3 today our Jetske Wauran got a preview of whats to come. She joins us live from the floyd boulevard wal mart. Jetske . 3 3 larry, diana, although there arent any long lines or campers by the entrance, just yet, ill tell you, retailers are getting ready for thanksgiving. For sioux citys area walmart stores. The deals will begin in store at 6 oclock thursday but even earlier online. Walmart Officials Say theyre expecting a big turnout on turkey day itself. 3 we are planning to serve millions of customers on thanksgiving. Were excited. Its one of our busiest seasons of the year and weve got some great deals. It would be really interesting going black friday shopping for my first time ever. Not really a big crowd person but i do think it would be a lot of fun especially if its a family tradition. Meanwhile, sioux youre busy shopping for gifts, thieves are shopping inside cars. Detective jeff harstad says protecting yourself and your valuables is easy. 3 what were suggesting is that you dont leave any valuable property in the vehicle. If you do for some reason have to leave it in there, dont leave it for extended periods of times and obviously remove it if at all possible. Detective hartstad tells me, there have been up to 50 car burglaries in the last 30 years. So make sure to lock your belongings, hide them and keep them. In order to prevent theft and crime. 3 reporting live at walmart on floyd boulevard, im Jetske Wauran, siouxland news 3 3 speaking of turkey. Thanksgiving is the most dangerous day of the year for kitchen fires. So as you get ready to cook your familys feast. Sioux city fire rescue wants you to take a minute ahead of time to make sure everythings ready to go. 3 the number one rule is never fry a frozen turkey. We want to make sure that turkeys are thoroughly thawed out. Generally its roughly one hour per four pounds, that the turkey is, make sure that the turkey is adequately thawed before you dip it into the hot grease. For more tips on how to cook a filling feast without burning your house down. Check the link in this story. Which can be found on siouxland news dot com. 3 3 a group dedicated to helping members of the military in siouxland is launching a new program. That program is called thank a vet. It gives vets a chance to talk to other vets and find out what they need. This morning. Support siouxland soldiers launched that program with a free donut and coffee brainstorming meeting. 3 gives them the opportunity to get together, to talk about their past, their history, what branch of service they were in. and just to get together and have a good time and visit, sometimes only a veteran understands what another going through. Support siouxland soliders plans to hold those meetings regularly at their facility on the first floor of the va building in sioux city. 3 a drone that can start a fire . . . Sounds scary. Students at the university of nebraska in lincoln have come up with one that can start controlled burns. As reporter Christina Hepner explains. Its actually designed to help farmers and others. 3 natscarrick detweiler, assistant professor of Computer Science and engineering, unl weve been developing this drone or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle that can basically fly out to remote locations to ignite prescribed fires. The goal of the drone is. Carrick detweiler, assistant professor of Computer Science and engineering, unl to help the farmers and also the land managers to be able to better manage their land with fire which occurs naturally. A lot of work has gone into creating this drone. Sebastian elbaum, professor of Computer Science and engineering, unl well we started about a year and a half ago, by collaborating with people that work on and we have collaborations with them. The principle for the drone is simple, and its small enough to fit in a backpack. Sebastian elbaum, professor of Computer Science and engineering, unl we have kept it small and its able to carry a load of balls that with the right elements can ignite and generate a flame of about 10 inches that could help you start those fires. The students at the nimbus lab working on the drone say theyve come a long way. Jim higgins, masters student, unl its sort of interesting to see the progression of prototypes from the very first one to where we are now and how much better we can do it from when we first began. Nats but. They still have some work to do. To make the program easy for anyone to use. Evan beachly, masters student, unl the idea is that the firefighter could have an interface on like a tablet or smartphone or something and they could like point coordinates out and the uav will fly there and like drop a ball there so we need to make an interface for tht and integrate gps data with our ball dropper and create sort of a unified control for that. The drone is being tested inside, but soon theyll be able to take it outdoors. Sebastian elbaum, professor of Computer Science and engineering, unl recently, actually last week, we just got a pool from the faa to have our first outdoor test starting this spring, so were very excited about that. Elbaum says they could face some new challenges once theyre able to test the drone outside. Reporting in lincoln Christina Hepner 1011 news. 3 3 3 we saw sunshine and nice temperatures again today. How much longer is it going to last chad . 