Looking back American Morning Glory to you I'm joined this hour by Patrick Morrissey the attorney general of the great Mountaineer State of West Virginia Good morning General Morrissey it's great to have you back I was with one of your former colleagues yesterday in the day before Scott Pruitt was barnstorming through California looking at Superfund sites and giving speeches and I interviewed him once and I listened to him at the Hoover Institution and I remember I met him in you at the Republican attorney generals association you make graded minister and candidate I just think there's something about being a state attorney general it gets ready for the show. Well thanks to you 1st of all it's great to be back on your program spend some time with you and I do think that the crop of attorneys general that we have really only to do some incredible things for our country and I was obviously very pleased to work with Scott and a number of H.G.'s as we talked on that alone very I think that the position of attorney general allows you to really understand the regulatory process what's lawful What's not to look out for the broader interest of the people of your state and ensure that the laws are enforced I think that's a great platform that we should use in the U.S. Senate because they could do so a lot more don't get them in terms of completely overhauling the regulatory structures that exist and then Washington's fail America miserably Hugh and I think A.G.'s and also you know when I'm a U.S. Senator we're going to be able to change that fundamental This is my point is that Patrick Morsi is running for Senate in West Virginia a lot of you are listening me and in West Virginia right now either out of West Virginia stations or stations in Pennsylvania and Ohio and Indiana reaching into parts of West Virginia and Kentucky and here's the point is the state attorney general Patrick My friend Mark Berndt of etch Scott Pruitt not E.P.A. They actually do stuff they run big staffs and they know how to get stuff done so how is the campaign going because Joe Manchin is not going to be a walk in the park here our strongest candidate and with you in West Virginia and with Martha make Sally in Arizona because we have to nominate our strongest candidate to win these things. Well that's right so far for the company it's going very very well and one of the reasons why I think it is going well is because we're focusing on our record and what that will mean when I'm elected to the U.S. So over the last few months we've been phenomenally focus. On the drug epidemic in West Virginia and nationally the fact is that led me to file a lawsuit against the Drug Enforcement Administration because for many years actually going back over the last 101520 years there have been significant problems with the entire national drug quota system many people listening may not even realize this but the federal government through the D.A. Helps determine the total number of pills that are manufactured and distributed every year and so we started here the conversations about pills flooding West Virginia pill flooding the country you have to look at the root causes of that and yes there are a lot of problems up and down the pharmaceutical supply channel and we're looking very closely at that we have lawsuits we have investigations but added Hart when you have the federal government the same agency that's supposed to protect our citizens from Alyssa drug use they fail to take into account diversion and suspicious orders and we saw a massive number of pills flowing to states that were not based on medical need and obviously were just fueling the diversion as the the drug trade in West Virginia and nationally it's just an absolute crime I sued the day and we've been working closely with the trumpet ministration we're going to fix that that's going to save many many lives and it's a classic example of how government completely failed us but how one state attorney general can sue and fix the problem when I go to the U.S. Senate we're going to build on that going to put permanent fixes in that when does the primary Get help Patrick Morrisey prime. He's going to be May 8th and then early voting starts April 22nd so we're watching this campaign based on that record I mentioned one recent example but look when you get to be the guy that says I can really on the make that we change things in Washington will be like I say it but they have no experience doing it I think that makes a difference that's why we're leading in the polls we have a great chance of prevailing and I'm probably in the best position to take on Joe Manchin and pick up one of the most important seat in the country for the G.O.P. Now what I'm afraid of is what happened in the jury 6 years ago I will fix that with Josh Holly your counterpart in the jury another great state attorney general Ronnie and Claire McCaskill but 6 years ago Claire McCaskill manipulated the Republican primary to select the weakest Republican who was gaffe prone and controversial you've got a very weak Republican Don Blankenship I mean I don't know the man personally I know he's got a lot of money but he's been to prison right and so you nominate him and he has been in prison actually yes you got a federal prison last year right and then he ended or now you're not going to win against Joe Mansion if you've been to jail I don't care how