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0 with your morning moccia. your thermostat learns your favorite temp and creates a schedule for your home. i love saving money before breakfast. tom brady. >> you can never bet against him. when does age ultimately catch up to him? i feel like the saints are loaded. they've had tom brady's number and they could be a realxt surprise to the nfl sunday on fox. g. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson said, man,." things are moving fastso muc. so much is going on , as we tra often say that it's very easy to lose track ofe the big lives things, the things that matter, the things that will define history in the livesan ofbiden' our children and grandchildren. >> but joe biden's now famoust blood red speech of september 1st certainly qualifies as one of. the big in that speech, biden announced that not only is his programrogm the best for this country,hat' that's conventional. presidents always say that bidehen was that going forward,o his program is the only program alloweind in this country. competing programs are not allowed anymore. illegitimate. in fact, they're dangerous. biden said they're a threat to the republic itself. with an election just monthsnenr away, joe biden declared that his political opponents are enemies of the state. >> they're terrorists, in fact, comparable as his vice president later explained to nbc news, to al qaeda on 9/11.ns now, biden and harris said this. they didn't say it in private, grousing bitterly to aides iiddn the oval office, looking atlevii their declining poll numbers.on they said it in public flin on televisiochn, and they didn't even flinch as they did. of so you havthise to think about the implications of this. the united states is a two ha party political system, has for our whole lifetimes.r of if the leader of one partyr par, who happens to be the president redefines the other party, not as a political partys ,but as a criminal organization, what is he doingrt ? well, of course, he is demanding a one party state and that's joe biden is doing and he's using federal lawso t enforcement to make it happen. >>n is so the question is , howt he getting away with itng awa and he's getting away y with it by changing the terms. can't you say openly , i want a one party state with me at. the head? >> no, you have to makeo make the other side unacceptable. theso when biden talks about t. voters, he doesn't talk about voters or americans. he describes an insurgency. he implies an armed rebellion.n not unlike the confederate rebel army. trump voters, biden tell us ,p e aren't jusrst wrong. ong, >> they tried to overthrow overu.s. government. and you can't debate peopleover like that. you have to crush them.nmenpl e likedemocratic leaders across the board appear to believee this. >> tim ryan is running for tol the senate as a democrat from ohio. just yesterday, told morning" on joe on msnbc, quote, we've got,v to kill and confront that movement, not defeat it.t movem. not defeat it. kill it. >> that's so dangerous. populist republicans are, according to the biden white house, this is the language of totalitarianism is very obvious. and in a functioning system,vio. wanted to remain democratic . people in power would pushpowe back against the media business . any responsible person would say,o that.u can'tre dsponsibl that's too much power.e we can't vest all the power in a one political party. that's the roa somd to something awful. fact, >> but n do one's pushing back y in fact, daily, the media u reinforce the message daily. the media remind us that anyone who has questions about the outcome of the lastnt election isn't a disgruntledle voter. >> that person is a criminal. that person has embraced the big lie. story, yo tu see it in every news store the big lie. people like that are irrational and dangerous and they will be punished and rightly so. >> and now they ar e being punished. erday af yesterday afternoon, fbi agents apprehended a man called mike lindelld at a hardees drive thru in minnesota, and they seized his personald cell phone. when hone.e does, business on mike lindell is not a wanted criminal. he's not even a public official. mike lindell, as you likely know, sell s pillow's,especi especially on this channel. >> so why would the fbi armed fbi agents be apprehending mike lindellbein? because he questioned linde the outcome of the last beca. ,n he participated in the big lie.e he's a threat to the system. sht that is thone consensus view in washington. now, this is a very big change b in a free society by definition ,all questions are allowed. you can't have a democracyit unless you are allowed tos. discuss its mechanic s. cratic free speech is a prerequisite for a democratic system, obviously. >> and until very recently, everyone in america unquestioningly understood that dissent was not a crime. it was a patriotic w espeand people committed it at scale, especially democrats. >> four years after the 2000 