winds out of the southwest, gusting to 40 miles per hour. and in fact, at this hour there are gusts up to 35 miles per hour at fairfield, 32 in napa. 29 miles per hour in hayward. 31, oakland. 29 sfo. here is our image, live doppler 7 there is a frontal system brought us this storm that is pushing into the sierra. there are areas of isolated showers and there are sprinkles in the south bay. there is a chance of showers generally light developing later into the evening. >> thank you. and despite our accu-weather forecast, tracking the rain, showers caught some people off guard today. tourists visiting the bay area may have expected summer here. they got winter. at at and t, take a look at the grounds crew. and this crew got the tarp off in time for the game. >> this is 4,000 pounds when wet. >> do you feel like a horse? >> oh. yeah. you need everybody just to make this happen. >> and giants did play today, and did win. down thed. >> in san jose, an early morning drizzle slowed traffic and there are no accidents there. there is a study -- steady wind that you would not expect in june. we'll have the seven day accu-weather forecast later in this newscast. >> and it's a lesson some two dozen high school students will never forget. last thursday, there are seniors thought they'd have fun with paint and other things. turns out school administrators were not amused. abc 7 news joins with us details. >> incident causing anxiety here and the kids say they were about 80 students involved. so far, identified about 25 of those, they're paying a a high price. >> and and there are 80 senior who's participated in a prank from administrators. >> we didn't think it's too harmful. so we thought it's -- we knew we'd get in trouble. >> and by not walk, sanchez means not participate in the graduation. sanchez provided these pictures showing the senior antics last thursday night. a small group took it further, chaining up a lamb, leaving it into the quad overnight. >> they crossed the line. with this extent of the paint. >> the principal says he's identified about 25 of the students. many received five days suspensions, meaning they can't take this week's final exams. for some, that could jeopardize their graduation and potentially college acceptance. >> consequences have been assigned to those who have been identified as being involved. >> others think the consequence of having to clean up after themselves over the weekend was enough. >> and and they spread washable paint on the ground. and and they're like, should be able to graduate, and like, walk and stuff. >> that is tough for me. i can't imagine my kid going all year, and then making a mistake at the eend they're harmless kids. they're harmless. i just think they're trying to have fun. >> and that is a second incident last night. members of a prior class spray painted over windows here that was cleaned up by the end of the day. students suspended, many parents will be meeting with the principal here tomorrow afternoon. in brentwood abc 7 news. >> and there is a san francisco family spoke out in an emotional hearing. edwin ramos swril to wait to learn how much time he'll spend in prison for the crime. and the judge delayed sentencing after loved ones spoke. vic lee is here with the story. there was in the a dry eye in the courtroom. >> this is probably the most emotional witness statement i've sneen all of my years covering these trials. danielle bologna, her young daughter and sister-in-law spoke in court. their anger directed at reputed gang member, edwin ramos, the man who killed her husband and two of her sons four years ago in a drive by shooting. we've blurred her face because she's under witness relocation. >> i think it wasn't about him, it was about a release of pain i've been holding four years. >> four years of pain torturing danielle bologna, the wife and mother of the victims came out with a fury in this courtroom. her hands shaking, at times weeping, bologna still spoke in a strong voice. looking directly at edwin ramos. i lost my family, my life in san francisco, and our house. and all of the memories we shared, in our home. my pain is so deep you can't even imagine. bologna held up family pictures of her husband and their two sons. they were some of the same pictures she showed whus we interviewed her after ramos was convicted. bologna wanted ramos to see, and feel what he took from her. >> i think when i showed him the picture of my son on life support, that is when he put his head down like it was real. and then he looked up and again... no emotion. it was like callous, cold. >> and nonny bologna, the 14-year-old daughter and sister of the victims got up and spoke. she talked sadly about how much she missed her father and brothers. i don't use the word hate, she said, but i hate you with all by heart. and know that your daughter will know her father is a murderer. late today, ramos gave a jail house interview to abc 7 news staffer ed walsh who writes for he expressed condolences but still, maintained his innocent. >> i didn't kill your family. i didn't do it. so hopefully, one day, like, she'll realize that. >> and all pictures we showed you of the family were given to us by danielle who felt comfortable that they would not jeopardize her safety. the judge says he intends to sentence ramos to life without parole next monday. he delayed a formal sentencing so ramos' lawyers can file a request for a new trial. at that time, ramos may get a chance to speak out. >> vic, thank you. authorities sate search for sierra lamar is winding