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Transcripts for KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] 20191111 130000 :
Transcripts for KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] KCBQ 1170 AM [1170 The Answer] 20191111 130000
Call for testimony House Republicans have said they wanted to call a range of witnesses possibly including former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter who held a $50000.00 a month job on the board of Ukrainian energy giant while his father was vice president Jim Jordan of Ohio has said that he'd like to hear testimony from the anonymous whistleblower who do attention to the president's chill I 25th call to Ukraine President lot of me is Lenski a resolution passed last week specifically saying that committee chairman Adam Schiff would have final say over which witnesses the g.o.p. Could call if he were to veto any of the Republican witnesses the matter would go to a vote before the full committee which is controlled by Democrats or funded Barney Bennett on Capitol Hill President Trump paying tribute to America's veterans and active duty military personnel on this Veterans Day Our military affairs analyst retired Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis traces many of the Middle East's current troubles to boundaries that were drawn up after World War one thanks to what the British did and the French to a certain degree more of the Brits they drew lines in the sand in the Middle East that resulted in I would argue the last you know almost century of wars among ethnic and religious groups because they were were not drawn properly former u.n. Ambassador Nikki Haley says couple of now former senior Trump administration officials tried to convince her to cooperate with them in undermining President Trump at least makes the allegation in her upcoming memoir entitled With all due respect your rights and then Secretary of State teller Sen And then White House chief of staff Kelly tried to save the country but she said she felt they were on a dangerous path Wall Street Dow futures down $112.00 points more on the story townhall dot com. 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Leaders pledging to spare no effort to bring an end to antigovernment protests that have rocked the city for more than 5 months along a day of violence in which one person was shot by police another person was set on fire Larry Lamb's remarks likely to fuel speculation that harsher legal and police measures may be in the offing news and analysis at townhall dot com. Major hamburger chain makes Walker of a mistake one of the biggest burger king franchisees in the country made a very expensive menu mistake New York based Carole's restaurants group gave customers a double discount on their popular whopper meals earlier this year and that resulted in a $12000000.00 revenue reduction in the 1st 9 months and a net loss of over $8000000.00 The meals were priced about a $1.50 less than they should have been the company admitted the mistake and absorb the loss Rhonda rocks are reporting the British economy barely avoided recession in the 3rd quarter of the year but official statistics released today show that new a growth is running at a near decade low the result of ongoing uncertainty relating to bracket as well as a global slowdown the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics says the British economy grew by a quarterly rate of just 3 tenths of one percent more on these stories townhall dot com How do you listen to the answer San Diego I downloaded the free answer San Diego app for i found in enter I like using the i Heart Radio app or going to i Heart Radio dot com love using my smart speaker all I have to say is play the answer to the Indiegogo and there is a set of instructions at the interesting the echo dot com I listen by click and listen live at the end to send the a Go dot com So they certainly are a lot of ways to listen to the answer San Diego but don't forget you can always find us on f.m. 96 point one in North. 1170 in San Diego and now I thought from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. Be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on to add insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance. Morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura it's a day and when we investigate the story thinking change one morning with that you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your commute or you want to Bayer is most accurate whether it will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise is to make your morning a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bag lunch on channel 11 or cable 3. 96.1. 117 San Diego. Canyon on this Veterans Day 2019 the biggest news comes from across the pond where . The breakfast party have given up their letting Boris Johnson lead the way wherever the Tories won it's actually a concession that they're collapsing and that's great news the Tories are surging ahead Labor very down in the mouth but today's Veterans Day was Remembrance Day in United Kingdom today it is Veterans Day in the United States and for 15 years I've celebrated by asking you to help the Semper Fi Fund Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund of temper 5 on dot org help those who have been wounded terribly in the long war make their recovery and let's get back to that captain Barkley is our next one time for supper 5 joined now by Captain Barclay can I take Army and I want to stress that because the separate 5 Fund dot org has affiliated funds that they serve all of the services categorically welcome Happy Veterans Day Thank you for joining me this morning where do we find you I'm actually out of my Houston Texans that's where I call my now now you have become an asterisk fan. Yes he had been for the home team tough loss this year. And well you got to play the Indians didn't get to go and I got a lot of people in Houston to listen to shows I'm actually glad to have a Houston person on when were you injured. I'll get my teeth 2006. And the cornball value in a span northern Afghanistan where I have to team Lone Survivor and. Yes and then called Restrepo. By Sebastian Younger it's a perfect storm so you know right before that so. It was my one year wedding anniversary. And it's kind of God's way of telling you never forgive your wedding anniversary date that's a heck of a reminder that I was I was burned 47 percent of my body. I was in the hospital for the night in and out for the next 2 and a half years where they were doing. 