good your story is everybody in prison is innocent we know that but I don't care how good it is it was like Todd Akin after his remarks done over cooked if he's nominated we lose a seat that we should pick up do voters understand I'm just talking about strategic voters voters who want to win because they know that Joe Manchin pretends to be on our team and he's not. Well I think voters will understand there's been a fascination with Don and with some of the candidates and because of that 1st story and so people want to make something into a national story in order to tar the Republican Party I think what's going to happen is this person every candidate has the right to run and that's perfectly fine but I think if people see it'll be debates I want to go up and have a debate against the candidates where people get to see who actually has the record who is looking out for the interest of every day hardworking West Virginians and I think they're going to know the chief legal officer the state's been doing that lead the charge fighting against Barack Obama while these other guys were either liberal or they were out of state they weren't even there fighting when we were making sure that Barack Obama didn't wipe West Virginia out of the great contrast that's why I think this is a temporary surge that we've seen with him and I really feel very good that when we go up on the air that we're going to be able to present our message in a way that West Virginians will really appreciate only proven conservative fighter in the rain now Patrick Morrisey given how Bill after all is well they'll take your comments but when Barack Obama tried to wipe out West Virginia and suggest that he was going that you were arguing it was going to launch a nuclear strike on much for joining in fact you met destroy the coal industry right yeah I don't walk I mean I broke Obama did try to like West Virginia out when he doubled down on that because he. Against coal and fossil fuels in a way that deprived hardworking West Virginians of their jobs and everyone knows that in the state and I think that we're so pleased that we have a fundamentally different approach in the White House right now someone is working with us in order to get rid of these a lawful at least terribly excessive regulation let me get make a prediction I not only do I predict are going to be the nominee and hoping to be the nominee but that late October Donald Trump going to let come into the Volunteer State and campaigning with Patrick Morrisey and your crowds are going to have done events in West Virginia with President. You know we have and I've got to tell you West Virginia loves Donald Trump and Tom Trump loves West Virginia I've talked of a few times about this he jokes because he said How many do in West Virginia I said Mr President you have a 65 percent approval rating it was the 2nd highest percentage vote total in the nation so I told him I have to work on that to make sure we get the numbers up for Israel like Patrick MORRIS He also does in my hometown of Warren Ohio in Trumbull County Mahoning County those are those are blue districts they voted 59 percent for Al Gore 60 percent for John Kerry 61 percent for President Obama twice and $55.00 and a half percent for Donald Trump in Trumbull County and that that the border of Pennsylvania runs right down to West Virginia about 2 and a half hours from Wheeling it is that part of the country it's built on coal and steel and iron and work lives Donald Trump I mean it's just it's hard to communicate how much they love Donald Trump Well that's right and I think it's because the president really spoke to them directly that this was the disaffected class that had been left aside by Barack Obama the liberals all those years Brock Obama and the liberals are focusing on the coastal eats and what they can do and then fly over country in West Virginia got completely left behind Donald Trump is the exact opposite approach I think what he's been governing is actually focusing on those regulations and trying to bring jobs back and people are responding very well to it so I think prison trumps going to be a big asset when he comes into West Virginia and campaigns for me in the fall and I'm really looking forward to it because we've got a real good opportunity to be one of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats in the country America if you're listening right now we can guarantee G.O.P. Control busy of the Senate by defeating Joe Manchin but the only way to do that is to nominate the only proven conservative who can win in November and that's Patrick Morrisey I've just tweeted out your website I cannot wait to make a trip. To go campaign for Patrick Morrisey and to interview Patrick Morsi I'm not allowed to campaign with him anymore a seat Renee see John James and Josh Holly Those are our 4 running backs up the middle in the middle of the country to take control the Senate make it solid and cemented Patrick Morris a great attack attorney general I'll be right back America don't go anywhere except the Patrick on the website I'll be right back on the Hugh Hewitt check portions of the he will show we're back you in part by a firm films Paul the apostle of Christ in theaters now rated P.G. 13 maybe inappropriate for children under 13. Somewhere in the world news is happening you'll hear it here 1st but only if you're here with Q.Q. . 