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christi paul. breaking news in washington. supreme court justice john paul stevens will retire when the court finishes this summer. the court's press office made that announcement this morning. stevens has been on the court for nearly 35 years. he was named to the job in 1975 by then president gerald ford. the oldest member of the court, stevens will be 90 years old in just 11 days. his retirement will give president obama a chance to fill a second spot on the court. his first appointment to the court was justice sonia sotomayor. hope is running out for four missing miners in west virginia. rescuers reached a rescue chamber inside the upper big branch mine and found no one there, no one inside. the chambers are safe places miners can go in an emergency like the explosion on monday that killed 25 people. there is a second chamber further inside the mine and officials say it is the last chance of finding any of the four missing miners alive. rescuers were trying to reach it when they were forced to turn back. >> we have smoke in all four of those entries, and the smoke is traveling from this side toward the long wall face indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers. meanwhile, funerals will be held today for the four miners kill in monday's explosion. four of the 25. carl acord works in mines for 34 years. the day before the explosion, he told his family he was worried about going to work. and we have learned the company that owns the mine, massey energy, will pay for all of the funerals. the man accused of gunning down 13 people at ft. hood is out of the hospital and in a texas jail today. major nidal hasan was air lifted to the jail today. he's in a wheelchair because he's paralyzed from the waist down. the 39-year-old is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder. if he is rusty or rattled by the scrutiny, tiger woods is not showing it yet at the masters. he is currently on the course for his second round. and his even par through three holes following up yesterday's 4 under par. things may be serene on the ground. two banners flew above the masters. an ohio agency is handling the flyovers but won't reveal who is paying for them. there is one. the faa issues an advisory for planes not to fly within two miles. since it was only an advisory, the pilot was not breaking any rules. we now know where nike got the audio of earl woods, which it is using in this new tiger aud. it is edited from a 2004 dvd about tiger woods. and the sound itself is earl talking about himself, not his son, explaining how he likes to, quote, find out what you are thinking was and did you learn anything. that is what he says in the ad. what does tiger think of this commercial? >> well, i think it's very apropos. i think that's what my dad would say. it's amazing how it -- how my dad can speak to me from different ways, even though he's long gone. he is still helping me. and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> tiger is liking the ad. hln is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger's return. rafer is reporting live from augusta national all day long. bart stupak is step down. he will make it official about a half hour from now. we are following it for you. stupak is expected to say he is leaving because he accomplished what he went to washington to do, and that is pass health care reform. the anti-abortion democrat has faced criticism from both sides of the aisle for his 11th hour deal with the white house to support health care reform. he said he struck the deal after he was convinced the health care measure would prevent federal money from paying for abortion. looks like sarah palin will take the mike at the southern republican leadership conference today in new orleans. she has been zeroing in lately on president obama, this time over his new policy on nuclear warfare. it says the u.s. won't use nukes against attacking nations that abide by the nonproliferation policy. the former governor, likened the new policy to a child in a play ground who says this. punch me in the face and i'm not going to retaliate. that's from palin. in an interview this morning on abc's "good morning america," the president brushed off sarah palin and her criticism. >> i really have no response to that. the last i checked, sarah pail sin not much of an expert on nuclear issues. if the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are comfortable with it i'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from sarah palin. last night, former house speaker newt gingrich told fellow republicans to lay off troubled republican national committee chairman michael steele. take a listen now to this man's tearful plea for his missing wife. >> she is a good mother. she is very good mother. >> police say they have proof those were crocodile tears and that this man is a killer. we will show you the proof in a tape that allegedly catches him in the act of dumping his wife's body. -- prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month the d.a. sent a letter to the area school district saying teachers who tell students how to put on a kondom or take birth control pills would actually be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. that's a misdemeanor and carries a possible sentence of up to nine months behind bars and a $10,000 fine. >> to encourage children to have sex in any way, shape or form is egregious. it's one thing to instruct students about human biology, human physiology, reproduction. it's quite another to cross that line and to start teaching students how to engage in sex for pleasure. they instruct on how to have that sex for pleasure. that, then, can be a criminal issue because it contributes to the delinquency of that child. >> the republican d.a. is an evangelical christian who is upset the democratic governor signed a law requiring schools to teach comprehensive sex ed. the state law provides comprehensive medically accurate, unbiased and age help appropriate information and teaches teens about the potential negative consequences of their choices. the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy. study after study has shown that abstinence-only education does not work." so the question is that we're posing to you, should sex education be taught to our kids? very provocative, chuck. your views question of the day. what are you hearing? shngets 15-year-olds be kept in the dark? a lot of comments on this story. a lot of you think the sex ed case class should be taught freely in the schools. let's get both points of views. we have suroya on the line in las vegas. what do you think about this? >> caller: first, i'm a mideastern person. i agree with the wisconsin decision to stop the sexual education classes, and i hope all other states follow in their lead. sex education should be taught by the parents or whomever has custody of the teen at that certain age, just like a law at a certain age a child needs to drive. i feel that it should be a certain age that a child should be taught at home sexual education. >> and if the parents fail in that responsibility, what happens? you learn it from other kids? >> caller: well, look at the statistics. i mean, all these teen pregnancies that are going on right now. you have 20 to 30 kids sitting in a classroom and it's very embarrassing. it's uncomfortable. and the average child thinks they know better since it is part of their own body and they are talking -- >> so does sex education promote promiscuity? >> caller: yes, it does. >> why? >> caller: why? because of the other classmates and just the -- >> so the giggle effect? >> caller: the giggle, yes, as well -- >> i got it. thanks. lindsey, a young woman in north carolina is about to weigh in. hey, lindsey. >> caller: hi. >> go ahead. >> caller: to me, contraception and sex ed and all of that it doesn't promote sex. it promotes knowledge, to me. because teen pregnancy is one of the biggest issues. and ultimately it's the parents' responsibility to teach our children. when the parents fail to do that, they need to have other options. i mean, i'm 20 years old -- >> did you learn it in school or learn it from your parents? >> caller: both. >> really? >> caller: you need to learn it in every way possible. all the good things and bad things that can come from this. >> when you sat in those classes, did you get the impression that others were learning something they didn't already know and that they would go out and try it? >> caller: no. no, not to me. to me in my school, i was only taught abstinence. it was my parents that taught me everything that i needed to know. >> lindsey, thank you. facebook comments. katrina writes, it's the parents who should be educating their children about sex, not the schools. if the parents aren't doing their job, it's nobody's fault but the parents. the school's job is teaching reading, writing, math, science and history. rafer writes, would you rather not teach these kids how to properly use things for safe sex but instead have them not use condoms or birth control anden up with aids, stds or pregnant? morris says not teaching kids about sex and protection will only hurt them because they will learn it from other kids and they will learn all the wrong things. and furthermore, look at teen pregnancy rates. they are going up and up and up. >> we have a division of opinion. how about yours? what is your opinion? is it important to teach sex education in schools? should it actualize -- do you think it will actualize sexual activity? call us 877-tell-hln. e-mail at or text utas hln tv or comment on our facebook pages. susan? >> we are getting both sides. thanks, chuck. you have to see this video here. a bus driver gets to keep his job after punching a passenger. we have the security video. transit police in san antonio, texas, say the passenger was intoxicated. and you can see him trying to hit the driver with a bottle and a paper bag. the passenger is denying it. >> but i didn't throw anything. that's for sure. i didn't provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> he's saying it wasn't me. then our affiliate showed the passenger that video. you've got to hear what he said after that. police in florida say they have got the perfect proof, so to speak, that a man killed his wife. they say he was caught on surveillance tape dumping her body. she disappeared late last month. her husband made a tearful plea for her return at a press conference on monday. police say he knew where she was all along at the bottom of a lake near his workplace. they say he drove her body there with a plastic bag over her head and dumped the car. last night on hln "issues with jane velez-mitchell" she showed us their evidence. here it is. >> here is a play-by-play of the shocking surveillance tape. now take a look very carefully. the suspect drives the wife's car right up to the lake. the husband was very familiar with this lake because it's right behind his office. just imagine. her body was right there next to him the whole time. now he gets out of the car and calmly pulls a bicycle out of the trunk. that's how he got home. he biked home. then he drove the car to the water's edge. watch as he walks around to the back of the car and then tries to push it in the water after a couple of uningful tries. there he goes. he gets into the driver's seat and then he rolls the car right in to the water, okay? so there -- okay. there he was pushing it unsuccessfully. there you see him getting into the car. then he rolls it right into the water. >> mumuwar is charged with murder. police say if he had just picked a spot 50 yards either way to ditch the car in the lake, it never would have been caught on camera. they are happy that it was. let's get back to that bus passenger who got punched by the driver. he denied trying to hit the driver with a bottle. here is what he said after our affiliate kens showed him the security video. >> it's like two different memories. it's like watching that, is that real and what i saw. is that real? i don't know. >> he was arrested for public intoxication. he says he was on pain medication. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus, but he will not be fired. an american tv producer is out of jail in mexico, but he can't return to the u.s. while he's under investigation for his wife's death. here is bruce redman on "extra's" website. he worked on the show "survivor" and "pimp my ride." a family friend said they were at a cancun resort work on their marriage. the initial investigation found that she was strangled. her husband told police she never returned from shopping. we have not heard directly from him yet. if you were trying to figure out your credit score there is one key thing you should know. is it your real score or fake one? clark howard says the same number can mean very different things. >> do you know your fico score or your fako score? more and more people will tell me what their credit score is. but many times i'll ask, well, what scoring method is it? and people will say, i don't know. because it's not so much a matter of what number you have. it's how it's actually graded. what do i mean by that? well, the true real credit score you have is the fico score. the fico score is a three-digit number that goes up to 850. you have a good score if it's above 700. but there are lots of others out there that have now been coined as fako scores that give you scores that may sound good but really aren't. for example, there's another one that goes to 990. a 700 on it isn't that good a score. so wherever you get your credit score, what you really need to know is where does it rank you? are you actually in good credit standing or not? some sites are using alphabets that you can do that. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to protect yourself, go to >> clark really has some great advice. he'll teach you how to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern tomorrow and sunday right here on hln. california's ban on texting while driving may soon include texting while riding as well. a proposed law would ban cyclists from texting or talking without a headset. a first offense could cost $100. seems tough, though, right? under the same bill, drivers would have to pay double the current fine and get a point on their driving record as well. it is a career day stunt that could be a career ender. a sheriff's deputy is suspended for showing the kids at this school a part of his job. ddd we start with breaking news in washington. supreme court justice john paul stevens will retire when the court finishes this summer. the court's press office made that announcement a few hours ago. stevens has been on the court nearly 35 years. he was named to the job in 1975 by then president gerald ford. the oldest member of the court, stevens, will be 90 years old in 11 days. his retirement will give president obama a chance to fill a second spot on the court. his first appointment to the court was justice sonia sotomayor. hope is running out for four missing miners in west virginia. rescuers reached a rescue chamber inside the upper big branch mine and found no one there. the chambers are safe places miners can go in an emergency like the explosion on monday that killed 25 people. there is a second chamber further inside the mine. officials say it is the last chance at finding any of the four missing miners alive. rescuers were trying to reach it when they were forced to turn back. >> we have smoke in all four of those entries, and the smoke is traveling from this side toward the long wall face indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers. >> funerals will be held today for 4 of the 25 miners killed in monday's explosion. carl acord worked in mining for 34 years. he had two sons and two grandsons. the day before the explosion, acord told his family he was worried about going to work. the company that owns the mine, massey energy, will pay for all of the funerals. tiger woods is back on the links for day two at the masters. and after some excitement both on the course and above it yesterday, how are things looking today? hln sports rafer weigel joins us from augusta with all the latest details. hey, rafer. >> good morning, susan. when tiger woods came out here, it's like been following a rock star on the golf course. behind me you can see not a lot of people. when he came to tee off, this was about three people deep and the hole stretches for 400 yards. we're talking people all along the hole. his first shot was not a good one. he hooked it off of the fairway. we thought, oh, my goodness. could we be going a different direction? woods was able to recover. he is right at the same score that he was yesterday. but yesterday, you know, speaking of which, it's truly amazing what he was able to do. he was out of the game for five months after the biggest sex scandal probably in sports history. he comes back and posts the best score on the first day that he's ever posted in all of the years he's played this tournament. and this is his 16th year. but now as far as the hecklers, we knew there might be some kind of side show. nothing happening on the ground. in fact it happened in the skies as well. a plane carrying this banner. tiger, did you mean bootyism, referring to his newfound faith in buddhism. i thought maybe it's touting a website or something like that. no website like that exists. then after that it was sex addict, yeah right. so am i or yeah, me, too or something to that effect. we think it may have been the same plane. it happened a couple hours after the earlier one. we asked a couple people on the street. what do you think about this heckling in the sky? >> somebody has a great sense of humor. other than that, i mean, somebody had some money to spend, i guess. >> well, i was surprised to see it. i think we are a forgiving public. i think they really wanted to see him come back. >> i think there are people struggling with it. if you saw a couple of planes flying around yesterday that had banners behind them, there's going to be some people out there that feel like maybe he should have stayed out a little while longer or really try to get his life more in order. but i think it just shows the professional he is. >> now today, a different scene. we're not seeing any planes in the sky carrying banners. yesterday when he came out like i said he was greetsed like a rock star. very demonstrative. today, they