election, democrats claimedgeore that george w. bush wa ws not t the legitimate president . >> some still say it. presithey may believe it. it. and then in 2016, the entirecrac democratic party rejected the outcome of the presidential election. a foreign power got donald trump elected. democrats said that and they continue to say it every single day of donald trump's term. the impeached him over it. they hamstrung the executivehamn branch of the u.s. governmentg with an investigation into russian influence. it in the end turned ue govp nothing. what would you call that?thin you call that election to now?g. you call that the big lie, but no one was punished for it. fr judge removed adam schiff from office for doubting the election results. the fbi didn't raid cnn'sdidn biggest advertiser'ts. ever >> everyone just moved on . you may have hated the russiawae hoax, and we certainly didve, bt there was never any question at all. absolut american citizens have an absolute constitutionallyly protected right to question election outcomes. by the way, protected right to question election outcomes. >> and by the way, you are even allowed, maybe even encouraged to question the mechanics of votingwhy n th. amounts why wouldn't you question them? voting is the means by which huge amounts of money and power are transferred from one partyer to another. there's an awful lot at stake at the richest, most powerful country in the world. >> so, of course, americans have an absolute right to see proof, not suggestions, but proof that the systeevelm is on the level. s and when they are deniedig that right, maybe it's a sign the system isn't on the level. once again, that used to be obvious. y have well, certainly obvious tohave s democrats. here's a clip you may not haveer seen before. this is the current vicearris, president of the united states , kamala harris. speakspeaking not so long ago,e 2018, about the integrity of electronic voting machines. kamala harris was a senator then. >> watch this. we>> recently also i actuallyac held a demonstration ford my colleagues here at the capitol where we brought in folks who before our eyes hacked election machines and those it or not, those that are being used in many states but are not state of the art from our perspective. >> oh, kamala, harris publiclyou raising questions about the integrity of voting machiness. . xt? >> well, you know what didn't happen next? the fbi did not trap kamala harris at a hardee's to seize her cell phone. e medi no one in the media culture and insurrectionist and honestlyan, whatever youul think of kamala harris, why? would they if youy call actually cared about democracyst and the trust in the system that is a perec, was it forabou democracy? you would encourage all questions from us citizenshominr about how your democracy wasr administered. you would never censor those questions. yocensorquestions, pu never pun. who ask those questions ever. even news organizations once understood this. not so long ago, during the trump years, cnn publishedld a video entitled we watched hackers break into voting machines. oh, that was allowed machines..t then cbs ran a report entitlednt how electronic voting machines coulled hack your vote. >> oh, really?ally did the fbi come after? a >> would hearties now? they didn't. that's what news organizations used to o ask obvious questions, makerg t sure everything works. if there's corruptioo don, we'll sniff it out. r >> we're going to reassure you that your vote counts. >> you have to be reassured or else the system collapses. t bap you can just tell people to onut up, ban them from twitter and arrest them. and once again, even democratsi2 understood that in01 2019, a couple of them, elizabeth warren, mark virg, wrote toabout the makers of election systemsln complaining about potential securityerabilquote, t vulnerabf quote, there has been a lack of meaningful innovation in the election vendor industry and our democracy is paying the pric e, end quote. is that true? honestly, we have no idea. we're not endorsing that view. then or now. we're merely saying it is not a crime to ask. if you wan in fact, it is a prerequisite as you want to have a healthy system that people are allowed to ask and the people who arhoe asked are required to show cour. proof to reassure them. of course, but now democrats and the media who serve them are pretending that no one ever asks questions like this until 2020 ever, never happened before. watch this. >> a nation that believes in the rule of law, we do not repudiate it. nationthis is a nation that ress free and fair elections. we honor the will of the people. we do not deny it. oh, the rule of law. >> so the rule of law.t up the new law is shut up.ri ght.right. >> they were telling you it was a quote, free and fair election about which no debate was allowed the day joe biden wasthi certified the winner. >> the daynn right before they could. no. th other wordsso tha, so that's joe biden's new position. here's the