30 some 36 surgeries on the different various Burns I had read out of San Antonio cabin Yes sir I was down at Brook Army Medical Center I think it's called something different now yeah but it's the greatest burn center in the world according to everyone I talked to a nominal anomaly live a c. 17 to launch village basically a traveling ospital flight picking up there was an induced coma and I woke up and down and my mom was there and they what do you do in Afghanistan. Sample County. I hope she could laugh because that must have been a good sign. There's a long road to an after years of put Humpty Dumpty back together but. The doctors were phenomenal a good job on the back together and you know I've still have not 2 years ago my last year I had I don't know any more time I can ongoing process with with burns it's you know it's a long play a marathon not a sprint where to take a long time and mature and develop but you know so I know severed by fine as is Al I thought Americans thought how fun to help you and your family. They are an awesome organization they had taken us and our their wing and provide us with a lot of items I didn't know. You were they came in and redid our backyard in our garage. I didn't apply for it it was they found out through a mutual and that worked for 5 on that you know hey this guy's meeting and then they surprise me and it all and it was unbelievable and then my caseworker Meredith Peterson she she has a phenomenal job of like if they're providing other service members something and she thinks it might help me get 10 machine or massage or something she'll get me on Sunday hey this might help you out with you know your sleep. Show there is something you'd be interested in looking at trying to divide their cases something to help their quality of life that is through the 10th Mountain Division doesn't retire and I know I bet you're working at something what are you doing now in civilian life I actually work for a wholesale insurance company called C.F.C.'s. I work on their marketing carrier distribution. Because you know for me being a father of 3 you know I don't want to be remembered as just this guy to get wounded you know like of course I want to be the role model for my kids and that's something they can look up to and still provide back to the community and be you know give back you know older kids. Give me my oldest daughter's 13 and I have a son. Turned 11 and then a 8 year old daughter that was to Nam Era your wife. So I had to walk through a lot with you and I'm sure the Semper Fi Fund is help them as well but I often forget and I don't like to mention the families are part of the recovery effort and I guess you could just underscore that for us. Yeah they for sure I mean my daughter was born 7 days after I was wounded and so my wife oh my wife was having to deal with a baby and Deuce just because I was wounded and so she was in a hotel across the street from Brooke Army Medical Center with a newborn child and her husband and i.c.u. I cannot even imagine she's superwoman She's the rock of our relationship not for sure but yet I do kind of hang out in the shadows and don't get a lot of the credit that they should and Semper Fi for sure take care then it will be my my kids get a little can't on the summer and get to be around other kids their dads and moms if not through similar situations and being and Houston you know normal community not around a military environment my my kids don't know anyone else that their dad is down something like that I've been through something like that sort of go to these events and see other people with similar backgrounds to provide pulls them together and I think it's. An awesome thing that they That's an amazing thing that and you know well so well put Captain Joe Barkley thank you United States Army retired good luck in the insurance brokerage business and Al even say go Astros for your happy Veterans Day Thank you prescience thank you time Captain Barkley is an amazing story can you think about his wife 9 months pregnant when he gets blown up badly burned in an induced coma and they have to induce her baby and she's in a hotel with a newborn and you know what that's like if you've got ever knew had a newborn in your life that's wired to go to Semper Fi on right now 805 to accuse me call 760-725-3680 the office is closed today Monday but they'll be returning the calls 760-725-3680 or Semper Fi Fund or are there see you have seen numbers 11459 if you're a cam combined federal campaign person or let me run over. The markets are open on better and stay and the market will open in a little bit here so let's check on what's going on there brought to you by Andrew and Todd dot com entered All right Todd Avakian great friends of mine great friends of the show great friends of veterans they are the I think they're the best if you're a veteran you're looking for a loan out of your house to consolidate or you're looking for 100 percent financing on a new home I think you want to use hand grew and ta dot com every veteran I who has that I know them to buy a house or refinance a house just tell me they're great service they take great care of you you call them a AAA AAA to 1172 or go online to Andrew and Todd dot com and just fill out a couple of questions and Andrew now Ryan thought of akin for veterans that has bent over backwards you hear from them yourself well they've got a great team down there young men and women middle aged men and women older men and women people who just take care of you they lend you the money was the Air Pacific mortgage but Andrew and time dot com is the place to start on Friday the Dow is up 6 The Nasdaq up 40 the s. And p. Up 7 right now everything is read this Monday morning as simply as down 11 the Nasdaq down 34 the Dow is down 112 I think it's because of the violence in Hong Kong overnight a protester was shot thousands are in the streets the Hong Kong and stock markets down almost 3 percent this morning the 10 year Treasury the 1.93 though it remains a great time to buy a house a 2nd home or retirement home but go to Andrew and Todd dot com 1st if you want to hear that yesterday I saw me on Meet the Press and I want to give the concise summary of