0 butat. they follow your lead that you laid out an agenda, positive agenda to save the country like you did in 94. it will be 90 for 2010 and maybe even bigger anyway. the speaker thanks for being with us. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left dvr never miss an episode. thank you for making this show possible. let your heart be trouble. the great show laura ingraham is next . have a great night. i'm laura ingraham.m this is ingraham angle from a hysterical washington tonight . thanks for joining us . we're going to have more on jadi vance's big ohio win a little bit later in the show and other races that went and other races that went but first the anti democrats. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle soffer.on the core draft opinion the pro-war frenzy outsidet the court last night was almost instantaneous. i guys like oh really i guys like oh really elementary courses in rhyming. they need to update the chants . of course, like clockwork,, the usual suspects were all over tv today and it was the end of democracy as we know it. >> this is very dangerous because we live in a democracy and what's left of it, jake., and we need to find the alarm because what they're coming after women today, they're coming after you tomorrow. our rights are at risk and democracy is at stake as usual. barbara lee makes no sense. barbara lee makes no sense. the democratic process is working justt w as it should. but it was biden, the supposedly serious catholicw who is the most foolish on this the off the cuffoolish on this comments, it's clear he slept c through catechismle process was all faced with mainstream religions and historically includedt that right. that the that the the is the question is that atat the moment conception is a sixha months of six weeks. the idea that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment choose to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court. i goes way overboard, abort a child at least he admitted what was really happening, the killing of a child. well, i know left loves, confusing people, but b let's be clear about this overturning roe. i'll say it slowly for you does not mean abortion is outlawed in all 50 states, although that's what the pro-life community are hoping and praying for for sure hyi, overturning roe simply means overturning roe simply means that voters in each state will have a say in how abortion would be regulated if atte all that roe took that decision away from the voters. but makingit this spurious argument that abortion itself was a fun amental right protected in the fourteenth amendmentd. and i have a question tonight why are pro-abortion forces so upset?cl upset?cl as popular as they claim, why they're worried about what happens next ? what happens next ? popular, democrats should be thrilleddt to test that theoy out in all 50 states. but i'll tell youou what's realy going on . they dope not trust the peoplein because if the voters chooseg, o something or someoner that the left doesn't like, they'll say the system is broken. they try to rig the system then so that conservatives never win again. hence their incessant talk over things like court packing. you heard that tedious chant and ending the filibuster etc. so if they win america still is. a functioning democracy. if they lose, it's all illegitimate and a sign that democracy is on the ropes. if republicans win in the midterm elections that voting as we know it v, this country will be gone tomorrow is at risk if the house takes a back seat is taken back by the republicans. the republicans. on again. >> yeah, the ironic thing is these so-called progressives that they've been they'reem the ones have been tearing downc our democratic institutions, trashing our norms, all of ourll procedures, literally ripping down our historical statues and monuments. >> no votes there.. they've been doing this for years now. they allege that our o systems f commerce governmentt business of course now the court structurally racist . they say our framers were racist and now they want to prevent certain gopop candidatet even who they don't like who and certainly don't thinkin like someone they'll tolerate like mitt romney. they want to prevent them from even running for office at all. they believe free speech on social media is they believe that fox news should be outlawed. their ideal types of governmentt these big pro-democracy people, their ideal type ofhe governmeng produces places like new york city and chicago. a americans have begun, though, to figure it all out, haven't they ? what's become of these modernon democrats? they don't want an independent't media just like they don't want an independent judiciary and they certainly don't many of the states to be self-governing or to set their own priorities on issuesst that are important to those states. today's democrats prefer that aer small homogeneous group of elites or the rest of us around my friends that is not democracy. >> no serious person thought that the framers wrote the fourteenth amendment towh just validate whatever would end up would end up beingat the new york times editorial board. what it happens to believe on any given day someoneth wrote the fourteenth amendment, the rights, the rights that are safeguardedyhe by the constitutn are the rights and privileges that have been a deep part of our culture and history for over two