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0 >> all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left thisfo evening. as always, thank you forr be beg with us. u for making this showdvr so possible. please set your dvr so you you never, ever miss an episode of hannity. and don't forget fox news any time on fox news .com hannity .com. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. r r friend pete hegseth is fillingfriend in for laura tt and i have not publicly hadcl the opportunity to congratulate you on the many weeks at number one on the new york times list b for your book battle foram the american minericd. we're proud of you. happy for your successor. sean, thanks for all your support. couldn't have done it without you today. 11 weeks on the new yorku. "theimes bestseller list. thanks forest the support. appreciate it. thank you.sell he suppon: have i have a great sh: . >> thank you, brother., brot i appreciate it. all right. e hegs i'm pete hegseth ietn for laura ingraham and this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle". >> have we seen this story before from russia collusion to ukrainian phone call to the alleged hush money payments to stormy daniels resistanced hh democrats and never trump always think they have the former president right where they want him. the aftermath of the mar a lagoe raidrm. rent well, it's been no different. let's just talk for a moment about trump's trump's reaction, which has been to basically throw any sort of criticism back in the face of the doj. >> do you get the sense that he feels like the walls are closing in at? ery wo rri think he's very worried. i don't think he'll admit it. i think that for the first time things are really i'm going to say it, the walls are closinn.g in. oh, yes. pete: the oft repeated never realized walls that are closing it just like the knives are out. it they love to pick it.ce and it isn't jus t the resistance folks playing into this, but also biden's doj in last night's close to midnight filing in response to his request for an independentsp special master to determine whatecia would actually be applicable, they went out of their way to provide evene fodd more fodder for the chattering class and the languagere and leaps of logic only intensified. >> it's got to worry that his own attorneys are going to turn on him. his his own attorney , one of his attorneys signed this document that you were referrint g to before saying she's turned overt everything and that trump authorized her to say that the other attorney , evan corcoran, evidentle othey drafth that document. implicatebod in this and both right now are lookingy very much actively at jail time. >> everyone's going to ntur on him. it's happening at this moment. concof course, that can only lead to one conclusion, something they've been pining for over the past seven years. a what we've seen now having crossed the rubicon and sententw those fbi agents down there tonh do that searcher and seizure. and now the doj has gone to the point where it's laying them out on the floor. they're laidg it o on the floore and they're putting these photographs out not i think they're not justese phot, you k, sort of slamming spikinge the ball. they are implicitlball y oreir ha explicitly signaling they're tipping their hand, too. i just don'tnd understand a wor in which nowun merrick garland d could not in i the end indictern trump. >> and i think that's the wheret we're headedrope.. but what is the reality? we don't put anything past the garland justice department ,though. we caught this note inrland as always,ju the eighth paragrah of the new york times sweeping article about last night'sllin filing. it included this telling line, little detail, eighth paragraph . department officials are not expected to file charges imminently if they ever do at all. >> joining mowe no iw is newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news contributor newt. fo the trump legax l team responded to the doj a short time agorespn contendingde that they shouldule have known classified documents would be on the premises o by te very nature of presidential records. what'sntia your reaction? most corrupt justice department and all of american history. you have corruption fromtorney the attorney general to g the head of the fbi to senior elements of the fbi. you have collusion from a wideuc range of the intelligence community. you had i think it was 50 somehk intelligence senior officialsear who signed a letter last year that we now know is a total lie ,none of whom have recanted. i fully expect the justicepect e department to indict president trump in a dc court district where he got h five point six percent of the vote. . so by 19 to one , the jury is likely to be against him.s al i think this is an all out front and just said zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, say that the fbi asked him tohunter suppress the hunter bidenor laptop for the three or fours be weeks before the election in 2020 at a time, by the way, when some 80 percent of americans say if they had known how corrupt hunter biden and threw him his father were they probably would have voted against joe biden. so i mean, i havr joe bidee no . what's going to happen next. i'm a historian by training and i tell everybody you have to assume that nothing, you know, tells you anything about how corrupt and how sick thisino is going to get because you get have fanatic who representsesen a secular religion who aret