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Leg. So the campaign put out in advance to their media friends so he's going to even Trump in his speech in Iowa. And this is what we see to the lead up of a speech in Iowa all over the place that Biden will even. C.n.n. In particular. Constantly showing how objective they are. I watched some of what Biden had to say this is feeble. He's feeble he reminded me of someone. He's having difficulty speaking he's having difficulty thinking I mean more than usual. More than usual. So the president sees this coming. About it outside the White House today as he's going to. Ca to go. See as a matter of the Democratic Party is a matter of doing everything. To win the election in 21 they are guilty of many. Many many crimes what they've done they're guilty of many many crimes and hopefully in a short period of time. They should never have done what they've done and all they do is waste time on these investigations where there's no obstruction no nothing and in the meantime they can get a border deal done they can't do anything. Great deal with Mexico we need them to work on illegal immigration border lower drug prices. And they're not doing anything. Isn't it amazing. The real narrative ought to be the do nothing Democrats in Congress that really ought to be the narrative. And I've been thinking about this too this whole issue of impeachment it's all manufactured and it is daily it is repeated they are hammering and hammering and hammering there's no case for impeachment the American people have no stomach for impeachment . The majority of the radical kook base to the Democrat Party wants it but the vast majority the American people don't and so we're driven by the radical base of the Democrat Party. I. Mean time issues that Congress is supposed to be looking at and I don't agree with all that he the president mentioned but issues that Congress is supposed to be looking at they're not looking. I think this makes them very very vulnerable in 2020 will see and then of course as I said the Biden campaign put out information they're really going to viscerally Trump. Really going to vest for a trial cut 3 go blurred by the loser I mean look you know never got more than one times I guess they should be complimented I think this is true. He looks actually older than e s age is nothing good a job I mean use was not good to Joe Biden but ages definitely not to Joe It's just not. He 76 or 77 that's 112 years old to me. More cut for a go no I'd rather run against I think Biden anybody I think is the weakest mentally and I like running against people that are weak. Weak here the other ones have much more energy I don't agree with their policies but I think Joe is the. Call of one percent Joe because until Obama came along he didn't do very well. And of course Obama hasn't even endorsed him yet. And the media all but ignore that . So here is Joe Biden in Iowa today. Cut 5 go you know the and I think I believe the president is literally an extra special threat to America for 3 reasons one hold on hold on you know and that's essentially threat is. An axis tensional threat that is a threat. That threatens the very existence of our nation. This is about. As it possibly can get. I mean that is on the hinged I don't know the meaning can't spell the word jobs. And I'm sure he can't spell the word existential. But the people who who write this pablum and put it under his face for him to read. The idea that the president of the United States. Is an existential threat to the United States and this comes from a man who supported $150000000000.00 to a ram. They hate Trump more than they hate the Islam of Nazi regime in Tehran this comes from a man who supported opening diplomatic relations with the Castros who slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent men and women. Castro is not an existential threat Islam Nazis are not an existential threat but Donald Trump is The Next Threat to believe this and he will not be held to account by his outrageous statements he is a blunder and a liar go ahead he is a genuine threat to our our core values and if you wondered I want you to listen to the way he. Listen to the way it's like his dentures are coming loose. Core values. Remember what happened in Charlottesville I never thought I'd see that happen in my lifetime of course you do because during busing in Wilmington Delaware you for at least a period of time you were a segregationist. So of course you saw that in your time. You slobbered all over Robert Byrd who as we all know was the crank Legal of the Klan in West Virginia so of course don't play games with us we know who you are go ahead people come a climbing out of the fields and on from under rocks torches contorted faces chanting made. Sense. But this is more of an effort to try and tie Trump to neo nazis to Klansmen to anti semites this is all a propaganda effort that's what it is and the Democrat Party is very good at it they are very good at projecting their own history on to other individuals very good at projecting their own history on the Republicans there's absolutely