Family c.b.c. Some hope for cramped airline passengers the House has passed a bill that would make airlines meet minimum standards for seat sizes and leg room this bill has a long way to go before it ever becomes law on Wall Street stocks heading into the close higher but less so than earlier today the Dow up 50 the Nasdaq $47.00 Vowell will show off an all electric truck in California next year and begin selling it nationwide here it says by 2020 at a selling its Medicare part d. Drug business to well care health so it can be allowed to merge $69000000000.00 merger with c.v.s. Amazon opened a new store in New York today a real one where it will sell the highest rated products that you find on its Web site j.d. Power says car sales could be down 6 percent for September in part because of Hurricane Florence in part because of tariffs and don't even bother calling the kids for dinner tonight fortnight season 6 dropped today that game has 78000000 users can like see n.b.c. . Been worn out by summer not to mention by my kids this year used to know fall just one more freedom gives your grandson Norsemen and me to recover from the wear and tear of summer while also building resilient groups to help prevent a weak family law next spring this fall my kids and my grandmas are back out to play this is a Scots yard and now is the time to feel your loan pick up a bag of scums Winter Guard today. When working at a growing business you wear many hats the new business hat the buying toner for the copy machine at the sifting through tons of resumes that you can throw away that last half Thanks to Indy dot com when posting your job indeed lets you add screener questions that give you a less time consuming route to your short list of qualified candidates so go ahead dust off that extra long lunch tab hirings better get a short list to save time on hiring to Joplin to get started today dot com slash. Breaking news is our Town Hall dot com new in Washington and the passion Brett Kavanaugh fighting to save his Supreme Court nomination to have it all coming out swinging against sexual assault allegation just confirmation process has become a national disgrace nominee characterizing the 2 weeks since his original testimony as a calculated orchestrated political hit fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars and money from outside left wing opposition groups and responding directly to Christine Lahti forward claims of sexual assault I've never sexually assaulted anyone not in high school not in college not ever Capitol adding he will not be intimidated into withdrawing by what he calls these vile threats since Capitol Hill Correspondent Well he Hines reporting earlier Kavanagh's accuser Christine Lahti Ford told the panel she felt a duty to talk about what happened with Kavanagh some 40 years ago I don't have all the answers and I don't remember as much as I would like to but the details about that night that bring me here today are the ones I will never forget at a pro-capital rally in Washington designed to coincide with the hearings the Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said once the hearings over it's time to move forward with confirmation I'm glad they don't go forward will be able to give her testimony I am also glad yeah it's great Cavanagh will be able to give his testimony and at the end of the say once the testimony is given it's time for us to end this circus it's time to him harm Cavanagh that's Cavanagh has denied all the charges being made against him there's word today that mortgage rates again seen a weekly uptick the 30 year right now it 4.72 percent that's a 5th straight weekly rise and now the highest in more than 70 years on Wall Street right now the Dow is up 56 points and closing bell the Nasdaq up by 52 more from townhall dot com. The following is not an actor but a real life story from Trinity that management's probably been about 10 years ago I had quite a few credit cards the interest on the cards was really high I was making the minimum payments but they are late and it was just getting to be too much so I called Trinity if you are in debt and you need help call Trinity 180-990-6976 extension 2 talk to a certified counselor they met with me and they were able to get all of my credit cards in one lower payments trinity will consolidate your accounts into one easy to manage monthly payment put a stop to late fees and overlimit charges reduce your interest and possibly improve your credit score you'll save thousands did help me learn how to manage my money now you know we have a house and are doing a lot better if your dad has you call Trinity have 180-990-6976 My name is Holly and I am debt free for keeps long 809906970 s. Hi I'm Chris Hill the host of Motley Fool Money join me every Saturday morning for a look at the world of business and investing that's going to help you make better decisions about your money each week on Motley Fool Money will break down the headlines from Wall Street talk with business leaders and authors Plus we'll give you an inside look at the stocks on our radar Everybody needs money that's why they call it the money the full money Saturday mornings at 6 right here on Denver's money talks 1690 am. During last better reserved proven tough to perform in temperatures of 140 degrees and 40 below 0 because when you can start an extreme conditions you can start an every day conditions like running late for work. A broken. Creepy parking runs. Over the top and only get out of zone visit any of our $5500.00 locations nationwide and let us do more for you. Or the business rug. There is money to $6098.00. We are the biggest entrepreneur platform on the planet welcome to business Rockstar is I've got a major Rockstar for you today he is the c.e.o. And founder of auto Sam it's a doll thanks for joining us thank you Alex So if you could give us an overview of your entrepreneurial journey and tell us what auto is to begin with sure so I think my journey is different and older you know. Quite a bit of experience so my 1st entrepreneurial journey was at Microsoft actually every place in the late eighty's it was you know is it was incredible there was more than great it was incredible that it was entirely on to support it like I did not know at the time it was 1987 when I joined Microsoft and I was fresh out of school and I was young and I joined the company that all my friends suggested I shouldn't go Joy because nobody had ever heard of Microsoft and it was brand new and they were trying to figure