Cages making his policy preferences for this country crystal clear. He is scolding g. O. P. Senators who he says has abandoned him, and he believes they will be primary aid in 2022. He wants 2,000 in covert relief checks. That puts him in a strange position of being in agreement with house poulo house leader nancy pelosi and. Keep in mind that the government has already passed more covert relief than any prior stimulus in the nations history. More than the new deal, more than the obama bill after the financial meltdown of 20072008, that was 1 trillion in todays money. At that point it was a gas worthy figure. But these collective covid bills are knocking on the door of 3 trillion. That comes down to 8,835 for every Single Person in the country. At the same time an and a larger omnibus bill that it is grouped with, you have spending on gender programs in pakistan, maintenance of the currently closed Kennedy Center and even a study of the 1908 springfield race riot. Im not sure what any of that has to do with the Current Situation we are in and of the country thanks to covid19. So then, late today, the president scorched the defense bill. He promised to veto and clamp down on the likes of twitter and facebook and keeps the military bases named for confederate general. He also called that bill a gift to china and russia. It is worth pointing out the bill include 7 billion to build up our navy to compete with an ever rising china. So we will speak tonight with army veteran and congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard with that and more in just a moment. So the president does not look like likely to get any of these america pushed across the finish line. So what is he doing at this moment . Perhaps putting down his markers on how he sees all of these issues. And perhaps buying another run in 2024. Lets get reaction to all of these moves tonight and what the president will do now from Victor Davis Hanson at the fellow institution and author. Great to have you with us this evening. Lets start with the stimulus. You say the ironies of the stimulus bill or just basically mindblowing, tell me. Everything about it was bad. We were here in the middle of october, remember and there was a lot more stimulus or direct payments for people who lost their job and said it was too stingy but of course the reason they tabled it, the house because of the election. They wanted to not give donald trump legislative triumph. But okay, they had two months after the election, but they way to right before christmas when nobody around, holiday, and dumped 6,000 pages of omnibus bill techno into it so as all these things padded up. All these payments then there were before it in october. So donald trump is going out as he came in. Hes blasting the swamp. You know, theyve got everything on the foreign aid bill. They hid it from you. It came out to the election. He put every complaint he could imagine and there they dont know how to reply to that because its ironic nancy pelosi settling for less money per person than she was before the election. The irony, of course, mark as you said maybe its up to 4 trillion in various payments have had since covid hit in the lock and started to. But we probably only lost its tragic but we lost 5 billion, a half trillion dollars in direct payments. We have been giving money out not to people directly anyway. And if we did, some of them got more than they were getting by working. And we ended up here in california giving the French Laundry over 2 million and gavin newsom in violation of the lockdown. Martha unbelievable. Byron gnomic the timing, the size, everything is swampy. Martha and rightfully so. If this were targeted to the businesses that actually needed and herded to the places where the money could absolutely do some good it is highly unimaginable that anybody looking at this on the back of a cutdown napkin could get it down to a much, much smaller number that would probably go a lot further than this is going. But we all know that one of the reasons nancy pelosi didnt want to do this bill, she rightfully pointed out, victor, she didnt want a victory for the president. Although she agreed with him on this commit seems like she is jabbing him with it because she knows it is very unlikely to ever happen. But look at what she said about President Trump and her meeting the other day to leadership. She said im counting down the hours until hes gone. I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands, and his feet. What do you think about the rhetoric that is surrounding the glee on the side of democrats given this whole situation . I guess that is part of joe bidens unity program, unification after the election. She is right back to tearing up the president ial address, right at the state of the union. She tore it up on national television. So she is a nihilist. Everything donald trump says, she opposes not because of principal or the details or they ideology but because donald trump she wants to damage or hurt him. But in this case, no matter we do need money because weve got 27 trillion in debt. The government has got to go on so they tech this stuff onto this omnibus bill. Donald trump in the drivers seat is saying they are both spending money for things that have nothing to do with the crisis. To a large extent, and in some cases hes right. We have been hearing from the universitys, martha and all these new diversities and all these new employees in the aftermath of all of the turmoil. They want a bailout. Hollywood wants a bailout. Everybody that has money and possessions once a bailout. Nobody says i will tighten my belt and people out of a job have the money. Nobody says, lets be honest, martha. And here is how im going to pay for it. I will have this particular surtax on gas when the economy gets back. Finally, most tragically might think only 5 speeding up the vaccine and distribution of it. The only way we will ever get out of this mess is to get people vaccinated. 