what I believe cut number one. The people here can I know where you are professionally and personally on this but it does seem as if congressional Republicans wouldn't mind a sacrificial lamb I've read all the way to Rudy I've read those stories I imagine it would be really Giuliani but I'm doing my best to read all the transcripts and I have enormous respect for their part in the state people know my son works there might bump a as a good friend of mine so I'm trying to be very respectful of them but what I see I don't see any impeachable offense in the record thus far I don't see an offense I see a back channel that the State Department has hated since Harry Hopkins went to England for f.d.r. In 34 and forty's and Scalia was involved in a Cuban missile crisis since Kissinger with the China the State Department hates back channels and when they blow up like Iran Contra they blow up badly but there is nothing illegal it's a policy dispute and so we're on the verge of the 1st part of something he spent $868.00 and I don't think the American people like this at all purely partisan vote in the house that's what we're going to have I don't think that enough and that it was and was a partisan affair it was bipartisan in the vote the Senate bipartisan and Justin Amash voted for it 2nd so that would make it a Republican anymore it would make it about as bipartisan as the Up No actually there were 5 Democrats 5 D's that voted to impeach Bill Clinton in the house not one arm will vote for this charade in the house but I digress Semper Fi Fund to organize my focus this morning Semper Fi Fund to work on coming back with a great interview with another great Wounded Warrior call them during the break at 176072536. Or go to simpler by sundown org and come right back another inspiring story when I return to this Veteran's Day 2019 you know which. He would be. Congress will vote any day on a drug pricing bill that me directly impact you and your family it's called House Resolution 3 Speaker Nancy Pelosi is radical scheme to impose foreign price controls on prescription drugs just like in socialist countries Speaker Pelosi is Bill will stifle innovation risking medical discoveries to treat Alzheimer's cancer and other deadly diseases it puts bureaucrats between you and your doctor it will destroy thousands of good paying jobs in the u.s. And it does nothing to hold insurance companies accountable for high out of pocket costs you can help stop Speaker Pelosi as radical drug pricing schemes go to save cures dot com and tell Congress to vote no on h.r. 3 real solutions to lower drug costs not radical socialist price controls that destroy jobs and the discovery of new treatments go to save cures dot com and make sure Speaker Pelosi doesn't impose her extreme plan on your family tell Congress to vote no on h.r. 3 save cures dot com paid for by by a biotechnology innovation organization one of my listeners was recently talking to Perry quote in an axiom tax revolution I told Perry I really like you I just like talking to you actually that's true I've talked to Perry here he's a wonderful guy many of these big quote tax relief shops higher sales people and they read scripts but when you call axiom tax resolution group you're likely speak with the founder himself Perry quote it very personally reviews every single client's file actually makes it a point to speak with my listeners if you are more than $10000.00 in federal tax the Perry crown is not judging you he's there to help you if you want to find out how Perry can help get relief from the i.r.s. Then call him today Proctor Axiom one conversation with Perry could change everything Call Perry at it for 48 tax pro toll free number again it 8448 tax pro or contact action tax resolution online at x. Help dot com that he acts Help dot com connect with Perry and his team at axiom tax resolution this is the whew hew. Hi this is Dennis Prager and you've heard me talking about the movie No Safe Spaces which is a great movie and it is about the crisis of America the z. Crisis free speech. The freight trains. Will be used against. You if you want your child to be taken for. A protest mile and California but. This is why we're fighting for the soul of them. Before the movie we wrote the no safe spaces book the book is a documentation and a fascinating one about what is happening to free speech in America especially on campuses we have a limited number of autographed copies of the no safe spaces book in the Prager store it's valuable reading it once you pick it up you won't put it down get your autographed copy of the no safe spaces book in the Prager store go to Prager Store dot com a few years ago my wife and I couldn't find great betting in any stores so we founded our own company I'm Scott tan and the founder of ball and branch the world's most comfortable seats my wife Missy and I spent months developing the super soft organic cotton fabric we're now known for since then we've helped millions of people including 3 u.s. 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Owner of Lone Star transfer if you are a timeshare owner getting out is probably a top priority and now that the animators fees are right around the corner this ongoing burden and expense is at the top of your list let us do for you what we have done for thousands of others our process is done legally ethically and quickly Don't let another day go by with making these taking your hard earned money even a call for a no obligation consultation at 8 or 4 to 8 or 4863 or online at Lone Star transfer dot com. Welcome back America chill here on my annual Veterans Day Semper Fi Fund dot org show the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund also as America's Fund taking care service members from across the branches including Petty Officer Thomas Scott joined now by Petty Officer 3rd Class Thomas Scott representing the Navy today hello Petty Officer Scott welcome. Thank you. For having me on your show where do we find you this morning so I'm here in the Twin Cities. So the area Oh my goodness I can hear it in your voice your Minnesota guy I'm on am 1280 up there are you a Vikings fan Twins fan the whole 9 yards. Yeah I'm all of that Yes exactly it's a very sad situation when I have to talk to twins people so our petty officer has got to tell us a little bit about when were you injured I see your Navy corpsman Yes so I am