out something called Operating Systems for the personal computing platform which was just brand new but when you think about it so it was it was quite a ride there were 1400 people at Microsoft when I joined and I started as a field engineer one of the 1st in the company actually and then ended up moving to Redmond and working running tech support working for Steve Balmer and then I became Vice President Sales and Marketing building all of the channels the s.m.b. Channels the small medium businesses plus all of our distribution channels and then I picked up enterprise sales and marketing at the end so that was it was really the 1st chapter and then the 2nd was in many ways it was a venture fund so in 1909 when I realized the Internet was going to be something powerful I joined a small group of people creating something called Internet Capital Group and we took that public and it was kind of a wild fun ride I'm happy to talk about and then I brought brings me to auto after after some time in venture capital I decided I wanted to go start my own thing. Even though I had been an entrepreneur in many ways and big companies this is my 1st time doing it on my own and to start it is we went off to really sort of reinvent how people share the places that they have with the people they love and we've built basically a digital locked into a home access so we're really trying to bring the future of technology and digital access in the home to to people and consumers on a broad basis to made a really good point that you have that entrepreneurial spirit when you were working for Microsoft and working for somebody else in this case Microsoft and I think that's a really good way of knowing if on being an entrepreneur is a good fit for you our viewers and our listeners may be toying with the idea of whether or not to become an entrepreneur themselves and a lot of times there are the signs when you're for another company and well it's a great question because you know I often mentor a whole bunch of entrepreneurs and people 'd who want to start companies and many of them are larger companies and it is actually it's pretty binary it's not that simple and I happen to be in a really incredible environment Microsoft in the early days and in the early days I used to describe it as a misfit group of entrepreneurs all banded together because Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer had a really incredible unique qualities and they could create an entrepreneurial environment and allow people to go in and of a and to really sort of challenge themselves in that environment and so so there were a whole number of skills that I learned about being an entrepreneur even though I wasn't the entrepreneur of Microsoft for sure. But it's unique it's not something that you can learn a lot of companies not every company fosters but Microsoft of today is very very different than it was back in those back in those early days but I I had the taste for it and the taste was you know to go make your own decisions to kind of forge a path where there is no road ahead it's not clear what the right answer is and there's no charted you know sort of growth path ahead of you and you really have to go and sort of figure it out and that was it was a really amazing and an exhilarating time at Microsoft that's a great way to describe what being an entrepreneur is take me back to that time when you left Microsoft and you were making the transition into becoming a literal entrepreneur in your own body what was that like what did you plan for well when I left Microsoft it was 999 and the bubble called the 1st global was happening and the Internet was really sort of forging and form and forming in a way that was really powerful it was clear the Internet was going to be something significant and so I got into venture capital and the purpose was to really sort of help fund and help grow Internet companies mostly marketplaces and I joined a small group of folks that were created a company called Internet Capital Group and I was one of the principals there and so our goal was to help invest in and start companies and find other entrepreneurs who wanted to create create these businesses so it was quite an exciting ride we actually this at that point we joined 2 months later we we took the company public the stock went from like a $400000000.00 valuation to about $52000000000.00 valuation at its peak it was it was it was a completely unsettling and crazy time because I think the hype around it was actually destructive to the whole industry what happened was the hype was so powerful that it over over ran basically people building really solid good businesses and so so I did venture capital. For a little while and then I decided the best thing to go do was actually start a company and really try to build it in the own way in my own way with all the lessons that I learned along the way from Microsoft and also as a venture capitalist and so so I joke about in some ways my my career is a little bit like Benjamin Button word started as a corporate executive then became a venture capitalist then became an entrepreneur almost in a typical reverse fashion but honestly I think that's more common than people think I think often the media likes to glamorize you know the straight out of college entrepreneur that immediately makes it because it makes a good story but the truth is most entrepreneurs I would guess and from my experience of interviewing a lot of entrepreneurs get a lot of experience with other companies and it takes a while until you're ready and have the resources to start your own business that's right the circumstances have to be right to do it and that can often take some time and planning and some and some work and luck and then part of it is also timing when you feel like the timing is right when you can actually make the plunge when you can commit the time in the resource and the energy to do it because starting your own business is a is full of risk and it is quite a it's quite a journey and and and it's not for the faint of heart well enough for a lot of people get stuck because even when the timing is right then you have to struggle a lot of times with fear and self-doubt and often people want to quit so did you ever have those moments where you were just completely scared maybe wanted to quit . I think it was a lot Musk said a quote that resonates with me and he described it as and I'll get the quote sort of wrong but the general theory was that being an entrepreneur is sort of having