determineda r re to destroy nott trump but trump's followers. s. they and they could do almost anything. we have no way o cf knowin we hg what the next six months or two years are going to carry as a historian to say the most corrupt, that that says a charwhat you talked about.t how they're characterizing their opponents. we heard how joe bidenpponents d trump supporters semi fascist. well, here's the white houseist. press secretary doubling down. >> listen, the president thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy. the president has been clear as he can be on that particulart piece when we talk about democracy, when we talk aboutt u our freedoms, the way that he seizes imago, republicans are the most energized part of the republican party. that extreme.f th this is an extreme threat to o our democracy, turo our freedom, to our rights. >> smocracy,o political opponeng the biggest threat toge our democracy, eveurn though we're a constitutional republic. you say this is the mostu corrupt justic corrue departmens you've ever seen. >> how dangerous is our moment ? well, look, i think there was a brief period late in the wilson administration where you had an attorney general who sort of lost his mind and they had what was called the red scare and they locked up a lot of people, including the former socialist party candidate for president , butatn lost his m brief period. what you seeind an now is anthem institutional commitment that runscandidat from places like hd and princeton and yale to the new york times in and "the washington post" and the major networksngton po to the dp state, to the intelligence community, the fbi, the justicem department and all of theseneal systems are now basically at war with the american people. i mean, this is the thing bidens doesn't understand. even if you thought the lastn' election was relatively fair and i think we learned more ande more about a how rigged it was. but even if you thought it was relatively fair, 73 or seventy four million americans voted for donald trump to have a united states characterize halfterize of his country in the that joe biden does is then greatest act of aggression by an american president against his own people. his own le that we've ever seen. it's truly an historic moment. n i 't doesn't fit any of our prir history. and i keep telling t my friends do not assume anything based on past precedent because you're now dealing with peoplear if yare terrified. i mean, if youou are the senior fbi or you're the white house and you're looking at the potential of a republican controlled house and senatee an and you realize all of your emails, all ofrythin your meetings, everything that you've been doing could suddenly becomg e public and yoe entire career coul cdoyed and yu be destroyed and you might endre up in jail. i mean, you're going to do everything you can to try to guarantee that the republicans can't win this fall. can'because you're terrified of what a republican congresswhs wo would be likule. and then that feels like a cycle that doesn't stoper met as americans needs are never met because they're too busy impugning their political opponents. newt, thanks so much for thatpun insight. weing r politica, thanks apprec. >> thank you.t. they're bein g told to turn over documents with classification markingssificati and you know, k picture speaks a thousand words, right? those aris a crime. >> those are top secret documents. this is a crim >> te. n't ca anybody i don't care wherereere these were found, wherever they werevere, whoever owns that house committed a crime ha right here. it's all right here in the paper right here. the whole case, the most glaring example of politics being played by the doj, i mean ,laid bare t a shot of folders with classified markings strewn. about. t waiss obviously meant for propaganda purposes and nothing else. today we got confirmation of that fact courtesy of the new york times. they wrote the folders werearra a raid by agents, not justye sot of a raid by agents at mar, arra a lago after being removedye frg what the filing indicated was mr. trump's office. they were not discovered scattered on the floor. >> joining us now is chris bedford, senior editor at the federalist. chris , is there any reasons sa why, let's saydo donald trump'sd lawyers couldn't be present ifoj the doj was just going to publish the documents all over the internet? what do you make odocuments alfh ? i think the doisj is on its hees right now. they actually believe that after seven years of totallyse lying to the american people over and over again, being able to pull the pull the wool over, republicans eyes over and over again, getting good republicansb like senator jeff sessions oliro attorney generalr jeff session. to stand back people like mittl romney to vote for impeachment . people were still going to buyny this and buy their secrets afteretsr they raided a the president's house, which is something if you're raiding a political opponents house, yo house, y u have a darn good reason. you'd better be very right with it. but especially after seven years of lying. first i tried to say say with secrets, then they said the nuclear word. if that would just scare everyone into it, then they even had some ofto s their former agentcares imply tt this was had something to do with actual russian spying. then they released that fake and completely empty affidavit and now they're coming out f with this picturempty af they raid picture of documents. they