♪ >> eric: the big story tonight after months of speculation and rumors, new jersey governor chris christie is not, repeat not running for president. >> what i always felt was the right decision, remains the right decision today. now is not my time. i have a commitment to new jersey that i simply will not abandon. >> bob: andrea and i talked about this. this is not a surprise to me. running for president is a tough deal. it requires a lot of things to be done. over a long period of time. with florida moving up, i won't bore anybody with this, but looks like the iowaca cuss is january 3. where it was four years ago. so we have to start covering the race in earnest and i don't think christie was ready to do it. he could have got money but i don't think he could have spent it well. unorganized. >> eric: he said it's not the time. now is not the time. if not now, when? >> andrea: maybe he is thinking 2016. he meets with the rundraisers on thursday. he made speeches. we saw him at the presidential library. he has his eye on something. whether it's the president or the new jersey senate. we don't know yet. >> eric: you saw him at the podium. he said no, i'm not running. 15, 20 times in the last few months but sounded genuine. >> dana: a difference between him and other candidates is people were actually actively trying to recruit him to run. others decided to run on their own. so he probably did feel pressure. the interesting thing about eight months ago, conventionm wisdom around the table was president obama would get re-elected. i think that has changed. eight months ago you would have thought that the house republicans could solidify their gain, senate republicans to take back the senate and get ready with a deep bench, including chris christie to run in 2016. now all of that has changed with president obama being much more vulnerable than he was at this point in the game. there is a long way to go. chris christie may think about 2016 but there is a lot of competition for that. >> that would be open seat and everybody would be running. it would be chaotic. dane it would be fun. >> andrea: it would be. >> bob: are you having fun, greg? >> greg: i'm depressed. it's like the prom and christie turned all of america down. i'm thinking of going home. >> andrea: now you have to think about -- saying no and we were like stalkers. >> greg: i hope he'd say yes. i stood outside of his house with a sign. we need for republican candidate. >> bob: do you know the corsage you'd have to get for that? >> greg: that press conference was almost 40 minutes of a press conference. >> bob: longest -- >> greg: for him to say no. he could talk obama out of a golf course. >> eric: this is the first time you believe him. >> greg: he was enjoying himself. that was the point. >> bob: obviously. >> eric: how do you tell me a guy couldn't figure out how to spend the money. >> bob: i'm sere you about this. a lot of candidates upset the front runners there is an infusion of money and they can't get it disburseed fast enough. this is a complicated business. >> eric: if you are rocky balboa, this decision by chris christie helps you. >> bob: absolutely. >> dana: he has potential rundraisers in new jersey more likely to go with him than perry and they were holding out to see if chris christie would run. now that he is not -- >> andrea: but who does chris christie endorse? >> dana: he will be in high demand. >> bob: but let me make a point. three states open you for romney. jersey, new york and pennsylvania. >> eric: no doubt. christie vote would have taken from romney rather than rick perry or the next guy. look at this poll out today. mitt romney showing 25% of announced candidates among g.o.p.ers. herman cain moving up from 4% from a month ago, gained 12%. rick perry, 13%. >> andrea: he has a book out now and platform to promote it. he's not as rusty as he was early on. unlike rick perry he learned from his mistakes. he's likable and he connected in the debate. this is now the time to be that candidate that doesn't have government experience. he doesn't. that is playing to his fair. >> eric: are you on the cain train? >> greg: trying to figure out, is he doing this for fun? or is he serious? i don't think the communication director thought he'd get this far. like this is a summer replacement. like "the five" and then all of a sudden cain is going. he is doing great and the communication director is leaving which screws my show "red eye" because we were trying to get herman cain on the show through her. >> bob: i was with herman cain on "hannity" last night and we got to talk. he's gotten more polished. experience and running matters a lot. we have seen wilt romney. the most important number in the poll, romney was 25% last month and 25% this month. listen to this. november 2010, 25%. never moved beyond that. >> eric: but doesn't it say the g.o.p. establishment is if i werely -- >> dana: why did you look at me? >> eric: the tea party, people who are conservative trying to figure out who they are going to -- >> greg: he is the best on tv. when he described rick santorum as distressed, that was the best description of santorum i've heard. he's quick. >> andrea: to your point, it was notable after the debate the support that should have gone for perry after he flubbed instead of went to romney went to cain. they went to cain over romney. >> eric: political reporting late this afternoon