down. she's the morgan hill teenager missing since march. santa clara county sheriff deputies divers returned today to one of six in the region. authorities say it will be unlegs they receive new tips this, 21-year-old arrested charged with kidnapping and murdering sierra. and has not entered a plea yet. >> sheriff investigators continue to interview witnesses and analyze evidence in connection with a sexual assault case against pablo sandoval. supposedly took place friday night. the pair then went to a hotel to have what sandoval says was consensual sex. we're learning the victim is 21 years old, a santa cruz county resident. the sheriff department expects to hand the case over by the end of the week. >> update on breaking news we brought you at the top of the newscast. wires down on a muni line creating havoc. >> yeah. and there is are they getting a fix on this? >> we're on 5th and market across the street from nordstrom. crews are here working to make the necessary repairs. and there is a is a quite a mess of the commute. three people who were in the intersection were injured as a result of the downed wires. their injuries are believed nonlife threatening. power to the line is out and this is between 4th and 5th streets. buses being rerouted. as for the f-line, it's being switched back and there is crews here working to make repairs. it's unclear what caused lines to go down. but initial reports are that a trance former mounted on a trolley that came to snap the wires as it well from the bus, muni hopes to have everything back to normal about 7:30 p.m. >> and there are hundreds of hotel workers say they're being asked to absorb cuts in benefits while the economy is booming. and we have the story. >> a one night stay goes for $273. however this, 250 striking employees say they don't see that money. >> the room attendants working, like, they get paid $12. that is not a living with $12. who can live in silicon valley with 12s sndz nobody can live. >> and this last union contract expired and they claim they're being offer nod pay raise. >> a lot of people here have two jobs. just to keep up. so not getting a raise four years is -- we can't do it. >> the management says the hotel is operating normally with sufficient staffing. in a statement the general manager said, quote, we're disappointed with the unions current work stoppage and hope they will return to the bargaining table to negotiate a rbl reasonable agreement. a strike is not the right direction. and double tree is owned by a large investment firm. >> there is no rescission. there is no excuse for a company like that to put on the table wage freezes or a cut in health benefits. >> hotel worker pay lies behind their counter parts in san francisco. and in cases make half as much. they tell us they can't keep up with medical care. as a major concern for south bay labor council. >> in this valley if we have more people making less and less, and fewer people making more, we're going to crush any opportunities for development of a middle class. >> and workers claim to end their strike, rushing to the job on friday. >> and coming up at 6:00 a change in policy for facebook. up next, making a case for kids to use the social media giant and why some say that is a bad idea. >> and amazing success of a special club that is helping trance form lives of kids in the bay area's roughest neighborhoods. as you know, facebook is looking to expand to a new audience, that has some people concerned. abc 7 news reporter explains what the social networking site is doing allow kids legitimately. >> when you sign up for facebook, the site asks for a birthday f you say under 13 it won't let you in. it's illegal for kids under 13 to have a facebook account and all they have to do is lie. >> they have posted inappropriate photos at eight years old. >> a growing number of parents feel differently. >> there are a lot of kids on facebook and parents are helping them because facebook is part of a social fabric. >> the research into allowing young kids to sign up to comply with the law they'd have to get parent consent and give them control over who kids can talk to. a spokeswoman says kids are signing up anyway. the company is exploring ways to make it safer and oints out there is a business motive. >> if you have a kid who liked a certain toy maybe they can market to parents so parents can see did you know your son likes hot wheels? >> it may be true a lot of parents help their kids get on facebook there are those who say it's a bad idea. >> there is nidz to be a lot of supervision. >> this psychiatrist says in 80s it was tv, 90s, video games. now, the internet. unlike two screens there is a two way street. >> what happened before is that is not good f this kid is online making inappropriate connections can lead to long term dangers that can harm them the rest of their live autos advice is tell kids they'll have plenty of time to use facebook when their holder. >> and this has been a hot topic of debate. you can join the conversation on the issue and there are some sites that cater to kids that are under 13. >> yes. and they don't have adult content. >> yes. yes. >> and no debate about the weather or maybe there was. >> and there is wind, rain, partial clearing. there is a live view right now. there is where you can see low clouds moving through the sky. lots of blue from this point of view. there is a look at live doppler 7 hd. this is well east and pushed out into the sierra. there is light scattered sprinkles and there is rainfall totals pretty