exhilarating highs crushing lows and constant and constant stress all the entire way and and I saw this in the early days of Microsoft which was really exciting which was there were days I thought we're on top of it we're going to build the biggest company the world this is going to be amazing it is incredible and then we go to lunch and come back after lunch and we think it's over we're dead we're on I could have bake it I can't believe this thing just happened how we're going to recover from that and that would happen all the time and the span of one day in the span of one day and it went on for at Microsoft I would say it wasn't for at least for me where there was a 1st time where I got the sense that we were going to make it wasn't until like Windows $95.00 so 995 was when we when I thought we were actually out of our start of phase and now I'm in start phasing at and and the same thing happens and there are there every day you know there are moments where I am driven by you know this this drive of power and excitement and we are going do it we're winning we're winning and then there is this fear that happens where we got some new news and something came in and something happened that we didn't anticipate and now we have to go and put it resources and go figure out how we're going to overcome this obstacle or we have an issue with a employee or or a partner or distribution or the product or something and what I've learned is it's not the fact that they don't happen because it happens every day it's the fact that you have to figure out how to tackle those and keep the energy to keep tackling them because it doesn't get any easier. You just get used to it yeah expand upon that what advice would you give an entrepreneur who isn't one of those places of just feeling very fearful and maybe wanting. Because of the huge highs and lows Yeah there is just another quote There's a great book about Nike that was worth reading and and in the quote they talk about . The the scared never started the week gave up along the way and that just leaves us and now is that something that sort of resonated with me because I realized that you know getting through all of these items what happens is the reason a lot of companies don't succeed is people people give up and it's not because it's easy it's like you fight all the way and then at some point something forces you to give up or you might just quit on your own but it is you know the honest truth is and I think entrepreneurs we are trained to tell people it is great yeah tell me what a typical week looks like for you how many hours are you working or are you working weekends. How many hours of my working I think an entrepreneur is just kind of always always on Nell and I this is my not my 1st rodeo I've been around and what I've realized is that you know part of part of working is making sure that I'm prepared for work so I'm a little bit different than other entrepreneurs in that way which is I am always working if you will or always thinking about work but I also try to be very present with the folks that I'm with of the time so that could be my team when I'm with them and I'm not on e-mail and it could be with friends and I try to really be with them and be present with them we're going to take a quick break but we come back we're going to talk about building here we are the biggest entrepreneur from on the planet this is a business Rockstar and. 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We are the biggest entrepreneur platform on the planet Welcome back to business rockstars where I am continuing my conversation with the c.e.o. And founder of audio so if you could start by telling us about that you companies that you worked for and then how you made that transition into starting auto sure back my 3rd which I'm proud of and I've had an amazing ride along the way and and sort of the experiences that lead up to forming and creating auto in the 1st was like a software I know I spent 12 years at Microsoft joined in 1900. The p.c. Was just coming out it was an incredibly exciting time we grew from 1400 people Dover 55000 when I left and I did up being Vice President Sales and Marketing building our old s.m.b. Which is small medium business channel and also our distribution channels in it and you picked up enterprise selling so it was an exciting time and in 1909 when the Internet was really forming and growing as I left Microsoft to join a firm in venture capital called Internet Capital Group and that was an exciting crazy kind of wild ride that led me for about a decade into venture capital where I was mentoring and helping entrepreneurs and and funding new businesses and started fairs so I really brought together the sort of corporate experience with this venture capital experience and then all of that was to say I've actually never formed a company myself and I wanted to go and do that and even with all that experience I can tell you that actually being in the hot seat forming a company is different than you think when you're a venture capitalist or when you're in it when you're in a company and it was it was exciting so we got together with some folks we had this idea around reinventing how people share their homes with the ones that they love and that's really just reinventing home access and that's auto and out of all the possible businesses you could have created why auto why passionate about this particular idea really Steve the need for it it was clear in the home in the connected home that many of the areas have already been invented if you will so so in essence doing great job in music for example who tried to integrate shop around lighting nest came in and really reinvented how climate happens in the home and so when you look at it all of these areas have gone digital the one that hasn't is home access that's how you share the home how you come home and do it people still use a key a physical key after after all of this time is that one thing and that is not shared or connected with any. Thing else and there were some locks out there there are some digital locks with keypads or or some other ways but frankly they were all pretty crap we we thought I was frustrated with the fact that they didn't have really great materials and and and that they weren't really great products and what you had seen was that people had warm gadgets and that happens in our industry a lot of people get excited about doing something and they create a company that's really based on creating a gadget it's kind of