a Navy corpsman. So I was in your back in 2000 and Margaret Afghanistan. Yeah that's when I got injured some are injury is of course I got. In an i.e.d. Blast. That that. Ended in my right leg below the knee and then my left leg is a limb salvage so really really messed up and it put it back together. Back together well enough that I'm told you spoke at the Marine Corps marathon this year yeah yeah back together and I mean I'm just kind of I'm really lucky because I'm able to walk in pretty much almost able bodied things and I'm just I'm just fortunate that way now tell me about your wife I talk to a Marine in the last segment Tell me about your wife and your kids and how they've been helped by Semper Fi Fund and you through this process Yes So my wife. So when I was injured Semper Fi Fund I didn't really know what was going on at the time but simplified form was able to bring my family from the middle class to the East Coast to come and see me. And I would just cost them a lot at the time to simplify phone was able to do that for. Me and I was surprised to see that the House staff able to come to join me on a difference of my mind off of healing and off of what I had lost and. The knowledge that I'm going to see everything in their pay I've just got to take people don't know about Cormen unless they are Navy or Marine Corps people and I've learned about them over the years but when it says here that the Semper Fi Fund has a corpsman reunion that's got to be a special time yeah it was pretty special. I mean it was the 1st of its kind. I mean the idea just came up with when I was with Karen sitting with her and she just kind of said you know what we've done. We've done some you know reunions for you know i.c.u. Nurses would be nice if we got some corpsman together and just bring them together and does have a share war stories and just talk about their experiences and you know just like what they've gone through and like just the tough corpsman you know responsible for out there in the field in garrison So we got together it was just amazing the hospital corpsman out there and we're like the 1st line of defense with the ones that when people get the hole in our case. I go every year to the angels of the battlefield benefit because my my body male species is on their board and I'm always amazed by the stories of what you men and women run to when other people are are not running towards the wounded so sometimes you get burnt broken up yourself and I'm glad to hear that you're getting back together because that's a unique group of heroes I know you have the Purple Heart you receive that but it's just a unique group of heroes I'm always so moved when they get together in the corpsman are always right there so you're inspiring and I appreciate your taking the time with us this morning Petty Officer Scott Yeah thanks so much for having. This much pleasure happy Veterans Day. He's an amazing guy and they're all amazing people and Semper Fi Fund organs where you can help them all $10.25 everything is doubled by the way until the end of the year because of the bobbin Renee Parsons foundation with support from p.x. She has matching every dollar for dollar remember simper $500.00 an a plus rating from Charity Watch for star rating from the Charity Navigator every group that looks at him says Wow 7 percent overhead from the beginning of the fund they raised $210000000.00 or $24000.00 service members and thousands of family members beyond that thank you thank you thank you the fetching Mr Hewitt and I have been supporting since I got started I hope you are well Semper Fi Fund dot org I'll be right back another great inspiring story the news that you need as well you know you might have all here on the do it show fortunes of your children but you are no see space. You're in the middle of a nonstop action packed information let's see if you're coming back. Here here right here for Home Advisor dot com You know winter is upon us and 72 percent of the people that listen to the Hear hear which are the millions that listen to my program you own your own home well that chilly weather is coming the holidays are just around the corner and the days are getting shorter you may feel like you've got no time to finish up those lingering home projects on your own Well you don't need to do it on your own from minor repairs to major remodel Home Advisor dot com will connect them with a top rated pros in your area who can help with any home project from painting and plumbing Yeah even hang up the holiday lights the pros have been reviewed by your neighbors so you can see what others thought of their work you're not sure how much the praja. 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Morning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia with today in the van where we investigate the stories that can change your morning with the you need an alternate route to avoid trouble on your commute or you want to Beyer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise is to make your mornings a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bank watch on channel 11 or cable free and now I thought from Geico motorcycle It took 15 minutes to take a spirit animal quiz online please be the cheetah. And learn your animal isn't the cheetah but the far less appealing blobfish. Come on to add insult to injury you could have used those 15 blobfish minutes to switch your motorcycle insurance to Geico Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on motorcycle insurance if you could wake up without the burden of owing over $10000.00 in taxes to the i.r.s. Or state call the trusted name in tax resolution anthem tax services 866-275-7820 with over 30 years of experience in tax preparation and tax law we are ready to negotiate your tax debt and reach a settlement that makes sense for you. $17000.00 or. 186-627-5782 extension 0 We are the only company that is confident enough in our services to offer a 100 percent money back guarantee if we can't put you in a better position than where you started all you need to do is call for a free consultation call 866-275-7820 You may even qualify to save up to 99 percent tax debt call anthem today and will also take care of your tax case study for free saving you hundreds of dollars 86627578208662757820. This is Michael Medved for townhall dot com Abraham Lincoln remains our most revered political