with word of caters. a dress designer, even a hot line from kat eche middleton's family to the palace. good morning. we hope you all had a good weekend. you know, president obama had a packed weekend in india. we have pictures of him live right now arriving at india's parliament. he's going to give them something they wanted for a long time this morning, he's offering a permanent seat on the u.n. security council so they'll be with superpowers like the u.s., russia and china. that's the u.s. proposal this morning. it's also a reflection of india's power in the world, but it could create some trouble with pakistan, another nuclear power so crucial to us in the fight against the taliban and al qaeda. >> and the white house also said today, george, the president's next step is still indonesia. the deadly volcano erupting will not halt it. it's still on the schedule as of now. also this morning, hidden cameras on your kids' fast food meals. how many of those kids meals are healthier? and how much do fast food restaurants push the nutritious side orders? >> i won't want to see this. >> i don't think. we also have alarming new video. drivers caught on camera nodding off. we'll look at the new research on just how dangerous driving while tired can be for everyone on the road. but we're going to begin with the provocative proposal the president is making from india's parliament. jake tapper joins us from new delhi. >> reporter: good morning, george. president obama speaks before the indian parliament today and he'll call for india to be made a permanent member of the united nations security council. this is a huge move in international politics, and it is environment lently objected to by india's nemesis, pakistan. they wanted a permanent seat on the u.n. security council. >> we discussed this including the united nations to reflect the realities of the 21st century. >> reporter: there are five permanent members of the council, the u.s., russia, china france and the uk, but the united nations may consider reconstituting the security council and adding more. india's bid for a seat has been well known for years, but until today, the u.s. refrained from taking a position while others, including brazil, germany and japan have also campaigned for a spot. so why now? we ask the u.s. ambassador to india, tim roemer, in an interview to air tomorrow abcnews.com's "political punch." >> this is a decision the president's made because of strategic importance of india. because the president is fighting for jobs in america. because the president sees a more prosperous and peaceful asia. india is a cornerstone of that asian policy. >> reporter: india's nemesis and neighbor, pakistan, has long opposed india getting a permanent seat, calling it counterproductive, because it will upset the balance of power in the region. as he travels throughout the world's largest democracy, president obama has been emphasizing the american jobs that may be created because of indian investment in the u.s. mindful of the economic disapproval voters just registered at the polls. a topic the president addressed on "60 minutes." >> i do get discouraged. i mean there are times when you think, doggone it, you know, the job numbers aren't moving as fast as i want. >> reporter: there he addressed s they lacking he received in the midterm elections. >> i'll get knocked down a couple times, but whatever i'm going through, it's nothing like what families around the country are going through. >> reporter: now, george and robin, there were concerns that president obama may not be able to make the next stop to indonesia because of volcano ash preventing key personnel and security equipment from arriving in that country, but those concerns have been alleviated and the trip is a go. george and robin? >> and as you said, robin, that's a trip that's been canceled twice before, so the white house very relieved it will go forward this time. >> yes. but whether the president returns home, a major issue on his plate, what to do about extending the bush tax cuts. if congress does not act, everyone's taxes, as you know, will go up at the end of the year. senior political correspondent jonathan karl is at the capitol with more on this. jon, is there movement on this? >> reporter: there is, robin. this will be the lame duck congress that comes back next week. i'm told the democrats and republicans, especially the senate, are working on a compromise that will extend all the bush tax cuts. the interesting thing here, though, one group expected to object to this are the house republicans. they want the extension permanent, but, remember, this is a lame duck congress. they aren't in charge yet, not until january when the new congress is sworn in. >> let's talk a little bit more about the new leadership in the house. what are their other top priorities other than the tax cuts? >> they are working right now on an agenda for the new congress as soon as they come in. their top priorities will be tax cuts, permanent extensions, beyond that, spending cuts for up to $100 billion. and finally, repeal and replace health care. repealing the health care bill. and i'm told, robin, one thing under consideration is to have that vote possibly on the very first day that the new congress is sworn in. george? >> the first day? >> reporter: the first day. >> all right, thanks, jon. joining us now, robin, thank you, from washington, one of the new powerful members of the house, darrell issa, chairing the house oversight and reform committee. it's his job to investigate how the federal government is using your tax dollars and any possible wrongdoing in the administration. good morning, congressman. how are you today? >> george, i'm doing fine. it's a little daunting to say one of the most powerful but thank you for mentioning the investigations and the need to have accountability. >> you got to own it now. let's bring now with what jon karl was saying about house republicans resisting this on taxes. as you know, if no compromise is reached, everyone's taxes will go up january 1st. can you accept this new compromise that is now being floated about a two-year extension for the tax cuts for the wealthy, permanent for everyone else? >> no, i can't. tax certainty is important. and it's important for the investing class probably more than anybody else, and so when you look at small businesses and their need to make decisions about investment, you're looking at people who you want to probably invest today but for the next two years and eventually make more money. if anything, this is wrong-minded. in some ways, you should say, look, if you invest today, we'll let you get a better deal three, four, five years from now because that's how you create job us. hope thrill we'll come to a compromise that does allow people make decisions beyond just this tax year. >> let's move on to your responsibilities. you're going to have more investigative powers than just about anyone on capitol hill. like a prosecutor you can issue subpoenas for information, compel witnesses to appear and just before the election, you made a pretty serious charge on rush limbaugh's radio show saying that president obama has, quote, been one of the most corrupt presidents of modern times. what did you base that on, and how will you follow up on that now that you have the power to investigate? >> george, i want you to understand, one, it was the heat of the campaign. two, this is not intended to be that the president personally is corrupt. but the administration received $700 billion with the walking around money and the stimulus and used it just that way. a great deal was used for political payback. this has been a very loose administration, one in which, although some people have worked hard to try to account for where the money went, pretty much the money -- sorry about that -- the money went just about anywhere the president wanted it to. that's got to change. presidential earmarks are just as important to end as congressional earmarks which now have ended. there's no question, the republicans taking over the house, there will not be earmarks. that era is behind us. >> let me just press that. you no longer stand by the statement that the president is one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times? >> i think his administration has a lot of explaining where the $700 billion went. where investigations that should have gone on, particularly into a.c.o.r.n., an organization that he had mast influence with and should be willing to do a lot to end, i think those have to be dealt with. quite frankly, this was a statement made rightfully so about the corruptness in washington under his administration. >> well, wait. but you just said rightfully so. do you stand by the statement or not? >> i stand by the statement that this administration has failed to be accountable, failed to be transparent, failed to do what they said they were going to do that, but most importantly, you can't have money being spent for political purposes, rewarding the unions and the public employees on the taxpayer's back. understand, the problem we have in washington today is people think that a job in the government is somehow saving a job. it's not saving a job. it's