we will do what is necessary to prevent iran from getting the world's worst weapons. >> reporter: president obama has had a frosty relationship with prime minister netanyahu, but on this trip both men have been determined to show that they are staunchal lies, maybe even friends. obama joking about meeting netanyahu's sons. >> they are very good-looking young men who clearly got their looks from their mother. >> well, i can say the same of your daughters. >> reporter: after meeting with obama for more than two hours netanyahu affirmed his trust of the president when it comes to iran. >> i'm absolutely convinced that the president is determined to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons. >> reporter: later today the president returns to jerusalem where he hopes to bring a little campaign magic to the trip with a speech to some 600 israeli college students. the white house sees this as an opportunity to speak directly to the israeli people. urging them to make a new effort to make peace with the palestinians. >> something they very much want to do. >> indeed, robin, we turn to the latest on that massive manhunt under way in colorado. the head of the state's prison systems gunned down on his front doorstep in front of his wife. abc's clayton sandell is in monument, colorado, with the very latest this morning. good morning to you, clayton. >> reporter: good morning, josh. right now hundreds of investigators are stepping up their man hunt trying to find the person who came to this quiet neighborhood to the steps of the house right behind me to commit cold-blooded murder. this morning investigators trying to solve the murder of colorado prison official tom clements have few clues. one a dark-colored car in the neighborhood at the time of the shooting. they also want to find a woman speed-walking in the area who just might have seen the car and its driver. >> we have no suspect at this point and because we have no suspects we can't identify a motive. >> reporter: clements was at home with his wife tuesday night. he went to answer the front door and was suddenly shot in the chest. >> somebody rang the doorbell. the husband answered and was shot. >> reporter: now police want to know if the man who oversaw thousands of prison inmates was possibly targeted for revenge. >> i kind of had it figured out right away sadly because i thought his position would leave him open. >> reporter: a former warden at colorado super max federal prison says it's a career that creates enemies. >> you have 20,000 individuals. anyone could have a reason to hurt mr. clements. >> reporter: clements was murdered coincidentally the same day the governor of colorado signed tough measures for gun reform. >> tom clements dedicated his life to being a public servant, making the world a better place and he is going to be deeply, deeply missed. >> reporter: now with no suspects police and officials here are on edge. they have now stepped up security at the capital and the governor's mansion. josh. >> we'll have updates all morning long. for more we bring in former fbi special agent brad garrett. we heard for investigators the worst sort of case, a crime at this point without motive and without suspects. the murder of a top corrections official obviously very unusual but there's belief it could actually be related to a specific ruling that he made about a case just one week ago. at this point, brad, what are your thoughts here? >> well, i don't know if you can jump to that conclusion. in other words, mr. clements' position as director of the department of corrections could well have -- it may be a job-related homicide like your example, but just as relevant is the personal side of mr. clements. is this something that has to do with another aspect of his life, his family's life and so investigators are stuck, i believe, at this point at looking at this very large circle. did he know the person who arrived at his home that ultimately shot him? was that a prearranged meeting and hopefully the police have figured that out at this point. so there's a lot of moving parts to this case, but it doesn't appear to be clear what component of his life maybe led to his death. >> you mentioned a personal aspect here. the murderer showing up on his doorstep to do what he did. in this case this may be the only thing they have to go on. is there any sense of how to move the case forward? >> well, the advantage you have is because he lives in an area that has some urban aspect to it so the shooter had to get from point a to point b. is he on video someplace? did he get captured by someone's home security system? was he in a 711 before or after the shooting? this is one of the cases that the little bitty details of checking tapes, interviewing store clerks, all of that could lead to the resolution of this case. >> we can only hope progress is made today. brad garrett, we thank you for your time this morning. now let's turn now to paula faris with the other top developing stories on the morning. paula. >> good morning to both of you. sobering news and begin with new information released about that training accident in the nevada desert that took the lives of seven u.s. marines. military officials released the names of the men who died when a mortar shell exploded in its firing tube. the youngest victim just 19 years old. the oldest, 26. all were based at camp lejeune and all but one had already served in afghanistan. the pentagon has now banned the use of certain mortar rounds until it figures out what caused that misfire. and a new warning about the nation's health. despite our attempts to eat healthier and exercise more a government report out this morning shows the obesity rate is rising from 19% in the middle of last decade to a whopping 29% last year. the rate of diabetes nearly doubled in that time. a jury in ohio has recommended a death sentence for the so-called craig's list killer. richard beasley post phony job listings to lure men to meet him and eventually killed three of them. a fourth survived and testified against him. the fbi expanded the search for the bank robber known as the tall man ban indict, wanted for six heists. his real name is chet evans. they hope his height, 6'10", thus the tall man bandit, hopes people to see him. thieves stole $300,000 in cash and jewels after moving into an empty office above a bank and slowly drilling through the floor till they got down into the vault. their high-tem equipment bypassed all of the alarms except for one. police caught them with that cold, hard cash in hand. just for josh we have this headline. the miami heat fought back from a 27-point deficit to beat the cleveland cavaliers extending their winning streak to 24 games. they have nine to go before tying -- >> unbelievable -- >> all-time -- you should have been sleeping instead of watching. too good. >> there's history to be seen. finally imagine being 9 years old and having a dinosaur species named after you. well, daisy morris doesn't have to imagine. a few years back she uncovered a fossil on an england beach and scientists eventually concluded it was an unknown species of flying dinosaur and look at the name they have given it, vectidraco daisymorrisae. she is so passionate. one expert said her bedroom looks like a natural history museum with all the fossils. how about that for show and tell. >> robin? >> that's great. >> okay, you two. now to what could be a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. we're very excited about this. in a clinical trial patients' own immune cells were altered to fight a deadly form of leukemia. one patient is said to be cancer-free after just eight days of treatment. abc's chief medical editor dr. richard besser is here to tell us more. i know there's a lot of complicated science but can you break it down and explain how it works. >> this is pretty incredible. using a patient's own immune system to fight cancer. take a look at this animation. they had five patients with untreatable cancer. they used a virus to inject genetic material into a patient's own white cells to turn them into cancer fighters. those then went out in the body and destroyed all the cancer cells. these patients, they all went into remission. three of them had bone marrow transplants and are doing great. >> we didn't realize one of the patients, our own david aponte, our sound man, we spent time with him and it's incredible. >> yeah, i spoke with david the other day, and, you know, he credits this with saving his life. last summer he had had lots of chemotherapy. he thought he was in remission and his cancer bounced back. there was nothing left for him to do. he had this treatment. they injected the cells. overwhelming reaction in his body, eight days later not one cancer cell could be found. he has had a bone marrow transplant. he's doing well. you know, he's getting chemo but he's on the road to recovery. >> and past the 100-day mark, the last time we communicated. we're very excited. i remember when