hundred years. freedom of speechngs , religion and assembly, by the way, all rights the democrats just happy to suspend during covid no problem there. the constitution isn't a piece of silly putty. love silly putty as a kid for them to then stretch to cover any twisted priority on their agenda likeen what's next atda this point for them? a constitutional right for student loan forgiveness, a constitutional right for reparations. these supposedlyyrati pro-democy liberals really want the mostan illiberal formt of government ot all ruled by thehe robe and things are so bad our vice president doesn't even seem to know what the definition of freedom is. >> if the court overturns roe v. wade, it will be a direct assault on freedomas on the fundamental right of self-determination to which all americans are entitled. now someone needs to remind the vice president when the framers described the three branches of government, they didn't, 't m mean the new k times, the harvard law review and cnn the supreme court's job to make policy real civics classes actually teach this so rudimentaryy. it's the kind of stuff we learned most of us learned in eighth grade things liken what's the role of the houseou and senate legislate the roleor the executive branch to enforcee the law, the federal courts. you interpret the law. the rule of law is upheldur by the courts. i don't know maybe liberals att this point should just watch the old schoolhouse rock videosr if they're having trouble understanding all this at this pointou os for about half f the country, roe vs. wade is not just a moral evil. aside from that , it's also a political catastrophe because it was really at a the root of all the culture wars oft the past 50 years. the abortion should never should have been decided by unelected judges. it will be properly decided going forward by the people ofep all 50 states, every republican presidential candidate since reagan ran on a pro-life agenda. unless someone can establish that the unborn child is not a living human being, then that child is already protectedg by the constitution. oii'm going to stand on my conscience and let my conscience be my guide when it comes to matters of life, every child born and unborn p ought to be protected in lawro and welcomed life every child brings joy to a family. every person is worth protecting. >> but now democrats are claiming to be shocked. shocked, i say after 50 years of tryinged that these republicans with the help of p the pro-life community judges who actually follow the constitution, that they found success, that somehow t shocking to the democrats. nowcr maybe the media should hae covered the march for life, maybe fairly once l it was the longest running march in us history. it still is. maybe the media m should have actually talked to the young people who attended. roi believe that from the moment of conception there's a babyve there and i thinkry everyone deserves the right to live a life. i think that everyone has the right to live and i don'tde think that anyone else should make that decision for someoneci . as i walked today as a woman, i will protect women's rights and be pro-life for d those daughters that do not get to be born. they were and are part of the democratic process. t people having their voices heard just like the pro-abortionroroab crowd that gathered at the court last night and continue to tonight . but the world of the democrats and the pro-abortion activists have createdave it's one of unending misery where a vulnerable women and minorities excuse me are preyed upon by the people who lie . i'm going toic go to molly because i've lost my wife. molly, take it away. i it is so interesting to hear people talk about this not being a democratic issue if roe v. wade is overturned and this draft opinion from alito suggests when that is precisely what this draft opinion showsni that would be returning to the american people. the chance to weighngmele in on abortion law instead of what has happened for the last 50 years where the supreme court made it, where people could not weigh in even though it was this deeply important cultural moral legal issue. so it's actually quite if this draft opinion from from justice alito is anything likewi what the eventual ruling willll be like, this is this is exactly what should happen in terms of having the people be able to to to decide what should happen in their state. so when people when you people on the left talk about things being anti democratic or about things being an attack on democracy or a threat to democracy, it's interesting how many times what that really seems to mean is that it's a threat to to liberal power or liberal control over institut and that is that is what it seems to be more and more well, you know, what do you think about this ? excuse me. i think never happened before, but i lost my voice. but you know, maga hat old is a former clerk to justice alito and a partner at cooper and kirk law firm. she's also with us at maga hat. i want to play this for you. >> listen, it's hard to deny that you know that the court ise political , that people don't tell the truth at tell the truth at they don't tell how they really feel. this is kind of open the pandora's box on the question of what the court is really like. are these people really a bunch of politicians in robes, a maga hat those those justices are politicians in robesce? absolutely