that law firm representing sara pack made some phone calls to a couple of early states saying they want to know what the requirements for early filing deadlines would be. >> dana: sarah pac, does she go by a first name like madonna? sarah palin is who we are talking about. >> greg: sarah jessica parker from "sex in the city" is running. >> dana: no. sarah pac. continuing to see and keep her options open. a big difference between governor christie and palin people might make, a little of apples and oranges, a vice presidential candidate and goes back to alaska to be governor and resigns, which she got criticism for. >> eric: come back to you. what are you doing? >> dana: not letting me finish. >> bob: let's not talk about this. every time she is out of the front page for a week >> eric: you don't think it's -- >> bob: the chance of it happening are as good as you voting democrat. the field is set. three candidates. michele bachmann, better get back and tend to her congressional district in minnesota she's in trouble there. >> eric: we interrupted dana. sorry. >> dana: i lost my train of thought. i'll regain it. sarah palin has been saying she will find out, she's decide when closer to the deadline. remember the interview with hannity, i don't want to be shackled by the title of president. i think she is fading dramatically from this race. you made a good point. her endorsement. will it matter as much? she will be able to bring some star power and money to some of the key races. >> eric: before we go. i hate to lose this. the g.o.p., what does the g.o.p. abbreviation stand for do you know? greg what do you think? >> greg: i don't know. can i say only 51% -- i do know what it means. this is what bugs me? only 51% of the g.o.p. knows what g.o.p. stands for. correct? this was done by "vanity fair" magazine and 90% of vanit ameria thinks that's a toilet tissue. they're right. >> eric: grand old party? >> bob: i think it's group of pissants 5 1%, who cares. >> eric: 51% included 38% of democrats knew what it was. first, vice president joe biden said his administration should take blame for the economy. now, president obama says america is not better off than four years ago. am i dreaming? e-mail us at we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at ♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back to "the five." eric, you're right about something going on, because look at this. i'm at the top of the show. the show, you didn't miss the whole show. i know you usually see me at the dead end. but i'm here at the top. so stick with us there is a lot of news coming out of president obama's interview with abc, whatever that is. one part that everyone seems to be making a big deal out of is this. take a listen. >> majority of americans, 55% think you'll be one-term president. are you the underdog now? >> absolutely. given the economy, there is no doubt that whatever happens on your watch, you've got. >> you embraced that pretty quickly. i don't mind. /am used to being the underdog. >> so many people think they're not better off than they were four years ago, how do you conveyance them otherwise? >> i don't think they're better off than they were four years ago. >> bob: before anybody else jumps on this, what else is he going to say? you're better off than you were? >> greg: i agree. >> dana: he said that six weeks ago. >> bob: what in the hell is that? are you better off -- >> eric: forget four years ago. trillion -- >> bob: get rid of that house. >> eric: houses are falling. banks on the heels. talk about the banks a little bit, half of them are bankrupt. >> bob: okay, howdy. >> eric: whatever he is doing, ain't working. >> andrea: two things are happening here. one they are learning as we talk about so many times on the show to lower expectations. if you work on a campaign, i try to make candidate i work for the underdog. it wins. it manages expectations. it's not characteristic of the administration. i think it's interesting. this is a notable course correction. joe biden on thursday said look, this is our economy. we've, you know, what did he say? what is relevant is we're in charge. that is different. i wish they would stick to it, because they have gone from blaming bush to say it's our economy and blaming bush to say it's in our economy, makes me wonder if they are seeing something in the polling. >> dana: they finally started to believe the poll. he's not a convincing actor when he says he thinks he is underdog but he is getting used to the idea. the interesting thing in the "washington post" poll was majority of democrats think president obama won't be re-elected either. that is squeezing down our intensity number. not sure how they get it back in a year. >> bob: you can't get expectations worse than he has got. by the way, wacko assaulted me on the way to the show. take the hat off, you're scaring me. you look crazy. >> eric: is the hat bothering you or -- >> bob: the hat. >> eric: or what it says? or the latest "washington post" poll shows that a g.o.p. candidate gains 55% approval whereas mr. obama gets 37%. >> bob: we can run the poll as much as you want. >> eric: it scares you as much as obama. >> bob: it bother mess but it's where it is. it is what it is. the reality of the situation. where will it be a year from now? go through the republican primary and we'll find out. i think they're going to chew each other up and not that much