Aurora cops, multiple victims shot, shooter still at large. You can see the mass Police Presence. We switch to the feed. There it is. A mass Police Presence around this area which is on the west side of aurora. The latest from the daily herald, multiple civilians and Police Officers have been wounded and the shooter is still at large in this Industrial Area according to preliminary reports from the scene. There are unconfirmed reports, which i wouldnt go into yet. Theyre unconfirmed. Theres an active shooter situation. More information to be available. Thats from Aurora Police on twitter. Swat teams from throughout the suburbs being called as the atf is there. Police urging anyone in the area to remain in place. These are the first all of that reporting i just gave you directly from the daily herald number from the chicago suburbs. Cameras on the ground on scene. You can see this mass presence of police and fire officials. There was a call for all available ambulances to come. In the beginning, they didnt have an idea of how many people may have been injured. We see more ambulances arriving now on the aerial shot from wls. A couple of more Red Fire Department ambulances making their way on the scene as we speak. We dont know numbers yet. I think the height the headline at the moment is, shooter on the loose. We dont know whether the shooter has escaped this building, but the best reporting from people that say they are witnesses, on scene, not authorities, but we want to pass what witnesses on the ground are saying. The stories tend to remain almost exactly the same. Something about a disgruntled employee, some suggesting that maybe an employee that was fired. Its the witnesses that were reporting now that there was an employee that was going down an aisle. This to abc 7. Our affiliate there. A witness saying there was an employee walking down the aisles and shooting everybody. We dont know how officers became injured. The daily herald there reporting that four Police Officers have been injured and taken to hospitals. We do not know their conditions or the conditions of the civilians that were injured as well. We have been listening to the reporting of fox news chicago, fox 32 for the chicagoland area. Lets listen in now and theyre continuing live coverage now in the 3 00 central time hour. Its a bad situation. You want to find the offender and do what you have to do from there to resolve the situation. I want to bring up onscene reports that police are saying the actual location is situation shepard theres breaking news on Fox News Channel. We learned the shooter has been apprehended. Jonathan hunt has it. This is from the twitter account from the city of aurora. Theyre saying the shooter has indeed been apprehended. The area though as you can imagine remains on completed lockdown according to the twitter account of the city of aurora. A few minutes ago, we were watching that more intense activity. A lot of armed Police Officers swept in to one of those buildings. That may have been the moment when they apprehended the shooter. We dont know if the shooter is dead or alive. All we know from the account of the city of aurora is that a shooter has now been apprehended. Clearly very good news. Obviously there may be more bad news to come. We dont have anything official on figures, the numbers of those wounded. You quoted that eye witness a short time ago that was in one of those buildings said he saw a gunman running through the area shooting everyone. So a lot more to learn on this. The one piece of good news, according to the city of aurora, the shooter has now been apprehended, shep. Shepard Jonathan Hunt with the breaking news. Thank you. Chicago tribune now with the statement news. Dozens of Police Officers on scene. We dont know a number of injuries but the tribune and local papers are reporting many injuries, many people shot. Fox news chicago still with local live reporting. Lets listen. This is something where the forensic investigators will be peer a long period of time documenting the evidence. So this is just going going here. The cane county states attorney had written that were told multiple people have been struck by gun fire. Im looking at the washington post. They heard from police in aurora that multiple officers were injured. We know four have been hurt, multiple civilians wounded and being airlifted to the hospital. The word just coming minutes ago that the shooter han be apprehended but the area is on lockdown. I want to bring up the fact this is a different building. This is all a manufacturing area. Were dealing with the henry pratt and then we moved to the al grove Steel Building where shepard i want to show you a different picture coming in from wls, which is another of our Network News Service affiliates. In the center there, you can see the ambulances that have all moved in. When we got word the shooter was apprehended, it was two or three minutes before this series of ambulances made their way in there and history tells us from covering way too many of these situations the past 20 years or so, the ambulances often move in