saving government. it's not creating one real job in the private sector. that $700 billion is gone. we have to figure out, one, where it went and, two, keep it going to where it should go. the american people can't afford that. >> you have no way of knowing that $700 billion was dealt in an illegal manner? correct? >> corruption and illegality are very different. the joe sestak situation is certainly a matter of corruption. whether it's illegal or not, whether other administrations have done it before isn't the question. the american people don't think that government jobs and government positions should be used for political purpose. so it's certainly an example where i'm not going to worry about whether or not it was a crime. i'm going to worry about whether or not it will continue. the second half of the name is reform, not just oversight, not just investigation. we're about accountability and efficiency as much as we are about investigations. >> okay. we are out of time. you are no longer saying president obama's been one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times, correct? >> i'm certainly saying this administration is going to have to straighten up and fly right. it will be our job to make sure government money isn't wasted. i've never made that a personal statement. tried never to make that a personal statement about the president, so if that's backing up from it, i'm not saying the president is personally corrupt, but his administration has to change direction, particularly at the taxpayer's money. >> got it. thank you, congressman. >> all right, gentlemen, thank you. msnbc says keith olbermann will be back on the air tomorrow night. the anchor was suspended without pay friday for making campaign contributions for three democratic candidates for congress. his movement changes questions about the role cable news and others and whether they're abandoning the goal of impartial reporting. andrea canning joins us with much more. >> good morning to you, robin. an nbc executive says this issue is cut and dried. olbermann broke the rules when he gave money to candidates without first getting permission. here at abc there are similar restrictions, but some say the rules for an outspoken partisan like olbermann should be different. >> you are a fascist. get them to print you a t-shirt with fascist on it. >> reporter: for the moment keith olbermann may be suspended but he still has a voice. tweeting sunday, greetings from exile. a quick, overwhelmed, stunned thank you for support that feels like a global hug and obviously left me tweetless. xo. >> this advice, mr. bush, shut the hell up. >> reporter: nbc pulled olbermann off the air last week after it was revealed the popular host broke network policy by donating $2,400 each, the maximum allowed, to these three democratic candidates from kentucky and arizona. but sunday, msnbc's president had several case of deliberation and discussion i have determined that suspending keith through and include iing including monday night's program is a complete violation of our policy." >> they have to protect not simply keith olbermann's reputation and his bond with viewers. but they have to protect the reputation of the entire news division. >> reporter: fellow msnbc host joe scarborough has also made political contributions, one in 2006 and the other during this past election but nbc said he did not break any rules issuing this statement, "joe had prior approval for the '06 contribution. the 2010 contribution was from joe's wife." olbermann himself has criticized political contributions from other news corporations faking them to task when news corp gave $1 million to the republican association earlier this year. >> thanks, andrea, for looking into that. new juju chang has the morning's other major news for us. which camera? i'm going this way. >> good morning, robin and george and andrea. good morning, everyone. this morning, health officials in haiti are bracing for a potentially drastic new outbreak of cholera. the epidemic has already claimed at least 500 lives, and and matt gutman joins us from port-au-prince with new information on just how serious this could get. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, juju. we're hearing of an explosion of cholera in this country. it's marching down the countryside towards the capital. over the past couple of days we've heard of thousands of new cases. clinics are simply overwhelmed. there's not enough medical equipment there to treat all of them. people are spilling out into the hallways. scariest yet, we're hearing that this illness is getting into the city itself, into the slums where there's no sanitation. people are very susceptible to this virus. we don't have exact numbers on it, but we hear that there's an estimated 20,000 cases nationwide. we do know, juju, that cholera is now endemic in this country and will be here for years to come. >> and a waterborne risk. thanks for that update from port-au-prince. defense secretary robert gates says force is not the only way to stop iran from building a nuclear bomb. in australia today, gates said he disagrees with israel's prime minister who said over the weekend that a military threat is the only option. gates says economic sanctions against iran are working. and a new clue this morning as to what may have caused a jumbo jet's engine to catch fire and break apart last week. over indonesia. quantas airways now says it's found oil leaking in three airbus a3 0s. it's grounded its fleet for another three days to finish investigating. if you plan on flying home for the holidays, you better set aside more cash. a report out this morning finds domestic airfares around thanksgiving and christmas are 17% higher. fares for some routes are nearly 60% higher, thanks to more travelers and fewer seats. and now what was probably the most inspirational finish of sunday's new york marathon, chilean miner edison pena displaying all the grit and determination that kept him going for 69 days underground. pena ignored chronic knee pain. when he couldn't run, he walked. when he couldn't walk, he hobbled. finally he crossed the finish line beating his six-hour goal by 20 minutes. that's the news at 7:16. >> i think he was worn out from all the high-fives. everyone was coming up to him. >> they actually had to strap ice packs to his knees because they were swelling so much. >> he looked okay coming this there. >> bless his heart. all right, juju, thank you. we welcome back sam champion. good morning, sam. good morning, everyone. we're going to start with this sneaky ice and snow that moved into new england. some of us may have been sleeping as some of that snow hit the ground but wcvb in boston does not ever sleep. they had those pictures ready for us. here's what's going on. a "gma" storm site will show it is a spiraling level of snow. there are little pockets of snow, the white and purple, the ice that's moving through connecticut, new york state, all over long island. the idea, that stays around for a while today. and the wind even will slow down your air travel. deep cold went to atlanta. tallahassee is at 31. columbia, south carolina, 32. look at new orleans, 32 degrees. a quick look at that storm system that left that heavy rain in san francisco moves into rockies with some big mountain snow today. >> in the next half hour, the great weather in places like chicago, oklahoma city. robin? >> look forward to that. thank you, sam how well is the effort to improve fast food and offer healthier alternatives for kids really working? a new study by yale university is raising that very question. it says that while healthy options are available, restaurant servers rarely mention them to parents. dan harris, he went undercover for a closer look. >> yes, under cover at mcdonald's. robin, good morning to you. yale, by the way, is calling the new study the most comprehensive look yet at the nutritional content of kids' meals and the marketing and the results are jarring. here is perhaps the most astonishing new finding in the study. of more than 3,000 possible combinations of children's meals at 8 different fast food restaurants, only 12, 12 met nutrition criteria set by yale for preschoolers, and only 15 met the criteria for older children. >> the situation right now is that it is possible to get a healthy meal at a fast food restaurant, but it's very difficult. you have to go in. you have to know exactly what you're looking for, and you have to take the initiative to ask for it. >> reporter: she's not kidding. the researchers sent people into 250 fast food restaurants all over the country and found that customers asking for kids' meals were offered healthy sides like apples only 6% to 8% of the time at mcdonald's, burger king and wendy's and healthy drinks like milk just 26% to 28% of the time at mcdonald's and burger king. when i went to mcdonald's in new york city, using a hidden camera and asking for a kid's meal, i was offered the choice but the cashier assumed i wanted fries. they didn't ask if i wanted fries. they did ask if i wanted soda. for you in an ideal world, parent goes up to the register, orders a kid's meal. the person at the register says do you want fries or apples? >> i