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>> watch out for traffic on the peninsula and the south bay relating to president obama returning to the bay area tonight. tonight, the focus is fundraising with receptions in palo alto. tomorrow he will give a speech on health care at at the san jose fairmont hotel with "no parking signs" ahead of a fundraiser at a couple who are the co-founder of a social magazine "flip board." tickets go up to $15,000 per couple. the second event is at a home of silicon valley venture capitalists costing nearly $65,000 and includes a photo op and discussion with the president. 300 activists plan to demonstrate at the first event, the palo alto fundraiser opposing the keystone xl pipeline project that brings tar sand oil from canada to the gulf coast. some members held protest signs in april when the president motorcade came through. >> developing news, the national security agency appears to be collecting the phone records of tens of millions of u.s. citizens and has been for weeks now. the u.s. government has a top secret court order requiring verizon to town over records of 70 million customers according to a report by the "guardian," requiring the records to go to the nsa each day from early april until july 19. it does not call for them to monitor the actual conversations or gather names and dresses. abc7 news reporter katie marzullo has more on the story next half hour. >> an exclusive story we have learned the cause of the limousine fire that killed five women on the san mateo bridge last month starting in the rear of the stretch limousine. the air springs in the rear of the limousine ruptured leading to the fire. there were nine people on board, one more than permitted. >> it would be jumping like a horse. if there is a load it would bottom on the ground, and that probably happened and unfortunately the gas tank is right there and the car was heavy and fell too hard and hit the gas tank which right in this spot here and then you can see when it hit the ground it will create a spark. >> criminal investigations continuing the san mateo county district attorney and whether there was criminal negligence in the maintenance. they contacted crash survivors and the families of victims for reaction and no one was ready to talk and most said the tons advise against him. >> federal and state investigators are on the scene in philadelphia looking at project that went very wrong and killed at at least six people. a 61-year-old woman was pulled alive last night after being buried for more than 12 hours. she was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. this morning, the search conditions for other victims who could be trapped inside a thrift shop after a four-story building came tumbling down. >> it is a very tedious operation. they are taking their time. it is a dangerous environment for our members. will. >> at least 13 people survived the accident with only minor injuries. the city says the demolition company had the proper permits and there were no existing safety violations. >> man is recovering after staggering into a store in antioch with stab wounds. officers found him in a business on delta boulevard after 9:00 last night. the investigators say he was stabbed twice. last check police do not have any suspects or motive for the attack. the man is expected to survive. police are trying to decide whether to file criminal charges against a father who crashed his car killing his wife and his three-year-old son. witnesses say he was traveling at close to 100 miles per hour on tuesday when he lost control. the car slammed into a tree and ripped in of what. the child was thrown from the back end of the car and killed instantly. when emergency responders arrived, his wife was still buckled in the passenger seat 20' away. she died yesterday. he is still in the hospital. >> in sacramento the board overseeing california's high-speed rail project is expected to approve a contract today to start construction work in the central valley. the california high-speed rail authority is recommending a bid from a california-based group although it received the lowest technical score for safety and design quality of five bids submitted but it is $980 million bid to build the first segment was the lowest and well below the $1.2 to $1.4 billion originally estimated. >> san bruno officials are asking the california attorney general to look into why lawyers have quit the investigation into pg&e, at least four california public utility lawyers working on the penalties that pg&e would face for the 2010 pipeline explosion and fire are no long we on the case. city officials say that raises questions of the integrity of the investigation. they claim the lawyers asked to be reassigned. and pg&e faces $2.25 billion penalty which the utility calls excessive. >> a superior court in alameda will decide whether three charter schools in oakland can remain