impressive. there is several locations receiving only a few hundred. and there is hayward and half moon bay, down to san jose, one tenth and two tenths of an inch of rain. temperatures into upper 50s to low 60s so there is a uniform range of temperatures. these are the highlights. there are isolated showers, warmer days wednesday and thursday. there is a frontal system brought us stormy weather. behind that front still enough moisture there is a chance of showers tonight. and there is the sierra. it has been snowing and shows more light snow overnight. snow levels down to 6,000 feet. so this is where you can find light accumulation. there is a winter weather advisory. there is and may impact travel conditions, partly cloudy skies, with, again, a chance of showers, low temperatures dropping into upper 40s to around 50 degrees then, tomorrow, there is a drier day. high temperatures around 70 into milder locations. mid-60s around the bay. mid to upper 50s on the coast. there are highs into upper 60s near the bay. here is the accu-weather forecast. warming up to low 80s inland by thursday. and there are mid-70s around the bay. cooling down friday, saturday, with breezy conditions and no rain is expected and then, gets warmer on sunday and monday. and pleasant seven days are ahead without variation. >> there is no rain? >> no rain. and still to come on abc 7 news at 6:00 there she is. miss america. looking to help a fwrup of kids she can really identify with. >> there is a live report on her crusade, up next. >> miss america is in san francisco meeting with children and teens of incarcerated parents. >> now she's at great american music hall attending a fund-raiser for an organization dedicated to improving lives of those kids. >> and there is miss america with her own story to tell. >> and she does. her father was sentenced for embezzlement. she know what's it's like to live wout a father and stigma that go was that. >> and laura kepler likes to think of herself as a mentor for children with incarcerated parents. >> i try to let them know that that past doesn't have to define them and limit their possibility autos she's carried that message since winning the miss america pageant this year. she was 17 for her father went to prison for white collar crime. she spent five years trying to grow from that experience. >> i'm often saying that to myself, too. it's something that no matter how far removed you are, still affects you. >> the kids she met with received counseling from an organization called project a very. they began working with kids as early as eight years old. >> and so they remain socially isolated. and friendships will last for live times. >> this is video of a camping trip they put on for 100 kids. tyler's father has been in and out of prison. he's not alone. the vast majority of the kids here have one parent in prison for a serious crime. and he finds it helps to talk to other others like him its hard for me to like, talk about it. >> the project also provides support for his mother. >> there are family advocates that i depend on. al hi son is one of them. and i can call her for anything. >> and there is a a fund-raiser underway. and miss america told me this afternoon what she wants to do is to become a child advocacy lawyer. we wish her luck. >> and thank you, leanne. >> it's a dramatic change in the way we elect people to congress. up next on abc 7 news, we exannin the mus top two systems smrks voters don't like it. also... >> if the government can't operate parks we're willing to step up. >> and they have stepped up in a big way. when a grass roots organization has done to try to keep a state park open. >> and big area city making a case to raise water rates by 44%. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios election day coming up. poll being places will open in the morning by the time they close it's expected voters will have interesting congressional races before them. abc 7 news explains big change the primary vote is expected to produce. >> there is california trying something new. as you know voters can pick whoever they want. and the top two vote grerts will go on to what amounts to a runnoff in the november general election. in fremont, most knew very little about the system. >> you didn't know? >> no. no. i didn't. and what do you mean? >> no. >> many don't like it. >> i don't like it. >> and this is tlau people, i think. it don't think it does good. >> i think we should be given all of the choices. >> and so here is the deal. on the ballot california voters will get all choices. every candidate running for a particular office will be on the ballot. two getting most votes will meet in november. >> okay. okay. so no. it's not going to affect them. >> the people that are being affected and what has done is that it's forced candidates to reach out to veter who's normally fwhot be contacted. and this democratic candidate is running for congress against fellow democrat incumbent pete stark. >> this meant more work. more shoes i've had to buy and replace for doors we've knocked on. >> there is a big hurdle to overcome. pete stark in congress 40 years. people know him. >> and my favorite is stark. >> pete stark. >> and he's always mailing letters to us. i live in fremont. >> under the system, there and in general. >> the campaign advisor says stark will likely face a fellow democrat in november. >> so in this particular election, for this district i think it fits. >> and abc 7 news says it will take a couple cycles to know how voters will respond. and in pete