0 possible. please hit dvr so you never miss an episode. in meantime let not your heart be troubled. laura is next. have a great weekend. see you on monday. . . i am laura ingraham this angela kokott will from tampa florida in moment the governor will join me for extended inter view. but first, voting with their feet. that's focus of tonight's angle. >> now judging by latest data maybe you have seen it, people want to get the hell out of california illinois and new york. those three states all registered sharpest overall population loss lasts year. so what heck is everybody moving well one of most popular place is without doubt here in florida we saw population increase by 211,000 between july 2, '02 and july 2021. and by way it is not just people moving. of the 5.8 million new businesses in application between january 21st and 22 stunning 12% were right here in florida. now with these numbers, it is no wonder that florida governor is way up in the polls in reelection race and nation wide he building profile impressive fund raising operation. with all of the over all of things we just talked about liberal governors with ambitions for national office have denied including that walking pile of higher gel new some. he defeated recall effort his state realing from high crime, under performing schools. flood aliens and water shoejs and high taxes. and adjusting that reality new some lashes out. >> all of you living in glory join the fight. or join us in california we still believe in freedom. freedom of speech and freedom of hate and freedom to love. don't let them take your freedom. >> what freedom look like in california? well certainly does not in clue being free destructive covid policies. because right now, 42% of of the could un-tree classified by cdc as having high community 250e threats in l.a. county among the few in united states threat threatening to resume an indoor mask mandate. people are sort of saying you know put is masks really asking a lot folks. we have to lot more of everybody. for much longer time for much of the past two years. and of course the connected wealthy in california never have to suffer under the same rules as everybody else. and by the way that monster barbara who not even a medical doctor but fumbling health director was seen major league bases ball all star game maskless. now new some controls about freedom all he want to to don't make freedom in skyrocketing crime. 65% of californian view violence and street crime as problem. 34% say it is a big problem. and certainly isn't freedom flourish because new article reports that san francisco businesses struggle to hang on to tech workers. and last year that was resulted in whopping $400 million hit to tax revenue. under the concept of freedom californians with are increasing feeling trapped. and as a result we have on an exodus of 1 million residents just over the past few years. wow. and over half of them tell researchers they have considered moving out of the state. but new some is not bothered by any of this. he more concerned with man in florida as i governor mappings nearly 3,000 miles away. now, he does not use his name but we know he is the target. i do believe education under assault anyways that i never experienced in my lifetime. banning books? suppressing speech? the other -- going after gays going after people across spectrum. going after vulnerable minorities. i can't take it stop being bullied. stop treating people differently. something called success full of that's the problem. now all want to be contenders take their shots. including illinois governor. now because he done such bang up job in his state yeah sure. if so why did illinois loss 122,000 rest accidents? it is a largest decline in state history. and financial giants moving baits from chicago to miami. because of the rising crime rates and taxes in chicago is the primary reason behind the move. and that's small company called boeing you may have heard it also ditching it chicago for northern virginia. can you blame of these companies? and just like newsome instead of attacking problem in his own state. he lashes at 2k3w06s who are actually doing their job. he traveled to glory glory last weekend to stay at the trying to pass off his covert raysism as more reege form trump republicanism. never have such large man levelled such small minded smear. it would be remiss in our rounds up of failed left wing governors if we didn't mean governor hochul. but new york times called exodus a once a century shock. writing it racism certainly about competitiveness and economic stability. and because they were refoosing to change their policy on crime and taxes. governor and mayor revert to lame stunts. again, focussed on florida. mayor adam spent taxpayer money to buy bill boards in florida to suggesting his city was more gay friendly. governor, piled on. and went step further in calling crew and. she marketing her state an abortion destination. of course the promotes growth, she promotes death. that says it all. joining us now and i am delighted he is with us. the governor, why are these failed left wing governors deciding to hit you all of a sudden? you are just guy you are the man of moment. i think if you look like california they never lost population from sounding of the state until this currents governor has been in office. they illinois member