nothing in Donald Trump's background nothing that gives a hint of racism white supremacy Neo Nazi ism anti-Semitism nothing 0 yet look at the propaganda effort Joe Biden can't run on his record it's 50 years old and what is it exactly wrong 98 percent of the time that's his record go ahead antisymmetric Bilderberg Chander that your friend Germany 3rd semi Saqlain with on and on and on you must be confusing him with the New York Times cartoons. Notice he's never spoken out against Omar or are a.o. C. Or Ellison or fair. Sharpton notice he's never done that. The anti-semitism full throated within his own party notice he's never done that and he's not going to do it it's better to pretend that Donald Trump has some kind of association with these kinds of slime balls when he has none go ahead. Carnacki fly accompanied by white supremacists a company buys a clue Klux Klan confronted by d.c. It's not the Klu Klux Klan clueless it's the Ku Klux Klan. Ku Klux Klan. The Democrat Party official should be familiar with the Ku Klux Klan. Since it was given birth by the Democrat Party in the Confederacy and since it had a major role in its conventions right up to and through in 1924 during the clambake in New York City. So it's. Go ahead. And what happened when he was asked to comment he said. There were very fine people in both groups now we listen folks we spend a lot of time on this and for reasons that are quite obvious and really outrageous the media and the Democrat Party one in the same keep pushing this lie the big lie . That what you meant by that was good people in the Klan and neo nazis that's not what he meant that's not what he said. The entire context is ripped away I've spent a lot of time on this on the radio over many months the president was on this program I specifically asked him about it again they insist on putting words in his mouth they insist on spinning they don't want to run against Donald Trump they want to run against a caricature that they're trying to create that's what all this impeachment crap is about that's what all this rush of collusion crap is about here's our criminal justice system they use our Congressional system they'll use the media the media will use them they're using every force that they have to try and create something manufacture something in order to take back power because that's what they're all a back it's not about following the money it's about power power and more power go ahead President United States Democrat or Republican has ever ever ever said something like 100 talking of value idiot what are you talking about. Maybe you're unfamiliar with Woodrow Wilson. Who was a racist and a segregationist Woodrow Wilson who took the the civil service and the military that have been. Integrated and re segregated them. You don't even know this this guy doesn't even know the history of his own party he doesn't even know the history of the progressive movement. What is he talking about Woodrow Wilson was an out of the closet racist segregationist. There's simply no question about that. And anti-Semitism ran rampant in Franklin Roosevelt's administration while he was tamping down attention to the Holocaust and the media followed right behind him ran rampant and it was. Franklin Roosevelt who separated Japanese Americans and Americans of Japanese descent from the population issued a military order I think it was 9033 it's off the top of my head. And had the military forcibly removed the Japanese in this country into internment camps in the interior the country does he not know his own history. Go ahead. And it was a response heard around the world. No it was propaganda pushed around the world propaganda pushed around the world by the likes of you and your party that is the media go ahead instead of repairing the relationships of our allies is continue to damage. And really why don't you ask Israel what they thought of Obama Biden versus what they think of Trump pence. Which allies are you talking about. Our closest allies are thrilled that you and Obama were gone thrilled. As the Eastern European countries. The hunger Ariens the Poles the Czech Republic ask them what they thought about you and Obama asked the Ukrainians what they thought about you and Obama versus Trump and pence. You're a liar about our allies. Give 150000000000 dollars to Iran that our ally you say Syria you better stop dancing your own people here's a red line and they're getting their own people and you do nothing said an ally I don't think so. Go ahead think about this no president on his face is ever ever ever since the end of World War 2 we both had a manic Alliance and NATO ever threatened to leave and then you Joe. Never built NATO more money now is being put in a NATO by NATO member countries than ever before it's just that Joe you're too stupid to understand what he was doing too stupid to understand what he was doing you were the guys undermining your IP undermining a particular Eastern Europe you were the guys who slashed the United States military which undermines NATO too you were the guys who rejected. Calls to stop with your Iran deal you're the guys who undermine the state of as I go on and on and I shall well be right back. He was Radio 102.9 k r n is Mark globe and ask any a mic member what they like most about belonging to the conservative alternative to a a r p l tell you how much they love reading a max magazine that a mac advantage a Mac. Is pleased to announce that they're now publishing a Mac. 