once the police have said all right, theres no longer a threat to authorities. Look at all the ambulances in the foreground. You can see many ambulance theres and a number made their way to the building. You want to make sure theres no damage to the officials so they can get other people that might have been injured. Imagine the situation. Youre looking for the shooter. You have to get the shooter in custody. We saw that activity moving toward the building. Once you have the situation safe and nobody else will be hurt, then you have to scour the building looking for more victims. If the reports from the employees inside the building are accurate and we dont have a way to know yet, but the best source we have is people that were inside and have been speaking to local media. Heres what they told abc 7 in chicago. There was an employees, someone who a current employee on lockdown in there. Said looked up and someone who he identified as another employee coming town the aisle, shooting everybody. Thats not the place where ambulance workers can go in and treat people until you neutralize the threat. They neutralized that threat and in went to ambulances. The hope is they sent them up there just in case theres more victims. You know, we can hope there arent more. From the sound of the eye witnesses inside, this was a horribly chaotic scene. We know of one gunman. No reason to believe there were more gunmen. Certainly there outside the building, all the video suggested that theyre standing down to some degree. All of the frenetic activity that we saw has calmed down and now it appears that the order of the day is to get Emergency Services in there, get paramedics and doctors and the rest in to try to stabilize those that may have been injured. We know that four we havent confirmed it, but we know from the reporting of the suburban newspaper there, daily herald, the four officers and a number of civilians, that a number of people have been airlifted to a nearby Trauma Center. We dont know how many people have been hurt in there. We dont have the details of whats going down. You have to believe once they called in all available ambulances. Than the authorities on scene were worried of a mass casualty situation. Wicked cold. Temperatures in the teens and nerves have been high. You can see from the ground shots from wbbm, folks from the atf, sort of milling about, people talking on phones. Much more relaxed situation now for those that protect and serve. Now those that treat the wounded, its their moment to jump in to action. We dont know the number of victims. We dont know from authorities how they took the suspect down, where they found the suspect, was there some sort of had he been holding anyone or had he been threatening in any way. You can imagine the tension from these Police Officers. If the reports are accurate. That a number of officers were injured, certainly extremely high tensions until they get the suspect neutralized in one way or another. Fox news chicago still breaking into afternoon programming to bring their viewers in chicago live coverage. We appreciate being able to simulcast that now. At this point, are they would they be trying to take an active shooter in peacefully or take him out a question was going to ask you. Would you be bringing in negotiating experts at this point to talk to him to try to get him to come out peacefully before resorting to firing using a Police Officer shepard i have new witness reporting. Again, once again to the Network News Service, abc 7. We thank them. They spoke with another witness that said he saw inside the building what looked like, and im quoting here, a green laser coming from the gunmans pistol. This caller said he recognized the shooter as one of his coworkers. The witness says that approximately 30 of his coworkers were in the building at the time of the shooting. The witness said its a huge facility. Thats a quote. With lots of racks and storage. Another witness that spoke to abc 7 earlier said he saw a guy running down the aisle with a pistol, same witness, said he recognized him as a coworker and shooting everybody. This is from a caller into abc 7 there in chicago. These pictures from fox news chicago in what appears to be sort of the central area of concern. We dont know if this is the area where they neutralize the suspect. I keep saying neutralize. We dont know the circumstances surrounding it. Did they take him into custody . Was he injured in some way . Or did Something Else happen . We dont know yet. We expect to hear from the local authorities in just a moment. Jonathan hunt is with us. Been monitoring the official dispatches from the local authorities. Jonathan, what are you seeing . Shep, were now learning that many of those who are injured in this incident have been taken to the advocate Good Samaritan hospital. That is the only level 1 Trauma Center in the immediate area. Obviously chicago is wella equipped with some very good Trauma Centers indeed. If they need to be called in, they will be. The majority of those injured in our first reporting here have been taken to the advocate