven't talked a lot about west nile virus yet, it is out there. it's very important to protect yourself. it really starts personally with repellent. >> and a lot of folks say i'm worried about putting deet on. >> deet is the most effective repellant. there are some forms of non-deet that work but i've found that deet is the most effective. there are different percentages of deet within them. the american pediatric association, with children no more than 7%. for adult, 15% is the max. you don't need anything more than that. >> a lot of people say spray it on the clothing. >> even better. >> does citronella work? >> it does work when there's a breeze at night. in europe they use the oil as a repellent. the breeze is not your best friend when it comes to mosquitoes. >> you say you can pretreat areas? >> these hose attachments, these products you can go and treat the grass, put it on the hose an hour before you have a party, it will permeate an odor to help repel the mosquitoes. it is not a replacement to mosquitos but it will help you. >> standing water is where mosquitos breed. get rid of it if you can. these dunks form a film over the water so the lar va can't hatch. >> and then there are some old school things. >> that's called a fly swatter. this is a wife's sale, a zip lock bag filled with water with tin foil or pennies in it, hung offer the door in the sunlight. this is for flies. there's certainly about the reflection with shiny objects they perceive as danger and they won't come in here. it works well with horses. >> what about plants? >> there's moisture in these plants so they come and eat it. there's a ton of different products on the marketplace can you use. this seven, this powder, is one of the industry standards to springle. it's broad spectrum coverage -- >> safe? >> safe to a point. i don't want it on your vegetables. the organic products, ortho bug be gone, whitney farms has a -- that's not the bottle. ultimately you're going to eat this foodnd i don't want to you put this stuff on there. >> grubs. this is the time of year to put the grub control down. this can ruin your lawn. this product by jonathan green is really effective. it goes down once, it will kill them. this is a broad spectrum grub control that can even help ants around the perimeter of your home. follow the instructions and you will be bug free. >> coming up next, we'll span the world with the one and only len berman. first this is "today" on nbc. we're playing the olympic music for you. we're going to take you on a wild ride through the whacky, wonderful world of sports. >> june featured the miami heat and the u.s. open but what were sure the top sports of the month. let's go "spanning the world." >> unbelievable! >> all right. on your mark, get set and play ball. the best catch to end the game, derek salberg, lower columbia college washington state. this is a fly-off catch. it ended the game. our oops of the month. when you go to give usain bolt flores at the end of the race, you might actually wait until he slows down. >> look at the kid in the first round, he sticks his tongue out at the batter. that's not nice. so take that, kid! and it's time now to come in from the bullpen. no, not you. get back in there! >> our dangers of the month. rugby is not dangerous to play. it's the celebration. >> oh! >> oh, my goodness! that's not good. >> and in monaco, connor daly and nobody got hurt! >> we have lots of fans of the month. the best place to drink your chocolate milk is right out of the stanley cup. >> i got to get me one of those mankinis. in italy. in houston corey scott catches the home run ball and it's his 11th birthday. happy birthday. our ballpark moment. it was star wars night in arizona and our sideline reporter princess leya. and who was that yuts on the field during the rain delay? oh, bill murray. that's who it is. never mind. our reporters of the month. who better to do the weather than lakers forward meta world peace. >> and to get from this island to this island, take a boat. >> nice. >> and in front of the tv camera, you just might attract the attention of beer drinking dutch soccer fans. >> our p.a. announcer of the month, ray play who introduced michael jordan all those years. >> michael jordan! >> well, he does the honors at a wedding. >> guest of honor, amanda and sean! >> and our happy ending of the month, in columbus, ohio, she stepped to help lift up a competitor who had fallen and to cross the finish line. >> we love you as always, len. >> a little soft ending. >> but had you that mankini in middle. >> i have to get me one of those. >> tell her about the shrinkage, jerry! >> coming up, kathie lee and hoda back with channing tatum. we got to stick around for that one. >> and ambush makeovers after your local news and weather. good thursday morning to you. 9:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. president obama speaking in the past hour, calling the supreme court ruling upholding the affordable health care act a victory for people all over the country. republican mitt romney says the