the 1st obvious get 5 smart people in a room let's go invent something they come out with something 2 years later and it's kind of a gadget we set out to do something completely different which is we wanted to build a product that people could fall in love and that takes a special level of energy and it takes a special team to go and form that create that and it takes a special vision to go and build a product behind that and it's it and it means an uncompromising commitment to building a really great product and that's the materials that's those that design that's the user experience and at the end of the day there is something special that happens when when somebody interacts with a product that sort of makes them feel good and that's the product we want to go create and obviously to make this vision a reality it takes capital So how do you know that capital to fund your business So listen I was fortunate in the sense that I could go start this entered this effort with my own capital I didn't want to take any money from any other investors until I knew that there was something here that I was excited about so I set off to to do that so I incubated for quite a while before I talked to a single investor to bring on the outside to come in and when we had something that we thought was super exciting we had a really good concept we felt like we could build this product we started talking investors in the 1st round of investors were we're friends news for people I knew and these were people in the in the Bay area largely most of them were entrepreneurs or sex successful business people. And they came along on the journey and then later we also got a corporate investor and then that great lock came in as well and that's and people once they saw the team that we had formed and once we saw it once they saw the product experience we were creating and we were very fortunate with our investors tell me about the notable business partners that have been a part of your journey and how do you move forward well Greylock as relocked is number one is as an investor Reid Hoffman somebody I had known in their early days and so had a relationship with him and he was really great and Josh Elman's a board member from Grey Locke and so he came in Fortune Brands which is a very large corporate corporation that supplies Mowen faucets and they're one of the largest companies in the United States so they do all these building products which is really complimentary space to us we have a relationship with them and they came in as a corporate investor just very unusual for them but it was a great way as a start up what we thought was important for us is where parts start up in terms of disruptive technology but we're also about integrating into the home and integrating the home is a really big challenge and sometimes startups kind of just think we can change everything and just be disruptive and they don't understand the impediments to actually getting installed in the home and we really wanted to bring those 2 worlds together in a very unique way understand how to create a destructive really powerful great technology but also make sure that actually works like people can install it that it's durable that lasts a long time tell me how many employees you have and what is your process for hiring the right people so we have roughly 55 employees and we have another sort of 20 contractors in Asia and in the United States so we're roughly about 7070 people which is kind of sounds very large to me but it turns out to build a product that is now getting caliber it takes a lot more actually I think. If we were in a large company we'd probably be about 5 times the size we'd have 5 times as many people to build the same product we're building and that's a testament to the team that we've hired we started out very selective and we maintain that selective about the types of people we hired and we hire for experienced people who can really bring something to the party like I think about them as individual experts. But we also hire for teamwork their ability to work together in a team and we also look very carefully for grit determination because you know what coming in every day and tackling this when you have when you don't have enough resources and you don't have enough time and you don't have enough energy and you don't have enough people and there's 100 reasons why you can't actually do the job and you still find a way to do it that's a kind of a special person and that's a really how important is the work called Search for you and how do you make sure that you keep up the good morale of the workplace so work culture is incredibly important to us we hire for that very carefully we are very selective about making sure that we don't bring in people that are about themselves we can sure that in interviews when when we talk to people and we ask them about their prior successes and their failures and where they struggled and we ask them about teamwork and ways that they've led what makes them the most proud you can hear and you can kind of get a sense for is this person somebody that is going to be there when times are tough are they going to support each other when times are tough are they going to help each other pull it through Absolutely such great stuff thank you so much for your time really appreciate it thank you we're the biggest entrepreneur platform on the planet this is business rock star. Struck him with c.b.c. Stocks faded a bit late in the day but still held on for gains the Dow picked up 54 points the Nasdaq 51 the s. And p. 8 the markets lifted by news that the economy grew this spring at the fastest pace in 4. Years more than 4 percent the f.c.c. We're getting reports now that the f.c.c. Is suing Tesla because the law most tweeted about taking his company private back in August securities fraud might be involved there are reports some Boeing Dreamliner jets are being grounded again because there may be problems with the Rolls Royce engines again carnival turned in record profits but also warned that higher fuel costs could sink future income followings coming Hershey c.e.o. Told c.m.c. Today one of the company's new items chocolate in glow in the dark bags perfect on dark Holloway nights and after 45 years h.b.o. Says it's getting out of the boxing business no more on t.v. Ratings keep falling because there are so many other ways to watch the matches now Chuck cam like c.m. B.c. The great Chris Hill the host of Motley Fool Money join me every Saturday morning for a look