Week. You know, he has four basic options, martha. And it sounded like from his News Conference today he might take two at the same time. Lets look at those four options. One would be to appeal to a larger panel of the Ninth Circuit. Its called an en banc hearing. 11 judges picked randomly from the remaining 26 judges in the Ninth Circuit. He could appeal to the u. S. Supreme court and he could try the case on its merits in district court. He seemed to suggest he would do that by saying that he will win eventually. The fourth option would be to rewrite the Executive Order. Make it clear that legal permanent residents such as green card holders are not affected by the travel ban. The white House Counsel tried to clarify that when it comes to enforcement. But it was after the fact. So, if the case goes back to judge robart, we know that a schedule could happen as soon as next week where we have briefs and judge robart as i said, in his ruling, in issuing the t. R. O. Said it is likely that the State Of Washington would win on the merits of its case. Lets hear from bob ferguson the attorney general of washington. After the ruling last night he gave the president his own suggestion. The president does have a choice. He can continue to fight this or he can tear up this Executive Order and start over. I would strongly encourage him to consider the latter course of action. And heres the catch, martha. If the president does issue a new Executive Order, there is nothing to say that bob ferguson and other states wouldnt sue for blocking that one as well. So we will have to see how it plays out, what the Trump Administration does next. Martha . Martha dan, thank you. So attacks on President Trump coming fast and furious. Moments after that decision was announced, within minutes Hillary Clinton tweeted 30 a reference to the unanimous decision of the threejudge panel to continue the block on the president s orders. The counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway fired back this way, pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan, period. She wrote. A reference to the three states that clinton lost, costing her the white house. Chris wallace, host of Fox News Sunday here on that said it had not been rolled out prope properly. He took responsibility for anything in washington unusual to say blame me for it. It wasnt his. It was mostly the white house. And the top aides around President Trump. But, yes, it was sloppy. It was sloppy in the way it was draft dollars, in the way it was rolled out. The lack of consultation with Top Administration officials. The top of consultation with congressional leaders. And, again, we have spent a week, a third of the presidency on this subject. There are so many things that this president wants to accomplish and i wonder is this the most important . Martha steps on the message. Lets move on to some those other issues. Today he met with Prime Minister abe from japan. He is bringing him this evening back to maralago to play some golf. You know, its an interesting way of dealing with these foreign leaders. And he is building relationships with china as well. He went back on the onechina statement that he made right after he became president. Whats your take on how he is doing on that front, chris . Up. Martha all right. Chris, thank you so much. You bet. Martha good to see you. Dont miss chris this week on Fox News Sunday he has interview with ben cardin ranking member. That airs on fnc at 2 00 and 10 00. Also tonight california pressing the feds for answers as fears grow that the west coast could be seeing a major immigration crackdown. Is that really whats happening . Pete hoekstra and Richard Fouler Up next on that. Plus, voters are making new demands of republican lawmakers. And they are not being shy about what they want. See what that means for the country. Outcome ward moment straight ahead. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 6. 95 per trade . Uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee . Guarantee . Where we can get our fees and commissions back if were not happy. So can you offer me what schwab is offering . Whats with all the questions . Ask your broker if theyre offering distraction, take attention away from a loss incredibly important loss but a win for the people of the United States that the constitution and its values still stand. Martha so there is that. For more on this we go to correspondent adam housley in our west coast bureau. Hi, adam. Hi, martha. Immigration and Customs Enforcement ice says business as usual. They are going after the criminal elements specifically in Southern California. Basically that nothing has changed with the addition of a new administration. Now, this revelation comes as protests continue in california. This protest tying up Downtown Los Angeles and shutting down a major freeway. Immigration activists say they will continue to disrupt, protest, do what they can to insist this is unlawful raids and treatment of immigrants is unlawful. Most recent raids in Southern California resulting in about 100 people detained. We do not want to have this be common in our community, not in los angeles, not in california. And every time that theyre going to take these kind of actions you are going to receive this kind of response from us. All this comes the day after the deportation in arizona of grad lupe garcia. The mother of two convicted of felony Identity Theft in 2009 and ordered to volume voluntarily deport in 2013. After checking in with ice they took her into custody and released her in the next morning. While some say she shouldnt have broken the law in the first place her family says they will continue to fight for her. Im here to see my mom because last night it was i felt so i feel like she should have done it legally. I do. I mean, its sad that she had to leave her family and stuff, that makes my heart really sad. But, we have laws for a reason. We have laws for a