you did a similar story with diane on "world news," precious girl emma and so just describe how other cancers and other people can be affected. >> emma was treated and reported in december. she was the first patient with this type of leukemia to have this. she's in total remission, is doing great. but the idea is, you know, depending on what you inject into these cells you could target them to go after all different kinds of cancers. so the theory is maybe you would change them to go after prostate cancer or breast cancer. you know, it's an endless approach. this study was a safety study so they need to go forward, do it in more people and figure out how do you tame the reaction? it's basically creating a battle in someone's body, their own cells against the cancer cells to see who wins. >> at one point could this be in lieu of having a bone marrow transplant? >> i talked to the researchers who did this study and that's what they're thinking. you know, they didn't want to go that way here. this is the first round. it's just looking at safety but the idea is, you know, if this wipes out all of the cancer cells why would you need to move forward and do a bone marrow transplant. emma did not but here for adults with this cancer only 40% survival rate, here this is an idea you might be able to treat and cure people with this disease. >> this is so encouraging, so promising. nice to see you, rich. thanks so much. josh. >> extraordinary news, robin. now to the brave teenager. dramatic and scary home invasion. she was at home on her own when burglars broke in. her terrified call to 911 all caught on tape and abc's linzie janis has the story. >> he's inside the house. >> he's inside? >> yes. >> he's inside the house. >> reporter: you're hearing the terrified voice of 15-year-old doyin oladipupo as thieves ransack her home and roaming through the very closet she was hiding. >> you still hear him upstairs, just yes or no? >> bring the bucket over here. >> okay, don't talk. >> reporter: alone in the house doyin heard the doorbell ring then the alarm of the home security system. >> living room window, open. >> i took off my shoes because i didn't want him to hear me, and i grabbed this phone right here. >> reporter: fearful but clever doyin showed our reporter how she bolted into her parents' walk-in closet crouching underneath a rack of clothes. seconds later the intruders enter the room. >> bring the bucket over here. >> i can hear him. don't talk. >> i was so scared. i could see them and i thought they were going to see me. >> reporter: the dispatcher had the high school student remain on the line tapping on the phone to answer questions. >> my officers want you to know your whole house is surrounded. >> reporter: minutes later the burglars exit the house but the three teens are apprehended by police in the driveway. >> after the victim identifies property in the vehicle as belonging to her, the three were arrested. >> reporter: her relieved mom says she's simply in awe of her brave daughter. >> my daughter's strong. i didn't even know how strong she was until the police told me what happened. she's got an inner strength, you know, and it showed yesterday. >> reporter: for "good morning america," linzie janis, abc news, new york. >> bravery, i think we all hope we have in that moment. >> yeah. >> remarkable stuff. >> okay. how big a buzz are you getting from your morning coffee? >> pretty big. >> probably not as much as you might get from the java being billed as the world's strongest, called death wish coffee and has twice the caffeine. gio benitez is here with the buzz. i have to say it smells great. >> you can feel it. >> what about that name death wish coffee. >> yeah. >> well, this morning the maker of death wish coffee says it's so powerful you'll only need one cup a day. but people all over are asking is it safe to drink that much caffeine? if regular coffee doesn't pack enough of a punch, would you drink this, coffee beans packaged with a skull and cross bones. the name, death wish. >> when it comes right down to it it's just a very strong cup of coffee. >> reporter: that's mike brown, the founder and owner of what he calls the strongest cup of coffee in the world. he uses beans that give you twice the jolt, doubling the caffeine in your average cup. that's where he got the fame death wish. >> we're making the world's strongest coffee. can't call it puppies or kittens or anything like that. >> reporter: lots are talking about caffeine these days. monster energy drinks will soon begin listing caffeine content on its cans. here's how much caffeine we're talking about. right now a 16-ounce monster energy can has about 160 milligrams of caffeine. 16 ounces of starbucks coffee, about 330 milligrams. but the same amount of death wish coffee, about 660 milligrams of caffeine. >> for someone who drinks coffee all the time i don't think they'll notice much of a difference but if you're someone who doesn't drink coffee at all this could be a shock to the system. >> reporter: at his coffee shop in upstate new york, brown only sells the beans. he doesn't brew death wish coffee there, not yet and when i asked if he drinks this super coffee -- >> yeah, i drink it only on the mornings when i need to get a lot of stuff done and dragging. no, i can't handle it every morning. >> reporter: well, certainly tastes friendly and while dr. besser says it's like having two cups of coffee at once, if you're the kind of person that has ten cups a day, imagine how much caffeine you're getting into your system if you're drinking some of this stuff, we have it here and you can see the logo. sam is enjoying it. >> i love it. i think it's fantastic. >> i recommend everyone stay tuned to this broadcast. >> how much does it cost? >> about 20 bucks a pound. >> oh. >> for me i will -- you're a connoisseur. >> to me it's a very smooth cup of coffee. now, check with me in about 15 minutes and see if i'm in the corner hugging myself. >> suddenly we're all jitery. >> exactly. >> we'll check back with you. >> tastes good. in the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, spring wants you to know it's sorry. spring wants you to know there was traffic on the expressway, that the planes were running late, that its cat got out of the house just before it was supposed to be here. spring is not showing up for at least a week in a lot of the country and as a matter of fact as cold as it was yesterday colder in some places today. 6 in detroit. these are the windchills, by the way, 21 below in devil's lake. cincinnati at 12, that cold air is spreading west as well into the deep southeast. oklahoma city by saturday, you're at 49 degrees. dallas, 58 degrees by the time we get to sunday. albuquerque, 50 degrees, as well. so that cold air settles into a good part of country for a few days and talk more about that in the next half-hour. we'll talk more about that. >> it's a pound, pound, pound to the heart, yes, no, it's working. rrrrr! we'll have more weather in the next half hour, i think. >> and then some. >> and then some. >> weather in ten seconds. >> still to come on "good morning america," more testimony about jodi arias' state of mind, torn apart in court. why her psychologist was forced to admit she lied to him. more massive jackpots than ever before. are your chances of winning the lottery finally getting better? >> i hope so. back to basics, that's lindsey vonn posing as sharon stone in this stunning snapshot. and grape-nuts, packed with protein and nutritious grains, helped him get there. now, the highest point on earth is a long way from the breakfast table. but if grape-nuts could help hillary reach the top of his mountain, just imagine where it could take you. grape-nuts. original and new delicious fit. what's your mountain? ♪ ♪ ♪ with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. ♪ (announcer) make mornings special, mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with garden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love. he is a good little monkey and always very curious. one day george got an important letter. he's built a rocket ship to travel into space." google, how far is earth to the moon? moon is 238,900 miles... 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[ giggling ] $600 on a wide variety of to sofas in select fabrics and get equally cozy savings on matching loveseats, ottomans, and chairs - in styles to suit every room. now during ethan allen's spectacular seating event. see lioutdoors, or in.ight. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses. experience life well lit. ask which transitions adaptive lens is best for you. an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit ♪ [ male announcer ] get special offers like this throughout the store at lowe's spring black friday event. police are searching for a long time baseball coach wanted on poe lefting a teen boy and secretly filming another in a bathroom, joel kaufman has a traveling baseball team for high school-aged boys based from san jose. some charms go back eight years and there could be other victims. >> we will see how the commute is going the sue? >> santa cruz mountains we have good news, northbound 17, an accident is finally cleared from before redwood redwood city estt it is jammed to scotts valley and old santa cruz valley is a good alternate and a new stall west 580 blocking the left lane coming off the altamont pass >> mostly sunny and schooler with 37 in american canyon in petaluma and 48 in the financial district and santa clara is 44. temperatures are warmer, especially inland and cooler around hayward and san jose but that is only a degree or two putting us in the low-to-mid 60's and brisk along the coast and mid-50's. temperatures are fairly instead di ♪ oh, prepostero oh, you're happy. there he is, born to run and perhaps baby-sit. the boss had a massive concert in australia but it gets even better than this. you're going to want to stick around for that as we bid you all a good morning. george taking a good week to have off. it's great to be in for him and have paula faris here, as well. >> and how many times have you seen the boss in concert, angie? >> i don't know. i would have to say -- >> it's live tv. get to it. >> 50. >> 40, 50 times. >> see there. >> unbelievable. our colleague. >> she always feels like she's won the jackpot. no winner in the massive powerball jackpot last night. more changes. more jackpots than ever before. are your chances getting better at winning the lottery? >> i hope so, yeah, really. better chances once. also coming up the woman who dropped almost 200 pounds and now why she says she was so much happier before she lost the weight. wow. >> and she is fergalicious and she is here live. her first interview since she announced she was pregnant and giving glamorous makeovers to very lucky members of our audience. there's one now. >> yeah. >> getting all done up. >> a lot to get to but turn to the latest in the breakup murder trial. the psychologist for jodi arias taking the stand for a fourth day and the jury gets to ask him questions after the defense tried to do some damage control after his cross-examination. abc's ryan owens is in phoenix, arizona, this morning with the latest. good morning to you, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, josh. arizona is one of only three states that allows jury members to actually ask questions of the witness. we understand they have a whole lot, some 70 questions for the good doctor who has been on the stand all week. >> nothing but the truth, so help you god. >> i do. >> reporter: dr. richard samuels is pivotal to jodi arias' defense. the psychologist who made $250 an hour evaluating the 32-year-old admitted killer diagnosed her with ptsd. he says the stress of shooting and repeatedly stabbing her ex-boyfriend, travis alexander, caused her to forget committing the crime. >> right, made it up right now. speculated. >> nope. clinical judgment, sir. >> reporter: he's had a tough few days on the stand. he was even forced to acknowledge arias lied to him during the ptsd test. back then she said she was so traumatized because she had to watch helplessly as masked intruders killed alexander. she later admitted she did it but claims it was in self-defense. >> perhaps i should have readministered that test. >> reporter: the defense team did their best wednesday to rehabilitate their expert witness by arguing arias' lies do not invalidate the test. >> the fact that she's talking about intruders, does that change her score in any way? no. >> reporter: he's trying to convince the jury she lived through a traumatic event, just not the one she told him about when she was diagnosed. plus, he claims, it's not like jodi arias who repeatedly lied to everyone for years about the crime could fool his test. >> it requires an advance degree to truly understand how these tests are formulated. so while it is possible, it's highly improbable that someone could feign the results. >> reporter: full disclosure here, we were supposed to get to jury questions yesterday for dr. samuels, but a member of the general public who had shown up to watch this trial threw up all over the courtroom floor. at that point the judge decided it was probably a good idea to adjourn early for the day, josh, if the content of this trial is making you sick, it's fair to say you're not alone. >> it gets more bizarre by the day there. thank you, ryan. >> that, it does. it has been a big week for tiger woods. publicly opening up about hi happy turn in his personal life confirming he is indeed dating champion skier lindsey vonn and see the foet ees they released on their facebook pages and rob nelson has the story. this is different for tiger to be open. >> media shy, big move for him. smiling photos of liger made big news but beneath the surface the star golfer is actually taking a big swing at the downside of celebrity. tiger woods speaking out for the first time about why he decided to go public now with his new relationship. >> it's very simple. we're very happy. >> reporter: these are the perfectly posed photos that confirmed months of rumors, the superstar golfer and olympic champion skier lindsey vonn are, indeed, an item. the pair took to facebook this week to share the news and not just for publicity sake. >> we want to limit the stalkarazzi. >> reporter: the media shy woods took the high-profile step of announcing details of his love life on facebook wednesday. >> tiger is an incredibly private athlete. this is very uncharacteristic for tiger woods to take a private relationship and make it public. >> reporter: don't let the glossy smiles fool you. tiger knows full well he's undercutting paparazzi profits. >> we basically devalued the first photos and, unfortunately, that's just the way it is in our society right now and we felt like it was the best thing to do and, you know, very happy about it. >> reporter: it's the first time tiger has confirmed a relationship since his scandal-tainted divorce from elin nordegren in 2010 following revelations of multiple affairs and even forced woods into sex rehab. vonn, best known for her time on the slopes has raised eye brows in recent years for sexy poses. in 2010 she channeled sharon stone's "basic instinct" character for an espn magazine shoot and she was also featured in a "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition. tiger says coming clean about his latest relationship is a way of safeguarding his children from the prying eyes of the press. >> i've had situations where it's been very dangerous for my kids and the things, the extent they'll go to. >> reporter: with his personal life seemly all smiles these days, tiger can focus on what could be one of the biggest weeks of his career. >> for him to be coming back to the point where if he wins this week he could become number one in the world again is a big deal to tiger woods. >> and there is serious money at stake with these celebrity photos. some analysts believe the first photograph of tiger and lindsey together could have fetched up to half a million dollars here. that's what tiger wanted to stop someone's big payday. >> he got out ahead of it. >> he's in a very good place. >> controlling the message and could be number one in a few days. >> taking one status update at a time. turn now to powerball. its back in the news at least with the new giant jackpot that is now over $300 million. it would be the biggest payout thus far this year and it seems like there are more chances to win than ever before, at least we hope so. abc's john muller has the story. >> this is powerball. hey there. >> reporter: after all the anticipation and dreaming it came down to this -- >> next up 14, after that we've got lucky 13. >> reporter: last night's powerball was the 12th consecutive drawing with no winner. jackpot soaring to $320 million. this is the third jackpot in less than a year to exceed $250 million. last november two lucky ticket holders won the mother load of all lotteries, just over half a billion dollars. tickets were purchased at the lightning speed rate of over 100,000 per minute. >> that will be $20, thank you and good luck. >> reporter: why so many of these massive jackpots? >> we redesigned the game and with more money going into the game, the jackpot prize pool has doubled so more people are playing because it is growing higher. >> reporter: the ticket price doubled in january so even though fewer tickets are selling, the prices have increased about 30%. power ball is practically national currently in 32 states. your chances in winning, 1 in 175 million. so why play at all? >> they're back. >> thanks. >> for $2, inexpensive entertainment and they can buy a part of the dream and talk to their friends about it. >> with these monster jackpots becoming more common you wonder if we'll be snoring at $100 million, by the way, your odds of winning may be 1 in 175 million. odds of winning something, 1 in 32, $4 