at the world of business and investing that's going to help you make better decisions about your money each week on Motley Fool Money will break down the headlines from Wall Street talk with business leaders and authors Plus we'll give you an inside look at the stocks on our radar everybody need money that's why they call it money Motley Fool Money Saturday mornings at 6 right here on Denver's money talk 1690 am. I welcome to this ad for subways 4900000000 different combinations how would you like it or break up in the rain in a car to please you can see I think you need to seek a break from McDonald's making me finish I can't let you tire some town traveler when you could be free at Subway but I'm just with over 4900000000 combinations to choose from plate in each of the leaches state you can only find what you're really looking for still blame it what you want I can listen to every friend Ali is going to time on me. It's time fall deal these are here at j.c. Penney j.c. Penny has home expressions bathhouse for 299 lights still mean more have a 2.5 liter Cook's air fryer for 2999 after 20 dollar mail in rebate I'm going now to ask you after that make a deal Daisy j.c. Penney with great finds for your home plus get $10.00 off when he spent $25.00 with coupons j.c. Penney style and value for all the 27 x. Or conditions that excuses applies the store to c.p. Dot com for details. 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Around and around with our some questions that you came to the person that comes to mind you ready all right here we go. Who's ever doctrine or. Myself. If I look at that fair book. Art of War favorite movie Sound of Music How do you unplug surf if you could have an extra hour in the day how would you use that sleep do you prefer text or call to call if you can go anywhere in the world where you want to go to Antarctica if you could have a superpower what would you want to be laser eye fish and. Who's your favorite superhero. Batman interesting what is the weirdest thing you've ever done. Run across a freeway they could. Be up in my brand by dogs your dogs Ok well how do you relax . Surf and if you had one word to describe yourself as a last question how would you describe yourself trying to produce or. Whatever to disguise the entrepreneur Ok well it doesn't really give me much to go off of with that one there so let's talk about the craziest thing you've had to experience as an entrepreneur who the craziest thing Ok. I am not able to go to the state of Alabama Well if this is not exactly what you do run across the street and go oh it's part of you know I think there's always challenges all these strange things that happen and somehow I was sued in the state of Alabama you know it's hard it's hard to create something without breaking some eggshells and evidently pissed off some people in the state of Alabama so I was sued by the state now my only defense is that I have never set foot in the state. When I got no hate in Alabama but if you're going to get kicked out of any state. You know the only thing is I really wanted to go at one point I would love to see Crimson Tide I really would love to go to tell it a series I would love to go see right there let's shift gears let's get on track for some business stuff here culture how important is it and what are some things that you're doing in your business to create an amazing culture legalism It's about giving people meaning so that they know when they're working there that it's not just about you know apparently a salary exactly that they're doing something to help others that they're doing something that's important not just for themselves but for you know just the community and they feel good about their job yeah one of the values that you guys align and integrate into your company culture and I think a lot of people talk about that they don't talk about value alignment so when they're hiring people they're making sure that everybody coming into the organization is in alignment with values of the company culture Well I think the 1st thing you do is when you hire people you look for people that share those values and important values the value of caring you've got to care about people you've got to care about you know the people that you're working with and so if we always say look if you care you're going to succeed at legals and that's the most important thing what are some other values that you guys have I love that one caring I don't think a lot of people put that in there I think it's about you know growth growth growth Yeah it's great. Yes we see ourselves as a service company you know if you're aware of us you have to care. Absolutely I think that's one of the great things as I read this book from the guy was star at the 4 Seasons Hotel so not always wondered you know what makes some hotels better than others and when you read the reviews on Trip Advisor and everything they always talk about the service it's not about very rarely people say oh this hotel was great because the room was spectacular it was great no it's about how great and the check in service was about room service or whatever it's a human touch and so that's that's I think that's what we look for people and what they say is you hire people who already have that inside of them you can train them on the skills you know but you can't train somebody how to be a pathetic and how to care that's true so on that note how does an organization create what we'll call in this case gold star customer service one of the keys in the trade for the I think well again hiring people obviously to already have those traits but how do you create the environment that reconditioned that on a consistent basis so there is a consistent Goldstar Saluki it's a little bit of everything you know and you've seen this and you you have to have a work environment that reinforces that you know the images that you use and you do it in a way that's authentic because I think a lot of people do this in a way that feels very much like corporate speak well the how that you know these motivational things and call a relative maybe they'll have these are our principles and they'll put it on every desk it just feels very corporate speak and you've got to do it in a way that really shows that that's what who you are and that you care so authenticity even in a corporate environment is incredibly important I definitely agree and a lot of that completely in all of our organizations we try to implement something similar to that let's talk about