50 of this bill should have been a Marshall Plan to get the vaccinations out quicker. Martha yeah, you are so right. There used to be a discussion of pay force, which was a way to py for the things that you put in the bill and a phrase that i think we completely lost purnell. Victor, thank you so much. Good to see you and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you for being here tonig tonight. Joining me now is Tulsi Gabbard, congresswoman from hawaii. One of two House Democrats who broke up with her party and voted against the stimulus bill. Congressman, great to have you here tonight. Thank you for being here. Why did you vote against the bill . Because this bill was a slap in the face to American People. People sitting in their cars waiting in lines for hours to get free food from the food bank. People without jobs for months. People who are concerned about getting evicted from their apartment were homes because they havent been able to pay their rent. To say that it is okay to give hundreds of billions of dollars to corporate special interest, to foreign countries, t to the military industrial complex, but to the American People who are struggling and suffering and need help the most, you get 600. It is an absolute insult. In the american deserve better. Martha you know a month defense bill, as i said, they were ours domain is 7 billion and we heard from joint chief ss concerned about the chinese bill for the navy and he feels we are unprepared in terms of our naval ships. He wants to put that money towards that. Do you think that is a wise idea . How ready do you think we are, given your own experience in your service in iraq . That is a very big topic about our defense priorities and whether you look at the big massive spending bill that i voted against a couple of nights ago, that is one area where we should be asking questions about how taxpayer dollars are being used in a responsible way that best serves the emergency that we are facing. I think we are also talking about the National Defense authorization act. I actually voted against this bill when it came to the house floor for a couple of reasons. Number one it is a massive, bloated spending bill. It heightens up the new cold war we are in with increasing tensions between the United States and russia in china really but serious consequences. We are talking about Nuclear Armed nations here. And with got to focus on how we can best deescalate those tensions. But it also includes a provision in there that ties this present work in the president s hands as they are trying to bring our tr. So i know trump vetoed this bill earlier today and one of the main reasons he did so is because of this section 2 30 with giving Big Tech Companies google and facebook and amazon total legal immunity. And the reason why hes taken us down and i support his position on this, congress has failed to act in making sure that the American People have a fair and free opportunity to the public square. And to make sure these Tech Companies that are censoring people, that are choosing whose voices are heard and not, taking sides in political elections that they are not immune from lawsuits. And so i think it is a critical thing to hold congress feet to the fire. I have introduced legislation to fix section 230 and other people have as well. They have failed to take action. The American People deserve to know that these big corporations dont have greater influence over their representatives in congress. That the American People do, which is unfortunately, the situation we are in right now. Martha just quickly before i let you go. I know you spoke out about the fact that some members of Congress Like alexandria ocasiocortez was showing off her vaccination. She did a cute Instagram Video of the whole thing. And it sort of rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. What do you want to say about that tonight . Okay, i think that people like my aunt, she is 65 years old. She has a severe Underlying Health conditions that compromised her immune system. She has basically been imprisoned in her own home because she knows if she goes out, she faces a real danger of dying if she catches covid to. It is people like my aunt, the elderly, the most vulnerable who should be getting this vaccine first right alongside our First Responders and highrisk health workers. Because this is really a matter of life and death for them. For others, my colleagues, i have called on them as members of congress if you are healthy and under the age of 65, joined me in refusing to get the vaccine at least until the seniors and elderly americans are able to do so. Martha yeah, i think a lot of people are with you on that. Congressman, great to have you here tonight, thank you very much, Tulsi Gabbard. Grateful to you too. Martha Senior Editor at the magazine, great to have you back on the program, thank you, for being here. I know you have strong feelings about the stuff that is loaded in this bill. What strikes me the first to guest, Victor Davis Hanson and Tulsi Gabbard, both talked about the importance of getting the vaccine where it needs to go. And it seems like we have lost sight. I know people focused on it are very focused on it and we will talk in just a moment but in terms of the spending on all of this and making it happen, have a lost sight of the real priorities that exist here . Oh, absolutely. That is the