0 oh anytime. thank you .f we'reti out of time unfortunately. we'll be back. he wellm the segment eight p.m. monday that shows the sworn enemy of flying capacity smuggling groups. they have a great weekend with the ones you lovef. we'll see you monday. hi, welcome to "hannity". we have a busy news friday night for you. our expectations forfr joe bide are already extremely low, but through 14 months in officege he has somehow he managed tod even do worse than we predicted. everything now is in crisis. it was all preventableev everything our schools, our cities, our borders, our safety security, our economy, war in europe. america's abandoned afghanistan ,by the way. we're keepingng track of state o thirty seven and two hundred and fifty days since joe bidens said he would not abandone herel at home. millions are struggling to fill their gas tanks, their homes and put food on the table. but tonight it's joe biden who's full of complaints today whining that republicans weren't nicer to his supreme court nominee and here evenk accused them of verbal abuse. take a look at this . i knew it i wouldn't be easy, bt i knew the person i nominate will be put through a painful and difficult confirmation process. but i have to tell you what judge jackson has put through was well beyond that . it is verbal abuse, the anger, t the constant interruptionshe, most vile, baseless assertions and accusationsas. they pointed out a simple fact that she went easy in these child cases in terms of sentencing. that's all they did that they filibuster her nomination like biden did to judge janice rogers brown because he didn'tti want republicans to ultimately nominate an african-american woman to the u.s. supreme court. did they assassinatee african am her character like then senator biden did to clarence thomas in nineteen ninety one , justice thomas referred to joe biden's smear campaign as a high tech lynching and the republicans accused judge jackson of gang without a single shred of evidence to support those claims. it might remember this joe. did you consume alcohol during your high school years alc? so you're saying there's never been a case where youyo drank st much that you didn't remember o what happened the night before or part of what happened in your yearbook? youab talked about drinking and exploits, did you not? so you are not as sloppy drunklo and so your roommate was lying from my standpoint as a black american, as far as i'mconcernes concerned, it is a high tech a lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves to do for themselves, to have different ideas. and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee ofun the u.s. senate rather thang hung from a tree. and joe biden, you led that smear against justice thomas. and as far as i'm concerned, after trying to ruin the lives of both cavanaugh and justice thomas, democrats have no rightf to complain about the treatment of any nominee for any reason, especially joe biden. kamala harris, who waged a fulla blown witch hunt against twoin reputable justices. but tonight it's not totally clear that biden even remembers what happened to either clarence thomas or justice kavanaugh because we all know i that joe biden is in a very steep cognitive decline. it is becoming more and more evident, more obvious, more transpac every single day. here's today's joe video of's the day. >> take a look. my name is joe biden. please sit down. husband i'm julia's husband and now ribis grand father and folks know yesterday this is not only a sunny day. i mean it's in the bottom my heart. this is going to let so much sun shine on sosu many young women. they're meeting with joe jackson. senator duckworth introduced her toce 11 all is that vivian v vivian i'm sorry, vivian. america n is a nation that can e defined in a single word and put it in the foothills of the himalayas with xi jinping traveling with him. and as we travel seventeen thousand miles as vice president, i don't know that for a fact. re not only are the americann people watching this ,en president xi is watching this . putin is watching this .t at the mullahs in iran are watching this . kimm jongch un are watching thi. the taliban is watching this . world's enemies are watching this . this administration is nothing but a dumpster fire . you have a president struggling with even speaking basic simple tasks, putting sentences together. the bidenet syndicate, by the way, also facing a possible indictment. the vice president, well, she's got her ownicesid embarrag moments and of course the nevers ending giggling at inappropriate times. our economy is imploding. food prices are soaring. gas prices at record levels. interest rates are now beginning to surge. a 40a year high in inflation. the bank of america now warning of an imminent recession. things frankly couldn't get any worse. butt white house staffers there now openly complaining the media is not sufficiently touting their historic success .ou what success exactly? what are you talking about? they take responsibility for nothing. forty year inflation, record high gasre prices, a disaster leaving the islamic emirate ofha afghanistan, not being readyni for war in europe with vladimiru putin. oh , energy prices that he caused because he artificially reduced the world supply r. mb remember, the whiteer housead blames vladimir putin for everything becauseim the war in europe that happened under their watch. a ., putin's's he's a criminal. he actually is committing and his troops are committing pure evil. he only responds to strength. but sadly,,e nse joe biden isse the weakest leader that i have seen in my lifetime. so now here we are months into vladimir putin's hostile invasion of a sovereign country and this week the devastating scenes i on the ground in