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So you can take. And I want to talk about it after the bottom of the hour. Because this is the core of what I want to get to. Go It's always been about computer power. You know only. Judging Mexican ancestry. I don't know he wasn't talking about an Indian at a Dunkin Donuts was it misted. Go ahead the newsmedia all them back there are all fake movies. Oh everybody thinks that's kind of you know it doesn't mean much but look at the people copying his ways all around the world whether it's your monitor hungry whether it's the Philippines earth folks all over the world using the same kinds of language this is this is this is really what we're going to dig into. And sounds like Jim Acosta and Jim Acosta sounds like the both talking things . They're both talking things cost us talking a why in the name of his book. 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And 2017 Of course he fought that subpoena they eventually cut a deal and he greed to come back in this after questions ever merge about his past testimony before Capitol Hill federal investigators have determined the timeline of the helicopter pilot who was killed crashed into a Manhattan skyscraper correspondent Brant Jett grass we know that this helicopter took on her from an airport in Westchester around 11 30 in the morning actually with the passenger finality of their pilot dropped that passenger on the east side Al apart and then waited on the ground for nearly 2 hours for the weather to improve how before he took 5 on Wall Street the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 14 points the s. And p. Down one I mean kids. 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And we thank God for the Arkansas for cervical center turn my power on dot com dot com. When my kids. Are Really. Some answers can only be found in. The forest or on a trail near you. A. Great deal. Of it is on the radio. Turned out it's 9 following Mark Hughes radio 102.9 k. They are. Ready. For you. Today claims to be defending a free press. Now when you listen to this I want you to keep a few things in mind. Well let's let's play it 1st let me not give up the punchline here let's play it 1st and then I'll tell you what I'm thinking about this cut 7 ago it's always been about the abuse of power. You know only attacks. Because he said how can I judge a Mexican ancestry treat me fairly. The the news media. They're all. Oh everybody thinks. By the way as I think about what Biden said about the Indian accent in a Dunkin Donuts. I think about how he and Obama treated Netanyahu when he came visiting that time remember made him go down the back steps while they were eating heard Obama was eating dinner or whatever was. Pretty damn appalling. Pretty damn appalling when I think about the way Joe Biden treated Clarence Thomas an African-American I don't think we need any lectures from from Joe Biden or saw segregation Joe in 1975 when there was busing in Wilmington he was trying to take both sides of the issue finally he took the segregation side and later the integration. He's an appalling politician for half a century. The world whether it's. Earth or the world using the same kinds of language. And what I don't want to. Know. And you know the goal is simple how do you do. This if. He. Or in a country by the way you know to. Me I'm not crazy about him sometimes. But they are the 4th estate is Jefferson said if I have to choose. One of the 3 branches of government. Yeah but you know what you didn't. When you were vice president and Obama was president you didn't pick a free press. And I want you to listen to this ladies and gentlemen is page 112 and beyond and on freedom of the press. Barack Obama like Franklin Roosevelt Obama acted against the media in a variety of significant ways a retired Washington Post executive editor writing on the Opinion Page explained that the Justice Department secretly subpoenaed and seized from telephone companies 2 months of records for 20 Associated Press phone lines and switchboards used by more than 100 reporters in 4 of its news bureaus. The Obama administration subpoenaed seed records of telephone calls and e-mails between several New York Times reporters and government officials between a Fox News reporter and a State Department contract analyst and between 2 journalists and a former CIA officer he lectures from Biden he's the last guy to talk about a free press specifically in 2010 the f.b.i. Spied on James Rosen and then Fox News reported collecting his cell phone records seizing 2 days of his personal e-mails and using his State Department security badge to track his movements in and out of the department the f.b.i. Also accused him of violating the