ruling is incorrect and promises to repeal the health care law. chief justice john roberts joined the more liberal wing of the court in concluding the controversial insurance mandate requiring americans to buy insurance and is a tax on uninsured and is constitutional. we will have political reaction coming up on our news at 11:00' you can learn how the law impacts california by going to and searching affordable care. let's take a look at the skies right now and check in with meteorologist christina loren. >> 79 in san jose today and 81 redwood city today. getting on the cusp of warm to hot but not quite and, tomorrow, take you down to about 80 degrees. it will get hot as of monday. up to 88 degrees inland and nice and warm overall. enjoy the cool pattern as it lasts. >> problem for 270 southbound. it was a sigalert. accident at edgewood and causing backup and effect on 101 a lot of folks avoiding the area. 101 now bearing the brunt toward 82. then resuming the normal flow into the south bay. southbound 680 had a problem cal la vera. the links closed the last half hour. still slow on 101 out of san jose. at the left there on the top of the screen up past shoreline and amphitheat amphitheater. no accidents today so far. >> thank goons. check us out on facebook. another local news update in half an hour. have a great thursday morning. [ male announcer ] stop & go traffic. you can't always avoid it. but you can always do something nice for your car. chevron with techron. care for your car. captions paid for byn. nbc-universal television hello, everybody! welcome to thirsty thursday. it's june 28th. we are delighted to have you with us. it's a bit of a sad day. >> today it was announced after 15 years, ann murre ku murre cu she would be leaving as co-host of the "today" show. she is going to have a seven member team, travel the globe and report on stories she cares a lot about and loves. >> nobody better at it than she is. take a listen to her this morning. >> this is not easy to say, but today is going to be my last morning as a regular co-host of "today." i'll still be part of the "today" show family, but i'll have a new title and new role. this is not as i ever expected to leave this couch after 15 years, but i am so grateful. especially to all of you who watch. >> a class act. >> she talked about the family. we are glad she is going to stay a part of our family. >> we loved having her around. >> i wish her all the joy she deserves. because she does. she finds great joy in doing things i can't even imagine doing. >> going places. >> and going places. she is very courageous. she is a very dedicated to what she does. she is going to bring great stories from all over the world. >> she is fearless. i know a lot of you guys ask about thi and we are here to deliver good news. our mugs. you now how you wanted them? you can't get them yet. you can preorder them on the nbc universal they should be in stock in mid july. >> at the nbc experience store. >> what takes so long? >> the question is why do you want them? why? who wants to look at that one. >> that's not great. >> and the cartoon. >> how much are they? >> $14. >> did we say that already? >> i just did. >> that's expensive -- for a mug? >> is it? >> yes. it is. okay. >> i have nothing to say about it. we don't get a penny out of it. if you like us and you want to drink out of us, who are we to judge? we are very happy that you do. >> it does make a lovely gift. >> so there is breaking news when it comes to weight loss. this is a big deal. it mate "nightly news" as one of the top stories. the fda approved a new weight loss pill. there has not been a pill on the market since fen-phen which was 13 years ago or so. this is called belvique. you have to be at least 30 pounds overweight. i guess the rub is, you have to take the pill and diet and exercise, so what's the point of that? >> so it's not great news. >> it's so-so news. >> it helps you, apparently, lose 3% of your starting weight within a year. >> more than would you normally lose. >> if you just started exercising and eating right, you would probably lose more than 3%. >> dr. nancy said to be cautious about this drug. with any pill, what is it for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? >> good for you, hodi. >> i learned that in high school. there are going to be obviously some side effects. >> somebody who's done it the old fashioned way we know of is on the cover of "people" magazine this week. paula deen has lost -- look at her, she looks great. she lost 30 pounds. >> she lost it where no one can lose it in your belly. it's so hard to lose your tummy. >> you stop drinking alcohol and you lose it in your belly. >> really? >> notice mine hasn't changed in a long time. good for her. she is admitting now she was not right about all that -- she's diabetic. she got creamed from the press waiting three years to tell everybody about it. we are happy for her. when she is here, just lights up the studio. she is a doll. so good for her. >> i'm glad she's on the cover of "people." >> yeah. for something