rajjing people. new comboeshg and tax bases are getting narrower because people are bringing wealth to florida and opportunities to floor they see that and they understands but here is inc. this it is result of us having good policies but also them driving people away with their terrible policies. i mean it is dangerous to be in these like los angeles and chicago now. they don't support the police. they have prosecutors that will not prosecute crimes people that are funded by george soros. so quality life has diminished and thing about florida when people move from those states here's what they tell me people are proud to be mother and happy to be if north. i didn't recognize tampa. i haven't been here in 15 years. it is one fastest growing cities if not the fastest growing city they united states now. in think what they did some someone like governor locking schooling kids out of school for year. forcing them to cover their faces. forcing them to take covid who shot that they doeven need or want that's what they consider freedom? to be in california and florida we lifted people. they called you dangerous. because we are protecting people's jobs and businesses making sure kids could be in school all of those left wing governors opposed me when i schooled open in state of florida now what's happening? people are learning loss. well, of course that was going to happen we knew that. all of them were wrong on all of these issues. and here is thing laura even our worst critics frisker himself he sent his family to florida. during the lockdown so while people of illinois are suffering under his petty tyranny his family down levelling in freedom in state of florida. someone find a way to be in florida. whether that's aoc whether governors or mayors and that tells you all would need to know. >> of the three that i mentioned, who done more damage to their state do you think? >> oh, man. well i will tell you this. i think that illinois and new york have had problems for long time. i think that problems in california have cell arrested in such rapid direction since this governor has been in. with the crime. obviously they are want to tax everybody. i think they have had probably worst of it in last few years. >> of all of problems in in the country you are micro cutsism here let's say top three approximate what are they and who would you solve them. i think clearly inflation energy. far and away are crippling american families. you think about when biden came into office? declared war on american energy so somehow it is fine to take oil from venz but he i don't want oil here while result has been those energy but it is hurting the entire economy. and then printed trillions of dollars and they were warned not just people like me who he in are not going to listen there liberal con military who worked for bill clean complin for ambassador if you do this you are going to spark inflation and so they you look florida. income tax. great job growth. labor force all of that. so we are getting state policies right. but you have to inflation that's really waving people down. that's what he met by far are top issues everything connected to that. and strategic petroleum reserve biden froze the other day. he has become anti-production. i am not putting new oil into system but releasing million barrels a day. >> that's not making a difference and that's not used for. you kneecap your energy producers. we got totally backwards. here is the thing. he ran for president saying he was going shut down oil and gas. these things you run modern economy on winds mills. you can do not do that so we have an opportunities to be energy independent in this country. if we have right policy. biden not letting that happen and the american people are suffering. those concerns around united states china buying up large amounts land. and i know plenty of pieceses writteden about chinese purchases residential real estate drive dry is prices up here in florida do you have any kefrnls with about that. i think the problem is companies have ties to the ccp and it is not all apparent on face of whatever company is doing. but i think it is a huge problem. influence they have. what we have done in florida. i signed legislation to crackdown including this we ban con fish shus insuits they try to go higher he had during indication and try to use their propaganda. we are going to legislation about our pension investments. maybe we certainly have a lot of it but we want to make sure we are cutting ties to -- we not funding our number within unme. is that also apply to chinese students here in united states. mike pompeo has spoken about 360,000 chinese student who are in our universities. he he a problem with that. >> i think there are cause for concern. what are they doing taking back? you know all of things that elites told us to do with china over the years most favored nation status. the them in wto they will be just like us. it has been opposite. empowered them. and been they become auto cat tick and they flexing muscles ever than they have ever in our lifetime. kamala aharris also attacked you. you got to read between the lines. this was from last week as well. how form midible is she in the future for the democrat party? >> so here is the thing. i thought biden as worst decision everybody because she not great but she like best impeachments insurance