Transcripts For KGO This Week With George Stephanopoulos 20131110

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And we begin with two breaking stories. Secretary of state john kerry leaving geneva early this morning without a deal over Irans Nuclear program and information streaming in on that devastating typhoon. Officials now fear at least 10,000 are dead. They havent reached so many of the hardesthit area. Ginger zee is tracking this story. This may have been the strongest storm ever to hit land. It was fascinating, george, these images are just terrifying, horrifying. So many adjectives that you could use. Were starting to see the first aerial pictures. Heres what we know, we know that more than 9. 5 Million People were affected by this storm. We know that in some places that it did not just damage or destroy but wiped clean. Thats why some roads are still choked with debris. Transportation is shut down. We will not get confirmed answers for quite a while. So many people affected and were hearing stories from inside the zone, social media and otherwise, where they dont have water and they dont have food. I call this is the second storm. Where the storm is well off to parts of china. But, again, that second storm, the human part that happens, george, as we watch this the next couple of weeks, months and years. Thank you, ginger. Now the breakdown of those highlevel negotiations over Irans Nuclear program. This weekend began with hopes for a deal, but dashed yesterday after marathon talks but secretary kerry is not giving up. Theres no question in my mind that were closer as we leave geneva than when we came. And with good work and good faith, over the course of the next weeks, we can in fact secure our goal. Abcs chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran has more on this from london. Terry, things seemed to take a turn when the french joined the talks . Reporter thats right, george. A few hours ago, there was this huge anticipation, even a giddiness in diplomatic circles that this first historic first step deal was about to be done, what happened as you point out, the french happened, as secretary kerry concluded marathon talks directly with iranian officials. The french stepped in and said that this proposal wasnt tough enough, they wanted more restrictions on irans ability to enrich yourian yum. And they called a halt to it all. Iranians have responded on twitter. Irans Supreme Leader is on twitter, naturally, he said that they have been openly hostile but talks will continue. Secretary kerry hoping they can reach a deal by november 20th . Thats right. Thats when talks resume. Benjamin netanyahu who lobbied very intensely to bring a halt to this deal said, he was happy with the delay, but he believes that a deal will get done. And george, its historic in proportions. And will change that region. Terry moran, thank you. Lets take this directly to Chris Christie. First, congratulations on your win on tuesday. You have heard these reports out of geneva. Secretary kerry still optimistic. Netanyahu calling the deal dangerous. What would you need to see from iran in order to support relieving sanctions . I think there are people that are better briefed on this than me. I think its very dangerous for folks like me to give opinions. Listen, we have to let secretary kerry do his week. Once we see it at work, we can all make judgments. But, right now, im not briefed well enough. Can you support a deal that allows iran to continue to enrich uranium . George, listen, im the governor of new jersey. To give opinions will be illadvised. Okay, lets turn to your win on tuesday. Already your potential rivals if you decide to run in 2016, are praising your big win in the state but also questioning, i guess, how well youre going to travel. When rand paul was asked if youre the man to beat in 2016, he called you a moderate and then he added this you know, i think the party in general is more conservative, i think theres room for moderates in the party. I think it will be more difficult, states like iowa are very conservative. South carolina is very conservative. New hampshire is conservative with a little bit of a libertarian bend. He said that its a tough road for you, so, is he right . Can you play in places like iowa and South Carolina . Im playing in new jersey, and thiss what i care about. On tuesday, 61 votes statewide, the fact is, nearly a 40 turnaround from a democrat at the top of the ticket to a republican. Majority of the hispanic vote. Heres why, because they look at the record. 143,000 new private sector jobs. 2. 3 billion in tax cuts. Spending less this year in fiscal 2014 than in 08. And reforming a pension benefit system to save 120 billion. People voted on the record of what we have done. Im proud of that. And how that plays everywhere else is for the washington pundits to figure out. Im the governor of new jersey and thats what i asked for more than four years. All four years . Listen, who knows . I dont know. Ill guarantee to do my job and finish the job. I didnt expect to be sitting here four years ago, george. So, nobody can make those predictions. One issue thats sure to come up is immigration, you got a majority of the latino vote in your reelection. And youre for a path to citizenship. You also said that undocumented students in new jersey should get instate tuition rates, do you think other states should adopt that policy . I think nationally, they have to fix a broken system. This is one of the