leader but even some of his admirers misunderstand his rise to power they believe Lincoln only became president 960 because Democrats divided and 3 major candidates split the votes against him in fact those 3 opponents drew a combined total far less than Lincoln's hefty majorities in 15 of the $183.00 states of the Union providing more than enough electoral votes for decisive victory in link Israel action run an 864 he wanted even greater landslide winning the popular vote by 10 percent and carrying 22 of 25 states his example reminds us of the great presidential leadership relies on clear majority support not the. Togethers weaker victories that seem to obsess too many strategists and commentators as they look toward 2020 and Michael Medved. Sponsored by a.d.f. Alliance Defending Freedom to step outside and you'll likely notice some type of secondhand smoke in the air this is in part thanks to the forms of 2nd hand smoke isn't just a cigarette issue anymore with growing variety in forms of smoking over half of Californians are now at risk of exposure to toxic chemicals and secondhand smoke and all of it is harmful even when it smells like a strawberry even when it smells like learn how to protect yourself and your family because there's no such thing as safe secondhand smoke this is 2nd hand dangers 10000 Americans are retiring daily Are you one of them this Saturday learn how to retire tax free visit power of 0 class dot com We can help you save during your retirement years register today at power of 0 class dot com That's power of 0 class dot com if you're hearing Hewitt you're hearing the answer San Diego. Welcome back America to get on this Veterans Day 2019 there is a lot of news there's been a popular revolution a coup in Ecuador and they got rid of the leftist nightmare down there maybe that will spread to Venezuela there has been a killing overnight or a shooting overnight in Hong Kong by the police of a protester in the protests continue there and this morning the best news of the day Nigel Farage getting out of the way of the Tory party not even a stand candidates in 317 districts I hope he withdraws from other ones as well however the Tories have a shot at winning in the polling because of breaks in a vote for a break that party has a vote not to leave the European Union and the Tory party is the bread good party got great news but today is Veterans Day and for 15 years I have been celebrating it with the Semper Fi Fund the injured marine some for 5 and over the years you've heard these inspiring stories like you have all morning of wounded Marines but also airman sailors Coast Guards Air Force men they have all been held by America's Fund but the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund goes by Semper Fi Fund or they raise 210000000 over their 15 years of existence astonishing it was begun by a handful of Marine Corps wives whose husbands had deployed direct Camp Pendleton 15 years ago and they said we have to do something for these warriors are coming home and boy they've done something and it's got all the Commandant's are on the border board members America's they've got all that coming on swabs they've got just extraordinary people they got the Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation along with support from p x u g doubling every contribution you make so all you have to do is go to Semper Fi Fund dot org or call them at 760-725-3680 that 760-725-3680 they will get back to you tomorrow. Yeah they have a snail mail address as well which I'll give you right now snail mail is the only way some people still send checks a 25 college bowl of our you know Semper Fi thon 825 college bowl of ard sweet 1020 a bit tricky on the next line pm b 609 Peter Mary Baker pm b 609 Oceanside California 92057 know that they've got the a plus rating from Charity Watch for start charity writing from Charity Navigator know that they help they they provide bedside financial support caregiver support retreats housing assistance transportation assistance kids program you've heard about their camps visiting nurse program the jinx McCain p.t.s.d. And t.b.i. Support neuro fitness and wellness center counseling a horsemanship program you can help with a one time donation a recurring support you can hold a fundraiser you can attend a fundraiser combined federal campaign numbers 11459 you can donate a car they've got a legacy fund if you want to include them in your planned giving but don't believe me believe my last my last guest from among the ranks of the wounded in recovering Lance Corporal Domingo's joined now by Lance Corporal Matthew David Dominguez United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal to make its welcome Happy Veterans Day to where we find you today. In the office and he will California now you're living in the fine of America's finest city is Pete Wilson likes to say so what are the natures of your injuries when you just suffer them. My initial injury all of them to tell 7 'd men l o l Ambar Providence Iraq. I had an open compound fracture to my right leg. I was hit by a roadside bomb on a foot patrol and it's been a dozen years but it's a long recovery I've talked other people long far longer from people in the 1st year who were how you doing. I'm doing Ok I was having trouble recently with my injury it's been 12 years. So just within the last month I've actually went through a below the knee amputation. Oh that's it you know you're the 2nd Marine today and told me after many years of recovery they opted into the below the knee amputation as a means of making a better recovery is that the thinking yes sir and how's it going in the recovery since surgery it's going good. The pain that I was having before I'm not having any more I'm having a lot of surgical pain but you know that will go away but I'm still going to a whole lot better than I did. Before the surgery but that's a win how super fun helped since the surgery. Simper Fi Fund is helping me with the hotel costs of being out here. I can't even begin to say how much they've helped over the years you know when I was 1st injured they provided me with they have cycle so I can get out and be active. They have provided me with travel to go back and forth so I can get out here so I can have the surgery. That's all terrific how how they help your family I do like the Marines that talk about the summer fun interact