ukraie are really hard to watch if you have a conscience and you hav a soul, putin's brutality, evill knows no bounds. and earlier today, russian forces, they showea a train station in eastern europe filled with innocent citizensizo innocent civilians. they were just attempting to flee the war zone f and you've got dozens and dozens that are now dead or seriously injured, u including an untold number ofmb dead kids. b butlo biden is still blocking poland from what delivering fighter jets to ukraine. why? in fact, most of the lethal aid the u.s. is sending to ukraine is happening in spite of joe biden not because ofid joe biden. to care't even seemen about what exactly going on inin ukrainee, and he doesn't really seem to care about anything that doesn't directly impact him or a member of g his immediate family because according to a new poll, think biden longer is likable or and by the way, for good reason. joe biden is a low functioning, self-centered, corrupt careerly politician who frankly needed to retire 20 years ago. anyway, here with more from the white house is our own peter doocyy. explanatio can cann you can we just go back to this explanation p in this question and answer with jen psaki uncovered? just one second.sasa i want to play later in theis show again, but r this really gets to me. so we got nancy pelosi kissing joe biden and breathing over his shoulder for a pretty significant period of time. but that's not considered close contact according the cdc peter . no, and i was trying to figure that out because what's closer in a professional settingl like that then a kiss. but they don't seem to thinkav that she could have possibly transferred any kind of a viral over to the president. butt. what we have seen all weee long isy that they want to talk about other stuff. covid cases are on the rise, but they're not changing the schedule today. it s s was the confirmation heag ,the confirmation celebration yesterday was postal reform and on tuesday it was hey, remember when barack obama was president? let's talk about that and obamacare and that's peter that didn't go particularly well because joe was wandering around alone while everybody gave their attention to barack obama and even joe tapping barack on the back trying to get his attention didn't work out particularly well forti a joe and that when i was in the f room for that standing a fewi feet away, i surprised that soed many of the invited guests were not giving the president, the current president more of their attentionpres than i have a criticism of you. i mean, you saw the president wandering around lonely. why didn't you go over and talk to him? we weree>> a little a little wet further away.ow but you know, for example,et i did get a littleer bit closer when it was quieter to him. the next day.yo and i asked him, are youom worried about covid coming back because all around e the white house, in the cabinet, in the congress, it is coming back to washington, d.c.l and he said, well, we just have to get the covid funding bill done. well,e that is something elseng that right now is not t going to happen because congress left for two weeks. speaker pelosi, leader schumer,, they let the congress leave for two weeks. and so they want toal talk about a lot of a lot of other things when as you mentioned, gas prices m remain high near allhs time highs in some places, food prices are rising and that's e something that affects everybody and it's not likely to changeti any time soon becaue the most basic part of food production, fertilizerart comes from the black sea region and they are not getting a lot of stuff in and out of there right now. problemsthe are mounting . the unofficial mid-term pushe began this week with barack obama here there talking about health care. got a story, we've to tell. we just have to tell it. butlo the story that a lot peope want to hear is not necessarilym in line with the one that they are telling here. >> all right. nowun i'm trying to understand this because white house staffers were out there berating politico w for notg touting all of biden's successes. now you cover the white housese every day. i mentioned inflation. i mentioned record high gasco prices. i didn't mention that we ranrd d outid covid tests around christmas and monoclonal antibodies aroundid christmas . i didn't mention the chaos at the border. i could have mentioned that . i did mention afghanistan. mention europe. the war that's broken out there . i don't see what the list of successes are. did they give you any background or detail aboutan the things that they want politico reporters to tout as success? ? >> yeah, they did.he they gave it to things they think are a win right now. they think that sanctions they put on russia and putin are workingnd a way that the world expected them to work and they think that russia getting t kicked off the unitedc nations human rights council is a win becausese it's only the second time that that's ever happened. so that is where where they wa t attention instead of on all the other stuff. well, i got to tell you something, not exactly a long list because i can give you the list of successes. oh , including three of vaccines, monoclonal antibodies before covid record low unemployment for their demographicmp and their owners and energy independence when that they keep talkingir about more jobs created thanstar the first year of any president in history. so iff you want to talk about what they want to talk about, it's that .ea all right, peter doocy keeping them straight honest. i'm kind of disappointed that jen psaki decided actually she fits at msnbc, dnc because they don't often tell the truth. and i've seen a liar too, like i don't like immigrants don'tt need to be tested because they're not going