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course most otherco countries too at the washington post they suggested that joe biden's promise marked quote, the waning of the neo liberal era. now they describe neo liberalism as centrist liberalism l friendly to wall street . and of course, it's not exactly that neo liberal is looting with a smokescreen of r race and gender politics. so you h won't notice that it happened. but the posthole does relax. to give us going something even better than f we've ever had think fdr the new deal . butt with no downside. that's s what they were telling you a year go april 2020 one . fastut forward a year and it's clear the post got it just about half right. neoliberalism has indeed h waned under joe biden. it will not survive the bidenad administration. but that's not because joe biden has rejected neo liberalismbe or found an alternative. something will revolutionize america like the interstate highway system. no, it's because joe bidenng embraced neo liberalism and in so doing reminded the rest of us tens of millions of americans that it's horrible that neoliberalism serves the interests of virtually no one . it's a cover forbu the distribution of wealthti, a distribution that has become more lopsided in outrage than at any age ever. it is a shocking discredit tois capitalism. it's notot itctually marketet capitalism. it's something controlled and grotesque. so anyone who thinks about this for about 30 seconds getss the point immediately. they don't want you w b toiden k about it. and that's whyhy biden did what they always do try to divide the country along racial lines, make you hate your neighbor so you won't think about where the money isa going. he did what barack obama did, but much less artfully. here's joe biden warning us that the biggest threat to america is not the fact youin can't afford groceries or that a tiny number of peopley richer than anyone in humanis history know the real threatto o you is white supremacy. >> according to united statesti intelligence community, t domestic terrorism from white supremacists is m the most lethl terrorist threat in the homeland. we know now we must confrontef and defeat political extremism. whiteea political supremacy andc terrorism. don't dare call them protests. they were a riotous mob insurrectionist. domestic terrorists,, white supremacy, domestic terrorismy, that we must confront and we will defeat white supremacy. he has no idea what he's even saying. he's just reading a script that's been around a long time since at least occupy wall street a little over a decade ago. neo liberal politiciansns, media outlets begin ranting about race constantly around that time to get you to stop thinking about what they were actually doing. and for a longngly time it work. but it can't work forever because it's not true . it c they've been telling you for a decade that white supremacyat is the real threat. but if you read the news, you know, that's probably not true . you've seenth a lot of mass killings recently and none of them have been motivated by so-called white supremacy. f it's a little bit more complicated than that . all of y a sudden you see people attacked in race based crimes. but it's not the storyline that theyy have approved. oppose it looks exactly the oppositeck of what they've been telling you. of course, a black nationalist f mowed down an entire parade full of christmas celebrators in wisconsin. right.he another killed a capitol police officer just after joe biden took office and then recently on the new york city subway, ane avowed black nationalist opened fire in a crowded car than a blm activist tried to assassinate a guy running fornt mayor in kentuckyuc again doesnt mean that the country has an epidemic of black supremacy, but it does mean that the constant harping on race dividing us by skin color, telling some people that they are hated by the country itself has consequences.ce a democratic party has embracedd a wall street approved theme, a talking point about white supremacy and to this day tr toiberals are trying salvage that to convince, you know, it's really true and that's why merrick garland has never announced a probe into anything otherbe than white supremacy. it's why general mark milley isn't reading books about anything other than white supremacy. so the talking point may be fake, but they're t continuit to throw t it at this point. joe biden is not just inventing racial crimes and attributing them to millionss of people who did nothing wrong. he's also inventing entire new genders too. and this is another smokescreen . their so first it was people should hate each other based on their skin color. now it's the leave the entire population wondering what a woman is joe. here's joe biden defending something called trans senior citizensra watch. we're committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, at work o in our military and our housing and health care systems everywhere. there's alwayss more work to do to end the epidemic of violence against transgender women of i color and girls of color to ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity dignity ton parents of transgender childrens affirming your child's identity, one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy, ensuring that trans seniors live with dignity. well, who's against that ? nobody's against that . everybody is for it.t. but people watching this might wonder, well, what about every other kind of senior? what about the rest of the population that hashe diminishing hopes of retiring with dignity and higher thanot ever chances of retiring in poverty? >> yeah, that's not even t and still they're pushingo the story on you so you don't even have time to think about. we know if a trans admiral well ,the good news is people are rejecting this because it serves no one . mak it does not uplift anybody. it populat makes the populatione each other so our leaders don't understand that . they don't understand that their ideas have been rejected by the population . corporate media, which carries the ideas forward into the living rooms of americaea doesn't understand it either. but the realitym may wake themin up. you're seeing it happen again and again the rejection of neo liberal ideas. consider the collapse of cnn , according to axios quote executives bucketed cnn plus's potential audience the three groups with various models of overlap. twenty nine million cnn super fans. the estimated twenty four million description video on demand fans. people people want to pay more for anything and thirty six