open. today, it is supposed to be the final day for the american indian public charter school which rank among the top in the nation. the oakland unified school district revoked their charter in march after finding a number offing regulators. parented and administration have allied for a temporary restraining order appealing to the board of education. the three schools want to re-open june 20 for the extended summer program but cannot without a decision from the board. >> are you ready for the warm-up? >>guest: yes, but i have morning drizzle on the windshield. >> absolutely, a little moist. a last times that happens with warm air convection at night it adds moisture to the boundary player. that is why we are seeing that. it is going to keep the marine layer around as long as yesterday but when it dissipates it will be warmer around the bay and inland this afternoon. when you step outside it is in the low-to-mid 50's, warmer, though, around mountain view at 58, and fremont and los gatos at 56 and antioch, and 55 in oakland and san carlos and 52 in san francisco and napa and santa rosa and 50 at half moon bay. the day planner for thursday, over the next 12 hours we go from cloud cover and 50's to clouds opening and 70's at noon, and we will stay in the 50's at the coast to 782 inland at 4:00, and 54 to 75, mild to if not a little cool in the evening. look at this, hot, hot, warm, friday, saturday, and sunday. it will be significantly cooler in some areas on sunday but it will still be warm out there. now the traffic. >> we have mattresses in lanes. we have cones in lanes. we have that located on the nimitz northbound side at marina boulevard blocking a lane. it could cause slowing in the area until c.h.p. can move that out of the way. as we continue to the north, both directions along nimitz, you have high street and fruitvale a construction project is where the cones coming and that will last until 6:00 a.m., and in san jose, we will look at your drive along 280, two cars are out there making the drive away from 17 in the northbound direction, other than that, it is dark out there. >> 4:39 now, the number of hepatitis a cases linked to frozen berries is growing and costco is reaching out to customers. >> the court rule over a teen girl's easy access to emergency contraception that could concern parents but first america's money report. >> good morning. another down day for the dow opening this morning below 15000 for the first time in a month after plunging 216 points yesterday, all 30 stocks making up the average finished lower. kobe bryant at number three on the new lit of the richest agent least. number two is tennis great roger federer, and number one was tiger woods. >> mcdonald's has a new menu at the 24 hour restaurants between midnight and 4:00 a.m. serving breakfast and dinner items so you can get pancakes and a big mac or hash >> covering novato, oakland and sunnyvale, this is abc7 news. >> girls of any age can immediately buy one form of morning after pill without prescription. groups are praising the decision by the second u.s. circuit court of appeals in manhattan. anyone can now buy the two-pill version of the emergency contraception. no precipitation or parental permission is needed but the court is keeping restricted sales of the plan "b" one stop contraception while the federal government appeals an early ruling allowing sales. >> 50 people have fallen sick after eating berries tied to hepatitis a outbreak including 20 in california. costco contacted 250,000 customer whose bought the berries including a woman who is very worried. >> i'm scared t death. i know how horrible i have been feeling. >> she has all the symptoms of hepatitis fox two months blending the berries in smoothie to combat a weakened immune system because of chemo and worried the number of people exposed could increase. >> they would have bought them from another party, maybe small businesses, juice places, restaurants, all of the restaurants, anyone who makes and sells a smoothie, they have passed this on down the road. >> 22-year-old woman consumed the berries and was hospitalized in san jose for two days last week with hepatitis a infection. >> i thought it was just the flu. >> she is recovering. she says her mother ate the same batch of berries but did not become sick. word is getting out those would bought the frozen berryies, and started getting phone calls from the fda and costco and cdc on monday night. they called her again on wednesday night asking her to get tested. >> costco is very apologetic and i understand why, they probably are told by their legal department to be apologetic. >> she will go to a local laboratory for a blood test on thursday. >> this morning, crews are are watching for fairups from a wildfire in lake county blackening 30 acres of brush in the clear lake park area. these pictures were taken yesterday afternoon with the flames moving quickly uphill. you can see how chose