stark's district they makeup about 24% of the voters and that is not enough to elect a republican but if they are to vote for the same democrat it could make a difference in a close race. >> and there is latest election results. you can go to abc 7 for continuous results as soon as polls close. >> a federal appeals court expected to announce whether it will reheart case of prop 8, the ban oj same-sex marriage. the ninth circuit ourt in san francisco announced today that it will release a filing in the case at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. legal experts believe it is almost certainly on whether to allow an 11-judge panel to rehear the case n february a smaller panel ruled the ban was unconstitutional but that has been put on hold. >> there is jerry sandusky lost a plea to delay the start of his case. it clears the way for jury selection to get underway in the morning. the 68-year-old cases more than 50 criminal charges for alleged abuse of 10 boys over 15 years. and allegations he die anied. >> there is a battle brewing in the public utilities commission over how much rates might go up for more than 4 million san jose water customers. today, the officials defended their proposal toin crease the rates by as much as 44% and they say they cut foo earnings so they need to hike up rates and there is a division argue that's a 10% increase is more than enough. >> in light of the economic environment, everyone having to do more with less, we feel that that is rbl. >> we have to spread that fixed cost over fewer units of water sales thachl needs to rate increases. >> and the commission won't make a final decision on sab water rates until fall. >> and less than a month before the july deadline seeing some state parks clesing. half of those target have had been saved through donations or special agreements. there is a fund raising effort helped save a resident's heritage. >> for one year, ticking of the clock had a value. it hangs on a wall surrounded by old pictures telling the story of this snack bar where time seems to stand still. china camp state park. >> there is no chance of trying to save this. >> frank is as much a part of the park as buildings. he's the last resident of what used to be a fishing village of 500 people. a man left just once to fight in world war ii. his family occupied this house in the park since 1890. the state owns it along with that snack bar. so imagine his concern. he learned china camp would close to save $340,000 from california's budget. >> where would you go? >> good question. really. >> one now appears tf a happy ending thanks to a community that won't give up. >> i wanted to do something to save china camp. i didn't know what i was getsing myself into. >> earnest fell in love with the acres because of a mountain biking trails. and there is a thought of the beauty behind locks and keys inspired him to form sprindz friends of china camp. they're 800 strong now, including steve dearing. >> i think it says that our government is failing us and says we need to make our voice heard. >> if friends do raise the $250,000 they need to keep this place open 12 months, batsel isn't over. it's only beginning. and they plan to charge people to use the park. but anyway you look this, is a unique and risky model for running a state park. >> we need to make sure that people don't ruin it for the rest of the community. >> with a m to go before the deadline the friends of china camp appear to have raised most money they need to run this place. and this is a minor miracle in these hard times. >> parks are right this, is open space people have a right to enjoy. if the government, for whatever reason can operate these parks and fill that need, we're willing to step up to do it there is no person more happy or relieved about that frank. >> i think we're over the hill. you're going see us. >> in marin county, wayne freedman abc 7 news. >> what a beautiful place. >> yes. >> lovely. >> some of the biggest stars are celebrating a milestone with the queen. >> one member of the royal family would not make it to the show. you can see rock and royal royalty put on a show to help celebrate queen elizabeth's 60-year reign. >> prince harry, prince william and his wife sang "god save the queen". performers included elton john and will-i-am. she appeared to be wearing ear plugs. the concert was follow fwhaid brilliant fire works display. the queen ignited the last of 4200 beacons lit across the globe. thousands of people attended many gathering outside of the concert. >> and this is wonderful. >> you've got to celebrate the queen. she's reigned for 60 years. you have to celebrate and enjoy it. >> and the queen's husband missed celebrations. he's in the hospital suffering from a bladder infection. he turns 91 this weekend. and coming up tomorrow night, abc 7 will breng you concert for the queen a diamond jubilee sell operation with katie couric. >> and this is kind of a slow start to have lunch with warren above yai. only one bid for $25,000. the auction on ebay began yesterday and all proceeds benefit glide memorial church. >> only going to be $29,000 we might jump in on this. >> yes. >> and we can use the information. >> it spent 25 years helping kids get out of tough neighborhoods and into college. >> there is next celebrating ob yaum -- omega boys and om yaiga boys and girls club is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. helping get nearly 200 disadvantaged young people into college. and we've covered the fabulous program for years. and cheryl jennings