enough to get a cup of death wish coffee. there you go. >> 1 in 175 million for the real one. >> yeah. i'm in. i'll take it. >> saying there's a chance. >> it still works. any time you hear that number, oh, yeah, i could buy one of those tickets. >> someone has to win. >> i could win. i could win. we'll start with the sound of hail. sound up on the television, listen to this. this out of brookshire, texas, by the way. okay, it doesn't sound too bad when you listen to it in a short clip but six inches deep in some places, pea-size hail to ping-pong-size hail. half the town was without power. that's just west of houston. really, really damaged buildings. took siding off of houses. yeah, it's damaging stuff. today more thunderstorms. this is likely to be north texas into southern oklahoma today in this line and then as this crawled east, first arkansas you'll get snow then you'll get thunderstorms in about 24 hours after that so this is kind of a powerful little push of snow that becomes the big player that moves across the country and could be a snowmaker for the east coast by the first part of >> all that weather was brought to you by thomas' english muffins. more weather in the next half hour. >> here's to you, mrs. klum, the seductive commercial and why heidi klum is ripping off "the graduate" to get you to buy a burger. >> i'm in. >> come on back. ♪ if you please mrs. ♪music playing [ female announcer ] the best way to see europe is with royal caribbean. ♪ ♪ ♪ all this, and europe, only on royal caribbean. book by march 31st and get up to $400 to spend onboard. call 1-800-royal-caribbean today. call 1-800-royal-caribbean with a smartphone from straight talk wireless. she'll get the same nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if she notices. call bill. i think she does.she just saved $950 a year. enough for riding lessons. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. now i love gorton's new simply bake. the foil bags bake in your oven to lock in flavour so fish comes out simply perfect. ♪ trust the gorton's fisherman ♪ [ male announcer ] get special offers like this throughout the store at lowe's spring black friday event. and one very boss "play of and one very boss "play of i'm kind of eating a little bit of the burger and food and sauce is on my mouth. you're looking at behind the scenes footage of their latest commercial. >> have you ever been seduceed by a burger before. >> seduced by a burger? what does that mean? >> i think they're trying to tell tus that their burger is juicy and luscious and it's a sexual experience. >> she's joining the long line of women paid to flirt with a burger. kardashi kardashian, upton. >> the classic got a whole lot hotter. >> hilton. >> i love paris in the springtime. >> the paris one, so steamy it was banned in a few markets. >> a lot of guys are going to see it and think it's hot and other people won't want their kids to watch that channel. >> this time it's a burgry take on the movie, the graduate. >> it's just as much sex as they can fit into a 30-second spot. this time it makes it more interesting that they actually have a point of reference. >> i shove the burger in his mouth in a sexy way. >> do i want a burger? i have no idea what to make of it all. >> abc los angeles. >> carl's jr. says the burger is, quote, for mature taste buds only. >> are you in? >> i'm in. >> coming up deals and steals for spring just for our gma viewers. >> and one very boss play of the listen up. every year hundreds of promising cancer studies go unfunded. let's make sure that no research is silenced. let's make noise. and let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. and there's juicy chicken best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best right then, here's the "play of the day." >> so many questions, america. just so many. yeah, so little time. look, music stars have been stepping up lately. billy joel, of course, pulled a fan up on stage with him. we saw pink. look at what the boss did in australia. brisbane, australia, pulls an 11-year-old up on stage. not only does he get to sing, he then got to do, well, this and i know angie over there, you're jealous. the signature move. the boss slide. yeah. it may be all downhill from here, kid. but what a ride. here, kid. but what a ride. live here next, go nowhere. ♪ >> that's amazing. >> that's cool. yeah, that sounds good. oh my gosh no, no don't look at me don't you look at me there's only one place to get more jt. ♪ ♪me and you... ghirardelli squares chocolate... ♪a little rendezvous savor our luscious filling combined with our slow melting chocolate. ♪that little reward for all the things you do.♪ only from ghirardelli. okay why? more is better than less because if stuff is not le-- if there is more less stuff then you might want to have some more and your parents just don't let you because there's only a little bit. right. we want more, we want more. like you really like it, you want more. right. i follow you. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. more is better. and at&t has the nation's largest 4g network. ♪ so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. parebut not on your face. juvéderm® xc is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. ♪ ♪ with two cats in the yard, ♪ life used to be so hard. ♪ now everything is easy 'cause of you, ♪ ♪ and our la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la. nature's true celebrities aren't always the most obvious. it's more than being glamorous, or tall. it's not all about who sparkles the most. or who is the best dressed. what nature really cares about is what you have to offer. like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. >> this is abc7 news. san mateo police officers will be at the high school after someone posted threats against a school. a student saw a rambling threat against the school for today. police will not specify what that threat was. our meteorologist, mike nicco, and the bay area forecast. has the bay area forecast. breezy at times and close to average, in the mid-50's along the coast and we will be in the low-to-mid 60's around the bay and mid-to-upper 60's inland and breezy tomorrow and warmer and mild through the weekend. sue? >> new accident in sunnyvale right shoulder, southbound i would we at ellis with emergency crewed headed to the scene, santa cruz mountains we had an early accident before the red wood estates that has been cleared but the backup remains to ♪ love the crowd. always here with us in times square. great crowd. >> great. >> george, as you know is off taking a little time off. have josh here, a little josh, paula faris and lara and audience members getting the ultimate makeover with the one and only fergie. >> there she is. >> oh! >> there she is. >> wow! >> hey. >> i love it. hello, hello. great to have her here. she'll be sitting down, first interview since she announced and, by the way, she's pregnant. >> makeovers among other things. >> so happy to have her here. >> the women in the chair are like, great she's here but i still got to get my makeup. >> congratulations to you, by the way. that's great. >> thank you. >> all right, also coming up, the woman who dropped almost 200 pounds thinking it would make everything bitter and why she now says that she was actually much happier before she lost the weight. interesting story and also an announcement that's got a lot of ladies buzzing. is ryan gosling really taking a break from hollywood? we'll tell you coming up in pop news. >> he's been working so hard. you might not be able to step outside into the warmth for spring but tory johnson is bringing it inside. your ability to shop does not stop. we'll keep, keep, keep going with the deals and steals, by the way, all kinds of stuff from jewelry to totes. all of it half off. just one thing tory couldn't fit in the boxes i think she's going to tell us -- oh, wow. >> that's a big -- >> it is a peep show. everyone saying it's a peep show. >> look at that special coffee or something. >> how much is that one, tory? >> you'll have to wait and see. 8:20. >> she loves a tease. right to paula faris and top, developing stories. >> yes, going to bring a little too close for comfort for the commander in chief. new strike at peace in the middle east as president obama visits that region, several rockets fired from the gaza strip into southern israel. they landed about 40 miles from where he was at at the time and met with palestinian leaders saying a two-state peace deal is possible between israel and the palestinians, but he admitted it will be difficult. he has not pushed any new plans to relaunch peace talks. he will speak later to israeli college students. and back here at home, white house advisers are warning about so-called intelligence blind spots. they say spy agencies haven't been paying enough attention to potential threats because they've been too focused on the war in afghanistan and on drone strikes. in colorado police have yet