they came to hems. people could see the smoke for miles, and the fire was fully contained last night by 7:00. >> this morning the owner of a vacant victorian house in oakland is considering whether to tear it down after a second fire. sky 7 was over the seen yesterday morning on 7th and harrison street the site where another fire broke out back in january. thick smoke slowed traffic on the interstate 80. the owner has been trying to get the building demolished but has been hampered by red tape from the city. police say january fire was started by squatters and they could be responsible for this latest fire, as well. >> basketball fans will tune in tonight as the spurs and the heat square off in game one of the n.b.a. finals. the last time san antonio was in the finals was in 2007 against lebron james and the former team, the cleveland cavaliers. the spurs swept the cavs, the third year miami has advanced since signing lebron and they won the title last year. the spurs, this is the 5 the time in 15 years they made it to the finals. >> abc7 news is your home for the finals with our courage of game one in miami tonight at 5:30 with tip-off at 6:00, and stay with abc7 news for of at game for more. we are your host, by the way. >> did you see that alley-oop pass to lebron where he had to dunk the head or he would have hit the rim? >> glad you showed us. pretty amazing. >> the audience saw it too, not that i am partial to anyone. we have some mist out there. >> we have the old guys on san antonio's team. it will be fun. good morning, everyone, we will talk about the low clouds that are hanging lower this morning so mist and drizzle is possible. it is very sporadic and my commute from the east bay i didn't see it accumulating on the ground or on the car, enough to need the windshield wipers and just a little moist but not translating into rain on live doppler 7 hd. a west to east perspective from the bottom the tv to the top, west winds are going funnel through the bay again at 15- to 25-knots and fastest at golden gate bridge and angel island, from 2:00 this afternoon to 8:00 small craft advisory again. now, this forecast cycle as we look at downtown san jose we will have sunshine and warmth developing. about the same pace, maybe half an hour quicker than year. cool coast and large swells so watch out the rip currents are a concern on south bay beaches the next couple of days and not so hot starting sunday. this is a mini heat wave. we will look at the should cover and it is extensive. everyone is cloudy this morning. by 10:00, though, notice the east bay valley coming out, by noon we are starting to see erosion of the clouds around the bay with a few lidgerring in the heart of the bay and by 3:00 we will see the sunshine develop along the coast at 60's to 80's inland and a few 80's around los gatos and morgan hill and mid-80's and most of the south bay is in the upper 70's. at the peninsula, quite a spread near 80 in los altos and 71 in millbrae. 61 today at half moon bay and sunset and the warmer spots along the coast and mid-60's in downtown south san francisco and near 80 to the north bay valley and breezy and near 60 at the beaches. we will have 70 at berkeley, and 72 in oakland to 76 in fremont and castro valley and temperatures in the mid-to-upper 80's in the east bay valley and antioch possibly 90. it will be cool, though, overnight, with temperatures again in the mid to possibly upper 50's. santa cruz beaches we are concerned with, with the large swells and natural bridges, bench, boardwalk and twin lakes so watch out. the seven-day forecast shows a big jump in in temperatures tomorrow and again on saturday and we drop 15 degrees in some areas on sunday. have a great day. leyla gulen? >> mostly construction traffic. we had a mat dress in -- a matts on the lanes in the nimitz but it is gone. 580 eastbound to the county lane, if you are moving westbound, it is slowing. as we take you to 280, through woodside, and redwood city, county line, santa clara county line, there are blocked lanes. outside, the pictures show a look at our bay bridge toll plaza and you can see we have a few cars moving from oakland to san francisco. right now, though, it looks to be pretty light. now, abc7 news wants to make your commute more bearable this summer and we are giving away shell gas cards to seven winners over seven days. each winner gets $700 of free gas, a big thank you to our facebook fans. you have a chance to win on facebook and $700 in free gas could be yours. if you are already a fan, you still feed to enter to win on our facebook page starting june 13 we will announce one winner a day in the only news and enter at / /abc7 news. >> and a driver hit a man in a wheelchair and took off. it happened on university avenue near lincoln avenue on saturday morning at 4:30. police say the driver was in a white toyota a compact car no longer being made and it should have damage to the front