would probably ask for the apples first. i would like them to say would you like the apples or the fries and then hopefully the parents will choose the apples. >> reporter: we visited four other mcdonald's and got similar results. in a statement mcdonald's told us "we are proud of our menu and remain committed to offering our customers a wide variety of quality food and beverage choices that meet their dietary needs and tastes." the new study says the problems go well beyond the point of purchase, that children today are being hit by relentless pursuit. preschoolers see three fast food ads a day. teenagers, almost five. >> that's a lot that your child can being exposed to a message you may not winter them to have. >> reporter: now as for the advertising, mcdonald's says "100% of our children's advertising in the u.s. features dietary choices that fit within the usda dietary guidelines for americans." also this morning the national restaurant association, saying "the increasing number of healthful options in kids' meals is the number one food trend in quick food restaurants." they acknowledge that they are offering more healthy options but say their new report says the chains can do a whole lot better, robin. >> we were debating before the program it was like a huge deal if your parents took you to go have fast food. >> i sneak the kids in. now my wife is watching. >> dan, thanks so much. coming up, the family of the missing woman in utah reacts to her husband's stunning claims that the wife is unstable. a "gma" exclusive. fe was unstable. know the stain. after an alpaca? i have. it was awesome. ♪ call 1-800-steemer [ dian when you were 14 we helped keep your skin clear. now we have a solution for wrinkles. neutrogena anti wrinkle with retinol sa smoothes even deep wrinkles. it works...beautifully. neutrogena. it works...beautifully. it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. quilted northern soft & strong is now 50% stronger than the leading ripple brand. quilted northern soft & strong. now 50% stronger for a confident clean. traffic on interstate 580 is the feeling it from an earlier morning accident. >> westbound 580 is still a mess the drive time still over an hour. it's all because of an injury accident that blocked a couple of lanes for almost an hour an hour and a half this morning. still causing an extra 45 minutes as you make the drive on westbound 580 through livermore and pleasanton. there is a new hot spot developing in oakland. this one i would avoid, northbound at high street. five vehicles are blocking northbound and southbound lanes. bay bridge toll plaza is backed up into the maze right now. >> thanks. >> classes will go at claremont middle school in oakland but the gym will be off-limits following an early morning fire. the fire broke out about 1:30 this morning. arson investigators were called to the scene but one firefighter says the blaze may have been caused by an electrical problem. no estimate on the dollar amount no estimate on the dollar amount of damage caused by the fire. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. the droid 2. a lightning-fast keyboard, a turbo-texting, web-jetting super you. the droid x. a 4.3-inch screen. summon movies and games at your command. now buy a droid 2 by motorola for $149.99 and get any phone free. >> oprah's worldwide exclusive with michael jackson's mother, katherine. oprah: when you hear "come to the hospital, it's michael," in your heart, did you know? >> and his three children. next "oprah." welcome back. looking from emeryville and looking at the clouds hanging around the coast. lots of sunshine and cool weather. check out these temperatures. 37 in fairfield, we're up to 40 in napa. only places in the 50s, san francisco, half moon bay, mountain view and antioch. tomorrow will be cooler than this. highs today, warmer than yesterday with a partly sunny sky. upper 50s half moon bay, san francisco, richmond. low to mid-50s for the rest of us. tonight we'll be in the 50s livermore, santa rosa and low to mid 40s for the rest of us. accu-weather seven-day forecast, tomorrow night through wednesday morning a chance of light rain and increasing sunshine and warmer starting wednesday, thursday all the way through sunday. ♪ is it finally happening? new clues this morning that a royal wedding may be the on the calendar of buckingham palace. there are details coming out about the possible dress designer. caters drawing up plans supposedly. we'll have a live report. >> it seems like a hot line between this family and the palace. >> i'm george stephanopoulos. >> and i'm robin roberts. also this morning, drousy driving is even more common, more fatal than you might think. 2 in 5 drivers admit to dosing off while driving. alarming new video shows how dangerous it can be when you are tired. and yesterday, we saw bianna golodryga kicking off the new series called "work with me gma." we decided to spread out across the country to see you at your job. we're rolling up our sleeves. juju goes out with these two incredible sisters as they put their lives on the lives each and every day. >> firefighter and police woman. that's coming up. now to that face-to-face encounter in a peruvian prison. the mother of natalee holloway to the prison. john quinones joins us. >> beth twitty travels to purview with dutch reporter peter devries. they somehow get on hidden camera where while there, she questions him about her daughter's appearance. she's traveled 3,000 miles from alabama to lima, peru. she then enters castro castro prison, the same outpost we visited last june when we confronted joran ourselves. i'm john quinones from abc news. do you have anything to say? >> reporter: this time, it's beth twitty on camera pleading with joran for answers. >> i want to know what happened. >> it's very hard for me to talk to you. it's really not easy. >> reporter: twitty reminds joran of their last meeting five years ago, shortly after her daughter natalee disappeared. >> i wanted to just -- i want to you just tell me what happened. and let me take her home. >> it's always been my problem. i've never listened to anyone. >> reporter: joran promises to tell her more later in a letter. and then what seems to be a candid admission. i've made so many bad decisions for all the wrong reasons," he says. he does not mention stephanie fluoresoo flores who he's accused of murdering at this casino. he says, i'm really addicted to perks, especially gambling, that's why i'm told so many lies." with no real answers, beth twitty is left alone again. during the meeting, twitty actually tells him, i'm here to help you, joran. suggesting that the plea bargain can help to get him out of that peruvian prison. later she said, he might have more to say if there was more in it for him. >> it's so calm. >> he didn't know he was on hidden camera. he said, look, i'll write it down. i want to write it down to you. i owe you that much. >> it was chilly to see how close they were. and now, the husband of a utah woman who vanished a year ago is finally breaks his silence. in an explosive interview, josh powell is blasting his wife and her heartbroken parents. they're joining us shortly. but the story from ashleigh banfield. >> reporter: he has said almost nothing that public for nearly a year, now josh powell is speaking out. in an interview with the salt lake tribune, powell called his missing wife unstable. >> he believes the police have mishandled this investigation by focusing on him. >> reporter: powell is maintaining the night his wife went missing, he took his two young boys out in the dead of night during a blizzard. >> he's stuck to the story that she ran away and he didn't do anything with her. >> reporter: powell remains the only person of interest in the case, although he hasn't been charged. >> he believes he can return and that she might return at anytime. >> reporter: powell has done little to find his wife. instead, within weeks, he moved his children out of the family home and out of state. and surprising new accusations from steven powell, josh's father. he claims susan ran off with another man. saying, quote, she's very sexually motivated. josh said police are questioning the very wet stain found on the rug drying the night susan disappeared. they say susan was trying to clean a stain of juice, likely caused by the kids but the police aren't saying anything like that. powell says susan doesn't have as much strength as they'd like to think she has. >> there are a lot of tensions within the family that are not being resolved. that can't be resolved. and it's especially catastrophic when people are pointing fingers at one another. >> reporter: powell also blames the press for vilifying him. but says they will eventually turn on susan, say, quote, she'll be chewed up like hamburger when she comes back. for "good morning america," ashleigh banfield, abc news. >> and joining us now exclusively are susan's mother and father, judy and charles cox. and josh powell's sister, jennifer graves here with her husband. we appreciate it greatly. mr. cox, when you hear the statements -- i know it's very important for you to be able to respond to some things that josh has said. you hear him say