of a distance. what about you? what did you say? producer is saying -- huh? job site. sorry. yeah, jobless, we should get on this. thank you, producer. is the jobs bill going to get passed? he kept asking for it and asking for it. he is told no, it won't pass up here because it doesn't have the votes. i think obama wants a vote and wants to get beaten to say, you know he can't get it passed so he wants the republicans to vote no and say as usual, the republicans are the party of no, which is true. they are against job creation for 11 months. >> dana: no, they're not. >> bob: yes, they are. >> dana: i thought mitch mcconnell made a brilliant move that probably drove harry reid on the wall. he went to the floor of the senate and said president obama asked for a vote on the jobs bill and by gosh he deserves one. let's hold one right now. we have a tape. let's listen to it. harry reid had a moment. >> i'd be happy if my friend is saying we won't vote on it now, happy to talk to him about reaching an understanding to vote on it later. my feeling here is the least we can do for the president is give him a chance to have a vote on his proposal now, as he's requested on numerous occasion. >> the american people sure can see through this clearly. this is nothing more than a political stunt. it's clear that we need a full debate on this. we don't need a filibuster. that time will come soon. >> eric: has anyone figured out whether the $447,000 jobs bill as axelrod said not pick and choose, not buffet style, all-encompassing or what it is? >> dana: it doesn't matter. they don't have the votes. >> bob: you're blocking it. >> andrea: no. mcconnell called reid's bluff today. he knows democrats will vote against it, too. >> bob: that was sneaky by old mitch there. >> andrea: iwas good. >> bob: you didn't see through that one? mitch, cheap whiskey, you see it when you see it. i saw it. are we getting out of here now? coming up -- c'mon. solyndra molyndra. get over it. new developments in both dumb stories and other four are going to make a big deal out of it. i will not. stay with us. "the five" continues next. psssttt! thank you. ♪ ♪ we're centurylink... we're committed to improving lives and linking americans to what matters most with honest, personal service ... 5-year price-lock guarantees ... consistently fast speeds ... and more ways to customize your technology. where together, we're transforming tomorrow. your husband put this all together when emma was born. he was an amazing man. this is for you. it's all paid off. ♪ and this is for emma. so where do you think she'll go? anywre she wants. 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"a number of us are concerned that the president is visiting solyndra. he of us believe the company's cost structure will make it difficult for them to survive long-term. if it's too late to change or postpone the meeting, the president should be careful about unrealistic/optimistic forecasts that could haunt him in the next 18 months if solyndra hits the wall." now jarret forwarded this e-mail to biden chief of staff ron clain who said they need to make sure that solyndra is stable. the same day, he got two e-mails defending solyndra saying that the company was okay in the medium term but would need help down the road and wrote back to jarret recommending obama participate in the event even though he knew it was troubled. here is what he said. "it sounds like there are risk factors, but if it's true of any innovative company that potus would visit. it looks like it is okay to me but if there are risks let me know." the response "i'm comfortable if you're comfortable." >> dana: what bothers me is the president was not protected in this and then the president made it work saying that hindsight is 20/20, not a big deal. nothing see here. we want to invest in technology. the question of investing is not the one for investigators but the process they used. >> greg: this story would be more interesting if solyndra was a stripper. >> andrea: maybe bob would talk about it then. >> greg: everybody has these. they're cover your butt e-mails, something is going on and you're not sure if it works. you say i hope it works out, but if it doesn't, oh well. >> dana: if you're okay, i'm okay. >> greg: me and bob have e-mails to each other that if they come out in public we're dead. right? >> bob: is this over yet? >> andrea: this is bigger than that. >> eric: this could be a big scam. a lot of things. they suck at giving loans, and steven chu should be fired, let go. >> dana: whoa, whoa, whoa. >> eric: i'm saying they made bad loans and that happens in administrations. the problem is the office of management and budget appointed, appointees said e-mail exposing obama. he knew about it prior to the loan. investor at solyndra said this is good for me. >> bob: he went anyway. >> eric: he went anyway. >> bob: good reason. >> andrea: let him finish. >> eric: yesterday with stephanopoulos he said so we made a bad bet. you don't make bad bets with the taxpayers' money. >> bob: they do it all the time. >> andrea: he also said he doesn't regret it. listen. >> you held it up as model and clean energy do you regret that? >> i don't. if you look at the overall portfolio of loan guarantee provided overall it's doing well. what we understood is not every business succeeds in clean energy there are failures. you were getting warnings. >> it went