reason. Thats how i feel. Now, President Trump did change with an Executive Order the priorities, since he came into office. It says that any person who has committed any criminal offense or were subject to a final order of removal and thats whats happened with her. Thats apparently whats been happening across the region here. But the raids havent changed, martha. Martha adam, thank you very much. Joining us now former michigan congressman Pete Hoekstra who served as House Intelligence Committee chairman and Richard Fowler a nationally i understand Syndicated Fox News host and fox news contributor. Good to have both of you tonight. Happy friday. Martha richard, you kind of get both sides of the argument. That woman at the end who said look, its sad but the fact of the matter is that a judge reported her to leave the country back in 2013. So she has overstayed that by several years. Well, dont get me wrong, i think this is a very, very sad turn of affairs which should push our members of congress to find a way to have exrefn Immigration Reform. This is an economic question for me, martha. Think about it so quad loop she has two children both american citizens who no longer have a member to take care of them. Meaning the American People are going to be stuck on the line to take care of them. The numbers we are seeing is estimates that it could cost us if we follow Donald Trumps Executive Order to the t it could cost Us 118 Billion just to take care of those children who live in mixed status households. Households where the parent is undocumented but the children are citizens so when the parents get documented their children become wards of the state. Martha i think people would be interested to know according to pew research 1 million Illegal Immigrants in los angeles and orange county. And Pete Hoekstra, there are plenty of people who come from countries All Around The World who get Deportation Notices and they pack their dollars bags and eventually have to leave the country and go back to their country and work on getting back in legally. And so it seems to me just reading this story and going through it thats whats happening is the implementation of the law is starting to be adhered to. Thats exactly right. Thats the irony here is that, wow, we actually have a president who said he was going to implement the law when he was running for office. He is now president. He is now implementing the law. The American People and others who live here and some who live here illegally have figured this out. They are now protesting. This is not an economic issue or anything like that. This is an issue of the law. And richard is exactly right. Congress now needs to get the message because the law is going to be enforced. If congress doesnt like it and they dont like the executive actions that the president is taking, its time for them its going to change. Were either going to work through this transition in an organized way or its going to be a very, very difficult way. But the president is signaling to congress and to the American People we are going to enforce the law. Im willing to work with democrats and congress to change the law. But if you dont change the law, im going to use the powers that i have as president to implement the law as its written. Martha do you see that happening, richard, lawmakers starting to get together and say lets try to work on comprehensive Immigration Legislation . I feel like i have heard this my entire life. I feel like i have heard the same thing, martha. As we know barack obama deported more Illegal Immigrants than any other president in american history. He probably will be topped by donald trump in the next coming weeks. Martha they are following the laws that are currently on the books. There is nothing radical. This is follows the laws on the book. Im not disagreeing with that they absolutely are following the laws on the book. Thats why its time for congressman to change those laws. Hopefully get comprehensive Immigration Reform done. This is like i said once again for American People to understand this is economic question we have to ask ourself why members of congress have to get stuff done. Right . Truth of the matter is 2. 4 million mortgages are held bup by undocumented workers. If they get deported thats going to cost our economy 4. 7 trillion in the g. D. P. Martha first you implement the law and then perhaps what you are talking about nudges congress to act. I have got to leave it there. Hopefully. Martha gentlemen, thank you so much. Richard and Pete Hoekstra thank you so much for being here tonight. Also tonight as the left preaches tolerance are they practicing something quite different . Wait until we show you the videotape of what happened earlier today to secretary betsy devos. Plus the courts now deciding our National Security. And if so, what does that mean for america . Chris stirewalt, alex, and julie rojuly. It is interim ruling and fully confident that now we will get our day in court and have an opportunity to argue this on the merits that we will prevail. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful Cold Symptom Relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. What are you doing . Getting your quarter back. Fountains dont earn interest, david. You know i work at ally. I was being romantic. You know what i find romantic . A robust annual percentage yield thats what i find romantic. This is literally throwing your money away. I think its over there. That way . Yeah, a little further up. What year was that quarter . What year is that one . 