that your daughter was unstable. and when she comes back, she'll be chewed up like hamburger. how do you react to that? >> it's blatantly untrue. it's obviously a self-serving statement. it's untrue. it's all untrue. >> and mrs. cox, when he says that you, as a family, that the quote that he said that you want her, being susan, to be perfect, a saint, is that true? >> no. we want all our daughters to be happy. and to be strong in the church. and she had a lot of friends, and i don't know how much they socialized, but i know susan had a lot of friends. and we don't expect any of our children to be perfect or, no one would expect that. they want their children to be happy. >> i know the last thing you all want to do is to have to do this, to respond to him. you want all the resources and time you that spent in finding your daughter, your sister-in-law, jennifer. and i know how difficult this is for you, especially. you're talking about your brother. you thought it was important because you found it ironic in particular that he claims that susan is unstable. why do you find that ironic? >> i think it's very ironic, because the in powell family, we're the ones with the mental illnesses. my brother, josh's brother, has bipolar and schizophrenia. so it's documented in the powell family. it's not, as far as i know, documented in the cox family. and i never saw susan display search to symptoms. >> you did spend a lot of time. we contacted your father, and he sent a statement that you have been isolated from the family for many, many years. how well did you know your brother? how involved were you with the family and boys? >> ji josh and susan and the boys, they came over to our house regularly. especially susan and the boys. we were very close until she appeared. >> what did you witness between them? >> between josh and susan, there was a lot of discord. they didn't have a very good relationship. josh didn't treat her very well. >> mr. cox, how would you characterize their marriage? what did you see? what did you witness? >> well, we always hoped for the best. our daughter made her choice. we try to support our children in what they're doing. and they had ups and downs. and we felt that they were eventually going to work it out because susan was so dedicated to making it work. she wasn't going to give up in any way. so we felt persistent she would eventually get what she wanted, and that was a happy family. >> and she was dedicated to those boys? >> very much so. >> have you had a chance, mrs. cox, to spend much time with your grandsons? >> no they won't let us see them. i guess they have their reason, but we keep trying. >> there's limited communication between the two families? >> he will not talk to us on the phone. we can't go over to the house. he has an e-mail that my husband and him -- that's the way they're supposed to communicate with each other. and he really hasn't replied except for once, i think. >> yeah. >> and what are authorities telling you right now? i mean, how often do they talk to you? >> we talk to the authorities investigating the case about once a week. you know, just as an update. and they just tell us that the case is progressing. they're working leads and they're making progress. >> jennifer, another claim that your father made was questioning whether or not your sister-in-law ran off with another man. and, again, you spent a lot of time -- i see the family shaking heir head. you don't believe that's possible at all? >> no, we chatted regularly, even about details about their relationship and life. she was a really big talker, she would probably come out with something about that kind of thing if it was even in her mind. >> you said she can't keep a secret? >> she really couldn't. >> how -- this is a difficult question to ask you both, mrs. and mr. cox, our heart just goes out to the entire family. how do you deal with the immense sadness and uncertainty of what could have happened to your daughter? >> well, we have the hope that she's still alive. and we realize after this time, we have to prepare ourselves with the fact that we may find her body somewhere. but we still have hope that she's alive, and we hang on to that. and we have support of our friends and the church and people around the world. they're still thousands of people supporting. >> well, we share that hope for you. and we see the support. thank you for being there for jennifer. we can see the ribbons and see how you all are holding out. thank you both. thank you all very much. and now to the weather and sam. good morning, sam. >> good morning, robin. live shot of wind, snow, just an incorrect mess out of new england out of toland, connecticut there, even cold rain. this stays for a while as this low continues to drift down the coastline. we'll call it a nor'easter. in new england, it's gorgeous in the middle of the country from rapid, to omaha. look at dallas at 74. this rain standing on the west coast now moves into the >> all that weather was brought to you by united health care. coming up, drousy drives caught on tape. it was so complicated. there was a lot of information out there. but it was frustrating trying to get the answers i needed. then my company partnered with unitedhealthcare. they provided onsite screenings, healthy cooking tips. that's a recipe i'm keeping. 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[ male announcer ] ...electronic vehicle information center, and rear cross path detection system, now available in the safety tech package, the chrysler town & country is a safe bet to make. ♪ a brand-new study from aaa details ohio driving without enough sleep is even more common and more deadly than you might think. john berman has the new video from aaa that captures just how dangerous fall ago sleep at the wheel can be. >> reporter: even the blaring music is not enough to keep this driver awake or from swerving completely off the road. this teenage driver appear to be in the deepest of sleep. you can hear him saying not again. >> not again. >> reporter: he's done it before. so many people have. it can happen to anyone. cab drivers. even cops. this is a police car. >> oh my [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the aaa estimates 17% of fatal crashes are the result of drowsy driving. 4,400 deadly accidents a year. >> just like alcohol and drugs, being very tired while you're driving decreases your awareness, it slows your reaction time and impairs your judgment. >> reporter: staying alike for 24 hours can leave you as impaired as one is with a .1 alcohol level. yet, it's easily brushed off. 25% have driven in the last month, despite being so tired, they couldn't keep their eyes open. >> only thing i was thinking was, you know, i'm really tired right now. but wasn't telling me to get off the road, i need to go home. i need to go to bed. >> reporter: alex noel was on his way back from a high school dance at midnight. he nodded off on the dark roads and when he woke up, he flipped his truck. >> the dashboard was between my lap. the steering wheel was between my legs and i was sort of sitting on it. >> reporter: he was lucky, he woke up with a bruised lung and nerve damage but alive. now when he's tired like so many people are on the road, he pulled off and takes a nap. aaa suggests scheduling a break every two hours if you have long drives. don't drive overnight if you're not used to it. and as alex learned in the piece, the hard way, if you find yourself drifting, get off the road and take a nap. coming up new clues about a royal wedding. is it for real this time? [ female announcer ] introducing splenda® no calorie sweetener granulated with fiber. sweet! [ female announcer ] tastes like sugar and has 3 grams of fiber per tablespoon. use it almost anywhere you use sugar. even in cooking and baking. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda® granulated with fiber. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. as the towel used to dry them. so why use the same hand towel over and over instead of a clean, fresh one every time? kleenex® brand hand towels. a clean, fresh towel every time. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right advanced. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. it felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better, feel better. now try new breathe right advanced for free... at breatheright.com. [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? ♪ we know you work hard. and now, we're joining you in our new series "work with me gma." two sisters to risk their lives every day. and dr. oz under cover. what you need to know about your next trip to the drugstore. then they shared this technology with researchers at wake forest to help reduce head injuries on the football field. so, you know, i can feel a bit better about my son playing football. [ male announcer ] how would you use toyota technology to make a better world? learn how to share your ideas at toyota.com/ideasforgood. i don't lie about my age. my skin does. learn how to share your ideas avon introduces anew platinum. the first with paxillium. designed to help restore cell shape... skin looks more contoured...re-defined. anew platinum. call 1-800-for-avon to find a representative today. hey! wait up! ♪ [ female announcer ] you see a mud stain. but new wisk sees a particulate stain. with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology, wisk is engineered to fight all the major stain groups like particulates and oils. [ girl ] that lip gloss is soooo cute on you. [ female announcer ] you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a powerful clean against a full range of stains, use new wisk. fight stains with science. oakland election officials may know today who will be the neck mayor. jean kwan moved ahead of don perata. kwan leads with 51% to 49%. that is the rank choice voting system where voters rank their top three picks. not all the ballots have been counted but the latest gives a snapshot where things stand right now. weather wise, we're seeing sunshine. >> we'll see a few more clouds develop and temperatures below average, upper 50s along the coast. into san francisco and richmond, 54 in clearlake. tonight even cooler this morning. look at the widespread 30s inland and who's for the bay and coast. chance of light rain through tomorrow night through wednesday morning. >> major delays, couple freeways. one of them northbound 880. almost an hour to the maze. >> thanks a lot. ♪ a little elvis costello to kick off the work week. also to kick off -- not kick off, the second day of "work with me series." juju rolled up the sleeves and went to two incredibly high-risk jobs, firefighter and policewoman. there they are right here. with smiles. >> they've got it made. they've been having so much fun. they saw dr. oz earlier. took a picture across the studio. and does this pharmacist look familiar to you? surprise? that does look like a pharmacist. dr. oz is going under cover to uncover the three biggest mistakes you may be making when you buy your medicine. there he is. >> i was wondering how dr. oz could go under cover. we just found out. also, this is one of the four happiest places in the world. we're going to tell you where it is. why people live there hold the key to your being happy no matter where you live. >> juju is mighty happy because she's going to introduce these two sisters to us in just a moment. but first, the morning's news. >> i am looking forward to that. good morning, everyone. this morning, in new delhi, a major diplomatic move by president obama in a speech, the president announced he fully supports india's bid to become a permanent member of the united nations security council. it's sure to anger its nemesis neighbor pakistan. indonesia's erupting volcano is not preventing president obama from visiting his boy home. at least not for now. barring another major interruption, he's said too arrive there tomorrow. and a deal is in the works to prevent everyone's taxes from going up next year. democrats and republicans are working on a compromise to extend the bush era tax cuts. the deal would extend the cuts for all americans, including the wealthy, for at least two years. and breaking news from italy where an american college student convicted of murdering her roommate now faces new charges. an italian judge has indicted amanda knox for slander after she claimed italian police beat her during a nine-hour interrogation. her slander trial is set to begin in may. well, we're just getting pictures this morning from a rescue deep in the south pacific. a family of four was saved after drifting for six days in a small aluminum boat. the coast guard rescued the two adults and two childrens. their engine had broken down. they can dehydrated but otherwise okay, miraculously. and now reports to a royal wedding in the making. new clues that prince william is about to get engaged. there's even word that the bride-to-be family has a lot hot line to the white house. here's nick watt. >> reporter: the only question left is when they will marry, there is no if anymore. >> this is classic william. i mean, he's keeping everyone in the media guessing. >> reporter: apparently palace officials now have a wedding blueprint. caters have submitted bids and menus. kate and william were just snapped arriving at a wedding together. for those who read the tea leaves, that was a huge deal. "the daily mail" just snapped pictures of kate's mother learning how to hunt deal on the royals estate. you got to know how to kill animals if you're going to hang hard with the windsor clan. >> it was what william was showing to the outside, these are the parents of the woman i love. >> reporter: apparently kate's mom is on a diet and has hired a pr adviser. her parents run a mail order company that sells wedding accessories. >> they provide all the accessories that all the country will need for street parties if we're going to have that again. >> reporter: those who think they know say william's wedding will be smaller than his parents' fairy tale extravaganza. they say an engagement late this year, a wedding next summer, i've already bought a new suit. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, london. >> that's the news at 8:04. sam, you waiting for the invitation? >> good morning, juju, how are you? >> i'm well. >> you know, i've got to do it to you. we didn't tape this on sunday. you should tell work that you're not coming in in arkansas. what's your name? >> gayle. >> gayle's not going to be at the office this morning. somebody cover for gayle. let's get to the boards. one for two things we want to show you. we've got an awful lot of rain that just came out of the san francisco area. they ask you to slow down on the bridge and also look at an inch of rain there. that system moves into the mountains and produces snow that's a little dryer and less windy in the bay area today. watch that wind go, though. it will be 1 to 2 feet of mountain snow in a lot of locations. it's just incredible that this system is put down that amount of snow in a short period of time. it is gorgeous in the middle of the country. we've got cool issues in new >> this morning, our this morning, our specialnew series "work with me gma." you spend your mornings with thus watching us work. we decided it's time for to us do the same. thousands of you sent e-mails and letters inviting to us see what you do. all a chance to spend the job with americans in seven parts of the country. they're now coming to our city to work with us. bianna golodryga started us off yesterday. she was working with two jobs in indiana. there she is being a waitress right there. she did a double shift. juju, you doubled up in a different way. >> i did. i doubled up with two sisters. i can't wait for you to meet them. their mom, wendy gebhardt nominated them. like many grandmothers, wendy babysits her three grandkids while her daughter ace at work. katie's work is a police officer. her sister emily is a firefighter. their proud mom wrote us. the girls not only have a difficult job on the streets, it's difficult being accepted as equals. and they accomplish this tank beautifully. i was honored to spend the day with these two young women whose jobs are to serve and protect. >> reporter: in a city overrun with crime -- >> milwaukee police, we're coming in. >> reporter: -- in a profession dominated by men. two sisters put their lives on the line, to save lives in the city of milwaukee. >> i have one or two -- >> reporter: and i got to be riding shotgun with them for a day. despite their seven-year age difference, 30-year-old kate gebhardt and 23-year-old emily gebhardt as about as close as two sisters can get. do you worry about your sister on the street? >> definitely. >> reporter: what goes through your mind? >> well, you see everything in the nice, where a cop got shot. you know, you always just wonder, is it my sister? >> reporter: both sisters started their civil service careers right out of high school, fulfilling their dreams to protect the city they grew up in. though she's worried, their mother is so proud of them, that she wanted to share it with us. >> i wrote the letter to "gma" because i thought wouldn't it be great to see two sisters protecting this city. and it's unusual to have sisters on the job. >> got to go to work, all right? >> reporter: kate works two shifts. a single mom by day. a cop from 4:00 to midnight. >> i'll call you guys later, okay? >> okay. >> reporter: is it hard for to you say good-bye to the kids and go to work? >> it's hard for every working mom. but it's tough. there might be a night i don't come home. you don't want them to know that. you always watch yourself for that reason because it could happen. anything can happen. >> reporter: especially here, kate and her partner nancy o'costa patrol the most dangerous streets in the fourth poorest city in the country. >> do you have anything in the vehicle you that shouldn't have, sir? >> reporter: and since the recession, violent crime has spiked, while the city has been forced to cut police budget. >> we've had to take two furlough days this year. every day, it's probably close to $200 to $250 that you lose. when you're raising three kids by yourself, $500 is a lot. >> reporter: tonight i'll see first hand the risks that come with her life on the force. i don't get a gun or a uniform. but i do get the most important part, a bulletproof