through regular review process. they felt it was a good bet. >> dana: it's not 20/20. the e-mail said it was murky enough to be worried about it. at best it was 20/80. >> bob: welcome to the "the five" documentary on solyndra. we have part two, three, four and five the rest of the week. he knew it was a potentially bad bet and he had the courage to go anyway. number one. if you talk about wasting taxpayer dollars. pentagons wastes hundreds of billions on bad weapon system all the time. if they want a special prosecutor or investigation, they can have it. this investigation -- >> dana: be clear that the special counsel question is not for solyndra. that is for fast and furious. >> eric: but there is one other problem. $75 million loan sun boardnant put the taxpayer behind, which means they were subordinate to the main loan. >> andrea: the they knew the company was troubled or there were problems and they are showing it did. this was a bail-out. to me, this is not shocking and not scandalous. this is what the administration did with stimulus. they bailed out troubled entyties and programs like medicaid. remember that, the taxpayer dollars that went to busted programs? same thing. >> greg: where is the risky green venture that paid off? has there been one? >> bob: i want to put andrea up for emmy for moderating the documentary on solyndra. >> andrea: they'll never give it to me. >> bob: the startup, this is energy source. we are depending on dinosaur dung for oil. >> greg: it would provide jobs. drilling in north dakota. better we get them than give to chinese. gregg they should have shifted it to drilling to provide jobs. >> bob: no alternative issue. >> eric: we do this in the morning in the meeting every day. it's not the issue. the issue is the way the loans were made. >> dana: the way it was approved. >> eric: way it was approved and -- >> dana: we got to go. >> andrea: the documentary part, 17, has come to a close for the day. we have to go. correct that the special council was for fast and furious. i know we teased it. get to it another time. more on "the five" next. ♪ ♪ @=h [ male announcer ] attention medicare beneficiaries. the annual enrollment period to switch your current medicare coverage is earlier this year. it begins october 15th and ends december 7th; so now is the best time to review your options. here's a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you're looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. what makes it complete? 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we'll also have the latest on operation fast apt furious. there is a new focus tonight on attorney genre rick holder. we will tell you why. we will get more on president obama's statement that americans are not better off now than they were four years ago. brit hume has analysis of that. plus in grapevine, possible boycott of presidential debate. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." bank of america is facing tremendous backlash over the decision to charge debit card users $5 a month to use their card. customers are complaining, the stock keeps dropping and senator dick durbin is saying find a new bank. >> the "wall street journal" published a story on friday and they had one of their people that they invited in to comment. he said that this new bank fee that is being charged by bank of america on debit cards is the durbin fee. the durbin fee. the same thing was said by the "chicago tribune" on saturday. let me say at the outset, that i am honored to be associated with an effort to reduce costs to retailers and consumers across america. bank of america customers, vote with your feet. get the heck out of that bank. >> dana: congratulations, i guess, are in order for senator durbin to get that amendment passed. let me set this up for you quickly. >> bob: good. >> dana: dodd-frank was a bill that passed in 2010 and had to do with financial regulations. last minute, amendment put on and passed was the durbin amendment, retailers were complaining they had interchange fee. every time you swipe a debit card, you have to pay. the durbin amendment said no longer. well, the banks getting squeezed, this weekend said well, someone has to pay for that. it's not fee. now we have $5 for debit card users per month for bank of america. other banks are also making similar decisions. the outrage is continuing, greg. >> greg: it is. you thought solyndra was exciting. >> bob: i want to agree with e-mails. this thing is so exciting. >> greg: this is a really interesting lesson. because by cracking down on fees, two gets hurt the most is the person using the bank, not the bank. how sales a bank going to make money if not on fees? there is no way for banks to make money anymore. have you been to a bank? there are two banks on every street in new york and no one is in them. >> bob: that's a shame. >> greg: i defend them. people work at banks, tellers and coas cos toadians -- custodians. >> bob: i use debit cards a lot. i gamble a lot. but they sneak fees in all the time. >> greg: that's on you to watch the fees. >> bob: they sneak them in. snee the point is when you add regulation and government gets involved in the free market, add regulation -- i'm not listening. the consumer gets hurt. not the retailer. the retailer isn't getting nailed by this. it is going again, can't raise retailer fee i charm retailers so else do i go to? the bob of the world who