got a chance to see why it's so effective. >> this is how many times again? >> these young people are in a tough after school tutoring program in san francisco. they are determined to make a better future for themselves. it's been 25 years of helping boys and girls get out of the roughest neighborhoods and into college. >> we can see violence like a disease. so we treat it like a disease. >> it has dugt me about the germs of violence. >> and this is when i need to be on the right track. >> he co-founded the boys club in 1987. and they saw a lot of young people in trouble and came up with a plan. >> and dr. marshal made a promise. >> this is just you picked a college. i find money. problem is that i didn't have money. i stepped out on faith. >> that faith caught attention of abc 7 news. >> and irremember steve davis coming here, fuming our tutoring session. >> the late steve davis put it on tv. >> if you like what you see, just send in money. have i old footage with me in envelopes and kids saying they like us, they like use this celebration for the boys club silver anniversary showcased pictures of 175 former students. and some came back to serve their community. and he tells his story. >> definitely there are drugs and guns and violence involved. >> so you're found for trouble? headed for death? >> every day. >> ob -- he is expected to be dr. marshal's successor one day. and they learned to define themselves by mystery and leaders who made tack fiss. >> this is common in my neighborhood. >> so i had to step back and say no. i don't use that word. you can't use it around me. >> and learning will spread to others. >> the more you know, the more you owe. you learn more, you give more. >> so there is 25 years of saving lives and creating a few tour. >> dr. marshal travels all over the world talking about the principles of the club and hosts a radio program. if you would like to send more students to college just log on to our web site. >> what a great program. >> fabulous. >> yes. >> ask our last check of the forecast this hour. >> there is what's happening on this case, what is not happening now. tomorrow, there is trannit of venus which will be visible about p:06 tomorrow afternoon. you'll see what appears to be a small, dark dot moving across the sun. and this will end at sunset. and this could be something special to see. here is the accu-weather forecast. will start warming up and there are from friday, saturday, warming up again. minor ups and downs. >> and thank you, spencer. >> we like it. stur. >> there is we'll be right back with sports. ed@a@a@a join me tonight at 9:00 and there is live on mars, getting people to live on the red planet and funding it but making the whole thing a reality tv show. and there is a caffeine bonus, researchers find. we can use it. and shu is here now with sports. >> yes. there is a start they brought me out of the bull pen. >> here we go. home, sweet home. there is a ryan voguel song. bottom of the of the inning a base hit to right. and there is a play of the day. there is a tailer made double play. heing for yets there is only one out. and not two. runners on third, throws it out z starling castro. bottom half, joaquin arias and this would be the game-winning run. there is a 3-2 victory. >> there is a big hug and an athletic play to catch out of the air, for me that feel like that is the end of the game for us. >> 36 holes in one day. and there is 13 sites world wide. 791 players vying for 58 spots there is chris stein. >> this is a once in a lifetime deal. you know? and this is a good to have reyepgs there he had a bulging disc in his back. and former cal standout james hahn writing a exhausting wave. he won his first nationwide event yesterday. >> and you get on a plane and shoot this six under. and this is helping in that situation. >> and being young, stupid and didn't know what is best for me. we had three hours of sleep and this is just running on adrenaline now. >> and there is rush of 14 years ago. today, janson is just like other 790 players trying to earn this spot. >> and not being exyefrt for it anymore. so it would be crazy to want to play and not try to qualify this, year is more special because it's olympics. this is one of the courses i really love. boy like to be there any year but this year, especially. >> and there is rounds still underway. and there is a leader with 8 under par. possibly helped he didn't have to think about it. just went out there and played. his dream going to come true. >> and that is nice, nice. >> nice just watching the spraft for a change. >> i'm available. >> and have a good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants-- a graduate student in english literature from mount juliet, tennessee... a real estate attorney originally from eau claire, wisconsin... and our returning champion-- a substitute teacher from monrovia, california... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--

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Fremont ,California ,United States ,Marin County ,Memorial Church ,Monrovia ,Montserrado ,Liberia ,Brentwood ,Tennessee ,China Camp State Park ,Lake County ,Oakland ,China Camp ,Santa Clara County ,Wisconsin ,Morgan Hill ,Santa Cruz County ,San Francisco ,America ,American ,Wayne Freedman ,Danielle Bologna ,Joaquin Arias ,Cheryl Jennings ,Pablo Sandoval ,Jerry Sandusky ,James Hahn ,Laura Kepler ,Steve Dearing ,Vic Lee ,Mount Juliet ,Katie Couric ,Chris Stein ,Edwin Ramos ,Steve Davis ,Elton John ,

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