are still supportive but more subdued. it's not that the novelty has worn off. today was the first day out here for him. now he's playing this tournament. we want to see how he does. he's right there still in the hunt, susan. just a few shots. three shots off from the lead. right there with it with a couple of days to to go. >> i remember you said weeks ago if anyone could do it, tiger could. you knew, you projected that tiger would do well. >> well, he helped me believe that more as i watched him practice, too, susan, because each day that he practiced, i watched him get more and more confident, more comfortable and feed off the energy. i mean, i know he's the odd hfs on favorite in vegas. the experts gave this guy no shot to come in here and win this. he's been off for five months. you can't do any job if you've been away from it for five months. we'll see how he does when it's down to the end. >> thank you. good job. hln is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger's return. democratic congressman bart stupak is stepping down. he's about to make an official announcement. we, of course, are following it for you. stupak is expected to say he is leaving because he accomplishes what he went to washington to do. and that is pass health care reform. the anti-abortion democrat has faced criticism from both sides of the aisle for his 11th hour deal with the white house to support health care reform. he said he struck the deal after he was convinced health care measure would prevent federal money from paying for abortion. sarah palin will take the mike at the southern republican leadership conference today in new orleans. she has been zeroing in on president obama again. this time over his new policy on nuclear warfare. it says the u.s. won't use nukes against attacking nations that abide by the nonproliferation policy. the former alaska governor likened the new policy to a child at a playground. we're quoting palin here. punch me in the face inside i'm not going to retaliate, end quote. in an interview this morning on abc's "good morning america," the president brushed off palin and her criticism. >> i really have no response to that. the last i checked, sarah palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues. if the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are comfortable with it, i am probably going to take my advice from them and not from sarah palin. >> last night, former house speaker newt gingrich told fellow republicans to lay off troubled republican national committee chairman michael steele. we're talking health and recent pollen counts in some parts of the country are a sure indicator spring is here. and so has allergy season arrived. finding relief from spring allergies may mean getting a skin test and allergy shots. chuck roberts has today's health minute. >> sneezing over and over and over again. head completely congested. eyes watering. it just becomes a very miserable experience. >> reporter: like millions of americans, trey gregory has seasonal allergies. >> seasonal allergies are allergies to different pollens. specifically in the springtime it's usually the trees. summertime generally the grasses and falltime generally weeds. >> reporter: the immune system treats pollen, usually a harmless substance, as if it were a threat. the body's response? sneezing. itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose. >> at the peak of suffering from seasonal allergies, i had to avoid the outdoors pretty much the entire spring. >> reporter: seasonal allergies and colds have similar symptoms. but if they come on every year at the same time, chances are you have allergies. you can guest tested by an allergy specialist. >> it include doing scratches on either your arm or back. if you are allergic it will get red and itchy and you'll swell up. after years of standard treatment with antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays, trey now finds relief with monthly allergy shots. >> it's the best thing i ever did to treat my allergies. easily. >> reporter: for today's "health minute," i'm chuck roberts. it is a career day stunt that could be a career ender. a sheriff's deputy is suspended for showing the kids at this school a part of his job. you don't want to miss it. i'm jane velez-mitchell. here's my issue. when cops drop the ball, we hold them accountable. so when they do something right, they deserve our applause. and i am applauding three police officers from coral springs, florida, who just didn't buy the crocodile tears of this husband who pleaded for the return of his missing wife. so on their day off, on their day off, they acted on a hunch and they broke this case wide open. their investigation led them to a lake near the husband's office building where they noticed a security camera at a nearby store. they requested the footage and what they saw was shocking. this husband allegedly driving his wife's car and pushing it over the bank into the lake. she was found dead inside. this is detective work as it should be. hats off to these fine officers for not being passive and reactive. but instead being proactive. maybe other government officials should take a page from their book. i'm jane velez-mitchell. and that's my issue. you can find out what else jane has on her mind. watch "issues with jane velez-mitchell" every night at 7:00 eastern right here on hln. a man was able to escape his truck that caught fire and teetered over the railing of an overpass. look at this video. this was in dallas yesterday. he says a vehicle cut him off sending him smashing into a wall setting his fuel tank on fire. his boss and everyone else around is amazed he was able to walk away. >> honestly thought there was no way he could have made it out of that truck. and my honest opinion is god had to have his hand on randy because there's no other way he could have gotten out of that. >> i got out of the driver door. it was straight down so i went out the passenger door. somebody was watching over me. it wasn't my time yet. >> that is amazing. the driver ended up with just a few scratches. get this. the trucking company is named leap of faith transportation. pretty amazing. we love hearing from you every day here on hln. a district attorney in wisconsin says health teachers could be prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month, the d.a. sent a letter to area school districts saying teachers who tell students how to put on a condom or take birth control pills would be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. that's a misdemeanor and carries a possible sentence of up to nine months behind bars and a $10,000 fine. >> to encourage children to have sex in any way, shape or faorm s egregious. it's one thing to instruct students about human biology, human physiology, reproduction. it's quite another to cross that line and to start teaching students how to engage in sex for pleasure. they instruct on how to have that sex for pleasure. that then can be a criminal issue because it contributes to the delinquency of that child. >> the republican d.a. is an evangelical christian who is upset the democratic governor signed a law requiring schools to teach comprehensive sex ed. the wisconsin department of health services has issued this statement. we're quoting here. the state law provides comprehensive medically accurate, unbiased and age-appropriate information and teaches teenagers about the potential negative consequences of their choices. it goes on to say the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy. study after study has shown abstinence-only education does not work." so we want to know, what do you think about this? is it important to teach sex education in schools or does that actually sexualize children? let us know what you think on this. we know you have an opinion. call us, 877-tell-hln. e-mail us at or text us. hlntv. standard text rates apply. or you can add your comment to my facebook page. search chuck roberts hln or susan hendricks hln. and dive right into that discussion. democratic congressman bart stupak is stepping down. he is live right there. let's listen in. >> to all my friends and supporters throughout the years who are here with us today, especially my good friend tom baldini and my wife laurie. the people of northern michigan have provided me with the honor of representing them in congress for the past 18 years. i'm truly grateful for their support. i had the distinct honor of serving as your congressman longer than any other member in modern times. longer than bob davis, phil rupee or john bennett. when i first ran for congress in 1992, i campaigned on a pledge to make affordable, quality health care a right norkts a privilege, for all americans. i promised the people of the 1st congressional district that i would not accept the insurance that members of congress received, the federal employees health benefit package until all americans could have access to the same quality of care. for the last 18 years, i have kept that promise. since the day i took office, i have fought to improve the quality and accessibility of health care for people throughout northern michigan and our great nation. >> the anti-abortion democrat has faced criticism from both sides of the aisle for his 11th hour deal with the white house to support health care reform. again, democratic congressman bart stupak stepping down after 18 years. again, he faced criticism from both sides for supporting health care reform. but that is what he did. and he said it is time after 18 years. welcome back on this friday. well, russia's foreign minister says his country should freeze all adoptions with u.s. families after an american woman sent an 8-year-old boy back to russia all alone. the kremlin children's rights office says tori hanson put the boy on a one-way flight back to his homeland with a note saying, quote, this child is mentally unstable. he is violent and he has severe psychopathic issues. the child told russian officials his mother was bad and did not love him. the man accused of gunning down 13 people at ft. hood is out of the hospital now and in a texas jail. major nidal hasan was airlifted to the bell county jail early this morning. this is his booking photo. he's now in a wheelchair because he's paralyzed from the waist down. he was wounded by police in the shootsings at the army post. the 39-year-old is charge with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder. the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines. navy officials say they don't want nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke which would obviously be there. they'll have nicotine patches and gum to help sailors quit. sub commanders can still choose to let the sailors smoke on deck. the dmu changes will start in the end of the year. astronauts spent the morning outside of the international space station. they finished their space walk earlier. they disconnected an old tank on the cooling system today. they will get a new one hooked up during the next two space walks and they also picked up a science experiment that has been running outside of the space station and they will bring that back to earth. pretty great shots. a massachusetts man knew something was wrong after his root canal and was shocked to know his dentist implanted a paper clip into his mouth. that dentist, michael claire pled not guilty to a list of charges. he used all kinds of shifty tricks to line his own pockets. prosecutors say he prescribed drugs to office staff who then gave them back to him. a paper clip in someone's mouth. workers walked off the job when they were told they can't drink beer while on the job anymore, so they left. this was at the carl strauss brewery in denmark. they can drink during their lunch breaks just not while they're actually working. the companies say the trucks have breathalyzer ignition locks to prevent the trucks from starting if the driver has too much. a classmate, something says you never should do to your enemy, a classmate is saying that, let alone a teammate. how texas high school cheerleaders were punished for spiking soda with urine. we'll have that story. keep it here. >> what we didn't expect is for there to be smoke from a fire. it does not look like we will physically be able to get there based on the smoke that we found this morning. you say that this tournament's bigger than him. >> it is much bigger than him and his issues. >> this comeback said we miss you. -- i didn't provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> you don't do it to a teammate or a friend, i wouldn't each do it to anybody i hate. on a friday, thanks for looking in. this is hln "news and views." i'm chuck roberts. we have breaking news to start. the u.s. supreme court will have a vacancy very soon as the oldest justice, john paul stevens supported by president ford will retire after the court finishes its term in june. he made the announcement this morning. justice stevens has been on the high bench for nearly 35 years named in 1975. the olest member of the court john paul stevens will be 90 years old in 11 days and his retirement will give a chance to fill the second spot on the court. his first appointment being justice sonia sotomayor. the man accused of gunning down 13 people in ft. hood is out of a hospital and in a jail. major nadal hasan was airlifted this morning. that's his booking photo. he is partially paralyzed from the waist down and is in a wheelchair. he was wounded by police in the shootings at the army post. the 39-year-old is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 count of attempted murder. hope is running out for four missing miners in west virginia. rescuers reached a rescue chamber inside the upper big branch mine and found no one inside. the chambers are safe places, cutaways miners can go to in an emergency like the explosion on monday that killed 25 people. there is a second chamber further inside the mine and officials say it's the last chance of finding any of them alive. rescuers were trying to reach it when they were forced to turn back. >> we have smoke in all four of those entries and the smoke is traveling from this side toward the long wall face indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers. >> the funerals will be held today for four of the 25 miners killed in the monday explosion. carl acord worked there for 34 years. he had two sons and two grandsons. family members say the day before the explosion he told his family he was worried about going to work. we heard the company, massey energy, will pay for all of the funerals. bart stupak is stepping down. he made this official just a few moments ago, because he's leave accomplished what he went to washington to do. he is hoping to keep the seat in democrats' hands. >> i'm committed to helping the democrats retain this seat as i believe we must continue to fight for our working families and small businesses, for our economic and national security, for our great lakes and for our quality of life. by announcing my intentions here today, potential candidates will have ample opportunity to organize campaigns and collect the necessary signatures before the may 11th filing deadline. >> stupak is an anti-abortion democrat who faced criticism from both sides for his 11th-hour deal with the white house to support health care reform. he said he struck the deal after being con vinced the health care measure would prevent federal funds for paying for abortions. if he's rusty or rattled by the scrutiny, tiger woods isn't showing any of it yet at the masters. he's midway through the second round on the course. he is even par through par after yesterday's solid 4 under par. things may be serene on the green, but in the skies there are signs of a scandal. a couple of banners mocking tiger were flown above the masters yesterday and more are said to be coming today. there are five. and it is not revealing who is paying for them. the faa had issued an advisory for no planes to fly under 2500 feet under two miles of the course and it was only an advisory. the pilot isn't breaking any laws. we now know where nike got the audio of earl woods for the new tiger ad, the one we've been showing you. it's lifted from a dvd about tiger and the sound is of earl talking about himself or his son explaining how he likes to, quote, find out what your thinking was and did you learn anything? so what does tiger think of the commercial? well, i think it's very apropos. i think it's what my dad would say, and it's amazing how it -- how my dad can speak to me in different ways even when he's long gone. he's still helping me, and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> hln is your place to be for the com pro hencive coverage of tiger's return. we're all over it. rafer weigel is going to be reporting in about ten minutes from augusta national. we'll bring you the latest from there and we'll have it for you right here. former olympic skater nancy kerrigan's brother was in "in session's" beth karas from trutv is joining us from new york. he entered a plea, kerrigan? >> mark kerrigan entered a plea of not guilty to the charges of manslaughter and assault and battery. that came as no surprise. the judge increased his bail from $10,000 to $25,000. he's expected to make at any moment now. he may actually be released at this point with the continued condition of wearing a gps ankle device. he can live home with his mother where his father died after this altercation in january of this year, but his mother cannot be the supervisor who will report violations of the conditions of his release should he violate. >> the family insists he's not responsible. how do they claim that the elderly man died? >> well, when they came out with the early statements about them it appears they may not have been aware totally of what the medical examiner found, but they're saying that the deceased, daniel kerrigan, had a heart condition and problems with his arteries. so the cause wasn't the altercation here. however, his larynx was compressed and fractured as a result of his son allegedly putting his hands around the throat of his father and that according to the doctor, is what led to the death, led to the heart attack. so that's why he's charged with involuntary manslaughter. his next court date is april 28th and it's a pre-trial conference. in fact, he was about to go back to prison? >> oh, he has -- not clear if he's about to go back, but