real frustrations that people across the country have on this and a myriad of other issues, they look at what governors do, like in new jersey, where we confront problems, debate them, we argue about them, we get to the table, we come to an agreement. In washington, that seems to almost never happens. So, i think, listen, everybody has to sit at the table, have a point of view. Lets have our argument out publicly, get to the table and come to a consensus. And move on. A path to citizenship relief on instate College Tuition . It has to be figured out by those in charge of the national government. My job is to fix whats going on in new jersey. I will tell you this, george, we wont be able to fix everything in new jersey until the National Leaders set a National Immigration policy. Its a broken system, its not working for the economy and the individuals affected by it. Its not working for the governments. We need to get them in the room, the president needs to lead and members of Congress Need to do it, too, and if they do it, i think it will help our economy and our country. Including a path to citizenship . George, i dont get to make those determinations. Its 2013, i just got elected the governor of new jersey again. I have already said what i believe. Its a broken system and it needs to be fixed. Lets get to work doing it. To the extent they want contributions from governors based on our the ground experience, right now, theres nothing going on. Theres also been a lot of questions about the president S Health Care plan. You called on him to apologize. This week, he seemed to take your advice. What should he do next . Are you for a delay in further implementation of the law . Listen, anybody whos run anything in their lives could see this coming a mile away. This whole program was going to be a problem and so that the president s biggest problem right now is, hes got to tell the truth, and we have seen this in new jersey. I have told a lot of hard truths in new jersey, but they give you credit for looking them in the eye and telling them the truth. So, lets get to that point, lets own up and tell the truth about whats going on. But if youre working out of a fantasy that these are not major problems that need to be fixed, and need to be addressed, this is what a lot of us have been saying all along about the fact that this was just too big for the government to handle. You didnt set up an exchange, you did accept the expansion of medicaid under obama care. I do whats best for the people in the state of new jersey every day. And expanding medicaid in the state of new jersey, is a relatively small expansion. It will mean a lot. Heres what makes me different than a lot of these other guys, im going to do what i think is right for the people who elected me, and a lot of these other folks are always trying to put their figure in the wind and see which way the wind is blowing that day. My job is to run the state of new jersey, and thats what i do every day, and the fact is, george, when you do that, people across the spectrum give you credit. And thats what those election results, 61 on tuesday, show. It was a sweeping win. Youre also in the news this week because of this book double down about the 2012 campaign. Extensive section on the romney Vice President ial search process, they leaked your file. Never seen that happen before. This passage who supervised your background check. A guy named ted newton. He says this there are people now, surveying the sum and substance of what the team was finding. Newton told his colleagues if christie had been in the nomination fight against us, we would have destroyed him. He wouldnt be able to run for governor again. When you look below the surface, newton said, its not pretty. All of these issues have been vetted. A possible run for president brings a whole nother level of scrutiny, are you prepared for that. George, first, political advice, from people who ran the romney campaign, is something that people shouldnt give a darn about. Lets start with that. Secondly, all of these issues have been vetted. If i run again, ill be vetted again. When youre in public life, thats what you have to understand. Listening to governor romney and what governor romney said when he spoke last week that none of this caused him any pause at all. Ill take romneys interpretation of all this rather than some paid consultant. Finally, you saw that Time Magazine cover this week. Were going to show it right there. The elephant in the room. Did that bother you . George, if im bothered by jokes about my weight, its time for me to crawl up in a fetal position and go home. Okay . If the fact is, if they think its clever, good for them. Heres the thing, the way people in new jersey look at this, their governor has been on the cover of Time Magazine twice this year. We must be doing something right. They reaffirmed what we did and our strategy was for the last four years, go everywhere, show up, govern and make decisions. Go to the places where they havent voted for you. I did a town hall in new jersey, 4. 