food samaritan hospital. Were still working hard to get definsive numbers, shep, on how many people were injured. Were working hard to confirm that reporting from the daily herald, that several Police Officers may indeed have been shot, too. This is obviously in the very early stages here. The one piece of news weve had officially from the city of aurora is that that shooter has been apprehended. As you were just saying, we dont know the actual circumstances of that apprehension. Was he shot and wounded himself. Is he dead or alive or do they have him in physical custody or surrounded in the building. Theres many questions to be answered, shep. Were working to get the answers. As you can imagine, officials have a lot on their plate right now. It will be some time before we get all the details. What we appear to have here is a mass casualty event and a lot of those injuries, taken to the only level 1 Trauma Center in the county. That is the Good Samaritan hospital. Fresh reporting just in from about four minutes ago from mark rivera, a correspondent for abc 7. Mark reports two patients taken to rush coppley hospital. Others to hear hospital they know there were four aurora Police Officers injured. So that matches earlier reporting from the daily herald newspaper. The newspaper of the chicago suburbs, which is leading the reporting on this from the very beginning. Ive just been informed that shortly the mayor of aurora will join us. Mayor Richard Irvine is on scene. Were expecting him to call in in just a moment with an update from the scene. We know from multiple reporting sources that the four officers have been taken to the Trauma Center that Jonathan Hunt was mentioning. Further from mark rivera at abc 7, from a minute ago, john probst said he saw the shooter walk in like any other day and then we heard from reporting from abc 7 a short time ago of this particular gunman walking down the aisle and shooting everybody. Were expecting some local authorities to come with an Information Update in just a moment on what theyre terming a mass casualty event. Authorities on the move there. Very much in the stand down position. So no danger it would appear all danger has passed. Theyre working to treat those injured. The sky cam from wls showing a lot of activity from the ambulances on scene. If you were to drop the banner for just a moment, youll see at the bottom of the screen, all of these ambulances lined up and authorities up by the door. Its kind of dark, as you can see, in this particular picture. The chopper is pushing in on a long lens. Lots of activity around the doors there. As we go back to the ground shot from wbbm in aurora. You can see all the ambulanced lined up. A ground shot there coming in live. New information just coming in from the same eye witness. This is from abc 7 there in chicago. The coworker that he recognized as shooter was currently employed there. The witness said he didnt hear of any threats. His coworker came in at 7 00 a. M. For his regular shift. The regular shift ends at 3 30. So 15 minutes from now central time. The coworker was an assembler who worked about 80 yards away from him inside that facility. Remember, this is a manufacturing facility. We described it earlier what the facility is all about. It would have been about 30 workers on scene at the time of the shooting. According to this witness to abc 7, well get official from authorities in a little while, but according to this witness, the person who is suspected of the shooting came in at a regular shift at 7 00 a. M. , would have gotten off work at 13 minutes from now on a normal day. But instead, about an hour and 15 minutes ago, for reasons unknown, began shooting the place up and walking town an aisle. From the sound of things, targeting about everybody around according to the reporting of this one witness who has been speaking to our Network News Service affiliate on scene. Your world with neil cavuto is coming up. As i mentioned, were waiting to hear from the mayor of aurora. He was born and raised in aurora. Graduate of aurora, east aurora high school. Been there all of his life. The major calling in in just a moment. The screen has gone dark for the moment. We have other pictures coming in from other sources and expect to have the mayor on in just a moment. Official notifications are hard to come by. What we have officially, multiple people wounded, multiple people shot including authorities. Police officers among them and taken to area hospitals. The shooter has been neutralized. We dont know in what way. Multiple Ambulance Services are on scene. Authorities are inside the building and checking for the wounded. The lock down, which has been in place for area schools, they call it a soft lock down, which means dont come and go, when they were concerned there was an active shooter. That made sense. But if that hasnt been lifted, it will be shortly. Authorities have notified that there is no longer danger to the public or anybody inside the building there on the west side of aurora, illinois, which is to the west southwest of the city of chicago. Jonathan