have not made a case to the american people and the onus is on them. they've already become an a internet meme. and thank goodness, finally, republican senators and congressmey republn and punl immediately no one sitting on their hands and saying, let's waity is sig on and see. everyone's looking at the doj and the fbi and saying you show. ope evidence because if you read your political opponents house in the united states , you better have a darnpo ou bette good reason. >> you better prove itpr tivocrt us and not just say it's too secret for the kids. >>ll, yet the chairman of the januar py 6th committee, yet another effort to attempt to topple donald trump said no, no, nothing to see here.fbi. the fbi, it's all above board. d listen., i trust the fbi. they are just doing our job. it's not a partisan effort. and so much more logical thingm. concerns me. i don't know if some of the material he cared mar a lago compromises on nationaly. security. >> so it's not a partisanisan e effort because they're doing our bidding. you mentioned russia. how muchyou me of this comes a back to an never ending n with russia gate thatat tho they just can't quit, thatsegoio those secrets are going to sit in those files s until donald trump could personally deliver them to vladimir putin? that's what i've alwaysy alwa believed. and you know, i wouldys give chairman thompson the benefit of the doubt had this happened seven years ago. e i think a lot of the american public would wear if the fbi raided someone as prominent a former president , trump said they'd say, oh, my gosh, whatnoe happened?tt something really bad. but we know better now because we've seen the stuff and how'v police have come across come apart. the steele dossier has come apart. fbi agents have been i've just honored themselves, have been we forced to resign. people even walked out ofd t the building over this sorhebuif stuff. they don't have our truste. anymore, the fbi. and , you know, that's healthy . the american public should not n just look at the fbiot arrestinp or raiding political opponents homes, raiding in this caseents , wersy, well, that's okay trust them. we should demand answers.. and it's the onus is absolutelyo on them. luand i, like the democratic party, has changed fromdemocr one that question the fbi forever toat one that now just does their bidding because the fbi is working with them. but right now, the the plurality of independents, according to polling, the majority of republicans are saying, hold on , fbi, the ball's in your court. you show us what you have don't because right now we don't trust yo tu. >> their new favorite, they finally found a law enforcement agency that they just love. fine. ver chris , thank you very much. finally,y much appreciate your . all right. institutional mistrust inin america over the past couple ofe years has sadly been earned. we'rd. e now just past the one year mark of the disastrouss afghanistan withdrawal. and as the military leaders in charge escape any semblance of accountability about the myriad of failures, includingof 13 dead americans, the taliban held celebrations at bagram air cel force to celebrateeb ann the anniversary. we musiversaryt also never forgw how our commander in chief our commander in chief clas classified the withdrawal. en >> this extraordinary success of this missiodinaryn was due td the incredible skill bravely and selfless courage of the united states military and our diplomatsal and intelligence professionals. >> incredible success intruly? the end, truly, only one man, the one man punished in the aftermath was lieutenant colonel stuart scheller,ge eventually discharged for publicly demanding accountability f from the leades over their failure. >> lieutenan their failut shells us now. congratulations on your new book, crisis of command.latn folks need to check its out to the real story of what you went through and why you spoke out. your reaction, colonel , to where we stand one year later.>t >> pete, thanks for having me on , brother. right now, i wrote this bookican for the american people. re i think the american people need to see where the military has gone adrift. samee problem with theh th fbi. e fbi. we have these governmentan organizations that have drifteid off track and right now we need honesty. we need integrity. we need courage. and we need people that can hold people accountable. and so i wrote this book for ama the american people. t afghanisa it's not just about afghanistan. it's the last two decades reallyn.o de since vietnam where the military has gone unchecked and we need leaders with courage to take a hard l look at what's goingook at on . as has been said before, a rifleman who loses a rifleo'sa gets more punishment than a general who loses a war. yet yoheu were the only one thah spoke out.ite the white house wawas asked why they haven't talked about it if it was such a great success. here's a statement fro m white t house press secretary on monday. >> listen to this. >>row mark the one year anniversary of when the president for the end of u.s. forces from afghanistan atn the end of the war on how does the president plan to mark that occasion to speaiok the american people to his plan to fight fori the lives of the 35%ve? so as far as you know, last week on friday, we did put outst the president put out a statement, they put out a statement so they put outt it a statement. got it. wewe kno kw they don't care.notd they want to talk about they know it's a disaster