same. and we checked it.s th this is the same joe biden, the little dimmer, but still guy tod the same guy today. back in 2019. he' >> he's an illegitimate president , in my mind. that's it. he's illegitimate. and my biggest fear is that he's going to do it again with the help of his best pal. and we're going to be stuck foro six morere years, this guy. wouu and that is terrifying. it's terrifying. would yomy vic u be my vice president for the folks? look, i absolutely agree. >> oh, faced with an election denier who violates the rule of law and our sacred norms in public, on camera, joe biden the doesn't scold her. >> he doesn't call for fbi tod z trap red hearties and seize her personal communications device. coevice. he jokingly offers to d her. >> we're so on the same page, we could run together. but hehat didn't run with that election. denier. >> he ran with this one elections matter. >> when yor.u win an election, c you get to set the rules.h ru how can you win with russian interference? that's what we did about 2020.i but rightly, because i think it's an legitimate president that didn't really win. so how do you yolyu fight againt that in twenty one ?y right. >> you are absolutely right. so again, as a member of the senate intelligence committee, i will tell you that we should believe exactly what the intelligence community has told us , which is russia did interfere in the election of the united states in 2016. >> so that clip is from three years go .righ this is how insaneeems the conversation we're having is right now. no one seems to remember that.d, >> it was just sunday. it's wednesday.ree days ago, the this sunday, like three days ago, that that same person, kamala harris, did a taped interview with nbc news and chuck todd, the comb over repuy, to explain that that sh republicans who have the same questions about the last oc a ection that she hae,d about the election before, that should not be allowed to hold office. it's a threae rethey're runnt tc that they are running for office. in other words, democracy is a threat to democracy. o de this is th this is the currency of the democratic party and has been for years lose the election immediately. >> question the election. stacey abrams, one we could s show you dozens and dozens and and dozens of clips like this, not from small time people from kamala harris, from hillary clinton, from karine jean-pierre. you get the point. this is crazy. but under joe biden,stic the department of justice appears to be doing everythingah it can to criminalize questions about the last election, complain about election fraud. u the fbi mighp.t show up. >> the doj is much broader effort. it's not simply about a contested election in mesa county, arizona. their effort is based on what they claim was their effort is based on what they claim was a scheme to install alternate electors who would vote for donald trumps intead 2020 instead of joe bide. this is the core of their case. this is dogz apparent justification for crushing citizens and crushing dissent, m seizing the cell phones of dozens of trump allies, r including his personaljust attorney , which was never allowed. but they just did it it.. as cnn recently reported, the dog is investigating donald trump's fraudulent elector'sp'so plot. that's the new name for the fraudulent elector's plot. well, that sounds bad.t that sounds liketo a threat to democracy. what exactly is a fraudulent w elector? well, it turns out that what cnn is telling you is audulen fraudulent electorsrnat actually called an alternate elector. and that is not a new phenomenon. they'vector,e been around fornei generations on election nighont in nineteen sixty, for example, richard nixon was runninge stat against jack kennedy. the state of hawaii appeared to be going narrowly for nixon. and that's when the states and several slates, ultra electors to congress. >> nixon's electors cast three votes in the official ceremony. at the same time, kennedy,they three electors met in secret. they signed their ownn unofficial electoral certificates and sent thossecreo washington. then, after a recount, determined that kennedy hae stan the state, kennedy's electors sent a third set ofet tha certificates. that's the set that cer the governor of hawaii ultimately certified and john kennedy became president . so the question is where kennedy's alternate electors raided by the feds at hearties a for saying their first set oft certificatesha, even though? their candidate was losing, well, their communications subpoenaed. >> were their lives disturbed?? they bankrupted with legal fees? no. inin fac fact, a state judge cae ronald jamison endorsed with the kennedy electordy elec >> he said that by sending an alternative elevation certificate, even when they were losing in the vote count, can these electors all of them democrats, had taken an important step, one that preserved their win aftermocrat the recount. >> that's how the system works. that's how the system works.s,h' so after