hunt, were expecting more information from authorities pretty soon. Ive just been told the president has been briefed on this situation. Live pictures coming in to us now as the president boards air force one. We got worse from the pool just a moment ago that the news media has a White House Pool that follows the president everywhere he goes at all hours of the day. Which is customary. The pool was informed a short time ago that the president has been updated on what had been an active shooter situation in aurora, illinois and with atf on scene and other federal agencies working to see if they can offer assistance to Aurora Police, which i believe are the lead agency in this investigation. Its hard to imagine when a grisly scene might be inside. We have reports of a shooter going down the aisle and you can imagine what an awful scene it must be inside there as authorities work to get a handle on things. Work to get the injuries the treatment they need. Work to get witness statements while all of the information is still fresh in their mind and listening to all the reports coming in to local news media across the chicagoland area. It began at 2 00 Central Standard time. So about an hour and 20 minutes ago with first reports coming in of an active shooter situation at this manufacturing facility. The first real concrete reporting we got out of there came from the suburban newspaper, the daily herald, which is now reporting that the suspect has been apprehended, which suggests to us that the suspect has been taken into custody. If this reporting is accurate, we heard the locals asking earlier, would they want to bring the suspect into custody. The answer according to our specialists on these matters of Law Enforcement is absolutely. If they can bring the suspect in to be able to question that suspect about motive, whether others might have been involved, you want to be able to get ju justice and speak to the suspect. Theres unconfirmed reports out there we go with trusted sources. Were going to leave them to the side. I can tell you that multiple victims have been airlifted our mike tobin in route now, approaching the rush hour in the afternoon there. Mike tobin on the way to the scene. I wonder what your sources are telling you . Most everything is in a state of lock down. The schools, the businesses are locked down, that the shooter has been apprehended. Probably over abundance of caution is the reason that is in effect. A lot of what youre hearing, multiple injuries, multiple Police Injuries and airlifts underway. Overwhelming thing right now is get to the bottom and find out what happened, shep. Shepard without question. Were waiting to hear from authorities. Chicago tribune is echoing the reporting of if daily herald in saying that the shooter has been apprehended. Other News Services are following now. You dont say apprehended if you have shot and killed him. Hes been taken into custody. Now authorities are backing their way down that street. It appear that they have the scene largely under control. Quoting now from the Chicago Tribune, dozens of Police Officers responded, which weve seen. The latest update, rush Copley Hospital telling the Chicago Tribune that officials in aurora said the police were assisting those involved. They pinpointed the active shooting at 641 archer avenue and roads are still blocked off in that area. The west Aurora School district Still Holding students in place for their safety due to the incident. All of that from the reporting of the Chicago Tribune newspaper. From the live pictures from our local stations on scene, on the lefthand side of the screen there, thats a live picture outside the scene where you can see authorities have gathered. Were still waiting for the mayor to check in with us. Were expecting that to happen shortly. A lot on the mayors plate at this point and with so many people injured in this mass casualty situation there. You know mayor Richard Irvin wants to find out whats happening. Its a waitandsee situation at this point. We know area hospitals have been extremely busy this afternoon. Jonathan hunt mentioned a level one Trauma Center in the immediate area. That hospital taking a number of patients. I mentioned another hospital which had taken two patients in this afternoon. We dont know the exact number injured. The reporting is all coming together now from multiple sources. Four Police Officers shot. We dont know if that happens you heard from the witnesses. A shooter was going down the aisle in the plant. Reporter information now on the officers condition. Cbs 2, our Network News Service affiliate, a reporter on scene, is attributing this to his sources on scene saying the degrees of injuries on the Police Officers do not seem to be dire. All reported in stable condition. So thats very good news from the cbs 2 reporter on scene. The degree of injuries of the four Police Officers dont seem to be dire. All in stable condition. We dont know about the condition of the civilians. Stable is not an actual medical condition. It means the situation is under control. A patient could be critical but