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ou and as you can probably tell, it looks like it's starting very soon. riso that was our experiencen al with boris johnson yesterday. shven al, we wl that, we were shocked, actually shocked this afternoon to see johnson show up at a neocon think tank atl called the atlantic council and say thisl and sa. >> i've been amazed and horrified by how many people are frightened of a guy. who tucker carlson and anybody heard of somebody calld of? has anybody heard of tucker carlson? what's what is it with this guy? gwonderfuall these all these wl republicans seem somehow in intimidated by his by his perspectivctive.e, all these cos in washington are afraid of this show. >> boris johnson said derisively. >> yet somehow he nevers on mentioned that he is one of them again. we had jusurt invited johnsonat. on this show hours before hearkl said that it was remarkable and remarkably dishonest. we knew that johnson himself was a coward. we watched during covid as hema, transitioned into a terrified woman, but we had no idea he was also a liar. .we should have known there is no popular support in thisis country or in any country in europe for what boris johnson is now pushing. the overwhelming majority of wot le understand that why third world war woulthd mean the destruction of the west. >> they don't wantey3 4 f1 desl lack of popular support, it looks like as if tonight we're w going to have that war anyway.il wagedand that war will be wage. connoisseurs of irony will be delighted to in the name ofto hv democracy, we're going to have a war for democracy that nobody voted for or wants. shouldn't we have a populare wa referendum on the war for democracy? >> it's almost hilarious,yo really, but it'su' sadve to . and you've got to wonder how it happened a year after russia's invasion of ukraine, we are much farther from a negotiated settlement and much, much closeronflict. to a nuclear con. how will that happen? because of lying, dishonesty made it possible.ase of consider the amazing case of senator lindsey graham of south carolina.t aggressively liberal republican graham is the most aggressivelye liberal republican in the u.s. senate on the two issues thatn i define our moment, immigration and foreign policy. lindsey graham is strongly on joe biden'siden's s side. lindsey graham believes that are ukraine's borders are much more important than our own borders. here he is .e last monthis las demanding thatv american taxpayers who were themselves being invaded eveadnn as lindsey graham was speaking, that american taxpayers must send everyone abrams tanks to zelenskyy and his wife. >> watch. we're almost tanks in world war one battle conditions in battthe east is impossible, ine my view, to dislodgethy th the russians by the ukrainianstk unless they have tanks. we also believlieve it longer rt rockets will help stopuilding in the counte ther offensive that is building in the east. the goal is to edislodg the russians from ukraine by helping the ukrainian military in that endeavor,ssians give them the weapons they need to bea ot the russians>> tucke on the battlefield. >> so there he he is is standing with fake war hero richard blumenthal of connecticut.d bl oowho may be almost as liberal as lindsey graham. it wasn't an accident, was it? an impromptu press conference? it was part of a strategy. and not long after that, joe biden indeed dutifully sent the tanks. now, lindsey grahamon sen is demanding the pentagon send f-16 fighter jets to ukraine,wih arming the ukrainian military with f-16 would mean direct american involvement in a warwa against nuclear armed russia.s from there, it is a directo and possibly very short linenacy to a nuclear exchange.true lun he'ss lunacy, trueacy. lunacy, t it's also lindsey graham stated position. he's an utterly committen utd ne con. neo con politicsar arees wha abo cares about to the exclusion of everything else he has childrenhat, o .f he's not worried aboutco the future. but you knew that, of course. he, here's the weird and revealinglf part and the reason we're telling you all of this.lamboyan lindsey graham is the most flamboyant in the senate, but he is also simultaneously a passionate donald trump supporter. in fact, lindsey graham is donald trump's number one booster in the united states senate. >> well, that's bizarre. the neocver else he may be , donald trump is not a neocon. the neocons hate donald trump. they run from him as the devil hates holy water. trumhep famously ran against the neocons and then he mocked the neocons and then tried to fix the destruction they had wrought on america's foreign policy. he was the firstde fit republte republican ever to criticize the iraq war in the debate. remember where south o carolinfa and he won because of it. and then he criticized nato . no one criticizes nato . trump criticized nato's nato is donald trump's obsession. t >>en he's talked about nato for ten years.ha >> why are wppens to be funding? nato also happens to bent i joe biden and lindsey graham's instrument in the war againsr t russia in ukraine.positi >> that's the opposite of juump's position. and by the wayst, that position has not changed. just today, donald trump released two videos on social s so and social media acit one video was called why the russia ukraine war never would have happened. ruunder president trump.wo and of course,uld that's true.e it wouldn't have.o enti and the other video wasre pea entitled how to restore peaccee. through strength. so that's trump's position. those are from today.. donald trump represents everything that lindsey graham despises. de in fact, to the poinspt