use their debit card. >> eric: a -- >> dana: there is a bigger question here. >> greg: you are complaining about the consequence. >> dana: this is a metaphor for something bigger and president obama addresse address yesterday. the bigger question, i want your stake on it, andrea, after we listen to his interview yesterday. >> this is exactly why we need the consumer finance protection bureau we set up that is ready to go. what we need is a confirmation of the person i appointed richard quartering, treasureer of ohio. back in ohio, republicans and democrats think he's terrific and he is fr. this is why we need somebody woes sole job it is to prevent this stuff from happening. >> dana: one thing that president obama went on to talk about was capping profi profits. in general. words were basically that, you know, they'd like to make sure that the banks aren't making as much money. then the banks are supposed to be lending more money. what are we supposed to make of this? >> andrea: these are the unintended consequences of what happens when government gets involved. we have unprecedented amount of regulation. sarbanes-oxley. spitzer was a.g., number of regulations. we had dodd-frank. it hasn't worked. you see them getting more and more involved. >> dana: it will get worse because the regulations being written after the dodd-frank bill passed, then you have to write regulations to make sure they're following -- they haven't even started. >> andrea: as eric pointed out, it ends up hurting consumer. >> dana: it hurts low income people disproportionately, right, bob? >> bob: excuse me for a second. thank you. first, these are banks we the taxpayers gave money to. they have more money than they could possibly use. they don't lend it because they're trying to do everything they can to shift and loan money -- >> eric: that is not the point. that is not the point. >> bob: the banks should pay for it themselves. they can afford to pay it. >> dana: is that why bank of america -- >> bob: you ought to have more regulations on them. can you trust these people? >> eric: bob, if you regulate a bank and say they can't make more money here, it's a business, i look to make money elsewhere. elsewhere is every middle class american walking down -- >> dana: not only, that eric. >> bob: do you trust these people? >> greg: they are people. they are people that go to a bank every day and work. they laid off 30,000 of them. >> bob: do you trust bank of america? >> eric: yes. >> bob: oh, gosh. >> eric: trust what? what is trust? >> bob: that they will treat you fairly and not sneak fees out of you. >> eric: the amendment pushbacks to asking consumer -- >> bob: don't let mem do it. don't pass it on us. make them eat it. >> dana: this economics 101. no such thing as free lunch. bank of america announced 30,000 people would lose their job. how much money did we give bank of america? >> andrea: how much did they pay back. >> dana: it's not charity. >> bob: public gave them the money, ours. >> dana: coming up, espn silencing hank williams junior, not bob beckel. they yanked him from monday night football after a surprising comparison from president obama and hitler. greg will give us thoughts on "the five" next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." at everyone on friends friends knows, brian kilmeads aon store so it takes a lot to make him look good, which is what hank williams junior did when he made comments employing the words "obama" and "hitler." here it is. >> do you remember the golf game they had, ladies and gentlemen? remember the golf game? boehner. that was one of the biggest political mistake ever. >> you mean when john boehner played golf with president obama? >> oh, yeah. c'mon, c'mon. that is like hitler playing golf with netanyahu. okay? >> greg: exactly. hank sings the monday night football intro, but since the "f&f" appearance, espn pulled williams from last night's game. the spokesman said, "we are extremely disappointed with the comments." now williams responded saying that it's like getting hitler and netanyahu together is they're polar opposites and made no sense. he said every time the media brings up the tea party it's painted as racist and extremist but there is never a backlash, which really is a fair point but it's still stupid. here is why. hitler was always the left-wing go-to comparison for george bush. before, that ronald reagan. the fact is pico scum made a career comparing them to the fascist leaders. so much so, i lampoon this crud on "red eye." my point is mock and never adopt the adversary flaws. the moment you act like them, you become them. i don't think williams was comparing obama to hitler but pairing the chucklehead at the huffington post makes him no better. choose humor over hitler or just stick to music. still not used to that. should espn have pulled the song last night? >> bob: absolutely. i have to feel a little bit for this. the sunglasses, i did it many times. the guy has a serious problem. we know he has a long term history with addiction. i wish him well. they should get him off. that is a problem when he has that president bush on him to be on television. he's a talent and alcoholic and he needs help. >> andrea: so what is the excuse for the liberals? >> bob: i never had an excuse to be a liberal. >> andrea: are they drug addict booze bags, too? everyone comparing bush to racist or tea party? >> bob: did you get