not. i would suggest to any of your viewers just read justice . ur viewers just read justice it is a tour de force. itason is well reasoned, well researched exhaust in what it covers and it's open to everyone this is our transparent judiciary who write down the reasons forsn their decisions. now the thingng that the left doesn't like about it isli the outcome. they've told us for years that democracy dies in darkness mean isscracy dies in darkness that they play by the rules as long as they're winning and as soon as they're and losi they're ready to burn it down.ra >> i mean, molly, when youof heard some of the commentary today on another cable networkme and claim that this must be ordb could be a conservative justice ,i didn't understand that logic at all. who leaked the ultimate draft opinion, but they were really grasping at straws in order to try to turn this into midterm momentum for them? well, at this point we do not know where the leak came from, but we do know that there has been a pattern of attacks on the supreme court going back quite some time. we saw during the cabinet confirmation where there were attempts to disrupt the constitutional proceeding of a confirmationtu to the supreme court justice when justice kavanaugh was confirmede ,there were people who attacked the supreme court, tried to tear down those 13 ton doors at the front ofe the court, scaling the walls. you p had people attacking the cars of all the justices, including ruth bader ginsburg and justice kagan. so there's been a pattern threatening to pack the court if things don't go the way that democratic senators want threats to to to do any number of things. so it's part of a pattern that you've seen on the left which you don't see t on the right. and i think that's why many people assume that this is yet another attempt to bully justices away from this decision about meghan. preet bharara, former u.s. attorney of the southernto district of new york went . strict of new york went not too great a stretch to saysa there is some connection betweenyon an effort to overturd an election and an effort to overturn roe . in and it'sg this as i've been thinking about it, there is a segment of the ideological spectrum now who thinks it hashi certain kinds of powers and wants to engage in radical efforts to overturns things that they don't like. there's no incrementalism. there's no more compromise,. you don't like the results of an election. you storm the capitol and you talkgi about hanging the vice president of the united states and you get the presidency back . so maga hat now confirmed life tenured supreme court justices are insurrectionist according to a formerts us attorney. i mean, it's patently absurd these the legal decision is, reasoned legal decision is, and exhaustive bro at the time d that it was decided inventedin a right that is nowhere within the constitution. and justice alito lays that out. it's what the court did with take away a question frome the peopleis. there is a group of justicess on the supreme court today. a majority of justicest who want to return the question of who decides where the limits are on abortion to the american people, it's fundamentally democratic . it's the furthest thing from an insurrection and to call it an insurrection is absolutely insane. ng think this changes the ultimate approach of the court as the years go on and how they're going to deliberate on cases will involve clerks in the process? k i think in this particular instance the leak will backfire and that it will to shore upti the justices and make sure that they do not in any way deviate more than when they want to. but going forward, it absolutely is a threat to the culture of the courtug and it's a huge problem. molly and meghan, thank you for y rescuing me from coughing i reallyin appreciate it. and joining me now isi texas senator ted cruz who never coughs out of turn, who sitsen on the senate judiciary committee. di committee. di tonight . your colleague amymy klobuchar tweeted earlier today c that health care decisions should be made betweenho a woman and her doctor , not ted cruz. not sure why she singled you out, but your response?ut oh , look, the partisan democrats are filled with fury>> and filled with rage and they're filled with rage because they want unlinknt abortion on demand up until the moment of birthme with taxpayer funding, with no parental consent and no parental notification and theus view oft just about every senae democrat is precisely that extreme. now just six percent oft americans support unlimited abortion up until the moment of birth. birth. every single senate democrat. they are radical and extremehe and so they knowy' that they're not likely to win elections by embracing that radical extremist agenda. so i their approach is they want five unelect lawyers wearing black robes to dictate that rule for everyone else. and the irony as you were playing the opening clips of everyone talking about democracy, democrats don't believe in democracymocron. they don't care what what they view as as we the stupid sheep who need to be governed w by by our intellectual betters. they don't care what the voters think. they don't care that that the voters in the state of texas are proud that we're protecting innocent life and we're protecting unborn children. they don't care. and so they're angry.e and i got to say this leak at the court