07 prkt of the vote is what i got in 2009, and when i did it at this baptist church, more people in the church than voted for me than in that election in 2009. You go places where people need to hear you and more importantly you need to hear them. Thats way you grow and expand the political movement. People in new jersey are proud of me. Whatever they put on the cover of Time Magazine, as long as my name is with it, i can care less. Governor christie, thank you very much. George, thank you. Now, lets turn to another new jerseyan, bob menendez. I want to get to iran. But first, we just heard from governor christie on his record. Was it as a commanding a win and as much a validation of his record as he said . Clearly, the governor had a big win. When you win by 20 points, thats a big win in any state. So, you know, the governor had a good win and i think thats a testament to his own person within the state as well as the effort that he, you know, put together in terms of different elements of the electorate. How about your reaction to the breakdown of Iran Nuclear Talks in geneva . Secretary kerry still optimistic that a deal can be reached, are you . George, it depends on what the deal is. My concern is that, we seem to want the deal almost more than the iranians. You cant want the deal more than iranians, especially when the iranians are on the ropes. It seems to me that were moving more and more away from the global position, the position adopted by the u. N. Security council that basically says two things cease all enrichment and accept more protocols and more inspections, including places that we havent had access to in the iranian enrichment cycle. So, i am glad to see, from what i read from press accounts, that the french took a hard position against the iraq, you know, facility, because that is a heavy Water Nuclear reactor whose only purpose from my perspective, in a country that already has huge oil reserves, its ultimately to create the type of nuclear fuel for Nuclear Weapons. All enrichment has to stop . Iranians, as you know, another tweet from the president saying thats a redline for them. He said that there are, for us, there are red lines that cant be crossed. Our National Interests are our red lines. Including enrichment and other rights under international law. Thats where we have a fundamental disagreement. There is a right to a peaceful, civilian Nuclear Program undoubtedly. But our neighbors here in the United States, canada and mexico, they have Nuclear Programs, but they dont enrich domestically, so suggesting this right to enrichment domestically is problematic as well as iran in the past has taught us their past. Rouhani said in his book, when he was the nuclear negotiator, he was able to approve he was able to convince the west not to approve sanctions. So, if past is prologue, we have to be very wideeyed about these negotiations are and what we accept. Secretary kerry has asked congress to hold off on any new sanctions until these negotiations are completed, are you willing to do that . Well, you know, i said that i would wait until this week and in fact, this week has not produced a result, and to be very honest with you, i think that the possibility of moving ahead with new sanctions, including wording it in such a way that if theres a deal thats acceptable, that those sanctions could cease upon such a deal. Its an insurance for the United States to make sure that iran actually complies with an agreement, that we would want to see, which is, of course, desirable. Youll move forward this week . At the same time, its an incentive to the iranians to know whats coming. If you dont strike a deal. So, i look toward to working with my colleagues in the senate to move forward on a package that ultimately would send a very clear message, where we intend to be if the iranians dont strike a deal. And stop their Nuclear Weapons program. Okay, senator menendez, thank you very much. Thank you. When we come back our powerhouse roundtable. Plus, Texas Governor rick perry has a question for governor Chris Christie. Can perry come back from his last White House Run . Well ask him after this. [ male announcer ] you know where youre going. Getting there is part of the fun. All it takes is a little advice and a lot of planning. 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So you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the Game Changing app from ink. We didnt get into business to spend time managing receipts, thats why we have ink. We like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. So you have time to focus on the things you love. Ink from chase. So you can. [ male announcer ] 1. 21 gigawatts. Today, thats easy. Ge is revolutionizing power. Supercharging turbines with advanced hardware and innovative software. Using data predictively to help power entire cities. So the turbines of today. Will power us all. Into the future. Roundtable coming right up, their take on christie rise, obamas apology and all of the electionday fallout, right after this. Rise, obamas apology and all of the electionday fallout, right after this. N . Without the thinking that makes it real . Whats a vision without the expertise to execute it. And the financing to make it grow . 