98 thats the one. You got it nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Lets get out of that water. Mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. There are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. With the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. If we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. Of 11 judges. The court is asking both the Department Of Justice and the states of washington and minnesota to submit briefs on whether the case should be reconsidered. The states won the decision so clearly they dont want a new hearing. And earlier the white house said it would not appeal to the Ninth Circuit or the supreme court. Then later said it might appeal to the supreme court. But this Breaking News from the Ninth Circuit may, again, change the white house strategy. We will have Breaking News updates throughout the evening. Im trace gallagher. Now back to the first 100 days. Martha seven years after antiobamacare town halls took aim at democratic members, republicans are now getting an earfull from frustrated constituents. Voices concerns from everything over government inaction to Executive Orders to now ironically the appeal of obamacare is the source of these raucous town halls. This video comes from utah where House Oversight chair Jason Chaffetz went to speak to what he thought was going to be a Friendly Group of local voters. Joining me now is Molly Hemmingway and former d. C. Congressman. Welcome to both of you. Good to have you here. Molly, let me start with you. Pay back appears to be whats happening to Jason Chaffetz and others out there. Im not entirely sure thats true. Its always a good idea to Pay Attention to large protest movements. But this has a feel of Something Else entirely. Jason chaffetz won reelection with 73. 5 of the vote. So people interviewed that were at this were not local constituents they came in from scottsdale, arizona driving over 600 miles to protest him. This is something all together different. It has a bit of a feel of grassroots, of astro turf instead of grassroots activism. And it, you know, its definitely Something Real thats happening. There is a lot of outrage on the left. But this is a little bit too incoherent to be compared to a tea party protest. Martha just staying with you for a second, molly, are they all democrats and liberals or some of these people never trumpers . We saw what happened in utah during the president ial election and perhaps some of them werent happy with him for sort of the flip flop on President Trump . Right. Well, another place where there was a protest was tennessee where diane black had her town hall protested. Thats a state that went overwhelmingly for trump. Whereas with utah even though he beat Hillary Clinton by almost 20 points, there was a large antitrump vote in utah. Still, this does not strike me as the kind of principled opposition to trump that you saw. Even though there will be a call for Jason Chaffetz for his role as Oversight Chairman to do a good job in holding the Trump Administration accountable. Martha what do you think of these protests . Look, feelings are wrong. People feeling disenfranchised or upset or disappointed. We have got to find a way to appeaappear appeal to our highe. The focus is on the president and his team to be uniters as opposed to dividers. Through some the cabinet picks there is an opportunity to rise above all. This. Martha wow. What a novel concept. I think thats important. Look, there are going to be people who want to fight no matter what. But we have got a loot of work to do in this country. And ways to bring all of us together. I think the president can do that. Martha yeah. Very important point. I want to show everybody the video of betsy devos as she cardinal sin of trying to go visit a school in washington, d. C. In her new role as secretary of education. She was blocked at the door by protesters and had to turn around and leave, molly. Sad situation for sure. This is another situation where people are really not thinking through how their protest appears to many people. This Isnt The First Time democrats have blocked doors to a public school. And it wont be the last. Its exactly the kind of thing that people dont like seeing. Almost a Met For Fort Situation with teachers unions, supporters of teachers unions dont want to let people into the schools who want to change the system or improve educational outcomes for poor students whose parents just cant afford to get them sent to an expensive private school. Martha thats a great point. I always point out in the protests not the parents out there blocking, believe me. They would probably like for her to come in and a lot of them want their kids to have the advantages and alternatives that she is talking about in many cases. Kevin, what do you make of it . Well, look, democrats arent the only ones that block doors. George wallace famously blocked some doors in alabama we talk about. But, i tell you this. Im disappointed that the protesters are doing this to secretary devos. This is an opportunity to challenge that outrage towards what really needs to be focused on in education. Every 42 seconds a kid drops out of school in america. 60 of our yawts are Neither College or careerready. There should be a sense of outrage about the educational outputs in america. I think secretary devos can help cheer that people need to focus on the real deal. We are not educating our most Precious Resource and thats americas children. Martha you both make great points. Thank you so much for being here today. Kevin and molly, great to see you. So, as soon as palm price was sworn in earlier today, we started Hearing Warnings that obamacare is on its way out. Dr. Marc siegel here on what happens then. Plus, President Donald Trump simultaneously fighting leaks and the court up next were going to talk to former White House Press secretary Ari Fleischer and democratic strategist Mark Alderman on reports that the president is frustrated. You have never seen so much paper on a president s desk. [laughter] thats because we are negotiating lots of deals for our country which would be tremendous. Toujeo® is a longacting insulin from the makers of lantus®. It releases slowly, providing consistent Insulin Levels for a full 24 hours, proven full 24hour blood sugar control, and significant a1c reduction. And along with toujeo®, im eating better and moving more. Toujeo® is a longacting, manmade insulin used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. 