Espionage of 1917 at the very least either resonator a better and or a coconspirator quote unquote Well one of discovering that sources. James arise and not to be confused with James Rosen James arrives in a reporter for The New York Times was also treated as a coconspirator with a government source who was indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act of 1970. Raisen the reporter was subpoenaed the government sought access to his phone and computer records tried to compel him to testify against one of his sources and for several years threatened him with in prison. Risin would later describe the Obama administration as growth quote They greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation unquote the Associated Press found that quote The Obama administration used the 917 Espionage Act with unprecedented vigor protecting excuse me prosecuting more people under the law for leaking sensitive information to the public than all previous modern administrations combined. Obama's Justice Department dug into confidential communications between news organizations and their sources as part of that effort. In response to the Obama administration's surveillance of the Associated Press and c.e.o. Gary Pruitt wrote that quote these records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all the news gathering activities undertaken by the a.p. During a 2 month period provide a road map to A.P.'s newsgathering operations and disclose information about A.P.'s activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know. Nobody questioned show by know why I'm questioning him right now. Nobody that's why there is damage all modern mass media is not the media of a free press that's why these damnable frauds won't read my book won't talk about my book at least in any intelligent way. The Obama administration also briefly entertain the idea of overseeing the content of radio programming because of the structural imbalance quote unquote of such content that draft proposal from the f.c.c. Is legal department included a program that would place government monitors in newsrooms to determine how stories were selected whether there was bias in reporting and whether critical information needs were being met if the program had been instituted the monitors would have in place not only in broadcast news rooms but also print media outlets that the f.c.c. Had no regulatory authority oh. We don't need any lectures from Joe Biden. Donald Trump hasn't done this to the media. Joe Biden did this to the media says we've never seen anything like this before talks about dictators really. David Bitola again this is from an freedom of the press again this is why I strongly encourage you to get it this book. Is really . Trying to say it without seeming too self-serving here. I just want to strongly encourage you to get it from Father's Day Let me put it to you that way you can read and draw your own conclusions. David bate o.b.e. I Teoh's professor University of Alabama talk about f.d.r. F.D.R.'s war against the press during the New Deal and later War 2 for example at its inception in 1934 the Federal Communications Commission reduced the license renewal period for stations from 3 years to only 6 months why this allowed Roosevelt maxim of the already over the life and death of radio stations Meanwhile Roosevelt tapped her pedi as secretary of the f.c.c. Peggy had overseen radio for Roosevelt in his 1932 campaign after his appoint many worked in tandem with the d.n.c. To handle radio matters quote unquote Well both the networks and local stations and you have to remember radio was even bigger than it is today. It was bigger than t.v. . He did not take long for broadcasters to get the message n.b.c. Announced that it was limiting broadcasts contrary to the policies of the United States government c.b.s. Vice president Henry Bello said that no broadcast would be permitted over the Columbia Broadcasting System that in any way was critical of any policy of the administration he lab rated that the Columbia system was at the disposal of President Roosevelt and his administration and they were permit no broadcast that did not have his approval. But listen to this. This just shows you the lies that we get from Biden the lies that we get from Sam Donaldson today defending Jim Acosta the lies that that come out of Jim Acosta's mouth. Roosevelt's manipulation and reach went well beyond the nascent broadcast media. The professor explained that Roosevelt's intimidation efforts reach their apogee in the hands of the special Senate Committee on lobbying the president indirectly recruited Senator Hugo Black Democrat Alabama a zealous and effective new day a loyalist as chair and by the way his 1st nominee he would become his 1st nominee is associate justice to the Supreme Court and black was a lawyer for the Klan in Alabama had been so hairy as a senator the black committee undertook a wide ranging investigation into anti New Deal critics including journalists Senator Black was granted access to tax returns dating back to $925.00 of such critics as David Lawrence of the United