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Reporter is that code for hes a moderate . No, thats code for truth of the matter, were all different states. Is a conservative in new jersey a conservative in the rest of the country . Reporter it sounds like youre skeptical it may not be. Im just saying that well have that discussion at the appropriate time. Okay, some Division Within the Republican Party, time for the tea party to be more pragmatic. If you cant win elections you cant govern, the idea that we didnt win in 08 and 12, were paying a huge price in this country. Reporter so one of those people being criticized for not being a leader in the governing helm is your fellow texan ted cruz. I rise in opposition today to obama care. I enjoyed the 21 hours of his standing up and pointing out the problems with obama care. It would have been wiser for us to have laid the wood to the president , so to speak, of being able to call him out on this and let it become an issue of, mr. President , you own this. This is yours. Reporter the president has said hes sorry for misleading some of those americans that he thought could keep their insurance plans, do you think thats enough . I dont think thats even close to enough. He needs to stand up in front of the American People. Reporter governor perry has just one year left in office, with many wondering, whats next . This was his first trip back to iowa since the 2012 campaign. Meeting with Business Owners, Republican Leaders and stopping by a local gun company. Is it too early to ask the 2016 question . Its not too early. Reporter he knows that if he makes another White House Run hell have to take his famous debate stumble headon. Commerce and lets see i cant the third one, i cant, sorry. Oops. Reporter at a republican fundraising dinner in des moines, he started his reintroduction like this. Our leaders have forgotten how to governed. And believe me, know a few things about forgetting. Reporter his new Political Action committee is launching a new television ad. Progrowth is putting people to work, something we need more of in washington. Reporter making clear hes keeping a door wide open. How tough is it to make a second impression on these Republican Voters . Well, i think Second Chance is what america has always been about. Reporter for this week, jeff zeleny, des moines, iowa. Time now for the roundtable. Joined by paul gigot, abcs cokie roberts, Keith Ellison from minneapolis, ana navarro from cnn and john heilemann. Thanks you all for being here. Lets talk about this republican race, we saw Chris Christie and rick perry. Paul gigot, its clear that christie is trying to own the center of this room, hes got all kinds of conservatives lining up from cruz, to rubio, to paul, all on his right. I think he shouldnt take that bait. He shouldnt run as a moderate. He should avoid that distinction. He should come out and have a reform agenda of his own that can appeal to all sides of the republican spectrum, transcend this socalled conservative moderate divide, dont play that game, and i think with his record in new jersey, hell have an appeal to an awful lot of republicans and particularly because hes a governor. Thats exactly right. I mean absolutely. And look, its not i think the way he would frame it, its not conservative or moderate. Its pragmatist. Thats what governors are. They have to run states, balance budgets. I mean, he made a point to me later, they also elected a democratic legislator. So, this a much more practical, get things done role in washington. Ana, is he the republican bill clinton or the next Rudy Giuliani . I think hes the republican Chris Christie. He cant run as a moderate or conservative. He has to run as Chris Christie. He as a very defined brand in his larger than life personality. He has to hone in on the point that he got these numbers. He got 51 of the hispanic vote in a blue state. George, this is after we came out of a race where mitt romney got 27 of the vote. If anybody could get near the numbers that christie got with africanamerican voters, women, with independents, we would be in the white house. Came down on immigration. Keith ellison, democrats are already taking on Chris Christie this week, and theyre facing a little bit of a dilemma, the more they push the argument that hes a hardedged conservative. Hes too conservative for me. But, heres the reality, he accepted the money for the Medicaid Expansion and he was out there stumping for new jersey for sandy relief, these are pragmatic things. But i think doing just what any Public Servant would do doesnt make you a superstar. But in this republican field, apparently it does. John, in your book, the entire vetting file, we just talked to Chris Christie about it. You heard his response right there. Not worried about another round of scrutiny. Hes smart enough to know its coming. There were the governor romneys team looked at him really closely for Vice President. They looked at a series of things that are in the open record. Like, for a period of time he was a lobbyist. When it was run by bernie madoff. And they investigated him for expense account abuse. And were very critical of him. There are a series of other things that they wanted from Chris Christie that he wasnt forthcoming in their view about, like his health record, like a defamation lawsuit that was filed against him. His brother who was involved in an investment scandal. The one thing that he said in the interview that wasnt factually true was that romney wasnt affected by that. The day when governor romney looked at that dossier and he pulled the plug on christie. Lot of unanswered questions. None of those things may be smoking guns, george, but you know, when he steps up on the national stage, i think he knows this true, the level of scrutiny is going to be much, much higher. I dont think he knows it until theyre there. He spoke to the romney team about this, right . I spoke to a colleague of mine last night, shes at harvard right now, she told me that none of these issues had anything to do with why christie wasnt pick. She never heard of project goldfish until about ten days ago, so it wasnt something, in the book, its called she doesnt think its factually correct. She talked to me also about having to make that phone call to Chris Christie when she found that this was all coming out. He was very respectful and understanding. Was he disappointed . Yes. Could he have screamed at her . Yes, but that didnt happen. This will get flush out before the two points. One of the things thats going to get flushed out by the next election, paul gigot. Both sides came away from the election on tuesday with their arguments. Right. Well, thats right. The defeat in virginia the shutdown was heard a lot. 3 in 10 houses in virginia were personally affected by the government shutdown. 