to name a suspect in the cold-blooded killing of the state's top prison official. tom clements was murdered on the doorstep of his home after answering the doorbell. he worked with criminals for more than 30 years. police trying to determine if revenge was, indeed, the motive. and a follow-up now to a case that has come to symbolize political greed. five former city council members in tiny bell, california, have now been convicted of stealing taxpayer money to give themselves six-figure salaries even though they worked only part time and the city was nearly bankrupt. the mayor, yeah, who still faces trial with making $800,000 double what the president makes. and a major milestone for youtube. more than 1 billion people are now visiting the video website every month. that's a whole lot of cat videos. it took eight years to reach that number. the growth of smartphones certainly helping the cause and finally, he's got big muscles and he certainly knows how to use them. form he pro wrestler christmas territories astonished everyone the other day, get this, a fire breaks out in his pore's home in los angeles. with his mom trapped inside, tmz reports he ran to a tree in the yard, rips it out of the ground with his bare hands, roots and all, uses it as a battering ram to break through the window and re rescue his mother. mama trained him right. >> look at him. >> a large tree. >> his adrenaline is flowing and everything like that. >> good for you, chris. >> bravo. >> terrific. >> thank you, paula. i don't know why. >> i don't know why either. >> wait. that's not till the end. that's the finale of "pop news." there are snacks in "pop news." let's get started and begin with ryan gosling, one of hollywood's hottest leading men, but he's already thinking aboutle cooing things off. gosling is taking a break from acting for awhile to help put his work back into perspective, he says. in a new interview with the ap he says "i need a break from myself as much as i imagine the audience does" and, ryan, we don't. if you need one, that's fine but we don't need one from you. anyway, he will be -- he has two s coming out we can see and enjoy him in and a direct electoral debut before he takes said break. those will come out this spring and the film he's directing is called "how to catch a monster" coming out in 2014. never too early to get on matthew mcconway's bandwagon. >> might be a little early. this could be too early. >> first in line. >> i want him to know that i'm a true supporter. the magic mike star is promoting his upcoming movie "mud" with a interview in "details" magazine. and his wife challenges him including doing two movies back-to-back last year, very rigorous and plouffes his family from movie to movie. he got into the movie by pitching a tent in mississippi while he memorized the script and it has a lot of buzz and not just coming from right here. >> uh-huh, right, yeah. but most of it -- most here, yes. >> also reese witherspoon in the film. really honestly it is. >> sure. >> other -- and many other -- and others. matthew mcconaughey and others. >> life imitates arts for two on "mad men." the actor who plays pete campbell is engaged now. she has an affair with pete while they fell in love in real life. they live on opposite coasts but make it work by making sure they see each other at least every ten days and we wish you both congratulations. >> "mad men" almost back. not a day too soon. >> late nights. you know they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you're eating -- >> two spoons. >> sexcereal and we say and how, it comes in a his and her version with specific ingredients that reportedly enhance desire. >> wait. are you playing barry white? >> i'm playing marvin gaye. let's get it on, baby. among the ingredients, bee pollen known to increase sex drive and black sesame which promotes relaxation and strength. for her there are sunflower seeds, vitamin e, the sex vitamin and ginger called nature's aphrodisiac. the time line for the cereal is fuel your fire. the creator said when he thought of sexcereal he said it was like the big bang. >> all right. i'm officially uncomfortable now. okay. all right. just now. >> coffee and sexcereal. >> wow. between coffee and -- >> you will literally implode on the set if you have this cereal and -- >> you will spontaneously combust. ♪ what's going on >> marvin gaye. ♪ >> you could go in worse ways, one could argue. that's "pop news." are you thinking about weather or are you busy? >> are you thinking about one or two things, sam? ♪ >> yeah -- >> i think we should keep the song through weather. this is really work today. let's get a little weather. we'll show you some pictures out of ferry beach, maine. >> none of that. >> this is not helping. ferry beach weather. there's nothing sexy about that. this is where -- if you saw a little snow on your drive up 95 today, yes, actually you did. that low is spinning just a very narrow band. where you get hit with it going from flurries to a 1 to 3 little coating but not everyone will see it. lake-effect there, as well. here's where the warm temperatures are. >> break it on down. break it on down. >> break it on. warm. >> bring it home. >> yeah, lots of sunshine, san antonio at 80 degrees. >> i don't know. i just enjoy this more than anything. >> i think it's the cereal talking now. >> what's ahead on "the morning menu." >> thank you for asking. coming up on our "gma" morning menu, we have the woman who lost nearly 200 pounds and why she says that being thinner doesn't meaning being happy. >> interesting story. >> yeah. >> i think so. also, spring deals and steals just for you, our "gma" viewers, you saw the giant peep. that's coming up and also, oh, yeah, fergie is here live. it's her first interview since revealing she is pregnant. and she's making over our audience. coming up live on "gma." >> "gma's morning menu" brought to you by cough-mate. morning bliss. add your flavor naturally. when allergy congestion hits i rely on the speed and power of claritin-d. it starts working in just 30 minutes. nothing relieves nasal congestion faster or stronger. to get claritin-d, blow past the shelves and go straight to the pharmacy counter. ♪music playing are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty. okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. nowour new formula withfrom paladvanced color complex gradually builds natural looking color... that's now odor free. all new, jergens natural glow moisturizers. itstronger so it holds up bebetter, kind of angel soft®. it's now built with two softshield™ layers. when wet, new angel soft® is one, two, three times stronger than the leading value brand. well done, angels! stronger, holds up better... all wrapped up in a value you love. new angel soft®. now stronger than ever. ♪ we need more loving ♪ we need more money ♪ they say ♪ stop and smell the flowers ♪ and lose it ♪ and dance with me all together now! ♪ hey, baby, when i'm lookin' at you ♪ ♪ i know this fact is true ♪ there's beauty in the world ♪ hey, baby, when i'm lookin' at you ♪ ♪ there's beauty in the world ♪ [ clapping ] ♪ well, as long as they have a suit and tie and a few coats, it's chilly. not though, in here. the hot makeovers continue. fergie is discussing her beauty line and other things. mom-to-be in moments but first we have lots to get to here on "the heat index." to join us jess cagle. >> hi, everybody. nice to be here. >> tremendous job on the oscars. >> thank you very much and lara spencer. you know what, you guys do this and it's hard. >> i think it is. >> you made it look so easy. >> i don't think it is. >> you have so much information about the business which is why you're here for our "heat index." >> i look short next to actresses in heels. >> let's start with justin timberlake and comeback, 2020 experience. this thing will sell 750,000 copies in its first week alone. he is back. he's got another one coming. >> yeah, he's just a real singular performer. he took six years off from -- >> i was going to say, that's a lot. >> really long time and then comes back just as relevant as ever and i think that one of the reasons is he's been so smart about doing "saturday night live" and maximizing his completic talent to become such an appealing performer that while people do love his music, for a lot of people just having him out and about in pop culture is the most fun because he's just such an appealing persona. >> yeah, he can do a lot of different things. naomi watts telling "good health" magazine, "all the women who haven't done anything to their faces are still able to play great roles and some of the ones who have done something and messed it up look freakish. i was watching something the other night, i'm not going to say what, an actress who could not give me the pained look for what looked like the work she'd had done". >> what she's saying is very smart and an evolution going on in hollywood with actresses. there are so many producers who will tell you if