to be here very long. and two a.m. flights are earlye morning flights. peter , i thinkon w a question s yours, but it's too bad because it could have been a greatop opportunity. peter and jen psakipote would he been a great debate show. all right. well, let's just keep it going a here in the briefing room for p as long as we can about that . all right, peter , thank . we turn now to another biden crisis, another preventableer one that is about to get really bad. now this week our own sara carter was at the border where the situation on the ground is very concerning and this is about to get even worse than last year. we're using very high tech equipment here on this plane. o this plane is set up. i mean, you could see people climbing about the national security implications because you're out here.ed i meanle, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack still concerned about how wide open the border is, how much work is placed on your state and local level at the federal government isis backing that . do you believe there'sve a national security t element to what's happening here at the border and how bad is it? i do and i've always felt that way prior to the predicament we're in now. the southwestern border is very porous. it is very open. re if you could see there's a lot of access, egress and ingress rio grande river boundary where people could come across. it's just a fact a. it is a very open border. i we're a country who wishes to do the united states harm got ask yourself would you come toso the southwestern border where you canutyo literally just comel across with little to no push back ? would you go into like new york city, you know, where there's a big footprint of customs and law enforcement and the answer to that is no, on don't think for a minute these organizations aren't aware of what our policy isic, their intl ,their understanding and their comprehension of what our policies are. our policies are is cies very good. they'll think for a second they're not going to take full advantage this yet do another policy of the removal of j the title 42 . >>oi w all right. joining us now with morein investigativeve journalist and reporter and fox newsfox nes contributor sara carter. all right. title ctrarte 40 to rescinding c order for the pandemic that allows this country to return people to the country of their origin and that looks repealed going to be . and already migrant caravansic are forming to come toer the border maybe in larger numbers than last year n, a muc: larger number than last year. >> sean, they're expecting a tsunami, a wave of peoplee coming from all over the world. i can tell you this since the school year. so we're looking from october the fiscal year, border patrol october 2020 one . until now there's been over a million apprehensions. i was told by a senior dhs official that 600000 got away on top of those one million apprehensions were expected this year alone 1preh and they're expecting more than three million people to bemi apprehendedll by the end of i this fiscal year. it's absolutely incredible. and i was up therere with dps ar patrol and i can tell you the thing they are most concerned about, shawn, are the people that are coming over the mountains where i was at t in camo people that did not want to be captured. there were narcotics. we actually were able to fly over an area where three huge bundles of marijuana over 300s pounds of marijuana had been left in the canyon ridge to be picked up later than the peoplei disappear. they disappeared under i ninetya under itn. there's resources are limited and it is a very, very dangerous situation. these are not people that want to be turning themselves into border patrol. these p are people that are c wearing camo. they aream trying to get away. they are trying to blend into the environment. they're bringing sentinel and other drugs and and veryan dangerous, very dangerous situation for both our lawce enforcement officials as well as americansas a and those thate being trafficked. right.a sars-cov-2 thank you foror that report. joining us now, former senior adviser to president trump steven miller is with us. steven, we had this border under your former boss, president donald trump, under complete control and it was done stay in mexico policy. f he built the wall, almost finished it over 500 miles a new wall correct me ife i'm wrong. and of course he ended e catch and release. so the crisis was preventable and we could also solve the crisis by goingo back to those policies. but i don't see that happening with this administration. >> joe biden's first s week in office, sean, he ordered the rescission and termination of almost every one of president trump's unprecedent totally successful policies and you just tick through a few of them underhr president trump in twenty twenty after we beat back all the court challenges, the most secure border in american history. there was zero discretionary releases. in other words, zero times would border patrol apprehend an illegal immigrant and have to release that person. it was sealed as tight as a drumht. joe biden undid all of that . and here's the scariest part, sean last year saw the highest number of illegal immigrants enter our country in recorded history. my sourcestory on the ground in border patrol say this yearpu puts last year to shame, you know, and it's only going to get worse if you look at every single problem we have all preventable, all fixable.xa we were energy independent. we hadre secure borders the president had and an orderly plan to get out of afghanistan. certainly i truly believe that putin wouldn't go near ukraine if donald trump were president. the economy was w was humming along and recovering nicely. everything with covid wouldn'tov have