an e-mail on that? >> andrea: i'm just asking. >> bob: i don't know who the liberals are that are saying this but they're fringe people. you have wackos unbelievable. >> greg: as one of the original bloggers on toughington post, more attacks on bush comparing him to hitler than anywhere on the planet. >> bob: i never compared him to hitler. >> andrea: under your reasoning, this is what happe happens. >> bob: this guy has a problem and he clearly should not do this. move off the problem. i'll be happy to call where i got clean and move on to another subject. >> dana: one of the rules we had in political communication is hitler is off-limits. to everybody. step it on the left and right comparing to hitler. why did he bring up politics anyway? why did he bring up politics? >> greg: nay asked him. >> eric: you see an entertainer who has political views. dabs he could have taken a pass. >> eric: he probably shouldn't have said it. but if espn wanted to keep the song as the opening for monday night football they would have, sat down with hank and said you should haven't said it. he would have said -- >> bob: we know he has been on "hannity" a lot and politics are far right. why put a political light on at the head of the monday night football game. i don't get it. i didn't get it from the beginning. >> greg: i don't think they make the connection. >> eric: he is not on it. he is not commenting. >> greg: i want to get to sports, talk about the yankee game. a beer vendor was caught making a joke with a boston red sox player, checking him in for id as joke. the red sox player said, "i your i.d." and made a vulgar reference. the beer man was suggestion susr the next two games, sell-out for american league division series. should he have been? >> eric: you reference -- let's put this in perspective. they meet in elevator and the beer vendor who has a sign where is your i.d., says to the ball player where is your i.d., so he grabs his crotch and says here is your i.d. right here. >> andrea: bob is going what is wrong with that? >> bob: we didn't need that part of it. when george steinbrenner die, thought the lousy management of yankees would have gone but apparently not. this is thuggery. the yankees deserve what they're getting. we will get mail on this. if you are yankee fans you will lose. >> dana: i like consequences for bad behavior in private sector. if that had been somebody in a government employee, i don't think there would have been any consequences. >> eric: no,, no. what did he do? >> dana: two examples, hank williams and beer man did something inappropriate. >> eric: all he said is, "where is your i.d.?" >> greg: last word. >> andrea: what d one? >> greg: beer man. >> bob: she has to check e-mail on that. >> andrea: i hate to get in the should they be suspended or not? i don't think the beer man did anything wrong. hank williams junior was tasteless comparison and bad judgment. >> bob: who owns the yankees? steinbrenner junior? probably. >> bob: he should be fired. >> greg: coming up, we reveal the result of my bet today. just kidding, there are no bets today. but we look at new york city school bus driver. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to "the five." you knew it was matter of times before the union locked arm with wall street protesters. this past weekend, the new york city bus drivers were forced to leave routes to pick up hundreds of arrested protesters and take them to holding facilities so no surprise, the drivers union is suing to stop the nypd using the city buses and drivers for this kind of thing. only a matter of time. >> greg: yeah, the thing is, the protesters expected to be arrested. they knew it would happen. they should haven't been sad. bus drivers had a choice. they could have sided with people who do things, police officers or sided with people who disrupt thing, smelly protesters. they made their choice. >> eric: tomorrow, i think there is a day of protest. the unos havem coout and said they will show the solidarity with wacko, so on wall street. >> bob: just remember this. to infinity and beyond. this is your woody hat. they had every right, they shouldn't have picked the protesters up. >> andrea: why? >> bob: they were not doing anything wrong. >> greg: they wanted to be arrested. b. you have a right to assemble marly against the green son of -- i didn't say it. down on wall street. >> dana: people pay taxes to pay for the law enforcement. latch makes decisions on their behalf. law enforcement asked bus drivers to take the people away. i don't think that the union has a right to say -- >> bob: i would have funded every -- float carburetor on every bus. >> eric: protesters are not sure what they are protesting and the left wing fringe michael moore, rosanne barr. >> andrea: the unions will use any excuse to join a protest and get involved. >> bob: that is right. power to the people. >> andrea: please. especially in this town. >> bob: you know what they are protesting? >> greg: i would have love to hear you trying to get across the brooklyn bring for a date, bob. how you would have felt. >> bob: that is a different story. you seem to let the guys go, don't you? >> eric: it was a good show. >> bob: are we still on? sorry. >> eric: see you tomorrow. >> bob: to infinity and beyond. >> eric: good night, everybody. captioned by closed captioning services, inc

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