is the most egregious breach of trust at the court in the history of our nation. i and it is the culmination of a multi-year campaign by senate democrats to delegitimize and to politicize the court. it will do lastingty court. damage to the integrity of the court but also to the independence of the judiciary. i think it is unbelievablynk stunning to have a draft opinion leak before before the court issues its final decision. >> now all of former clerks that we know we've all been talking. senator , i know youou havenatol with your firm and we're all so upset was upsetting just because of the institution of the court was deeplyas, deeply upsetting when we're saying that not to avoid the substance of a decision which if it'sn the actual decision looks like it is or it version of it, it s extremely well argued and well t well written. buthe they the court will never be the same again. i don't think so. in our anot in our lifetime asa of this . but elizabeth warren, another colleaguebe of yours, took all this pretty well. >>t's let's watch united states supreme court. thanksnitete. freedom on the women of this country at the helm. yeah, well, i think she has no future in hip hop, but she'sen angry and hert argument is is going to be the incremental one that once they take roe, one that once they take roe, contraception and then they're going to take interracialal a, n they go down the line. but that was anticipated in this draft opinion, is it not? >> it was. and it's also ludicrous when itn comes to contraception. i don't know of any persondon in the united states of america sort of wants to ban contraception. i mean, it's literally a made up threat. but but laura , it's also a tell when democrats talk aboutal contraception instead of abortion, what they're admitting is that they know their views on abortion are so radical and extremeal that they don't resonate with the voters and so they make up this fictional. . you and i are both very conservative, but neither one of us is remotelyin interested in laws making contraception illegal. the democrats know that . but but but but they'reg creating straw man. you know, you look at how extreme they are to take a look at ralph northam, the former governor of virginia up until justni a year ago he was governor of virginia.ian. he is also a physician. he did a radio interview wherebo he argued not just forrt abortie up until the moment of birth but but a horrifyingly he argued for post birth abortion, which is just flatch out murder. and in any language a he described how he would deliver a child. he would comech c for the child. the child would be breathing, the child would be breathing, he would have a conversationn with the parents about what to do with that child in other words, whether or not to kill the infant he had just delivered. >> that is truly horrifying stuff and it's where today's democratic party is. arsenator , great to see you tonight . thank you . and remember, if you can't watch us live, make sure c to t a serious record on your dvr so you get to watch me cough any time you want. roberts weeknights 10:00 p.m. chief justice p john roberts has said that the marshal at the supreme court will be conducting an internal investigation to the leaker of this draft. but what about conduct other investigations of a federal nature? former deputy independent counsel sol wisenberg and former assistant fbi director chris swecker have some interesting insights on this day. >> the program is run by roundup wheelin grand with judicial watch. this stuff works. this is roundupup w and grass killer was sureshot wantou this stuff works. this stuffr works down to the root so we don't come back . this stuff works without hurting your back. just w guaranteed or your moy back . this is roundup grass killer was sureshot this stuff works hitting a mailbox so well that's making you nervous leery a no don't forget the lyrics monday put it on fox is a great he starts up a rocket ship he said when elon musk makes a move the inside of one of the most expensive basically elon musk see only on american soil your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home. so experience with a network of the most successful real estate in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake would be ideal agent was we say twelve thousand dollars in commissions. we would definitely was ideal agent and got the whole process was so positive. excellent, excellent service getting right to the point hiring ideal agent. i wish we would have done that sooner and we would have saved six months of time and mortgage payments would have probably never happened. we would have just gone with him first. they were so stress free the whole process was amazing and i would definitely recommend that . we certainly recommend that i really do that over and over friends. it's just a great experience. we are not a discount brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results heart attack giving life insurance no, but we have life insurance, john. i'm trying to find something we could afford. fortunately in only a few minutes select put down john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand policy for only twenty one dollars a month go to select now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can ford selectquote we shop, you save few lcp for 20%

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