30 of the votes are in the suburbs of washington and cuccinelli, the republican, lost those by 135,000 votes and he lost statewide by only 55,000. So, the shutdown hurt. Also, the republican establishment didnt think that cuccinelli could win. They didnt back him up . And theres some truth to it. You know, i wouldnt credit the shutdown with the victory of terry mcauliffe. And the reason why is, because, all of these folks like cuccinelli have been antigovernment for a long time. The shutdown was just the latest best example of how hostile government workers that farright group has been. Well, but, in virginia, we asked, you know, in our exit polls, do you think government should be doing more or less . And in virginia, 51 said less. So, you know, its not the government. It all depends on what. It all depends on what. If youre a federal employee, you definitely want the government open and working. What i thought was most interesting in the tea party issue, was the special election in alabama. This was an election for a house seat thats in the gulf coast area, that has generally sent real legislators to washington. The Republican National committee the Congressional Committee chairman said that he was pleased about that and he said that this is a district that sends talented and effective republican legislators to congress. Thats sending a signal that were ready to get things done. One of the other things that we saw in this election, cuccinelli in virginia, seemed far behind in the polls, a couple of weeks out, talked about nothing but obama care, end up being relatively close, 2. 5point race. And john, lot of people looking at that and it shows the power of the obama care issue and the president s apology this week. I want to show that. Even though its a small percentage of folks who may be disadvantaged, its scary to them. I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me. And theyre coming after the president , he got an earful from democrats. Theres no real way to know what happened. You think about the shutdown having its effect, but this obama care issue became central. For a lot of people who are on the right, its a winning issue to fight obama care, they look at the cuccinelli result and they think it gives validity to their argument. Its an issue its one thing in the book, governor romney couldnt litigate the issue fully in 2012, because romney care he was kind of boxed in, and we never really got the president cant claim the kind of mandate. If Newt Gingrich had been the nominee, obama care would have been front and center. Lot of people in the tea party of the Republican Party felt it wasnt really litigated in 2012. Now, all of the things that happened with the problems of the website, the rollout, have only fueled the fire more to keep fighting this fight and theres no political clarity whether its a winner or loser for republicans. Tea party people feel emboldened. And not dampened down. I think the shutdown had the consequence of emboldening the nontea party branch. You saw kelly ayotte and ted cruz, everybody start opened up to him. Stop raising money against incumbe incumbents like me. Youre seeing donors stepping up to the plate. I think youre going to see more organized efforts by nontea party republicans. Were going to be duking this out for a while until we have a nominee. Republicans are united on the substance of the opposition to obama care. The difference is, how to handle it. Where this unites them through 2014. The passage of obama care in 2010, i think theyll punish democrats for implementation of it this time around. What do you do with the fact that governor christie accepted the Medicaid Expansion, and new jersey is going to be better off for it . I think john has a point when he says its not clear whether this was good or bad for republicans. I think its bad for them to keep on going against the Affordable Care act. This website will be fixed. Are you confident that it will get fixed by the end of november . I am confident. Heres the bigger issue, before we pass the Affordable Care act, you had 57 of americans declaring bankruptcy because of medical debt. And now, were not going to be seeing that. Thats the deal. People, 57 of all bankruptcy filings were because of medical debts. Thanks for the clarification. The point is, we had a bad situation before, republicans did nothing about it. From 2000 to 2006. And now we want to do something about it and all they want to do is complain. We can start to find when the employee mandate kick in, employers will stop covering people as well. There are a lot of land mines. What it proves is we need a result for the American People where they can get Affordable Care. Thats absolutely right. When you talk to employers and Business Owners out there, they are looking at how much its going to