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The 10 year treasury remained it $2.00 for another day and that means historically low interest rates are still around you can still get them and you can refinance or buy your 1st home or get a reverse mortgage if you're a senior at incredible rates if you call and or Del Rey and Todd Avakian or go online to Andrew and Todd dot com Andrew and Todd dot com How hard is that to remember Andrew and Todd dot com but I learned I learned yesterday the hard way you can never repeat something too much or or message too much Marlon Bateman head of public affairs or deputy head of Public Affairs at the Hoover Institution where I was yesterday observing Scott Pruitt's interaction with George Schultz and the Hoover Institution fellows broadcasting from over. Mylan taking me to the airport if they would tell me about buying a house in Palo Alto which is quite a challenge. And how much this cost how much that cause and said you know you're a veteran you don't have to pay money down if it really now Mylan has worked in the studio then he worked for Marco Rubio they work for the Aaronson I work for Hoover he's United States decorated combat Marine and a graduate of U.C.L.A. Who worked in the studio that's an elastic definition that's elastic of work but Marlon Bateman did not know as a veteran of the United States Marine Corps he qualified for a 0 down home and he and his wonderful wife Emily work they will have enough income to qualify for a house he doesn't know how much he can buy that's why you call up you go to Andrew and Todd dot com And I said Just go to Andrew and Todd dot com fill it out tell him your view a veteran and they will get your realtor we need a realtor Absolutely and they will be get your finance and they will get the loan done and they are very expert veteran loans and Andrew and Todd dot com Please don't let that opportunity get away Marlon So I said I don't last night but I can't say enough here veteran United States we appreciate your service and we have a law that allows you to borrow 100 percent of the value of your home or to finance 100 percent of the entry into the home market I also let you know when we come back what's going on in Sacramento Don't go anywhere 2nd of got. A racial controversy that is boiling boiling I'll tell you about it when we return to hear which. Portions of the huge show are brought you part by God's Not Dead a light in the darkness conflicts in theaters tomorrow repeat brutal guide suggests . You're in the middle of a nonstop action packed information let's say Q which is coming up. This is. 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Good Friday mass of offered on Good Friday and many of you will be commemorating the institution of the sacrament of the of Holy Communion by Christ on the 1st Holy Thursday Monday Thursday many will be giving all this for the poor that Monday money that's what that term means there's no better way to do that than via food for the poor because the institution of communion is about feeding the soul and the institution and food for the poor is about feeding the poor and in this case the very poorest in Haiti and you have been doing so wonderful thank you so generous of you we've we've had more than a 1000 kids but maybe you want to be a part of that we have. A note from Paul Jacobs of food for the poor thanking him but we're not done right the food for the poor banner is over here at dot com and you can still call 855-359-4673 but here's what Paul had to say to our audience thanks you it is so grateful I'm so grateful to be on with you and and just to talk to your listeners who your generosity and your love has just been overwhelming more than $4054000.00 has come into this campaign and it is been enough to bless more than $1080.00 starving children children in Haiti in Guatemala many of the children in communities that I've visited personally and seen the plight seen their needs seen the starving hungry children who are hurting right now children who are drinking water from very polluted water sources that unfortunately it is a nightmare that your gifts and your love and your response has helped them escape so we still have some time to do it where fast approaching the Easter weekend in the the holidays. Time of family a time of coming together in a time of giving So would you join us today to provide food for a year in water for life for just a few more children if you haven't yet already done so go to Hugh Hewitt dot com right there on the home page click the give life banner and inside of 3 minutes your gift will save lives and that it is really remarkable is that quick and food for the poor protect her dad at a very they're very good but mostly they deliver the goods the food and clean water that is not allowed bread and every time I go to the airport and I eat airport food at ridiculous airport prices I think to myself I should be fasting and send this to food for the pork as what you spend in an airport can feed a kid for a year 50 dollars can feed a child for a year in Haiti and so please be generous thank you for that now to what's going on in Sacramento the backdrop to this of course is that over the last. 4 years really beginning with Michael Gray in. Michael Brown and 2014 but also to me are rice and Eric Garner those 3 deaths of African-American men or case of Tamir child by police led to the black lives matter of movement and those 3 shootings were followed by Christian Taylor in Arlington Texas all the sterling in Louisiana Paul O'Neill in Chicago Keith Lamont Scott in North Carolina . And the cases in 20. 