stable. It sounds though like the quote there, injuries dont seem to be dire is the best information weve gotten today. The first scanner call at 2 00 Central Standard team. Instead, the first call to police of this incident happened at 1 40 p. M. Central standard time. So about an hour and 45 minutes ago now the first call came in, 20 till 2 00. The Fire Department asked that was the report of the Fire Department asking for as many vehicles to come in as possible. A witness speaking to abc 7 said i work from home, i noticed a Police Officer outside my home. No gun shots. Saw a couple of workers standing around with their coats. So he let them. In theyve been holed up inside that home there for quite some time. Ive been telling you that rush Copley Hospital is assisting in the active shooter situation. The hospital is tweeting that they received two patients that are being treated for nonlife threatening injuries. So we know that we have reports of four Police Officers that were shot. Their situation not said to be dire. This just in. The governor has just tweeted. He says hes monitors the shooting in aurora and encourages all residents to follow the directives of the locals there. New york times in on the reporting now as well. Saying that the gunman opened fire inside this Industrial Complex sending scores of Law Enforcement authorities swarming to the area, forcing schools to keep students inside, multiple people injured. According to a city spokesman, including Police Officers. Its confirmed from a city spokesman now. Aurora Police Department had been tweeting on this. The times reporting that its not clear how many injuries but videos from a local television stations weve been showing you of the scene there. Theyre quoting local abc station as well. Including this. Saw a gunman running down the aisle with a green laser. One person was shot and bleeding badly. Believed there were others shot inside the office there. He said that he and another coworker ran out this back door and heard more shots being fired once he was outside. From the new york times. Agents from the atf were among those responding to the scene in aurora, which is a city of about 200,000 people. Lets bring in Jonathan Hunt who has been monitoring developments. The next thing is a call from the mayor and an update from police. Yeah, once you start getting those official statements, shep, its obviously a clear sign that the moment of crisis at least has passed. So that is a good sign. We know the shooter has been apprehended as youve been saying. We dont know what that means. We assume hes been taken into custody. Words of apprehended would be used if they had taken him alive. For the shooting of the four Police Officers, were awaiting for time confirmation on that. Reports of several officers shot. Logic would dictate that they were most likely among the first officers on the scene. No indications as why any Police Officers would have been at this Henry Pratt Company prior to the shooting. So we can only assume they were among the First Responders. You talked about two people, one of the area hospitals who have nonlife threatening conditions as of now. There are others that have been taken to the advocate Good Samaritan hospital. That significantly is a level one Trauma Center. The only level 1 Trauma Center in the county. That is clearly where those who were more seriously injured would have been taken. We have not got any updates from hospital officials as to the condition of any of the patients that they have received there, shep, or that we do have some indication that at least one of the Police Officers who was apparently hurt in this was taken to the advocate Good Samaritan. Were waiting for the updates from officials now. As you can plainly see as you look at this picture, the level of urgency has come down markedly. First responders gathering for what looks like a debrief. Shepard heres what i just learned from the reporting of cbs 2. Media being asked to go to Mercy Medical center for a briefing, which we dont know a time open that briefing according to cbs 2. One is to be expected. That is according to the hospital. Patients also being sent to Mercy Medical center, which is an area hospital there in aurora. One more bit of an update. This from abc 7, our other Network News Service. We appreciate them as well. Security experts say authorities are methodically going through the workplace to clear it and the next step is to go to the gunmans hope. They apprehended the gunman. Theyve got a handle on who the person is and where he lives. According to witnesses that spoke with abc 7 and work inside that facility, this is a known person, a coworker obviously. The next step to abc 7 to go to the suspects home. Senator dick durbin sending out a tweet saying my heart breaks for aurora. Im tracking updates on the situation with my staff. Thank you to the members of Law Enforcement responding to the emergency. Again, theyre still on the inside that scene. We presume that those that have been injured are being taken care of now. Its the investigation that is underway at the moment. A