with family members as well as the injured Marines they do. They've helped my wife they viewed her. As a cab to give her caregiver support terrific which gave her knowledge that we never we never had before. They send our kids to count every year and that helps them learn and grow and then realize that you know what's going on it's Ok. And so how did a fantastic one caseworker. Actually I. Like multiple I guess I have one case worker but really the super fund is psycho family you know you go to these different events you talk to one caseworker you need something that you talk to your caseworker and everyone's kind of there so it's one main caseworker but it's like a whole family you know that that is developed over there my audience knows if they've heard this show before that it really is a family and they become a part of it when they support the Semper Fi Fund but in terms of the I have forgotten to ask I'm doing this a different way this year for the 1st time I forgot to ask anyone so it's got to fall on you Lance Corporal Dominguez I hate red tape I believe that the Semper Fi Fund has conquered red tape is that your experience of there is no red tape in the in the Semper Fi Fund world yes I would definitely say that. You know just so needing the surgery. I was having trouble with my league and I talked to my case manager and I said you know look my lease have been trouble she like you know we got a nurse and before the end of that day I got a call and they actually got released out here to San Diego where I had my initial surgeries and I didn't have to jump through many hoops this ng are able to a visiting or you can do to that if that is so terrific and it's also hard to arrange through the v.a. That's why they step in Right right yeah the v.a. Was. A long process going through them there's a bunch of red tape there well that you know government is government but the Semper Fi Fund is are the Marines and Lance Corporal Matthew David Dominguez thank you for all your service continued success in your recovery from this most recent surgery and my best to your wife and your family thank you sir thank you I'm Asian guy and you know I always have the same reaction during my Semper Fi Fund show and I talk to fetch you Mrs Hewitt about it afterwards I have no problems you know I always know that because there's a real life around me I have had of a dear friend have a stroke in the last couple of days had a friend have breast surgery breast cancer surgery another friend lose their father just a lot of sorrow in the world but my problems which are usually the line is too crowded or I've missed an airplane or I went to the wrong airport last week I've got problems but there are so minor when you talk to someone who just had to have after 10 years of being blown up and recovering just had a lectern amputation that's the 2nd one this morning that talk to the wounded Marine who said Ok anough with this get me the prosthetic and let me get back to running and walking you don't have any problems you have an obligation like I do like everybody listening and obligation to help these people through Semper Fi Fund org all of the information is over to us dot com I'm not done yet I'm going to come back one more time with one England scene and talk about it but if you haven't been moved thus far I don't know you've got no heart. These people are out there they fought for you they protected you in this country has been so well protected since 911 and at extraordinary cost police step up and help those people who are in recovery from their wounds Semper Fi Fund or a couple other points this is the this is the day that you can look up where no safe spaces movie is no safe spaces dot com I was with Dennis Prager in Tampa Bay on Thursday of last week the movie doing very well wherever it's shown it open serially they make more money they move it to other places no safe spaces movie with Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla there is terrible terrible repression of speech on college campuses students are lashing out and provocateurs against any speaker are brave enough to say something that doesn't fit with the hard left agenda you know safe spaces Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla expose these attacks on free speech and free throat I thought it began in universities but it's warning that spreading everywhere when no safe spaces open in Phoenix Arizona it promptly became the 2nd best selling documentary in history the film has a number of conservative heroes and like Ben Shapiro Jordan Peterson and its role in all across America in the weeks ahead you can go to no safe spaces dot com to find out exactly where that is no safe spaces dot com While you're online go to. Supper 5 fund or Semper Fi Fund dot org I forgot to mention they are the highest rated There is one other veterans charity rated like Semper Fi Fund I think it's Fisher House and they're a great organization I never throw shade our New York edition is just that these charity watchdog exist for a reason to make sure that the money that you want to give generously gets to the people you want to give it to and all the highest ratings go to our friends they got the platinum c.e.o. Of transparency from Guide Star the 5 star is the best rated because they only have a 7 percent overhead so they are they are the best thing going out there the very best thing going out there want to go back and play for you just a bit of news this morning brags that by the way looking much better because of Boris Johnson and now not running against the Brotherhood party Nigel Farage is basically calling off his stand down but not humiliate him let him stand down easily be getting out of the way here is Lindsey Graham yesterday on Fox News a mere Bartiromo I want you to hear this cut number 11 so they don't call the whistleblower in the house this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate all right play that again listen to this so they don't call the whistleblower in the house this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate one more time Lindsey Graham so they don't call the whistleblower in the house this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate so they're not going to call the whistleblowers in the house and as a result if that in the Senate now I have written at length in The Washington Post this morning I do is go to