States News He then demanded that his targets turn over their private telegraph sound familiar missed and that learned. Turned over their private telegrams and the telegraph companies let the committee search copies of all incoming and outgoing telegrams for the 1st 9 months of 1935 when western union refused on privacy grants the f.c.c. Of blacks urging ordered it to comply. The extent of the government's intrusion of the private telegram communications were shocking over a nearly 3 month period at the end of 1935 writes a professor by f.c.c. And black committee staffers searched great stacks of telegrams and Western Union's d.c. Office operating with virtually no restriction they read the communications of sundry lobbyists newspaper publishers and conservative political activists as well as every member of Congress writing to black one investigators stated they'd gone through 35250000 public telegrams per day various newspapers or members of Congress later estimated that staffers have examined some 5000000 telegraphs over the course of the investigation the committee use the information it found as a basis for more than 1000 subpoenas. One of these was for all incoming and outgoing telegrams not just those sent through Washington d.c. Of w. H. Cole's anti New Deal newspaper chain in the northwest and I go on and on and on. And the book does and yet they paint Trump as the great danger. Trump as the great race that will be Woodrow Wilson the anti-Semite that would be the Franklin Roosevelt administration. That would be the New York Times covering up the Holocaust. As they has as a man who hates the media and I don't know who actually the media hate the media the media are destroying the free press. But boy did they love Franklin Roosevelt and they love Barack Obama. Who did enormous damage to freedom of the press and the media and yet they're going to continue with their lies in their propaganda whether it's Jim Acosta's Sam Donaldson or Joe Biden they all sound the same they all sound the same. I'll be right back. Loving he was Radio 102.9 k r n is Marg luvin some say in the near future all cars are going to drive themselves but for now humans are still at the wheel and they're still running into each other accidents happen and one the collision specializes in putting any damage vehicle back to its original condition we work on all makes and models and have stated they are at locations in Jacksonville North Little Rock and was Little Rock what make Allision centers where quality collides with great service. 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Check out vistaprint dot com Vistaprint now to help seniors afford their prescription drugs the Trump administration wants to eliminate secret rebates and discounts given a pharmacy benefit managers and instead require all drug discounts go directly to patients at the pharmacy counter but Democrats point to a Congressional Budget Office estimates as proof that Trump's reforms will increase drug costs except this is a very old trick the c b o is made of left wing central planners which explains why the c.b.i. Was notorious for getting it wrong in 2003 over estimated the cost of Medicare part d. By $349000000000.00 They scored trumps drug pricing reforms using the same static analysis that doesn't consider how it would stimulate innovation competition and create efficiencies to drive down costs in other words the c.b.s. 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To save 10 percent that's car shield dot com cold Levin or call 800 cards 6000 and mention code live in a deductible may apply now this book. On freedom of the press. It's obvious now that they've tried to tactics on my book they've tried personally attacking me but I have this megaphone this microphone and I respond and now they give you the silent treatment like you don't exist. They don't want to get to be aware this book and sadly they're not the only ones there's even some people in my own business they're not going to allow the title of this book crossed their lips as they're reading it and cherry picking it that's Ok but there are millions of you who do care about this. Who are engaged in this and when you hear what a Joe Biden says when you read what Sam Donaldson said today obviously writing for c.n.n. When you watch Jim Acosta on the network shows or wherever he is you know there fronts you know what they're saying can't be true. And I'm going to give you the muscle the substance the actual news and information. To arm you with the facts. They don't want you to know about this they don't want you to know about Franklin Roosevelt they don't want you to remember Barack Obama they don't want you to know about what So they keep him keep telling you that nobody's ever done anything like Donald Trump ladies and gentlemen Donald Trump hasn't done anything to them. He fights back he defends himself he defends his family he defends his businesses he defends his reputation he defends his office he fights back they're trying to beat him down day in and day out but we need to fight back and beat them back with our noggins with our