17. Not as high profile but now there's one in Sacramento schema Clark. Stefan CLARKE I should say and so the reaction of the community is he is accelerating a protest in front of Sacramento County district attorney's office late Wednesday afternoon morphed into a March that blocked traffic in downtown Sacramento during the peak of the evening commute yesterday from the D.A.'s office at night then G. Streets demonstrators marched down i street to 5th Street police closed the entrance of Interstate 5 around 5 pm freeing the protesters might shut down the freeway as they had done on Thursday who instead the protesters stopped traffic on I and J. Streets in a mentally for the next hour or more they were tense moments as drivers leaving work tried to get by the protesters in the protesters blocked them running from the Sacramento Bee 2 buses were caught in the traffic jam here these are incendiary circumstance then blow up but it's got that Los Angeles Riot feel of 994 when I began my television career in 1904 April of 1904 and that's I had been in February actually but then I went up like a blowtorch after. Reginald Denny was pulled from a truck and beaten by a mob and that was televised and the message that went out was the police were absent and a riot broke on a sacrament of not Los Angeles and there is no counterpart to the trial. And the not guilty verdict of the officers involved the Rodney King shooting beating but there is a tender and it's dry and it's tough and it's it's important to very very carefully examine this demonstrator shouting shut it down and Stefan Clarke in protest of the police killing of Clark a 22 year old black man in South Akron on March 18th. So it's been 11 days right to it's starting that you wonder after 11 days there's going to be a thing to officer shot Clark dead in his grandparents' backyard Clark was holding only a cell phone officer thought he was a burglary suspect with a gun one of the officers involved is himself African-American the I believe the police chief and shocked when I was African-American the killing led to a week of noisy demonstrations on freeways and city streets and at the entrance of the Golden One Center prior to kingpin on Thursday and Tuesday thousands of ticket holders were shot out of the arena on both occasions they couldn't get in earlier yesterday Clark's body lay in an open casket on the bay side of South Sacramento church on 44th Street and this funeral is scheduled for today at 11 am The reverend now is coming the Reverend Al Sharpton a civil rights activist a minister one of my colleagues in an assembly say he's expected deliver the eulogy . Clarks family friends and community farmers came on Wednesday to the to the viewing and Sandra Abdulla are of Sacramento said she wanted to pay respects to Clark's family but she didn't know Clark she said the story was one that hit home as a mother of 3 sons about Clark's age Cynthia Brown $62.00 a shock when a woman in a family friend said the coming hours would be difficult for the Clark family as they prepared to bury Stefan Clark's body. She was critical the police action on March 18th officers respond to the men of the neighborhood after never reported someone breaking car windows these cars if broken windows can be repaired get them fixed but life never comes back she said so today will be another tense day and reporters make it more sell and I've got the New York Times story here I read the 2nd of B.'s account the local account but I've got the. New York Times account sitting right here as well and listen to hundreds of protesters temporary look took over the main foyer 2nd of City Hall on Tuesday evening to protest the death of Stefan CLARKE The City Council held a special meeting Tuesday evening to your public comments about the shooting the night of tears from a night of rage for others as black community leaders explained their frustration to the city leadership within the city council Public Chamber proceeded largely on erupted about $300.00 protesters outside in the foyer chanted rock Asli while police officers clad in riot gear looked on you shoot us down we shut you down they shot of that is the Sacramento statement at the top of the meeting mailed to Mayor Darrell Steinberg spoken phatic Lee about the anger and grief in the community and promised to press the police department for answers about the protocols and policies that led to Mr Clarke's death and the days and weeks ahead you will be heard and we will be listening I want to acknowledge that people are hurting angry grieving the traumatized how they are but Sarah the state's attorney general announced on Tuesday that his office would oversee the investigation into Mr Clarke's death would review the department's training and protocols Chief Daniel Hahn of the 2nd a police department welcome the state's involvement Mr Hahn and sacrament its 1st black police chief not everyone has been comforted by the news of an interdependent investigation. Stephen take heart Mr Clarke's brother stormed in the council chamber and cursed repeatedly Mr Steinberg emotionally remained high during the public testimony quote you're killing us