any one could have. even though he can barely read tell re prompter and much as people disapprove him. nobody wants harris they much rather stick with biden than actually turn the wheel of powers to somebody that's clearly is over -- in over her head. >>ly was attacked while campaigning yesterday with a guy brass nukes wills. it could have been you cannily but it was downplayed by the press. it wasn't not really covered as would know it would have been if were some kind of conservative activist. how concerned are you about violence any politicians on campaign trails or in public events? . when >> what are they trying to breath kavanaugh you have someone trying to kill brett kavanaugh. >> i know that here is thing. new york soft on crime policies what do they do with this guy? they released him. he back on streets. you know you don't go o subpoena in for this kangaroo committee. but yes if go owe tension will see assays nit governor candidate they just put you right back on streets. very, very troubling. >> january 6th hearings going until accepts. it is no concern of most americans. millions of dollars spent here. thoughts on what you have seen here. they just trying divert from biden problems. they realize on bread butter issues biden and democratics have failed american people that's not even up for debate lot of their own voters think they have failed on the key issues. what they want to make election about something other than what top concerns for the american people. it is not going to work it may help them funds raise with think left wing base but american people are not going to be diverted. >> were you printed like liz china we have not heard from on other conservative issues. >> i don't have think i everybody talked with him. >> i knew ding because i was with him for new terms we are number of vettians. but never really worked. any republican have gotten as much blow glowing president as lids cline chain. here way it works in dc if you are democrat and you step out of line against the party the media scare you. if you are republican and steps out of line and attacks other republicans you are best thing sliced bread. you got profile on "washington post." you get book been on cnn just par for the course. i would hope most republicans are smart enough to realize that if media likes you then you must not be doing a very good job if you are doing goods job for conservative voteders they are going to attack you. your good ratio shell wrote a piece in miami herald saying, thank you, gender farmingtoning care medically necessary safe and effect for transgender children, should not be hard translate into knowledge it is more compassion national policies. that protect rather under mine youth mental health. she said florida supports this gender affirming care. >> they will actually take a young boy and cast straight the boy. they will take a young girl and do sterilize her because of the again -- i problems. there is no evidence that this something that's effective medical care and we know that people do when they are kids have huge problems going on. so we believe that this is not appropriate in state of florida. we don't think doctor should get a license if they are doing it. i think these doctors should be able to sued by these folks when they develop problems later in life, this is wrong. minors should not be having this type of stuff performed on them. >> well there is a concern at the same time plan parents hood with help of some of teacher un unions may be setting up shop public schools across the united states as more of a count willing organization. that's what it come down posts roe. >> we have a bright line in sand. cooling system educate not indoctrinate. we ban crt we had big problem with disney we say no den gender idea some gee. we are going keep with that so union trying politicize trying to bring in left wing groups. we will fight that. the woke corporation american didn't really understands until you took on disney. has there been any blow back in the state after you took on the big mouse? >> i think people were happy. because they don't run this state. and it is not right to have public policy captive to massive corporation and they have gotten mother subsidiarys than any company in history of our state. they have their own government. they were ex-em from laws. tax breaks we took action you can say what you want those corporate are not consist tests with our values. you will not have your own government and live under same laws as everybody else and you will pay for your fair shares of taxes. your wife kate is friends of mine she went three very difficult cancer struggle. i did many years ago. what have you learned from that, in that health struggle as husband and father. >> i will tell you what she incredibly strong throughout it it is not easy you gone through it. i think especially in her case i mean at that time when we got diagnosis, we had a 4 and 3 and 1 year old. now 5, 4 and 2. so think like when something like that happens to you and you start to think mortality, then you look and you have wonderful little babies. mothers should not be situation potentially dying when they kids to raise so think it was lots of weight on our schultz -- hes. i think she was looking but decided you know what? i am going to handle it. i rather it be me than someone else. it was not easy. but i will tell you she clicking on all cylinders now and it is kids are harder to keep up with. so we don't get a lot of rest around the house but she is certainly you know recovered from that and doing very, very well. >> governor, i know you had busy day today. thank you very much. we really appreciate you. >> just how about this november shaping four democrats we are going overall of details with senator rick scott. they admitted to knowingly putting our national security at risk. we are going to telling you how in moments.