the twenty twenty election, trump electors in arizona trump, michigan, wisconsin, georgia, pennsylvania, new mexico, nevada use virtuallye sae the e language as tenney's. >> hawaii's electors haded i usd in nineteen sixty. >> but this time these were not alternative electors. they were criminals. this is part of a criminal plot . overthrow the u.s. government. they were insurrectionists. they were trying tveo interferrt with the work of the real electors and that too was a novel crime because as of the five years ago, interfering with the work of real electorsci was not just fine.your in fact, it was your patriotic duty. this? >> remember this, noembers one remembers anything, but we we h google on this show, so wec recall that is politicaln in reported at the time after donald trump's win in 2016r re democratic electors were, quote, lobbying their republican counterparts othe states to reject their oaths and in some cases state law tote vote againsts trump. democrats embracedaced this effd at the time they even voted.n' >>t and againin, this wasn't an eighteen sixties. this was like twenty minutes ago. inutesthe voted to reject trumpe electors. >> watchct. i have an objection because ten of twenty nine electoral votes cast by florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified because they violatedo florida's prohibition against dual office. holder is out of order. mr>>sident, . president , i objo the certificate from the state of georgia on the grounds that o the electoran the the --l thereo be president. i object under section president on the massive voter suppression is not an orderebat debateis is not an order gentlewoman will suspend. mr>> president , i object becaue people are horrified by the overwhelming evidence. russian interference inin the united states code prohibits debate i n the joint>> tuc session. >> nowkeo , to be clear, we're t endorsing that. we weren't for it at the time.b wemo probably mocked it as it happened. you can pull the tape.e it's on the t that w abut that was not an insurrection. >> that was not an insurrection. n period. that was not an attempt toe u.s. overthrow the u.s. government.n. neither was january 6th. and neither was january six . >> and anyone who says a otherwise is a liar. with motives that that personsnt doesn't care to describe out loud because their dark motivese ,if you're going to have a functioning country, a free society, a democracy, you have to have equal justice under, no the law. and in that case d, no democrats had his or her home raided by the fbi for doing this. none of them were removed from elected office by judges. muc it's too much and they're so aggressive about it. and the threat of federal law enforcement so omnipresent that they've effectively silenced all opposition and the fewe fe who are speaking out about it i are a real threat to the people in charge, not simply becauseecn they are trying to relitigate. the last election that's over, but because they are bravethey enough to say what they really think. that's the point. they're brav. e enough to stand up for their constitutional right to free speech. >> and in that category, we would add carrie lake. >> she's the republican nominee foonalr governor of arizona.akea and she makes a very good point in this clip. thh. s abou so i don't see how asking questions about an electiono se where there are many problems is dividing a country. what i do see dividing ncelin our country is shutting peoplepe down, censoring people, canceling people, trying to destroy people's lives. >> when they do ask questions. yeah, exactly. it's about free speech.rtisan at this point. we may never know and certainlye partizans on both sides will probably never know to their full satisfaction all the details from the last election. what matters now is that we preserve the basic freedom in this country, whicomh is thespeh freedom of >> and keep in mind in that clip, kerry was not referring to something small. she's referring something big. she was referring to an election with record numbers of mail in ballots, all with laughably lax security requirements. >> by the way, you may haveh la noticed that just today,irements joe biden here yesterday wanted to vote in his home state ofntea delaware. >> did he vote by mail? note he used hundreds ofy thousands of dollars in public money to air force one to app delaware to vote in person.t so apparently joe biden doesn't trust mail in voting.uld any of and why would he and why would any of us be satisfied with the fact the democratic partisan mark zuckerberg was allowed to spend nearly half a billion dollars to control the mechanics of voting in many places? so whya billion dollar wouldn't. have questions about that?dn't why wouldn't all of us have questions about that, including. honest democrats? what we would anyone who cares qull cares country would have questions because asking questions is not a crime. not ca it's duty.ty >>. kerry joins us tonight.. i sure appreciate your