something that I think a lot of companies struggle with as a consultant when I go into most business is the fastest way. Amongst the list of things that I do to grow the organization is really pinpoint in what makes them different in the industry so how do you guys differentiate yourself and what makes you unique legalism I think what makes us unique is that when we started we were in the 1st to really think how can we use technology how can we make this system a lot more efficient because. Most lawyers traditionally because of the way the structures that where you're paid hourly You have no incentive to really become more efficient you know always lawyers are saying hey we're here to help the clients and we're really trying to give the best service but what happens is in your own head people rationalize like giving the best service in spending the most time which means charging more money and you know and then they justified by saying But that's Ok because I'm really you know doing everything I can to make sure everything is a 1000 percent perfect and we're like wait a 2nd if really what we're trying to do is just you know get the result help people as best they can that's it's the system the structure of that is wrong in terms of that's a line all of the incentives so that everybody is inside of us in a line to really do something and create something for the customer a better customer experience so that we can achieve that goal and I love that and you feel like you're in a college that it was a I think we have still a long ways to go in terms of you know but we've definitely made strides Let's talk about guarantees and what I'll call risk averse on just Ok Mark lock on business rockstars Joining me is Brian Lew the chairman and co-founder of Legal Zoom everybody knows the legal team is only the need to give back on I'm using Legal Zoom you're the founder of I think everybody at some point has heard of it or is probably using it in their business but guarantees and risk averse So how important is it and what are you guys doing in your business to mitigate the risk on your customers and clients when they choose to invest in us. Well I think it's it is. It's really important to have you know guarantees in general and. It's tough because when we started for example the most. The most often cited reason why people wouldn't consider legal soon was to be they didn't know who we are and they didn't know that you know are these documents really going to work and I go online and get this type of legal stuff without you know going to go with a lawyer Exactly so I thought that as well when I was 1st investing in looters I'm like Is this legit I'm just going back and forth on email and phone calls I got to give all my important information and so one of the things we've recognized broadly and I and Hartman one of our co-founders when we started we needed some sort of symbol of legitimacy and Robert Shapiro I think offer that type of legitimacy so for people who don't know who he is what is he but if you do maybe you saw on the t.v. Show he was a he is a really famous attorney is a criminal defense attorney but he does a lot more right now and he represents you know celebrities and other just normal people as well but he is a very well known attorney famous for being the o.j. Attorney so pretty much everybody knew him so you guys were able to land him and he obviously helped you guys get the competitive advantage going back to the original question how do you differentiate yourself in the marketplace what are some practical tips that people can benefit from because I think that was one that you guys capitalized on was attaching your brand absolutely credible individual who had a personal brand in a reputation which allows you guys to be credible by association and so credible by association is one way that you can get a unique differentiation marketplace but you have some of the things people can do . Is think that whatever you do you need now there's 2 things One you need some sort of unfair advantage if you can find an unfair advantage where the unfair advantage absolutely take it you know there's no reason in say there's no I guess there's nothing about you know great about being the guy to break through a brick wall if you can get around it somehow. I'll do it I love the 2nd thing is even if you don't have something that's incredibly unfair just have a clear idea of what you are and have something that's memorable in the marketplace so that you stand out in some way in the marketplace so whatever it is I mean here's my favorite example of this Ok there's there's no unfair advantage to this one I don't know if you know like we're in Los Angeles here which is the most famous plumber in the Los Angeles. I'm sure there was but I hear these ads all the time and it sticks in Me Ok The smell good plumber Well yeah and i don't they have never even heard of it and. They run ads all the time and I mean I think they must be successful if you do well they have taken a position in the consumers' minds mind space so that when they're not just any plumber there you know I think it's called the smell good plumber and they've got this little ring telling deal they got you know they're stuck in your head and absolutely absolutely because it does so much I mean what's what's unfair it's like well everybody else smells bad and they are presuming it through their name right exactly and so they've occupied this space which I think is really incredible they've they've done something descriptive they've done they've set themselves apart in a way that's so different from the competition. It's just kind of a little bit of marketing and just thinking how can I be different from the competition so let's talk about that for a 2nd somebody out there who maybe hasn't capitalized on the distribution channels of another potential affiliate or joint venture be credible by association there's so many other things that you can benefit from having joint venture partners I mean if you're in affiliates What are some practical tips that people can do to establish and create great partnerships in their business that you guys were able to do that with that gentleman who's a famous attorney but what are some practical ways that somebody can create amazing partnerships and I'm going to go one step a little further here we when we started Legal Zoom we didn't I mean we had some partnerships but they weren't as significant for us as something else we did which is we found out what's the newest way to market what's the hottest thing to do that nobody else is using and at that time it was paper click advertising through Google actually Google wasn't even around it was predecessor before Google was even around there was a company called overture go to performance marketing. Nobody else was doing that and there are so many different ways to market these days so many different social platforms and if you can take advantage and learn how to use those platforms before the competition that is really a big advantage Brian Lew the chairman of Legal Zoom I appreciate your coming on the show but it's been a blast thanks i'm our clock on business rockstars connecting a community of entrepreneurs join us on Facebook Twitter and on lot of business rockstars dot com. 