they're looking for a name brand actress in her 50s and 60s, it's -- to play a real character, somebody without a lot of money, without a lot of money to spend on plastic surgery it's actually tough to find them because you can tell they've all had work done, way too many of them. so i think if you're really serious actress and want to age into those roles, you need to look 60 years old. now i also believe that by the time any actor or actress is 60, they have had something done. >> probably. >> now they've just had not too much done or did it the right way. >> and there is the too much thing. i'm ready to go. i mean i'm ready right now. any point, cut this up and tie it up. but i don't need to register surprise or fear or anything. >> weather naturally on the show. >> i want to turn to reality show, specifically one near and dear to our heart. new season of "dancing with the stars." >> are you guys going 0 cover that at all? >> oh, yeah. >> no, not at all. >> possibly. >> what do you make of the new year? >> i love it. i do. i think it's got some really appealing people but also people i love to hate. right? >> are you naming names. sean lowe. i don't know why. i just don't like sean lowe. i know he's the golan boy of abc but he actually said he doesn't like to talk about his private life. sean, really and nobody slapped him. really, you don't like to talk -- you're a very private person, sean lowe. >> yeah. >> i love that. so i'm going to watch that then i love this kid that's gleb flirting danger oou dangerously vanderpump. she will make love to you but then she will kill you like a praying mantis. >> unfortunately, we have to go. >> oh. >> come back every day. >> jacoby -- >> lay, everybody, jess cagle. >> good to have you. thank you, jest. >> love you, jess. coming up in the "gma heat index" a lot determined to lose extra pounds often thinking it's the answer to solving their problems, but after dropping close to 200 pounds, one utah woman says it wasn't the case at all and that she was still miserable when she looked in the mirror. abc's abbie boudreau has her story. ♪ >> reporter: at 308 pounds, jen larson dreamed about getting skinny. >> i fantasized about it, yeah. it's the fairy tale of weight loss. you lose the weight and you're beautiful and you're happy. >> reporter: in her pursuit of happiness, she lost a staggering 180 pounds. larson says she's battled weight problems since childhood and tried just about every diet but when nothing worked, she turned to bariatric surgery. >> i saw the before and after photos and i leapt into it. i had tunnel vision. all i could see was this idea of me being thin. >> reporter: that's exactly what happened. did you find yourself becoming more obsessed with your weight when you were thin? >> absolutely. you know, being thin didn't make me happy. i'm still looking in the mirror and still hating what i see and how is this even possible? >> reporter: dr. bethany marshall says many people believe losing weight will solve their problems. >> obese people live with the fairy tale or the illusion if they lost the weight their lives would be better. but what happens is when they lose the buffer, they feel that people are scrutinizing them. >> reporter: in her new book "stranger here" larson says she was finally forced to face her real issues. >> i had to deal with my real psychological struggles. >> reporter: you have depression? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: larsen says she doesn't regret having the surgery and hopes others will look beyond their body size to find true happiness. >> i want to not have my goal be a size and a number. i want my goal to be able to be strong and to run a marathon and to be comfortable in my skin. >> reporter: are you happy now? >> i am. i'm pretty happy. >> reporter: for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, salt lake city, utah. >> all right, our thanks to abbie boudreau. let's go over to yam and josh now. >> if you're like us and i think you are, you can't wait for this. deals and steals time. we're going to, well, tory has found a way to warm into spring with all these things. >> somebody has to. >> yeah, no help from -- >> oh. >> you know who. >> wow, wow. mother nature. >> you just said the nicest things to me and now i'm complaining. >> well, you work that out. >> i want to remind everybody, log on and get these deals now because they're only as supplies last. go to the website. promo code links because this stuff is officially going in three, two -- >> boom. >> one. >> yeah. >> okay. amelia rose, it's okay, it's okay. three, two, one. emile. >> amelia rose, among our favorite earrings here. lara and i both love these. the first time ever on "good morning america." these are their large rondo cabo gemstones. variety of colors. so normally $79. slashed in half. 39 bucks. >> thank you. that's terrific. >> very good. >> especially good because i have now bought all of them is it exactly. >> i'll take care of this from now on, josh. >> thursday, friday, an amazing company that has fabulous totes. you can choose a canvas tote that's either the black background or the light beige, little packs like this for cosmetic, lots of other assortment once you go to our website as well. not just these patterns but still perfect for spring. normally depend on what you choose they range from $35 to $90 slashed in half, just $17.50. >> big for spring, why not. if it's not warm where you are, this will make it look like it is. oh. >> you are an expert. very very, very creative. had assortment just for "good morning america" viewers. a dozen chocolate covered oreos. >> which one has -- i'll take the bunny. >> okay. so you get an assortment of six bunnies and little -- >> this just in, chocolate covercover ed oreo is delicious. >> normally $35, this also slashed in half, $17.50. really nice easter gift. wrap it -- >> in heels. look at you. >> okay, look at this. >> oh. >> so we've taken the liberty of opening all the chocolate for you here, but this basket you can embroider the name and also boy colors and not just for girl, up to ten characters personalized plus an all of the easter classic candy -- >> what you're actually saying is here's a boy -- the easter bunny brought these to you for a special deal and steal. >> very special. >> the easter bunny. >> came -- >> already got in touch with tory and that's where these came from. >> you got it. yes. >> a preview. from the easter bunny. do you understand? >> wait till you hear how good the easter bunny did on the pricing. normally the basket is $25 slashed in half, $12.50. >> wow, including that personalization. >> the easter bunny is ee sen sensually giving it away. >> what is the big brand synonymous with easter. the peep. the peep. so here we are, looking for a little baby. oh. chillin' with my peeps. they have it in all -- >> aren't you really sad she's not this size anymore? >> don't worry. >> i'll jam her in -- >> look at what this says, though. this is really sweet too. >> daddy, i don't think this fits. >> inside we're all the same. >> the hats too. >> these are huge. i need you to pull these out. seriously -- >> here! >> wow! >> if there is anything cuter than a giant squeezable blue bunny, please find it for me. >> might be a squeezable yellow peep. >> easy here. >> that's like so regularly peeps have a huge assortment ranging from 15 to $150 slashed in half starting at just $7.50. live exclusive deals. >> you should log on. go to on yahoo! to get all the codes and links to the bargains. >> now, from abc7 news. >> good morning, golden gate bridge officials are holding a hearing this morning to determine the max speed limit at the toll plaza. they want to increase the max speed through specified toll lanes from the current 15 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour. they say that it would help maximize safety and efficient use of the bridge's new toll taking technology when it goes to all electronic tolls next wednesday. we going to keep reminding you, as will sue. >> good morning, we have another toll plaza to look at, the bay bridge, where it is not moving at all, bumper to bumper, with an early accident on the incline with things continued to the macarthur maze. southbound 101 at mouth san pedro, reports of an accident with traffic picking up off on the shoulder. we have very slow traffic in san jose and it is 17 in the northbound direction because of an early accident. >> seeing sunshine out there and we will talk >> mostly unmy and ♪ i've got a feeling that tonight's ♪ >> i know. i just love the song, ang. i got a feeling today's going to be a good day too because, look at her. fergie is here. bringing the glam to times square. those women with her have been getting makeovers all morning long. >> yes. >> with her new cosmetic line. in a few moments she'll be reveal it. her first interview she's given since -- >> that's right. we'll talk to her about being pregnant. hi. we're so excited for her. and so excited to