happened because he believed in warp speed. joe abandoned those policyed. so all these problems, allis these crises are all self-induced but all fixable. but they're not going to fix them if they just issued an executive order that just said go back and just put in place everything president trump had every problem b you justd mentioned would go away. every one of these p isla a cris of choice. they chose to spend us into historic inflation. they chose to leave afghanistan without the plan that president trump put into place to ensure order and stability. they chose to surrender and eliminate our hard fought energy security and it chose to put in place mandates and restrictions that killed the trump economy. e and we're not evenmi back to where we were before the pandemic after all of this time. and of course, as we startedth off with they chose to dismantle the border control that president trump put intod place and invited the greatest border nightmare i would suggest, john, that was in the history of our. country but a >> sea history of any country. by the way, we owe you a big and yourations, you wife katie. i mentioned that last time just had your second baby and we wish you both the best and we're very happy for you. thank you so much. thank you . god bless. thank you . both. youu too.r all right. now with the midterms looming, reality, panic setting in forts the democrats as infighting is ramping up,ht we'll tell you what nancy pelosi reportedly really thinks about the squat. k shee doesn't particularly like them according to a report. them according to a report. we'll explaino next . what arere you recommending for muscle pain basedatie on clinicl i recommend poloncarz agreed. my patients like these patches because they work up to twelve hours even on moderate paindo y so on fox it's good medicine. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? tunelessly fourmile combine's five key nutrients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's sleep for most of my adult life i wasted at least two hours a day of my life tossing and turning, trying to shut my mind down until about two years ago. that's when i saw an ad on tv for relaxium sleep. i decided to order it and it literally changed my life. developed by renowned 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children trying to flee a new looming russian offensive. ukrainian president vladimir zelenskyy calling the attack, quote, evil without limits and says he expects a fierce global response. russia in turn blamed ukraine's saying it doesn't use the kind of missile that hit the station. that's an assessment western experts vehemently dismiss. and a senior u.s. defense official says russia wants to mobilize 60000 reservists as sets its sights on eastern ukraine. i'm griff jenkins. >> now back to with the midterms now fast approaching their poll numbers tanking and the democratic party reality is starting to setin in for the new green deal. democratic socialist last nancy pelosi said in an interview with time magazine that she quote fears for our democracy if republicans reclaim the houseub, if my fear is just the opposite anyway as panicro on the left is growing, infighting is getting worse. game has alreadydy started. there's a new books from new york time times reporterd jonathan martin and alex burns and pelosi, they say is taking aim atsi the progressives. in other words, the squad for her party's woes on excerptin from the book obtained by punchbowl news states of pelosi's concern that they havee alienated both hispanic and asiansp immigrants with quoe of loose talk of socialism and the way they spoke about abortion. and another excerpt reveals that pelosi called out radical squad members, especially aoc and others. i think congresswoman presley in particular from vying to be the queen bee but that theire reward may be serving in the wenority after november. we also reached out to pelosi's office for comment . our spokesperson said, quote, under the speaker's leadership, house democrats have madeis historic progress for the american people and we're t unified while also taking a shot at republicans butt declined to commentuo on the actual book calling it mere gossip. it was reaction fox news contributors tammy bruce and joe concha with us. tammyy, we start with you. you know, i look at this and we know it's true . i've been saying for the longest time that the real leader speakerer of the house is pelosi and that nancycy pelosi as speaker in name only because if she loses the squad support, she t will no longer be speaker. they'll be somebody else, not i her . yes. and look, this is just horrible whining from her . and you k know, she has had a reputation of being a great organizer. i mean, she's in her 80s. sheiz has been speaker. they lost members right in the last election. but the fact that she's taking aim at these young women who iit disagree with it completely and i think they're menaces but you have to hand it to them. you know, they're trying tope organize people at least rhetorically. they're completely wrong. but for this woman, for nancy pelosi to not know what to do with them highlightss the fact that they are not united , that pelosi has been reduced to complaining about the party itself, about saying it's loose talk about, as you noted, abortion and socialism. they've been doing that for 50 freaking years, shawn and led by that woman in sansc franciscans and liberals like her . they've focused on abortion because it raises money for them. they have they just figured they can roll over whoever they need to roll over . this also could be a signall that joe biden is on the way out when you've got her complaining in this way. but she also knowsws what's goig to happen in november and she's trying to position