problem with Government Spending on a philosophical level. It is never going for what you wanted to go towards and the Public Interest because special interest and lobbyist who can cram these kind of bills with the things that satisfy whoever they are representing. This bill has funding for new museums. It has funding for libraries and parks. It has funding for foreign countries. What if every dollar spent for the government to purchase a vaccine for the american citizens . Wouldnt that make more sense . The victor criticism, of course, nobody even knows which bill they voted for. There wasnt time to read it, 1,000 pages long and literally had to be wheeled into the chamber on a stretcher. It was crashing the computer when it was tried to be printed. This is utterly dysfunctional. Imagine a private organization or Company Whose shareholders didnt actually know or have time to read the thing they were voting for a pair that company would either go out of business or be investigated for fraud or something. It is horrible that that is how our congress functions. Martha i think people are just disgusted. It is 5,000 pages long. When you look at all the months since number congress has been fighting over this bill when they know essentially what needs to be done to provide relief to people who havent gotten it yet and you look at all this stuff, it just blows your mind. You watch that pain, you reel it in there and nobody has read what is in it. There is an underlying strong feeling the government doesnt function the way that it should. And you wonder when it will ever turn around. Joe biden is talking about cutting Student Loan Debt, which is another topic i want to get to before i let you go. Here is what he had to say about his plan on that front. Lets watch. We will cut student loan payments in half. Incomebased payments. You know, if youre making 25,000 or less per year, you wont know a dime in payment or interest well you are only at that level. If you make more than that, you only pay a small percentage of your income in order to be able to pay off your debt. Martha how is that going to work exactly . A little bit confusing. Do you think it is a good idea . There is a lot of problems with this proposal. There is plenty wrong with the student to situation and changing the incentive so students are encouraged to take out so much debt, the federal government subsidizing Student Loans for goodness sakes, please. Stop incentivizing people to make these choices. But they have made these choices, and a massive transfer of wealth to the privilege to people who graduated or finished college, got some kind of advanced degree. And you will partly forgive the debt. That is a massive benefit to a kind of privilege of society. Not everyone was able to go to college. It is punishing to people who actually paid their way, right, actually went through it. We will do this once, what about the next generation of people that have loan debt . It is really one time transfer into a specific group of people who, i dont think most desperately need this funding. I would be for allowing Student Loan Debt to be dischargeable through bankruptcy for the people who are just so in such bad position because of their choices. That is a pulsed filmic policy i might support it. We need to tackle the cost of higher education. But that is something totally different. The biden plan is a giveaway to a college who liked this policy. Martha you got to go. I want to play the sound bite because this is what this reminded me on. The campaign trail with Elizabeth Warren and upset about this kind of policy. Just watch this and then we will say goodbye. Am i going to get my money back . So you are going to pay for people who didnt save any money and those who did the right thing get screwed. Martha you cant put it in a better than that. Robbie, thank you very much. Great to have you here tonight thank you. Thank you. Martha a short time ago u. S. Central command tweet about this photo of the damage to the u. S. Embassy and the green zone a back deck pointing a finger arraign the impact of militia groups who they say did not intend to avoid casualties in this weekends attack. We are keeping a close eye on that. The brandnew picture coming in moments ago. Next 1 million americans received a vaccine thanks to operation warp speed. An initiative the New York Post Michael Goodwin calls the greatest achievement of the trump presidency. And here, fresh off the new deal with pfizer, we have a question on the whole thing coming up after this. They repeatedly insist we would not produce a vaccine for the china virus before the middle of next year. And yet, before the end of this year, we have already authorized to cope vaccines with tens of millions of doses of distributions and hundreds of millions more one day away. Ts right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa martha so tonight a positive milestone in the fight against covid19. Today, more than 1 million americans have received their first vaccine dose with millions more on the way after a new deal with pfizer. Michael goodwin writing today getting that vaccine successfully produced him millions of doses now being distributed and administered. Operation warp speed must be counted as trumps greatest achievement as president. Joining me now assistant secretary of health at the u. S. Department of health and Human Services and the man who has overseen a lot of the vaccination process, admiral, good to be with you tonight. Thank you for coming in this evening. That obviously makes people feel good. Yesterday, the very first shot we watched on tv. Nl already up to 1 million. However, there was a moment when you said you felt there would be 20 million vaccines administered by the end of december. Is that still an achievable go goal . Thanks for having me on. I think what has happened is nothing less than truly extraordinary. By the end of next week, there will be 15. 