on their watch. when youw it point's a the fingh and you talk abouten youility, accountability, is this more ofi a political failure ofe the white hous e and what they did or is this a failure of generalship? and where do you s as someone who spoke out, point that thi finger? >> yeah, this is a great question. questioi think president bidene a lot of mistakes, but i thinkt the whole systemth failed.zi i think general mackenzie failed. i think general know, he failede .ra tes the generals testified that president biden ordered to drop down from twenty five hundred to six hundred fifty troops, but they never testified. the presiden tt ordered that ordered them to evacuate bagramv air base. the ke y piece of terrain that we needed. the generals unilaterally made that decision becausthe the restraint of six hundred and fifty and that's not good enough. we need seniord enough leaders t critical moments to stand up for american values. and right now wean have theseond people pleasing creatures that don't do what weo e as the american people expect them to do. >> any regrets, colonel ?mber t i remember talking to you. behn yod u spoke up thinking maybe many more would follow behind beingen you ended basically the only one who had the courage to speak out.s on w >>ha your thoughts on what it took for you, pete? when i was inough jail and i thought to myself, chu better leave me in jail or i'm going to make changes to the system. and since thatan i wathat t time i have gone out and i have accomplished everything i've wanted to. i know a lot of people just look at books and they think, bou know, here's another guy that wrote a book. congrats to your successsucces on your book. but i'm telling you what, therey arour the books out there that n project a plan. and this is all part of making the american people aware ofe nt what's going on .thing. ked then we're going to move on to the next thing. we are going to make changese ti because the time is now. ed if there's anybody who wrote a book that deserve to be readof because of the courage of what you did to you, the book is crisis of command. check it out. it's out now. right now. lieutenant colonel stu scheller, than.k you so much for being here and for everything you've done for the countrdone in moments, john fetterman is ducking a debate because of his health but still has time for a swanky hamptons fundraiser. plus, why that push inh in california for all vehicles to become electric by twenty thirty five might justo beco ru against reality?re my fox and friends weekend co-host bothiends" w of them, rachel campos duffy and will cain have reaction to it all inions i stay theren for five star backyard's yellowwood brand pressure. sweetie pie doesn't have this yellow tag. >> you don't want it super . the is the number one selling brand for a men's and health. and for the third year in a row it's the number one urologist recommended brand in time you'll notice that urges to improve emptying and you won't be getting up at night for so many bathroom trips. urologist recommended superbad for also available in gummies. find it at wal-mart. a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance ,john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes selectquote found john . five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars. go to select cocom now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford selectquote we shop, you save you know it says out of work shop for a reason. >> i'm so sorry to bother you boss, but they moved the world cup to the holidays. we let the actual world come to my holiday season. >> are you kidding me? yeah. there's messi and ronaldo. yeah, but that's my time to shine. i mean, i'm not supposed to be with that. you know what? get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back up there right now. i got to go . >> my husband was a marine and our family lived at camp bloom during the eighties while i was there, i suffered a miscarriage and my husband has since died of cancer. now we're learning that the whole time we were on the base, the water was contaminated. we use that water for everything, for cooking, for drinking. we bathe dimmit. how can this happen? sadly, stories like these are all too common. this water was dangerous for years, nearly three decades. but now congress has passed the cap was you justice act and finally there's some financial relief. victims can now get the justice they deserve. if you are exposed to the toxic water at camp lejeune and have since suffered any of these serious health problems, call white hart legal. right now, you and your family may be entitled to substantial compensation if you lived or worked at camp lejeune and suffered any serious health problems, call 1-800- four six one seventy nine hundred. >> that's 1-800- four six one seventy nine hundred. a new covid crackdown in california, punishing doctors who spread misinformation bu this is xfinity rewards. our way of showing our appreciation. with rewards of all shapes and sizes. 