3 into monday. 3 will there be a new strategy in the fight against isis . The french president visited the white house today to press president obama for more action. 3 as Craig Boswell reports. The administration has said its Coalition Countries that need to step up more. But after the terror attacks in paris president hollande oh lond is sounding the alarm. 3 president obama and french president Francois Hollande say they agree on the fight against isis. sot president obama it must be destroyed. And we must do it together. A white house visit with the president is the first stop for hollande looking for a stepped up military role from the us and other Coalition Countries. sot president obama us assistance has helped with french strikes and we will keep that up. The meeting comes 11 days after terror attacks hit paris prompting france to intensify its air strikes against isis in syria. Hollande says the us and russia will need to Work Together to help fight the militant group. But the Obama Administration says russia must change its mission in syria to focus solely on isis and not propping up syrian president bashar al assad. sot president obama russia right now is a coalition of two. Iran and russia, supporting assad. sot Craig Boswell cbs news 581 10 the Obama Administration has also insisted its Coalition Countries that need to step up. Hollande now heads toto germany to look for support then to russia for a meeting with russian president putin to deliver the same urgent message. sot Francois Hollande french president voice of translator i will tell him from france if russia concentrates on daesh against isil and if russia fully committs to political resolution in syria. Russian fighter jets have been hitting syrian targets but the Administration Says the strikes are intended to help rebels the u. S is backing. Craig boswell cbs news the white house. 3 hollandes diplomatic visit is now even more complicated after a russian war plane was shot down by turkey today claiming it flew into turkish airspace something russia denies. 3 3 meanwhile. The debate about allowing all Syrian Refugees into the us will be a hot topic in congress when lawmakers return next week. House members, driven by republicans and many demcrats, passed a bill last week that would require leaders of the countrys security agemcies to certify that refugees admitted into the us pose no security threat. The senate takes up that bill next week. We want to know your thoughts on this issue. So were conducting a National Poll with our sister stations around the country. Heres the question should government be accountable if terrorists enter the country through Refugee Resettlement programs . You can vote by going to our webpage and clicking on the can vote directly on our siouxland news twitter page. Well have the National Results for you tomorrow night. 3 3 millions of kids across the u s are being treated for a d h d. And it might be doing them more harm than good. 3 coming up after the break in tonights healthwatch. What a new study says about the impact of medications on kids 3 theres new research out tonight on the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. As marlie hall reports. It suggests kids may not be getting the rest they need if theyre on 3 nat mom reads cole a bedtime story track cole mariano is on stimulant medication to treat his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The 11 year old is able to fall asleep at night. But that wasnt always the case. sot cole mariano diagnosed with adhd i would come in crying to my mom and dads room and be like i cant go to sleep, i wanna sleep but i cant. track a new study in pediatrics found children taking stimulant medications for adhd have poor sleep overall. sot dr. Andrew adesman Cohen Childrens Medical Center of new york it can be a delay in sleep onset, sleep duration so kids are not tting as much sleep through the course of the having a bit more difficulty falling asleep. stand up marlie hall cbs news smithtown, ny attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects an estimated 7 percent of children in the us. About 3 and a half million of them are prescribed stimulant medications the most common treatment for adhd. track the study recommends pediatricians closely monitor sleep problems in kids with adhd. sot dr. Andrew adesman Cohen Childrens Medical Center of new york if children are on medicine you want to try to use the lowest does possible and in some cases perhaps change the medicine might also help. track coles mother is grateful he is now on a new medication that allows him to focus at school then wind down for a good nights sleep. sot loretta mariano coles mother you just really have to see what works best for yoyo child. track marlie hall cbs news smithtown new york. 3 the study also found boys taking adhd medications were more likely to have sleep issues than girls. 