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,New York ,Taiwan ,Afghanistan ,Tampa ,Washington ,China ,Illinois ,California ,Virginia ,Russia ,Ukraine ,Pennsylvania ,Capitol Hill ,District Of Columbia ,Chicago ,Americans ,America ,Californian ,Chinese ,Russians ,American ,George Soros ,Laura Ingraham ,Benny Thompson ,Nancy Pelosi ,Charlie Kirk ,Los Angeles ,States Mike Pompeo ,Steve Bannon ,Rick Scott ,Hillary Clinton ,Kamala Harris ,Weekend ,Heart ,Dvr ,Episode ,Angela Kokott ,Governor ,Voting ,Winter View ,Feet ,Angle ,Focus ,Tampa Florida ,People ,Everybody ,It ,Population Loss ,Shell ,Check ,Data ,Three ,One ,Way ,Doubt ,Place ,Population Increase ,We Saw ,July 2 02 ,2 ,July 2021 ,211000 ,2021 ,02 ,Businesses ,Numbers ,Wonder ,Application ,21 ,January 21st ,22 ,12 ,5 8 Million ,Things ,Wall ,Governors ,Profile ,Nation ,Reelection Race ,Polls ,Ambitions ,Fund Raising Operation ,Crime ,United States Attorney S Office ,Schools ,State Realing ,Walking Pile ,Gel ,Flood Aliens ,Water Shoejs ,Freedom ,Taxes ,Reality ,Freedom Of Speech ,Glory ,Fight ,Policies ,Pelosi Don T Go ,42 ,Hate ,Clue ,Classified ,Covid ,Cdc ,Threat ,Masks ,Community 250e Threats ,Few ,Put ,Mask Mandate ,L A County ,250 ,Course ,Folks ,Rules ,Wealthy ,Two ,Doctor ,Controls ,Fumbling Health Director ,Ball ,League ,Star Game Maskless ,Everybody Else ,Monster Barbara ,Problem ,Violence ,Street Crime ,Californian View ,Skyrocketing Crime ,Isn T Freedom Flourish ,65 ,34 ,Concept ,Tech Workers ,Tax Revenue ,Article ,San Francisco ,00 Million ,400 Million ,Estate ,Result ,Californians ,Exodus ,Feeling ,Residents ,Half ,Researchers ,1 Million ,Oman ,Some ,Many ,Target ,Name ,Education ,Miles Away ,3000 ,Lifetime ,Banning Books ,Assault ,Suppressing Speech ,Gays ,Mother ,Something ,Success ,Minorities ,Spectrum ,Contenders ,Bang Up Job ,Loss ,Shots ,Accidents ,122000 ,Decline ,Reason ,Giants ,Baits ,Move ,Crime Rates ,Newsome ,2k3w06s ,Company ,Companies ,Job ,Northern Virginia ,Raysism ,Reege Form Trump Republicanism ,Wing ,Rounds ,Smear ,Hochul ,New York Times ,Exodus A ,Policy ,Competitiveness ,Mayor ,Shock ,Stability ,Writing It Racism ,Refoosing ,Adam ,Taxpayer Money ,City ,Friendly ,Bill Boards ,Stunts ,Step ,Piled On ,Abortion ,Growth ,Crew ,Death ,Destination ,All Of A Sudden ,Population ,Opportunities ,Tax ,Member ,New Comboeshg ,Floor ,Bases ,Wealth ,Rajjing ,Police ,Here Is Inc ,Thing ,Crimes ,Life ,States ,Prosecutors ,Cities ,North ,Haven T ,15 ,Kids ,Someone ,School ,Governor Locking Schooling ,Faces ,Learning Loss ,Jobs ,Issues ,Family ,Lockdown ,Critics ,Suffering ,Tyranny ,Aoc ,Down Levelling In Freedom State Of Florida ,Mayors ,Damage ,Problems ,Direction ,Cell ,Country ,Inflation Energy ,Micro Cutsism ,Soil ,Families ,War On American Energy ,Avenz ,Energy ,Economy ,Trillions ,Dollars ,Inflation ,Liberal Con Military ,State Policies ,Income Tax ,Job Growth ,Labor Force ,Ambassador ,Bill Clean Complin ,Everything ,Strategic Petroleum Reserve Biden ,Anti Production ,System ,Difference ,Barrels ,You Kneecap ,Energy Producers ,President ,Gas ,Winds Mills ,Concerns ,Pieceses Writteden ,Ties ,Whatever ,Face ,Prices ,Ccp ,Real Estate ,Kefrnls ,Legislation ,Crackdown ,We Ban Con Fish Shus Insuits ,Lot ,Pension Investments ,Propaganda ,Indication ,Number ,Mike Pompeo ,Student ,Students ,Universities ,360000 ,Concern ,Elites ,Status ,Them ,Wto ,Muscles ,Auto Cat Tick ,Empowered Them ,Kamala Aharris ,Lines ,Democrat Party ,Nobody ,Insurance ,Decision ,Impeachments ,Re Prompter ,Somebody ,Dover ,Powers ,Campaigning ,Guy Brass Nukes Wills ,Head ,Fly ,Wheel ,It Wasn T ,Kind ,Politicians ,Activist ,The Press ,Campaign Trails ,Events ,Breath Kavanaugh ,Brett Kavanaugh ,Guy ,Streets , Go O Subpoena ,Kangaroo Committee ,Hearings ,January 6th ,Candidate ,Assays Nit ,Tension ,6 ,Voters ,Democratics ,Millions ,Biden Problems ,Bread Butter ,Debate ,Thoughts ,Base ,Election ,Republican ,Blow ,Terms ,Dc ,Lids Cline Chain ,Vettians ,Republicans ,Book ,Line ,Party ,Media ,Bread ,Washington Post ,Cnn ,Voteders ,Goods Job ,Par ,Children ,Piece ,Ratio ,Saying ,Effect ,Gender Farmingtoning Care ,Miami Herald ,Affirming Care ,Compassion National Policies ,Youth Mental Health ,Knowledge ,Girl ,Boy ,Care ,Evidence ,Sterilize ,Cast Straight The Boy ,Doctors ,License ,Type ,Plan ,Fun ,Minors ,Stuff ,Help ,Teacher ,Count ,Cooling System ,Organization ,Sand ,Roe ,Politicize ,Idea ,Groups ,Union ,Gee ,Corporation American Didn T ,Public Policy ,Mouse ,Captive ,Disney ,Government ,Action ,History ,Laws ,Corporation ,Friends ,Wife ,Tests ,Values ,Shares ,Case ,Cancer Struggle ,Health Struggle ,Father ,Husband ,Gold ,Mortality ,Babies ,Diagnosis ,1 ,4 ,3 ,5 ,Situation ,Mothers ,Someone Else ,Hes ,Weight ,House ,Brest ,Cylinders ,Details ,Four ,Risk ,Security ,

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