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september. admitting that he's not up to it health wise. so where does that put him as far as serving the people of pennsylvania as a senator ? he can't do one debate one , but he can serve six years in the senate. why should pennsylvanians believe he's up to the challenge mentally and physically? and by the way, he should stop whining about dr. oz being mean for bringing up his health. >> many of you maybe yourself have had a big health challenge in your life. i would have, yeah. i hear your parents any of your children maybe. how can you even imagine that if you had a doctor that was mocking your illness? >> yeah, i ridiculing that. >> well, here we are. >> first of all, the health of a politician as are seeing right now at 1600 pennsylvania avenue is a very important issue. second, fetterman has spent his whole campaign is a glorified twitter troll. so apologies from us if we don't buy the pearl clutching. >> joining me now is the very best weekend team in tv, rachel campos duffy and will cain. >> they are just like me, co-hosts of fox and friends weekend. great to see you. but i didn't i wasn't sure how we'd be on the screen. rachel , you're supposed to be on the middle. will's on the wrong side, but it's kind of like fox and friends just with a different arrangement tonight. we're glad you're here, rachel . let me start with you. back in february, fetterman tweeted this about debates during the primary, tweeted, we believe voters deserve no fewer in three network televised debates, including all candidates who make the ballot before major media markets across pennsylvania. so i guess things have changed a little bit. how rachel? yeah, by the way, i did not color coordinate my shirt tie, so just wanted to let you know that well done. but looks so here's the deal.i'. how much better would our country have been if the media and the voters had forced joe biden out of his basement and put him out on the campaign trail so we could see what we were getting? and if i was in pennsylvania right now, that's exactly what i would be thinking about. we need to get him out on the trail so we can see if he's up for the job. it's a serious business and we can see how much our country has declined and how much american citizens are suffering because this president isn't up for the job. it should be a valuable lesson . you think you can get away with it? i mean, all the way it clearly doesn't want to feel sympathy goes a long way. >> you can listen even in that speech that you played, i mean, maybe it was the music. music is manipulative, but it certainly will pull at your heartstrings and play to your sympathies. but politics is not the place for sympathy. you know, it's not unlike a professional athlete in this way. look, i'm sorry that you're injured, but you don't get to be on the field. your candidacy and your potential ability to hold office is key to winning. we need to know the kind of job that you will do. and truthfully, if you want to be empathetic and rachel's made this point to the true two of us on the weekend, if you want to be empathetic, you should step to the side. someone should be encouraging someone with poor health like joe biden or in this case, john fetterman. to step to the side and take care of your health. you are not capable of taking care of the rest of us in political office at this moment . >> yes. i just want to turn the role, the go ahead the political spouse is important and you you just wonder where these political spouses are in these moments. >> oh, maybe they love the power just as much. >> all right. i want to turn now to california governor gavin newsom is sounding the alarm. get this one guy's on impending blackouts and excessive heat. >> watch between now and next wednesday. we're going to be experiencing a prolonged heat moment. we have to address that twin challenge, a new we voluntarily do a little bit more to help us get through the next week or so to turn interestingly up a little bit, the thermostat at home to seventy eight degrees. what he didn't mention, will , is that the state's grid operator is also warning residents not to charge their electric vehicles just days after announcing they're going to ban gas powered vehicles by twenty thirty five . >> so what percentage of california vehicles today are electric and that system, that grid is buckling under the weight of the electrical demands with that percentage. then by twenty thirty five , the percentage is supposed to be much higher because that's all you can buy. so in short, this system can't support the current demand or requirement for an electric car , much less what it will be in 10 years. and so the lesson is you can have an electric car , you just can't plug it in, just doesn't work. the green new future. rachel , it's coming. >> we get to watch california ushered in for us . do you remember, guys, when we wanted to do a segment on the weekend called the b or not the b where we would decide whether these headlines were real or whether they were from the babylon b ? that's what this seems like. i mean, one day they tell you that, you know, we're going to mandate that everyone has to buy an electric vehicle and virtually the next day they tell you you can't charge . i mean, it's just comical. ideas are stupid. they don't make these cars are going to impoverish us and turn us into third world countries if we don't wake up and put the halt on this. >> it's insanity. yeah. these the experts that look like really serious to the camera, they say, no, don't worry, we've got it all handled it right. it is like the babylon five . okay, rachel , there's a lot of cars i want to get to this. there's a lot of cars on blocks where i grew up. i used you know, they were going to be in beverly hills. it's true. it's coming. it's coming everywhere. eventually i want to get to this point about life expectancy. it is estimated to have dropped to the