coming on . so you've made, i think, -- le the the clearest leaving asidees whatever anyone thinks about the last electio n, you made the clearest defense of free speech that i have seen this year.s year yeah, it's pretty simple. we go back to this old document called the u.s. constitution, and i spent 30 years, tucker, as a journalist. so the first amendment they se is pretty darn importanto and they seem to be taking thabo away from us right now. e left's but you've described basicallyhy the left's hypocrisy and you've described that old saying whento they've lost the debate, they resort to slander. >> and that's what we're seeingy right now. well, exactly, because, i mean, i'm not in arizona, but it's sort of been following. your campaign and i think youhig have really provocative and in my view, true things to say about, for example, aren' immigration. >> but those aren't covered because you're a big lie adherent. do you believe the media usese t that slur to make certain people won't hear what you're sr saying about the issues? >> oh, for sure.y ar i mean, if they aren't badmouthing me and running hit pieces on me, then they will poe have to talk about the issues. and when you look ata firs our policies, our america firstt ,arizona first policies, oncet' they start covering that, it's game over, over. we win in a landslide and thene they're stuck with me for eight years. and i thinliberak i'm a nightmar the liberal media in arizona. >> tucso your opponent and thisy have changed by our timeme tonight, but last i checked, your opponent was refusing to debate. >> you said nbc news you, citi n saying she's crazy. cnn, s >>ay can she get away with that? well, she seems to be getting se away with it. be geti mean, she's getting rakd over the coals even by the mainstream media. r >> but it tells you how little k her staff and her supporters think about her. they would rather het now r gett trashed right now in the media, then show up for a debate because they know that she has no policy to stand on . you she's got a terrible back .when i mean, if you look back ata le when she was a legislator, sh voted against a border wall . ls shlae voted against a virtual border wall . she voted to get voted againstao funding border, boe makeyet she did write legislation to make sure we start teaching sex education in kindergarten. ties are thr priorities are whacked and the people of arizona aree t really turned off by the fact that she won't show up for't a debate. e we're showinnterview. the people of arizona are the hiring manager. and we're showing up for a job interview. you don't get the joe interviebu don't show up foron sta the interview. but she knows that she will gegc roasted on stage because okef h background. i can see where they're tryings, to silence you since you're here. livest have to throw this at you. and because you live i intate a border state that has bornef the brunt of the lawlessness on our border, we've just received digital footage of illegal aliens being dropped f off in martha's vineyard. apparently, the governor of florida, rhond alia santurce, fw them there on the idea that communities, border towns in texas and arizona are bearing all the and maybe the people who make these policies should have tof h live with them. i get >> what's your view of this? you know, i actually i get a kick out of it watching these liberal mayors just, you know, throw their hands up and say we can't handle it because it's life every day for us in day tho border states . tuckver, i'm not a fan of it, tucker. i mean, we're just taking people here illegally who shouldn't be here. we're moving them furthe movr inland. my plan is the most bold, aggressive plan, the border.. we're going to secure the border. we're going to call it what it e is .declarn issue a declaratioof invasion oe on day one , get troops on the border in the form of our national guard. we're going to stop people frowo coming over and we're going to stop the cartels from having control of our border. i don't like it as a mother and i know no arizonan likes it ,that we are the pipeline for the most dangerous, deadly drug this country's ever seen called fentanyl number one killer of young people. throu it's all coming through arizona because joe biden gave control of our border to the cartels. and on day one , we're going to invoke article one , section ten authority and take back control of our border away from the federal government. it's a dereliction of duty.e do what they've done.. >>'re not going to let joe biden drag the state of arizona down while he's trying to destroy this country. dehey, man, boy, i can see why t they're trying to stop you like, grateful you came by tonight. thank you. thanks, tucker. so we're going to check in with an election in progress in the state of florida.s a republ >> charlie crist is running,ican was a republican. democra. now he's a democrat, not only a charcrat, he has just explained that he might also be thee cris son of god . >> charlie crist next. this program is brought to youof by voyle financial. be confident to and through be confident to and through retirement. i may be close to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever.i've g otand thanks to booya, i'm confident about my future. boya provides guidance , the right investments. >> they make me feel like i've got it all under control. be confident to and through retirement. there's a growing movement designed to confuse children about who they are. this is transgenderism. all your problems can be solved by changing your body. boys can be girls and girls can be boys. i went down this same path, so i'm being hijacked. my brain criticism of the transgender movement will get you canceled, kicked off social media. why in the world is going on ? the schools have actually recommended the kids to activist resources, initiation, recruitment glovebox. people are uncomfortable. it preys on and creates broken families. i had my son completely taken away from me. it is everywhere. the culture is out to get your child. tucker carlson. originals transgressive streaming that one fox nation sign up at fox nation .com. >> i'm steve johnson, founder of ideal . with rising interest rates and inflation, there's a lot of uncertainty in today's real estate market now more than ever, selecting the right real estate agent can be the difference. and tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket. we were able to get one of the top agents in our area. he was very professional and his expertise just helped us immensely. >> and through that process, we were able to save twenty three thousand dollars. there's no obligation or upfront costs. call today or visit ideal agent . listen to me for real. this is your last chance to win seven grand a week for life from publisher's clearing house cover. thirty first thank you. enter and pch .com hurry seven grand a week for life attention. marines and family members who spend time at camp lejeune . if you spent time on base at camp lejeune prior to nineteen eight and developed any of these cancers or suffered any of these injuries ,you may be eligible for significant financial compensation. call camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before in 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called 840 zero nine three three one five . that's eight hundred point zero nine three three onehe american

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Branch , Ue Govp Nothing , The End , Executivehamn , Office , No One , Fr Judge , Election Results , G You Call , Adam Schiff , Didn T Raid Cnn Sdidn Biggest Advertiser Ts , All The Way , Election Outcomes , Absolute Constitutionallyly , Absolut American Citizens , Nbt , Russiawae Hoax , Lot , World , Voting , Amounts , Partyer , Mechanics , Another , Richest , Stake , Votingwhy N Th , Proof , The System Isn T , Level , Systeevelm , Right , Obvious , Suggestions , Y Have Well , Clip , Integrity , President Of The United States , Electronic Voting Machines , Senator , Tohave , Speakspeaking , 2018 , Folks , Eyes , Election Machines , Colleagues , Capitol , Demonstration Ford , States , Perspective , Text , Harris Publiclyou , Kamala , State Of The Art , Didn T , Whatever , Youul , Hardee S , Media Culture , Honestlyan , Awasr , Trust , It Forabou Democracy , Citizenshominr , Perec , Yocensorquestions , Pu Never Pun , Cnn , News Organizations , Vote , Voting Machines , Machines T , Video , Hackers , Publishedld , Ran A Report Entitlednt , Cbs , Corruptioo Don , News O Ask , Makerg T Sure Everything Works , Rally , Vote Counts , T Bap , Couple , Democratsi2 , Onut Up , Twitter , Mark Virg , Toabout , 2019 , Democracy , Pric E , Election Vendor Industry , Systemsln , Innovation , Black , Potential Securityerabilquote , The Makers , T Vulnerabf Quote , End Quote , View , Idea , Show Cour , Nation , Elections , Will , Nationthis , Rule Of Law , 2020 , Law , Rule , Law T , Ri Ght Right , Ith , Same , Winner , Position , Awasthi , Wordsso Tha , Daynn , Back , Mind , Fear , Guy Today , Guy Tod , Little Dimmer , Help , Guy , Pal , Election Denier , Vic U , Wouu , Morere , Six , Public , Tod Z Trap Red Hearties , He Doesn T Call , Norms , Communications Device , Page , On Camera , Doesn T Scold , Coevice , C , Yor U , Denier , Hehat Didn T Run , Rules H Ru , Interference , Gagaint , Member , Senate Intelligence Committee , Twenty One , Which , Intelligence Community , Three , Conversation , Wednesday Ree Days Ago , Interview , Sh , That D , Comb Over Repuy , Words , Currency , Rio De , D , She Hae , Oc A Ection , Threae Rethey , Runnt Tc , Dozens , Clips , Karine Jean Pierre , Hillary Clinton , Point , Everythingah , Election Fraud , Stic The Department Of Justice , Electors , Effort , Mesa County , Doj , Scheme , Mighp T Show Up , Case , Cell Phones , Justification , Citizens , Joe Bide , Core , Personaljust , Attorney , Allies , Plot , Elector Sp So , Fraudulent Elector , Sounds Bad T , Name , Dog , Sounds Liketo , Elector , Electorsrnat , Phenomenon , They Vector , Election Nighont , Example , Votes , Ultra Electors , State Of Hawaii , Slates , Runninge Stat Against , Congress , Sixty , Nineteen , Recount , Got A Big Secrt Secret , Set Ofet Tha Certificates , Certificates , Ceremony , Pdownn , Kennedy Hae Stan The State , Thossecreo Washington , Governor , Candidate , Set , Communications , Certified , Feds , Closing , Set Oft Certificatesha , Ronald Jamison , Elec Done Ai , Kennedy Electordy , Vote Count , Elevation Certificate , Fees , Inin Fac , Works S , Win , Works , Step , Arizona Trump , Mh , Twenty , Part , Government , Criminals , Insurrectionists , Tenney S , Electors Haded I , Work , Tveo Interferrt , Real Electorsci , Duty , Noembers One , Five , Show , Anything , Recall , Politicaln , Counterparts , Google , Wec , Cases , Trumpe Electors , Oaths , Voted N T And Againin , Law Tote Vote Againsts Trump , Effd , Wasn T An Eighteen Sixties , Minutesthe , Eighteen , Cast , Objection , Watchct , Violatedo Florida S Prohibition Against Dual Office , Ten , Twenty Nine , Order , Electoran , Certificate , Grounds , Holder , Mr , Section , L Thereo , Voter Suppression , Orderebat Debateis , Order Gentlewoman , Evidence , Internet In T That W Abut , We Weren T , Tape E , Joint , Session , Nowkeo , United States Code , Tuc , Time B Wemo , Insurrection , Motives , Neither , Overthrow , Liar , Notherwise , Personsnt , Doesn T Care , January 6th , 6 , Who Se A Socie Wen The Society , Case D , Justice , Under , Functioning Country , Dark Motivese , Judges , Selected Office , None , Fewe Fe , Charge , Opposition , Law Enforcement , Relitigate , Dover , Category , Nominee , Brav , Foonalr , Arizona Akea , Problems , Ks Abou , Peoplepe Down , Electiono Se , Uthh , Dividing Ncelin , Ask Questions , Partizans , Sides , Satisfaction , Speech Rtisan , Record , Kerry , Thespeh Freedom Of Speech In , Numbers , Details , Something Big , Whicomh , Wall , Home State Ofntea Delaware , Mail , Ballots , Note , Laughably Lax Security Requirements , Retirements , Hundreds Ofy Thousands , Mark Zuckerberg , Person T , Would , App , Doesn T Trust , Air Force One , Places , Dollar Wouldn T , Dn T Why Wouldn , All Of Us , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , Duty Ty , Leaving Asidees , Qull , Defense , Document , U S Constitution , 30 , Left , The Left , Journalist , Hypocrisy , Amendment , Saying , Thabo , Basicallyhy , Campaign , Aren T , Following , Sort , Immigration , Karen , Seeingy , Youhig , Usese T , Issues , Hit Pieces , Slur , Poe , They Aren T Badmouthing Me , Sure Y Ar , Big Lie Adherent , Ata Firs Our Policies , Arizona First Policies , Sthene , Landslide , Game Over , America Firstt , Nightmar , Poncet , Eight , Nbc News You , Opponent , Citi N , Thisy , Our Timeme Tonight , Is Ay , Tucso , Supporters , Mainstream Media , Staff , Coals , Drakd , Geti Mean , Policy , Border Wall , Border Security Ing , Legislator , Data , Boe Makeyet , Againstao , Ls Shlae , Arizona Aree T , Kindergarten , Legislation , Sex Education , Ties , Priorities , Foron Sta , Background , Job Interview , Showinnterview , Joe Interviebu Don T Show , Stage , Okef H , Hiring Manager , Tryings , Border , Border State , Bornef , Alivest , Footage , Lawlessness , Illegal Aliens , Martha S Vineyard , Alia Santurce , Rhond , Policies , Communities , Border Towns , Life , Fan , Kick , Shouldn T , Mayors , Day Tho Border States , Tuckver , Furthe Movr Inland , Issue , Plan , It E , Troops , Day One , Bold , Form , National Guard , Declaratioof Invasion Oe , Control , Drug , Cartels , Number One , Mother , Fentanyl , Killer , Dangerous , Pipeline , Authority , Article One , Thanks , Boy , Dereliction , Joe Biden Drag , Dehey , Charcrat , Scris , Progress , Democra , Florida Sa Republ , His Running , Ican , Retirement , Son Of God , Next , Voyle Financial , Youof , Investments , Guidance , Booya , Potand , Damboya , Girls , Boys , Transgenderism , Body , Path , Brain Criticism , Schools , Kicked Off Social Media , Families , Kids , Initiation , Activist Resources , Recruitment Glovebox , Son , Child , Everywhere , Ideal , Culture , Fox Nation Com , Originals , Real Estate Market , Real Estate Agent , Inflation , Interest Rates , Uncertainty , Difference , Pocket , Area , Tens Of Thousands , Chance , Obligation , Agent , For Real , Expertise , Costs , Process , Twenty Three Thousand , Twenty Three Thousand Dollars , Camp Lejeune , Family Members , Publisher S Clearing House , Life Attention , Cover , Com Hurry Seven Grand , Marines , Thirty , Seven , Cancers , Injuries , Victims , Base , Call Camp Lejeune , Significant Financial Compensation , Benzene , Chemicals , Drinking Water , Tanks , Levels , Instances , 280 , Personnel , Someone , Cancer , Action , Health Conditions , 1988 , Nothing , Compensation , Eligibility , American Heart Association , Donehe , 840 , Nine , Zero , Eight Hundred ,

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