Washington Post dot com and I'm sure the applause is resoundingly through the through the Internet how many people are you got 2000 comments I'm sure they're all very favorable just a roadmap I went back from last week's column and talked to a former secretary of the Senate Kelly Johnson. About how Leader McConnell could shut this down in a in effect. A dismissal of all charges on summary judgment motion Yeah we watched we saw there's nothing there in your due process with terrible secret witnesses secret hearings not secret when the secret hearings there is a secret witness the ex parte witness the secret witness and the ex parte contacts with the secret witness Yeah it's just a mess and Adam Schiff is ruthless the Nancy Pelosi is ruthless ruthless doesn't sell in America and what sells in America candor honesty and transparency and our better ins Semper Fi Fund or one more segment coming out don't go anywhere except to. The right really Faca got it back and make sure I take it with me to California mile after the show I take it 3 times I remind you about a 3 time today I take in the 1st hour and I remind everyone to you know why do you have a day off today a lot of teachers are off schools are off certainly federal employees are off the trans days of federal employ you can go to a cemetery and walk around salute the fallen but whatever you do take relief factor at the beginning of the day maybe you're going to work and you've got that extraordinary commute in front of you that always makes your back hurt whatever is that you are doing really factor dot com makes it easier to do I carrying her commander is very traumatic I take it every morning in the 1st hour you hear me do it then I remind you you do not get the benefits of really fact that outcome unless you take and I'm so excited Pete and subtle but I'm going to be doing a new deal in January I think that's going to support the Semper Fi Fund Bravo Pete and Seth are already wonderful people great bill at the best in Seattle Pacific area but right now really fact that dot com is what you should try come back to the last segment of today's Veterans Day show and they give you a child. This is the huge. Good day I'm Scott from plug in place for a if you have a right on O.P.'s problem at your home or business don't spray harmful toxic chemicals use plug in pest free the electromagnetic pest control the faucet uses your wiring to get rid of pests just plug it in one customer had a way house with a rat problem he was catching up to 20 rats a day he called pest control is but nothing solve the problem and I came along my plug in Pest for a commercial system got rid of the rats and since then he's seen maybe 3 in the last 12 months plugging past furries not a sonic device it's chemical free and gets rid of pass safely and effectively for years it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee and a 2 year warranty Now that's faith ordered to dying at 20 percent off at Go pest free dot com prime my cut save 20 that's go past 3 dot com prime I could save 20 Thanks Brian regret blog and forget with plug in past very high this is Dennis Prager and you've heard me talking about the movie No Safe Spaces which is a great movie and it is about the crisis of America the the crisis free speech. Right turn lane so. If. You want. To be taken for. A protest mile and California but this is why I was fighting for the soul of the league before the movie we wrote the no safe spaces book the book is a documentation and a fascinating one about what is happening to free speech in America especially on campuses we have a limited number of autographed copies of the no safe spaces book in the Prager store it's valuable reading it once you pick it up you won't put it down get your autographed copy of the no safe spaces book at the Prager store go to prayer Store dot com One of my list. 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Welcome back America to you right here I've been doing my simper 5000 Veterans Day show and Wendy With thing one of the people who got the Semper Fi Fund going always makes it possible Wendy thank you I am wrapping up today as I began and I did it every year with Wendy listening and I'm always amazed at how they line up for me a dozen people this was a Marine have either this year sometimes it's army heavy sometimes it's navy air force navy destroyed Marine having this year what a great set of heroes Wendy thank you so much you were welcome I mean our heart listening to the incredible men and women I mean America's finest and 2 we have been given a sacred duty to provide support for them and throughout their hospitalization recovery and transitioning through their story you know what I heard twice today Wendy I don't think I've heard it before you had to worry years who've had had their leg amputated in the last 8 weeks though they were injured 10 years ago and you mentioned at the beginning this is a lifelong commitment our country owes these people we owe this to them and Semper Fi Fund is delivering on the bill and I am so glad to help you because. You know it's not one and done 2 and done 3 and done it's a lifetime commitment. Absolutely not I do hope that this Veterans Day Those listening to join us and supporting our lesson and become part of this wonderful sacrifice and family you've heard it over and over again what a family we are we truly are whether you're whether it's the veteran that we're helping or. The staff and the volunteers or those that support us because it's part of the 5 or 5 of the family and I love that a number of our our guests today and I'm of the heroes talked about their family and how the Semper Fi Fund treats the family as the family I know that just can't be done by the government that's why some provide funding org has to exist I'll give the snail mail address out again for the old fashion but I think the best thing to do is just go to separate 5 Fun dot org And we're doing this differently this year mixing the live with the pre recorded some of the workers we have to talk to the prerecorded because that's the only time we can talk to them but it's a it's very inspiring on Veterans Day and people are going to work this morning and they might be grumbling about their bad back but honestly we have no problems Wendy we have no problems. You know you look at this and and it it definitely is inspiring it's motivating