0 this evening. always wish we had more time. thanks for joining us. hope you set your dvr so you never miss an episode. for the latest news information, foxnews.com, hannity.com. mean tonight, let not your hearts be troubled. laura ingraham is next with "the ingraham angle." thanks for making the show possible. have a great night. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks for joining us. first, biden's plan to destroy america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now if you wanted to devise a plan for america's foreign policy that worked totally cross purposes, you'd be hard-pressed to match what biden and his team are doing right now. let's go through the steps. number 1, destroy america's energy dependence. our energy supplies from louisiana to pennsylvania to california would power us for about 400 years or so. but the greeniacs want it shut down. as a result, americans are suffering. high prices for everything and still climbing. biden's anecdotes about his childhood don't help. >> we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place. it's bad. the price of gas at the pump is something that i told you, you heard me say before, it would be a matter of great discussion when i was a kid growing up. >> laura: still with that tired old line. the transition -- come on. i love the meaningless euphemism by biden. this anti-fossil fuel obsession is making us weaker. we've gone from self-sufficient to dependent. we're beggars for energy from despits from around the world. step number 2 is to make china rich and powerful. >> competition that is healthy is good. that's why i've held the view for so many years and continue to hold the view that a rising china is a positive development. >> laura: so of course, 11 years later, biden will reward china for all of that good behavior during covid by lifting trump's tariffs on made in china goods that enter the united states. yeah, i wish i were joking. are you considering taking down some of those tariffs? >> i'm talking with the secretary when we get home. i am considering it. we did not impose any of those tariffs. they're under consideration. >> laura: he would like to lift the tariffs. the only reason he's not done it yet, he's afraid of the voters. the gop leadership also want them lifted like yesterday. and our enrichment of the c.c.p. extends to america's colleges and universities that gladly matriculate more than 300,000 students every year. when biden was president, the number was half that but he was giddy. >> last year 130,000 chinese students were studying in the easy. they're really good. we're going to try to keep some of them. i'm joking. but they are. >> laura: creepy. high profile federal investigations of chinese spies on academia should have pushed us to stop the practice long ago. we didn't. >> the chairman of harvard university's chemistry department arrested by fbi agents charged with lying about more than a million dollars in payments from the chinese government. a boston university researcher accused of being a secret operative of the chinese military. another harvard researcher caught at the airport allegedly trying to smuggle biological materials to china. >> laura: what could go wrong? biological materials going to china? during the trump administration the federal law enforcement got very serious about stopping chinese espionage on these college campuses. under biden, china, of course, is getting a free pass. now at the same time, biden and many gop old guard-types want us to get deeper in to the eastern european quagmire by what will undoubtedly end up being hundreds of billions of weapons to ukraine that is step through. >> the cost of this fight is not cheap. caving to aggression is going to be more costly if we allow it to happen. >> my colleague, senator paul, has been an isolation it's. he's proud of it and believes that's where america ought to be. that is a tiny percentage of the senate republican conference. it's always been a strand of isolationism in our party but it's not anywhere near the dominant view. >> laura: oh really? i think mcconnell and rand paul should tour the country and debate that $40 billion price tag for ukraine in town halls in front of all of these people and see who ends up winning the audience vote. anybody take a wager on that? i will. and irresponsible is a word that i'd use to describe their proxy war with russia. >> the single most important thing we can do to push back against the potential chinese aggression is to help the ukrainians defeat the russians in this current conflict. >> laura: excuse me? the globalists are responsible for turning china into a global super power. the single greatest threat to freedom worldwide. so every stinger missile we give to ukraine is one that we're not going to be uses to defend taiwan. they want u.s. troops there as well. they do. we have already upped our numbers in eastern europe and millie is itching for more. >> my advice would be to create permanent bases but not permanent personnel. a lot of our allies establish permanent bases. they'll build them and pay for them. >> laura: they'll pay for them? another wager i'll take. step 4. biden will ship more u.s. jobs overseas, especially to asia. now when u.s. manufacturers can move