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Dont dilute or mix toujeo® with other insulins or solutions as it may not work as intended and you may lose blood sugar control, which could be serious. Toujeo® helps me stay on track with my blood sugar. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. Leaks has really pushed back upon them in no Uncertain Terms as well he should. I dont think that the leaks came from certain people because they would have been unflattering and they certainly didnt come from the white house. Martha that was President Trumps top counselor Kellyanne Conway at the start of this week addressing the numerous leaks that have plagued the administration in only the first three weeks in office. The week ended with mr. Trump finding himself on the wrong side of a court decision. Insiders claim that both of those situations are examples of a president who just wants to get things done. While slowly coming to grips with the immense size and checks of the government bureaucracy. Joining us now Ari Fleischer former White House Press secretary and Mark Alderman a democratic strategist. Gentlemen, welcome tonight. Good to have you with us. Thank you. Ari, a lot of this comes from a politico piece which has a ton of those, you know, leaky elements all over its pages in this piece. How much do you believe in this . How does it look like they are doing so far to you . Well, i think there is a lot of truth to this. I think it is difficult to be outsider and take the reins of the government and make it work smooth. Its a balance, martha. If you say you want traditional politician someone who has been there all their lives and know what is they are doing to run the federal government today. We settled that in november. The answer was no. The American People did not want that. I think it would probably be smoother in some respects, the bureaucracies would like the white house better if you had hillary or traditional politician. But donald trump was not elected to be smooth. He was elected to change washington. And its going to be bumpy. He is going to learn as he goes. His staff will learn as he goes. This is what the American People voted for and frankly im much more comfortable comfoe with this than inside hand that knows what they are doing. I want washington to change myself. Martha i talked to some people across the country when we were covering the course of the election. I would ask them who do you support and why . Those who say they supported donald trump. I said why . Why do you support him . He said i want someone to shake things up. Im tired of the status quo. Im tired of everything else. So what if its not smooth. Its not working for me. Is that what were seeing here . Well, martha, its never too soon to expect competence from the commanderinchief. This is a serious job. And trump plainly has no patience for his position. He is like an adolescent who got hold of his parents car keys but never learned to drive. So you can change personnel. You can plug these leaks. You can give it some more time, but unless and until donald trump grows into this role, were going to have the apprentice for four years. Martha well, when you take a look at the dow jones industrials, it seems like there are elements of this economy who are actually quite satisfied. Ari, do you think thats fair criticism from mark . Yes and no. I think it is if you were insider. Its a fair criticism if you like the way things have been and you want that to continue. If your highest premium is making the Interagency Review Process Work smoothly. If you are one of those people who lives in Middle America who says that for decades nothing has worked for you, the economy is poor. You havent gotten a raise, no politician has listened to you, and along comes outsider donald trump and can relate to you and all of a sudden you realize here is the outsider who cares about me, yes, thats where donald trump is invested. Thats where he is ultimately, martha, going to be judged a success or failure. If he gets the economy moving faster instead of zero to 1 g. D. P. Growth. If he gets median wages up for working class americans, especially, this is what it means to make America Great again in the eyes of many who have been suffering. Their region of america isnt doing so great. Martha clearly a lot of ruffled feathers. Forgive me for interrupting. So what if is he ruffling feathers inside washington. Mark, your thought . Martha, may i observe that it is funny that for eight years in a stock market that more than doubled, the republicans gave president obama no credit for that. And here we are 20 days into the Trump Administration and he is, of course, responsible for the rise of the market. I think. Mark, those gains went to the top. Those gains were not shared universally, especially with working class people. The rich benefited nicely from the obama years. Martha thanks, you guys. We have got to leave this there. We will have a lot more to talk about in the weeks and months to come. Glad to have you here tonight. Thank you. President trumps brand new Hhs Secretary ready to go with his plan to repeal and replace obamacare. This is a huge deal in the words of someone we all remember from the prior administration. Dr. Marc siegel is here to tell us what it means at your Doctors Office. Plus, we will take a look back at this week that was when chris stirewalt, alex and Julie Roginski give a grade to the week when we come back. The slopes like i used to. 