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About 3 go join and this is let's be fair here's a question for all you parents if you finish your homework if you have school age children they've probably already come home with homework but only for themselves but for you to Nowadays one of the 1st things many schools s parents to do is sign several waivers and authorization forms by acknowledging our responsibilities up front schools hope to minimize conflicts and even protect themselves against lawsuits these kind of forms weren't required when many of us went to school but things are a lot different now studies reveal that roughly half of all teachers and administrators have been threatened with a lawsuit let's be fair lawsuits that shouldn't be part of the school experience by treating each other with respect and civility will not only cut down on lawsuits we'll teach our kids one of the most important lessons of all that there are much better ways of resolving disputes learn more about our efforts to bring more civility to the civil justice system visit our website at Center for American t.v. 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Roundtable segment and joining me right now is to rock star C.E.O.'s tell us who are you and what do you do My name is I'm the founder of start of detail I am aware that when I say being Guy alter I run a brand consultancy called Finian and we work with in Tampa nursed to make sure they don't screw up branding our guys so that trend nowadays at least from my perspective is entrepreneurship people are just trying to call themselves entrepreneurs even if they're not really an entrepreneur so I'm curious how do you feel about the word entrepreneurship I'm not comfortable with that quite frankly I didn't say I don't you know yourself an entrepreneur and I don't call myself an entrepreneur I tell people in the small business owner I'm just a person trying to get things done pay bells and do what we set out to do in the world you just take care of business that's all. You need and that's what's so you know absolutely the only things I work with ends up a nurse so I like when some of them call themselves entrepreneurs because they actually are do you know they do wishing things and I agree that maybe you and I are more like well we started again in klia business and now we're running it so maybe I speak into for nurses you know I don't know over over compensating I don't know overachieving I love the word personally like to associate with it and what it means but at the same time I don't like the word when people are just throwing it around loosely like I'm an entrepreneur it's like you started your business this week like you're not an entrepreneur Yeah you just started a new real disruptor Yeah that's what you're going to I don't even know what I think like entrepreneur music was it 3 years in business is it if you made a certain amount of money. As hard What do you guys think what you think it takes to be an entrepreneur what you think like these crazy. Make you define yourself as an entrepreneur I think Grant I want to know that you failed a few times that you're putting yourself out there you're risking it you're doing the best that you can no matter what and every time that you fall you're going to keep getting out because you believe in what that looks like on the other side I think it out a lot of it has to do with being hungry and being hungry means that you're willing to put in the work to get the results to get paid later you're not an entrepreneur if you only ever had a job where you get paid to show up like you get paid without producing results meaning you go in and you get the same paycheck no matter what you're not getting paid on results you get paid on your time that's not an entrepreneur that's a job I think are for yours truly are people like I mean I think almost see those people as a whole depending on what they're doing those are entrepreneurs they're in if they're not getting a big pay and they're only getting paid on commission that's the closest job to being an entrepreneur you don't get paid anything unless you go out and produce a result 1st what do you guys think I still get paid on commission only that I pay myself that's my only right here that's been so I mean you know you go into cars of an entrepreneur almost all you want to write and I appreciate what I do in my book thank you. I was just to say you touched on something really interesting you talked about the willingness to not be paid 1st I was recently on a panel with the v.c. Is talking about how to go for funding and I personally have never fundraise before I've been strapped all of my businesses but one of the investors sad when entrepreneurs come to me if they have not sacrificed and starved an 8 Rahman had put everything down that they had and they're just coming to me for the you know for that paycheck from the beginning I don't want to invest in somebody who didn't believe in their own vision enough you know starve a little bit for Have you ever raise money are I have not raised money you know but I love seeing my clients raise money. And. But I think we made a good point there right. You've got to be willing to trade your life for whatever it is that you're going to do and that's a huge differentiator between watch for nurse and a true entrepreneur is they put everything they had into becoming truly successful at whatever their passion of their businesses and I think that's one of the keys but all of us now are entrepreneurs and so let's talk about best practices What are some of the things that help you stay focused be productive be organized and ultimately for arriving business is a loaded question but take it wherever you want what helps you thrive