good as opposed to something -- >> something not so great. >> something your mother is embarrassed by. >> there is a controversy brewing. there was a woman who worked in a restaurant, okay? i guess the restaurant wanted more foot traffic. they asked all the waitresses to wear skimpier outfits, tighter skirts. she felt uncomfortable. she said i don't want to wear that skimpy skirt. i didn't sign on for hooters. too bad. they took her hours and cut her hours way back. >> they did not force her to wear the skirt, but they did cut her hours way back. >> she ended up quitting because she couldn't make a living. now she is suing claiming sexual harassment. wrongful termination and unpaid wages. they are saying she quit and we are not paying her. >> usually i don't like anything that smacks of a lawsuit that is just not justified, but in this case, she had already been working there for a long time. you don't change the rules mid stream on people and get mad at them if they don't love the new rules. especially if you have a personal aversion to something like- she wants to be a modest woman. somebody seems to have a little kinky thing about little skirts, school girl things. i would be uncomfortable with it, too, unless i had really great legs. >> then i'd say, yes. sign me up. >> no, no. i'm on her side for this one. i think she is justified. they are saying we didn't fire her, she quit, but if you can't make a living, what's the point? >> they cut you back so far you have no choice. >> yeah. because they don't like to pay, what's it called? >> up employment? >> yes. >> that stuff. if you've ever seen one of those men with a unibrow and you think why don't they just pluck the middle? it's about to be trendy. a university of kentucky basketball player named anthony davis is in talks to trademark his unibrow. look at it. >> oh, my gosh, is that real? >> yes. he has a saying. >> a little like little richard. >> it's called "you are are's the brow." . >> that is really attractive. i think it's going to catch on. why wouldn't it? it's so attractive think of the time you'll save. i must spend three, four hours a week plucking. really. >> he is supposed to be the number one pick in the nba. this may be a trend. >> he does say i don't want anyone to try to grow a unibrow. you're going so fast i can't read what he said. he said i don't want anyone to try to grow a unibrokaw because of me and try to make money off it. me and my family decided to trademark it because it's unique. this is not unique. this would be me in one week if i didn't do it. >> it's called lazy. >> lazy. >> i do kind of like it. let us know what you think. >> i can't lookt you. >> this i do not like. kesha has a new lip tattoo. >> it's if you pull your lip down on the inside of your lip she has a tattoo that says "suck it." that is nasty. >> yeah. >> what do you think? >> that's about the classiest thing i've ever heard. >> how about when she is 80? >> it will wear off. >> frank had one that used to say "gip" now it says "ip." should i take it off? >> take it off. >> is it turning you on? that's all i need to hear. >> are you serious? >> there is a company that now sells an anti-adultery ring. no one is going to come near me. i don't need this ring. >> it's a regular, looks like a wedding band. on the inside the words "i'm married" are -- you see them under there? if you wear the ring for a day and then some people like to slip the ring off when they go out to a bar in the evening? look how it leaves the impression. please look at the imprint. look at what i'm looking at. see what i'm looking at? >> two can play this game, you know? i think i'm going to trademark this very unique look. what do you think? >> what are you calling it? >> i don't know. >> that is not great. >> we are on to something. >> we are? we've got to have music. it's time. >> thirsty thursday. >> we'll get to the other topics, but why not do this? this is so much fun. it's a country song, it's by dirks bentley. >> love him. >> the song is called "5-1-5-0." tell me you're not going to be singing this when this is over. >> i think i'm going to like it ahead of time. ♪ ever since i met you girl ♪ you've been on my brain ♪ i can't think of nothing else ♪ you all night and day ♪ it's like i got a first class seat ♪ on this train ♪ it's driving me insane ♪ 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po-po ♪ ♪ you make me crazy ♪ i think about you baby ♪ 5-1-5-0 i'm going loco ♪ i'm going crazy cause i love you baby ♪ ♪ 5-1-5-0 somebody call the popo ♪ >> he had me till popo. i love him. all right, hoda. >> 5150 is a police call for a crazy person or something like that. >> all these years i've been taking you to broadway and you like songs with popo in it? i love derricks though. >> you know what makes men happy? work. >> chores around the house. >> we had no idea that was the case. they are saying the secret to happiness for men is to do more chores. why is that the case? >> then they are not listening to their wife nagging at them to do the chores. they are eliminating