herselflf strangely enough as anr. outsider. it won't work with ther democrats have been a mess likei this for a long time and it is finally coming home and we're recognizing it and that's what she's panickedthat about. you know, democrats want to have their own infighting. joe concha? i don't know. i trained in mixed martial arts. i kind of like other people fighting better than republicans killing each otherth as they often do. they create their own circular firing squads at times. and that's the thing, sean, we don't hear very much in the press about a democratic party in chaos, about a civilao war within the party. but it's very real. it's a tammy's point.r the younger energized socialist wing of the party versus the old and i meann literally the old guard who have got left but not left enough for the squad's liking and despite controlling the house, the senate, the oval, joe biden hasid achieved almost nothing when considering the straight flush that he wast enteringbu office. but let's be clear about why hispanics, for example, are fleeing the democratic party . he's currently polling that is mr. bideny at 28% approval amog hispanics. it's not because the gwas talking about abortion are s right. the country is basically split t down the middle on that issue. it's because of the crisis that is a catastrophe at the u.s. southern bordere because they're feeling the theft that is inflation like everyone else. they see what it costs an obscene amount because i justhe filled up my tank today to fill up their tanks when they go to the gas station, they see instability around the world. they see a commander in chief and second command who are seen as weak or confused or both. so look, the house speaker nancy pelosi knows she's reached the final curtain as far as her career is concerned. democratic strategists will tell you a tsunami, a tsunami coming in november. we're talking 50 , 60 , 70 seats being flipped. she will be retired and we'llth end her career with an approval rating in the mid 30s and more importantly her district in san francisco, which very few people talk about in the press seeing record crime and homelessness. this is her legacy. someone i who , by the way, disgraced herself by tearing upb the state of the union after 2020 address. this isn someone who broke her own covid rules by getting her hair done when salons were closed, then claim she was set up in the end, pelosi has a high approval rating among more than a few members of the press. but i think americans with no g skin in the game see her as elitist, divisive bully who lost control bul of her ownl party behind the scenes turn out the lights. the party's over . i believe dandy don meredithh said that one short man both of you are just on fire tonight . great job, joe and tammy. appreciate as always being with us. when we come back , more colvert hypocrisy from the left and flip flop fauci. why does why does this man still have a job? and one court is now allowing biden to uphold his federal vaccine mandate. rand paul, senator and doctor rand paul has the latest as we continue. stay with us. qunol . why are so many people turning to for beach crystal? because it would be crystal give you the energy and blood pressure support you want from real without the beach supervene. and i swear by it, it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my schedule in support of inspired by the nobel prize winning discovery of nitric oxide as a blood vessel signaling will supervise black 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court of appeals, they upheld joe biden's covid vaccine mandates for federal employees, reversing a lower court's decision so federal workers g will still have to get the shot even as biden's top medical adviser gets the ever so wrong never right. doctor flip flop fauci now says herd immunity for it is simply unattainable now. and he said in the past. n meanwhile, the vaccine didn'tot stop a widespread covid outbreak among elite d.c. democrats this week including. that's right. eighty two year old house speaker nancy pelosi caught yht on camera literally kissing joe biden just days before her positive test. but jen psaki says that kiss, that close encounter does not define what is not defined as close contact. allni depends what the meaning f the word is is. take a look how many times say that president biden was not in close contact with pelosi when there iss video of the speaker kissing him? well, peter , the way that ited is defined is by the center for disease control, the cdc and their definition of it iss 15 minutes of contact within a set period of time and within six feet it did not meet that bar. >> oh , by the way, we do wishna nancy pelosi well. i don't i don't want anybody dying from this getting sick from this . i wish this thing never got here. i think every american feels that way. what treatment is she getting?ay is she going to answer that question? for example,she the one thingin doctors agree on is monoclonalgr antibodiesee. so far she's not said whether or not she's gettingti the infusion now meanwhile,te the white house said that joe biden tested negative again today. that's good news. but earlier in the day his communications director said this . look, certainly we've seen an increase in cases. we know that to be a two variant is is very transmissible. we're taking many, many precautions. we take precautions to ensure ist the president i protected. but i do think it's important to note that , you know, it is possible he will test positive for covid at some point. joining now is kentucky senator and he's also a medical doctor . rand paul is with . let me first ask you about this , the two variant now for omicron one be a one sutro lab by gsk was the best monoclonal antibody