cost versus the increased cost to cover it under so, despite this argument, its really the issues only play a certain role in these elections and Chris Christie had such a landslide that he won everybody basically, and the fact is, you look at virginia and its much more of a big yellow flag for republicans, because they won whites really big, but they lost minorities and young people. Does that fall on the republican side . Thats true. But, right now, youre seeing president obamas job Approval Rating drop into the very low 40s. John heilemann, coming out of this shutdown, for republicans, maybe a chance to take back the house with the president s approval number. Lot of these issues that seem to be gamechangers for a moment. Turn out to be effervescent. They thought that was a political winner it was a political loser. Now the obama care thing seems to republicans to be a political winner, i dont tactically necessarily, a little over a year from now, what is the republican solution on obama care . Repeal has never been popular. I didnt say that republicans need to have an alternative, theres no question about that. I think there a lot of available policies they can sign on to obama care is becoming a metaphor for the failure of government. It may not be six months from now. We got to take a quick break, more roundtable coming up. Plus, that crazy story out of toronto, mayor smoking crack. And well check with canadas jon Stewart George stroumboulopoulos. I said it right. 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In tweetcraze washington, iowa senator chuck grassley. You think of your average twitter i dont think a senator such as you come to mind. Im 80 years old. Constituents ask tough talk. Sure . Tough to understand . Oh, yeah. Reporter then theres the family mouse time he informed the public about that thud he just heard on an iowa road. We hit a deer. Well, in iowa, you hit a deer and you assume its dead. Reporter all 100 senators have twitter accounts, as well as 97 of house members. And 49 of 50 governors. Twitter has launched careers, as with corey booker and its ended them. Today im announcing my resignation from congress. Reporter when marco rubio took an awkward swig of water on national television, his team knew the perfect response. They use twitter as an Early Warning sign and a valuable outlet. One of the most important ways to get your message out. Reporter especially when youre a senator with Vital Information to disseminate. Lets see, tweet there im being interviewed by abc. Reporter for this week, im rick klein. Thats rickklein. Thank you, rick klein. Whether or not twitter is helping or hurting politics, helping or hurting journalism . Keith ellison, active user. First thing i have to say, keithellison, follow me. Its a good way to get a message out and get feedback. If you send out a press release thats a oneway thing, twitter is a twoway thing. I tweeted the president about minimum wage, and we had a lively discussion. And we also saw in the last president ial election, john, the explosion of coverage on twitter. The main thing its done more than anything, its the latest in a succession of technologies that has sped up the news cycle. All of them, all its done, we talked about the 24hour news cycle, now we have a second by second news cycle. I dont know if its good or bad for politics, but its changed politics. Not only has it sped up the news cycle, but also reinforces this tendency to chase after the brightest new object out there. Its amazing how rapidly it is. I dont tweet myself but i follow it. It means sometimes its a shooting star. And within 24 hours, everybody has tweeted and theyre all, saying, well, move on. It does, though, i do not tweet. And have never i have never been on twitter. But, i do think it has the effect of making spinning less effective, because if somebody is trying to tell you after the debate for instance this is how it went, all of these people are saying something totally different. I think that, its made spinning more effective and its also made it more instant. You got to do more spinning now because you dont have nearly the time you had before you had to respond to a crisis. You have to do it immediately. Its also a great tool to reach young people. You know, i mean, i hate to break it to you, young people arent watching tv. Youre exactly right. Because theyre seeing it through links on twitter. They have Academic Studies on it that show it has contributed to polarization. Thank you all very much. Thats the last word today. That was great roundtable. Up next, canadian tv star George Stroumboulopoulos and we go behind the scenes of amazons comedy alpha house. The headlines were stunning. Mayor smokes crack, it happened in toronto, it was caught on tape, the mayor confessed and his Approval Ratings jumped. Heres abcs reena ninan. Reporter its an apology that took six months to make and this morning the mayor of canadas largest city is weighing his option. I embarrassed everyone in this city and i will be forever sorry. Reporter on tuesday, toronto mayor ford finally admitted that he smoked crack cocaine. Yes, i have smoked crack cocaine. Am i addict . No. Have i tried it . Probably in one of my drunken stupors. Reporter elected three years ago, promising to stop the gravy train at city hall. Mayor reporter its the runaway train that hes unable to contain. The mayor of toronto has admitted he smoked crack while in a drunken stupor. The mayor was charged with being way