operations to asia, this means america is more dependent on asian supply chains. but biden, who has been wrong on every trade deal he's voted on says don't worry. be happy. >> thank you all for joining today. for the launch of the indopacific frame work for prosperity. nations represented here today are signing up to work toward an economic vision that will deliver for all people. where economic growth is susstainable and inclusive. >> laura: inclusive growth. they probably think that by bribing these countries with jobs and money, these same counties will rally to our side when china makes their move. it's more naive thinking. every country from australia to singapore will go with the winner in this economic battle. if we end up weaker, they're going to align themselves with china. welcome to reality, kids. when we don't make important stuff here as we learned during the pandemic, we lose control and then we open ourselves up for a ton of hurt. so we have shortages in medicines and raw materials to name a few. and then step five. after he bankrupts us, helps china and depletes our munitions and manpower, biden believes we should go to war over taiwan. >> are you willing to go to war to defend taiwan? >> yes. >> you are? >> that's a commitment we made. >> laura: how do our geniuses plan to fight a country after steps 1-4 who has a bigger economy a bigger army, air force, economy and a bigger navy than we'll have? how do they plan to fight a country's whose leaders were trained in our universities and has the best lobbiests in washington? they couldn't outsmart the taliban. have they thought about what would become america if we lost a war with china? we should be very clear here. we will not support any more of the establishment's wars or waste any more money on increases in our pentagon bubble unless we decouple from the ccp. we have to change policy, take new pragmatic steps or give up or taiwan which would be a complete capitulation. think about president trump. he understood that keeping the peace required keeping our strength. peace through strength is what reagan said. now we're back in this globalist dream world. president xi isn't. he knows how power he has and how much power he has. if and when he thinks the balance of power has shifted in china's favor, he's going to move on taiwan. the sad fact is if they have the money, the resources and the minds trained here, they could win. so it's time to tell the establishment that it's time to choose. if you want to help finland and sweden and nato because of putin's aggression, that's fine. but let's stop pretending through a pivot to asia that matters. you cannot do both. their plan is to strengthen our enemies, weaken us, then go fight more wars. trump's plan was to weaken our enemies, strengthen ourselves and avoid new wars. make sense, right? common sense. our nation is hurting. you can feel it, right? our people are pessimistic. it's horrible to see that. they're beginning to think our political leaders don't know how to turn things around even if they wanted to. every week when they look at their family budgets, americans have to make hard choices. call me crazy, but i think it's time that washington started doing the same. that's the angle. joining me now is mike pompeo, former secretary of state and a fox news contributor. good to see you tonight, mr. secretary. a question that i posed during the angle, right now given the investment that we have already in eastern europe, what about biden's comment that they tried to walk back but everybody at this point is confused by? >> laura, good evening. thanks for having me. i heard president biden's comments today. deeply confusing. i couldn't tell you what the their policy is with respect to taiwan today. i don't think anybody can. i'm not sure president biden fully understands what it was he said today. we knew this for four years. we knew that if this began at home, you talked about this in your opening, it begins with a strong american economy and military. not only to get every vehicle to be green and every soldier part of the diversion crowd. today he talked about what we were going to do in asia. there's not been a single-action and not a single effort that supports what president biden talked about. i'm as tough on china as you'll find. i've been sanctioned be i the chinese communist party. it's not about words. it's about deeds. this administration has not done what it takes to confront the chinese communist party and support the people of taiwan. >> laura: the issue of confronting china for what they're doing here in the united states, you were serious about this. we talked six years ago or almost about the chinese students in the united states. the department of justice actually established a china initiative that in february the biden administration disbanded. it was, you know, focused on the espionage program that we thought was happening in a lot of our colleges and universities. the perceptions that painted of chinese americas. so wokeification of espionage, what does that tell you? >> they're living in a fantasy world. they have walked away from the good work we did here at home. i talked about the chinese communist party being a cancer inside the gates. you and i talked about this six years