this is not good. he has a record going back to the 1990s. he has drunk driving conviction, he was deny pad roll a couple of times. he is divorced from his wife as of 2006. she is the one who is accused of striking at home and he went to prison for that for violating probation at that time. so he does have substance abuse issues and he has drug convictions as well and he has issue with violence before when he was intoxicated. >> the retirement of associate justice john paul stevens, what does that mean for the court? ideologically it doesn't mean that much because one presumes that president obama would promote a like-minded justice. >> that's correct. it is not going to change the balance in the vote, we predict. apparently president obama has been looking at some candidates, and i suspect that kennedy is really the swing voter. it's four liberals and four conservatives and kennedy often with the conservatives, but it it won't change the ideological balance. now, this will be a summertime confirmation hearing and the term ends in june, early july, and a new justice should be in place by early october which is when the new term begins. >> other things being equal. appreciate the insight. some high school cheer leaders in texas got in-school suspensions for spiking soda. parents say they should be kicked off the team. find out what the disturbing substance was the cheerleaders put in the drinks. all week long we've been following the story of the virginia governor declaring april confederate history month mentioning nothing about slavery at all. the declaration was honoring confederate sacrifice and promoting virginia tourism. he has since apologized for failing to acknowledge the role slavery played in the confederacy. president obama told abc news that as a history buff he feels the governor made an error. >> now, i don't think you can understand the confederacy and the civil war unless you can understand slavery, and i think that was a unacceptable omission. the governor has now acknowledged that, and i think it's just a reminder that when we talk about issues like slavery that are so fraught with pain and emotion, that, you know, we better do so thinking through how this is going to affect a lot of people in their sense of whether they're a part of a commonwealth or a part of our broader society. >> the governor issued a revised proclamation calling slavery evil and inhumane. crippling budget cuts may be headed to chicago public schools and students are protesting, trying to prevent them. some 350 walked out of school to rally against proposed cuts which is set to target after-school programs, summer programs and art classes. illinois's governor is floating a budget that slashes $1.3 billion from education funding. >> a lot of people feel that a lot of students do not care about school, but they're not only for education, but all of these after-school activities. it keeps them out of the streets. >> we need somewhere to go and still want our after-school programs sdmroo. >> a district spokeswoman said they tried to avoid the cuts, but their actions are limited. it estimate 20,000 will lose their job, 20,000 people, if this budget is approved. a fort worth area dad was livid to learn that high school cheerleaders had spiked his daughter's soda with urine. he says the girls should be kicked off the team. no questions. at least two saginaw high school cheerleaders are in in-school suspension and others got lesser punishments. a spokesman for the fort worth area school district says policy and the school's cheerleading constitution were both used in deciding their punishment. >> there's not a lot of talk about it in class, but you can guarantee the conversation in the hallways is that they just say it's absolutely disgusting. we're embarrassed. >> the girls were bragging about it. you don't do it to a teammate. you don't do it to a friend, and i wouldn't even do it to someone i hate. the girls actually went around bragging. >> you look at the students involved if they'd been in trouble before, multiple times, first offense? the attitude of the student? >> the girls who put the urine in the soda will not be allowed to attend cheerleading events for the rest of the term. teachers could be prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month the d.a. sent a letter to school districts who which said teachers who tell students how to put on a condom could be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. it could include a $10,000 fine. >> to encourage children to have sex in any way, shape or form is egregious. it's one thing to instruct students about human biology, human physiology, reproduction. it's quite another to cross that line and to start teaching students how to engage in sex for pleasure. they instruct on how to have that sex for pleasure, that then can be a criminal issue because it contributes to the delinquency of that child. >> the republican d.a. is an evangelical christian who is upset the democratic governor signed the law that required them to teach comprehensive sex ed. they've issued a statement reading in part the state law provides comprehensive, medically accurate, unbiassed and age appropriate information and teaches teens about the potential negative consequences of their choices. the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy, study after study has shown that abstinen abstinence-only education does not work. so what do you think? is it crucial to teach sex education in schools or does the class actually promote children to have sex? call us toll-free 877-tell-hln. e-mail at you can also comment on facebook pages. mine's chuck roberts hln. we hope to hear from you soon. students and teachers may soon have to unfriend each other on facebook, at least in one school district in utah. what's behind this face-off over facebook? a school dift district in utah may ban teachers and students from being facebook friends. parents are divided on this. they want to cut down on any inappropriate contact between teachers and students. >> the reality is is that called social networking for a reason and when you're networking for social reasons you should be doing that with your peers and children and teachers are not peers. >> for me, i think it's good that they could be friends with the teachers so facebook, it's a good way to do that. >> some students say facebook helps because they can contact teachers about assignments. a final vote on the ban is set for later this month. the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines. navy officials say they don't want non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke. they'll have nicotine patches and gum to help sailors quit. sub commanders can choose to let sailors smoke on deck. the new rule begins by the end of the year. april, tax season. it's here and for a lot of us that also means a lot of questions about deductions. stephanie elam tackles that in this edition of "the help desk." time now for the help desk where we get you answers to your financial questions. joining me this hour, ryan mack, he's the president of optimum capital management and lauren young is with turbotax. thank you very much for being here. >> our first question dollars j.h. in texas writes in, i own eye home to california, but moved to texas about eight months ago. i rented out my home, however, i couldn't rent it for the full amount of my monthly payment and have to pay each month to make the mortgage payment. i don't know how much longer i can do that. what are my options? >> this is a buyer's market, so a lot of rent verse a lot of negotiating power. a lot of individuals are having this problem. right now his option are does he want to do a short sale. maybe he can negotiate in getting out of that piece of property and try to squeeze a lot of the out of the money aside to not have to pay the entire thing by yourself. the smart thing is to have at least six months of expenses, if the renter moves out before he can purchase a house in the first place. >> maureen writes, i have a brother that i was able to claim as a dependent this year, i can deduct the unearned income credit of $950 for him as you can for your child? >> there's no such thing as an unearned income credit. it's the earned income credit and it's a very valuable credit and it was responsible for 49 billion in 200, excuse me, and 25% of the people who are eligible don't get it and there's a chance you might be and there are income restrictions so you want to check to make sure. >> so basically both these guys need to check their options and see what they need to do, ryan any lauren. thanks so much. the help desk is all about getting you answers. send us an e-mail to cnn help desk at and we might have the answer to your question next week. you can also pick up the latest issue of "money" magazine on newsstands now. >> stephanie elam, thank you. it's a career stunt that could be a career ender. a sheriff's deputy is suspended for showing the kids at this school a part of his job. breaking news from inside the beltway. the supreme court's oldest serving associate justice john paul stevens will retire soon when the court finishes its term in june. the court's press office made the announcement this morning. justice stevens has been on the high bench for nearly 35 years, named in 1975 by then president gerald ford. the oldest member of the court, he'll be 90 in 11 days and his retirement gives president obama a chance to fill a second spot on the bench. his first appointment to the court was justice sonia sotomayor. the man accused of gunning down 13 people in ft. hood is out of the hospital and in jail. major nadal hasan was airlifted to the county jail. this is his booking photo. we're expecting a briefing from in about half an hour. he was wounded by police in the shootings at the army post. the 39-year-old is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. >> hope is running out for the four missing miners in west virginia. rescuers reached a rescue chamber in the upper big branch mine and found no one and no sign of life. the chambers are safe places miners can go in an emergency like the explosion on monday that killed 25 people. there was a second cutaway or a chamber escape hatch further inside the mine and officials say it's the last chance of finding anybody alive. rescuers were trying to reach it when they were forced to turn back. >> we have smoke in all four of those entries and the smoke is traveling from it this side toward the long wall face indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers. hundreds of mourners have packed into a church in west virginia to remember some of the miners killed in monday's explosion. tiger woods back on the links for day two at the masters and we'll learn today if he's going to make the dut and by all indications he will after some excitement both on and above the course yesterday. how are things looking today? hln sports' rafer weigel is joining us live from augusta. hi, rafer. >> reporter: good morning, chuck. it will be a tough act to follow. good afternoon, sorry. i've got my hours a little bit mixed up. yesterday it was such an intense day, not only on the course, first woods being greeted with so much exuberance and passion and then playing like he's never played before on a first day. today, a little more subdued and he started off with the first tee shot which he hooked on the fairway. he was greeted with more polite applause. i don't think the enthusiasm for him is any less. i think a golf tournament is actually breaking out out here. and we've got video of him practicing beforehand. nobody gave this guy a chance, chuck, and i even said a couple of weeks ago, i'll own up to it, i didn't think he would make the cut and then he comes out here and plays better than anybody had expected and a lot of people say gait for golf. we asked people on the street what do they think about the guy's comeback? >> it does good for golf. things happen. we all make mistakes. >> we're glad to see him back playing good golf. we'd like to put the past in the past. >> if he goes on to become successful in this tournament i think you'll probably see a different light in the way we view tiger woods. >> i think it's a much bigger golf tournament and there are a lot of other golfers to be seen. >> we hope that it will be good for golf for him to come back. >> i think he's making it back. >> reporter: now there hasn't been any spectacles off the course or in the air unlike yesterday when we saw this plane carrying this banner when tiger woods took his first tee shot. tiger, did you mean bootyism? no idea who would pay to have this thing flying in the air. we thought it was an advertisement for a website, could not find anything related to this banner and a couple of hours later what looked like the same plane, that read sex addict? yeah. right. sure. me, too. >> they decided not to spend any more money to do it. he claims he did not see the banners when we asked him about it after he came off the course. regardless of how you feel about this guy, for him to come back after five months off, after the biggest sex scandal in sports history nearly cost him his family and millions of dollars, to put that out of his head and to perform the way he's performed is nothing short of amazing. also, nothing short of amazing, 50-year-old fred couples still in the lead, two shot ahead of tiger at 6 under and 60-year-old tom watson right behind him, one shot off the lead and then tiger right behind them. >> amazing. good stories, everyone. rafer, appreciate it. hln is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger woods' return. rafer will be live from augusta all day today. a d.a. in wisconsin says health teachers could be prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month the d.a. sent a letter to area districts that said teachers that teach students how to put on a condom or birth control pills will be contributing to the delinquency of a minor. it could have a term of nine months behind bars and a $10,000 fine. >> to encourage children to have sex in any way, shape or form is egregious. >> it's one thing to instruct students about human biology, human physiology and reproduction. it's quite another to cross that line and to start teaching students how to engage in sex for pleasure. if they instruct how to have that sex for pleasure that could be a criminal issue because it contributes to the delinquency of that child. >> this republican d.a. is an evangelical christian who is upset that the governor signed a law requiring schools to teach comprehensive sex ed. lisa bloom is stunned by the d.a.'s actions. >> if you use this district attorney's reasoning, a parent talking to a child about sex is contributing to the delinquency of a minor. two kids talking about condoms or birth control or the morning-after pill could be froms cuted by him under the same reasoning. they're talking about sex and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. it's breathtaking the scope of what he's proposing. >> the department of health issued this statement. the state law provides comprehensive, medically accurate and unbiassed and age-appropriate information and teaches teens about the potential negative consequences of their choices. the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy. study after study has shown that abstinen abstinence-only education does not work. a very provocative topic for our "your views" question. what are people saying? >> a lot of people fired up as you just saw lace bloom. a lot of comments on this story. so far most of you think sex education should be taught freely in the schools. let's get both points of view. let's start with comments off my facebook page. we'll start with michael. if the law says they can't then they've broken a law if they do. can't get much more simpler than that. if people have an issue with it then they should challenge the law, not thens forment. >> the parents should be the first ones to talk to their kids about sex, but a lot of times this isn't done. that is where the school comes in, trying to discourage the schools from teaching these young kids about sex education will only lead to more and younger kids having unprotected sex. i think it's outrageous that this kind of action would even be considered, ashley said and jane in oklahoma, we go right to the phone lines. jane, what do you think? >> hello. >> caller: hello. i have always thought it would be good to introduce in the schools to young children, maybe 6, 7, 8, but very gently, teach them -- you can start first boy-girl relationships, bodies and then introduce the sex education. i mean, not very bluntly, bluntly, age appropriate. >> ease them into it and make it part of their vocabulary? >> caller: yes and then teach it maybe outside the school in a church or in the school, one hour every two weeks or even once a month would be better than nothing. >> right, because i have to say kids will learn this either way either by the parents or schools or friends. >> caller: i think parents can talk until the cows come home and sometimes they do not listen to the parents. in school, taught appropriately, i think they'll listen, go home and maybe query the parents about what they heard in school and hopefully they'll get some kind of a message of how to behave. >> that is the goal. some great points there. thank you for calling in. we go to richard now. he e-mailed us and his comment says this, all of those people who say it is the parents' job to teach their children about sex need to put themes in their children's shoes and understand how awkward it is for them. the wisconsin d.a., he says is an absolute idiot. these teachers are simply showing the safe and proper way to have sex if the children should decide for themselves to have it. some more facebook comments. chrissy says i think sex ed should be taught in all schools. a lot of parents don't teach their kids. if the teachers are charged i think that is stupid. what will they come up with next? it's not just teaching about sex. it's also teaching the child about their bodies and how not to get pregnant as a teen. i hope this is thrown out. good luck to teachers. they have a hard enough job as it is. mark says the most important teaching takes place in the home. parents need to take responsibility and we need to stop expecting schools and government to train our kids in matters such as sex ed, sex education in the schools will not keep teens from getting pregnant. chuck, you heard it there, both sides, people are fired up. >> what do you think? is it important to teach sex education in schools or does the class promote children to have sex? should 15-year-olds be kept in the dark? should it be something parents deal with? so many dimensions here. toll-free, 877-tell-hln if you're on the internet. text hlntv or get on our facebook pages and we'll be right back. a -- madonna redmond is on a mission. we met her two years ago right here in one of the toughest neighborhoods in chicago. it's the last place you would expect to find a garden, that's exactly what she showed me. >> what are we growing in here? >> any number of things. those are collared greens on the far aisle there. >> reporter: red monday led an effort what she calls urban farm sites, because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find produce in the neighborhood. >> you could buy illegal drugs and access to a variety of illegal drugs. if you wanted to buy a gun, you could buy a gun in this community, but if you wanted to find an organic tomato in this community, if you didn't want to come to our urban farm site, you wouldn't be able to find one. >> most people do their shopping at convenience stores like this one except they're full of chips, sugary drinks and candy. shopping at these convenience stores is part of what's making kids fat. she spoke to kids outside convenience stores and found on average they were eating 356 empty calories on every step. >> what are you buying there? >> chips. >> candy. >> let me see. but in lower income, minority communities like this one where high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity run rampant, redmond says we can't afford to ignore the issue. >> there has to be an insistence that healthy living and a healthy lifestyle is a must. >> two years after we first met her, ladonna is adding store owner to her list of professions. >> in our project, graffiti and grub helps bring healthy lifestyles to the hip-hop generation. >> to change the tide of the ever-growing storm of obesity. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. a 15-year-old massachusetts girl spent the final days before her suicide living in fear. "the new york times the" obtained court documents in the phoebe prince case. prince told a friend she was so scared of beaten beaten up she wanted to go back to ireland. prince told a friend she wasn't a tough girl and at one point asked friends to her round here as she walked through her high school hallway. on the day she killed herself, one of the girls charged in her death, threw a energy drink at her from a car and prince walk home crying and then hanged hers. students are connected in phoebe prince's death. nancy kerrigan's brother pleaded not guilty to manslaughter charges today. mark kerr dan gan is accused of causing the death of his 70-year-old father. daniel kerrigan died after a fight with his son at the family's massachusetts home in january. after the court appearance, mark kerrigan posted bail and was released. today the family issued a statement saying they were extremely police pleased to have mark back at home. 16-year-old mackenzie burren lives with an agonizing and incurrable disease, but she spends her time easing the pain of other children by sharing her secret for relief -- reading. that makes her our hero of the week. >> i was in fifth grade when i hurt my knee. >> ready? >> i'm ready. >> the doctor diagnosed me with reflex synthetic dystrophy. when something touches it it's like a bomb goes off in my knee. even though i've tried many different treatment, the only thing able to get my mind off the pain was reading. >> do you guys like to read? my pediatrician told me about a home for abused children. any child being in horrible pain like this, they need something and something that i knew that helped me was books. >> okay. this is called "screaming millie." but the people in the shelters are just like you and me. they need things to get their mind off whatever they're going through. >> i put flyers in mailboxes and i set up a website. >> thank you so much for donating. >> my original goal was to get 300 books. before i knew it i had 3,000 books. my total right now is 38,000 books, and i've delivered books to libraries and reading rooms and 27 different shelters in six states. >> take as many books as you want. >> if one finds a love of reading through books i've given them, that will help them in school and just turn their life around entirely. i really think that reading can do that for someone. >> if you'd like to nominate somebody who is doing extraordinary work just go to sarah palin is taking the mic at the southern republican leadership conference in new orleans. she's zeroing in on the president, over health care reform government spending and new policy on nuclear war fare saying the u.s. woend won't att nations that abide by the proliferation policy. he brushed off sarah palin and her criticism. >> i have no response to that. sarah palin is not much of an expert on nuclear issues. if the secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff are comfortable with it, i'll take my advice from them and not sarah palin. north korea and iran are not included in the policy because they don't cooperate on nonproliferation standards. bart stupak is stepping down. he's in the middle on the left, leaving because he accomplished what he went to washington to do, pass health care reform. the anti-abortion democrat faced criticism from both sides of the aisle to support health care reform. he struck the deal after being convinced the health care measure would prevent federal money from paying for abortion. listen to this man's tearful plea for his missing wife. >> she is a good mother. she is a very good mother. >> police say they have proof those crocodile tears were en n engenuine and the man is a killer. we're going to show it to you. 7 what we didn't expect is for there to be smoke from a fire. it does not look like we will physically be able to get there based on the smoke that we found this morning. >> you say this tournament is bigger -- >> it is much bigger than him and his issues. please come back home. we miss you. we love you. i didn't provoke him in any way. >> you don't do it to a teammate or a friend or anybody i hate. a lot going on this friday. we welcome you back to hln news and views. i'm susan hendricks. president obama back from a trip to the czech republic. he is about to speak to reporters. we will have that live for you when it happens. we want to get you caught up on other news we're following. we're waiting on a news conference owl of bell county, texas as well, the man accused of killing 13 people, major nadna nadna nadal hasan was air lifted out of the hospital and to jail. we go to president barack obama in the rose garden. >> good afternoon, everybody. i want to say a few words about the tragedy that took place this week in west virginia. i would first like to comment on the news that justice john paul stevens will retire from the supreme court at the end of its current term. when president ford was faced with the supreme court vacancy shortly after the nation was still recovering from the watergate scandal, he wanted a nominee who was brilliant and unideal logical and committed to justice, integrity and rule of law. he found that nominee in john fa paul stevens. he has courageously served his country from the moment he enlisted the day before pearl harbor to his long tun you'enure supreme court. he has worn the judicial robe with honor and humility. he has applied the constitution and the laws of the land with fidelity and restraint. he will soon turn 90 this month but leaves his position at the top of his game. his leadership will be sorely missed. i had an opportunity to speak with him and told him on behalf of a grateful nation, that i thanked him for his service. as justice stevens said to me, it is in the best interest to have a supreme court justice appointed an confirmed before the next session begins. i view the selecting a supreme court nominee as one of most serious responsibilities as president. we cannot replace justice stevens' experience or wisdom, i'll seek someone with similar qualities and independent mind and record of excellence and integrity and fierce dedication to the rule of law and how the law affects the daily lives of the american people. it will also be someone who hike justice stevens knows in democracy, powerful interested must not be allowed to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens like justice sotomayor, i hope they move quickly to debate and confirm my nominees to the new justice is seated in time for the fall term. let me say a few words about what has happened in west virginia. this has been unimaginably difficult week for the people who live near montcoal. 31 workers were inside the upper big branch mine when an explosion ripped through its walls on monday afternoon. two were saved. 25 were lost. and for the four who remain missing, we are praying for a miracle. i want to offer my deepest condolences to the friends and family and fathers and husbands and nephews and sons killed in this accident. i'm in awe of the courage and self-lessness shown by the rescue teams who have risked their lives over and over for the chance to save another. worked around the clock with little sleep for the past few days and this nation owes them a debt of gratitude. mining has a long and proud history in west virginia. for many families and communities, it's not just a way to make a living, it's a way of life. and the jobs they do in these mines help bring heat and electricity to millions of americans. it's a profession that's not without risks and danger and the workers and families know that. their government and their employer know that they owe it to these families to do everything possible -- >> that is president obama commenting on justice john paul stevens retiring, saying his leadership will be sorely missed and will replace justice john paul stevens and talking about the tragedy in west virginia where 25 people lost their lives and offering his condolences as well. let's take you to bell county, texas, where the sheriff is speaking about nadal hasan. >> i've been the sheriff for approximately 25 years. as most of you know by now this morning at about 4:00 a.m., major nadal hasan was delivered here to the an exof the bell county jail. shortly after his arrival, he began the intake process, which is routine for all inmates received here at this facility. that process involves a series of questions and interviews bit jail staff as well as medical personnel and others may need information to identify needs or special circumstances involving inmates. this is a process that is routine to all inmates that come here to this facility. he also was visited by our facility medical administrator and as you know, we have been in contact for the past several weeks with brooks army medical center medical staff, his primary care physician from there and others. after the intake process, she was placed in an infirmry cell. this is a -- would probably be characterized as a larger than normal cell simply because it's in the infirmry and designed to provide a little more room for medical equipment and such that may be necessary from time to time. not just for this inmate -- >> bell county sheriff you're listening to updating us on the condition of nidal hasan, transferred from a army hospital and he is now in jail. he has now been transferred to a jail. he was paralyzed from that shooting. we, of course, talking about tiger woods and if he is rusty or rattled by the scrutiny, he is not showing it at the masters. remaining a solid four under overall. the mocking banners flown above augusta won't be back this afternoon. not because of their contact. f faa inspectors ordered repairs be made to the plane. no information on when it may come back or what messages it may be toeing when it does. an ohio agency is handling fly overs but will not reveal who is paying for them. we'll be right back. time to hear your views. a district attorney in wisconsin says health teachers could be prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month the da sent a letter to area school districts saying teachers who tell students how to put on a condom or take birth control pills would be contributed to the declinecy of a minor, carries a sentence of nine months behind bars and $10,000 fine. >> to encourage children to have sex in any way, shape or form is egregious, one thing to instruct students about human biology and reproduction. it's quite another to cross that line and to start teaching students how to engage in sex for pleasure. they instruct on how to have that sex for pleasure, that then can be a consider issue because it contributes to the delinquency of the child. >> pretty upset the governor signed a law to teach comprehensive sex ed. the state law provides comprehensive medical accurate and unbiased information and teaches teens about the potential negative consequences of their choices. it goes on to say, the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy. study after study has shown abstinence over education does not work. should sex education be taught to the kids? chuck has been seeing what the people are saying today. it seems to be divided. >> it's pretty down the middle. most think it should continue in public schools, first of all, richard e-mailed this, all of those people that say it's the parent's job to teach her children about sex need to put themselves in their children's shoes and understand how awkward it is for them. the da is an idiot. the teachers are showing students the safe and proper way to have sex if they decide for themselves. judy, hi, you've been paying attention. what do you think? >> caller: yes, i think that teaching sex ed in school is a positive thing. i was a teen mom and i wish someone would have talk me about preventive measures like this. most kids are engaging in sex. why not open the door of communication to educate and protect kids against pregnancy, stds and everything else. >> do you think they are doing the role parents should be doing or it's all right in a school setting? >> caller: i think if the kids can go home and say i learned about this today, and it would open the communication between the kids and parents as well. sometimes don't want to talk about it, but somewhere in the back of their mind they are getting educated and that one split second they learned in school might help them in that respect. >> it is awkward. for every parent and kid it's never easy. it differs from situation to situation. >> thank you, i appreciate the call. here's what rick says, sex education is criminal but movies, television books et cetera that inundate our children with sex and sexual by haf yor aren't? what's wrong with this picture. katrina says, it's the parents that should be educating the children about sex not the schools. if the parents aren't doing the jobs it is nobody's job but the parents. the school's job is teaching bring writing and math and english, not sex. is this prosecutor serious? teaching sex ed teaches them how to not get pregnant and be a dropout and mooch off the system for decades. what do you think? the governor says the da has it all wrong. they have been having a little -- fighting at least verbally for several months apparently on this issue. is it important to teach sex education in schools or does it promote children to have sex? e-mail at or dive in on facebook. let's hear from you. we have breaking news to tell you about. the associated press is showing church files show the pope resisted defrocking a priest. the letters signed by ratzinger was obtained by the associated press and says ratzinger was reluctant to kick him out because he was concerned about the effects it could have on the universal church. the letter is among years of correspondence between the die cease of oakland and the vatican about steven kiesle. he declined to comment on its contents. the diplomat accused of a shoe bomb scare will be sent home to qatar. officials say he was not a threat. his embassy says he was going ton a routine visit with a convicted terrorist from qatar. a dad was livid to learn cheer leaders spiked his daughter's soda with urine. he says the girls should be kicked off the team. two saginaw cheer leaders are on suspension. a spokeswoman says policy and the school's cheer leading constitution were used to decide their punishment. the girls who put the urine in the soda will not be able to take part in cheer leading events through the end of the term. a charter school in chicago has been an oasis for children caught up and steve perry gives us a look at how they are helping to keep school safe. >> reporter: we're here in the englewood section of chicago. this is urban prep. having the first graduating class and sent 70 african-american young men to college. i want to talk to these folks. mr. king, i know when you say that you send 100% of your kids to college, a lot of people don't believe it. sometimes -- for their purposes got to introduce them to the wall. >> you need to see proof. >> tell me what we're looking at. >> every time a student is admitted to college, we take their admission letter and copy it and put it up on the wall in the school. >> reporter: people see the results and they are going to say 100% of seniors going on to college. you must pick the kids. you can't be a public school. >> people tell us all the time, you're a selective enrollment school but we're not. we're a public school and charter school which means that we're publicly funded and don't select our students based on any criteria. >> reporter: urban prep is an oasis, an opportunity for children to believe in themselves and create an opportunity where there didn't seem to be one and go on to a four-year college. we know how to run successful schools. the question now is, will we? >> such a great question. our thanks again to cnn contributor steve perry for that report. we heard about the new round of violent threats made against erin andrews the contestant on "dancing with the stars." the e-mails are being made public and it's frightening what's inside. stay with us.  the man accused of gunning down 13 people at ft. hood is out of the hospital and in the bell county jail. this is his booking photo. he's