you thik graham would denounce him as a tool of putin, as he has so often denounced to others who disagree with your total putiy grn. but no, lindsey graham is not doing that.s literall he's doing the opposite. th don lindsey graham is literally campaigning with donald trump foalr president . here's lindsey graham at s a rally on saturday. >> how many times have you heard we like trump policies,e but we want somebody new . >> there are no trump policies p .without donald trump. >> i was there. we live in a dangerous world right now. the good news forod news fo the republican partyr , there ae many, many talented people for years to come. but there is only one donald trump. there is only one .ive forever. donald trump made his name live forever. so li lindsey graham isn't just a booster supporter. >> he's a fan.mr boy, mr. trump, you signed my t-shirt. >> and if he felt that way likeo would be fine and people feel that way. it's okay. we like donald trumpre's. but here's the creepy thing. lindsey graham is not a donald trump fan boy. enemy of donald t lindsey graham is an enemy of donald trump. >> and we know that not from what he says. bunore what they say, watch what they dos always. is >> this is the same lindsey l graham who spent fouinr years when trump was president trying to undermine donald trump's biggese hit priorities on the biggest issues, immigration and foreign policy. s,at one point, lindsey graham said trump's boorowa wasn't real. it was a metaphowall wn't realrp security, a metaphorical wall he didn't want trumpto to build an actual wall tol prevent actual people from invading an actual country. >> he wanted a metaphor. well, how that work? seven million people later. not very well. metaphors don't securer your country. >> and thetry ann on foreign po, graham became apoplectic when trump said he wanted to withdraw troops from syria. e he called that decision, quote,n a big win for isis as if trump was on the side of isis is if trump was supporting videosvides righ.t. so you know who they are inside by the nature of their attacks.r are the attacks fair or are they ridiculous slanders on your character? n charactelow people launch lowm promat the height of the covid pandemic, lindsey graham promoted sending billions s toto pakistan, not to baltimou to pakistan, because we needpake to help women open a banlpkry account in a country where,s quote, life is pretty tough.pret >> oh, like it wasn't pretty tough here. then graham tried to sneak in an expansion of the ebie five visa program into a pandemic aid bill . prw, what does the five visa program? ring pwell, that's the program t gives green cards to rich foreigners who promise to inves tt money here. half of those visa recipients come from china. so when americans were losing their jobs thanks to a virus that came from china, possiblytn on purpose, lindsey graham was dutifully serving the interestts ,the chinese ruling class.aham,s >> so whatever else you say about lindsey , he is the walking embodiment of neoe neol liberalism. ignoreiberalism. your own peopl, your own children, your own drug addicts living on the streets, your owng addicy class in favor of some theoretical act of virtueo. in a place you know nothing about. i'm a good person because i've helped people. i'vea never met, even as my own people die. that is neo liberalism thatn lindsey graham. and yet. die that's and here's where your head ye. aigninspin l this same man is alsoof campaigning on behalf of the america first candidate, donald trump. >> what shouldn'tt lind lindsey graham be campaigning for? >> people he agreesecomes with e mike pompeo or nikki haley? >> you'd think so.e mike pompebut he was at a trump exactly the moment that trumpt is fighting everything that lindsey graham is supporting literally. just today, trump condemnesuppod joe biden for sending those m1 tanks to ukraine. joe biden's weakness and incompetence has brought us to the brink of nuclear war. and now biden is doing what he said ten months ago would lead r to world war three . he is sending in american all tanks. it's far past the time for all parties involved to pursue a peaceful end to the war in ukraine before this already horrific catastrophe. ophe spiraling spirals out of control and ends, up leading indeed to world war three . and this would be a war like no o nthero other war because this would be a nuclear war. >> right. so biden is sending in american tanks. trump said , well, yes, bideny is doing that. and he's doing iam and at becaue lindsey graham, a whole lot of other republicans in washington, but most prominently, lindsey graham gave biden the cover he needed to do that. >> so, again, for the fifthnd time, what the is this? why is lindsey graham on stagee with the man he disagreesything with on everything a and apparently doesn't even simpleimple? lindsey graham believes a trump may get thenation republican nomination and he is trying to control donald ag o him through flattery. not through argument or with trump through flattery, not through argument or with facts and reason, as you do with adults, but with falsef th praise . >> these are the politics of the late ottoman transplanted to washington. freeell the ruler what autom has to hear so that you are free to subvert what the ruler wantsr . there is nothing uglier ordemean more demeaning to all involved or by the way, lesster th democratic . there's nothing more sinister than a flattereran . mans t if you have a choice between a man who wants to punch you in the face or a man who's willingd to tell you a lie and claime your great choose a guy with alt cocked fist every time because you are less