heads with our brains how many times have we invited Jim Acosta on this program Mr Producer a bunch he won't come on why not Mr Constant you're everywhere else. Come on my program we'll talk about what's in your book and we'll talk about what's in my book he won't do it how come c.b.s. Sunday morning with all the music in the picture the butterflies and the flowers and the quiet lakes and everybody talking like a zombie Yes kind of putting it to sleep they have to wake up on a Sunday poem Let's watch sudden name morning. With Jane Pauley Yes why they frighten me. Why are the news media afraid of me I'm prepared to have a serious intellectual engagement with them. And I'll go through the stats and I'll go through the facts I'll go through history and I'll talk about propaganda techniques I'm ready are they ready. Of course they're not and that's why this book was written for you not for them and father stays the perfect time. There's Joe Biden out there telling you that the things Donald Trump says you hear these things said by dictators let me tell you something dummy you always have been a dummy and you always will be a dummy let me tell you something when Barack Obama won over sit went overseas and trashed his own country that was music to every ear of every dictator when Barack Obama viscerally to the United States military every dictator every enemy of America loved it. When Barack Obama sided with the Muslim Brotherhood against the Egyptian people the Muslim Brotherhood against the Israeli people. Our enemies loved it. They loved it. And when Barack Obama attacks this country whether it's the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence that dummy sat right next to him smiling the whole time. Aka Joe Biden. Oh they love our country so much don't you know. I'll be right back. 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Crime spring I-Man counts as a protein measure making it easier to take Trump administration officials to court to get them to comply with subpoenas House minority leader Kevin McCarthy didn't like the Resolution one bit just a desperate attempt to relate a gate the Moeller investigation that's why I urge colleagues to oppose this resolution Democrat Jim McGovern was incredulous You know at the core of this resolution is Congress getting the appropriate documents so we can do the appropriate oversight that's part of the job the resolution stops short of contempt in this case against Attorney General William Barr and former White House counsel Donegan it comes amid a newly minted deal with the Justice Department to turn over some of the supporting documents from the mother report Linda Kenney on Capitol Hill the Utah man arrested for a shooting that left a Las Angeles County sheriff's deputy in grave condition as also the suspect in a murder l.a.p.d. Chief Michael Moore says just before 5 pm Monday a car pulled up to a person standing on the street a few words were exchanged and the person inside the vehicle fired one shot killing the victim about an hour later a man walked into a jack in the Box restaurant calmly up to an off duty sheriff's deputy and fired one shot in his head the deputy is on life support a 30 year old man from St George Utah is under arrest and there are funny story for us this is our you. Leave you. At this point says the chief No motive is known Jim Roope Los Angeles federal investigators remain at the top of a Manhattan skyscraper the site of a deadly helicopter crash that brazenness the National Transportation Safety Board we've got some information that says the. The pilot may have tried to make radio calls near the end of the flight we're trying to confirm now we're trying to find out if it's recorded and if it's not recorded find out what witnesses recall from that radio transmission if it existed on Wall Street the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 14 points I mean Kate. 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And here record sized dead zone could form in the Gulf of Mexico this summer scientists at Louisiana State University say spring flooding in the Midwest is largely to blame for a dead zone in the Gulf they anticipate could get as big as the state of Massachusetts by the end of the summer that's about 8700 square miles about 5 times the average the unusually high rainfall is washing farm fertilizers and sewage down the Mississippi River basin into the Gulf feeding algae that die decompose and then deplete the water of oxygen that could kill off millions of shrimp crabs and fish they say the problem could get worse if any more big tropical storms wash out more farm fertilizer I'm Scott car Rolling Stones front man make Jagger is back in the studio and says he's doing well after his heart surgery with a lot in the works Jagger underwent heart reply valve replacement surgery in April and the Rolling Stones had to postpone their North American tour as a result I mean Kate's. Choice of a lawyer is an important decision should not be based only on advertising sponsored by case legal media attention this is an important message for anyone that has been .