ago. 360,000 chinese students studying here. we shuttered the chinese consulate in houston, texas. they were running one of the largest spying operations conducted in the united states. the trump administration, we closed it down. we denied them the capacity to attend pta meetings, school board meetings, all they were doing here at home to run influence operations, this administration called us racist when we did this. the truth is what we were doing is protecting america from this very real threat of the chinese communist party here on american soil. if you can't do that, if you can't take on that simple task, your ability to confront what xi jinping has in store for the united states is something that he will see this weakness and he will drive a truck through it. >> laura: i need to turn to the border issue, which is very concerning to you as well. fox's bill melugin is reporting tonight that it took two weeks for ice to rearrest a suspected terrorist who is released in the u.s. by border patrol agents after he was flagged by the fbi. we know we're vulnerable to the cartels and the drug traffickers. how vulnerable are we to terrorists given how open this border is? >> a very real challenge. something that we confronted. it's a serious factor and a numbers game. we have this many people coming across the boreder that are unvetted, unknown, unmarked. there's no way you can prevent the real risk you described. we have seen what you saw. we've seen them attempt to do this. when you're an open borders nation, the bag guys will figure out the least expensive way to get through, the least costliest way to get through and the least riskiest. this is dangerous for the united states. a lot of ungoverned territory down there and wore allowing ungoverned territory for people all across the word to come through without control. to not chase the terrorist down is heart breaking. >> laura: it's a dereliction of duty. at some point it's the policy. thanks, mr. secretary. great to see you. >> is a recision in the united states inevitable? >> no. does that mean we don't have problems? we do. we have problems like the rest of the world but it's less because of our strength. >> laura: that's our bar now that we're setting. they're less consequential. americans, suck it up, okay? >> we also find ourselves in a situation where we have food shortages. food shortages because of ukraine. this is a hail. it will take some time. >> laura: joining us now, stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump. founder of first american legal. steve, sounds like carter's malaise. it's going to be a dark pressing winter in 2021. talking about foot shortages on the big stage. >> the difference is that we can feed our babies when carter was in office. right now we have this humiliating spectacle. truly embarrassing. foreign countries are sending america emergency relief packages. we sent packages to poor foreign countries -- >> laura: we're becoming a third world country. >> before our very eyes. >> laura: did you see the pete buttigieg thing that we need a marshall for ukraine? >> $40 billion is not enough. >> laura: there's going to be hundreds of billions over lord knows how long if they get their way, if the people call the military industrial complex, the republicans and democrats, the establishment. they want us deeper in to eastern europe. this is going to be a commitment. i see this going on -- could be as long as the afghan war. >> if not longer. this is always the heart of globalism. they're content to let detroit crumble, they're content to let pittsburgh crumble and let our citizens live in crime and poverty and to suffer huge wage losses from inflation. take our money and send it over seas by the tens of billions of dollars. >> laura: 69% say the economy is bad compared to 46% last april. 74% are saying things in america are going badly. how can biden come back from this? i know you want to help him. >> i don't think he can come back from it. the mid-terms will be disastrous. how badly the democrats lose matters. if it's moderate, it won't affect anything. it has to be a historic loss -- >> laura: going to be a 100 seats in the house. >> has to be a tsunami for them to be a message. >> laura: i get the feeling that you feel the rising anger. whether it's at the gas pump or whether i have to cancel a trip this summer, it's too much. you are starting to hear those conversations. people are making choices. >> laura: marxest policies and neocon policies. they're hated policies. they have gone from trump america first to biden america last and our nation is crumbling as a result? you like my idea of rand paul and mcconnell? i like both of them. >> i would pay to watch that. >> laura: how do you like that idea? they should tour the country, if indeed rand paul's position is so wildly unpopular -- >> laura: rand is where the voters are. mcconnell doesn't have it. >> laura: they're acting like it's a 1999 throwback. great to see you. >> thank you. >> laura: if you can't watch me live, make sure to set a series record on your dvr so you don't miss us at 10:00 p.m. up next, breaking news out of pennsylvania tonight. a new lawsuit. could that change the outcome of the senate gop primary? selina is here with details. stay there.