killing us it's genocide it feels like genocide Tanya fives on the leader of black lives matter Sacramento said at the meeting those officers need to be fired it's only were and get justice to start when you fire those officers Piriac if the South Akron an activist asked everyone in the room take out their cell phone and plenty to the council members does this look like a gun he said several people had tears in their eyes for far too long 2nd of uncomfortable with anti blackness let's keep it real he said during the protest earlier in the day this is the city of diversity multiculturalism those are lies and so you can see the rhetoric is is rising anger is a rising Sergeant vents Chandler the 2nd in the police department 8 30 PM said Tensions are very high people are angry charging Chamar also confirm the protesters to storm the doors of the Golden One center forcing Sacramento Kings officials to close them for a 2nd time of the week in a tweet the basketball team said ticket holders who were unable to enter the arena would receive a refund information sequence of similar events occurred last Thursday and that which gets rewarded gets repeated so demonstrators have a new tactic and I just hope it stays peaceful Reverend Al will emphasize that I would assume. And a high profile lawyer Mr Crump has been retained previously involved in the criminal case Dylan roof. And so there these are not. Professional protesters either Don Don you know Walker had never attended a political protest our life let alone a city council meeting 43 years old but she had a new original to speak about black lives in black paint quite I'm tired of the same old story over and over again but you do see a change and a lot of people just don't understand in the hearing we shouldn't have to run. That's not a crime worth being gunned down for we run because riskier because they have the right to shoot us and they get away with it every day Matt Stevens contributor Jose D. The real story and what's going to predict this what's going to happen next is that comparisons are going to be made between the coverage extended to the Parklane victims all or most of whom were white and Stefan Clarke who is black you've heard young Mr Hogg make comments about this but that's the next iteration of the story. And if it's not a good one it's not going to go well so we'll keep you posted on all that in the meantime other news was occurring as well we had 68 people dead in Venezuela at a riot event as well and police station followed by a fire that erupted inside of the police station. It's a horrible story out of Venezuela that that is the nightmare place right now and that's a socialist paradise Meanwhile the president has replaced the head of the Veterans Administration with his personal doctor is actually the White House physician when they said his personal doctor it's not and Boeing is have been hit by the wanna cry malware and that means a Boeing can be hit by it everybody can be hit by a good book at the best cyber security I know it will come back and fill you in on the latest developments in the Trump investigations as well and the Justice Department is going to be investigated over surveillance of the Trump campaign officials the Inspector General Michael Horowitz said he would examine whether law enforcement officials complied with the law departmental policies and seeking permission from the Pfizer court to wiretap Carter pitch now this is moving at the at the pace of molasses in the winter but at least it's moving and the Labor Party in Great Britain is falling apart under the cries of and I Semitism and. A korban ally called the whole cost a hoax and so there's lots of this and we had by the way you fall in Arizona I'll tell you that after the break I'm not sure that's really know what is real which is the relief I get from the least factor I broke with tradition didn't take in the 1st there and taken the 2nd out thanks to the job done in the 2nd hour and I went through it the 2nd hour I brought it to Sacramento effect took in Sacramento I mean in Palo Alto at Stanford because really factor if you go on. In the craziest week the craziest week I've had over the last year planes on Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Washington from California to Washington D.C. 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Welcome back America Good morning to you and a special good morning to my friends in St Louis listening on 13 A.T.M. The answer one of 5.3 F.M. Good morning Missouri you've got a knucklehead as a senator Claire McCaskill sweet but listen to this this is Claire McCaskill number one. We're going to be able to say. See. This. 5 is really the end. There. That we see. This this brings me to my guess sungmin Kim is going to join me on my Saturday as N.B.C. Show Simon Kim Claire McCaskill just said she prioritized D.C. Statehood over Puerto Rico is she that bad of a candidate. Well you know you can't it's not something that's going to happen anytime soon I think that's pretty clear. The look at this that it raises fascinating the Republicans feel especially good about their prospects in Missouri they think crime McCaskill is incredibly vulnerable obviously the president's approval ratings remain high they think that you catch was a good weapon to use against a cascode who like other Democrats voted against the tax law they have a good