5 million vaccines distributed to the state. By the first week in january, that will be 20 million. These are distributed to the states by that time. When we talk about the 1 million, the one caveat is the state reporting is at least three days and up to one week behind. So we certainly expect that 1 million is actually millions of individuals ive already received their vaccine. So it is much higher than that 1 million reported right now. So this is an extraordinary achievement, 20 million distributed by the first week in january. Martha the way i look at it from every Single Person that gets vaccinated makes everyone else just that little tiny bit safer out there. That is a great thing. The 100 million doses that pfizer, the agreement reached with pfizer for 100 million doses by the summer, will we get to a point where there arent any more vaccines . Where we run out of them at some point in between these tranches . We clearly arent. The deal with pfizer is already on top of the 100 million. We will have 70 million by the end of june and it could be much earlier than that. Another 30 million by the end of july. We have 200 million doses already contracted with moderna. So that is 400 million doses that we have contracted to. Plus, we expect new vaccines, probably Johnson Johnson vaccine by january. So we are really on schedule. Another 30 million shots in january. Another 50 million shots in february and going up from there. Remember, every time we vaccinate a person or send, send 15 million doses out by the end of next week, that means we produce 30 million doses. We have set aside vaccine doses to make sure, guarantee, that everyone who received the first vaccine will get the second vaccine. So it really is something that is planned and in an extraordinary way. Martha and there is a good program that you can sort of find you and get your shot regardless of where you are for that second round. I have to talk to you about whats going on at the United Kingdom because as a lot of people rattled, frankly. And also this other strain being discussed in south africa. This is Governor Cuomo talking about the travel restrictions that he think should be in place. Watch this. Why arent we saying test the travelers in the u. K. Before we get on a plane . Hhs and the cdc have not acted on this. Is really reprehensible. Martha so what is your response to that, admiral . Well, my First Response is Governor Cuomo has been wrong on so many issues like sending sick people back to Nursing Homes that he ought to practice what he preaches with the scientific experts he should leave it to them and the cdc. This train in the u. K. Is likely more contagious. There is no direct evidence of that but indirectly, it may be more contagious and we know that. It is likely already in the United States. There is no evidence to suggest or no reason to believe that it is more harmful for you or that it will evade the vaccine. Those things are extremely unlikely and proven very soon. I also want to remind everyone, that we have had since march, the president has put significant travel restrictions already in place for the u. K. In the entire what we call the zone in europe. So really, you can only come from the u. K. To the United States if you are a citizen or permanent resident or Family Member of the citizen or permanent resident, or you have special conditions to let you come here. So that is already in place. We have had that since march. So we are in a good place right now, a safe place. Now, remember no matter what strain it is whether you wear a mask of what your distance, it can get to you. Martha very quickly before i let you go, when will we know if the vaccines currently produced work on this train . Strain . We have every reason to believe lots of scientific reasons to believe it will work because the vaccine goes against many parts of the spike protein, not just the one. It will be within a matter of days that the scientific experiments will definitively prove that. Probably will not be in the next 24 hours but the next matter of days. But again, we absolutely expect there to be great Vaccine Coverage against this strain and many of the others of hundreds of mutations that are out there. Martha all right, we hope so. Admiral, thank you very much. Great to have you with us tonight. We will talk again soon im sure, thank you, sir. President trump issued another wave of pardons. We were expecting this news to break during our hour this evening. Some of those names will be very familiar to you. The breaking details next. Hi, this is margaret your Dell Technologies advisor theres an art to listening. Its the ability to hear more than whats being said. To understand the meaning in every pause. And to be able to offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. I understand, lets get started. 