too excited for canada. Reporter this shows ford on an expletivefilled rant. All i can do now is to apologize and move on. While twothirds now say they want ford to resign or go to rehab, his Approval Rating has actually increased five points since before the scandal. Okay, reena, thanks. Were joined by George Stroumboulopoulos, great to see you again. Good to see you, sir. George, what is going on up in toronto . Its a strange turn of events up therre. Its unprecedented for us. Were used to scandals. This is a particular kind of scandal that were just starting to figure out. Its a big city, but its growing. How is he able to go on with these, you know, denials for so long even though the tape was kind of out there . Thats the question for the ages, george. We cant do much about it. We kind of wait for the proof. And there is no proof, then there is no proof. Now that the proof is out there, theres the acceptance. Okay, now, what do we do . Its the most polarized time for us in that city. Does he actually have a strong group of supporters to say, hey, hold on, stay in office, were behind you . Its hard to tell if its from his base or if its from him and his brother. If these guys are going to shamelessly hold on. No one really knows. Around the outskirts of the city and the suburbs its waivering a little bit. His popularity is going up. So, no one knows what the numbers mean now. A year away from the next election. Its a polarized city. I think a lot of people like the fact that this guy talking for them. I guess it must be frustrating for canadians to be the story to cross the border . In the way it is. One thing they realize, this is the city where Anthony Weiner is, all around the world, politicians screw up majorly this is just our time. But every country has it. Every city has it. The fact that its crack and that this is a mayor thats polarizing to begin with, theyre so audacious, the two ford brothers, but its a diverse city. Yes or now, a year from now, hell be in office . Ill leave that up to the voters. The fact its unknown. George stroumboulopoulos, thanks very much. We turn now to our sunday spotlight shining on the new comedy alpha house, written by garry trudeau. It stars john goodman and is based loosely on a group of homeless senators. Jon karl went behind the scenes. Reporter imagine bill murray as a foulmouthed u. S. Senator getting hauled off to jail. Thats where amazons new Comedy Series alpha house kicks off, when murray playing one of four senators who bunk together in the townhouse, forgets to go to prison. Bill murray, what was it like to have him on set . He was there briefly. But he blazes like a comet. We would like to play some of that scene, but we had to bleep it out. John goodman plays the leader of the pack. As gil biggs. Who we learn, he likes to nap in the shower. Save some hot water. You dont do a lot of nude scenes, do you . Oh, for gods sake, no, why subject the American People, they have already been through enough lakely. Reporter Mark Consuelos is the new housemate. I have been backing him for years. Yes, and i have been fronting for her. My guy is pretty much talking to anybody who wears a skirt, which was a lot of fun to play, because you get to free license. You want to throwdown . Reporter matt malloy. Is louis laffer. He wrestles stephen colbert. How did you prep for that wrestling scene . I was told it was to end in an awkward position. It was. People bend into some funny shapes to keep their jobs. Clark johnson plays pennsylvania senator bettencourt. Why did you decide to do this . I did homeland a lot. Threats against the president. Its a comedy, of course, but the shows creators went to Great Lengths to keep it looking authentic. Building realistic senator offices. They even brought a real senator to the set for a cameo. Chuck schumer is the real deal, because the premise for alpha house is his real life. During the workweek, schumer, the third most democrat in the senator, lives with dick durbin the second most powerful democratic and congressman miller. We got the not so grand tour. Oscar de la renta venetian blinds. Our favorite cereal . Plenty of cold cereals. I tried at this time other night, its like a rock. At least the location of his bed is convenient. Right in the living room. In all fairness. I did it for you. What would an actual reality show based on this house be like . Maybe its a good thing that alpha house isnt too realistic. But what would the cast think about flipping it around . Which one of you is going to run for office . Senator goodman. A firm no for now. Maybe the perks will change their minds. For this week, jonathan karl, abc news, washington. That is one big bowl of cereal. Our big thanks to the alpha house gang. The show launches on amazon on november 15th. Now, we honor our fellow americans who serve and sacrifice. This week, the pentagon released the name of one soldier killed in afghanistan. And that it is all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. On this veterans day weekend, we leave you with the world war ii memorial. . In the news this sunday, Recovery Efforts underway in the philippines following the gas stating tie about noon as crews bring food and aid to the victims. And a deadly mauling at an animal sanctuary, why authorities had trouble locateth caretaker. Still plenty fog around the bay, 53 here. We will have more mild temperatures but more changes are on the way. Ill have

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