in business as an entrepreneur and as a c.e.o. . For me it's my ritual I have a routine and I stick to it because I know it works for me. Setting up my day properly I also know that my best hours are in the morning so I don't take any serious meetings after launch. I don't take serious strategic negotiating meetings in the mornings and that's just for you as a person like you for you are so when you perform best think feel and behave the best and as a result you adapt your schedule around that life that absolutely maybe for me it's all about the clients I really think that if you have to write people that you surround yourself with and not just your staff you know everyone talks about culture internally but the people that I interact with are going to make or break my day so I want to have a great day and inspiring day working with great people and a lot of that is you know it tracting and weeding out the right clients so I think because a lot of them I love that and for me personally there's so many different things that I do but to share one that's truly changed not only the quality of my life but the trajectory of my success in business has been how I condition myself with education and so a lot of people just get their education from their experiences it stops after college or school or whatever and then it's just from their experience as well I've been in business 10 years who will but have you studied someone who's been in business for 40 years and so for me I'm always trying to get the upper edge I'm always trying to shorten my learning curve I think the old saying right smart person learns from their own experiences where a genius learns from other people's experiences or wise man learns from other people's experiences and so for me I'm always trying to learn from other people's experiences by reading their books attending their events investing in consultants and things like that this is our c.e.o. Roundtable segment Mark lock on business rockstars And joining me are 2 amazing guests reintroduce yourself who are you and what do you do. I'm ready for life and understand in detail and where the women and Fabian. Phinney and we work with startups to launch day or start ups as brands as we come to wrap guys I just want to know from your perspective I think personally if you're the only person in your business and you don't have the money to outsource and hire somebody else I think you have to be the best salesperson in your. Company because you're the only person your company whether it's getting partners getting purchase orders or whatever you're going to have to sell something you can have to influence somebody so I don't I'm just here from your perspective do you think you have to be a good salesperson if you're the only person in your company. Yes I happen to be the person who is 100 percent responsible for all of our business development and my company despite having a team of 5 people. Because again if my business is an extension my personality and people are buying Andrea every single day I better be the face of all the time for sure Fabian you have to close it up for us but you have to it's about survival people right that's what it is for you to have been amazing I appreciate you for coming on the show Marc lack of business rockstars connecting a community of entrepreneurs join us on Facebook Twitter and on line of business rockstars dot com. Small business owner there's one word that you absolutely dread payroll for small businesses it's a big burden you may think you're saving time and money Ok d.m.d. Denver's money jar 1690. Been very happy with the results on 2000 a month but we're about 15 percent for the year so he gives a lot of. Money one popular you want over Mark you want to have always enjoyed straightforwardness and talk about what's really going on. Give me a forum on a good day basis so I'm in the market I've been extremely happy with everything that they've done and afforded me by becoming a feel gang member thank you so much for what you do feel not only for us but also for thank you I would highly recommend bills to think about every 3 to one factor I would highly recommend doing field getting your inexpensive to be able to have that every day that you can get time to. For more information go to Phil's game dot com or give us a call at 877600 games that's 877-6464. Denver's only business radio station money jar 6090 am I'm Tom Busby c n.b.c. Strong economic growth during the spring time help with the markets today the Dow up 54 points the Nasdaq up 51 the u.s. Economy grew at a pace of a little more than 4 percent in the 2nd quarter that's the most in 4 years thanks to a boost in consumer spending a jump in u.s. Exports and more business investment but there was another sign of weakness in the housing pending home sales down again in August claims for jobless benefits rose by 12000 last week that was mostly though because of Hurricane Florence Wall Street regulators now suing Tesla and c.e.o. Ilan Musk for fraud that's over his August tweets about taking the company private and already having the funding lined up shares of Tesla soared on that news but must did not have funding secured in those plans were dropped and Amazon today opening up a new brick and mortar store in New York City called Amazon for start only sells the top right it rated items on its site Tom Busbee c m b c. 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Breaking news this hour from townhall dot com I'm Keith Peters and emotional Brett Kavanaugh speaking to the Senate Judiciary Committee on the sexual assault charges against him put forth today by Christine blazin Ford we live in a country devoted to process and the rule of law that means take you now geisha seriously. But if a mere allegation the mere assertion of an allegation it refuted allegation from 36 years ago is enough to destroy a person's life and career we will of abandon the basic principles of fairness and due process that define our legal system and our country for testified earlier that Kavanagh assaulted her during a party when they were teens Cavanagh categorically denied all aspects of her testimony saying he never did those things years ago President Trump has put off a meeting with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein the president postponed the highly anticipated meeting to avoid conflicting with the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination the meeting was set up after.

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