and it makes you want to help you know more and how do you not do what we after listening to this guy. I don't have a choice I'm just thinking about Operation coffee dot com and and the number of people are walking around with dark thoughts on how Semper Fi Fund has saved so many lives and in part encourage so many people to be lifesavers in the midst of their recovery than the jinx McCain The Semper Fi Fund the corpsman reunion it all is just an amazing collaboration that has served $24000.00 service members 1000 more family many thousands and thousands more family members $210000000.00 raised I know you never set out to do this when you're lifting but you've got to you've you've got to be humbled by. The people that you've worked with for 15 years. The best people we have an amazing staff and volunteers on the board that supports us and are our supporters across the country. We thought you know we'd be lucky if we gave up $20000.00 just couple service members when we started having no idea that this war on these conflicts will go on so long and we are here we are going to pay share for ever. And we need to support this Semper Fi Fund or to wrap up here by giving all that but Wendy thank you again for organizing this you do it every year and it's always amazing and you do it without complaint about crazy radio stuff but I really appreciate you and every volunteer and every staff member except for fund org for what you do for these men and women and it's our pleasure and thank you thank you thank you to all your listeners for being there and check out our Web site. And don't forget the donations of being matched dollar for dollar to the and then. Double double the donation today at Semper Fi Fund dot org and make your Veterans' Day a real celebration of the real meaning of Veterans Day thank you when he was saying thank you it is remarkable that they set out to raise 20000 dollars 15 years ago they raised $210000000.00 and the need is immense they've got to take care of these injured Marines sailors soldiers airman coastguardsman injured if they're in the service they get taken care of by the Semper Fi Fund over to us dot com I've posted all the information and leave it up all day on Veterans Day Not that Below are the links to yesterday's Meet the Press and The Washington Post column that I wrote yesterday afternoon is that there's nothing about the Browns all there is is the Semper Fi Fund information so that you can say to yourself Ok I'll do it as soon as I get to work Semper Fi Fund toward their phone number is 176072536817607253680 . He had misspelled the old school snail mail address is where you send your check of your old school 825 college bowl of art 825 college bowl of our sweet 102 pm de Peter merry that's long to expand beat Peter Mayor Baker 609 Oceanside California 92057 I'll go into the website and fix that right now on Monday morning I'll be back tomorrow Adam thank you Ben thank you generally Shimon runs a circus every single year and gets all these wonderful people on to deal with me on time inefficiently Thank you Wendy would think thanks all of you we're going to go get her already had given data to simplify pun God bless you and God bless the American military I'll talk to them on the next to you and show. You actually positively. This return this huge huge. 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This is the huge. Warning to more than just waking up heading to work or getting the kids out the door I'm Marcus Washington and I'm Laura Garcia it's a day in the day where we investigate the stories that can change your morning with the you need an alternate route to avoid trouble in your commute or you want to Bayer is more accurate weather forecasts will help you prepare for the unknown with a newscast that won't waste your time I promise is to make your mornings a little easier so get up get informed and get going with today in the bag lunch on channel 11 or cable 350. 96 point north. 11. News this hour from Town Hall dot com comrade Thomas and. Following the shooting of one man and another being set on fire during violent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong the city's chief executive Kerry lamb insisted violence will never change government policy if there is still. Plenty for the same thing that by escalating violence. As a outcome. To pressure. To satisfy some political 2 minds. I'm making this statement and I don't feel. That we're not well I'm sure marks are fueling speculation that harsher legal and police measures may be in the offing to curb the protests that began 5 months ago the head of Iran's nuclear program says the country has stepped up production of low enriched uranium after restarting an underground lab he of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran says the country is now producing at least 5.5 kilograms daily around 12 pounds that's compared to what's Iran have been producing about 450 grams one pound of low enrich uranium per day Iran currently enrich uranium up to 4.5 percent fall below weapons grade levels of 90 percent to 0 maintains its nuclear program is the peaceful purposes how Western nations pushed for the 2015 u.k. Deal over that consumes about the program I'm jealous of that's me this week Americans will be getting their 1st public view of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry as the proceedings emerge from closed doors for open hearings midweek on Capitol Hill shattering records for their singles day event Chinese e-commerce giants including Alibaba report nearly $60000000000.00 in sales on Wall Street stock futures on the red our futures down 106 points s. And p. Futures off 12 more on these stories set townhall dot com. I mean. Right now good morning a motorcyclist was seriously injured yesterday when he. Was riding from Interstate 15 north. Into the lane of the westbound the motorcyclist suffered a serious injury to his left leg but it's not considered life threatening police officer fired a man in a stolen pickup truck who tried to run down another officer near Imperial Beach but the suspect got away no officers were injured in the incident union officials representing mental health professionals a Kaiser Permanente plan 5 strike across California that was set to begin today in deference to Sunday's passing of Kaiser c.e.o. . Tyson died in.
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