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Attorney and former Senate Judiciary committee counsel, great to have you both here with us this evening. Good to be with you, martha. Martha let me get your thoughts on this first. Paul manafort, roger stone can explain to her body what they were convicted up and why they did time and now this pardoned tonight. Well, look, this is not unexpected for those who follow closely the mueller investigation. Some of the pressure tactics and questionable investigations that went forward. We almost forced prosecutions that occurred. Most of those cases boiled down to misstatements to investigators which come i think they were utilizing to put leverage on them to gain more information on the investigation. But let me tell you something about Charles Kushner. I had the honor to look into that case and to dig into that. And i can say i dont think there is anybody more deserving than Charles Kushner. I dont think that he would ask for this himself. Im not aware of anybody asking for this. I think he is someone was a product of chris christie, for example, trying to make a name for himself. And people like that get caught up sometimes in investigations and you do have to look at it and ask the president to make pardons and commutations because sometimes the only authority to do so. Martha mark, your thoughts on what we are seeing tonight. Yeah, i mean this is part of the president s power up your the power granted to him by the constitution and he has every right to do it. There is no limit on this power whatsoever. So you know, there have been far more controversial pardons than this in american history. We just have to go to the Clinton Administration and the marc rich pardon and pardoning fla terrorists. There has been a lot worse down than this so paul manafort, roger stone, you know, convicted of a crime and you know, a guy that had to his house rated live on cnn. They obviously did things they shouldnt have done, but this is part of the power of the president. Martha indeed, it is. We expect more to come here or there was some speculation that Edward Snowden might be on this list and on a list in the future and perhaps he wont. Bret, do you believe he should be . Some people think he is a patriot and some people think he is a traitor. That is a difficult one because i have a strong distaste for whistleblowers. I would like to know that we also have the ability to secure our national secrets. So there is a balance there. Look, a pardon is not a retrial or resentencing, reevaluation of what occurred at the time. A pardon is exactly like mark indicates. The power of the president to take a look at a situation later in time and to assess whether he should exercise that power and authority to pardon or commute sentence. Martha indeed, it is. Markham a lot of people will look at these pardons for stone and paul manafort. There was a lot of misinterpretation, i would say in terms of what they were actually convicted for. But the president letting off all those people involved in russian collusion. Quick thought. First of all, the russian collusion investigation should have never happened. They spent all this time investigating what turned out to be conspiracy theory. There was no finding of collusion and none of these people were convicted of collusion. They were convicted of other crimes in the course of the investigation into corruption and collusion. So President Trump arguably can say look they were caught up because people going after me and a witch hunt and got caught in the cross fire. Maybe they did some things wrong, but they deserve a pardon. Partnering pardoning Edward Snowden, this man has done more damage to National Security than any human being in the last 50 years, gave away secrets that we still are not being able to recover from entirely. We dont know how many people died because of the secrets that he gave away. And i think President Trump pardoned him, it would be the worst thing to do as the president of the United States. Martha wow, Marc Thiessen, thank you very much. Great to have you with us as well. Thanks, guys Merry Christmas to you as well. Coming up another big story tonight an 18yearold girl from georgia is now locked up in the Cayman Islands sentenced to serve months behind bars because she violated the quarantine rules there last month. College student skyler matt went to the island to watch her boyfriend in a jet ski contest. Her family splitting for help from the white house, and they want her home safe and back in college and in moments skylers grandmother on where this case stands tonight but of course Jonathan Hunt with the back story here tonight, jonathan. Good evening, martha. Skylers attorney told us today the families only hope now to get skyler home in time for christmas and beyond that to resume the College Studies on time in january is for the governor of the Cayman Islands to step in and the attorney jonathan use told us by email that the governor has the power to remit sentences at his discretion. The prerogative of mercy and we are examining all those options. We have no intention to bring the matter back to court, however. 18yearold mack a student at the university in atlanta traveled to the Cayman Islands on november 27th and like all travelers to those islands, required to take coronavirus test and quarantine for 14 days. She was fitted with a monitoring device at the same time. But two days into her quarantine her test came back negative. She took off the monitoring bracelet and went to watch her boyfriend to take part in and winning a jet ski competition. She did not apparently wear a mask or observe social distancing, faust the arrest and four month jail sentence reduced to two months. It is the first time the government of the Cayman Islands has sentenced anyone to jail under strict coronavirus guidelines. The judge said the gravity of the breach was such that the only appropriate sentence would be one of the immediate imprisonment. Max family acknowledges the teenager was wrong to slight the rules but also said the officials overreacted and jail time is far possible so harsh punishment. But as we mentioned, martha it seems unless the governmen goves and, skylar mack will be spending christmas and most of january in a Cayman Islands