likely to get hurto . >> pedro gonzales is the author of contra unsubstantiated, joins us tonight. on. >> pedro, thanks so much forarls coming in. i don't know what i meanma.this i don't think i'm not particularly smart. don this is th'te most obvious thing i've ever seen. i don't know whywhy no n oo oned out loud.. i'm not even attacking lindsey graham for having insincere views, which i think are sincere. >> i think they're wrong, butn' i think he means them. but i just can't believee he th he out he'llfo be on stage campaigning for a guy he despises. what is that? i think you're right, tucker. i think it's flattery, but it's actually extremely pernicious because guys like graham can fly under the radar precisely because they're viewed as bizarre and effete, but ultimately harmless. butthat's abut that's anythingt the case. lindsey graham is a snakei meano who has built his career on selling out america. u juk ati you just look at his e the donors to the leadershipy' pac that he founded.r that they're mostly defensea contractors. booss no wonder that he's a booster for the war in ukraine. now, he won't fight thatheoe wan tecause he doesn't wan to break a nail, but he's happy to sell out the americand manational interest to lockheed martin.nsky and that european panhandler zelensky. s y. n just say but this is a fundamental problem. again, it's not something you. can just say, well, you know, it's it's lindsey graham.well, how much influence can he have?h well, a lot. that proposal that youe eb mentione5 d about the eb five proposal, the eb five visaa giveaway that would most likely have wealthy chinese investors that got traction becauseam was lindsey graham was working thathat with the trump white house. d is the only reason that proposal hp died is because it happenepenede the same time as the coronavirus. you can't dogive a chinese visaa giveaway at the same time that r you're talking about the china virus. ighte inso the influence that pe like graham can have through transactional politics, through flattery dilutes the america first mandate and ultimately subverts it. is that true? sad to see two. pedro gonzalez, thank you forke: joining us tonight. >> thank you.shou weld s shoul d say briefly, this is a fox news alert. >> we're just learning the fbi h has searched joe biden's vacation house in rehoboth beach, delaware, fox to trace gallagher has that story for us tonight. >> hey, trace. tucker, the white house called e today's fbi search of tod president biden's rehoboth, delaware beach house to , quote, step in a thorough the and timely process. but some say the word thorough r is debatable. we know today a handful of fbi agents searched biden's beach house fos r three and a half t hours.he but you might recall the search on mar-a-lago back in august took all day and was conducted by 30 fbi agents 3. and when the white house callsis today's search timely, it should be noted the classified documents of the pen biden center were found back on november 2nd.2 's meaning it's taken the doj three months to get to rehoboth. . and remember, after classifiedaf documents were found at biden's wilmington t, delaware, home a few weeks ago, the presidentme spent that weekend in rehoboth . and while the fbi did not find classified documents, the president's beach house today, they did remove some materialsidn't fi and noteo for, quote, further review. >>ma legal analysts say it i appears the doj wants to see if any classified information may informahave been transferred or written about in those notebooks. meantime , despite the white repe house repeating ad nauseum that this process is transpac, we still have zero information about what the classified documents contain. all we. know is that none of them were safely secured, ld although the white house might soon argue the documents were held insid e skiff, which normally stands for sensitive compartmented information facility. s case would mean a sixty seven corvette indoortu. facility. >>r. use. amazing.at's you know a r what? lot the fbi, your beach house,e that's the rule of thumb.by a lot of us live by the great>> trace. >> gallagher, thank you so much for that. we should say at the top were pretty tough on boris johnsobon and lindsey graham, both ofqu whom have redeeming qualities. >> and really to some e says not personal. >> here's the point. we're moving towards something whryvery, ve, very serious and s no debate about it whatsoever. it just so happens fora that's whatever reason, this is one of the only places in the media that has raised questions about this coming war.utin, has because we love putin, there's nothing to do with putin. toerica.the quto with america. the question is , is this good for america? and if so, how ? and we have over the last yearth not been able to find a single person who's promoting this war, who's willing to comen on the show and explain how it's that simple and the public deserves that an. it's not about us . and again, it's certainly not about putin. it's lindsey about america.n an >> so lindsey graham and boris johnson and anybody else in cap washington or any otherit capital is promoting this war alwayis always welcome here to explain calmly and rationally why it's a good idea forod us . >> well, speaking of dictatorship, ships in foreignca lands canada, some believe sorld canada should be liberated, liberating all these countries around the world. why not canada?need wea it's right there. wouldn't even need weapons. yopo au do with a pillow fight. something to think about. a beca we mentionedus that on the airhe because why wouldn't we? 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