for that particular variant. they say eli lilly's version and merck's version works best on vatu. here's a problem. they're not producing enough so that everybody has easy access to it. rhonda santurce open monoclonal antibody centers gave it to every floridian that wanted it for free until joe biden finally started rationing it. why we take the one therapeutic that every doctor i talked to agrees works the best taken early and why are we mass producing it? i was going to call you dr. at doctor, senator, whichever you prefer. i would assume doctor. go ahead. >> was even worse than that it's not just production which is controlled by the government. it's also the fact that they have withdrawn. they withdrew it because it's not working in the laboratory is what they say. in the thousands of doctors across the country are saying it still appears to be working in the clinical practice. this happened in january. the first two monoclonal's because they said they weren't working in the lab. doctors were left with no treatment and they were saying that we think it still works. this is what's going on now. this is why it's going to be a very important question for nancy pelosi. did she receive the monoclonal's? if they remove them from the market for the rest, but nancy pelosi gets them, president biden should get the monoclonal's, then we've got a real problem that there is a different standard of four democrat politicians and the regular public. i think they should leave them out there and should be developing new monoclonal antibodies, but the thing is that they're still omicron. just because most of the virus is a new variant doesn't mean the monoclonal antibodies may not work against the residual omicron emma but also may have some carryover effect to this variant as well. i think it's premature to remove them from the market, but that's what happens when you centralize all the medical decision-making in washington which is a terrible mistake. >> i agree with you. now that we've gotten to the point where okay, people are told that they got vaccinated and they would not catch cova covered. we've got breakthrough cases. if you're vaccinated, you've got a booster in the previous infection, you can get cova covered for a second time. jen psaki's case. and sukie is a case in point.e this is the one therapeuticor that works. i just for the life of me cannot understand why they started rationing. the one thing that was working. and if they have a better monoclonal antibody, why if they warp speeding production of that so that every american ,if they want access to it, would have access to it like they had in florida and newhi york, by the way, even for a while. yeah, yeah. >>and i promise you it would still be out there if individual doctors were making the decisionid t instead of a central authority in washington. i think they've made a mistake. the good news though is that the death rate is down by 90 percent and there are other therapeutics out there as well. there are some pills, antiviral pills, paxil lavette is one of the prominent ones that's out there. you can you fight with the government? well, i hearr n' too, because is because the government owns it . the government ownss anythinger they can make a scarcity of almost anything. butha you shouldn't have the government owning all of it. so i have legislation that i'll introduce next week that says that if something is approved under an emergency use authorization that it still can be paid for by your private insurance or your public insurance. a marketplace fe the way we normally have for drugs. it would be paid a by your insurance in the normal way instead of the government buying it all when the government buys it all, it becomes one person's decision and if they make the wrong decision, guess what ?y there are noin no therapeutics for anyone in the country. can i ask you the question? you saw the images of nancy pelosi kissing joe biden, nancy pelosi right on top of joe biden. by that point she had already in all likelihood contracted and had been exposed to covid, which means that shean probably could expose may of the president was likely exposed. s so why are they saying stupid things like we don't considerth that exposure because we know that's ridiculousat. itit really depends on whether you're a democrat or a republican. youly know what ?? i got covid early on i had no symptoms. finally h got a positive test ten days after i probably had the disease and so i was noti longer infectious and yet everybody went crazy because it was in the gym h or he was herem that two democrats are positive that same spring had antibodies and nobody went back because their calendar. now where were they on this day? this day, this day? no, it's a double standard. the people they don't like l the left wing media loves going after republicans. but whenub it'sli nancy pelosi , that's not really close contact. ridiculous. nobody in america that seesidill that you know, her kissing biden on the cheek. bid no, you would understand that not to be close contact. all right. well, thank you . i think i'd rather be called doctor over senator . i don't know why senator sounds skimpy. i'll take it ay. all right, doctor . senator , you thank you . all right. when we come back , all slap heard around the world. will smith slapping chris rock . guess what ? the academy has just penalizedll will smith and frankly, i thinks they did him a favor. have a full report. also, the left's agenda continues to infiltrate oure schools in a way a that will shock you, i promise. next . straight ahead, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and 2016 presidential candidate. like many of you, i've struggled to get a good night's 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