the middlewoman. guys, it is easier. if you just take out the garbage. just put the -- my kids are not good at this. >> put their clothes away? >> no. if you have a dirty dish, they think if you just bring it over and put it down, then it sits there all night and somebody has to scrub it. run some water over it. stick it in the whatever you put it in. dishwasher. >> what is your technique? >> i'm not very good at it, obviously. guys, it's thoughtless to the person who has to clean this up. nobody listens to me. by the way, women's happiness is not affected by that at all, but i think that's wrong. there is nothing sexier than see your guy lift that garbage. >> can we say happy birthday to laura salinsky? she is 106. >> 106 today. she looks darn good. >> we want to thank her daughter-in-law pat for sending a picture of her. >> okay or not okay? i can't read it. it says, is it okay to put your kids on reality television? >> you say, i don't believe in parenting other people's children. pause. they should be aware of the serious rep cushions that sudden stardom brings. >> in quotes. hoda says, yes, be careful, there is a little difference between tv time and overexposure. we should know because we overexpose ourselves on a daily basis. >> a little sip of this. >> today we have a spa-tini. a drink from a restaurant in newport beach, california. vodka, lime juice, mint, cucumber just to be healthy. and putting us in the mood for channing tatum. >> we hear he's got something happening right now. maybe not. we'll get down to the bare essentials. >> oh, yeah. >> see how happy he is? look how happy he is. >> another reason to love him. . channing tatum is on fire. >> yes, he is. >> he's in two films "the vow" and "21 jump street" both were box office gold and he's hoping that magic continues with "magic mike." >> the film is about his days as a stripper and also stars matt mcconaughey. it's about taking their dreams to miami, florida. >> miami is looking good. got a couple of loopholes i've got to get through with the real estate attorney down there after that, it's i all green lights, brother. >> what do you need from me? >> keep doing what you do. >> yeah. >> focus like a big brother to this team. you keep that up, you can mankea lot more than this door money, i guarantee you that. >> equity. >> since channing is on a roll, a body roll, we decided he would show us what he's got. come on in. ♪ >> how are you? you like red wine. >> i do like a little bit of red. you guys get it on in the morning. >> how you doing, magic mike? >> cheers. >> you made news yesterday with your flash mob. how about that? >> it was a fun stunt. it was nice. >> setting new york on fire. we appreciate it. it went everywhere. >> that really caught fire. what kind of reaction are you getting to folks on the street about this? >> when the wolfman came out and started to gyrate on here, i don't know. >> this is actually something you always talk about, do what you know. this is something you know about. >> totally. >> tell us about that, you were 18? >> 18, 19 in tampa i dropped out of college, which i don't suggest to anyone out there. >> it worked out for you. >> i think i won the lottery. a million and one chances. i was couching it. you don't want to be living with your parents at 18 years old. you want to be out on your own. >> even though you can't afford it at all. >> not at all. >> how did you learn to do that when you were a kid? >> as far as dance? you show up. you don't have to be all that good at it. >> you just have great outfits and a great body. >> exactly. >> pretty much. >> if you're given an axe with a fireman's outfit on, for some reason, supposedly. >> my husband puts his football uniform on and it's all over. >> like the old days. >> awesome. >> you know. >> i've got my own football outfit. me and my wife do the same thing. >> leather helmet. >> the leather helmet -- wow! >> we have a leather head of a time, yes we do. >> okay. >> just another day. >> crazy. >> take a good sip. >> might want to gulp that. >> what does your wife think of this whole scene? >> she thinks it's hilarious. she married a stripper, she knew what she was getting into. she watched it and loves it and thinks it's hilarious. it was a fun time. >> we had joe on the other day. he was telling us how you never went to your own trailers because you were so supportive of one another. you're the only one that has any dancing experience going in. >> completely. these guys had to take a huge leap of faith. they jumped with both feet into the the thong. it was crazy. >> you've seen the size of joe, can you imagine the size of his thong? >> we saw his thong. oh, yeah. >> how come his chair is closer to you all than me? he's completely closer. why do i have to be all the way over here? >> we don't like this. >> we wish you great love. >> this is breaking news. >> health care or something. >> we wish you all the best. god bless. >> thanks so much. >> "magic mike" opens tomorrow. >> still ahead, ambush makeovers, but first these messages. [ telephone rings ] [ female announcer ] every day, there seems to be a new reason not to make a home-cooked meal. work... errands... ♪ ...a greasy bag of deep-fried easy. ♪ but you have hamburger helper on your side. with 40 varieties that are all fast and easy to make, nothing stands in your way of a home-cooked meal. hamburger helper. help is on the way. but not for your eyes. they're still so tired looking. with olay challenge that, with regenerist anti-aging eye roller. its hydrating formula with caffeine conditioning complex, perks up the look of eyes. it works in the blink of an eye. still ahead, a double feature with sara's web video picks. >> ambush makeovers. >> and lou manfordini is in the house. >> wine for the fourth of july. great! tyler here will show you everything. check out our new mobile app. now you can use your phone to scan your car's vin or take a picture of your license. it's an easy way to start a quote. watch this -- flo, can i see your license? no. well, all right. thanks. okay, here we go. whoa! no one said "cheese." progressive mobile -- insurance has never been easier. get a free quote today. requires daily sun protection. eucerin daily protection spf 15 body lotion is a long-lasting moisturizer and spf in one. it helps protect skin against everyday sun exposure. daily protection body lotion only from eucerin. daily protection body lotion . . . good morning to you. your time now is 10:26. the president is calling it a victory for the people. meanwhile, mitt romney promising to repeal it. this morning, the u.s. supreme court upholding the affordable care act also known as obama care, saying the controversial insurance mandate requiring americans to buy coverage is constitutional. but we will have a series of live reports in about 30 minutes on nbc11 news and complete coverage online at our website at we will take a look at your forecast and the roads after the break. welcome back. 10:28 now. take a look at this beautiful day. we have hit a stride of gorgeous weather and we're going to hold onto it all the way throughout the upcoming weekend and then temperatures start to soar. the dog days of summer return just in time for the fourth of july. 79 degrees in los gatos today and 79 san jose and 83 in concord. overall if you liked yesterday, taking your temperatures down by a couple of degrees. great baseball weather yet again tonight and what a series against those dodgers and now they are taking on the reds. 58 degrees. could take the ball out to right center! let's go giants. 80 as we head through friday and 70s return for the weekend and fourth looks nice and clear. looking over here to the peninsula. slow southbound 101 to 280 to the 92. earlier incident was on 280. the sigalert was over an hour ago and cleared but folks are using 101 as the alternate and slow the rest of the morning. east shore freeway a smooth drive but accident might slow things down and happened at 880 at the bottom of your screen. north of the coliseum things jamming up up a past the coliseum because of the slower drive. no incidents in the roadway and should be better there. >> looks heavy. we will see you again at 11:00. it is thirsty thursday. that means it's time for today's plaza ambush makeovers. when we pluck two lucky ladies out of the crowd and surprise them with a new look. >> here is our resident makeover team, "today" contributor and style to the stars, luis licari, and "today" and "us weekly" contributor jill martin. >> beautiful weather. >> beautiful day, huge crowd. there were so many people, we were walking and walk iing wondering who should be picked? we got two good ones. >> let's start off with jill. she is 62 years old. after recently suffering the loss of both her parents and separating from her husband, she decided it was time for a brand-new start what better way than with a makeover? >> good for her. >> i know this has been such an emotional year, to say the least, for jill. you really want this for her. >> i really do. she deserve as brand-new start. she is one of the most beautiful people inside her friend and i would really like to see her be just as beautiful on the outside. >> you're going through a difficult time, but there's a lot of guys out there who want a hot woman. are you ready to go? >> i'm ready. let's go! >> always comes down to that with jill. >> it sure does. >> now, jill is here with her three friends, cindy, kathie and claire. you guys ready? keep your blind folds on till i give you the green light. here is jill before. all right. come on out. let's see the new you. >> sassy. you ready? take off your blind folds. take them off. >> let's see it. turn around. >> ah! >> the redhead will do that. >> look right there look at camera 12. tell us about that. the tut and everything. >> okay. debby, her hair got too long, too faded. she really needed a hair cut and hair column yofrmt color. debby gave her this hairs cut which is chic. we took her from the midwest to new york city. >> are those asymmetrical bangs or is that drinking? >> what i did, her hair color was just faded. it was washing