jail, martha. Martha quite a story, Jonathan Hunt, thank you very much. Skylar grandmother joins me now. Obviously this is a tough time for your family. What are you hearing about the conditions and how shes being treated where she is being held in the Cayman Islands . She the conditions im sure is not that good because it is a prison. She has no freedom. She cant, you know, do the things shes used to do which is go walk or watch something on television. So im pretty sure she is limited in that way. Our concern, i want to make sure everybody knows, not that she shouldnt be punished, but there are numerous people who were arrested the same weekend she was, and they all happen to be from the Cayman Islands. And they havent even been tried yet. It is like they are making an example of her but yet letting the natives of cayman, one gentleman in particular breached two or three times and slapped him on the hand and sent them back home. And their own people are saying that. Why did you pick an american to make an example of instead of one of our own . So that is our concern there. We are still hoping that President Trump and the state department will be able to do something to get her out and get her home. She does not belong there. The appeal that went through, the judges that approve the appeal felt that her sitting out a year of school was not a big thing. And really, it is. Skylar has worked hard to be a junior at mercer at 18 years old. She started when she was 16. For her to stop and take a year off and start over again, classes are only offered certain semesters, you know, it is heartbreaking to us. Again, we are not trying to say she didnt do something wrong. We just want her to be treated the same way they are treating everybody else. And that is pretty much martha i dont blame you. You want the punishment to fit the crime. It is a very nice response. Several months in jail after she tested negative which means very harsh. I think any parent would look at the situation and say, you shouldnt have taken the bracelet off or left the building or ask permission before you do that. But on the other hand, this is very, very heavyhanded sentence for what has happened here, especially i can see if may be tested positive. She knew she was carrying the virus and went out, but that is not what happened at all here. I know you have reached out to the United States government for help, to the white house for help. What is going on with that . Well, it is my understanding that President Trump has turned it over to the department, the state department. And they havent released anything. They are aware of the case, and it is my understanding that they are looking into it. We are hoping that this will happen sooner than later because like you said, the governors only person that can pardon her. And i dont think she is going to do that without some government United States government intervention. I think it is going to take them stepping in and saying hey, if you want to be this heavyhanded, start at home. Like i said, while she is there in prison, there is a guy a year older than her that as breach twice if not three times. And he is still at home with his mother because she works for the cayman government. You know, that is all we are saying, be fair. Whatever you do, be fair. Martha a very unsettling situation for your family. When she went down, was she aware of the rules . Did she understand that she was expected to stay in a quarantine for several days after the test . Yes. She knew she was supposed to stay in isolation. And she had, she found before she went, even before they let her go on the plane from miami to the cayman stated that if she breached her isolation will, she would be taken to a government quarantine and have to finish her isolation there. It said nothing about money, which she already spent over 3,000 in fines. It said nothing about prison. You know, skylar is very smart, like i said she graduated high school at 16 and start a mercer at that age. A wonderful student, but she is a teenager. And the race was not to happen that week but was supposed to happen the week before. So i think she was caught up, got caught up, man, get a chance to see him and hopefully he will win. Her dad is a jet ski racer so she grew up with that. You know, no one knows why she made the decision she made. She knows it was the wrong decision. She knows she errored. She did a wonderful apology. And some people dont believe it. He is gotten a lot of hate mail and hate comments on the cayman networks. And weve gotten them after yesterday. Our phones are blowing up with people. I cant believe americans can be that nasty. It was a tough yesterday. Martha sometimes that is surprising. You know what to come i feel for you. She is 18 years old. She is obviously a smart kid and made a mistake and people do that. They understand there is a punishment. Several months in jail does not seem to add up with what she did appear at especially given the fact that she had a negative test after she got there. We will be following the story. We thank you very much and i hope your family can pull it off and be together as soon as possible. Thank you very much, maam. Thank you very much, byebye. Martha take care. So we got a North Carolina family who is fighting for the right to display a 6foot cross that is part of their christmas decorations. We talk to them next. I had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. Two hundred and twentyfive thousand dollars in debt. Ah, sofi literally changed my life. It was the easiest application process. Sofi made it so theres no tradeoff between my dreams and paying Student Loans. Student loans dont have to take over for the rest of your life. Thank you for allowing me to get my money right. Thank you for allowing me to get my money right. At mercedesbenz, sits not just a job, its our mission. 