lowest level since 1996, the sharpest two year decline in nearly one hundred years. and a few months ago, the cbo warned deaths will outpace births by twenty forty three . rachel , you're doing your part . we know that on this, but not a good sign for society as a whole. what you take from this? >> yeah, i mean, this is really about retinol. that's what a lot of these life expectancy declines are about. and the democrats never estimate their ability to put ah, their willingness to put the lives of children behind their political ambitions and their ideology. they did it during covid. you see with their radical tranz policies and you're seeing it here. open borders is more important than saving the lives of kids and there's a china component to this where the chinese are selling the chemicals professional to the cartels. the biden administration, joe biden himself could put pressure on the chinese. he's not to control the economy if she said no more selling chemicals, it would stop. but we know in that relationship who is the boss because joe biden is compromised. yeah, your thoughts? yeah, i'll just say this quickly. i don't know exactly calculate the life expectancy. it's often an average. and to that point, there will need to be research. some in somebody with integrity and honesty need to look why excess death has been up over the last two years beyond covid deaths. there be a really interesting study about that one day why we have excess death today. but i will say this. i'm going to credit both of you on this front to your point, pete, about births lagging behind deaths in the coming years, more deaths than births . you both have said this was done. her part nine kids. you've done your part seven kids having children is a vote for the future. it is optimism. if america doesn't feel good about its future, it will stop procreating at the levels that suggest america is a good place to have kids. it's an attitude and a culture of selfishness and pessimism. so true. >> well, and if the world's going to end and i guess now nine years will , as we recently discussed, then why have kids at all? the ultimate pessimistic point that somebody's happy. and i i think cars on blocks in beverly hills, that's their next bumper sticker. i like rachel . well, the big extent very much with a big orange extension of the water goes into nowhere all the way to texas. if you really want to power it. i'll see you both saturday morning, 6:00. >> thanks, guys. i appreciate it. all right. up next, the return of raymond's rules for air travel. plus, which big city daymares is facing a recall effort? one that she says, well, of course, got to be racist. raymond arroyo has all the details in seen and unseen coming next, the military mission in afghanistan will conclude on august 31st. i don't believe among any of our most senior military advisers that any of them thought it was going go well. these people need help. let's do what it takes. they said you you're working for the infidels. we're going to kill your whole family. there is no time the taliban will kill me. we ended up with about twelve people that we put together of the special operations community. >> we knew the clock was ticking. the taliban knows the streets. they have been positioning for this exact moment. the white house was leaving behind our own citizens and our wartime allies. somebody has to step up. are you going to be the person that's going to raise your hand to go ? hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned 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to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, great to see you. there were a couple of travel stories that have caught your eye, you know, from your extensive travel. it's out there. i had to trip delayed or canceled by as many as 13 hours. in one case, i missed two shows on this network. a while ago i developed raman's rules for air travel, which included do not clip your toenails while on board aircraft. you can take an eye out and armrests are to keep you in your seat. so abide the divide. i hate spillage. well, i'm adding a few new rules. okay, owing to a story it just landed on a recent southwest flight. passengers started air dropping via their apple phones, pictures of the pilot he took to the intercom. >> so here's a deal. this continues when we're on the ground, i'm going to have to pull back to the gate. everybody's going to have to get up. we're going to be a hysterical oh, and it's medication is going to be rude. so, you know, whatever off to hear what's say the next patient. >> let's get yourself to gobbo ,which brings me to my new role. pete, do not send to the pilot . leave him alone. it's true. it sounded like dad in the front seat like kids. i will turn this plane around if you do not behave back there and you are going to cabo. so if they want to send their halfway there, just wait . they can't give it time. right. give it time. raymond. we're where any of your delays lost baggage has been an issue for some people i know too. is that part of it? you bet. you know, that was not the reason for my delays, but it does bring me to another rule. do not check baggage on certain airlines. according to the department of transportation, the worst airlines for mishandling baggage, meaning losing, damaging or stealing your bags since the top of the year or american which mishandled four hundred and fifty thousand bags followed by alaska airlines and jetblue. just stuff a carry ons. just