3 3 are you ready for a that can inject new life into your skin . Its called micro needling and it can improve skins texture, tone and smooth fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment can infuse and inject topicals such as serums and nutrients deeper into the skin to achieve better delivery. It uses a sterile cartridge containing multiple tiny needles to puncture the skin. These micro traumas then stimulate the skins natural collagen rebuilding process. Micro needling is safe for all skin colorations, and can reduce pigment when used with brightening product. The biggest benefit it can puncture through time and deliver a youthful glow. So for a shot of youth serum and a boost of collagen see your local lifestyle professional today. Broadband light is one of the best treatments to get rid of tiny vessels and age spots. A recent study showed that the skin genes actually reversed the aging process after treatment with broadband light. If you have been wanting to turn back the hands of time, come for a free 3 3 3 chad, diana and larry talk about todays weather and the upcoming forecast. 3 into monday. 3 3 im Chris Neyenhouse here in lincoln. The siouxland trend continues as Norfolk Catholic goes down to the wire against Columbus Scotus in their state had in two games kind of like that yesterday. You dont want 3 im Chris Neyenhouse here in lincoln at memorial field. We saw a trend continue today with siouxland teams. As Norfolk Catholics football game, their state title game came down to the wire. Just like a couple we saw yesterday in iowa. Also we saw Oakland Craig end their improbably run in the state tournament. They were a five seed going for their state title today. 22 Norfolk Catholic and Columbus Scotus matched up in a battle of the top two teams in c1. 1 2nd quarter now Norfolk Catholic is down 130. Myles verbka drops back and finds matt miller in the end zone cuts the shamrocks lead to 137 2 later in that quarter same score. No more david englehaupf breaks free for the big score knights take a 1413 lead. 3 but scotus took a 1914 lead heading into halftime. Its 2214 when 3 they line up for this 53 yard field goal. Really jake bos hit that for scotus and you dont see that every day in high school football. 4 you dont see thth every day too englehaupf takes the vrbka screen pass 90 yards to the house he came back after hurting his ankle in the Second Quarter to do this its 2520 shamrocks 5 its 3220 midway through the 4th when englehaupf scores again cuts the lead to 3227. 6 just under a minute to go last chance for the knights. But englahaupf loses the football otus jumps on it and wins. 1 21 score bug 3227 the final. The knights have an incredible runner up season. 1 26Oakland Craig taking on the defending state champions aquinas. 1 but it was aquinas striking first. Midway through the first this is lane napier whos in for 6. That makes it 70 monarchs. 2 ensuing knights drive Cole Mitchell finds zach ahrens first down and the knights are driving. 3 a handful of plays later its fourth down in the red zone but Mitchells Pass is picked off by james kobza. 4 and that lead to this. Off the play fake Spencer Mcguire finds kekeon kobzbzwho turns a short pass into a huge touchdown reception. It was 140 then. 3 aquinas held a lead late into this game. 2 10obviously an emotional day and end of the season from both Norfolk Catholic and Oakland Craig. Hear from their coaches and players tonight on siouxland news at 10. In lincoln for siouxland sports im Chris Neyenhouse back to you. 3 3 3 3 3 3 forget blue or gold. Theres another dress going viral. And you couldve seen it this morning on siouxland news at sunrise. This is the most talked about dress today and it has even made international newsour own meteorologist cat Facebook Group with other female broadcast meteorologists from all over the country. The group posts about forecasting, odd hours, hair tips and clothing bargains. The dress cat wore this morning is from amazon. Meteorologists like her cant wear green or clothes with prints because of the green screen. Cat says most dresses that fit the criteria cost quite a bit, so when this twenty three dollar dress was posted in the group. Meteorologists arted posting ctures to the group of their dresses. They even created a picture collage. And today it is one of the most talked about dresses 3 3 3 3

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