million in global news consumers. nd. so think about those numbers for a second. cnn convinced itself it had 29 million super fans. that's even less plausible than eighty one million votes in a presidential election and it turned out to be completelyil a disconnected from reality in the end. cnn plus got about ten thousand viewers. wto pay why? because people don't really want to pay to watch that to be called bigots or learn about trans senior citizenss . f there's nothing to do with their lives and they know for a fact it won't improveve. so what are they listening to? listen to people like joe rogan. ajane, of not? because of his political agenda. because he's interesting and he's curious and he noticedd a world changing all around him and he wants to know what the hell is going h on ande so does everyone else. and that's why rogan gained millions of subscribers and cnn tried to have him fired t a fewd months at the same time, the company that employs joe rogan, the streaming service spotify had to and you seen this story offload the obamas to whom they had paid millions and millions dollars. why? because no one wanted to watch the obamas either because they had nothing to say because they're banal. they're not interesting i in anw way. so take three suspect. what are we watching here? we're watching the end of neoliberalism and its core plank, the thing it depends upon to survive, which is corporate contrololve over media and hence your brain. they need to control y what you think or you will reject them. but increasingly they're nototnk able to because censorship, thank god, is dying. and we can credit to some great extent elon musk for that the richest man in the world he recently twitter. now polls made it very clear that americans support this . why not? because they want another billionaire to own another media property but because and the harvard harris poll found this a majority of americans understand that twitter was a force for censorship, a force of control over the population. and it turns outut most peoplend since they live in this country and their citizens would like some say in how they're governed. wa they want to get theirou opinions out loud without being punished for it. therefored they are glad that elon musk is promising to t end the censorship of twitter. e >> so why are people rejecting this ? well, part of the reason is ihie while joe biden was making a fool ofut himself going on aboutut seniors, americans ae getting poorer and they feel it. there's no hiding it. many americans a can barelyfford afford to live in their own country. >> watch year to year, meet fish. poultry and eggs jumped j almost 14%. used cars and trucks up 30 5% gas up 48 percent blame a tangle of pressures, supplyou chain issues, trucks waiting ups to thirty hours across from mexico into texas. labor shortfalls s. oh , a food shortage. >> many revolutions have been spurred by food shortages, most of them and the food that is available is quickly becoming hard to afford for people. but the bush administration barely acknowledges this . their solution floodingn? the country with two million't new people. they might all be good people. doesn't matter.r. the volume is what matters more people, fewerr resources. what does that look like orho shortagesrt? here's rendel million in eagle pass, texas. it's a scene that plays outun every morning just after sunrise. migrants rmaheir make their move waiting across the rio grande entering the u.s. illegally and they continue to come from all around the world. they come in historic numbers.or cbp in march alone reportings, more than two hundredig and twenty one thousand migrant encounters. that's the highesthe i number in more than two decades. the river t can be deadly.y. fox news this week witnessed the bodies of multiple drowned migrants being pulled from the water on the international bridge in eagle pass as the end of tunnelgl forty two on may m twenty third looms, groups of migrants are expelledig back to mexico every 30 minutes. >> right. soso j it's just supply and demy if you're having a dinner party and you had just enough food f for 12 people but you0 invited twelve hundred people, that would mean not everyone right. rcot competition for scarce resources like food and gasolinees a g is a huge, he problem. but there are other effects by the way, while most people coming over the border are simply looking for a better life, they're good people. they want tooo work. some of them aren't good peoplel and they don't want to work. they want to and they are. and that means a lot more overdoses. do. georgia health officials say fentanyl has infiltrated st. drugs. just a few days ago, the gbi and gwinnett county sheriff's office made a major bust among the drugs a quarter kilo of fentanyl. they say that equals more than 100,000 o deadly doses. six men were rushed to the hospital thursday. oc investigators sayingkt they overdosed on a cocaine cocktail lacedyl. with fentanyl the seattle field office of the dea has confiscated one point one million fentanyl pills. two hundred guns from cartel drug traffickers in northwest just in the last four months. the problem they say fentanyllor is tooda affordable and two available. . it's c just specific here becaut people can come here all over and get it dirt cheap and not get no consequences here i iar. >> so it's just awful. people are dying and not just in san francisco lifebook expectancy average life expectancy for american born citizens is down. so if there's any measure of failure, it's that the truth b. it doesn't matter what biden says or any of ouru political leaders say. you can say whatever you want, but people stillll live here and they still have eyes to see . their lives are getting worse, they know that you're lying and that the beliefs you are selling are hollow and your belief is neoliberalism that's been completely discredited and killed by joe biden. if h he's achieved anything as president, if that so we're going to spend the next hour covering and celebrating the total collapse of neo liberalism. one reason that censorship is the hallmark of that style of government is that they don't really have a choice. p nobody wants what they're selling so they have to keep you from complaining about it. our media is built on that model, a censorship model and that's why they are terrified that elon musk,lo the richest man in the world,wi might be singlehandedly blowingg up. the end ofli censorship means the end of neo liberalism. watch cable news personalities come to that terrifying realization. >> >> i is there any danger in a twitter owned by elon musk misinformation and disinformation could bambletton considerably.