fill them up and don't look back but don't check. they don't really check them at security anymore if they're too big, you know, you just have to put them in those things and make sure they're the right size. they don't really check that. so you get it to the gate, you get a gate check, it stays with you, okay? >> yeah. tell them. don't tell everybody they're going to take hour over. that is actually the way to go right now. you're right. how could they have not figured out scanning of the bags and putting on a plane quite yet? i don't get but we'll get to we'll get to another topic. >> appreciate these tips. it's actually helpful. joe biden gave an angry speech. you saw riddled with flubs yesterday. >> watch. keep guns. you know what? the mexicans of mexico, which has real problems, real problems with their biggest complaint is can't we talk gun trafficking across the southern border into mexico? we can sell more gun crimes if we have the someone heading up, which we finally do. we the people. that's how our constitution starts. the declaration we the people hate. >> he isn't sure where he is anymore. i mean, today, jill biden, dr. biden was holding a white house meeting on strengthening teaching, urging more money for public school teachers, which you recently wrote about and we know how much good that does. then the president wandered into and these partnerships will continue to exist. >> i'm not talking right now and i'm not speaking a part. yes, that's a wrap. >> i don't know what they are all laughing about. the poor man wanders in. he mutters whatever she says i agree with . and then he left. but this is the problem, pete, because increasingly we see a president. he's being led around at times literally by the wife and the staff. and you just don't get the sense that he's in charge of any of this. >> no. and he wouldn't be aware of the fact that by saying that he's reinforcing the already preconceived notion that other people are handling things, whatever she says, what we're going to do, how many times a day is does you say that in response to what good thing the easter bunny was in the hall to pull him out. that was good. save easter bunny. you see the furry hand ripping through. it's true. now, back in your hometown of new orleans, there is an effort to recall mayor latoya cantrell. what's driving it? well, principally her lavish spending and skyrocketing crime. we have an 83% increase in murders since 2019. but now the mayor's office is responding. her campaign manager claims the recall effort to undermine and discredit the first black woman mayor of new orleans fits into a long history of taking away our vote and our voice. that's why we have reason to believe a conservative d.c. firm has signed on to lead the effort. that's why many gop organizations in the city are encouraging people to sign the petition. that's why fox news is leading the propaganda charge now. pete hods you fox news merely reported this once it was announced. secondly, the two people who filed this recall effort against cantrell are democrats . one of them, eileen carter, actually worked for cantrill. she tweeted today, why are you lying about your residents and to your residents? said beldin, the other fellow who signed the recall effort. and i are both black and this is not a race issue. it's a job performance. issue. so again, you see this kind of double talk and the administration trying to cover its tracks. but these are black democrats leading this recall effort because of the crime, principally the crime. >> you know, you know that city better than anybody i know. is there a real grassroots feeling that it's out of control and she needs to go ? absolutely. all over the city in lakeview, uptown, all over black, white and in between, there's revulsion against what the mayor the state she's created in the city. >> always someone always ends up crying racism. and that's not what it's about. stand strong. that city deserves a lot better. >> raymond, you're hosting the angle the rest of the week and you have some special guests. >> look, i joined an incredible event for the mark wahlberg youth foundation the other day. and we're going to bring you highlights with mr. wolberg, sugar ray leonard, evander holyfield and a couple of surprises. you can also watch me destroy a fair way. this is not to be missed. tune in tomorrow, friday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the angle. and we'll also bring you reaction to biden's big primetime speech. can't wait. destroying fareway, otherwise known as golfing, maybe poorly actually . well done. thanks. we will see you tomorrow night. we'll be watching. look forward to that reaction to the speech to. thank you. thank you. all right. remember that story, the story about black duke volleyball player being the target of racist chants at byu. it went viral, but could this be another race hoax? film illusion has the report and dr. carol swain will be here to react. >> stay there. nee d? ndo you have a life insurance policy you no longer need?but wy 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Behn , Thoughts , More , Beingen , Yod U , Out S On W , Inough , System , Guy , Books , Successsucces , Changes , Bou Know , Thatan I Wathat , Book , What S Going On , The Books Out There That N Project A Plan , Therey Arour , Bed , Changese Ti , Command , Countrdone , Than K , Readof , Health , Vehicles , Debate , Beco Ru Against Reality Re My Fox And Friends Weekend Co Host Bothiends W