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Ask your doctor about eliquis. Martha developing tonight Vice President mike pences swearing in for tom price as the new secretary of health and Human Services. And with pryce now i obamacares days may be numbered. For more on the brewing battle in washington lets go to chief Political Correspondent carl cammeron who joins us this evening. Hi, carl. Hi, martha. Getting price sworn in will probably speed up the Obamacare Repeal and care and replace process. There is still one open spot on the administrations healthcare team. Price was pretty careful during his Confirmation Hearings to give mostly boilerplate earn about what the g. O. P. Plan and process is going to be. The new health and Human Service is the a position. When he was in congress he did develop a Healthcare Replacement Plan of his own. There is no consensus among his house former colleagues. The president has said that the actual replacement may not be implemented until next year while speaker ryan has indicated that the house is going to take another big step in about seven weeks. But we want to be moving our obamacare legislation by the end of the first quarter. Well, that Open Healthcare Slot is a key one. The administrator of the center for Medicare And Medicaid services. Trumps Nominee Confirmation Hearing is next week. Reforming Medicare And Medicaid are a huge part of this puzzle. During prices Confirmation Hearing suggested those who rely on those kinds of services dont have to worry. Our commitment is to make it so that they have that coverage or greater. Thats a commitment you are making. Thats a commitment. And thats when democrats are going to try to hold him to. There is an awful lot of work to this. During the campaign, candidate trump said he would make everyones overall healthcare cheaper and better. His fullteam should be in place maybe five weeks from now, Something Like that. Then real decisions are going to start and thats when the real battling is going to intensify. Martha. Martha carl, thank you very much. You bet. Martha joining us us is marc siegel and professor of medicine. Good to see you tonight. Good to see you, martha. Martha repeal and replace is the big question. We have seen protests already breaking out across the country. People saying their healthcare is going to be taken away from them. You know dr. Price and now Hhs Secretary dr. Price. How is he going to do it. Well, i think he is going to be a point person for this. As carl cammeron is just saying we dont know the pace this is going to roll out. Is he committed to restoring the doctorpatient relationship as front and center for healthcare decisions. He doesnt assume, dr. Price, that insurance is always the answer or government is always the answer. I can tell you in the Doctors Office a lot of times somebody comes in with insurance, like obamacare and they dont necessarily get the services they need. Dr. Price is aware of that. He is a Practicing Orthopedickist for 20 years. He has been talking about this since You Obamacare was initially passed. He is very aware in the future we need something there is more choice involved. There is Health Savings accounts where patients can pay outofpocket for more things. Where there is tax deductions. He put for the a proposal where you get tax credits and use that to buy insurance with. As well as directly services. Martha thats a comprehensive plan very different than what we got in obamacare. So the big question is how do you give the new program and how do you get it started while protecting people and making sure that you dont have those gaps in between . Because thats the biggest concern that people have. I think you add, rather than take away right away. I think, again, in the clip that carl just showed you see some of that. You have medicaid expansion. I dont believe the administration is going to remove medicaid expansion. It may add a private option to it. It may switch it to block grants. Same as medicare. They may add a private option to medicare. I always said add a catastrophic option. Right now have you a situation where the government is subsidizing everything. You go to the State Exchanges and two thirds of the policies sold there are subsidized two thirds of it and then you get to the Doctors Office and you cant necessarily buy care. I think you will see more Price Transparency and competition. President trump has said insurance will be available across state lines. That means repealing a law thats been in place for many years. Martha go ahead, what the key is real quick. The key here you have got a physician for the third time in history running hhs. He also has the fda under his jurisdiction. An actual doctor who know what is doctors and patients face. Thats new. Martha how long is it going to take in your opinion. I would like to see some of it right away. If you know President Trump, some of it will be right await a minute the individual mandate is practically unenforceable. Maybe that will be gotten rid of. Martha okay. Essential benefits package. Mandates. Premiums going up. Catastrophic option might be added. Some changes can be done right away. Martha dr. Marc siegel thank you very much. Great to sigh. Martha coming up, quite a week for the Trump Administration. We have said that for three weeks and true every time. Chris stirewalt, at electriand o update. He is free to speak his mind. Part of the reason the president got elected he speaks his mind. He doesnt hold it back. Is he authentic. He is not going to sit back when he feels very passionately about something. Theres no party like a lobster party, and this is the lobster party. 