>> i dot i don't think anyonehi disagree. itd should be a free and open debate or more . but i mean, should it be necessarily a font force misinformation? liberals are concerned that this will further open the floodgateses for hate speechll and disinformation. wdon't think we actually want an anything goes twitter because we've seen that white supremacistsem and conspiracy theorists are willing to use the platform to spread liesar and disinformation. are youe concerned that would love to t trying to do is to opn up the platform foror more misinformatione about c topics such as covid-19 and twenty twenty election t? f the best weapon from a groupll called free press spent her cable news hit arguing against a free pressss but noe irony alarms went off. those have been disabled. noticedha that virtually every person you saw in that montage fretted aloud about the threat misinformation. if people are allowed to talk, they'll tell youin the wrongfoop things about, say, covid-19.ov well,id naomi wolf has spent the last two years taking a deep and forensic look into covid-19 and our response to it and the media's coverage of it. she's written a fantastic new book called the bodies of others about it. sheo joins us tonight to assesss the claims of misinformationg in media. thank you so much for coming on . so they're fretting about the idea that our social media platforms are media itself could be flooded with misinformation about, say, covid. are you concerned about that ? >> i'm concerned that we'ree having this conversation in the . a 1 states of americaca it seems to be that we all understood that we had a first amendment. it came first because everything else depends on it and you're not supposed to create restrictions or chill speech . stood best and the news media used to be the people who understood best that you're supposed to allow space for even unpopular discussion, even controversialha discussion. i remember that in america weme used to talk about true or untrue something was either a fact or it was not a fact. and what's so a orwellian about this discourse about misinformation and disinformeds and i think jen psaki even came up with nalle information is that it's not whether it's true or untrue, it's whether it's not easyy or wrong, i think and that is un-american. that'sat much more like a ccpso style socialist environmentci in which you can't go against those in power. you can't go can't against the e and that's a catastrophic situation>> . it's such an insightful point that you just make because what you're saying is the truth is no longer a defense. well, exactly. and i mean these people are saying god forbid someone might say something that's factually inaccurate in which case in america we, yout know,on she light on that so that factual accuracy can prevail. right. sunlight is the best s disinfectant. no, that's not what they're seeing. and listen to how there's this slippery they created the elimination of hate speechth . right? well,ey m in justen the last coe of years speech that we might not like or that people like us think is sexist or racist or wrongheaded or homophobic that's been turned into hate speech and then hate speech has become a slippery into white supremacist discourse and thus violence and a threat to democracy. so that's all been collapsed and it's been collapsed intentionally. so people will be scared to have open, robust, you know, americanhe conversations where o people who disagree with each other respectfully or disrespectfully disagree. i mean, if you want tote see rel openen debate, all you need to o is go back to the way our founding fathers newspapers u used to cover events or the wayf newspapers covered events into the first o half of the 19th century in our country there was so much, you know, open debate. name-calling kinds of discourse. it wouldn't even be allowed today. but jefferson and others understood that was vitally important in order to keep our democracy safe. so it's a very totalitarianh thing to say that speech is violence and the leftt. is doini it and i'm ashamed of that . yeah, i mean, it's it's fascinating if you compare the debate over the iraq z war and i'll admiton right out loud i was on the wrong side of that debate, but there was d a debate. ides went i mean there was there was an e actual debate. two sides went up against each other and one prevailed. but you don't see any debate whatsoever about the currenteb war that we're involved in .at so really no debate aboutco covid-19 you don't see any real debate about the biggest issues in our country and that's partly the, the real danger of these tech companies being the town square and alsoe i would say lockdown intensified that because we to gatherdden in town halls or churches, synagogues or really in the s street or in ouro homes and talk to each other.driven o and so we were all driven on too these tech platforms and i run a tech company, the kind of censorship you can engage in on a tech platform is verysi insidiousdi because it can been invisible. you can censor people by shadow banning or by algorithms or google just thinking certain results or raising certainth a others so it's not as visible as a pile of books being burned in the german square in the k 1930s.t kno and so we don't evenw know we don't know on these techsu platforms super scary becomes such an important voice on this. i really appreciate it very well.hank >> thank you. >> so it used to thank thank you. so used to be political debate w was about thingsas that might a actually improve your life. it was not about gender ideology and defunding the police before neo liberalism, liberals were kind g of liberal and that wasn't a bad thing. we've got the tape to prove it straight ahead. what everybody's been asking myself, what the hell is going on in 2020 county voters elected to be the county prosecutor? if you want to really see what i look like, you look farther than george deliberately reach the most violent criminals in our midst los angeles into a war zone. my neighborhood is turning into gasoline. you are so about what's going on in what he says. he's not going to prosecute them to legalizing gang members committing murder. they'll be released by december twenty five no matter what . this is los angeles under george film you do the crime, not use the break. the law are celebrating an original suicide of los angeles streets now on another fox station, .com .

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