now in a wheel chir because he's paralyzed from the waist down. he was wounded by police in the shootings at the army post. he is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder as well. breaking news in washington, supreme court justice john paul stevens will retire when the court finishes this summer. they made the announcement this morning. stevens has been on the court 35 years. named to the job in 1975 by then president gerald ford. stevens will be 90 years old in 11 days. his retirement will give president obama a chance to fill a second spot on the court. his first appointment was justice sonia soto mayor. rescuers reached a rescue chamber inside the upper big branch mine and found into one there. they are places miners can go in an emergency. there's a second chamber further inside the mine and officials say it's the last chance of finding any of the four missing miners alive. they were trying to reach it when they were forced to turn back. >> we were smoke in all four entries and the smoke is traveling from this side toward the long wall face indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers -- >> hundreds of mourners have packed into a church in west virginia to remember some of the miners killed in monday's explosion. the service going on right now is for benny willingham, a vietnam vet known for his generosi generosity. he was a miner for more than 30 years. another service is for this man, carl acord. the day before the explosion, he told his family he was worried about going to work. we have learned that the company that owns the mine, massey, energy, will pay for all of the funerals. tiger woods is back on the links for day two. after some excitement on the course and above it yesterday, how are things looking today? rafer weigel joins us from augusta where he has been reporting live for quite a while now. >> reporter: there's no circus today. we somewhat expected that given this golf tournament. the crowd is a little more subdued. when tiger teed off the first shot, very untiger like, he hooked it off the fairway into the crowd. the crowds by the way following him just as large as yesterday. he was able to recover and to save par as they say for that hole. but as tiger has moved, the crowds have moved with him. earlier in the day he was practicing, we have video of him practicing, he looked like he was in good form. nothing compared to yesterday. normally he plays better as the course goes on. he played better on first day in spite of the fact there was banners flying above him. two airplanes, one of which saying, tiger did you mean bootyism. and the other one said sex addict, yeah, sure, me too. that plane has been grounded by the faa due to mechanical issues. but it still had a couple of people talking about it. here's what people had to say about the banners. >> somebody has a great sense of humor. other than that, i mean, somebody had some money to spend, i guess. >> well, i wasn't surprised to see it. i thing we're a forgiving public. they want to see him come back. >> there's people struggling with it. if you saw planes with banners behind them, there's going to be some people out there that feel like maybe he should have stayed out a little while longer and try to get his life in order. it just shows the professional he is. >> and he is playing professionally. again, yesterday he played the best he ever had on the first day of this tournament in 16 years. it made our jaw drop that he could come back and be this sharp. today not as sharp as yesterday. four shots back from the lead, still early, susan. it's still early as far as what circus we may see. there's a lot of security following him, a lot of undercover cops, i'm not sure what, you can tell by the fact they are looking around they might be undercover. if they are looking for somebody specifically, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystake, i don't think somebody would spend $2,000 to heckle the guy. i didn't think somebody would fly a plane over the golf course either. >> rafer, we appreciate it. hln is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger woods' return. rafer will be live reporting from augusta national all day long. democratic congressman bart stupak is stepping down. he made it official a few moments ago saying he's leaved because accomplished what he went to washington to do, pass health care reform. he is committed to help keep the seat in democratic hands. now take you to west virginia. >> i believe the last news conference we talked about trying to inert the area with nitrogen by shutting off the fan at bore hole number one and using nitrogen to inert the area. well, that's been done. there's been a lot of nitrogen, five truckloads put into the mine. to the extent that so much nitrogen is put in, it's forced the air that has been located in here, the carbon monoxide to ventilate the entire way up through this fan. we had carbon monoxide coming out of the fan typically at 50 parts per million. we saw a rise in the carbon monoxide up to 230 parts per million. now it's started dropping. we think the whole reason for those high concentrations of co was the nitrogen that was forcing the air out of the 22 long wall section. that's the good news. the not so good news was the bore hole that was put in reat the refuge chamber did not hit a void. it hit a solid pillar. basically that hole that was drilled from the surface does not use to us at all. and we will not be able to put a camera down in it. we can put a camera down in it but basically there will be nothing to see. we had another meeting and based on the nitrogen inerting the 22 long wall area, a decision again has been made to send rescue teams underground. they are gearing up or going underground basically as we speak. and what they are going to do is again travel into the mine, instead of going up across here to the long wall face, they are basically going to take the angle up and they are going to make sure that the smoke and the co we saw in this area is not coming from this area. so they are going to make a run by this area. if the concentrations of co show that it's normal and there's no smoke, we know that we flushed this area out with nitrogen and should not have any smoke or fire and we will have the ability to get up to that refuge chamber and evaluate it if it had been deployed or not. so that basically will take care hopefully accounting for the unaccounted people. we also think that if this was clear on our way up, we've inerted this already. we will have the ability to start the removal of the miner's bodies in the long wall area shortly there after. so not a whole lot has really gone our way. this nitrogen injection seems to have helped and has gone our way. we're basically in a point of going back in again. >> you heard him say right there we've reached a point of going back in again. that is kevin stricklin with u.s. mine safety saying rescuers are trying again govern after possible survivors if there are any survivors. we're going back underground to look for anyone who lived through the explosion. they were forced to turn back but not giving up hope in west virginia. more news after the break. police in florida have the perfect proof to to speak that a man killed his wife. he was caught on surveillance tape dumping her body. disappear the last month, her husband, munawar made a plea but knew where she was all along. he drove her body there with a plastic bag over her head and dumped the car. last night jane velez-mitchell showed us their evidence. >> take a look very carefully. the suspect drives the wife's car right up to the lake. the husband was very familiar with this lake because it's right behind his office. just imagine, her body was right there next to him the whole time. he gets out of the car and calmly pulls a bicycle out of the trunk. police say that's how he got home. he biked home. then he drove the car right to the water's edge. watch as he walks around to the back of the car and then tries to push it in the water after a couple unsuccessful tries there he goes, he gets into the driver's seat and then he rolls the car right into the water. okay. so there -- there he was pushing it unsuccessfully and getting into the car and rolls it right into the water. >> he is charged with murder. police say if he had just picked a spot 50 yards either way to ditch the car in the lake, it never would have been caught on camera. they are glad it was. we have learned disturbing new details in the suicide of a 15-year-old massachusetts girl. court documents show phoebe prince spent the final days before her death living in fear. prince apparently told a friend she was so scared of being beaten up at school she wanted to go back home to ireland and wouldn't know how to fight. at one point she asked friends to surround her when she walked in the hall ways. one day in her school that it got around a girl was going to beat her up. she told a friend she wanted to go home and went to see an administrator. she went to class and still afraid. six students from her high school are facing charges connecting to prince's death. they have all pleaded not guilty. the lawyer for one of teens says his client has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. a bus driver punches a passenger after being hit by a bottle. he denied trying to hit the driver with a bottle. here's what he said after being shown the security video. >> like two different memories, like watching that, is that real and what i awe, is that real? i don't know. >> he was arrested for public intoxication. he says he was on pain medication. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus, but he will not be fired. the tape will tell you the truth. warmer weather means fewer clothes for you and maybe breaking out the bathing suit. listen to today's live better now. >> it's the sugar we put into our bodies that makes the belly fat. you're advocating cutting out sugar, you don't mean spoonfuls of. >> most are 186 grams of sugar a day, you keep insulin levels high and lock in belly fat. i have belly bad examples we have to avoid and great examples to release belly fat. this is regular milk and this is regular soy milk, both have about 14 grams of sugar. >> it's not added sugar, it's great for growing kids. if you're an adult and want to reduce, what i would do is almond milk. make sure it said unsweetened, calcium and protein without the sugar. new coffee drink with the whipped cream and all that stuff, 29 grams of sugar. >> black coffee. >> fruit drink, last example, the average glass of fruit has 29 or 30 grams of sugar. i would swap it out for something like a tea that has fruit infused so you get the sweetness but without the sugar. welcome back, we have breaking news. the desperate search is intensifying now. as you saw a short time ago, emergency officials say crews will be going into the mine again to try to find them. >> we're basically in a point of going back in again. >> how many rescuers are going back in. >>? two mine rescue teams for a total of 16 people. >> earlier today rescue crews were evacuated because smoke was found inside the mine indicating there was a fire inside. the miners have been missing for four days, 25 miners were killed in an explosion there on monday. they are going back in. hopefully to find survivors. looks like the u.s. navy is banning smoker inside submarines, they don't want nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke. they'll have nicotine patches and gum to help them quit. they can still choose to let them smoke on deck. the new rule starts by the end of the year. doctors in london have separated 4-month-old conjoined twins. this video shows the baby sometime before yesterday's 14-hour operation. aren't they cute? the hospital says the twins are stable but the next few days will be key. they were joined at the chest but according to media and the uk, they did not hair any major organs. kissing on each other. we could all use a money coach. here's some advice from clark howard. >> -this is denise, and i need help. i worked at the same job for 30 years at a las vegas casino and i worked really hard to establish good credit. this year my w-2 did not arrive in the mail. i went to my employer, and they didn't have it returned to them, and they sent me to the post office. i want to the post office and they had no idea where it was. i understand that i'm not the only one that this has happened to where i work. i am really concerned now that all my information has been stolen and someone has it. my question is how can i protect myself against identity theft? money coach, can you help me? >> denise, i'm really sorry about the wayward w-2 and you are right to be concerned. now, as far as identity theft, the criminal has a lot of what he or she might need if, in fact, it has fallen into the wrong hands to steal your identity and create all kinds of mischief. well, there are a couple things i want you to do. one, i'd like you to go to and pull copies of all three of your credit reports to see if any new accounts that are mystery accounts have been opened. second, and this is something i'd like you to do even if you have not had a concern like denise, consider freezing your credit. if you freeze your credit, even if a criminal gets all your information, they can't do anything with it. i've got a great credit freeze guide on my website. what we didn't expect is for there to be smoke from a fire. it does not look like we will physically be able to get there based on the smoke that we found this morning. you say that this tournament is bigger than him. >> it is much bigger than him and his issues. i will miss you. i wasn't even looking at him. >> you don't do that to a teammate, you don't do it to a friend, i wouldn't even do it to anybody i hate. you got it right here on hln "news and views." i'm chuck roberts. a lot to cover today on a friday. thanks for looking in. we have just learned now that rescue teams have gone back again into the upper big branch mine in west virginia, the site of that explosion, that deadly explosion on monday. two teams, altogether 16 people, are taking part. they're trying it again. >> if the concentrations of co showed it's normal and there's no smoke, we know that we flushed this area out with nitrogen and we should not have any smoke or fire, and we will have the ability to get up to that refuge chamber and evaluate if it had been deployed or not. so that basically will take care of hopefully accounting for the unaccounted people. we also think that if this was clear on our way up, we've inerted this already, we will have the ability to start the removal of the miners' bodies. >> that was moments ago. earlier today they did reach the rescue chamber, one of them, inside the mine finding no signs that that chamber had ever been deployed, that any of the missing miners had used it. rescuers are trying to reach the second chamber when they had to turn around. there had been concerns of a fire or choking smoke inside. the chambers are the safe places, the cutaways that miners can go to during an emergency like the explosion on monday. funerals are taking place for some of the miners who died. massey energy is paying for the funerals. supreme court associate justice john paul stevens will retire when the court finishes its term in june. the court's press office made the announcement this morning. stevens has been on the high bench for nearly 35 years. he was named to the job in 1975 by then-president gerald ford. he will be 90 in 11 days. he's the oldest member of the court and his retirement gives the president a chance to fill a second spot on the court. the president today said john paul stevens' leadership on the court will be missed. bart stupak is stepping down. he made the official announcement earlier today. he said he's leaving because he accomplish what had he went to washington to do, pass health care reform. during his announcement he said he's committed to helping keep the seat in democrats' hands. stupak is an anti-abortion democrat who faced criticism from both sides of the aisle for his 11th hour deal with the white house to support health care reform. he said he struck the deal after being convinced the health care measure would prevent federal money from paying for abortion. off the course tiger woods has vowed to change. on the course is looks like he's about the same. if tiger has been distracted or rattled at all by the months of scandal, he showed no tines so far. he's tied for fourth place right now. five under for the tournament. second round he's just birdied the 134th hole. golf is only part of the story. that's where we find hln sports' rafer weigel with the latest. hi. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, chuck. vegas made this man the odds-on favorite but all the quote, unquote experts, including jack nicklaus, gave him no chance to win this tournament, to come back after five months and a sex scandal and to perform on this stage in a sport as mentally challenging as golf. tiger appeared to have his first mental lapse on his first shot, his tee shot, which he hooked off the fairway and into the galleries. however, he did manage to recover pretty well. the crowds following him are more subdued but still just as massive. they're still talking about those planes. we thought there might be some heckling for woods here on the course. that came from the sky yesterday. two planes, one that said, tiger did you mean budhi-ism. the faa says they grounded the plane because of a mechanical issue. we also hear that we haven't confirmed this yet, that the faa has issued a flight advisory above the course. all that means is they suggest not flying above it. technically you still can. right now no circus. a golf tournament has actually broke be on out at augusta and a really darn good one. >> and a beautiful day, too. did that rain slow things down, the play, the speed of the greens? did the weather play a role? >> not at all. it seemed like it was almost unfair to woods because in the morning it was almost beautiful and then the rain came in. he had to play in that. today it's just been beautiful all day long. you're talking about an even playing field for everybody. lee westwood at the top fert leaderboard and fred couples, 50 years old, and 60-year-old tom watson still in the hunt. >> tom watson is my man. thank you. he's from my hometown. >> your neck of the woods. >> thank you, sir. we have this story just into hln. this is what's left of a house in clifton, new jersey, after it apparently exploded. not much left. fire crews were sent to the scene to hose down the resulting three-alarm fire. police are telling a local station there are no reported injuries. no signs of major damage to neighboring homes, but look at that. it's gone. we don't know the cause of the explosion. they suspect a natural gas leak. some say knowledge is power, but when it comes to how to use birth control a d.a. in a wisconsin county says it might be a crime. the possible jail sentence for giving a how-to on birth control. a district attorney in wisconsin says health teachers can be prosecuted if they tell students how to use birth control. a lot of people disagree with him on a legal basis. last month the d.a. sent a letter to school districts saying teachers who tell students how to put on a condom or take birth control pills will be contributing to the delinquency of a minor with a possible term of nine months behind bars and/or a $10,000 fine. he's an evangelical christian who is upset that the governor requi signed the law requiring schools to teach sex ed. the department of health services released a statement saying the state law provides comprehensive medically accurate, unbiased and age appropriate information and teaches teens about the potential negative consequences. so should sex-ed be taught at all to kids? it's a very provocative topic for our "your views" discussion. >> we are getting a lot of comments. most of you think sex education should be taught freely in schools but we want to get both sides. melissa e-mailed us at saying i do not believe the school should be involved in teaching kids about sex. it should be up to the parent to decide if their child is ready for that sips all children are different and some are more mature than others. it should not be up to the schools to tell you when your child is ready. this is just another example of parents letting the schools take responsibility for something that they should be doing themselves because they don't want to or they are too embarrassed and too busy. ja let's go to the phone lines. we start with jasmine in kentucky. what do you think? >> caller: yes. i think that sex education should be just taken out of schools because the only thing it really teaches you is how to be safe during sex. >> isn't that important though? >> caller: yes. sex education is important, but at the same time it doesn't -- all it teaches you is how to prevent pregnancy and how to stay away from stds. i'm 19 years old and i have been personally in sexual education since i was in the seventh grade, and it honestly didn't really teach me nothing. i know kids who are in sixth grade that are saving sex. i was a senior when i had my child so i didn't think it really helped. >> you think it should teach kids abstinence and less about how to protect themselves from pregnancy? >> caller: yes. >> thank you. appreciate the call. lucy in texas, you're on the line. do you agree with jazmin? >> caller: i believe we should teach our kids about sex. i was taught sex ed since fifth great, started with body changes. middle school it was more sex, more prevention, consequences. what kept me from having unprotected sex was images of what stds looked like, what infections looked like, what the consequences of having sex, you know, having a baby, having to deal with, you know -- >> and how old are you now? >> caller: excuse me? >> how old are you now? how long ago was that? >> caller: i'm 27 now. we're talking about in the late '90s. having to see that and having my teacher explain to me all those things and looking at pictures definitely scared me and it made me more aware of with what's out there, and so i think we should teach our kids more, you know, preventions and teach them there's consequences if you go have sex without protection, you know. you're going to be an under-age mom, the boyfriend might, you know, break up with you and you're going to have to raise the kid by yourself. >> so the message has worked with you. >> caller: hello, you guys have to be more open-minded. it's not the school's fault if you're not learning. it's you and the people you're hanging out with. so it's all in the mind of the person, but i think we should. >> caller: lucy, thank you. thank you so much. the visuals worked for lucy. she's saying keep education in the schools. we want to get to some comments. we start with patricia. she said they need to be educated about sex at school if their parents aren't willing to teach it at home. better to have some education about it at school than none at all. trudy says aren't the administrators putting the cart before the horse? it is not important to learn how to have successful relationships knowing that even adam and eve figured out the rest. let's criminalize education. forget about all those other petty crimes, drug dealers, let's prosecute teachers. what is next, book burning? we appreciate all of the comments coming in. what do you think? is it important to teach sex ed in school or does the class actually promote children to have sex? give us a call right now, let us know, 1-877-tell-hln. you can e till -mail us at you can text us at hlntv. >> adam and eve. that's a great comment. >> that was a good one. >> they figured it out. thank you. a classmate says it's something you should never do to your enemy, let alone a teammate. how texas high school cheerleaders were punished for spiking soda with urine. astronauts for the shuttle "discovery" spent the morning outside the international space station. they disconnected an old tank on the cooling system, and they will get a new one hooked up in the next couple of space walks. they also picked up a science experiment that's been running outside the station. they will bring it back to earth for examination. nancy kerrigan's brother pleaded not guilty to manslaughter charges. mark kerrigan is accused of causing the death of his 70-year-old father. the family say he's not to blame. prosecutors say daniel kerrigan died after a fight with his son in the family's home. mark kerrigan posted bail and was released. the family says they're extremely pleased to have mark back at home. high school cheerleaders spiked a teammate's soda with urine. the father said the girls should be kicked off the team, period. at least two saginaw high school cheerleaders are on in-school suspension. a spokesperson says policy and the school's cheerleading constitution were used to decide their punishment. >> not a lot of talk about it in class, but there's a conversation going on between the hallways is that. they just say that it's absolutely disgusting, we're embarrassed. >> the girls went around bragging about it. you don't do that to a teammate, not to friend, i wouldn't even do it to anybody i hate. the girls who did the deed went around bragging. >> you look at the students involved, if they've been in trouble before, if it's multiple times, a first offense, attitude of the student. >> the girls who put the urine in the soda will not be allowed to take part in cheerleading for the rest of the term. tax day is approaching. and for those of you who filed online or are planning to, your refund will come in as a few as nine days. if you're getting money back, how do you spend it? stephanie elam joins us with suggestions. happy friday. >> happy friday, chuck. that's right. a lot of people are going to get money back. nearly 90% of americans are expecting refunds from the i.r.s. this year and with nearly 8 in 10 workers living paycheck to paycheck according to a recent survey by career builder, those refunds will be a much-needed income boost. 56% of respondents say they plan on using the refund to pay off bills. 34% say they would put the money in savings. only 7% say they would invest the money from their refund. other plans include things as varied as improve their home, going on vacation, paying people back, and 2% of people say they plan to head in the car dealership. the main thing is the majority of the respondents are totally on point. paying down your debt is the best thing you can do with the money. paying off bills with the highest interest rates first would be a good attack plan and don't just think about credit card debt. you have your student loans, your car loan, or even your mortgage. all of that should be put into the plan as far as paying down debt. >> how about investment? putting money into savings. good idea? >> that's totally a great idea. if you don't have a cushion, you hear about this. nothing puts you on the path to financial security faster than having a little extra in the bank. so start an emergency fund with the money from your tax refund. most financial planners they recommend you have an emergency fund with enough money to live for three to six months without any income. think about that. do you have that cushion right now? if not, this is a good idea for you. if you haven't already establish had had this type of savings, start with a chunk of change you receive from your refund. >> so many people are not investing. 5%, 7%? >> the numbers -- >> it's under 10%. >> it's 7%. this is a low number and a sad reality. close to 78% of those surveyed admit they're living paycheck to paycheck and that's up to 61% from may of last year. and people are scaling back as well on their 401 contributions. that shows you how much pain there is out there still. on top of that, the survey found more american workers plan to use your refunds for daily expenses rather than saving for a rainy day. but it's really important to remember, investing for the future is key and it's a lot easier to put away for your retirement now than to do it altogether later. >> great advice. thanks, steph. >> sure. >> stephanie elam. well, she's tried and failed at love before, but is liz taylor willing to give marriage another go? ddddddddddh hi, everybody. hln "news and views." we're learning new details, very disturbing information about the suicide of that 15-year-old massachusetts girl who had just moved to the u.s. from ireland about six months earlier. court documents show phoebe prince spent the final days before her death living in fear. prince told a friend she was so scared of being beaten up at the school in south hadley, mass, she wanted to go back home to ireland. she also said she wasn't a tough girl and wouldn't know how to fight. at one point she asked friends to surround her as she walked down the high school hallway. the documents indicate that one day at the school word got around that a girl watts going to beat her up. prince told her friends she was scared and wanted to go home. went to see an administrator, then later returned to class and told her friends nothing was being done and she was still frightened. six students are facing charges in connection with her death. they've all pleaded not guilty. today the lawyer for one of teens said his client has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. moments ago we learned that rescue teams have done it again. they've gone back inside the upper big branch mine in west virginia. two teams, a total of 16 people, are taking part. >> we're right now at 95 hours. so we're confident that if they got in there and they were alive, that we would be able to still rescue them. we're probably somewhere in the vicinity right now hopefully of getting in there within 3 1/2 to 4 hours to that refuge chamber. >> that's the second chamber. earlier they reached the first rescue chamber but found no sign of the four missing miners. they're still trying to reach that other chamber, that other cutaway, a refuge. now they have gone back in. there were concerns of a possible fire. these are the safe place that is miners head to in an emergency like the explosion on monday that killed 25 people. meanwhile, funerals are taking place for some of the miners who died in the disaster. massey energy, the owner of the mine, is paying for all of the funerals. perfect friday weather in augusta. tiger woods gets a break from those taunting banners overhead. the airplane that's been grounded for some minor repairs will not be menacing the players. the faa says the order was issued after safety inspectors met with the pilot. the single engine cessna made a couple of passes over augusta national. there's one of the banners. the faa said the plane was flying for an ad company based in ohio. it was allowed to fly back to ohio for repairs. if he's rusty at all or rattled by scrutiny, tiger isn't showing it on the playing surface. he's on the course now. he's one under par remaining a solid five under overall. he will almost certainly make the cut and he is almost certainly in the hunt. well, we now know where nike got that audio of earl woods which it's using. it's edited from a 2004 dvd about tiger, and the sound itself is earl talking about himself, not his son, explaining how he likes to, quote, find out what your thinking was and did you find out anything. did tiger like the commercial? >> i think it's very apropos. i think that's what my dad would say, and it's amazing how my dad can speak to me from different ways, even when he's long gone. he's still helping me, and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> keep it right here for late coverage from the masters. it's a great day over there. we're getting a lot of new information. everything you need to know from augusta and tiger's return just ahead. a big announcement from washington. supreme court associate justice john paul stevens will retire when the court finishes the current term in june. he's been on the high bench for nearly 35 years. named there -- nominated there by gerald ford in 1975. the oldest member of the court, stevens will turn 90 in 11 days. his retirement gives president obama a chance to fill a second spot on the court. his first appointment being justice sonia sotomayor. president obama and the democrats are making serious progress on high profile issues and nop ne of that is sitting wl with republicans gathering. yes, sarah palin is there. she is one of the marquee performers, if you will. deputy political director paul steinhauser joins us live. has she been on stage? >> she spoke about an hour ago and she got some really big applau applause. the crowd a little larger for her than it was last night in the opening session. chuck, this is the largest gathering of republican officials and activists, organizers, really until the convention, presidential conv convention in two years. and it's the first catapult for possible contenders. she had a lot of policy in her speech. she talked about international affairs. she talked about oil drilling. she used that good old line, drill, baby, drill. she accused this administration of stall, baby, stall. and she talked about health care and the economy. take a listen. >> well, folks, it seems like we are really learning what the president meant with his slogan, yes, we can. when you turn that sound bite into a sentence, you get yes, we can spread the wealth around. yes, we can spend money that we do not have on programs that we don't need and we're going to stick the next generation with the bill. to a lot of us that's stealing. and, yes, we can put our country back on a track that's not a good track because this track is going to quadruple our national debt. and yes, we can let the government take over one-sixth of the private sector economy with the mother of all unfunded mandates, obama care. >> reporter: and she's also said there's nothing in this country right now that can't be solved by a good old-fashioned election. >> how about newt gingrich? he stirred the pot quite a bit. >> reporter: he did. he was the first speaker, the first major speaker who may want to run for the white house. he said the republican party cannot only be just the party of no. he said republicans need to talk about what they would do if they reclaimed power. he also had some tough language directed at president obama. take a listen. >> the president of the united states, the most radical president in american history, has now thrown down the gauntlet to the american people. he has said i run a machine. i own washington, and there's nothing you can do about it. >> reporter: bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana, he just spoke a few minutes ago. he said i have no interest to run for the white house. >> i know you have to be quiet. any talk about michael steele, the rnc chairman? is he in trouble? >> reporter: you know, publicly nothing, but behind the scenes, steele is coming down and speaking tomorrow. a bunch of state lawmakers who have the power to vote him out today said that they would back him, but this chapter is still not closed. no talk today of justice stevens so far. nothing but bart stupak either. >> thank you. appreciate it. thanks, paul. literally hanging on for dear life. not much left of his big rig after a fiery crash. remember this 24 hours ago? amazingly the trucker made it out alive. we're going to hear from him. we're following a story from yesterday. actually earlier today. not yesterday. two people were injured in this apparent explosion in south am boy, new jersey. we don't know their conditions right now but clearly the house is a total loss. as the fire chief says, the victims are lucky to be alive. fire crews were sent to the scene to hose down the resulting three-alarm fire. as you see, no major damage apparent in the neighboring homes. we still don't know the cause of the explosion, but the leading suspect is a natural gas leak. it was about this time yesterday we did show you amazing pictures out of northwest dallas/ft. worth where a semi trailer rig was hanging off the freeway. look at this. amazingly the guy inside the truck lived to tell about it. it was all thanks to a leap of faith. jason whitely from affiliate wfaa has this. >> reporter: the first images of the fiery wreck were hard to fathom. >> i honestly thought there was no way he could make it out of that truck. >> kayla knows the driver. he works for her, lives next door, and a long-time friend. dps tells news 8 the semi was cut off by an ntta dump truck. it happened just after 1:00 thursday on highway 121 near 135. the impact sliced off the fuel tank and set the rig ablaze. before it careened in the wall. somehow randy pierce and everyone else walked away. >> and my honest opinion is god had to have his hand on randy because there's no other way he could have gotten out of that. >> reporter: five hours after the accident kayla's husband brought randy home sore but with a heck of a story. >> i had gone out the driver's door where the flames was, it was straight down, so i went out the passenger door. >> reporter: he had been hauling 40,000 pounds of frozen chicken to lewisville. >> somebody was watching over me. it wasn't my time yet. >> reporter: aside from a few scratches on his left hand and one on his head, the 59-year-old is okay. >> had to get glass out of my shirt. >> and i'm patting you on the back and you're full of class. >> reporter: the trucking company is called a leap of faith. what she and her husband did by starting it nine years ago. but randy gave that name new meaning, jumping out of a burning cab as it teetered off a bridge. >> thanks to jason wily, wfaa dallas. randy says he will get back in the cab as soon as he gets a new truck. a bus driver gets to keep his job after punching a passenger. here is the security video. transit police in san antonio said the passenger was intoxicated. you can see him trying to hit the driver with a bottle ain a paper bag. now, the passenger denies it. >> but i didn't throw anything. that's for sure. i didn't provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> then our affiliate kens showed him the video. here is what he said. >> it's like two different memories. it's like watching that, is that real? and what i saw, is that real? i don't know. >> he was arrested for public intoxication. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus but he won't be fired. in florida police say they have the perfect proof a man killed his wife. he was caught on surveillance tape dumping her body. her husband made a tearful plea for her return at a press conference monday, but police say he knew where she was all along, at the bottom of a lake near his workplace. they say he drove her body there with a plastic bag over her head and dumped the car and last night jane velez-mitchell showed us the evidence. >> here is a play-by-play of the shocking surveillance tape. take a look very carefully. the suspect drives the wife's car right up to the lake. the husband was very familiar with this lake because it's right behind his office. just imagine, her body was right there next to him the whole time. now, he gets out of the car and calmly pulls a bicycle out of the trunk. police say that's how he got home. he biked home. then he drove the car right to the water's edge. watch as he walks around to the back of the car and then tries to push it in the water after a couple of unsuccessful tries. there he goes. he gets into the driver's seat and then he rolls the car right into the water. okay? there he was pushing it unsuccessfully. there you see him getting into the car. then he rolls it right into the water. >> he is now charged with murder. police said if he had just picked a spot 50 yards either way to ditch that car in the lake, he would have never been caught on camera. what's your reaction to seeing a kid seated behind you on a plane that is kicking the plane? some folks groan. one woman allegedly did a little more tharn. she i'm a.j. hammer. this is a "showbiz tonight" news break exclusively on hln, and this is "the buzz today." erin andrews terrifying threats. the espn reporter and "dancing with the stars" contestant is facing brand new violent threats on her life. a man in virginia is under investigation for sending threatening e-mails about andrews and now we're getting a first look at a new e-mail that shows just how serious the threats have become. tmz obtained one message that said i would like to see if erin andrews can dance her way through a hail of gunfire. andrews tells us she's not going to let threats slow her down. she remains a top contender on dancing. portia de rossi's shocking tell-all. the star has just announced some of the stunning details she'll be dishing on in her upcoming book. de rossi says she will share new revelations about coming out and marrying ellen degeneres in august of 2008. the book will also document de rossi's years battling anorexia and bulimia. it's expected to be released this fall. "american idol's" astonishing drop. the show lost its slop at the top of the tv ratings for the second week in a row. idol got rocked to second place on monday when dwaz brought in more total viewers. the total number of fans who tune into tuesday's idol broadcast was down 6% from the previous week. that's got hollywood oddsmakers wondering if idol is losing its edge. that's your news break. i'm a.j. hammer. join us on "showbiz tonight" for all of today's big news breaking live at 5:00 eastern and we are back every night at 11:00 eastern and pacific here on hln. you are 70 minutes away from a brand new show. don't miss it. an american tv producer out of jail in mexico. he can't return to the u.s. while being investigated for his wife's death. here is bruce redman on "extra's" website. he's worked on the show "survivor" and "pimp my ride." a family friend told cnn they were at a cancun resort working on their marriage. police say the initial investigation found she was strangled. her husband told police she never returned from shopping. we haven't heard directly from him. most of us have been there, stuck on a plane with a rowdy kid just behind you. one woman allegedly had enough and decided to do something about it. now, she could be arrested. marisa beg marisa wingate has this. >> reporter: the southwest airlines flight was headed to vegas, stopped in phoenix with a mother and her 3-year-old son on board. >> wherever that poor 3-year-old was sitting, this lady unfortunately sat in front of him and he did what 3-year-olds do. he put his feet up. he may have kicked the chair. >> reporter: it's something passengers like the woodards tell us happens all the time. >> as you can see she's attacking your mike. so it's tough to control. >> reporter: phoenix investigators say say the 3-yead child involved picked the wrong woman's chair to kick. >> she stands up, reaches back behinded chair, grabs the child by the arm and says, you're not going to kick my chair all the way to las vague pips grabbed limb to the point where evidently he was lifted at least a little out of his seat and shoved him back. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: what do you think when you hear that? >> awful. can't imagine that happening. unbelievable. >> reporter: that's what passengers and the 35-year-old mother thought, too. they got into a verbal argument with the 42-year-old woman who witnesses say was drunk. investigators say flight attendants took them off the flight then agreed to seat the suspect elsewhere. >> yet the lady goes right back to the same seat and as the plane is on its way to las vegas begins to berate and belittle the lady and throwing things back at her and her children. >> reporter: now we're told the mother plans to press charges. >> many thanks, ktvk in phoenix. southwest takes the safety are its passengers seriously and is qualitying with investigators. what can this get you at the fish market? a bluefin tuna. people who know fish say it's worth every penny. this may be the catch of year. flown in from barcelona fortuna weekend. who says your golden years have to be boring? meet a daredevil living life on the edge's. 77777777777 what we didn't expect was for there to be smoke from a fire. it does not look like we will physically be able to get there, based on the smoke that we found this morning. >> you say this tournament is bigger -- t. is much bigger than him and his issues. >> called me and said, yeah, we miss you. we miss you -- >> i didn't provoke this in any way. wasn't even looking at him. >> you don't do this to a teammate a friend or to anybody i hate. all right. everyone a great story. thank you for choosing hln "news and views" on the 8th of april. i'm chuck roberts. happy friday. rescue team, returning inside the upper big branch mine in west virginia trying again. two teams. a total of 16 people taking part. >> at -- we're right now at 95 hours. so we're confident that if they got in there, and they were alive, that we would be able to still rescue them. we're probably somewhere in the vicinity right now, hopefully, of getting in there with 3.5 to 4 hours to that rescue chamber. >> 2.5 to 4 hours to get where they want to be's they did reach a rescue chamber earlier today but found no sign of four miners. still trying to reach that second chamber, and an earlier attempt was ended earlier. they had to turn back. concern about a fire in the mine. the chambers are safe places miners can go in an emergency, like the explosion that killed 25 people on monday. funerals are taking place for some who died in the explosion. massey mines is paying for the funerals. and sending an adopted son back to his home country. he arrived unaccompanied carrying a fler his adopted mom saying she was returning him because he has psychological problems and is dangerous. now russia's foreign minister is seeking to freeze all u.s./russian adoptions. >> translator: russiaal foreign ministry will insist on all adoptions of children to the u.s. being banned until a treaty is signed to regulate such adopti adoptions, sfaebing responsibilities of adoptive families. we've discussed this with the u.s. before. they've tried to avoid doing this, but this latest incident exhausted our patience. >> the boy is being checked out at a hospital. what happens next remains unclear. back in tennessee, tory hansen shipped him back based on the advice of her attorney. she still loves children, but this boy had violent tendencies. and justice john paul stevens will rear tire at the end of john. he's been on the court nearly 35 years, was nominated in 1975 by then president gerald ford. the oldest member of the court, stevens will turn 90 in 11 days. his retirement gives the president a chance to fill a second spot on the court. today he praised stevens and said his leadership on the high court will be missed. updating you on a story we're following at hln. hearing a utility company employee and female passerby suffered minor injuries in this house explosion in new jersey. a spokesperson for the utility pse & g said that a contractor damaged a gas line and ignite add natural gas leak. the utility company also says the house was unoccupied at the time of the blast. no sign of major damp to neighboring homes although windows were blown out in a home across the street. you know if he's rusty or rattled, tiger woods is showing none at the masters today. just finished up for the day at augusta and right now he's two strokes off the lead. he's in the hunt and will clearly make the cut. the scandal obviously has not hurt his game. sdp that mean it's over? we asked some masters' fans. >> no. >> reporter: why not? >> we need the next distraction to come along in the u.s. >> reporter: somebody else? >> do something to distract us i. think for the most part, yeah. >> reporter: were you surprised how well he was received? >> a little bit. >> reporter: that's okay. that's your feeling. that's okay. >> a little bit. i was delighted but you never know what the public is going to do. >> reporter: do you think the fans add everybody else is ready to move on as well? >> i know i am. i'm tired of it, but -- i think most people are ready for it. >> things may be serene on the greens, in the air, signs flown over the masters yesterday mocking tiger. more were said to be coming today. apparently that won't happen. an ohio sags handling this not saying who paid for them. plane was told not to fly with two miles of the course. only an advisory. the pilot wasn't breaking any rules. there may be safety issues onboard that plane and it has gone back to ohio. that's the late word on that. apparently no more banners over the course. "hln's" the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage. we'll report from augusta all weekend. keep it right here for the latest on tiger's comeback. high school clearleaders in texas got in-school suspensions for spikinge ining students' so. a ft. worth area dad is livid. he has found out that high school cheerleaders spiked his daughter's soda with urine. he says the girls should be kicked off the team. at least two saginaw high school cheerleaders are on in-school suspension. others got lesser punishment. a spokeswoman says policy and the cheerleading constitution were used to decide punishment. >> not a lot of talk about it in class. you can guarantee there's a conversation in the hallways is that. they just say that it's absolutely guess gusting. we're embarrassed. >> the girls were bragging about it. you don't do to to a teammate, a friend. i wouldn't do it to anybody i late. the girl whose actually had done the deed went around bragging. >> looked at students involved, if they'd been in trouble before. multiple time, first offense. attitude of the student. >> would you imagine it was the first offense. the girl whose put the urine in the soda will not be allowed to take part in cheerleading events through the end ever term. a district attorney in wisconsin said you could be prosecuted if you tell students thousand use birth control. teachers who tell students how to put on a condom or take birth control pills would be contributing to the delicious waens of a minor. a misdemeanor and carries a sentence up to nine months behind bars and a $10,000 fine. the d.a. san is an evangelic aa person who is upset. a lot of comments so far. most think the sex education course should continue. let's try to get both points of view in. melissa e-mailed this through a website. i do not believe that the school should be involved in teaching kids about sex. it should be up to the parent to decide if their child's ready for that, all children are different, some more mature and that others. not up to the schools to tell you when your child is ready. another example of parents letting the schools take responsibility for something they should be doing themselves, because they don't want to or they're too embarrassed or too busy. facebook comment. plowing how that those. melissa writes, wow. kids are going to do what they please regardless of what adults wish or say. to not explain how the contraceptives work and thousand use them properly is irresponsible and opening the door to all sorts of problem, pregnancies, stds, so forth. that is the dumbest thing i've heard in a while. shame on that prosecutor. let him have the responsibility of those consequences and the bills. >> justine says i believe parents are responsible for teaching their children about sex 100%. however, there are a lot of parents who don't. whether they're uncomfortable with it, or think their children are too young i believe once a child it curious they should be taught, if not taught the proper way, they'll learn from other sources. i think it's a good thing to teach sex ed dmags school to reinforce proper knowledge, however, teemping a child how to use a condom is going too far. let's not confuse sex education with encouraging sex. thanks for all the comments. all week we've been closely following the story of the virginia governor declaring april confederate history month and doing it without a mention of slavery. now president obama is weighing in. republican governor bob mcdonald says the declaration was honoring confederate sacrifice and promoting tourism. he has since apologized for failing to acknowledge the role slavery played in the confederacy. in an interview on abc's "good morning america," the president said as a history buff he feels the governor made an error. >> i don't think you can understand the confederacy and the civil war unless you understand slavery. so i think that was a -- unacceptable omission. i think the governor's acknowledged that and just a reminder that when we talk about issues like slavery that are so fraught with pain and emotion that, you know, we better do so thinking through how this is going to affect a lot of people, and their sense of whether they're a part of a commonwealth that took part of our broader society. >> governor mcdonald issued a revised proclamation calling slavery evil and inhumane. crowds turning out for the tea party express parties are overwelkly light. is thas problem for the tea party movement? a closer look. here's ed lavandera. >> responsible at the tee tea part. >> reporter: hip-hop rhymes with the tea party flare. >> the only solution, only foundation should be the constitution. >> reporter: he fires up the crowd. >> i am not an african-american. i am lloyd marcus american. >> reporter: making the tea party appear diverse, but wherever the tea party express goes, lloyd marcus will be one of the few minorities in the crowd. that doesn't bother him. he feels at home with his tea party brothers. >> i think there's not a lot of black folk here basically because they haven't seen the light yet. they are still hip hypnotized by the first black or african-american president, but haven't really looked at the man and what he's doing. >> reporter: critics ar gug than aanti-minority undere tone that these rallies. one anti-tea party protesters lashed out about the issues. >> other than the people covering the story, the only people i see here are retired white people. >> reporter: one woman carried a sign way stuffed monkey that read, send obama back to kenya. and raling against immigration reform with a tone that could offend latinos. attempts to portray the group as racist or not welcome to minorities is a biaseden fair attack. >> don't believe the crock you're reading in some media about racism. >> i don't see the lack of diversity at all. >> reporter: tea party chairman mark williams argues the movement is incredibly diverse and says there are no specific efforts to reach out to minorities. no sense you maybe need to target black people, hispanic people? just to bring them into the fold? >> all they need to do, read the constitution and they'll come fight with us. ♪ the waste, turning out the folks that your money can't buy ♪ >> the tea party cross-tours in michigan, what matters seg mant a chance too look at the stories in the african-american community that affect all of us. and for more you can check out the may issue of "essence" magazine or logon to cnn po we're learning disturbing new details in the suicide of a 15-year-old massachusetts girl. court dounlts so phoebe prince sent the final days before