candidate and Josh Holly that would be a really fast any you know race to watch in the months ahead now my larger point and I'll talk to you specifically about this on Saturday is that the Republicans can pick up seats if they are not perceived as part of the problem however this slowdown that the Democrats have run on nominees particularly the most visible on the record now that they gave a long time diplomat at the U.N. Has been held up by Democrats hold in various ways it's becoming a base issue saying when can where they do not the Republicans wonder why is Mitch McConnell not blowing this up the way Harry Reid did what's going to happen when they come back about this slowdown of confirmations. There's some work going on behind the seeds to try to at least speed up with nominations I know you've talked with us Senator Lankford just like James like particle homo before about being able to expedite the time how basically how long the clock can burn when nominations are on the floor it would go for a maximum of 30 hours to 8 hours a little bit of an obscure issue but the Senate was able to do agree to that on a bipartisan basis back in 2013 now I have to tell you I've been talking to many Democrats about this idea just yet but I don't think this is a plan that is likely to go anywhere right for now Republicans don't want to have to use the nuclear option to change their rules they would like to be able to change the rules with Democrats but again that idea looks stalled and also I mean it would it be things up dramatically would help a little bit but obviously not a hugely noticeable way when you have all these nominees that are idling either biddies or on the floor but what I'm what I'm getting is I think it's become a basic issue of discontent that well why bother working contribute to a Senate that doesn't work that's not entirely fair Mitch McConnell's prioritizes judges which are lifetime appointments but Grinnell and others have become very visible and pump A will have 8 to 10 assistant secretaries coming along with them and I don't know that they can keep the base of Bay I think they have to go nuclear on this young man Kim if they don't too many donors the too many networks too many activists say To hell with you we're not doing anything and it's also about you and your problem that's going to come under the a lot of these red state Democrats who are such a Claire McCaskill who are up for reelection in the fall when you have a lot of these high profile comedies such as payoff for a state or 2 you know how awful for CIA How much do Democrats want to be willing to cooperate with Republicans and support Tom somebody is obviously for people in these conservative states there's a big political benefit to backing a lot of the president a President Trump pick for the State Department or the CIA but they're battling their. Do you talk about the Republican base of the Democratic base who are pushing Republican or pushing Democrats it even be both conservative states to be ad liberal I think can't resist trumpet every turn and that's a kind of this tug of war is that you know that you have mansions of the Heidi Heikki of the capital of the world had to have been facing since the beginning of the Trump presidency I'm talking with him from The Washington Post yesterday Justice Stevens retired Justice said repeal the 2nd Amendment I want Paul Ryan to bring a motion to send a constitutional amendment to the states doing that to the floor the week after they get back I don't know if he does that he had showboats how many Democrats would vote to repeal the 2nd Amendment he thinks young men. I think Democrats have gone kind of overboard I mean I don't think they were too happy with the op ed by the former justice because then they have to answer a question that ad do you want to repeal it back in that bed I think for you know for both. A Democratic lawmakers in Congress they will say we do support the right to own a gun we just feel has to be regulated he thought a lot of you know that it or other members of Congress Democrats try to push back think no one is talking about repealing the back in a bandage that they're not exactly sure Clearly you have a former Supreme Court Justice talking about this but if they get at the nother thing that the red state Democrats have to kind of read the needle on obviously of people like Heidi Heitkamp had been a stronger order of thought right that you know that by far the majority of her Democratic Party the question of have how much the big. Republican Party that I just want to ask every Democrat I find out of a agree with Justice leave everything to. Saturday and. Whatever And the other many other it back to back our number 3 the you know I just pray that. The you hear it you know we're brought here by job creators network. Or you absolutely positively need this truth this is where you turn and this is a humorous show. By Luke send a message to all those that follow our Lord Jesus Christ from the studio Deborah you risen in Warren comes Paul apostle of Christ there are many women and children that never need to be in the counterview on their faith challenge in entirety already know in my description I am concerned with their words change the world is a. Great story Jim because these are rated P.G. 13 maybe inappropriate for children under 3. 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