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But there were some successes. There were pretty notable successes. One is we saw bipartisan agreement on the position of the administration startinged to rough out last week on iran where you saw democrats and republicans coming together on sanctions that was a sign on the Foreign Policy front things could be moving in a good direction. Something you heard echoed today when he was with the Prime Minister of japan talking about agreement with china and so on and so on. You are starting to see good things there. As you pointed out, the Ninth Circuit in that decision and the constant outrage surrounding that issue not so good. Martha what grade would you give the week, chris . Im going it had been a b but then i have got to say that the nordstrom stuff takes him down to c plus for the week. Martha elaborate on do people care about that is my question . No. Thats the point. Martha we all obsess over it and i talked to Kellyanne Conway about it last night. Do you think people care about it in america. No they do not. Nor should the president talk about it nor his spokesperson or leading strategist discuss the issue. Focus on the business of the people. That cost him a half a letter grade. Martha he is such a tough grader. Alex, im glad i didnt have chris. Alex, what do you think of the week. Chris is a smart guy. I really disagree with him. I give the president a slightly better grade. I give him a b. The early days are all about setting up pros cease cease and personnel. He had a lot of success with personnel. Getting key cabinet officials confirmed. My sources in the white house tell me that the processes are being put in place to have better Executive Orders moving forward so we dont have these sort of legal fights that the president and the white house have lost this week and last. So i think that they are moving in the right direction. Therefore, i give him a solid b. Martha Julie Roginski is going to give him an a plus i just know it. So close. Martha such fan. Julie, what did you think . How did he do this week. Chris is right. Did he have some successes and alex is right as well. He did get his people confirmed. There is question of Betsy Devos She was confirmed. In that sense it was a good win for the white house. I will say the most troubling thing to me this week is actually what happened yesterday and this morning with Michael Flynn which is a problem that could potentially last much longer than just the week where Michael Flynn seemingly forced the Vice President to come out and Say Something that Charity Tabbably could be called several untruths about whether he discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador prior to him becoming National Security advisor. And so that becomes a big problem that potentially could open this administration up to hearings on the issue. And so as a result of that, i would give him a c minus. Martha cs from julie and chris. Chris, how big a deal is this Michael Flynn, Russia Question . We have a very leaky administration right now. And it is Springing Leaks on all sides. That is a big problem. Every administration leaks. This one leaks a lot. And how much of this is due to infighting, we dont know. But oftentimes that is the root cause. And if there is a schism in the administration or there are people who Dont Trust Flynn on or about Flynn Doesnt Trust them and Stuff Springing out of that space. That could be on the Going Forward basis a big problem. Martha on the substance of it, alex, chris is talking about the political ramifications which are very real. On the substance of it is it problematic, alex . It could be problematic. This is all coming about because apparently the fbi is looking into these calls. Martha he said there was nothing illegal in them. Thats the latest. And if nothing is illegal in this i think it will be quickly forgotten and chalked up to early mistake, early miscommunication within the administration. If there is more to it, yes, its absolutely a problem. When the Vice President goes on tv, as he did on cbss Face The Nation a couple weeks ago and asserts something that is then reported to be not true, that is an issue that the administration will have to deal with at some point. Martha yeah. I mean, the story is that he mentioned to a high level russian official not to worry about the sanctions or something along those lines. We dont know exactly what he said but there was an indication that maybe there would be relief in the future which instantly reminded me of the moment that president obama said that to like dont worry, as soon as i get reelected. More flexibility. Martha we will have more flexible, julie. Whats the difference. The difference first and foremost he was not supposed to be talking policy before we have a National Security advisor. One president at a time. Secondly a larger pattern of potential russian interference in the election whether Michael Flynn who had acknowledged accepting payments from russia today which is Propaganda Arm of the putin administration. This is not a democratic issue. Have you senators like Senator Mccain and senator graham and others who are very serious about looking into this. If this is the predicate for that kind of investigation to be launched, that could be a massive headache for the Trump Administration Going Forward. Martha so going back quickly to the nordstrom question, chris because i know you are a big shopper. You can tell. Martha im going to give you the last word on this here. What do they need to do to make sure because this is going to happen again and again with business and interest. They need to be on the same page they white house, do they not, about how they are going to respond to these kind of questions . Not only do they have to be on the same page of the white house but they must not steal the president s central message something we would say in West Virginia Jay Rock Follow Ler came down there to be senator, he is too rich to steal. Make sure that is carried forward. Donald trump is seen as doing the peoples business and not enriching himself and family even if its a dad being nice to his daughter. Martha you guys are great, thank you so much. Thank you martha. Martha here is the quote of the night from this friday sent to us from a viewmplet we have gotten so many good ones this is from richie skaggs. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything

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