sit down. >> glowing and glamorous. >> also the secrets that all of us need to know about shopping for shoes, what your salesmen and women aren't telling you. very important information for all you guys out there. josh, sam. ♪ i want to put on my boogie shoes." >> yes, please, don't hide anything in our shoes. i do have something to tell you. how about time almost for pasta palooza. make this day better. gail simmons is here with mouthwatering ways to put a new spin on your pasta dish. oh, yeah, we might have to eat all that. >> from the peeps to the pasta. >> we had oreos too. >> what a great day. and a great moment right now because it's been a terrific year for fergie. we're so happy to celebrate with her. she and the black eyed peas may be taking a break but she's not slowing down here with her first interview since announcing her pregnancy and launching her own makeup line. the center stage collection as global beauty ambassador for wet n wild cosmetics overseeing makeovers all morning long in our studio. in just a moment we'll see some of her signature looks but a look inside fergie's world right now ♪ i owe it all to you you you >> reporter: she's a vocal powerhouse, a global icon and in a word fergalicious. ♪ fergalicious make those boys go loco." >> reporter: stacy ann better known as fergie is a phenomenon winning eight grammys and selling 50 million albums worldwide. by her own definition she is simply glamorous. ♪ glamorous >> reporter: she gained worldwide fame with the black eyed peas spawning hits. ♪ i got that boom boom boom ♪ imma be on the -- >> reporter: then "the duchess." seems generating hits is something she can't help doing. ♪ the girls can't help it >> reporter: she has dominated the world of fashion for years with fergie footwear. her award winning fragrance outspoken and more recently her own wet n wild cosmetic line and now after years of success the song tress, wife, entrepreneur and fashion guru can now add mom to the list. >> right here, please. >> and we're so excited to have fergie with us right now in the studio. welco welcome, girlfriend. congratulations. >> thank you. >> that cute husband of yours, how is he? >> he's great. getting ready for the kids' choice awards he's hosting. >> very exciting. >> i'm sure this was just such a blessing. i know that you guys have talked about it for a long time and babies are something that you both wanted. so -- >> definitely. >> when you found out tell me about that moment. >> we're thrilled. i know that my husband told everybody what i said, my quote wasn't one that -- >> that was real? >> yeah, this blank -- this just got real. when that occurs, yeah, there's going to be a human being growing inside of you, it's reality. >> it's a big responsibility. >> it is and it's amazing. we're thrilled and so excited. i have no idea what i'm doing. no idea. >> do you have a nesting bug? >> i'm still late and, you know what, i'm just going to play it by ear and see how things go and let the natural instincts kick in. >> and they will. trust me. i'm glad your natural instinct for glamour is still with you. comfy pregnancy shoes. >> yeah, only for you guys. >> i love it but you're feeling well. any morning sickness. >> yeah, i had a little bit in the beginning but very little. very little. i've been doing acupuncture which really helps with the side effects. yeah, chinese herbs. >> lots of water. >> whoo! >> well, continued health and happy. keep us posted. i want to talk to you about music. tell me what's going on in the world of fergs. >> i'm just writing. you know, just quietly being inspired at home on my balcony, wherever it hits me, just writing things down. >> do you find what you're writing is different because your life is going into a different place? >> it always is so spastic, my writing. i can have one thought and it is so weird and have nothing to do with anything going on in my life. it's really -- it depends. >> like a whole new take on lady lumps. >> yeah, exactly, exactly. lovely baby bump. >> i love that. >> maybe we're on to something here. also in the world of creating brands you've got the slew brand. you've also got this line for wet n wild. how did this come to be? >> yes, center stage collection. >> i loved wet n wild. >> the founder of wet n wild is actually from hacienda heights so big up to hh. and it was such a weird coincidence. i bought wet n wild my entire life. >> me too. >> oh, nice. you were what, mild girl. so many people i meet are telling me, i bought wet n wild when i grew up. for me it was ply mom, it was affordable and they had all of the colors, always at all of the assortment and one i was allowed to get. >> young girl you could try. i want to play with you right now. kind enough to go to our audience and ask you quickly about a wonderful thing you're doing with the proceeds. can you share with us? >> we are doing, yes, we are doing this with vi pink. >> is that what you're wearing? >> it is. it is. >> it's a blue tone -- >> yeah, what we're doing is a portion of the proceeds are going to amfar so we're thrilled about this. we've been pushing for this and so excited because it's a cause so near and dear to me so if you're doing a good cause if you buy pi pink, everybody. >> vi pink. >> proceeds go to amfar. >> tell me about the first luck. this is -- do we turn it down? no? so there's the before. and this is pop of color. this pop of color. >> yes, this trend -- >> and here she is. >> here she is. >> whoo! >> yes. look out. >> we're usie ining maldives sk quintet. i do highlighter, glitter and matte. it's on. a beautiful combination of blues and purples. >> ooh. it's too scary. >> no, give us -- >> it's all about trends for spring and pops of color. don't be afraid to mix the blues and purples. all about your statement and she's got vi pink on as we speak. it's a nice statement color but not too bold where you can't have fun on the eyes. >> you look gorgeous. >> let's look at the before shot and we turned this look into the eyes have it. so there's the before and now the eyes have it. >> whoo! >> yes. >> so fergie, how did you do this? >> this is little black dress. my eyeliner. liquid eyeliner which is waterproof and tested it out on the treadmill. this is the cat eye look which is something that i've always been into. you can wear it day or night. flattering look for the eyes inspired by sophia loren. >> that's one of your beauty icons. >> very sexy. i love it. love it. how do you feel? >> i love it. >> yeah, you look hot. you look great. >> we do this really great anginged brush so you don't have to be an artiste to do it. it's got a little help for you. >> want to do one last look, ferg. this is the before shot before the date night look and, wow, you are ready. >> yes. >> from day to date night. whoo! >> yes. oh, look at that red -- >> i love the lips. >> very nice. we always love a good pop of red. this is their megalast wet n wild and this is read my mind. really good color on you. very chic. bold red lip but you don't have to go crazy on the eyes when you do a red lip because you want the lips do the talking. >> everybody, say thank you to fergie for coming in. >> whoo! >> wet n wild, don't forget about vi pink and -- >> vi pink. support amfar. >> and support yourself. congratulations. >> yeah, thanks. go, baby. >> whoo. >> a check on the weather. thank you very much for coming by. >> thanks, lara. >> there is nothing like a crowd to keep you warm. where you guys from gentleman. >> i'm from nashville, tennessee. >> california. >> nashville, tennessee. >> nashville, tennessee. san francisco. >> maryland. >> maryland. a little bit -- i think we got everybody here this morning. let's get to the boards. here's one or two things we want to share with you as you step outside your doors. our twitter and facebook pictures. new hampshire, a little bit of snow. that's been more than a little and keeps coming, arizona, the flowers out and kind of a nice thing, makes us all feel like there's spring someplace even though not where we're standing right now and not likely into the northwest either now that the cold air and little bit of heavy snow moving into the northwest. rain and snow showers in the seattle area. look at this line of snow that goes from jackson all the way to memphis. now, even into branson you'll start with snow but end up with thunderstorms, we think, 24 hours after you get that line of snow and then that snow forms little storm system that heads east. >> i just want to make sure, everybody, if you're out in times square, i want to make sure you get your face on tv. all that weather was brought to you by chewbani. coming up, the seeks you need to know before the next time you go shopping for shoes. g to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. whoo! you walk with friends, you meet new friends, and you keep those friendships. it was such a beautiful experience. (woman) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ undeniable (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because everyone deserves a lifetime. visit to register or to request more information today. ♪ burning like a fire ♪ building up from deep inside it was 3 days of pure joy. susan g. komen's investments in early detection and treatment have helped reduce breast cancer mortality in the u.s. by 33% since 1990. help us continue serving the millions of women and men with breast cancer who still need us every day. register for the 3-day now. (woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful "gma" and emeril are at it again kicking off mother's day in a big way with emeril's breakfast in bed contest. >> how good is that? what mom wouldn't want breakfast in bed served up by emeril lagasse si. >> go to at yahoo! >> presented by thomas' english muffins. seeks to shoe shopping. we teamed up with "reader's digest" to uncover the 13 things that your salesman isn't telling you and becky worley has all those tips. >> reporter: whether shoes are your passion or just another item on your shopping list getting a good deal and a comfy fit are critical. so put up your dogs and let me give you some secrets to get a great pair of kicks. first, don't shoe shop in the morning. throughout the day your feet swell. so go after 2:00 p.m. when your feet are more realistically, well, plump. next, while leather shoes will stretch a little, synthetic materials won't. and while you can use pads and inserts to make a shoe a little tighter, the rule of thumb or pointer finger is a finger in the front is usually perfect but if you can get a finger in the heel while standing, the shoes are too big. now for running shoes, byos. bring your own socks. you want to try athletic shoes on with the exact thickness of sock that you prefer. plus, i've never seen a shoe store that has a washing machine in it so you don't know the last time these things got a wash. now, let's talk deals. if you see a pair of shoes online for a great price but want to try them at your local store, print out the deal or show it to the shoe salesman on your smartphone. many shoe stores will price match or at least offer a discount. i tried it when i bought this pair and i got half off. plus, some other benefits. supporting a local merchant and immediate gratification. now you know this but a timely reminder is good. buy seasonal shoes toward the end of that season. so if you want a great deal on boots now is the time. >> thanks. >> so if the shoe fits, wear it. now i'm off. for "good morning america," becky worley, abc news, oakland, california. >> and for more on this we are joined by editor in chief of "reader's digest" liz vac re vaccariel vaccariello. how do we make sure the shoe fits. >> if there is a shoe salesperson willing and able to measure your foot, take them up on it because there's more to measuring than you think. it's not just the length but the width to get the right fit. >> something that all of you guys out there should know. if you're a guy, shop alone. why is that? >> researchers actually studied this stuff and found that the men go to a mall or a store with a companion, they're 56% more likely to buy something and they think it's because they like to show their knowledge and purchasing power off. >> so, josh and sam, i hope you were listening to that one so shoe retailers use pricing tricks. what are they and what should we look out for. >> don't be misled by what they call charm pricing, the 95 or 99 cents at the end of a dollar. that's just a subtle trick to make you think you're getting a bargain when in reality 5.99 is closer to $6 than $5. >> so there's some things we as shoppers do to irritate the salesmen. >> okay, well, first of all, they ask us if you're not a sample size don't try to smash your foot into the sample shoe because you just leave the poor, beautiful shoe stretched out for them. >> okay, druzella. >> yeah and a few people kindly said if you need or have food powder, they wouldn't mind if you used it. >> that's always a good call. all right, liz vaccariello, the editor in chief of "reader's digest" and "reader's digest" is on print and digital newsstands. pasta palooza. cooking, you can use any of these you like. i. >> i mean it's time to get delicious. we are back mouthwatering ways to add twists to favorite pastas. dishes, to do so we have, sam. >> we have gail simmons, special project director of "food and wine" magazine here to tell us three different pasta topping recipes. >> we have it out of the way. >> i appreciate that. >> okay. so these are three great pasta toppers, super easy, mix and match with any. parliament crumble. favorite thing to make at home. >> it looks fantastic. >> look how beautiful. >> look how i make it. i have three ounces of parmesan i'll dump into a skillet. an ovenproof skillet, tablespoon of thyme. >> incredible. >> and a little bit of pepper and i'll toss it. take a spoon and mix it up evenly and then -- >> medium heat. >> medium, about 375 in your oven then you just want to make it look like a beautiful dip, really even and i'll put it right in the oven for eight minutes and look how it looks when it comes out. >> i had no idea these ovens work. >> they do. >> first to make the "gma" oven to work. >> unbelievable and it does. it looks gorgeous. >> gorgeous. >> it comes out looking just like this. i'll move over here. you can slide it r] fuzilli. a little olive oil, salt and pepper and then will you crumble those up for me. >> yes, yes, i will. >> want me to crumble it. >> wow. >> you do that very well, josh. >> first time. look at those things. >> i can't believe it. >> science project. >> and literally just crumble it right over and adds this toasted parmesan and fresh thyme flavor. that's it. >> that texture you can -- >> yes, i will taste this. >> oh, we have plates for you. >> can i -- >> no, i'm basis rye now. >> thank you, bail. >> i have two others equally as easy. i have chorizo, garlic and a little bit of panko bread crumbs that i put in a blender and toasted up. when you do it in a skillet they come out toasty with spaghetti. mix it right in. so easy. >> instead of covering it up with sauce. >> easy, fun and gives texture which is really great when you're eating pasta. >> yes, i will taste this. >> it's about the bass that. it's always about the pasta. >> it is. >> really simple. you can do a little butter sauce even or an alfredo sauce, whatever your favorite sauce is. >> butter here and sage, fried capers and chili flakes fry it in a skillet and sprinkle those on too. super fresh. >> owe sese. >> add a little saltiness. that's all you need. >> and this is a couple minutes. once your pasta is ready to go. >> you are -- >> yeah. i'll taste it. >> just for you. >> you got to understand. >> sam has had a year's worth of caffeine earlier this morning. >> that was something. >> wow. >> this is really helping, though. >> you know, a little bit of something in the base in the stomach. >> while sam works out the number of issues he's about to battle, these dishes you just saw. gail simmons, everybody. ♪ hey >> angel soft, all the softness you want, all the strength you need. >> sam has not stopped eating. thank you to gail simmons, thank you, gail. >> thanks for being here. >> that was phenomenal. find out tomorrow, grumpy cat. be here tomorrow. "gma live" right now. >> now, from abc7 news, good morning, i am kristen sze it has 50 years since alcatraz closed down. there is a special ceremony this morning. meteorologist, mike nicco, and the bay area forecast. >> it will be windy dead and some of us will have more windy, temperatures warmer than yesterday, and brisk long the coast, but mild through the weekend. >> we have first reports of an accident on 880 in the oakland area, multi-vehicles and first check it looks like all lanes are blocked. southbound 880 at 16th avenue in oakland so we will obviously follow that. westbound 237 afternoon no, eastbound 237, at north 1st an accident is clearing announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, mega movie star bruce willis. and oscar winner anne hathaway. plus, from "the voice" adam levine. all next on the emmy-award winning "live." [captioning made possible by isney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! cheers and applause] kelly: thank you darling, it is thursday, march 21, 2013. my gosh, that was abrupt. michael: hello everybody. yeah, you can say hello. hello! eah! how are you doing today? kelly: i'm great. i'm fascinated by what i've read in the news that there's a top secret fast food menu at various fast food chains that none of us know about, ok? so i want to clue you in. it is a secret, so don't tell anybody. [laughter] here we go, ok? in and out burger, taco bell, mcdonald's, panera bread have code words for certain items that are not on the menu. this is a secret, ok? there's a protein burger at in-and-out burger. it's not on the menu but they will serve you the burger, instead of the

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