passenger corner. the victim is expected to recover. >> the f.b.i. investigation of a state senator may have something to do with favors to a family member. sources tell the associated press the f.b.i. is looking into legislation that senator come december ron introduced for a water district in southern california that uses his brother as a consultant. the f.b.i. searched his office at the state capitol in sacramento on tuesday and carried away boxes. calderon represents montebello area in southern california. >> coming up, the controversial move an east bay city is making to try to curb crime and why some residents are saying, wait a minute. >> also, the stink over a bacon food truck is finally over, and where it found the perfect location to run its business. >> medical marijuana for your dog? why vets say it could be jus >> bacon bacon, finally has a new home the popular food truck was forced out of the neighborhood because of the smell but now they are on mission street. right now they are only doing preparation work but on wednesday it is a regular restaurant and the owner does not expect complaints of the smell at the if you location because it is next to a sausage factory. >> what is that we smell in the air right now? >> that is the smell of mist and drizzle. >> wondered where you were going? did you step in something? i wondered ... okay, we are looking at radar across the entire state. >> did you really go there? did you? did you? >> yes, i did. >> okay...i will bring you over a napkin. carry on. >> i didn't step in it. but, thanks. here is a look at the forecast, 93 in sacramento but check out the 100's through the central valley. 84 in tahoe and 95 in yosemite and thunderstorms again that could be severe like yesterday. leyla gulen. >> we have construction around san francisco and the bay area. lots of it. we have this, a couple of lanes that are going to be blocked, the transition to 380 along 101 so if the drive goes through san bruno to sfo we expect to see some delays and it will last until about 6:00 a.m., and right now, i will show you the golden gate bridge and as we look at the golden gate bridge you can see cloud cover out there is quite foggy, in fact, as you make the drive from sausalito we have clear conditions in the northbound direction we have construction project that is being picked up as we speak. >> thank you, an east bay city hopes to prevent spillover crime from the neighbor by snapping pictures of vehicles. piedmont, surrounded by oakland has approved installing 39 cameras along the city borders, covering 15 streets cost piedmont over $678,000. the cameras will capture images of license plates to track who is entering and exiting the city but not everyone is willing to give up their privacy for safety. >> it makes it uncomfortable having someone know who is going in and out of the city. it is public property, public space, and we should be able to move in out without being monitored. >> the license mate reader cameras are just part of their plan to keep a lid on a cash of crime. the city has hired four new officers and urging homeowners to have neighborhood watch groups. >> a medical marijuana dispensary has been the target of complaints and "contra costa times" reports there was a vote where neighbors of the green leaf wellness group complained of customers smoking marijuana on the sidewalks, leaving trash in the area, and urinating outside. the city council vote upheld a finding that green leaf is breaking law by not having the proper zoning permits. >> vet wants to take medical marijuana step further and legalize it for pets. the vet recommends pot to ease the pain or increase appetite of sick pets. he has a way to administer marijuana to pets effective and safe but other vets warn it could be dangerous for the circulation. there is no legislation in the works to legalize pet pot. >> the no packing signs are up and the barricades are in place, at 5:00, what can you expect for the bay area visit from president obama. >> as we turn on the tap this morning, something to think about, the massive upgrade the united states is facing to keep our waters safe. >> the end of the line for the h.p. pavilion, the shark tank is >> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news, 5:00, good morning, thanks for joining us this morning. >> as you leave home this only you might find some mist and drizzle but it is going away. >> just a little. i didn't need the wipers, though, but it is out there and the marine layer is getting juicy because of the warm air from the south and overriding it. that warm air will eat away at the cloud cover but until it does you can see we starting off with a gray sky over the to which us again, and as we head throughout the day we will see sunshine, with the warm going inland and 76 in the north bay to 88 in the east bay valley, and around the bay we will go from

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