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The Homeowners Association okayed it for easter but requested that it be taken down for christmas, explaining the cross represents the death of jesus christ who died for our sins so we could have eternal life, the Christmas Season is associated with the birth of our savior such as nativity scenes would be appropriate representation of the season. Joining me now, good to have you with us today. If i could start with you, this declaration is on your home, right . Why would anyone have any say in whether or not you can have this on your home . Ill be honest with you, we were shocked when we heard from our hoa as far as the cross not being representative of christmas. We had the cross out around easter time and we kept it up a couple months after that because we got great response from the community and they really loved it, the cross means so many things to us as christians, its hope that it represents the birth and resurrection of jesus christ and we are Firm Believers in our faith. We needed that cross to be out there because it also represented a time for me and my wife, my wife just came through a major surgery, we were just rejoicing and thanking god for all of his positions and that cross represented so much to us. Martha what do you think about the fact that they say you can only have it up for easter, that is not appropriate and do you think they have any right to tell you whether or not you can have this on your own home . It looks like its a little bit off the house i think its amazing that they are able to dictate to you whether or not you can have this right next to your wall. Absolutely. Thats the most disturbing thing because as far as people who come out and do the lawn or anything like that, it was very disturbing to us, the cross like my husband mentioned, represents so much to us. We were very taken aback. Them only saying we could celebrate our cross around easter and passover. Martha jeremy, i wonder do they tell people they cant have a snowman because that isnt reflective of christmas . How do you draw the line . How does one person judge what another persons interpretation of the meaning of christmas is . Precisely right, we really reached the bottom in our culture where frosty the snowman is acceptable as a lawn ornament at christmas time, but the cross which is probably the primary symbol of christianity is not acceptable during christmas which celebrates the birth of who came to this earth specifically to die on a cross. We reached the bottom in the culture and thats why we are filing a federal lawsuit to hopefully deter this sort of behavior from Homeowners Associations in the future. Martha it seems very farfetched in terms of their jurisdiction. Im going to be watching this case, let us know how this works out. Youre a lovely couple, we wish you a Merry Christmas and we are glad youre feeling better. Thanks for guiding them through this, Merry Christmas. So last Holiday Season, we introduced you to an air force veteran doing his part to brighten the lives of heroes and their families by showing up in decorating their homes red, white, and blue. Since we were not able to visit derek in person this year, the community of bloomington, illinois, filled us in on it with personal message of gratitude for what is happening now, watch this. To us, red, white, and blue represents our fallen hero. Their father that didnt make it home, my husband who didnt make it home. Red, white, and blue to us symbolizes our life and i hope that this Holiday Season that everybody can have the best opportunity to make it worthwhile. I would like to extend a huge thank you to derek over at holiday lighting for making this dream come true and having my house lit up this year, it wasnt for him my house would be dark. Anthony served in the army and was killed in afghanistan in 2013. A local gold star family nominated us to receive hero lights for our home. And its a beautiful gift of honor and remembrance of our s son. The red, white, and blue lights represent freedom as well as patriotism but it also represents his service and the sacrifice. That first christmas was pretty tough, the empty chair at the table was hard. But our Community Stood beside us and wrapped their arms around us and part of that is derek stepping up to decorate our house. Its a blessing to us and our neighborhood and our friends to see it and i encourage everyone this time of year to stay with your community, lean into your family and enjoy the christmas lights. Martha well done, i love that story. I love the way he brings that like to do so many peoples lives. We are grateful to you for watching this story every night, that is the story for wednesday december 23rd 2020. Tomorrow night, dont miss our unknown baller special airing on christmas eve, have a wonderful christmas, wonderful holiday, all of us to all of you, be well good night, everybody. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, we make a lot of fun of the state of california on this show but we arent really joking. California matters and not just because its our biggest state what happens there is at some point almost certain where you live, find a National Trend that didnt begin in california. There may be some, there arent many. If you want to know the future or if you want to prevent it look west, california is a road map for the rest of us and very often a warning. With that in mind, heres the

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