her death in fear. on the day she died prince texted a friend saying she was upset by the nonstop has racement and told another friend school was intolerable. and a witness didn't want to fight her tormentors but just wanted them to stop bullying letter. all have pleaded not guilty. the lawyer for one of the teen is tried and convicted in the court of public. students protesting and trying to prevent them. 350 walked out of class yesterday to rally against proposed cuts for after-school programs summer programs and the art classes. illinois governor is floating a budget which slashes $1.3 billion from education funding. >> a lot of people feel that a lot of students do not care about school, but not only for education but the sports and all these other activities, it keeps then out of the streets. >> we want somewhere to go and still want or after-school programs. >> a district spokeswoman tried to avoid the cuts. 20,000 will lose jobs if the budget is approved. a woman accused of assaulting a 3-year-old boy because he may have kicked her seat on a plane. police tell a phoenix affiliate it happened before a southwest flight left the gate last month for las vegas. witnesses say the woman may have been drunk. >> the young lady became very upset. turned around in her seat, reached back, actually grabbed the 3-year-old lifting him off the seat and the stating something to the effect you're not going to be kicking my seat all the way to las vegas and according to witnesses actually slammed the child back down on to the seat. >> witnesses say flight attendants sat the woman somewhere else but then she came back yelling and throwing trash at the boy and his mom. the mom wants to press charges. detectives say southwest is helping with their investigation. stocks nearly closed this day with an 18-month high. felicia taylor has a wrap-up of the trading day. didn't quite do it. 11,000. >> well, we did briefly cross the 11,000 mark but couldn't hold it there. dow ended shy of the milestone. worries about greece's debt problems eased and the energy sector lifted with a news report from chevron. helping a surge in hotel inventories for february, a positive sign showing business, restocking shelves to meet consumer demand. all of the major averages end with a solid gain. dow rose 70 points to close at 10,997. the nasdaq at s&p were supposed of about two-thirds of 1%. more than 200,000 jobless american, waiting for the snoot restore their extended unemployment insurance, their eligibility ran out this week after lawmakers failed to extend an april 5th deadline. monday senators are expected to take the first vote freeded to push back the deadline until early may. next week's economic calendar is packed with retail sales, housing starts, consumer sentiment and first quarter earnings with the release of alcoa's results after the closing bell on monday. >> good to see you. close to 11,000. see what happens monday. appreciate it. have a good weekend. >> you, too. a producer on one of the reality tv shows biggest hits ever is now part of a very real drama. his wife turns up dead and police suspect he killed her. jane velez-mitchell will have all the latest, next.  hoping against hope in west virginia. rescue teams back at in in the upper big branch mine. an xploens killed 25 workers monday. two teams go back for another rescue attempt, in fact, it's already begun. a spokesman talked about the hardships on the families today. >> to go what they go through. they come up to me and feel sorry for me. i mean, the res kiers, as bad as it is, it's nothing close to what these families are going through. we're going to go home tonight, and these folks, they're not going to take someone home with them. and they're very strong. they're very compassionate to us, and -- i just appreciate you having patience with them, showing -- allowing them to have their privacy at this time of grieving and need. >> early today they reached one of the rescue chambers inside the mine, found no sign of the four missing miners. now they're trying for that second chamber deeper under ground or into the mine. an earlier attempt at that was foiled. they had to turn back because of a possible fire. the chambers, of course, are safe places that miners can go in an emergency, like the one on monday. the explosion that killed 25 people. funerals are taking place for some of the miners who died in the monday disaster. massey energy, the owner of the mine, is paying for the services. yaup dating you on a story we're following at hln, hearing a utility company caused an explosion at this house. pse & g says a contractor damaged a gas line at the home and that a natural gas leak ignited. windows were blown out in a home across the street. the associated press reports the pope resisted defrocking a california priest who molested children back in 1985 when he was cardinal joseph ratzinger. the letter signed by ratzinger was obtained by the a.p. and says he was reluctant to kick him out of the priesthood because of the effects the move would have on the good of the universal church. the vatican insisted it did not removal of pedophiles from the priesthood. it's abhong years of corners between the diocese about stephen heasley. confirming the signature is ratzinger's but declined to comment on its contents. big announcement from washington today. not all that surprising. supreme court associate justice stevens will retire when the court finishes its current term in june. he's been on the bench nearly 35 years. nominated by gerald ford in 1975. he will be 90 in 11 day, oldest in the court and his retirement gives br s obama a chance to fi second spot on the court. his leadership will be missed. off the course, tiger woods vowed to change. on it, he looks pretty much the same. it he has been distracted at all or rattled by the months of scandal, he's shown no signs so far after two rounds at the masters. rafer weigel watching the action all day long. >> reporter: it's the most prestigious tournament in all of golf and also the stage for what could be one of the most amazing comebacks in all sports. thars, of course, would be the masters where tiger woods is right in the hunt right now at the top, leading the way are a couple of englishmen, ian and lee. tiger a few shots back from them. amazing considering that he took five months off and is coming on the heels of a sex scandal that cost him million, possibly his family. now, his first tee shot of the day seemed to be his only mental lapse of the tournament where he hooked it into the galleries, but he did recover and has been playing great. this on the heels ever playing the best he ever has on the first day of this tournament nap would be yesterday. in spite of being heckled from the air, a come banners from airplanes, one said, "tiger did you mean bootyism" a play on his new-found faith in buddhism, or refound faith in buddhism. the other said, sex addict? yeah, right. sure, me too. both from the same plane. that plane has since been grounded for mechanical reasons. we asked folks in the street what did you think of the banners? >> somebody has a great sense of humor. other than that, i mean, somebody had some money to spend i guess. >> i wasn't surprised to see it. i think we're a forgiving public and we'll want to see him come back. >> people are struggling. if you saw planes with banners behind them, there's going to be some people out there that feel like maybe he should have stayed out a little while longer or really tried to get his life more in order. it just shows the professional he is. >> reporter: by all accounts it appears tiger woods will make the kit and the play through the weekend at this tournament. we will have coverage all weekend long on hln as we will be here bringing you updates. so stick with us this weekend for all of your masters' coverage. chuck, back to you. >> thank you, rafer. of course, tiger is two back after two rounds at the mast. no more taunting banners. the plane grounded by the faa and is back in ohio, its base. learning disturbing details about the suicide of that 15-year-old massachusetts girl. court documents so phoebe presence sent the final days before her death living in fear. on the day she died prince texted a friend to say she was upset by the nonstop harassment. a day earlier told another friend school had become almost intolerable. 9 documents quote a witness saying she didn't want to fight her tormentors just wanted them to stop bullying her. six students from her high school are facing charges in connection with prince's death, they've all pleaded not guilty. today the lawyer for one of the teens said his client has been tried and convicted in the court of public. . a tennessee woman apparently bought a one-way ticket for her adopted russian son and sent him packing for his home countries. the 8-year-old arrived unaccompanied yesterday in moscow. he carried a letter from his adoptive mom saying she was sending him back because he was dangerous and has psychological problems. since 2006 two other russian children die after being adopted by americans. now russia's foreign minister is seeking to freeze all u.s.-russian adoptions. >> translator: russian foreign ministry will insist on all adoptions of children to the u.s. being banned until a treaty is signed to regulate such adoptions, satisfying -- establishing responsibilities of adobtive families. we've discussed this with the u.s. before. they've tried to avoid doing this, but this latest incident exhausted our patience. >> the boy is being checked out at a hospital in moscow. what happens next remains unclear. back in tennessee, tory hansen shipped him back based on the advice of an attorney. she still loves children, but this boy had violent tendencies. we heard about violent threats made against erin andrews. the contents of the graphic e-mails are public. it's all pretty frightening. the buzz today, erin andrews, terrifying threats. the espn reporter and "dancing with the stars" contestant is facing brand new violent threats on her life. a man in virginia is under investigation for sending threatening e-mails about andrews, and now we're getting a first look at a new e-mail that shows just how serious the threats have become. tmz obtained one meg that said i would like to see if erin andrews can dance her way through a hail of gunfire. andrews tells us she's not going to let threats slow her down and remain as top contender on "dancing." and rossy's shocking tell-all. the star has just announced in of the stunny details she'll be dishing on in her upcoming book. she says she'll share new revelations about coming out as a lesbian and marrying ellen degeneres in august 2008. the book will document her years battling anorexia and bulimia. it's expected to be released this fall. "american idol's" astonishing drop. the show lost its slot at the top the tv ratings for the second week in a row. idol got rocked to second place monday when abc's "dancing with the stars" brought in more total viewers. the total number of fans tuned into the idol broadcast down 6% from the previous week getting hollywood oddsmakers wondering if idol is losing its edge. that's your exclusive "showbiz tonight" newsbreak. join us on "showbiz tonight" for all of today's news breaking live at 5:00 p.m. eastern when we, of course, are back every night at 11:00 p.m. pacific here on hln. dame elizabeth taylor could be getting hitched. if you're keeping count, her ninth marriage. the lucky nine, janet jackson's manager. he's 49. no comment. and a prom dress getting one for free thanks to fellow students. a project at las vegas high schools. young designers make a dress from scratch and donate them to needy students. the designers will model their own fashions at a mall tomorrow. the u.s. snaef banning smoking inside submarines. thet don't want non-smokers exposed to cigarette smoke. nicotine patches to help sailors quit. they can choose to let them smoke on deck. the knew rule starts by the end the year. in london, doctors separated 4-month-old conjoined twins. a video showing the baby just before yesterday's 14-hour operation. the hospital said the twin, stable but the next few days will be very important. they were joined at the chest, but according to u.k. media did not share any major organs. what it $10,000 get you at the fish market? a 600 pound bluefin tuna and people who know fish say it's worth every penny. the catch of the day, maybe the year, fwloen in for a pennsylvania japanese tuna weekend. not just a large fish. it's tasty. a restaurant spokesman says it comes down to the fact that it's fatter. the fat is marbleized and makes for a creamier buttery tasting fish. knowledge is pow whir it comes to how to use birth control. a dean in wisconsin county says might about cry. the possible jail sentence for giving a how-to on birth control. a district attorney in wisconsin says health teachers could be prowse cuted if they tell students how to use birth control. last month the d.a. sent a letter to school districts saying teachers who tell students thousand pout an condom or take birth control pills would be contributing to the delinquency of a palestiner. a misdemeanor carrying a possible sentence of nine months behind bars and a $10,000 fine. the republican d.a. san evangelical christian upset the governor, a democrat, signed a law requiring schools to teach comprehensive sex ed. the wisconsin department of health services is out with a statement had reads -- the state law provides comprehensive medically accurate unbiased and age-appropriate information and teaches teen about the potential negative consequences of their choices. the law helps identify abuse and prevent teen pregnancy, study after stud hey shown abstinence-only education does not work. one of our topics today, popular one. what do you think? sex ed taught freely in public schools. dawn said, we quote, i believe a teacher should not instruct teens in dallas how to use birth control nap should be discussed between teens and patients. obvio obviously, schools should only teach reasonable health aspects. schools should only teach the reason ab reasonable health aspects of sex education. poppy writing, are there not enough criminals to keep their office busy? teaching sex ed teaches them how not to get pregnant and become a dropout and then mooch off the system for decades to come. seriously. it appears as though this prosecutor is wasting time and tax dollars for some personal issues. all right. thanks to everybody that weighed in. most of us have been there. you're stuck in a plane way rowdy kid right behind you. one woman allegedly had enough and decided to do something about it. now she could be arrested. marisa from phoenix has this. >> reporter: the southwest airlines flight was headed to vegas stopped in phoenix with a mother and 3-year-old son onboard. >> wherever that poor 3-year-old was sitting this lady unfortunately sat in front of him and he did what 3-year-olds do. he put his feet up. he may have kicked the chair. >> reporter: it happens all the time. >> as you can see, these attacking your mike. so it's tough to control. >> reporter: phoenix investigators say the 3-year-old child involved picked the wrong woman's chair to kick. >> she stands up, reaches back behind the chair, grabs the child by the arm and says, you're not going to kick my chair all the way to las vegas. she grabbed him to the point where evidently he was lifted at least a little out of his seat, because she shoved him back. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: what do you think when you hear that? >> awful. i can't even imagine that happening. that's unbelievable. >> reporter: that's what passengers and the 35-year-old mother thought, too. they got into a verbal argument with the 42-year-old woman who witnesses say was drunk. investigators say flight attendants took them off the flight then agreed to seat the suspect elsewhere. >> yet the lady goes right back to the same seat and as the plane is on its way to las vegas she begins to berate, belittle the lady, and is throwing things back at her and her children. >> reporter: now we're told the mother plans to press charges. >> thanks to ktvk in phoenix. southwest takes the safety of its passengers seriously and is cooperating with the investigation. the perfect prove a man killed his wife, caught on surveillance tape dumping her body. she disappeared late mast month. her husband made a tearful plea for her return at a press conference monday. police say he knew all along where she was. at the bottom of a lake near his workplace. they say he drove her body there with a plastic bag over her head and dumped the car. last night right here on "hln's" "issues!" jane velez-mitchell showed this. >> take a look very carefully. the suspect drives the wife's car right up to the lake. the husband was very familiar with this lake, because it's right behind his office. just imagine, her body was right there next to him the whole time. now, he gets out of the car and calmly pulls a bicycle out of the trunk. police say that's how he got home. he biked home. then he drove the car right to the water's edge. watch as he walks around to the back of the car and then tries to push it in the water after a couple of unsuccessful tries. there he goes. he gets into the driver's seat and then he -- he rolls the car right into the water. okay? so there he is. okay. there he was pushing it unsuccessfully. there you see him getting into the car. then he rolls it right into the water. right into the water. >> he's now charged with murder. police say he picked a spot 50 yards either way he wouldn't have been cut on camera. a whole thing caught on surveillance tape, lonnie torrance denied trying to hit the driver with a bottle. here's what he told our affiliate, who showed him the security individual yoirnlsts li video. he was arrested for public intoxication and said he was on pain meds. the driver was suspended two days for leaving the bus but won't be fired. the 20-something diplomat accused of a shoe bomb square will be sent home not charged for allegedly smoking in the bathroom on the flight and talking about lighting his shoe on fire as a joke. officials said he wasn't a threat. his embassy says he was on a routine visit. a career day stunt could be a career ender a. sheriff's deputy on suspension for showing the kids at this school part of his job.

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