away her skin color. i made it a little bit deeper. it looks like it grows from her head. she is a redhead. we brought her back. >> what do you think? >> she looks beautiful. she was always hot, but she is hot now. >> fire engine hot now. >> that is a great dress on her. >> adrianna papel. sexy and sophisticated and how she described her new man and how she wanted to look. the earrings are from kohls. >> join your friends. >> thank you. >> our second lady is jennifer golden, 53 from cleveland, ohio. this mother of four never made time for herself. when she called her son to tell him she was getting a makeover, he did not believe her. let's listen to her story. >> she dragged you out of bed this morning and surprise, you're being interviewed. why do you want this for your girlfriend? >> i don't think she really needs it. i think it's exciting. she wanted to come to the "today" show and see what's going on. this is very exciting for her. i'm excited for her for that. >> you're a very smart boyfriend for what you said. this is going a be glamorous day. >> i'm very excited. i'm looking forward to a change. it will be nice. >> all right. john's got his blind fold on. one last look at jennifer before. bring out the new jennifer. ♪ baby you're a firework >> all right, john, take it off. >> wow! woo-hoo! smoking. >> see if he's right. >> oh, my god! >> that is beautiful. >> those are asymmetrical bangs. short hair, lots of style. she wanted to try a change. she had blonde hair all her life. i gave her a brown that will wash off over the summer. it's a color that contains no developer. >> it's sexy. did you dye her eyebrows, too? >> you're giving away all her secrets. >> doesn't of? >> and of course he made the make-up work. >> what do you think of your girlfriend? >> fantastic. she always looked fantastic and she deserves this. she works really hard. >> sweet. >> i love those earrings with that dress is so cute. >> her figure is unbelievable. this is great. if you want to be daring for summer, pick aold print. this is from maggie london. just a little over 100. >> the earrings? they are darling. >> h&m. >> come on out, jill. come out. >> all righty. up next, problems with the a.c.? lou manfredini will answer your questions. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. pillsbury toaster strudel. the unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks lunching. at olive garden just $6.95. fresh, crisp salad made when you order it, four soups made fresh daily, baked breadsticks right out of the oven! just $6.95 for a limited time. . . . . now that's a clean mouth. i just wish it wouldn't fade away so fast. [ male announcer ] when you leave the dental office... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but now there's a way to keep the clean longer. introducing new crest pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. when our favorite home repairman answers all those pesky problems you have around the house. >> lou manfredini is host of "house smarts" and is here to answer your e-mail. >> we have a lou and a loo. >> my toilet won't flush unless i hold the handle until it is finished flushing. how do i fix this? >> do you have any idea who bay winkleman is? he's a famous fisherman. this is my babe winkleman fix. get a medium size fishing bobber. inside the toilet there is a chain for the flapper. she's got to hold this open till it goes in there clip the bobber on the chain. when you start to flush, the water goes, this wants to float. it will stay open till the water goes down. it's that quick. or she can go one step further and replace the flapper which is easily done. these two tabs that go on and a new chain. this particular one made in wisconsin here in the usa. >> she could probably save a couple of hundred dollars. >> these are $5. the bobber is 50 cents. >> here is a question from joyce. i have a musty smell coming from a crawl space in the house. have placed damp rid in crawl space but it still stinks. what is damp rid? >> a product that absorbs odor. she probably didn't use enough of it. airflow is your friend in a crawl space. any box fan that can move things around can help. >> do you need it going all the time? >> it will be helpful. this is a product line called natural magic. smell this one. this is vanilla. you want to eat it. doesn't that smell good? >> you probably shouldn't. >> you should not eat it. these products are natural. what they do is permeate into the space. they grab the mal odor, wrap around it and eliminate it. you won't smell this in there, but it does grab it. this is called gonzo. this is volcanic rock. you hang it. it absorbs the odor. doesn't smell like anything. it works continuously. it's all natural. then after you start to smell the mal odor -- >> are you saying male odor? >> mal. >> you take it out into the sun four hours, it regenerates because it's volcanicish. have you been to a volcano? >> yes, i have. >> how does it smell? >> like a volcano. >> what is the best way to plug the openings around a window air conditioning unit? >> the window