vest. okay, i think i'm ready. we respond to our first call. two teenagers accused of joyriding, then crashing a stolen car. >> you should be at school getting an education. not doing stuff like that. you're 12. >> reporter: you talk to them like a mother? >> i do. >> reporter: you can't help yourself. >> you can't help yourself. you don't want to see your own kids doing the same thing. >> reporter: but she can put her mothering aside and be as tough as she needed to be. is it intimidating with two women walking the toughest neighborhoods in milwaukee? >> intimidating for us or for them? >> reporter: that fearless spirit inspired kate's little sister emily. she went from prom queen to firefighter. and now at 23, she's the youngest female in the milwaukee fire department. and emily's part of the just 3.4% of all female firefighters in the entire country. why did you want to become a firefighter? >> i like risk, i guess. going into fires and it's tough. >> reporter: she battled one of milwaukee's biggest fires and ended up hospitalized for heat exhaustion. and a tough job is getting tougher. cost cutting is costing them to go from five to four. now, i'm about to run through the grueling training exercises emily did as a fire cadet. >> we're going up. watch your head. >> oh, my gosh. >> coming down. >> okay. >> reporter: and just when i seriously needed to catch my breath -- >> okay! >> whoo! >> reporter: -- my heart was pounding. i was breathing really, really hard. it was really amazing. what's truly amazing, milwaukee's bravest do it all in the middle of a raging fire, often in wisconsin's extreme weather. this is a dangerous job? >> yes. but you get over it, you know, mentally, it's like, it's my job. you got to do it. and you feel gratitude at the end of the day that you can do it. >> reporter: it was so much fun. after a long day of fighting fake fires and facing real life drama on the street, i just got a glimpse of what these two amazing sisters do every day. and now, we get to introduce you all to officer kate gebhardt and firefighter emily gebhardt. who join us now. hello. now, you fight crime on the streets, and you fight fires, running into raging buildings. but we don't point out that your stature is smaller than your colleagues. you're 5'4" and 5'5." tell us about the equipment that you to deal with. >> it weighs 35 to 40 pounds, depending on what's in your gear. the tank itself weighs 20, 22 pounds. >> it's heavy. just the uniform itself. and yet, you talk about how as a woman, you often defuse situations with your words than with your muscle. >> right. it's easier to talk to people. i'm not a big person. i know how to talk to people to calm the situation down right. i don't have to use the tools on my belt. and i don't have to be physical with people. >> you're both in professions that have been dominated for so long by men. have you faced any kind of sexism, anything like that? >> no, i think you take everything with a smile. you can dish it out just as much as you can take it. >> and is there a rivalry between the two of you? you know, you're sisters anyway. there's always that one up. you know, fighting fires. you're a police officer. do you all have a little battle. >> who has the tougher job? >> i do. basically, i have the tougher job. kate thinks she does. >> i'm impressed that you guys do everything that you do that most of us couldn't do and handle your families together, spend time with your kids. there's the extra, you do the day care as well. that's like an incredible schedule. so bravo to both of you. >> you do the day care not just because you love kids but also to help make ends meet which is why your mom helps to babysit. >> right. >> when do you sleep? >> through the second shift, i'm so proud to have spent the day with you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we look forward to seeing george tomorrow. >> that's right, i went to a steel meal outside of toledo, ohio. there you see a little bit there. this is just incredible, surrounded by 3,000 degrees of liquid metal. >> magma! dr. oz is here when we come back. the challenge jobs. don't tell me about a dog. a day care full of kids, house chickens. call a day's work. call 1-800-steemer [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, including celebrex, may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor about your medical history and find an arthritis treatment that works for you. ask your doctor about celebrex. and, go to celebrex.com to learn more about how you can move toward relief. celebrex. for a body in motion. hd 3 (stan lech) acid erosion is a growing problem... acidic foods can cause a softening of the enamel. once you lose enamel, 's gone for good. for those who want white teeth pronamel gentle whiteng, helps protect against acid erosion but also helps bring ba your teeth to their natural whiteness. if all you do is pick up your prescription drugs from the pharmacy and pay, you could be wasting an amazing medical resource. your pharmacist. if you're not having regular conversations with your pharmacist, you can make dangerous mistakes with your medicines. dr. mehmet oz is here to tell us the top three mistakes. and you went under cover to do it. >> i did. >> 250 million people go to pharmacies per week. 250 million? >> a huge number of folks. what many people don't realize, the least used resource of all is the pharmacist. they're out there. they're obliged legally to help give you advice. they know a lot about over-the-countermedications. >> this was a scary stat here, mehmet. about 50% of the 2 billion prescriptions filled each other are not taken correctly. that's why you went under cover? >> i did. i went under cover. it was a ton of fun, i got to pretend i was somebody else. i got to probe them a little bit. asked them questions, why are you here? what are you looking for. what kind of insights do you have from your future. >> what kind of mistakes have you heard from them? >> there are three big ones. thinking that over-the-counter medications are 100% safe. that's not what that means. the drug interaction is very high. for example, 80% of u.s. public takes one over-the-counter pill a week. 25% satake 25 a week. over-the-counter was acetaminophen. if you take, because you have the flu, something for a cough, muscle acrehes, something for a fever, cow take eight grams of acetaminophen. the maximum is four grams. the number one failure in america is overdosing innocently. hundreds of over-the-counters have it. for that reason, poison centers get called. otc drugs are not safe unless taken intelligently. >> that's what you ask your pharmacist. are there other things other than reading the label and helping us to overhead indicate? >> write down the pills you're taking. they can help sort out what you're making mistakes with. >> okay. let's take another one. the next big mistake. what is that? >> the next biggest one is all about prescription drugs. >> there's a lot of confusion about that. >> there are rare examples, essentially accept for the filler, the color and the shape, they're the exact same medication. if you can save 30% to 80% from a brand name if you switch generic. >> and the third mistake, a lot of people just don't take correctly what prescribed? >> we estimate 25% of people take medications correctly. you don't think it's working for you. you got better so you don't need it anymore. you're scared. money is a big issue for people. and a lot of people forget. we spend probably $100 billion in the u.s. economy taking care of mistakes because people didn't take their pills correctly. we've got lots things to do. i've brought wonderful examples here. this is a pill box to use to separate them morning and afternoon. for a lot of people, there are watches out that remind you to take your pill. prompt to you dot right thing. i love this right here. >> that's that? >> you see that blinking light here. that blinking light tells you haven't opened the pill bottle yet. you as the parent can program. you're alerted to the fact that mom hasn't taken her pills yet. as soon as you open the top, the light goes off. >> i have not seen that yet. that's going to help a lot of people. >> i think that can help a lot of people. when i was under cover at the pharmacy, i saw many, many people coming in there with unclear reasons. they didn't realize they can go to a single pharmacy and talking with pharmacists openly. you can actually get past common errors. >> with this little pharmacy, i was at a little event at the university of north carolina. there was a gentleman that said hey make sure you talk about the small pharmacy. >> we went into the defense centers of this nation and what we're doing there. also went under cover as a street vendor where i actually tried to convince people not to buy the hot dogs and hamburgers, maybe buy healthy options. >> i can't wait to see how that turned out. next week on "the dr. oz show" you'll see, he'll go under cover at all those surprising places next week. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. ♪ fresh butter taste ♪ yes, that's here ♪ no hydrogenated oils ♪ so there's no trans fats here ♪ ♪ whoa... ♪ turn the tub around ♪ talking about nutrition [ female announcer ] "i can't believe it's not butter" has 70% less saturated fat than butter and no hydrogenated oils, so there's no trans fat. "i can't believe it's not butter," butter taste, better health. "i can't believe it's not butter," what makes a hershey's bar pure? ["melt with you" playing] pure fun. pure joy. pure delicious chocolate. pure hershey's. okay, now here's our holiday gift list. aww, not the mall. well, i'll do the shopping... if you do the shipping. shipping's a hassle. i'll go to the mall. hey. hi. you know, holiday shipping's easy with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits, it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate. yea, i know. oh, you're good. good luck! priority mail flat rate shipping starts at just $4.90 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. calm down donkey. it's vacation time! ohhhhh, who says ogres can't surf? nice moves fiona. ha, ha, ha, i love 3d. wooo hooooo! [ shrek ] gingy? [ laughs ] do the roar. roar! marty, what's shrek doing on a cruise ship? looks like he's having fun! [ female announcer ] join the dreamworks experience for the ultimate vacation, only on royal caribbean. would you like me to read you a story? you can't read. [ grandma ] 'twas the night before christmas, and all through the house... whoa, that's grandma. [ grandma ] ...nothing was stirring, not kara, not maya... how does she do that? magic. [ grandma ] ...grandma loves you. [ both ] goodnight, grandma. [ female announcer ] be there to read them a story every night. read it to me again. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. this christmas, make it wonderful at your hallmark gold crown store. members of a oakland family are being sheltered a of a van plowed into their home about 1:30 this man. it started with a shooting that injured the drier. pg&e has been working to fix the gas leak. no word on who might have shot the driver. >> classes will go on as usual in chair monitor middle school but the gym will be off-limits. they are looking for the cause of a early morgue fire. it's been a tough commute this morning. >> numerous accidents, major slowdowns everywhere. northbound 880 still jammed, earlier accidents in the northbound direction and see it slow toward hyde street. so 580 is also slow but at least a little bit better but not much a big delay at the toll plaza. heavy through san rafael because of an earlier accident and jammed s s s s s s s s s s s s s welcome back. here is a look at the temperatures. notice we're still cool. 40s and 50s and this afternoon we'll have temperatures mainly in the low to mid-50s. a few more areas will get hung in the 50s and see more cloud cover. look for light rain tomorrow night into wednesda ♪ don't worry be happy good morning, america. on this monday morning. thanks for starting your work week with us. alongside george, i am robin. and do you know where these people live? i'm going to show you some people. it's one of the four places in the world where people are the happiest. it's not just here in the studio because they're mighty happy here. we're going to take you there. you can learn the secrets to make you happier. anywhere you live. >> i cannot wait to learn about that. a little snow. it's too early for the snow. that's happiness. but remember that -- >> only in new york, baby. only in new york. does it snow inside. >> all right. just about a year ago, there's these big fights -- robin, pay attention here. >> i am. right here. right here. >> the late night wars. conan o'brien is coming back from the fiasco of the "the tonight show" last year. but this morning, you're going to learn all the details from the man who knows best, bill carter of "the new york times." baby, it's cold outside. we've rounded up sensational winter coats. prices almost as low as temperatures will go. we'll have the two sisters, emily and kate from our "work series." they're going to come back. sam, what is up with this? >> i don't know. but i can't miss the opportunity. roll the snow again. come on. give us more snow. we'll be doing our winter live shot now. it is cold in new england and there's plenty and snow and wind. how's that going? >> good. i like that. >> is this plastic snow? wait a minute, i can't -- yeah, i think so. don't inhale. let's get to the boards, one or two things we want to talk about as you head out the door. we're going to start with the warmup trend that heads down through the deep south. chicagoland, you're part of it. by the way, we want to tell you that right in the middle of this warmup on wednesday, we're going to be live in nashville at the bridgestone arena for the cmas. make sure you join us. but we're going to be there, wednesday morning, to kick off the cmas. this is really gross snow, by the wa >> all that weather was brought to you by hallmark, robin. did i tell you it's snowing in new england? i know. >> that's dandruff on your left shoulder. i have it, too. and it's only monday. only monday. our next guest traveled the world to find out the secrets of happiness. he wrote a book. it's called "thrive." dan buettner has all the secrets. the winning locations. how do you define happiness? >> traditionally, researchers ask you how happy you are. the problem is, we only remember about 3% of our past. it's a new math that measures from employment to moment. thriving is saying you're happy but experiencing it from day to day. that's what we want. >> that's the connection. that's why the reason for the book's name is "thrive?" >> right. actually an academic term. >> do you all want to know the four happiest places? do you want to know? here is number one. denmark. what can we learn about this? >> the happiest place in the world. most of us think the more money, the more status you get, the happier you are. actually denmark teaches us the opposite. denmark is a place your health care is taken care of, your education is taken care of. but you're taxed to the mean. a garbage man makes about as much as a lawyer. and you get no extra credit for having the latest fashions or driving the best car. you're more likely to get a satisfying job. it turns out researchers has shown you only want to strive to make about $75,000 a year. after that, you get no more experienced happiness. >> really? >> and a big take-away, if you want to take a full six weeks of vacation -- i know that raises eyebrows. but if you can't take a full six weeks, you want to take lots of short ones. >> it's so exciting when you plan. >> that's right. we love to plan, we love to remember it and talk about it. >> break it up into small ones? >> right. long weekends. >> six weeks would be great. >> six weeks optimum. after that, you even get bored with vacations. and number two -- san luis obispo, california. actually, up until three years ago, we didn't know what a true vacation was. what opposite going on here, a bunch of little things. it's easy to get to work. either biking or walking. if you commute two hours, you need an extra 40% pay to make up for the unhappiness that comes with commuting. we hate commuting on a day-to-day basis. it's also a very social place and it underscores the research that you should try to get seven hours of social interaction a day. seven hours the happiest people report. not just online. but face-to-face. seven hours the happiest people report. >> interacting makes you happy. >> that's right. >> another continent. >> this will shock you, by the way. the happiest place in asia. >> happiest place in asia is -- >> singapore. let me tell you the secret. there is no magic bullet. there's magic buck shot. lots of little things going on. here in singapore, there's 40 or 50 small things. the thing i like the best there are tax incentives to keep your aging parents nearby. elderly get better care. they're happier. another piece of research, we know when it comes to socializing, believe it or not, we get the most satisfaction out of socializing with our parents. you like hanging out with your folking more than you think. >> there's a tax incentive for them? >> a big tax incentive. people tend to own their own homes. it's kind of hard to buy luxury but they're financially secure. >> and the last one. >> nuevo leon. >> that's surprising. >> yeah. this underscores the fact that there are mechanisms to be used that can make you happy anywhere. religious people tend to be happier. their definition of family is not just brothers and sisters, it's cousins, aunts and uncles, god parents that live in the u.s. that forms an important financial buffer. a stress buffer. and it makes sure you get the seven hours of socializing a day. >> there you have it. if want to find happiness where we live, we can find it in these places? >> it's to set up your life so your nudged to happiness in lots of small ways. not the silver bullet, but the silver buck shot. >> all right, dan. thank you very much. are you a little happier now? okay. next, new details coming out on the battle between jay leno and conan o'brien. come on back. and i'm trying very hard to stay positive here. ♪ [ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just forou. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. and i'm trying very hard to stay positive here. and i want to tell you something. i'm being honest. hosting "the tonight show" has been the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to me. i want to say to the kids out there watching, you can do anything in life you want. yeah. unless jay leno wants to do it too. >> my people have said, conan's people have said, hey, nbc said they wanted drama at 10, they got it. now they got it. everybody's matt. exactly. i'll tell you one thing, i take pride in one thing, i leave nbc prime time the same way i found it. a complete disaster. >> that is what the public sniping looked like. when the bat for "the tonight show" came to the foreground. now, the raw details behind the scenes between jay leno and conan o'brien and their bosses. "the war for late night," the author, bill carter joins us. what a terrific title. >> thanks. >> i want to get to the book in just a second. but we've got to talk about this news over the weekend at nbc. keith olbermann "shortest suspension in the world." who blinked here, nbc or olbermann? >> i think they both blinked in a way. mainly nbc. i don't think they knew what they were doing with this. it kind of looks like it was not all that serious. i think it really was. at least there was some fractiousness behind the scene. >> at first. this was a real suspension. >> it was. >> but now it could help boost him? >> yeah, it could play almost a publicity stunt. looks like it drew ratings. that happens in television. >> it's not what happened in the war for late night. it's hard to know where to begin here. there's so many places where calamity started to break out. whether it's the original decision years ago, to say, hire leno and say, five years later, you're gone? or the decision to bring conan back? the decision for prime time. the decision to take them out. what's your vote for the original sin here. the original sin is taking jay and saying we're going to remove new five years. >> no one in the history of television, that i know of, has taken the number one person and said, you're not going to work anymore. jay was rightly upset about it. >> how do you agree to it? that's my question. >> jay's a company guy. he's kind of a blue color attitude guy. the boss wants this. on the initial part of it, he took it like, oh, well, if this is what it's like, then he started to feel the anger and bitterness about it. then he reacted differently. >> later, when he went to prime time, conan takes over. the ratings aren't great. there's talk that leno is coming back. conan feels like he was the victim? >> yeah, it was kind of an interesting thing. like they gave conan the vote of confidence five years earlier. and then a semivote of confidence. and then no vote of confidence. >> and we showed that clip of conan. the one time on the air where he really showed his bitterness. what seemed to upset him the most. you write about it in the book that leno never called. >> well, that was a part of it. although nbc told jay not to call because they said conan's already bitter. when they first had a meeting to tell conan that they wanted to move him back, his reaction is what does this guy have on you, what does jay really have on you? you can see that bitterness that was in there came out. and they thought it was a big mistake. >> but his guys had made a mistake. they didn't secure a guaranteed time slot which is why he could be moved. >> it would have gone to court and i'm not sure they would have won. if they would have gotten the guarantee, they wouldn't even have thought about it. >> "nightline" roaring back. they actually won the season. >> yeah, there's too much entertainment guys doing the same thing now. you see the audience being parsed up in different ways. look, conan's coming back tonight. that's great for "nightline." >> but a completely packed landscape. >> yeah. >> final question, your last book on the late night wars was made into a movie. this time around it's probably going to happen again. who is the star? >> i think conan was right. i think it's tilda swinton. i think that's perfect casting. >> you can read an excerpt at abcnews.com/gma. when we come back, great winter coats at great prices. coming up. ♪ baby it's cold outside it's cold outside. now that temperatures are dropping, we're going to take a look at some of the hottest styles to protect from you the cold. and lori a style director for "lucky" magazine is here to show us some of the most popular styles, get this, all for less than $100. we're going to get help in the fashion show from very special models. katie and emily gebhardt are going to model. >> we're here to show you that you can get something beautiful for under $100. you don't need to sacrifice the style. >> that's great. style and affordability. let's start with emily. who when she's not fighting fires looks incredibly glam. >> this is $89. everything is under $100. you look at this, the architectural cut. it flatters most body types. in milwaukee, the weather there is the real deal. but she doesn't need to look like the stay-puff marshmallow man. this will keep her extremely warm. those buttons make you look really put together. you can wear it all the time and look chic and be nice and warm. $89. >> model by morning. firefighter by afternoon. next, we have eden in a crop jacket. >> this is faux shearling. $44.80. >> that's a fantastic price. >> isn't it? forever 21. the crop look is cool. we paired it with boots and cargo pants to keep her look modern and a cool aesthetic vibe. >> it looks warm. is it warm? >> yes. >> in here. that's good to know. the next one is our model named lauren wearing an animal print. >> don't you just love it? this is lauren, she's wearing an a-line leopard print coat this is 59.99. a lot of people say i don't know how i feel about the animal print trim. this is great because it's a classic silhouette. it's polished and practical. the symmetry of this coat is the fact that it flares out at the bottom. >> nice pockets. leopard is the new black. >> it is. >> surprising new neutral. $59.99. you can't beat it. h & m. >> finally we have -- >> you'll recognize this model. >> katie, when she's not fighting crime is looking fabulous in turquoise. >> we had katie trade in her other blues for this turquoise blues. a lot of people go for basic black and navy and gray. that's fine, juju. but what we're here to say you can break out of a wardrobe with a great color like this. this is a great tip for women across america, the coats that have belts cinch in the waist. >> you can see it gives her the hourglass. >> you want to streamline your silhouette and the belt is a great way to do it. >> for $69.95 that is a deal. i'm always confused with the belt, make a knot, a bow. >> we try to knot it. my only advice is if you're going to wear bright, keep everything else streamline. this is a great choice for women who have a lot of darker colors or gray. it brightens everything up in one fell swoop. >> i can see your mom at home in milwaukee watching you two like a mom. you're doing a fabulous job. it shows how different looks can be for stylish, affordable. >> you can look polished and practical. for under $100, these are great bargains. you'll be nice and toasty. you'll look pretty terrific if i did say so myself. >> sam did not forecast the snow. very weird. thank you, ladies. so much you all look so beautiful. i love how one sister wears curly hair, one straight hair. thank you for being here. you can get all the details on the coats. robin and i are always fighting about who gets the better bargain. check it out on abcnews.com/gma. you can get all the fabulous bargain details. we'll be right back. that's right. it's your turn tomorrow, george. >> that's right, i'm off to a steel mill outside of toledo. >> also, that was great with the coat segment we did. we have the warm hearts, warm coat drive. our coat drive is starting up in less than two weeks. >> reba mcentire is here tomorrow. we wand to say good-bye to marathoners right there. >> have a great day, everybody. in four, three, two -- we'll see you. now i can stop pain from any angle-- with no mess. (announcer) new icy hot spray. relief that's icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. and no mess. new icy hot spray. don't mess around with pain. can cause coma andider's even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds. don't be big tobacco's next victim. there is a new effort to put the cow palace under some local control. it's run by the state but they will introduce a resolution at today's council meeting requires promoters to get the chief's okay for certain event. there have been attack and drug overdoses at certain concerts. >> not a warm day. let's check in with mike and get details. >> we were off to a cool start and stay cooler than average. low to mid-50s and increase in clouds this afternoon. for tonight the clouds will stai fade and upper possible in inland valleys, with 40s for the rest of us. tomorrow evening, through wednesday morning, is of rain for all of us a and warmer weather thursday through sunday. >> this is toll plaza and backed up to the parking lot because everyone has been stuck on 880. jammed through hyde because of an earlier accident and westbound