number of things to figure out right away. First of all, is there anybody else involved . The early reporting indicates that authorities dont believe so. The early reporting indicates that they believe theres one person. Now, authorities have not given us anything about motive or details about this gunman. All they have said is that the gunman has been apprehended. Its the witnesses giving us information about the gunman. Witness statements, you now how that goes. If the statements are correct, something happens from the 7 7 00 a. M. Arrival until 1 40 when the report went out on the scanners. The suspect apprehended after he shot multiple people. Multiple aurora Police Officers and civilians. This is from the daily herald. A spokesman said Mercy Hospital has activated an Incident Command Center and prepared to treat any patients that may have arrived. Mercy hospital will be holding a briefing at some point. Police are urging anybody there to still remain away from the area. Its blocked off because of the Police Activity that is obvious on scene. Monitoring the reporting of the local News Agencies now. Suspect apprehended with many people shot. Dozens of Police Officers still on scene. The latest report is from ten minutes ago from Tiffany Probst who heard the shooting at her fathers workplace. The trib says he jumped in her car and drove close to the company and learned the shooting had happened where her father, john works. Her father, though is as she puts it old school and doesnt carry a cell phone. She had no way to reach him. The minutes ticked by as she watched the Police Responding unfolding on her phone. She said were sitting in there, staring at the screen, watching the swat go in. Continuing the reporting, finally after 15 minutes, her father managed to find someone with a phone and called her. The relief replaced her growing panic. Again, all of that from the Chicago Tribune newspaper. Imagine not getting in touch with a loved one. Report witness said 30 people were working when the shooting began. Some time now we know before 1 40 central time this afternoon. Thats when the first alert came on the scanners. The Police Scanners there of a shooting inside that facility. We just got a new update from aurora shooter. Active shooting incident has been secured. Shooter is no longer a threat. Continued Police Presence will remain as investigation continues. Parents Police Contact your local School Districts for a dismissal plan. Media outlets, press conference is forthcoming. Location and time to follow. That reporting from just about two minutes ago. That crossed at 4 32 eastern time. Were expecting a Police News Conference in just a moment. Location and time to follow. Here at fox news, were waiting for the mayor to call in. This is theaurora. This is a manufacturing facility. A town of about 200,000. You can see to the west, southwest of chicago. Suburban chicago. You know, this sort of thing, the locals will tell you, its not every day that Something Like this breaks out inside a facility. Looks like this is an employee in there. Once the authorities get in, theyll give us specifics. Sometimes the first witness reporting is turns out to be not entirely accurate. Put yourself in their position. As one witness put it, youre there on the assembly line, manufacturing parts and then a coworker comes walking down the aisle shooting at everybody. That would throw your memory for a loop. Thats not the kind of things most of us will ever once and certainly nothing you ever want to see. From the wbbm cbs 2 feed, were watching. Authorities have gathered and sharing stories on scene. Media folks as well. Folks in coats and suits, some of the detectives and others brass. And from the wfld fox news chicago, we can see the heavy trucks coming in. This is our fox news station where theyre seeing the swat teams getting themselves back as their services thankfully are no longer required. Treating of the injuries, i told you, were waiting on an update from mercy. Another of these big rescue vehicles making their way through there. The latest on Aurora Police that they will be offering a briefing. You have to imagine, theres so many people that love and work in this area. People with students in area schools. We talked a little while ago with a worker at a they care center. She said she heard shots. Maybe she was wrong about how far away she was or heard Something Else. You never know. Certainly, they were taking care of the kids at the Day Care Center with one parent of one of the children there who said she had a relative that worked at the plant and was obviously very concerned about the situation. Heres what were waiting for. Were waiting for a News Conference at the hospital, Mercy Medical center. Were waiting for a promised News Conference in Aurora Police and while we wait for those, were going to sneak in a quick commercial break, this is breaking News Coverage on Fox News Channel. Well continue after this. More. If i built a van, it would carry my entire business. Id make it available in dozens, make that thousands of configurations. It would keep an eye on my fleet. [ beeping ] and an eye out for danger. With active brake assist. If i built a van, id make it available in diesel and gas. And id build it right here, in south carolina. Introducing the all new sprinter starting at 33,790. Built in the usa. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. Oh, wow. 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Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. There is breaking news on Fox News Channel. New developments on the shooting in aurora, illinois, outside of chicago. We got word from the communications officer. This is good news. The officers are all in stable condition. Now the wording on the suspect has changed. Earlier the wording on the suspect was the suspect was apprehended. Now the city of Aurora Communications officer said the suspect was neutralized and said we will be more specific about the suspects condition shortly. We have reports from multiple outlets. First the daily herald newspaper that 4 officers were injured. Fox news does not have that confirmed. We know a number of officers were injured. Lets get to a local reporter of fox news chicago live on scene. No exaggeration, there are hundreds of officers here First Responders personnel. You see the ambulance pulling by. Everybody for the most part is in a bit of a relaxed stance. The officers are carrying rifles. But from experience we know if those rifles are raised they are on high alert. The rifles are down as we look around. The scene where everything is taking place is quite a ways down that way. Probably about a half mile or 3 4 of a mile down the road here. We are trying to gather facts about everything that happened. You can see the really large response. Multiple Police Agencies here from the surrounding suburbs. We will get official word as to what is happening when Aurora Police will hold a press conference. That will take place in about 90 minutes where we should get some confirmed facts and figuresars who has been injured. If there are any further injuries or fatalities perhaps. We hope that hasnt happened. But with these situations as information is fast coming, those developments continue. As you can see over my shoulder, a massive response. A lot of people standing around. Neighbors coming up to us asking what is going on as we try to continue to gather information. [audio breaking up]. We is lost that live shot. He is a local reporter for fox news chicago, fox 32 there. First report live from on the ground. You heard him say that the local police are expected to hold a News Conference. Our best information is 5 oclock central time which would be an hour and 15 minutes from now. Thats when we will get the First Official stand up reporting. We are also waiting for two other things. One is a briefing from Mercy Medical center. There are a number of hospitals involved here. Multiple victims have been air lifted to the Good Samaritan hospital in downers grove, thats a Trauma Center. Others taken to Mercy Medical center in aurora. And two who were not badly injured, nonlifethreatening injuries at rush copley center. Three different hospitals are treating the wounded. Its our belief that the officers who were wounded were taken to the local traum center there. I want to repeat the news from the city of aurora communication officer the officers are all in stable condition and the suspect was neutralized. We are are to read nothing into that except they dont want to give us anything official about the suspect. If you know who the suspect is, right now you are contacting the suspects relatatives and scouring the personnels files at work and speaking to suspects coworkers and bosses at work and going through social media and going to any residence of that suspect and to the vehicle tavsuspect. In addition, we know from the eyewitnesses, we are led to believe that the person was carrying at least one firearm described as a pistol and has been described as having a green laser emiting from it. I can give you no further than what the witnesses said. Just imparting to you what we were told. Thats the extent of what we have so far. Multiple victims are at multiple hospitals. What about the School Situation . Jonathan hunter with that. A lot of parents in the immediate area breathing a sigh of relief having been told by that the west Aurora School district, they have been told they can lift the lockdown of those schools. Children will boe able to leave the school. Picking up on the language they have been using about the shooter. Aurora police said the shooter is no longer a threat. Thats an interesting change in language. They initially said he was apprehended. You quoted the spokesman for the city of aurora using the term neutralized. Pardon the interruption. Back for another live report from the screen. Lets listen. What is the general mood . The general mood again as i said, the officers here have put their weapons not away, the ones with the rifles but they dont have them up and raised as if they were looking for someone. The general mood is close to relaxed. Neighbors seem to be concerned. This is their