Of Them , John Fetterman , Plus , Push Inh In California , Swanky Hamptons Fundraiser , Twenty , Thirty Five , Five Star Backyard S Yellowwood Brand Pressure , Minions , Will Cain , Men , Brand , Tag , Urologist , Row , Emptying , Number One , Bathroom Trips , Heart Attack , Wal Mart , Gummies , Life Insurance , Dollar Policy , Twenty Nine , Twenty Nine Dollars , Five Hundred Thousand Dollar , Five Hundred Thousand , Insurance , Family , Price , Wife , Selectquote , Cocom , Twenty One , Twenty One Dollars , World , Boss , Holidays , Work Shop , World Cup , Husband , Holiday Season , Phone , Messi , 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Fox And Friends Weekend , Like Fox And Friends , Middle , Voters , Debates , Candidates , Primary , Ballot , Media Markets , Bit , Shirt Tie , Deal , Media , Basement , Campaign Trail , Business , Citizens , Trail , Suffering , Isn T Up , Speech , Sympathy , Lesson , Music , Place , Sympathies , Athlete , Heartstrings , Weekend , Two Of Us , Ability , Candidacy , The Field , Care , Brest , Power , Spouses , Role , Spouse , The Go , Heat , Gavin Newsom , Blackouts , Alarm , Home , We , Thermostat , Seventy Eight , Residents , Will , Grid Operator , Percentage , Grid , Weight , Car , Demands , Demand , Requirement , 10 , Segment , Babylon B , Plug It In , Guys , Doesn T Work , Green New Future , Tb , Headlines , In Charge , Vehicle , Cars , Experts , Ideas , Halt , Insanity , Third World , Countries , Blocks , Don T Worry , Camera , Okay , Babylon Five , Life Expectancy , Everywhere , Decline , Level , 1996 , One Hundred , Quote , Deaths , Births , Whole , Sign , Society , Cbo , Forty 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Pills , Control , Risk , Trouble Sleeping , Relaxium , Sleep A Call , Relaxium Sleep Doesn T , Bottles , Relaxium Sleep Today , Trial , Wake Refreshed , Thirty , 100 , Drug , Trust , Thirty Seven , 730 773 804 , Seventy Three , Jewelry , Carat , Gift , Exchange , Balance , Tennis Bracelets , Halo , Ninety , Sixty Nine , Ninety Nine , 1 2 , Twenty Four , Times , Ingredients , Couple , Blend , Kunhardt , Works , Offer , Thanks Qnol , 25 , Twenty Five , Eye , Dryness , Strain , Discomfort , Hello , Hydrating Polymers , Moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid , Absence , Emergency , Choice , Safety , Night One Season Premiere , September 19th On Fox , Seasons , Hulu Hit The Music , September 19th , Game , Nfl , Mvp , Midwest , Bears , Kicking Off , Season , Pack Touchdown , Tone , Vikings , Kirk , Super Bowl , It S Time , Travel Stories , Fifty Seven , Raymond , Travel , Shows , Network , Braman , Rules , Divide , Seat , Toenails , Armrests , Air Travel , On Board Aircraft , Spillage , Gate , Pilot , Passengers , Intercom , Apple Phones , Flight , Ground , Gobbo , Medication , Patient , Plane , Dad , Cabo , Baggage , Delays , You Bet , Bags , Department Of Transportation , Reason , Rule , Airlines , Mishandling Baggage , Top , Carry Ons , Don T Check , Jetblue , Four Hundred And Fifty Thousand , Agate Check , Size , Tips , Topic , Flubs , Problems , Complaint , Guns , Gun Trafficking Across The Southern Border , We The People , Heading Up , He Isn T Sure , Gun Crimes , Declaration , Constitution Starts , Good , Money , Meeting , Teachers , Teaching , Public School , Partnerships , Wrap , Being Led , Staff , Notion , Wouldn T , Hall , Easter Bunny , Latoya Cantrell , Crime , Hometown , Increase , Murders , New Orleans , 83 , 2019 , Mayor , History , Campaign Manager , Voice , Conservative D C , The First Black Woman , In The City , Propaganda Charge , Firm , Petition , Cantrill , Beldin , Race Issue , Recall Effort , Job Performance , Double Talk , City , Grassroots , Tracks , Racism , Black , Revulsion , Stand Strong , Uptown , Event , Surprises , Guests , Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation , Wolberg , Sugar Ray Leonard , Evander Holyfield , Friday Night , Big Primetime Speech , Can T Wait , Tune In Tomorrow , Destroying Fareway , The Story About Black Duke Volleyball Player , Target , Golfing , Snee D , Life Insurance Policy , Very Byu , Chants , Race Hoax , Report , Film Illusion , Undo , Policy , Policrth , Cash Payment , Term , Income , Rect Comy , One Hundred Thousand , One Hundred Thousand Dollars , Feats , Feat Help , Policy Lapse , Worth , Finding Out , Cal L , Visi Direct , Coventry , Iningt Coventry Diro , Sentenza , Ft , Nerve Pain , Diabetic , Prescription Treatment , You Tenzer , Spain , Application , Pain Medications , Coq10 , Health Care Provider , Teutons , Irritation , Feet , Side Effects , Removal , Respiratory Tract , Sensation , Work Utensils , Intenser , Skin , Redness , Itching , Patients , Mucous Membranes , Veterans , Breakbeats , Fts Attention , Information , Veteran , Family Members , Member , Others , Marine Corps Base Camp , Nineteen Eighty Seven , North Carolina , 1943 , Eighty Seven , August 1943 , Nineteen , Another , Bases , Claim , Myeloma , Leukemias , United States Government , Contaminants , Contact , Drinking Water , Nineteen Eighty Two , Marine Corps , 1987 , December 1987 , Eighty Two , Case Review , Result , Vacherie , Kari , Bank , Apparel Company , Financing , Traction , Biz Loans , Chance , Women , Road , Butterflies , Vixen , Bride , Wasn T Flowers , Smart Biz Loans , Businesses , Loan , Rate , Process , Funding , Smartphone , Sba , Nine Billion Dollars , Nine Billion , Two Hundred Thirty Thousand , Elections ,

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