units come with these ears that go into the sides of the windows to seal it. sometimes you can't get that tight seal. in the wintertime we talk about window kits to seal the airflow out. you can do the same thing by -- >> is that saran wrap? >> basically, you put this around the window, use a hair dryer to tighten it up and it will seal it around. >> for how long? >> the whole summer. against the window. we don't have a window. imagine the window frame comes down and this gets taped. it tightens up. you won't even know it's there. >> you said blow dryer and i tuned in. >> it's very effective. for these companies that make these things, they don't sell them in the summertime. it is a great opportunity and it will seal it out. >> thank you, lou. up next, we have all american wines for the fourth of july. >> finally. ♪ ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. what makes hershey's pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. ♪ america >> now on today's wine cellar, a toast for our country on the fourth of july with wines made in the good old usa and paired with all-american food. >> no matter what is on your menu, sommolier has done all the leg work for us. >> you figured out wines that were well with the kind of foods we'll have over the fourth? >> i did. anything people could throw at you for the fourth of july. >> she wants to have a shrimp. >> if you have a cold shrimp dish, what is the right wine? >> i read johan vineyards pino gris. it has more richness and will stand up to the weight of shrimp. >> shrimp is rich. >> i love that. >> what else would this wine go with? >> that would be great with salmon on the grill, particularly with a ginger teryaki glaze. >> have another shrimp, they are so good. i have shrimp and french fries all the time. >> chicken wings. >> now we are going to new york state. this is a dry reisling. >> she doesn't like that. >> one thing i hear every day, i don't like reisling, it's sweet. this is a dry reisling. >> you're talking to one who can't stand this wine, and go. >> it's not as sweet as many of them are. i give you that. it's so crisp. >> this goes with spicy food? >> something with a little bit of spice to it. you can do it with grilled pizza. it would be great with the shrimp, as well. reisling pairs with just about anything. whenever there is a challenging pairing, i reach for a reisling. >> good for you. >> i'm sorry, it's not a sin not to like it. >> that is true. >> plenty of other things to choose from. >> now to the sonoma coast. this is a rose made from pinot noir. these days it is dry. >> that is delicious. it's so nice in the summertime. that is delicious. >> what do you have? >> makes up for that one. >> fireworks salad. >> more shrimp. that looks delicious. >> grilled pizza on the grill. >> i love it. >> people grill pizza on the grill? >> absolutely. enough with the white and rose. big bold reds. this is charles smith out of washington state. it is a big, bold, fruit-forward delicious wine that will stand up to whatever meat you want to put on to the grill. >> that's nice. >> we have sausage. you could easily put this with a steak, a burger, ribs, anything you want. >> what is the price range? >> all these are under $20 with the exception of the pinot gris which is $22. >> this is an adult-only take on a root beer float. it is brooklyn's black chocolate stout poured over vanilla ice cream with ginger snap cookies. >> poor hoda can't have it. i'll take one for the team. >> how is that? >> fun. because of the stout, it's not too sweet. >> that's why i liked the other cookie the other day better. i don't like something too sweet. >> thank you so much. >> what's coming up next? >> thank you. >> sara is going to unleash adorable webtastic videos. >> first this is "today" on nbc. sara haines has the next video you'll be sending to your friends. >> this week we have two adorable videos featuring man's best pal. >> madeline the dachshund has fun with a cute little crab, but don't worry, nobody gets hurt. >> oh, my god. >> madeline was playing with the crab for 20 minutes before the owner decided they needed to capture this. >> poor little crab. >> they said madeline makes friends everywhere she goes, even if 2 it's with other species. >> that is so cute. >> look how pretty that sand is. >> i think the crab is cute. we have another one. the video of toby the pug. we think enjoying a massage from perry the cat. whenever harry was a kitty, he used to do this all the time to toby. toby is snoring, if you listen closely. he is full-blown asleep. >> oh, my gosh, that is adorable. >> two home runs, sara. >> i take it they get along. >> thank you, honey. >> do they hire out that cat? that cat knows what it's doing, i'm telling you. >> coming up tomorrow, funny man eugene levy is here. >> we love him. he's a doll. how your eating personality might be stopping you from losing those extra pounds. >> sexy summer hair. -- captions by vitac -- ♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.

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