neighborhood. They are trying to figure out what is going on as are we to bring that information to them. Right now we have seen a number of crews pulling up. You see the ambulance behind us. We have seen squat officers and their Armored Vehicles leaving the seen. It appears that the suspect was apprehended. That they are taking things a bit more relaxed. Neighbors are Still Standing here. Its a really big scene. Hundreds of officers literally here responding on the scene is. [audio breaking up]. His signal breaking up again. The timing is good because we have breaks. Breaking news. The city spokesman for the city of aurora confirms to the Associated Press 4 Police Officers were wounded in in shooting in aurora, illinois. This matches the reporting first of the daily herald in chicago. And then of other local television stations and other media. A city spokesman confirmed 4 Police Officers were wounded. But good news from a city spokesman who told us that the officers are all in stable condition. Thats our understanding. Now new information. This just into us. A coroner is responding to the scene according to the reporting of abc7. Now that the coroner is called when there is a fatality on the scene. There have been unconfirmed reports for the last hour that there was one person who died in this shooting. Those reports were unconfirmed. And remain unconfirmed by police. I am reporting this to you now because of the reporting that the coroner is responding to the scene there. Ambulances slowly making their way out. Our coverage continues of breaking news. Waiting to hear from the hospital which promised us an update and police who promised an official update. This is breaking News Coverage on Fox News Channel from aurora, illinois. burke parking splat. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. [ ding ] show me just add magic. Wondehey toothless. Arth. [ ding ] [ gurgling ] [ ding ] show me cartoons on netflix. [ ding ] [ cooing ] [ door closes ] [ cooing ] [ ding ] show me fish on youtube. Say it and see it with the x1voice remote. From netflix, prime video,youtube and even movie tickets. Just say get dragon tickets. Breaking news on Fox News Channel out of aurora, illinois. Where the city confirmed 4 officers have been injured in this workplace shooting. Multiple injuries on scene. A coroner is responding to the scene and a local reporter giving an update from the scene. Do you get any sense i dont see any crime tape. This is as far as you are allowed to go. If you are that far away that gives an indication of how massive the response is. Probably about 3 4 of a mile down the road from where you are . Yes. Its quite a ways down. Even as i look here over my shoulder, can i see that there are still numerous First Responders down that way. A lot of red and blue flashing lights. It looks like the Fire Department down there. Its difficult from a distance to tell exactly which agencies they are. Multiple agencies from surrounding jurisdictions have arrived here. We will get official upstate from the aurora, illinois, Police Department in 90 minutes. We were told when we got here by one of the chiefs where we stand is as far as we are allowed to go. We just got information. Those of you watching on cable or satellite you know from the bottom of the screen. If you are sirius, we know there will be a News Conference from people 35 minutes from now. 4 30 central time this afternoon. Fox news will have coverage of that during the five. We are waiting that News Conference, and were also getting one from the local hospital there on conditions of the patient who were taken to three area hospitals. We dont have anything on the civilians. Most likely the workers or any visitors inside the facility at the time. We have nothing to suggest that the shooter ever left the building. If that happened we have not been given that information yet. The information we have thus far is the shooting was confined to this workplace the Manufacturing Center in west aurora. The mayor will join us at some point to give us an update as we prepare for prime Access Programming on Fox News Channel. Four aurora officers all stable. All we know comes from witnesses who believe the suspect was a coworker who showed up for work at 7 oclock and at 20 minutes before 2 oclock this afternoon central Time Starting going down the aisles and shooting. Our coverage will continue throughout the afternoon. Halftime of the five will bring you the News Conference. After a quick break. The five is next. Drivewise. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . Wirethats not right. Nth . Its right, all right. Now, chunkystyle milk . Thats not right. I choose chunkystyle milk because it has the wholesome chunks growing kids need, unlike smoothstyle milk. Hey, guys save some chunks for me thats not right. Kinda like your wireless bill. Mint mobile is easy, online and just 20 bucks a month. Right now, buy one month and get two months free at mintmobile. Com. danny clients voice . That youre not using smarter tools to manage your business. 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